The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 25, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TRIDAY 4 THE IUCUSTI HtRUD mmmmm &mm n<« mmmmwmm * * Wm m*tnmm ** (M** -«#■» - " **♦'*"* , ««> ........ ■ ■»• -»* «• **• A****** til m *«#* mm. * "Stiff 1 «»> ° rmnir th, fi» T M MM Ml'ii «—» M» MS* t**4M MM*-* MUHiM* *• - mmmm * I m «Hi. »«M» iwe tIU»AU> l. rrrvr — * <*• i*mm mm •UNI M t*999* **** ! % tunn m At Mb* •!»■»•* M***# Mb 0*9999 _ «*Af %im Hmmummmm i to**#* . In <•«*«*• *1 «M fIWM <M»tl la Km » *K rw- m <•» *•«•«» «*» p« **4 ffMto *"M» HM* ; i ItaftM «M*MM <• >M tw I'*" l * « Pr M« 9***9o mml *990*099* * “ <F«*fTT Blj**** *» !•• flNt i» wiMwr |mm j i** (uepHUmi ••••i* *** t*** ■ ; fn»f •«* onn> Hi* ** M«inn Alt** I** MM «* M« *”•*• RM •*>« • INI <• MM. TH* t.*rw*«a fES« M. HIM «* Elfin rfHtlt yswf MW. iKtoStoy kfid ban M Milt IM •!•••• la Alhfiar r»4>nia I* Mill <•■!** am* work on TA* Bomm >< fe TIMM Kraal,,; Qua* has Mrt >M derided to Man. ia* iim4 )— ry i*r, toll be to aaforiso lea OtltaMi ia, k*tu of ib* «•*•*, ha* • b**a »#de into a ■»«»•»». Yea ran attoo*t tool th* #1 !«-.»*•' •lat* ib# gobblers dtod away. Hon ltoto Ilallrv r+V* out trom tb* tb-.-ito and aaya. “I told you no" Than* ara day* attar Ada’it'* »*• Heart Tbafw ara sp-rv'lb* to agfir*. Tba whole atato la waiting lo see Marea pall off lb* Honor touraaatrat. W* ara eurtoua to know what ara tba aaotatlon* oa aralaa this evening. Editor Hugh Wilaa* h*» aattl«l lb* ■tiro problem Why won't It M good and < ana n aatlM? Onra In a great while. Ilka an eeho from k atranga land, we hear aomo Jaekanape* talk of Jingoism. Wbat iba Ho*ti>n naw*papar* don't know about tba mill rliuatlon In tha south would fill a Itbvol *-vo. *ury r lotn>d la Editor MrKlnley, or Tha Charleston Npw« and Courier. *prak» n cathrdiN* wiun ba diaruiwri* ligbt* electric. tallow dip. or othetwtae. Stovall tblnka that McKlnlay may Tie induce 1 to come to Auguala and aettla tha strike and yet It waa agalnat hla ctmlng that Savanuah itruck. Hnbaon Rfta »«.000 from the Century Magazine for hla aeries of articles rte acribbiK the atnking of the Merrlmac. A prrtty good slnktog fund Itself. Cissy Ciwiero# mid her banker hus band have returned to Havana. The Washington lkiat calculates lhat Mr Clsnercs will probably reopen bis drug store. A Mr. lJmberger was married the other day In New York to a Mias Host water. It was owing, no doubt, to Mr. LJmberger that only "a faint odor of orange blossoms scented the air." Jt Is reported that n man from Au gusta, Oa.. Is editing a paper In Ma nila. —Waynesboro Herald. Reported ' Why, of course, he Is Is. August ans are always firing shots heard round the world. Mr. John Itrisbon Walker declares luet nobod) Is associated with him lo hla movement to organize the "new uemocracy." Mr. Walker has alwaya had a rather lonesome time with his reforms. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt shares bee husbmid’B eajoymqct of cartoon*. Mrs Thomas Platt has said that the some times fears to open a paper, and so. too, does Mrs. Russell Sage. But Mrs. RoosevsJt has made quite a collection of the multitudinous representations of the Rough Riders. . t _ Mhb SRffbSk* tM tkfk ka •**•*• 1 if 00- : m0 iNUI f i t-imr -T* 00 1 i ImmMAM w*t*w*' e - *** [ 00 ***«■ !#«* 00* * m unfit r i|g|f» • 'OOMi m VPWJP* 1 '* 0k K ook 00 kso '* *#' 'll jj jWlMiif 000000 WM ** • ? j 0 « . 