The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 26, 1898, Image 1

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VIS • im», AUBVIA^ a ftAftlllUl t—» iim •N##«vp* **-*** * *•.—•*** #»*•*• tH» i mm urn w AMtrf Ml flMiMl Mbdrt— a UM I* On Kit), ■ : 'm (*f * * * >l* Mi *M £ #■*## ## W m m ’ * «4fc **♦ MMM»f* ¥*» i «M»* #MI*M *M KHMIM *M* Miff VH III# iMHMhMMiM M#M** f i)j- r ri a ■ ft#'f*#n't I# Ms t*«a At A |t% »n •*#**!. !l* Mill# «>■ «-*i*W'i4 i (n> tuntl m, aim! tM# cvmmM m* Ht**k*m vmtwr* »«• «*WA •m4« #f mtMw •!*«**• t*r» (tail III* ««• iv»ut t« l»«vi «M* Ido* !r tMr IrwM ro ijftif M#Q%'#4 l«*inli !|sr |^i r C(M ) asi ««r* i«fM to tA|r |l meph*nm*> Nr rail III* Notfl# ,»f «f*« m| ACtt*> muni Uif |#»» «C tMr v#m*#4 Ji«M a# tM# rrt**» of (rod tM •tr«Hl to'iriMNi tM# ««t«r. tM# fair rtirti t#tirr r«i«H tM# rUiMw br4cHi*4 Mottl# •tt<l l#t £* (M tM# n«wr of tM# ##l. IV rnar ©f wltMl |f»rl* #4 thr ft no I art ««i #lm»*#t 4Mf«fttni TV niiti t»1 wstft fotlovinc tM# Map* tan «»• vi gnat (Mat on tM# | i rw ch * i>uld not ©arap# tt. tit<l r»*at»% of | . t *#tt#4. A IMMM [i#r fag anwai Mnata nirmrly mvd THE I RIWINAL DOCKET. The Men Indicted for Riot to Be Arraioed. Case Closed Dp la Superior Court > rstrrdey and Today. Th* list of civil cases on the docket for ibis tern of court will be ftnish-d up today and tbc rrlminsl docket will be taken up next week. An unusual amount of Interest Is manifested In next week's work, as It Is then that the accused rioters Will be summoned to appear. It Is said that several other arrests will be made and that It will be a full session. Among the cases that dill come up will be the fol lowing: The slate vs. A. B. McNaugtiton an ) R K Story, riot. The state vs. Joe Mills. Henry Gresh am. Ben McCarthy and Pleas McCath ero; riot. The state vs W. L. McCathcrn; per Jury. . „ , The state vs. Frank Wilkes and Bud ah-wmaks. shooting at another. The state vs. s»elson Lyons, aessuit and battery. The slate vs. J. E. Davis, assault and battery. The state vs. Ed Carleton. seduction. The following cases were disposed of today: In th case of J. C. Turner vs. Dr. C. W. Hickman, a verdict for $25 was rendered to favor of the defendant. The case of C. P. Williams vs. Em met Green way was ordered disqiissed for want of prosecution. The case of .1. G. Rutherford vs. George W. Conway is still on. WANT DAMAOES Ebbin Robinson Files Suit Against the S, C & Gs. and the A. S. Ebbin Robinson filed suit yesterday afternoon through hts attorneys Messrs. John T. West and E. B. Bax ter, against the South Carolina and Georgia and the Augusta Southern for $1 000. The plaintiff claims that on Jan. 28, 1898 hi? foot was permanently Injured through the care’eseness of a fellow employe In unloading crossties. Low Prices Prevail. The bankrupt sale of Landrum & Butl«*r continues to Siaw the crowd. They are offering reasonable goods at bankrupt prices R you nsod Winter goods and want tbunn at prtoefi that arc -.-ay bfeiutv what you would have to pay for them elsewhere call on, then at once. They are making a ?h* ml run on blankets. rlnHks*and "UP"?- tfh ttM* a »m THE AUGUSTA HERALD. MAl *t LUNATIC ! STARTLES ATLANTA IH4 it t \tc%* k# til t VI Mitlfi (V«p#M#M)§ fMvANtfM IM# JMMNPft* MMWM9* *M l#HMr fe..