The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 25, 1898, Image 5

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MttOAV ***** -'jaws * -«** Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA. GCOfIOiA (i*>rsh> »mMH tSkItMK £*. A* NmiftAHtM. ••*••• t—ft— ' . - iKiB^T— J -—> -- s ~„, Mi !-<*»• P>«*» ffcgffi f*. JMNflMfl Pa**- « SMMHfc *«—* # *l w, M t*‘**y*. KliaMi II laTr* d**dh H*H wifc 4 4* •«■%«* j «****» • AmihA *'*• ■*» * b»• A#ww*M*»* ■ - * • ■>* mrirrlh m 9t4ki (MN#Mt9V4t|- pwwnphi ♦# H> <#»■ meMe* SmUMI !'#'#>#* 9hh» SfSwSG **f lips ft—B **• -• -fTt 99ft fftkiYlKl fftty949** DR. HfcNNY J. GODIN. m**m*fr* ppm* mm# fTftßft* * ypfctlMt* %## M » *Bft M««mM «»>■» «M* (9««4 9>«*B9 >%»•*!»»» a mu. ruin? IM tea* Flair >« vhfcafa • am M*v |$ odtase* «t ib It. !NmH* MwSMNI"* Sw*HNp*l| WSf OltMtlt*- * |fy| • V« . ##fe s9#4 t**p9 I-■'•»'♦ •* ft. 94 ill# imi *•#**# Mss 84H4 #m#4# iini“ %Hh*4 fRS PNNMNSI 9(4 • 9*^ Mi It Is risiMffi (9#( tlit ni«#l tw •r«4M le 4Mff*ftfttki» iM ft* (lust lit f9M)4 9#9f pSCMHI 9 t****** iHSo 4*4 9** StiHilktt M9f>9®9 19 9 r * 9m fir; ft 9 (Vi r#*m A vtM T#i4* «w, lM tHI 19# tt«*9 tl*< I*4 9**9 Hsitf t«4 «9G9 It. warn r#S***94 Is *9# ft9f 994 *t OSCt Stdrlßt lit 4flt lisrp laftltsi tlit 4«ni9») wit 9 it* 9* f'P*. It f o*9*4 ttlOSt tIM ifirktttr* 99(11 9 lltfitst 9»9»1*9t <lf 9lrtt»f99 jcAia O. flkorUil, pr#*i4*®l of tfc# Homtir Iterfttf, wst IsdifSißl 9* Itansrd «9ai h»J mi urrtd sad at our* 4#t9fl#d oat of (It (M9Nftif* of il* mtM]> to inquire Into the thlr ml report to Mm. Our locirlf is sot rrurwsrlril at tfce stork yard* " Mid Mr HhnrtaH. "public btjitf to the contrary notwtth standing But If what 1 htvr heard It <rur .. frill ctijt 111* srres' of the of* (rfillW portico and trotteait them. • There ere supposed humane officer* nt the earth*, bat we have no authority over them and they have no rmnection what over with our society. They are of Gov. Tanner'* own aelertlon. pof’t teal appointee* who ctaisider tbetn orlvea entirely Independent of ua. "We have not had an nffiesr at the etock yarda alnre Ooe. Flfer's adminla tration. We pre-lve a Rood deal of eenaurc for a- * a that are performed out there, hot w» are help less. Oftun we tend a tpe< lal agent out to Jcko after thing*. hut tbla !• very expenaive. However, thla meet recant outrage will be look"*! afer The goading of the bull we* an act of inhumanity that thould bo puniahed.” VOUNfI nOTHFR*. Crrup la the terror of thoueand* of young mothera bsciusr Its ..uthreak la so saonlaing and freouently fatal. Bhl* loh'a Cough and Consumption Cure sets like masle in rase of Crouo. It has never been Unown to fall. The worst rates relieved Immediately. Price Tg eta.. 5® eta. and 11.0**. Hold by~*Ke tailers. T. A Buxton, Anderson's I>rug Store. Alexander's Drug Store, West Ejid Pliarmady, The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers, Davenport * Phlnlxy. Tuggle X Hollingsworth Will run lbs only Mid-winter Ex* urrU n to Atlanta on Mondsv. h'ov 2« leaving Au gusts at T It. nt coy time, h.tumttg leave Atlanta at 3 p n:. Tttes loy. o >v. . t. arrive Ausnrte at ■> p no- Only $1.95 (or Round Trip. Fine Rich Jewelry! Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Souvenir Spoons, Brass Tables, Fine Lamps, Silver Novelties, Vases, Fine Umbrellas, Clocks, Military Buckles, Military Buttons. Wm, Scliweigert & Co.. Jewelers IMIH l(W lAfghkluh n>st «4 Mm But t•* yssi timmgewwe 19 99 » t(h9* 9*# | 9nh* T##9. H9* 91 t*4#p 9 N | IpMf. pP9«94NM9i 9# (Ml 9 |f9M*9 99* |Ap9 ■■ ApmMm*l t o* 19 fe|p 19* *9 fdNNMMNI n W #9f 9P#'t9MMM9I #9499 fjk .•* gPM99I#P ||* MtKHNrw 19 m9#9 A<« vm | f”# f%*s»*L |M999%tf GNk« t*f *9# fl9m4 * * *' i *9*9 #•:#*# • * **#9f9l 19 Hv 1^9# 999.'# # 9# 9*999*9 99* «*9 If 9N9T 949* 9 9*4 99(9 9 9# 9itllHt PP# 1 f PW* 19999#9f 99.P99 tl » (* 9# 999 t%9l 99 9* . . . . || , hlmir*f I M ttff o M|f . #99«S9ff tbH fU*k wH9*9 9 irrrk M* Tf I «n«W| 9* 99(4 9f 99* 9*9 For LaCrior*** *od IrFu «nzß u«* CHENFY’S EX PECTORANT. ON ThH BWIIMUL A Newspaper Man Tells of Fxperieme With Uewey. ptilngo. Nov. 28.— 3. t. Pt'ckney, the eer.spapar man who stood beslda i TVwrv on the bridge rs the flagship Olympia throughout the battle of Ma nilla, Is at the Auditorium Anaeg. He la a modest man. aad ha rather aought ,to avoid newspaper men during bla airy here, hut yesterday admitted that he find the opportunity of watching th» hero of the war during the critical moments of (he bottle, "Dewey Is a hero tighter,” said Mr. Sttckoey, "and la never so heppy as when In the midst of a battle. Pee - reding the attaek on the Spanish fleet he was as short and enrt as he ever al lows himself to be, bid phen the bat teries of the Stparlnrd* opened on ua he fairly beamed. Fighting seemed to put him In the beet of humor. '*l waa on the bridge with him from 9; 45 Sunday tight. April 80. until the elrse of the flyht Sunday afternoon, w'th the exe'r^»» of ,h, “ ho,,r f pr breekfast. Dor'ng all that time Dewey waa calm end eolleeted. He displayed nr. apprehension at entering a strange harbor at night time, suptioaediy over many mines; be never seemed to have a thought of wavering, and spoke little beyond giving the neeeseary orders. "Once, when a shell struck the deck , be]- w the bridge and the pieces flew about us. he called out; Don t dodge, tioya! No use dodging when they nre pas* *'s t * and occasionally he would ex c’nim; 'That's a good range.’ or ‘Good work.' at a particularly well-directed abet. "On the bridge. In addition to Dewey and me were Commander B. P. L;*m hnion. l.frt. C. P. Rees, executive i officer: Lieut. C. O. Calkins, and the 'admiral’s orderly and bugler. Mr, Stlckney formerly lived In Chi cago. and joined the navy In 18*52, be cotrlng a Junior lleutennnt in his nine yr, r *' service. He resigned from the navy, and In the spring of 1873 became a reporter on the Inter-Ocean. WATER TOO COLD So He Decided to Postpone His Suicide. Louisville. Ky.. Nov. 2R.-Fred Ger ' schcn. a dairyman on the Kighteenth street road, came to Louisville yes lerday, and while In the city imbibed t(,j freely. Almut six o'clock last ! evening he decided It was time for him to die. He went P- the canal at the font of Eleventh street and Jumped In. The cold water sobered him at once and he began to shout for help. His cries at tracted the attention of Jack Riley and Theodore Williams, who reached out a le to which Gerschen clung until ha v. as pulled safely to shore. ! Gerschen was badly scared and thor ough ly chilled. Hls