'itoifl s • ts KK jf< ■* t “ i <I2OOOOOOO, isno f*b* ■iMllPßN*#®'# 6 * " Iff I 0&0HH0 « I w* InMI Htd *•» **• —SHtooW AJlffll. # kto f«« I WiMI til*- 000m* i%mm om 4 00 M tW* W**' •• 00+ *" ** |i|fi Hn» • m****te* 01 H ***** ** * 4 f |faKt 0-00 0090 0 *•* ■* * w ’™ Hpi If t*# »%• •»** *** I )N|««l| VIK mm! I Ti» ClfPWITtr r - KH» • w -atow fiiHHi in mp ~ W A.W 4 jpHMMI *KtiS iNit* (It* (If llnf- Win f»»* 00* Tto*9 ||l# CanrfUfc * MltlNl *• 99009* 190 * m9* * fiMMa lA*f I** *ok 9009m* m U 0& P««» Oif ***** 9*lo* ***• !•§:*« mm* mot* t*m *** **** «b *>■ »»«■»• Tb* Cbartoatost Maws at*4 Cawrl** * lagg itr 1 bat (k*t*l* *b*Mt4 s*affff 1 disaib CbrwlHMi **> ib«ff« to ntogHM 1 non »!>»>***■ H aaya A tagnu* ■ pap** Ml fbsiwffto gatklMKas a "••• skatlN tma a rktoa a# Ma <«a*ty. t« vbi a b* rial— tba* tb* »to* prw •waa of mad* to a gr*wt** tarffra to tk* prapf* as lb* Mat* tbaa tb* b*a*y ias** a* tow prbMt "Xtoto M* *ay* to isnstty a*r**ff a* • faeo* to a ***• pallia watt wbar* ataly tbtw* verdicts w*r* tendered daring tb* t*na as to** ’day*, and <to lr*a*ar*c paid omt 9S¥» es tb* nwslf s ton>t» tor tb* eoari'a *sp*a»*« H* figure* that tbt* esasa directly 01M as lb* purkat* of tb* las payer*, ta say aothlag a s tb* *sp*as# Id people who bad 10 gEtf* ap »b*lr toMlP*** to attcad tb* coart ttoorgta evidently baa Mark to toarw y*t t’ <** Kiuib Carolina la lb* waiter of tb* coadwt «f Its togal irlimaals ' i Hue* ib* *atee*Md H. b C. refer to 'tto Pboetilt *P*el** of trlbunsl»* 1 Th* Andersen lnt*lllg*oc*r nays ' The Augusta Herald to correct when tt My* 1 but the negro wba keeps his 1 pirce In the south has oppotiunlty to prosper. The aegro of Ike **>«ub who recogn'M* that he ta la a white mag's country and conducts hlmnelf In keep ing with that knowledge has no fear <A being kept down.' " TVI~Ml’g EtE or XMrLOYEO The report has gone out that there are o**r si* thousand operatives out •of employment In-.August* This I* not true, by a good deal. There are 'about 2800 Idle operative# In the city or rather there were that tunny-for ithey have already begun to leave for 1 the South Carolina mills In large I numbers The mills over there are [ glad to get Hu m and have sent special I reproseutatlvea here to aecure them. The opeiatlves will make no hlghar wages than they would receive here, bat they figure that they ran live more cheaply over there. At present tlu-re Is no change in the mill situa tion and Ihe prospect of an early set tlement la not good. A revolt against British rule I* brewing In India.—Augusta Herald. Will theve bo a chance for the Cnlted States to poke her nose Into the affair "in the name of humanity"?- Johns ton Monitor. The Monitor should go lo night school and learn to distin guish between distinctions. An cnterprlalng Teias etockdealcr has contracted to supply 25.000 bead of berf cattle for the American nrray of occupation In Cuba. The price Is such as will enable the contractor to make it handsome steak. Why. Why Isn't canned fruit a put-up Job? Why ksn't the delirium tremens a tight fit? Why Isn't It more blessed to give than to be given away? Why Isn't a man who works at a blacksmith's forge a forger? Why Is a man who wants the earth satisfied if can *nly get th* "dust"? Wbv does the loafer spend so much of his lime in beating other people out of thelre? Chicago News. A euoasaetol *by*iotan 1* one who Is appreciated by his patients foi what they think he did for them. THE OBSERVER about town i£ AfttoMlhvfe 9Hi 0909099$ 9t*t**l**** 99m 00*99*9* kw I m* 9m*** | *»#s V * ot*9o>9 999, * iw*M lt*f O$W *99 9*9* Tf •%!