« Imauml ll tM lifMNMlMiAfe *m -tt ttn ti *— I flf m|* Vnf ..... - I_|S ||»*sh mmm »l i M 4 iM»MI #%##* *t#M At Ml* I l' ’ ‘ mklM# #M# of 4m MHBD* f»v 4MM*4t l«4 CVit 0t»«r Tr» ti| MlNs • #f tM# *t # 4 'eg-vM<va»i# <mM#M M l f##*’|ssM«#*# IM*M#M49# ffMMI tM# M«*#st*t #tM# #*r*f# Ml Ha# Mb# A. AMMMMt#ti IM#4f <rM#*M mb4 (H MM 1 # #H [ AMov* ** tM# HMMitlr TM# MMMr r#r»fis#rt4 Mr M#> graMt luMi MMMntt •«! fill f»nt Trm I?? iMNir VM# aiftir Ms o##|t« I •##•## *v cvns# Mmif tA# [ tM ##i iftiitV jimM tfitif *#«i Mil## fmMi tM# I TM# rM### *M 3 i#a§tMj‘ *»4 #»« it * I ISM tMM *m4 111 p#ofil# JrTiwMl -M* i tM tM#tf wtMi c Mm*# Mft#f tM# j?# - drrw»A iran «V w*# fMtMtMiM j tM# Mr-rM* «Mik| Ca|»t!ol m##m«# Mi j grew ebspr sci wbe» lbs pol»c*w>«i ted bagged -teir game, the mas isix- Isd upon them sad triad out hywtfrtcsl *|p (Mmi M* «*•* MriMg fViM tvy an if* »*4 Mod y«f m#n Mr Mo HttonM HraMi ' him at a stake Ha Was Afraid of Mrv 1 “too the teado’’' rrlod the man as j tte oflkec apfwoached “They aro go iat to hunt as laaaroat man at the I stake and God knows that 1 am 00. gnlHy of bavtng eommtuod a wrung deod la my Ilfs ‘ Days mo' save me’ begged tke un fortunate man when Sec geo nt Abbott * laid bold of him ‘T am not ready to die and I us aro the tre sow. Look lat thooo aogry flames They are go lag to thru* me In them l»»i let J that ugly man with the horn on hts ' head get to me. He will stick that pitchfork ib me Catch him. Catch him. please." Tte lunatic talked la this fashion to the ofllc ra from the time that he was raptured until be arrived at the station house, and was lodged aafely behtrd the bars, lie then shouted for Joy and cried that no one could harm him. w "I am aafe now and they ran t get me," Hansford yellefT as he paced the j corridor rapidly. Hanaford wt-a brought to the hos pital several days ago and since that time he has given the authorities much trouble by constantly claiming that he was being pursued by a mob who In tended burning him. and that every body was trying to do him harm. 1 The physicians were unable io tel’. Just what was the trouble with th# man. but It was generally thought that he had delirium tremens and was on the point of becoming a raving ma niac. Everything in the power of the at tendants was done to ally the seeming ly rraty man. but he became no belter and baa be<n in a atwte of the highest ! exrttemen; sire” his confinement. Very Utile was known of the sup posed lunatic by the hcapital authori ties other than that he lives at 2.V) Marietta street and Is » man with a family. It is said that he Is In business oa Marietta stToet and has for a long time I been regarded as a man of some means. I WOULD AROUE IN RHYME I Indiana Attorneys Maintain Their Right to Do So. Andereon. Ind.. Nov. 2fi. —The attor neys for the defendant in a case in the i circuit court here served notice yestcr : day that they wculd present their ar- I gument in rhyme. The attorneys for 1 the pla'ntiffs protested and the judge i said that he would not Bdmit poetical ; arguments. The matter led to an argumeitt about | the right to employ poetry in law. It i was found there were no precedents or j statutes against such a method, and | the poetical attorney wss obdurate. The <wurt refused to let the case pro ceed on this basis, and 'it- waa post- uot■. Ji-’ii. 2- The avtoynaya for the defend err- ipaaat ihat they wfdi pre sent and argue their oaa? in rhyme, and there seems to lie ho way to head I (hem off. TODAY IN THE CONFERENCE Rtt. Mt ViAft« lit«fMu». ti* «§ fiHM |i%tHit# ! TM# Uif Mil CMtHN tkN«M MM INwM# IVpil#© • , MM#fM H##MimH#- 9 j a#M#m M# MM# m ##ff #m M* M#4k ?