The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 26, 1898, Image 2

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•ATtiHOAV j WSfgh f *Jfe * ' n bare’s Si Eiii!’, t* CM » COT, •» « ■*»fcrm, m Ha? to a HmmnJ lartrmaMl n. &, a. »wiM h*> «• m»j C. ft ft Dr«» *» * *»<» Maatou* I no •taf. tW* n.m» %laUm <W m li> fcap. If* » Sft«» ktivim* *Or la Mr if., if., if. fef. EferitliiDg ii lisic Thomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta. Georgia A PAGE FROM • POLICE DOCKET Tb* FWleema# • lta<la»" jßaibndy eaa f*4 * w4»* Thtob ■i met to itobatKy. m )«• «•'< tab* tm UL“ ta* *|»< in •*» i, c. Rida*!*. who S' (ftM*kfS tMVt IHftt Me had b**W r<* six *>«i tmhms*>de mb mb mb «**» lafcin, atw at tk* to H* aji *» lIISN 't. K«lf tb* Arlington r Pf»»f to and a noWter *#f# ia bftoUH (to rtikwtik Tto pro*o*’ a look ra/* of (It* *to4i»r and an to*cr Cf At ja*U«- ««ok charge of i'4» r Ttosi the rraaavk about Ito tw’.lwmau'* bad** was mail*. At rati ft fto *#«H t#H Unit about |Vr fruttbl • The Judge tunl bint a j ms f ) a utf pleading tale an<t H aaa I la ana toDoec btSn’t Kar* K ghteeatb— . *'Ye« aft charged with vlottolatg Ml* etyMrmth tart Jon." aatd Judge Baxter to Jtoeph 1 Wales. "Wi, * * » m > otir honor?" uM Jw*ph I. The Judge rigiltlanl tha matter. Of fleer Colvrrt taxtUlH and (hr (barge was pmera Joseph J. 82 -Vi. Alt About Twrnly-Ftv* Canta— •Kirkland.” callari the Judge. addipf that tilt party called waa rbarged with asavltlng a r»*gß» boy Tht boy appeared and ao did Kirk land. The former works for tha latter and a dispute about thr latter owing the former a quarter had taken plane According to the evidence Kirkland had assaulted the boy. Kirkland. $2.50. Tale of a Lon* Wagon J. A. Blackburn waa before hi* hon or. charged with driving hla wagon on the sidewalk of Ymtug street. He explained. He bad bra# attempting to turn the vehicle from Young street Into Barrett street aud as the wagon was eoupled twenty-six feet be found It n physical impossibility to <lu ao without the wheel* getting on the aid walk. W. A. Shaver*.,who live* near re ported him for so doing. A long argument auxited a* to wheth er a wagon could be turned at tha cor ner mentioned, providing the wagon was twenty-six feel kmg. The judge decided that Blackburn should pay a due of *l. »» he should not have attempted to make the turn with such a long-drawn-out wagon. Old tiikloiH’A b»ck«liMt flour for •alt by Lamkln A Co. OMELET SOUFFLE.— Boat white* of six egg* to a stiff froth: adit the ro.ks of three, three tahieapoonfula or powdered sugar, a tablespoonful of lemon Juice, the grated rind of half a lemon Bake In a fluiok oven five to eight minutes. Call and see our TEACH ERS BIBLES. Can save vou money. RICHARDS & SHAVER. Cucumber and almond cream for ( tapped face and hands, the very thins t this cold weather. It is sold at Al exander JUrutsUtre. Tou can set a fine suit cheap far cash at JS.._J. Henry & Co,J 216 and IIS Campbell street ’ Hend vnor proscription* to Alexander Thu* Store. NEWS FROM GROVETOWN 11 Hlßtff •I !