*#, *0 ***> *o* tt 99*9 09 05599900* *** •P : ' v l* | tiim*’"* 9*f 9dt99k*o*. Ilit 9wmi*9so* 9*9 99*9 V tb4»C 4H4t 90 t tnsetag «y Hiß Ml tk* «Mf«r*iK* re- I vet* t agf m* w*teb*d sad ww****- »*. bwlM-gffU I towbt MM to tb# l***t, _ • rorwe* «tory of ber llto gad ib* yto : Wag ab* atoa* to tb* world wttb *ll, tb* trveff «••* p-M before and tb* j •wmwwaM ta Jagg them * Wss *b* a 1 MHMtor ago la tba tsgg ago took tor , boy to b«r burns t aad bo pod aad prar tor a Hf* of gnodaeo* aad at!! doing to* bias* Had sb* toss tk* wife aad belpasert tb# trussing aad to*lag coggpaaino of ! auto* otto abo bad labored sad wroogbt. porbapa otororely and wills* not tb# prats* sad rerognittoa ”f tb* •rr!d. tor lb* aak# of tb* Master* Were they atilt with bar a* was *b* Blow* this moratag. seeking to litre over again the day* gna# by wbea sb* Had arrow) P**>t*4 tbeas. *lr»ng ll) yoothfal b**P* »«d dtor. kited wish tsrbte teaglngs sad plan* tor doing pood? Wblrbevwr ll was. bsppy non m husband, tb* prayer# or *»--b a wife or asother aaeendiwg to ibelr be- Half ta tb* tbmar of 11rare. Although half tb* dlotaace of tb* church room was totweeo a*, good aeon, grarlomoiesa and gentleness shone from Ibe eye* uadlmmed by the yearn, and rlear and itrsif wlih faith aad hop*. Beautiful *Bd coalenled old age. ; Calm and trustful in tb# eonrehwtancss of a well spent life, the knowledge of good deed# done and tk* laying up of treasure In Heaven. As I left lb# church and the last sight of ibe old lady the hand- were still folded and with closed eyes, th# white haired head waa reverently bent, 1 listening to the prayer addresned to the j One she had supplicated all her life, whoa* hand now sustains her and In 1 whom la her trust. Would lhat I had tonight the prayer of such a woman. I'm glad I went to rhurrh. All Dewey’s. "And whnt's your name?” the new teacher said To the dear little boy who stood at the head Of the very big class that she was go ing to teach, With a winning smile to all and to each. t ' "Dewey's my name," said the dear lit tle lad. Who looked as If he could never be bad. •A beautiful name.” the new teacher enld; "With It you are sure to be always nhead!” • The class in geography,” then she said, “May rise to recite.” From her book ehe rend: "The lesson'* about the Philippine Isles. « Tls far from here h.v ten thousand miles. "Dewey, my dear,” the new tenehcr said, To lhat little boy who stood at the head, Go to the blackboard and draw for me A map of Manila Mr all to see” What do you think that netv teacher thought. When all those sixty small boys she taught Sprang to their feet with one single accord, And rushed right over to that black board! —Frances Aymar Matthewe, In New York Sun. Why dtywto't th* emtmetotior of In sane people bring them to their cen sus? _ ! THE Jb "OQUOTA HBHALD Wtou u w—sw*#’a It*** ** —'"S- Ap WKbiKff* asy# tbar* m* •,***•*• tto lb tto failed fftotoa tt# ■ tor aasto -f lb*** Mt’l *w -a th* •’•* - I* twk* v*rv much to ts <tov. to It** M-uld Wtol IU Mrwttoto* Juttu* «‘irvst Hstei*) -I if • pssw'sslto. Tb* mad fakir "f b«»t I* WO* *l»'»* Knsbs! H-ls a* murH frouto* a* >k- Wild f#k<f» <4 y*tb>* JpOksb af* «i< • Inf A it* f.Yfry thM) •• ***** % „ tl#M man to* Ib* M*w T*Ht e*n«- t< 00 • **' ® Wmi fra^pfuttf. If BuM*** to ®fl ,n * r «"*g*ll* •kill II m»4 0 mtrmmrw fH to hoii4 * •%9T |f» Hr J*m+* R*i»r lllfttid t Vtm Homforltlr*. I 0 9*o 099 ot*€Hr*t lo tb# Wyoming terns* »f cfw»r«**nf«l»** and !t( be d.