«m MiMR |M ’ nMf M4# I* M# «##4t#it *1 #l)i fHi.V I M»« f##4t ' H# MM* «>l#KiNM| Mt ; • Mt Ml t# 14 liessww I lexica tin hiw Dstm Mww ya*te»< the '< tele *» Rev W, f IVwl pm ai #»at of | *M# MaBMI rfIMfMMMK* 19# f#!V,f f«yf Hi# #)#9#lMM mT M tt#M** j | wr*t 9# *mt«##4 ft#* It. J 44**#* mm 4 Itrv J T U#» mm# 19##f#4 m# # MM»* <4 ft## ft W J#MM* *M** r«! 1 Ml m#4 mm#*i#4 c#i #i|4*f*i mM.|t M' Mm 4 lift Ml* i ffli t|r #‘9Ml#iA#4 Hi*l M# MM# # Mi# rvter* mm 4 tMo»*MMi tM#t M 4 i ( #o«M H*M, mMItM M# 414 He# fh*nwi#f mm# p*M#l Mfl## <m *M|II#MMtICIM MM Ml* pMft I*4 -i-** ‘ !CM (M# |Mirt of tM# rßßflflMf" The elaaa to te rweite lata f"*, . tgsertlm * «ras as Win*. A. Avars. 4. C fsaii, J W. Gary. J. R*j ' pwter. J. T Rohtas. * w Ro«aM(|j r. C. Jarrvfl. A. If Handera. Tte Bishop Talh. TM# »44rM*H tM# tl*a* M# fsltoit Thera la wot a mor* plUahla slnhl than a preacher having no vital union ■ with God | "Do not tone what little relipt m yon now have by writing and talking about | holfneaa nrd santlflcatloa. Every man ought lo have some se crets with fled. "Do not forget to pray especially at an annual conference * Tte bishop exherted them to great -piety and holtneee of life and conclud ed: "The older l get the lew ! rare for any book thaa this book Be ploua. studious, induatrlcua Bishop Duncan then lr«roduced >«fc O, W. Walker to the conferere-. ate Bddrmeed the body <•> the Paine Inc i stltute In Augusta. Raise Inslltutc. Rev *Dr Walker's address was Mg* i tesed to with great int'ieat He piainevl the Institute was greatly la of 112.000. wherewith to complete the buildings. lie had been connect ted with the school for fourteen years, had watched t grow and thrive, and the Influences for god that were going on were wondetful. He said that the negro character was peculiar; it seem ed they preferred to be educated by the southern white p-ople. While, of course, the new brick modem structure was Immeasurably superior he had al most haled to leave the old ranshackle buildings in which h* had spent so 1 many years. The old buildings have done much good Assistance Needed But assistance was greatly needed, and he desired to call the attention of conference to this fact. Besides funds, besides money, continued Dr. , Walker, we need your prayers The I North Georgia conference had done handsomely In the matter or contribu tions. and he hoped It would continue to do so. Dr. Walker then said it would give him the greatest pleasure to escort any of the brethren around the Institute, i He urged all that could find the time | to be sure, before leaving Augusta, to , come out and vißlt, him. An Object Lesson It. would be an object lesson in the j the strides, the improvements that had , taken place, and he desired very much lo explain the workings of the school to the brethren. God has abundantly blessed us, con cluded Dr. Walker, and he requested a continuation of the prayers of the con ference. Bishop Duncan then came to the as sistance of the institute with a few remarks concerning the paying of sub scriptions. Pay up, said the bishop. They urgently require the money, and when you subscribe, pay up. Resolution of Thanks. A resolution of thanks to the Rev. Geo. W. Walker was then passed by j the conference. The greater pert of tUs loittnouii session was occupissJ m cft.UihS the , tUi-Mni and.sp«slng_ap«a the of rite members Several exceeding;y interwsuiig re ports wer? listened to, and. In the ma jority of instances a successful year I |#fll tRMf# j IrMii Ait MIRjtA OA THE DAY WITH THE SOIiONS kt' * |t#| wa# Si I !*.!