rescuer* wefa abaut . to hard him over to tha poll**, but M yromlsed not to repeat the attempt and was alloyed to go home OASTOHIAi Seirsthe Titv jkUQJjmT -a if jri*jLX*r>. CONFESSIONS OF PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS Mr. Lawton B. Evan* Mak*t a Contribution (o tha tntar#«tlng Sari**. PouiHMti *n to9a*9 Too OFton k*fiHF*<i •• L*fiu* mnt* Pfli*pw* (w ltxli**nl OtW'tMomsfl, (99* 9t *9* (*99199 9fi99» Ml 99# 91)99*19** 9Wh»l*M 9f 'l9* 9-'19919 *0 f%i9p 4*999* fMfcVii Si|i*fl9l«94 9 % * 99 9999 s * 9*9 **' \ *9* 9V ldS9t«9 H * H* *9* 994 19' 9* 99 s ' 1999 A* ill •*»*# «**A9ij)Pli»i>< Ml IS# 99*19 1 994 %'M. Ml* |*iimltlr j Ml MmMM I R f 9*9*9** , MM*M. T*o* MM 99 #*• *•# 9* 9 m§mmm *9HNMI 9<pa i** mi x * 9^aMßOioO' l *o * *# gg ft (M#*' ft* f’-Moi ** 99* * M»* 1* •*** jn*9 99 Mot* •** 9*9 w*i • Of MoMi Mt* «9m» #*«f aH»t»4r9 • M'yfMfcal ft »ir«<«ia fr«Hit>4 19 foY'*r «>f alkt#* oa h<M>)* v)m ho 4 9 normal ifiiniiii a* wMn o*ra r«i*-«trn- (ftihtn. TV «ar4 *94 mMirli«Nf lhai IM* r*f* ri w*v4 tml tiwmarluwi iMat th* rofoor «A* r|.«9rfi? to th«*rr. tmi In th •* i Hm<# thru fMtnaiff my '■*>Nl in iM*hvra%ava .bang*4 I Mvv j, ung women who never saw the In**'!, '..f a nnimal sir.!, and »h<w Port 1 fny wholarwh!,, in *»ur l«wl high whm I. waa not the bee*. They bid ’ mi ni v (l n irtnil *m h »«»! <*a9 alv# I c . I® k ..f mrimal T Li mho*A *an 4» »* *o “S. S d !-- toarlM-r will not nnaft- Urn# In l#9r**l«i« her «*«n strength by practicing **n her 'pupils. We must come to this prop.wit lon In U ur toon* aim! In *»thrr toon*. nan»«*l> - . | that a i*o*-lft*r ran t* 4la*ovpf94 only jby her teaching, and the leal exami nation poaaltile Is a trial In the **• h- nl |ro«m>. Given a young Woman who ap pears to have all the requisitee-n good 'education, good health. and a fair knowledge of what the demands of the a< hoolioom are—and the only tru*. wav to pn*ceed Is to give her tree months, jss a trial, flhe will then show what she 1 can do. and I <l** not believe that a satisfactory teat can he made In any : other way. I have two cases In point. Beveral years ago a young woman came to me for a ti hool, and as I talked with her j I made up my mind that she would n*d be a good tea* bet. J»he became » can- I didate before the board for a position, 1 ho"ev -r, and her friends were a<tlvc. I could do nothing hut consent "to give her a trial." though I looked upon tt*e trial as likely to be a\ failure, and I so ! expressed myself. To my utmost sur ! prise, the young woman walked Into | the schoolroom, took up the r *lns of 1 mansgement, showed pluck and Inge nuity. read all the books she could get j hold of. and at the end of three years I was the leading teacher of her grade In the city. Today her grade work Is the model for young teacheis. who love Ito sec "how easily she manages. 