<*u any potl"‘«' •» ihuv* lo t»* by hlnstolf. l**m*f'm ChtlMmA# (tfrioßl Ho# brn dc-ttod up- i t*y I'neto dsn,. Hr **ll ntHf lb# bfftt *»f Miftlb tb* tinkinf Mtlmlml nf lb* Anfricii ***** \ Prrbwpa It I* th* ernpnonl* h ’P* that 14 Hung Hus* *4 tube silvan too# of tb# iifift irlf'* the Hanks es the Yellow Far Away.” In April, May and Jupe of tbl* year lU t nnuu In Xew Turk committed Hblelde. which shews what drastic means Mine people will take to get out ~f New York. C'«ngre*«nian Cannon IS at work un«n lhe deficiency hill. With g'«>d h*«ilb the Illinois cengresaman may to relle-J upon to dnd a number of things w hose deficiencies can be cured only t?y a big approprtatioi). •TObTETTKS. Baron de Itcnsls. the new Italian am bassador to England, will to much missed ot Mudlrd. A Spanish admirer of the baron says that at Madrid he was considered the fine flower of that old fashioned courtesy so dear to Span ish high life. He will be probably i oth er amused at the free and easy man ners of English society On one occa sion, when he was at Madrid. » tody of pronounced pntriotle sentiments tried to draw him Into a declaration on th,. subject of the “Yanko-Hpanko" war which, no doubt, she would have at once made public. “Ah. yew." he nii— "America! There Is one problem connected with iliat country In which t am much Interest ed, amt that is. what would have hap pened If the American iildlun* hud dia eovered us Instead of vice versa?" Hi* year old Tommy \<*as sent by hla eldest sister to the corner grocery to buy a pound of lump sugar. He played alleys on hla way to the store and by the time he arrived there he had for gotten what kind of sugar lje waa sent for. So he took home a pound of the granulated article. His eldest sister sent him back to the store to exchange the sugar: “Tommy," said the grocer, 'T under stand there is a new member of your family." ■yea, sir." replied the kid, ‘ l’ve got a little toother.” "Well, how do you like that boy?” in quired the groeerymsn. • Don't like it at all," said Tommy, “rather had a little sister.” “Then, why don't you change him. Tommy?" "Well, we would If we could, but T don't suppose we can. You see, we have used him four days now.” Fire at Hertfns. Tt Half of his stora is 6»ed with Fur nishings, Woollen t'ndershlrts, Seeks, etc., and the other halTHs filled with the finest Woolens for Salts. Trousers Had O’er Coatings. These goods are not »«umt, tot If you busy them they would feel as ir you ware on fir,'. S-M Broadway, opposite Planteta' Hotel. T4Mk> )Y 44'* * *M* I* #mm» »# m ***** ** w **» »«•«% VfM-g fur*,.', ,*«<#' # Im* l o*99*** i f *9999099 R l *)# * *-»•* 4 #b# ' # n*t| pt n r rW* 9$ 9<m I#**# * #M# f*b#i J <9 A» «t r*» * , # m ■ ■ ».—* m *- a- S&o*mo9&lbo A If fc «t>r I* -#"909 111 ■' r *•!*;# •* I &m*99 t**** w#vib#9v i tt *■ - - totto* fynffffto*Mik Ht *0*909 VHf tbit WtUtoSN Doyle ark* of th* (uailMtf sli*s M t*f Her#- H , ,j ii-,, iK*.