* flffl lift Stttfii Hhr »##*>>*# 4. *«■*#•# M#t IMMMM*# * IVm* MMt mmilm* I*9#•##!##• tteXh.. tte stePwsJte*. 4 ( * m * *** 'T* * AHIMMPM ## tMi» Mt##* WN|*#*#HMl i*»#a i* l !• *MM* IM 9M#- M**M 9§ 4 Ivl* t# MMM*M4' WM* fMMft#* *» ■*•* ' <'#M MV# 4 Ms MM* fVMPMIt*4 Ms Hi H*H*‘ Ms RMiMtMI. lii #!!«• IM# Mi«f v.M4 WMM#H Hi 4MMM*IM M# • |#M*4| 4M tMt 4#fMM-N# »* MM4 Ml*# **• Mm m Ms MlMf* t® tMi rvsarte A rtetfn»**a by Mt of gkltMoal. *»# M»<*«Mi'^tM C#tfri4B 9lM* d#**fgi# t« ##•# DMT iM# Kl#m#mmm*M <#*•• "*** : *4^*4 isiFKRMSOH* FINISH Wo*k. Tbr Um S#*h»i W«a HfM Ilia Moninr it 10 O’Hflrk. scus Msinw Wrack Truas Mata, g CwrtcM sad IS OtsmKavd. Tte xipvrvtsory of tte city reglstra 1 uoa lists baM Utet last swatem at M c lock this wotaina tte mnwloo Isat iDg about ote hour Tke leglsirars. • hen tbev flarHß on tte H*« d« »°* I have any stated lime sM when they •boMld close their eeealoas They found that all cases beaded la had been dispos'd wtea ttey met today, and s<> ttey derided to adjourn Thera were ti names banded In for rxsmtna tton and out of these * were corrected, «r In other words were found to have been put down by the reglsttara wrong or to have been published in the wrong ward Hat? of names, or rhe I names published Inco'rreclly ttyno graphlra! errorsV and no fault of the ones who registered ao they were cor : reeled i Twelve names that were handed In as there being something wrong In the registration of the owners of these 1 title* weie dismissed, as they *eke found to be o. k. Seven names were found to be Incorrect, or In other words had no right on the lists, so ( they were stricken from the voters' llet*.. The registrar* have done their wont However, the work was nothing like ■ the Herculean task that was presented to the supervisor* of the registration lists for the municipal election last fall. was noted. "The terd ha* abundantly blessed u?.'' was the generai verdict It was noted, however, that many of (he min isters reimrted difficulty in collections. I and while there hnr' been an increase I along religions and spiritual line*, money was badly needed The Bishop's Gratification. Bishop Duncan took occasion fee quant! to compliment and encourage the Christrian brctbien, indicating t {hat it. ’.van a source of deep gratifica* • I tton to him to be able to do so. Thr | bishop staled that in two or three ex i ,-optionally urguni cases, where funds were needed, he was cheerfully willing Individually to make a second sub i ccriptlon, but that lie thought It but : right that, himself and others in the j same position should wait at the top iof the firat hill for the arrival of oth- ; ers, before beginning the ascent of the ' second one At 1.30, about one-quarter of the 100 names on the calendar had been called j and passed upon, and it Is though: that the labors- of the conference may not be finished as soon as anticipated at the beginning of the session. Many expressions of thanks have been heard from the visiting ministers regarding the reception accordeu them in Augns- , ia, and. the interest displayed by all citizens in their comfort while in the city. Another point for congratulation to be observed at tbs conference is that. wtilie tbe sviuoe haired and elder., workers in. uhe'Vineyard are niuoh in., evidenv* ibe liuareat and zea) ulaplay eti by the younger and less eXyutVsttped ch'-n is very ffarked. It is thoughi, that the r-onference e’lH lwve ewleil its its work by Monday night. EARLY SETTLEMENT ! HOPED I Cmmm* ts CJmi#m mitete m tali at tte j"idjm tteaß tte* ** te w tete • geusv *m»twg Mtewtmc. a <m»*ite «d peiwuMte »• >*>«»• TMi* !