1 On the other hand, I oba-rved In a |rural school a young woman who I j thought was the very person I needed •for a certain kind of work In the city schools. I made It my business to see I the board of education, slid guaran- I toed thy excellence of her work. T staked my reputation as a superinten dent on her ability to teach. The board consented, and I sent for the young woman and told her of my recommen dations. To my chagrin, she teemed lost Mom the day s„e began. Whe never saw the difference between an un graded rural achool of thirty pupils and a graded school of fifty pupils. Her previous training had ruined he* for other work, and she did no{ get control of the situation. She struggled on for three years, and then she left the profession for the better field of matrimony. One ’of the most perplexing problems that ever confronted a superintendent is what to do with an old, poor, and thoroughly Inefflolent teach»r. I have such a problem before me now. On one side there are the punlls, who are poorly taught and badly disciplined. Thetr time Is practically wasted, and the people say it Is a. shame to keep such a person upon the teaching corps. The taxpayers also complain that the board ought to have the courage to discharge the ag«d and Incompetent teacher; hut this complaint is made In , a fery quiet and confidential way. On j • the other Side is the fact that the old lady has Served the board thirty years, has been a faithful taacher, is now old and poor, and to discharge her means th* noorhouge for her and several de pendents. There is absolutely nobody a* ttehe o» **l lw Should we dis charge her, the very persons who say that she ought to he dismissed would « **-'« if* * 4 M* 999a M * *#99*9l. I9»t II fAiAra a *** W T'_ lM# Mftftk. **H99# <* f *M» •*** •ftiMmrtlr.** «*n# «ai4 M* N 9» » MWI«9**M99 ’%*rjr 9*"** ’* »* l« Ihr 9«' % ih* **J* » •Mmidtr Me. *»tH lift Ml f * 1 ttltlr Th# M9HH9IT ** ih«* ih» lr* n vihrl ft* «g» n«Khinft t*t *«fir huru) Mi* h#*. In 4mkl. iM# frjilWa lhr i Midrrn varl#4 ff**m iw*lliln9 I** utft* »* t»«*9 • P 99 T99WWM **** not #laa4 »9r!r ' in h 9 • |mit nviiMiiHY «n*l w# wp»ly* *4 to *tof» It. (f w# •*»«I4 »# * Rartiwr ««»lYr>(| la # *t»4 lhrn» t 4 thrlt Ihr rra#A*a f«r th#ir bcinx lair. W<* nr## fn»m 4v# r**r i«» f*n** |- r n*t •»f th* #tirn«lAn* *. N* f lr«*u*»»t mai an «li|r Th# f*m#r na# pu 14199*4. anno* un*’#«nrnl# wrrr «lul% ma*l«* (h«- pa-j I*ll*. and Ihr fun hrguti. Thr vrr|r nr#l day lhat nnl'*# arrr rwjuljfd « «|.»zn» i*upli# wrr# #rn( I*99*. an*l 4M ih*i ir turn ihal 4*y Ttl # nr*l day Ihry fanir with inaulilna n**(#a from lh**ir p«t »l# to thr that «»ur ruK** w*r* ttT»n* nl-al and tllrfnM On* parmi wr*nr. •*My a**n ua* iar4y lirrauat* h# lain, the r«*a*-'*n ihnefor la non of yaitr »’U#lnr#a." Qlhrt# wrrr of Mk lm|Kirt*. On# man urnt to th# pr* #l* «l#nl of th** Itoard anil gavr ih. #«*h«ail ay*t#m a #iun4 rttliis for It* tlahii-i. the #*m# nmn had *ald. a frw moiitb# Mrforr. that th»* laxity * f dlaclglln* n dlsgraee. Thr Wmrtl. however. sto**<l by Its rule*, and tardiness has almost dls«| J 'S red. I have round In my experience nr fifteen year*, that some people will abuse any school official who stands up for what Is best, hut that the pub- , lie will always resit vet him for It. Everybody Ilk s a strong government. and has a contempt for a weak one. If one wants to have an easy time and a poor school system, he need only let things go In any fashion, and he and his schools will sleepily drift Into gen eral contempt. If lie wants to have a hard lime and « good achool system, let him hare 'll* front to the *t**rm of criticism and abuse, nnd ho and his schools will surely win their way '*> general respect. You can get a fine suit cheap for cash at E. J- ILmrV & Co.’s. 218 and 218 Campbell street. affaire D'AMOUR. A Happy Termination of a Love Affair In Bamberg. Bnmberg. S. Cl, Nov. 2G.