#ed wHk 4* Master Meek*ah Vl**# *4 tke r>e- UwH Toledo ss4 Mltoa-k*- rtHMI sura iA*r# I* ao truth to the iwport ilsst hi* • m*4 te lu rut** KstssMoa • fined Ik-1 ka* >• cogs* th* potaln e*Ktr* of th* Thumb fi—veesl thou*• np | l>i|»b#4f of P9H9UO9 *99 9999*0*4 ■Hliiy • Th* Methodists of th* tittl* vtlhi* as Byron ar» elated over th* pro*pe i of l b*lr ehurrh -sis be!kg co»p>ii*i It IS g beautiful stun* Structure urhn h till coat l&.Sdo. ia4 baa a #»* lug «• portly of #• Th* 100411 Of OSOO*r P* hi by the treasure* of Ingham msiuf for Kng j ;t*b spslruw order* during the past ’ year was fI.MSSk. Ttovtag IMM naly I |«33 (I sms paid. i. Preps,atlnar for moving the railroad depot to the new *Me oa Hancock *l. , st Hsncork. are go ins oa apace. The freight luisin*** for'the pfcsenl will to • conducted In the general #fdr. t Dr. MacDonald, formerly assistant • physician at the Quincy mine, anil who :resigned his pus,Hon with the Inten Mon of going west, wli remain In Han * ock. Wm Mia*, a tenant farmer In com -1 jfortsbh* clrcumc'snces.y living two mile* south of Almout, committed su ■ golds by hanging. No cause known. ONfc ON CIEN. WHEELER. \\ hat a Country School Boy Said of the Oencral. "You can't most always swear to the stories you hear.” remarked ih* Phil adelphia drummer to The Washington Star tnan. "and I ara not swearing to the one I head the other day on Gene- 1 ral Jorcph Wheeler. In Alabama, but It, I is just as good as if I did swear to it, ! !so whets the difference? Il seems that once the R.-neial, who you all) ; know Is only a hoy's slse and not a big 1 boy at that, had, in the course of hi* travels, on one of his electioneeiing ' tours, brought up at a remote school- ( house, where, of course, he was called , upon lo make a few remarks to the scholars. This he did In hi* best j style, and when he had finished he ; stood by the teacher when that worthy , |said a few things, among them that; I time-worn suggestion to the effect that I when the boys of the school grew up, | 'they too might be congressmen, like j General Wheeler —such are the won-1 derful possibilities of this great and ' glorious country of ours. At this. point, a long, good natured gangling gawk of a boy, ahoii! 14 years old and about 14 feet tall, stuck up his head, grinning sheepkshly the meanwhile. '.Me. too?' he inquired. ‘Certainly, Henry.* replied the teacher, aswurtng ly, ‘Just as much you as any other I boy. - T reckon I will have to ungrow. I if I ever run on that ther ticket,’ uod- I ding toward the general In a way that •j brought down the house amidst the embarrassment of the teacher and the eellght of the general.”—Washington Star. The Women Run Things These Days Dr. Geo. F. Shrady, editor of The Medical Record, and a leader In the profession of healing, the Amer , Iran business man Is degenerating. The cause can be summed up in three words straining after luxurie?. He says tt is to pl?;ise woman\ttat. the business man is burning the candle at both ends. He says he knows he is inviting criticism when he says that j woman Is no longer the weaker vessel. | “She controls man today and despite , his boasted strength h:' done her bid ( ding. More than that he does it cheer-] fully." gs , r t», , * ,rgr ■ r For The Soldiers! Regulation Gauntlets Regulation Hats Officers Hats Flannel Shins Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers’ Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 M Good T*»t« Apparel.” / Prtlty Whlt« T«tsth S t Ou tfr« w *iT *9 li WMI I * #»• V C tit J J U99th 9 #<*4 0m k*99oh *••»*- % M «'tii* l#tt #. I / Are You Thinking \ J * • F-w#? v \ WMM in kara»i-*» MMI? f I *>» g»*l M »k M Atw ■ ) / | iff Ito tilHl < < «*k *l-4 r. iJ k 1 < wm' / / up .111 1 \ > # iff <k* ksel t*.4k firu*k*s f L » * ► u \ J >ff wkif* tolly klgk rlaas Plug- f V »*» *» 4 * % / Of s tor* lic#-*-d Humrl'U f S Of whet* ibeUKSff MUgMI-l H<4 1 f I t .......