## mIH cmM -*y# tM# *#4l I If Im- mflteßf# lM*l |t»t« |i)f *f I it# tM • «rM#t# tM#r# i# Mt *• mm* M Mf* I fj rtmi r iih«m« ii/##M Im MowiM (V* '•tliiM #a4 III# art)* Im Atagvmm It t# tn# iMmi tM# #p»M«#r# MMrur# hm t#M «#fit# # ii4> 9m Mn«tM Ciioltcui Mus • I 10 §f# 41 fkyr»*H#f rtf si’iß'W* # m tM# rr*mr* M tM# ffcwtM ‘'MrotlMM mill* liiii «*it lb# AusttMla mill* 4#v* i #r#l ll!«s#irMtMm# trrr# i*oint#4 y##t»r --i day. •bt'h S-> to •*>•>« that tte gre*t ,«t hunks tte Augusta uitlta tew la jln ismlios Tte «filer k» set pifgairi lo atate tte rlKl Assf* ** atilrk tte ’ mills of Augusts are aaaeaar t. but. In a ! ganersl way. It may te stated that ttey ; are paying all tte way from K • raw i hundred to P per hundr -t Tte of - inter te a .onaldetalde Item For In stance a mill of sixty Usuhikl aptn •llee In Auauala pays from «*,«•• to yyn.Mu a r ear In lafHi Till* Include# water rent, rily taxee. state and .-ountv taxes, etc A H-uith Carolina mill of tte same ala# d<e*» not pay half that amount Ao It can te rendlty wen that there la a difference of at leave , <>r lis.nen a year In taxation. If the taxation question rcruld ha nettled, ao that Auguat* mill* would te op the name footing a* the South Car olina mill*, the difference would am ount to aIS per rent dividend Mill* that coat 120 per eptlidle tS year* ago . an te built at this <l*y for from $lO to 112 tier (plndle and i>:*rhao« le«*. Of course, mill* built 1$ yeais ago arc not a* valuable a# mill* built to day. The machinery mu*t have deterio rated 12 »w-r cent. Then if they were vex.-seed at their actual value. It ahould te at about $lO tier spindle, which would make a great difference In the amount of taxes tte mills turn over to the city, county and state. Justice *h< uld b* given to all nartle*. Th# mill* In Augu*».*t at- certainly over taxed, but they are net paying so much more in salaries than the other mills In this district. The lutUr has been verified by many operatives vho have work'd all around In Aouth Carolina and North Carolina mills. Danville. Va., mills nay more than any mill In .south Carolina or Georgia. Weavers thrie make s!u n week. The committee which calls on the presidents today Is honeful that some thing may come of th' consultation, and from what we b urn, there is some ground for the hope of an early settle ment. ss stated at Ihe outset of tills article. __ A new restaurant? hue .j»nd been op ened up at theCommor tnl hotel. Tb'g ulnr meals served In first class style. 25 cents. Cdvo It a trial. JAT THE Y. M. C. At A tircat Mass Meeting for Men To morrow Night. A great muss meeting for men has Peon arranged to tub ■ Place 'it tho Young Men s Christian Association to morrow afternoon at 2:20 o'clock, ami will be r.ddressi-d by Rev. Dr. Young J. Allen, the well km it miss onary. lie is an e.lde and eloquent speaker, and his address Hundav afternoon will he of special Interest to men. He will bun dle a live subject, uml will handle it Ip his forcible and scholarly The music will be good, anil 'VIII te ; under the direction of Mr. (teach, s - rotary of Ihe Pennsylvania V. M. \ A. tent. 'Vho is an excellent leader of singing. Th'- men of the city »io in vited to this me-ting. A special inv;. i- Uon is extended to the soldier* t . be present. . , ! Th.- meeting for boys at ■> o cjn v. will he led by Mr. (Teach, who will w.'ve , them an Illustrated talk. Mr. i.