—A happy | termination of a love affair was the marriage of Miss Eva Riley to MaJ. Havelock Eaves at high noon last Hat urrlay at.' the bride’s home. This furlough which MaJ. Eaves was off on prove* to he the furlough of furloughs for hint. While on a visit to hlB betrothed, who was teaching in the nennettsville school, he got her consent to an immediate marriage. The affair was, therefore, verv inform al, only a few friends and the rela tives of the couple witnessing It. Miss Riley wore a traveling dress and Maj. Eaves was dressed in full uniform. They took the vows under two Uni ted States flags and were married by Rev. H. R. Murchison. After the marriage the left for Denmafk,where ,sh*y took train for Sa vannah, the camping ground of the Second South Carolina regiment. ~.«'* ■■ It Is reported that an enterprising western penitentiary Is offering a watch and chain with every suit of elothes a* a special inducement. JMPAfti t'l* ft* ## MWIf :99 fIM ITt jrrrT 999 9M9 9999*4991 * 49MM999 4 #9ft949 9ft)|l* III* *9*9** I* MM# 9* * 9#* ! 9 mi tiai4i X (kii 9! f Mr *#9# tttYMfcrf MM#- . .. 1# «* 11 *<M* fee* f # §4 !)i# uiiwiil. Ml#* Imiv* a **tf« tF'9nS( |g#t gat 1f t l .*% MMbMPMM •* #f g r *mm “" f## 1 f v .ej T 1 r | # f m pKttl !mr 9*4 Mud «*>!»*Yd* r*Hl# krtl ftfit***®* 9 • a __ .j_ (a (M** Mwi'i# rofM of Co D ______ 0 t-rice* on m>lt* *wlr two-lhlrds what ..the** chart* K. J. Hearg * y*. Pilot ft #l*9 liMutf. TMIBCAT IN THE CREW raltMul rrlln* «» Marta Tberrsa Allcka b» (A reck. Nassau. N P. Nov 28 A wolf aavti Romulus and R»mi»*. H>e raekliag of a RieMH* pressrvid the Imp* rial city they founded on eevm hllta. and h* w ,11, r t and grim her dark aides a*x>reh*d snd warped by fire the Marla Teresa, oare a proud flagship In the Spanish navy. Ilea on the rocks, lashed by the heavy surf, with no sentinel pacing her creaking decks save a faithful fe line guard, which seems Ititesit on res ruing the fallen engine of destruction. The howling of the winds and nulay dnsh of the ocean people the sullen wreck shelved on Cal Island. Natives hnrrlcd Bboard the vessel soon after she streak md stripped her of every t.rilc.c of a movable chnrscter, suppos ing there was nothing near to observe their drlngr. Dsy after dsy the dark-skinned men of |he Bahamas climhcd up the side* of the ship nn ll d 8? aftpr '*“ y ,h ' y we rkert at rohhlng liee. Far from the busy haunts of men, she seemed unfit for habitation, yet now It la discovered • but there, down In the dark cham bers of the ruined rrnft. dwelt the old ship's cat. This purring animal, with soft and stealthy tread, had been admiral, eap tnin, first officer and mess boy- every thing aboard the »hip since she was abandoned more tbau a fortnight ago. Commander Harris and his men. the Vt lcan. the Merritt end their respec tive crews, loosed the hawsers nnd left I the Mnria Teresa to her fate. Not so the cat. He may have head some gal lant sailor tell of the grout sea flg’Uer, I who, .lying, cried, "Don't give up the ! „hip," and he is there on guard and vigilant. T. r government hflß decided that nift | vvr*ek cannot he saved, but the cat i will not desert Ills craft. All attempts to capture hint have failed. He an swer to no call, he purrs to no one's touch, but, bidding defiance to friend and fro alike, be scorns to say: ‘'l »m king of Cat Island and I'm captain of the ship. _____ Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SATA'E In (he world for Cuts Bruise*. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, ChnrPed Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mono-* re funded Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. WHDSSTEPMOTH ER Of His Stepmother Did Missouri Man. Poplar, Bluff, Mo., Nov. 26. Oliver Clement, 18 years old, was married Wednesday night to Mrs. Hanna It. McGinnis, 55 years old, the stepmother of Clement's stepmother. The bride was the fourth tvifa of An drew McGinnis, the groom's stepgrand father. Andrew was divorced from her and has since married for the fifth time. He le sixty years old. The groom's father died four years ago. Oliver lived with his grandmother a while and when she died he became lonely ami decided to ta!:v a wife him gftlf. . j *•— ' j 4 GREAT REASONS .< .*» .*» Iti ■ V fvtfv.ik'x t i,stt tkfll 18*1 f S)*(2V 4I#I Hu t Ji £ >v I ftw* 5 * pP)T f 99# (ilWw ,k —* tn#i of itw (nud Mill ds»y. M W< ImcbiHi coodb H* ImkL **# ~g k t. 4<K Our Mwrjlrfv m hcttlm# *l*nm lor uny 4# lid* k ihe trum# tiri Hut Unii you ukty. THAT'S our poky, h .fteto ionhdenen IHII VINO M’ANIHfU. arrows el flwsU t* oelgsil Missel (• INI— ' ••• I9n« Hit# %m fL -T9* # irm*-’ flv fc. • tf* •#>*«’♦ Ml 9#* #r *#r o«t jftrwift jo# Unft»4ii M#MI9 H l* if#. #m4 TVtMMro K#l .9 «t 9 oMr(#M •>(» |itv«(#4 9M Hun4#? 9# ot*ft#r of (9# t9o t9#l f 9#f • #«# «9MM*4 of mr Mr y 9#4 9*#M 4tr «9. <*»l *»t9y fm 9#rt*nr •*,«•<#. Mgi Mt* #l(r# * ( »rl m## 4—.. •94 IN 9M# 4*r(4*4 to Mi*9* *•» s»«#«9sg*tft<*9 A 4*l#nit* *»* «#•( 19 • url c*9 19# 9*#*. MwL frwpnl ft* * * r9®#9 9# Mrs* 9*4 !• ftorottflii t9#l th* * * w#*4 <4IH>9 *ff# flffft * ti»< 09 19* 99f roll* 19* 9#9ift* 4 m ti«*t9li#r of wm b 9ho wtro #«i for t9# tuntftf rrii*Mil*#lo# **»4 |iork*i» . .kp fji*jirl.ft* of t9#*t niftti Th# il** tlftllVf ihft Iftumrl 1991 19* oßfill* I wrr# fthursirc doubl* pair* for all «9* ; *«i! l>Hr# f9#r M<irr9#**4. #94 (9#lf If* | r**t Mlowftd. 0 i T9*r win »odi# np for *t*miß9(lo« tft4#y. »ii 4 It ft# lfk*ly l9#t 19#? will »«*Y#r ftl? pimiiHH if 19* r9#r#r* 9iK#l9*t *9#in 9f* pror#4. I*l*r# you <«r4#r for fall *u(i *(ih PS J iimry A fh>.. j*.*|.«!l*r taller# kili.fd in tmf war Complete Report Atssta Out at Hie Adlulanl Henersl's Office. ! Washington. Nov. 9. —Complete re (lirne have ivrtt received of the casual ties i*f the Santiago eanitaalgn Tit** Adjutant General * office ha* divided ih* rantpalgii into different date* and p-rloda. Th* - ataemewt »ho»»: 14 Guaatma. June 24—Killed, on# of- j i Hter and ftftaea men. Wounded, atx \officeraand forty-f<»ut men. | Kan Juan. July I to 8 Killed, neven lt* n officer* and IS4 men. Wounded, Sixty-ntnv officer* amt M* men. Kt r»n. y. July 1 Killed, four officera and eighty-four men. Wounded, twin-j tv-four officer* and 822 men. Aguador**. July I and t-WoUndcd, two officer* and ten men. Around Kantlago. July 18 to 12—Kill ed on* officer and one man Wounded. I one officer and t ■ reive men. Place ymir order at once nnd avoid | rush. Good* cheaper than ev. t L Henry A Co., |*>ptilar priced tailcra, .IS and 2IH Campbell street. . .j j ESTABLISHED 1656 ft t s)ooßS.