•#>•* fc* HP| t Hill 1 rtNP ft* « Hmflt mm* Hk H ft, t*m*oß* (pAninpi (pftftN 4ftfcf Yfepf <**• In b*** bmt*** : | **m §m>******** «M ***** MUfUflf* 1_ _ 1 m* *wil •# t •*> * 9MI H* mugs OHO bbt ill. _ j Hi mi h#b I A i H*mi*"* ****** IB IftfllAiM l it* ftyastoto IH—t He • t rah tuasww* as KkMkw* k*« to* *♦»•* -««i «NtotoMrs»*e **» •» *♦ 1 t*f Maw W I, *tola SH tow Iwedto wwto tow* I* tokg* m««i Hwwdat. T ___ _ < •Hto AtoTto to» ■*»*. toto* ■*•* tolito itogto* **ki *H<w toaafto 1 *••!»» ; 11 rsi rai*»vw4 • a »*igh*fwt waatog *w , Yamalws Mr R C •<■•**’ Iw4 to* glwaserr as tsHM tow* to A*- igatoa Nl prftW* ■■* MW*" toitod i*m b ■ *a**w> *aw ****** fto frtato* as •*• to>» Anfcwr • ftorrta wtt to atwi tototo to tow* aft | a ,s t t fraa* l tow totorad tod M>*4 raw* a* f wsatof **d to ** to Aw-1 m .*#f * iAto fewil #♦* lib I Imp Ml y ««|NNf-4I»W nil 111 M f'lUPIhF#. •11 Uto i tt ■* v cpgK akb «* || gggtt* . f toyft nf til |jrtlNWilT»l ebwrvb tow ll* la a ***** to UNt» n*** K*t |, A. tytollwto **f **to W‘*b flam a* Ttoatof . , of Opn«- , ~. a |,„ _ totftahtfu! kel •tyh* spent with frti'hto la Aagaala. The many frtead* of Mta* Heanto Hugs •*'»* plrtoed *n w*l**««to h#r to Mr brig to t t kMar tar* wa*h Mr Robert tiavNfanw. oar bastdatow* Augusts ftiettA waa a* as Util* f*ta*» OB Tuesday to Md fareartol to fel* cove-own frtatot* Me la a mss to fir. tMvtdaoa. a phr»n «» Justly tav*d and o irbratrd. sad brtobar to ft*. Hu vtdsoa to Awstota He will to grvuiiy wlrsvd b* a large circle to frtoaAt whan be I raw# tiHsarmu fur Haven aalt. where to la totlag Into Ito cotton Mr Walton Orson was up mi a visit to his parents on Huaday Mr. and Mrs. Umtot Culver are <>a a visit to ttolr father Hr. c«H*t in order that Mr Culver may to under his eonatnni rare. We are pieaaed to 1 hear that hla health la Itnpruring Miss Tarrt* Ito and Mlsa AIU# Clif ford returned last week from a awwt delightful visit to Mr and Mr*. H*m Chsoman. at Rml dge Mia* K. Maharrt* ha* Just returned [front a short visit to tor friends In the , day lands Mr, John Btovnll. *ho hits Juat btmght the Hlrto place, has alsti pur chased the Percy Ulont pUautlon. witieh tie says he Intend* to farm The Brunner cottage I* *>»ld to Mr. 11. T. Heard who has purrtwsed It for i a summer botpr, Orovetowo folks ■are delighted to welcome these charm ling neighbor* In their midst. Mrs Walter Kraater I* tip at Kill*, spending a month at the pleasant old Benton place. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. lairaar. to the pleasure of their friends, have return ed to their hoale after a pleasant visit to Macon, where they attended the yearly conference of the Christian church. Or, and Mrs. J. Hatton and little Mlsa Tot Iwltner spent Monday In Au gusta. Our ex-editor friend. Mr. R. Back us says he la like the Columbia coun ‘ty people Inasmuch as he swears by what The Herald says, especially In the (Irovclown column, but he wishes lit mould not span Welsh mbit with two "b'a” though he supposes that Is i the "devil's” fault. It a natural for him to exaggerate It If he la anything i like the last one be was associated with And speaking of exaggeration j reminds him of a time when It was < too severely pAnUhed. He was work ing. during the late war. In those ter rible rifle pits, und once, as he came out to breathe, he met Gen O—, so smoky and dtriy that he took hint to lie or no higher rauk that a sergeant