« raeli knows how to talk t« the boy*, and h will give tte teys toijeU'tdW s very in terestiny arat i.eiptsl tußt Ail bo> • ■■ - invited ... When a WOBuvtj Wftfff* to iniproVe ii man s opiilToh of tier, she flatters him. H%# s«sii aes a »ram AAtl «rt*AV. M$A, «A sAfIA PAYMASTER ARRIVES AT LAST ItltM lit l)|t <Hff Ilf jig ll«i VtgK, y*>thi asMl teg—s tag— —teg hte Mr, a*»nyf •Oh IIP ’Ts*gptftt— Sf »te ■ t »tef that _ , j.. a |j tel* rtf , 3 5 I fYnlaml •t Cm I* nf tW fif* J O flattlk ittntMl M f-c* liable .<„•> barge (ro* the Eighth P ttneylva m» and will ke naployed a* rtv.H— clerk at diviatoa kaadgnariers I itteratb »S|aa»*-ta joh neon of Cote pa*' D wa? slisana*- rd from hospital toda VYestherhee of Co. F wa* also among thorg rtpsumtaa duty C—l niteoo of Co. L«* oflferr of the U Tenney of Co. A. who r* also adjatant of the Brat tettaltoo. t* offl i er of Ihe guard The Mil"'*’®' * leeetelwg new teats xrHhh •»! h« nsfd whea the catef Hi moved Dr Frye hae tera a**lgae»l to duty i la rxamlnlag the flecoad Gerwgla boy* for mustering out. Corporal Maynard of Co. C ha* ro i turned from furlough ('■EM Brandt of Co. F has been granted a fifteen day*' leave of ab- I grace Li. W. A. Edwards will noon leave for bit home on luislncg*. as he has teen granted a leave of abrence Corporal Brooks of Co B has b»en given a furlough for fifteen days, (’orporui Smith of the same company ha* ten «H>n »*ven day* Zasadli of Co. A lias been dropped from the rolls a* a deserter Thirteenth Pennsylvania. Capt. Corwin of Co. H i* officer of the day. Lt. Va i roe of Co K is officer of the guard. The usual company inspections were held today tiighth Pennsylvania. Frank Stempson of Co. H went to the hospital today. Corporal Yarnall of Co. K is among those in the hospital today. Steward Lacy Speer is among those on the sick list Lt. Duffle of Co. K. is officer of th» day. Lt. Kttu of D i officur of the guard today. I First Ls Kline of Co. B has been . promote* 1 to captain. Second Lt. Bischoff has been promo t (| Tu First Lieutenant. First Sergt. H. Rnssell has befin i pro noted to Second Lieutenant. Thirty-fltih MlcMgan. L(. Fountain or Co* K la offlcci.of the day. Saturday morning Inspection was held today i A. W. Palmer of Co. I haa been ap-l pointed corporal. G. K. Hawks of Co. L and B. Stod dard ai appointed corporals. Dr. Sandal! has 14 'Lay* added to his ■ leave of ab?ence. Dr. Grubs, who liuh tieen stationed in Augusts, baa returned to camp. First Maryland. Capt. Geo. F. Hampt Is officer of the day. Lt. J.-K. Wilson of Co. K is officer ( of the guard. The eatnp wus moved this morning in a remarkably slrort time. M. Hitch of Co. F was scut to tlie hos pital. Fi. Linch and A. Tymeson of Co. B are among the additions to the hospi tal. Tenth Ohio. The hoipiut: has been moved hack tu ihe new Damp. KTULOW of Co l, -I* ai Ihe Uosipjiul today - - FSank* of the oahd li*» ten s-ru to dTvisloh .hospital. auffeMteS poison 'oak. j. Fn'ilicrgor of Co. A has been dis- I tu ANTI ft* jolnanu ItAVINC* lANK «gte » •»» om • * •* s*—■#] ■•tafuM l.r A.stek—i w * v#——• | HI Of II REFUSED. : spgla kg— H Ixjg Jtipf § Matfitrg. flat oi Iwfv ;f —fix «$ a— t «iww— •»—g Bo WtetShf *V>*» Opt ibutri!! f «*«•!# H # *M4i »*4MI» tM #M *m***W4M 1 9 k #MMa| a* -# cr M'M# t# f—MfllLjM© - * ' h>4 |r# g . y-fIS M#4Mf f %* |#» f%# «-'M#f '## ,## IM#I HMI £ H#M#t f»i>Ti m fig# 4Hm MNMk < tF**# !'