<• —hi (—fil Wltk I i W to| |«d ('isuai »-00. ? 1 / Come to u» for them j and further in- C \ formation. / \ iifiaiier Dru CURB ) / tM Bill>A It SI V For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and f f ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrentfd. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 A 2 Library Building. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OK KKNTri KY v absolute lißiintentalilo Policies From pate of Issue. Largest Dividends - - - - Lowest Premiums Colkltur# Wante.l: call or writ* H. H BtEIKHK. Kpeasl Agent, 4111 Dyer Building lacTday : 5~1 TfIE S!EiiILD s»vkl^efflTyf ! Mt»iTMW[Fai|SAT (6 Y Jls> IL®.li I j t-f- 13 IS iI? * 8 IS» j Uo £. a az aoj f^T r ia's|as> , 3 , g > ,o i^Sm-i . —_ - It is reported that Russia, France and [Austria will lend moral support to !flpsln. This inianglW” quality seems to |hr atoll! all the country will lend the L'ons. NOVEMBER 36 tUlnkl Wilih ItuuiL Oo MMI Ittotof **%•» 1 If e |ta«l .'.ft«#%*%*# It IMM i‘t#ugih of WH-4MI Halsi * | k was |t IfkM v##Y tM*l. (My* tfiff f9t#fM kn*l (Hk'lsffkM Ml A llittll I It* ksamci Ihei the ton inONNN* PuU |» n| Mittoi tfl Mflttoa l t Gnoella. Druggist. CHRISTfIAS GOODS I Mm tgMiAififf tMi, And my issue! tin# of first c*am Lhttsi ttiAi nov*H e*. ttofiu' l .iri tr>»aoenfi4vM ihingt Ml K M)skf rang# of f» f 11 i** V* m, 80c in>i 76c •# iri#g. Don't ««>t ufttH the rush of I tie *t« wm»k off two, tiui look «rownd now end m«k» your waioci • »)•», No troubkitothowgoi'd* Wo •no A wiyi diMifhifd to Homo you took ifovtid the store* L t. Gaidelie. Druggist. V , ?D9 7tl SI . bnitt. G*. . AfvfS r *f» m TTATI tm aR daftoM M «gkt |ittott*sisssttWss*4 ffsfi. *m» i Less*** sat mm sum %r*<* *Mh yo# assi. FRFE OF CKAf&E vttUlll MHI COAL and WOOD ffKoM Till—— North Aoftuta Coal k Supply Co Qvasttty a* d Naaixy Unsraats-4. F W SCOFIELD. FRESIDENT KaU 'ftwais SM4 Mrwwa** KK Easman’s ROMES. We seH Eastman’s Kodaks and ait size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can kupply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. Ail goods finest made. Richards & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. U)*ijn*:BK>N WKRtHAbTb. 803 Refolds st=Te!epiioT!e i Innli Lissrd V, ir*s Lurci to New Yore Ci.nngo si.U New Orlsau*. ilrders executed over our wires for Cotton. Slocks. Bonds. Grain and Fro. vial'.ns fur cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Keferencee -National Exchange Bank of August* or Mercantile Agenclea. Monev to Loan u/ REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. TNT EXT! Kgl beg to notify my friends and customers that I have add d another cheir to my Barber Shots making six first-clars Barber?, end I hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COMB EARLY AND OFTEN TO Mickey’s Barber Shop 212 * 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.