or lieutenant, so to he on the safe side ne gasped as he drew near, "Say, ( ap. can you give me a match to light my pipe: quick, Cap, I've got to go right hark to H—ll.” "Bo the Rebs keep busy there, and Is It hot?’’ asked the | General, feeling for that scarce article and extending It slowly. "Busy??? Hot!I! 1 say. Cap. we don’t ned any matches when wo are down there. All n man has to do Is to hold his pipe still In ofle place and half » doten of those obliging Rebels rire over at It. all seeing which can light It first for you. See? “Oh. yes; well you are going right hack, so there’s no use of wasting any more sulphur down there." returned the General, In that slow way 1 at last recognised. as turn ing he closed the box with u snap and marched away. Here it another verelon ot the chick en raid Which resulted so fortunately for the chicken* of Mr William Mur pbey, about elk tailea from she city. and so sadly for the twelve soldiers, rt spins that one of the soldiers rereiv- Tf IIC AtJOUPTA UlflAlaP. [Mg fg wtybto Am* *vm «.a*J*Tto*l** gal Z?X' .ys? to amwto «a*w swwa ’ PMtmmW ttiMRMMPMb ttNUHv • Hi# ■».. •<— jKS \ * towf-*' .*■ - ***** ■ l|l w W|«g»»i<ig mMB **** * 9fß***m* «• BMmmmm I SfifeiJF/ErEfSf 1 4IVMB WBMKM* I * Mfk f WIpMl iM»i — mdg> P**-* tyWtof Jbto-A «NP« kninfWm* tig *» t*hflP t dpuggitjl ft-w -dg A* AMBm* •* Inf BBJTb&fiy- ammrn*** tnw^n 4W «bb *«• : «MW Ito-fw-'A %m *fc#A# I »if Aim ’• BMO M mbrnm m *B **» [ wmßrnM *>#•• AMMNtow** mm I ***» mmm iTiSUf .eJXjktof m mm* fiNi»*fif m* In hwn i a gs• f# t* *-'•#«* HftNft • ’ Wmy ' Ift* •bm loM ft* AtNßftl tftiM* ilkk*ft* v **Y#ft, >(r tm 4* mm*,” ft* lFII*l(i1 WL* l*.» > tillfn**|f r <*4 (Ift At AthfSHt I* ft* (f 1 *T* ' (fttof |h f n ( *** ft rftdrftt I ftAftpr* Id Ift** rnmmm mm | W .. mW ft 4(4 !ftftft Mil* *lft Ift* IW bm*. I ••* ft#*fwi f«ft» ftft» *« ftb«*ll A (ft* ft Cdftfr ftftft#* ftll* A* PA All "ft.i : fmplMß «A* 4ftri#t, " Aftt I «!«> f** \mf tbbim mutt* I 4<*ft t HftAft tMfti rhu !»* »»• w»f |kw4?ww( twAlf *nw*«nd •iNI tiftn An. mmb. Amp vas phtrf oa* of dyin Ap«Ai«li rkkliftl, ftft4 I ftol yof 4l4n*f ftimi mifftn to 4a ftM 4ftt ktit, #t ftoeidft i roow ft*# «(«»• bmr* ».ft*l Hit a* Ift 4# wood*, a* I mu* *mt tftllt Urn** Mftrf# l«»r* fa* ipofr- Asti ItftorA Oftft till d*ft «»flf*ft 4* rooftt.** T» Cure a Cal 4 Ift Oft* o*y T*k* Laifttiv# ftrowfl Quid In* Tibift* » Ait dmffykts r#fun«f tb* itMift## If It fftlt* to t’lif*- H#. ThA gt ftyiftd ft** L, H. Q. oft UW*t. STATIi NLWS IN BRIEI. GatnesviM* wants a eMy hall. The Cleveland Journal la to put In a new rylla ler prcaa. Waycroaa la to put In a system to I sewerage at a coat of IK.W4. Floyd Strutt, a Columbua negro, has taken French leave of bla regiment. The Waycroaa Air Line ia being ex tended to Grady, three miles from Douglas* The cb i*en* of Cedartown In mass meeting adopted a white primary for rlty officer*. Rev. J. L. Rant, the beloved pa«tor of the Htigan circuit, died at Ht* home in Hagan Tuesday The cornerstone of the new court house of DeKalb county was laid at ; Decatur last af:ernoon j Gov Candler ha* recommended Lt. P C. Harris of the 13th Infantry, U. 8. army, to Is* assistant adjutant gen eral of (he state. Mr. W. J. Albert, a well