#' fEg 0&& ifc.l#A#s*■«»teßUf f * M#* a m ityi mo i rTTim. M 9ml Uv*. Uttm Hfl4 l« Mt «t iMf * “MmmjMtct tM# tt# Ms ****** Hf*<* Nwmm Hm## *t U'«• M9#> it# '#**• >in<K er aba* is m* te i— final r#«—• i*f in# Grtet Eti— «f ’he —’rette , Dtt haw** N n I bar* a* »t>Ms*E isub Iha lb rested? nfN #<N— and j— *r '*dit? and •?»#•>' t-u It will om? |— r?fully Tbnrn *»< nr»#e j te#a * dewii* on ih# nan <?f ih* nurtb !«» huaiMU*** tM# **m»lM Nrt*M*K 19 <t l|(M*4 for MM# #l#l# iMt I# IKK |jr iifortM lo all IM* ofh#f» MftHM# (t M# ih# *|«hi to MIU a fro#* as# r#m»M --• i iai miiMmmi l##r of |MhL9MMt is# • illmhsi I**a of raslf or r#pti »M* TMI* Mm# i< *■>»* to M 1 p (vU#qm r* ol wnf bp 1 fr# atAt#* I «lii9 ih»i | fnllr ign# *Hb Hi •« 10 thr m#t#urr of ftnmr 4*l*9 n *ho prf«rnt fUfifMify , aa4 if to mjf 4m* ti*# Go om. *m4 ###rp •hec# the uw danger* threat— tba praee of hn sute go on. la the coa ..-hntloii* re.fovmaoee of hts don to th- humblest as well as tbe p oud est rltlse* sail I will gfre erery aid for which I can find law or constltb iion <: power Govrrat—at that ra— no: give protnrtton to tbe life liep <-rty and an guaranteed clril rlgbbi tin this country the great— ta an un t'anmelled ballot* to th* cltcaea. la la mj far a failure, and every energy of tte opprraaed should te eserted t al ways within the law and by conatlta tlonal meansi to regain los; privileges or ptetw tloa. Too long denial of guaranteed rights Is sure to 1-ad to ■ evolution, bloody rcrolotlon. where suffering must fail upon the guilty an well as the Innocent Expressing tha hope tha' the tetter Judgment and co operation of the rttlgnn? of tbe alatw over which you have presided so ably trsv enable you to secura a fair trial and punishment of *1! offender*, with out distinction of race color or pre vious condition of sctrltufle and with out aid from the fed wal pivcrnment, but with the promt*# of such aid on the condition* namhfl lti the forego ing. I subscribe myself. Very respectfully. Your obedient ggevant. C. R. Graot^ To th. Hon. H D. rhamterlaln. Governor of South Carolina HAD FORdOFTEN HIS NAME /ending Now Rctnember*. But Falla to Seek Hl* Wife. St. ta’iii?. Nov. 24.—A mt'i who had ti ~t all memory of affair* preceding hts xirkni a cos disthargsd fr >m th# Si. Louis City Hospl.a. neveiml month* 1 ngu. H- thouaht at times thet his name might he Foster or Bobsyis. hut 1 rlw.-rt r cntlmlcd R was not. With the (,;<] of ihe Cnlted Hebrew Charities he Went 'Yen: tc seek work 1 In K«n.?us in wa* greeted with the !i in nr: of Gustav /ending." Mentor}' leturticd tc him in degree, rfe re -al >, th it lie bail lieen msrricd and • hr.t rfrer r tf>v tnonih* of wedded Ilf" IflO left bl* wif Of events since up to j the time of hi? nines* he, b/s no knowledge. it is said lhat It# wait 'married to Rosa Ritter, seventeen I yen-* old. in New York. July 9. 1881. Having recovered hi* name, /ending j ajpaiently is content to allow a ihoanand miles separate him fiom Rosa. chiuged from the hospital. Cnpl. Reynolds of Co. L i* bffiew Of . ihe day- , .. i,t. C. B. Rod Pl—>d is officer of th* !guard. Cavalry. The boyH of the Third cavalry iegi mental hospital wish io extend their thanks to the lady who so kindly sent the flowers on Thanksgiving day. Corporal Frark of H troop and Mer rias were discharged from the hospital today. , Tlu-If arc only five patients lu the iioapjUttl Uiitl all tbs** are convaiea vcJtL Tdc piittsut* 111 tbe- hoJltitkl te y tke nurse swears, tie felt the «aruW»** yesterday. for his tert broke doffh Itet night.