§asha ND Bunds : S u Mill Work ©vj»» ■ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. j yellow pine lumber , FACTOnv AND SAW MILL EQUIPPED WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND V H H ORGANIZATION THOROUGH IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. _ Li iJ FULL LINE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED . PRICES. CATALOGUES.ETC..UPON APPLICATION. Perkins Manufacturing Co.Au6UsrA.GA, jack frost HAS SALUTED US! Are you well prepared? No. Then hasten. Mr. Fardy, or grim rheumatics will claim you. How about the Suit, or Overcoat, or Under wear or Hat. How about it we ask ? Whatever your fancy or your income justifies is here. Conservative men, and young men, men of rare good taste, and men who just care to be neatly and solidly dressed will find upon our counters beautiful varieties at very satis factory prices. I. C., Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, GEORGIA AUGUSTA, NOVCM9IH #*j##ma* Ciana Die* Here I* Jet *tag| HetMf* Pan Fvwta taesg Cal. K«t 22. * thvaw FWpMm hove arrived he eg (•VMM Maaite* «• iklt way to Wash totiSMi The oitjwr of tko italt la to gtvavMt taro* rlelo* (or o«*o*>. Tlm> 4**##### ft9* * (#if9#fftt9 ***#fXr •olv ItrurtH Mi 19* f»t*i( *r#f vffk fkp#ftM #m4 #9 #t MNMJ4 Ml I 9* m*4# t«» ykfff* (9*l tthe9l# M#9M*9tr n* 9#4 9y 1 9* n‘(|49NK M9* (|#9ftK*##4 9? 199 lii»r(r«8 trmf* It 9ft 99* iHiti(4f kMft«W9 ji# Imiv lAff* *9 »nd#«»*HT am ||| |yg> 3jhlv, <* 19* ft'* (Jftft*’ •' 9*M Ik ft* t»rift#%*4 19* aivrogsd rtallM *lll reach set era) hundred thouMßd dot s eor I ocle Sam. Moocow Nov. St. M Frawdlh o# til has writ tea an artk ta in The M. • -enter In whtefc. under Ibo title "American M-wetanlam ha warn# the monarchies of (taiogr that they must at all root check the United Btatea' dangerous influence. Under the guise, he nays, of a mission of lib rrat on the American republic mu reul* an Itching desire to craute ro puldles where monnn hie* now exist. M’lib the guceoag of this policy M. p.sadlit declares, m*( b» expc ted ihc disappearance of th«- potcnlateu of the tiulvcrae and the placing In the bands of the United Blate* of a world wide irf tfflgl monopoly and po’.tU ral iMctatorahlp. SICK MRADACHK*. , curae of overs orbed t**>manhlhd orr <|Uh fcly and nurely cured by Kart a 'lover Roof Tea. the great blond purl 3er and tissue builder. Money refuad ■d If not satlsfact r> . Price 28 eta and ,» ,I*. .-tol l by - Betallera, T A Hux ;,,n And. i»'o * Drug Btnre. Alcxand •r's Drug Btorc. Well End Pharmacr. The King Pbarmaey; 2Vhol<val*ra.Dav* r A Phtnlsy Cycle Shuw. Uhlcngo. Nov. 35. A cycle show of he renl obi kind Is Imoketl for January Ito 15. In the Keith idilUKng. Al ttough this city gets the exhibit, tbc ifYair will have a nationn! baal* Denl .' nil over th«. country arc counting rn t. display A canvas* of the R*P notchers in the btisincc* brought about H„. d.clalon to gire a week to the lino ~p of t»9 models and bicycle ar cesao le<.