known at torney. and Mr. John R. Thornton, a popular Insurance man. had a lively encounter on Broad street tn Atlan- ta. Four prisoners escaped from the Jail In Katrburn the other day. Sheriff Adderhold procured Detective Yar borough's bloodhounds and is making every effort 10 recapture them. A survey Is being made by the gov ernment of the work done on the, Brunswick liar by Col. Goodrich. Tbe : latter claims that he attained a depth of 25 feet of water where there w*A formerly less than 20. A quarter of a mile south of Montlj 1 cello, at the end of a cotton rope nut! suspended from a large mulberry tred, hangs the lifeless body of Ed Merrlww* ther. the negro who murdered young Joe Pope last Saturday night. SUICIDED ON THANKSaiVINd. Prominent Paulding County Farmer’s Rash Act. Roekmart, Nov. 26. James Lee of Paulding county committed suicide Thursday morning by hanging him self. No cause can be attributed for this rash act. He was out of debt, a good liver, and, as everyone thought, contented and happy. isist Sunday morning Mr. Ed White found Mr. Itock Holcombe's cattle ro ving over his farm and damaging his ungathered crop: whereupon White made complaint to Holcombe. The men engaged in a quarrel and Hol combe drew a knife and commenced to make advances on white. White also drew Ms knife and the two men begau cutting each other. Both men are badly cut and White probably fa tally so. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY'S EXPEC TORANT. FLOORING BORNEO. in ffa ttiw UtiliC * rjurtri %m 4*o ii• ******** ***** frf | feA Ha (M* *•* **•■ ** »*••••*■ to* l * ■ gjt mftag*Mf m (AfH*MI t*# RlAAl'f► - < «fU* ftHpH «•« bmmf* ***** j F*sbW*'a Araks Aalvw, i Tit* tutor aat »■* m Ito was at N tllbAdmMk fhp | m Iftaafto* wVit#*, CvIMMNpHI Hah»4a OwfiMft ®4l s*«*• *MI **m*‘i*Mf *m*m ms n# p*f - It «• f#fNi t# ghrv r ****** ** tm* i T nniW'it t*ffrdb I* fiitl *mf t**** *0(1 fur gy Ho*AHb A WtLLfT. UNCU S An AMO JOH N BI LL. Tb«V M Teg e< bee as Ibe Tbawba gtstog Ueagwet. Itoutu*. Kov Jg Tto Thaßkaglcng at III* Afl»*rt**«i I® Uttidnfl wilt* ti *«* »t tfc* ||nt#l f*#rll i* ft ftkw il*<iftllo# at Anji'a- AtorrUm* MmMt* Th*** A4*Ar|f aba ana (Mr ft*t*t* jMit ft! ft tftfei# m4ff III* **t*rlft#ft flftfi ~jwj K|| pgiyg> f« 4,i#» «>i)f by H#*r® «std III* ot!i*r if 81 r Rftwiis Arftol<W ftllf) iti MlßfiUbH tO ft* Btftfif ftt til* rwlKii of (Iffttb from but who dragged hlmvrlf laid the t*B»r»u*« hall 1 K f*imto th* ortlrf* mi lit* fthtmi**!•*•. tearing oa Ike arms to hla Japaarae wife aad supported by a ran# J U j Ta”lor. pr*. d-nt .* .be wwteir pr-e ooeed a toast to h*r majmtr tto g*ie-s rad to Frestdent McKlaley. aad C V. iVudwaar, tbe aeereta y. Pre.l dent M Kill ley s Thanksgiving procla mation Mr White. resposdloy to lb* Wmi, "Thanksgiving Oh.” evoked *ti»hu*i i»tir rkmt by r*f*r>-nre to t'ot. Hit. formerly American • *ml>s«*«do' and now Halted ffUt** Secretary of Hut*, whose he Mid. Iwl !•**• tho chief attraction of th* gatherings of tfc* soel*iy. , ft peaking of th* “first foreign war Ip fifty year* skit'll Am<* i lean* had kwi compelled to way* lit th* interest* of humanity and ehdllaaiwn," th* charge d'affnti* congratulated th* nation that, a* In a previous trMi,' It had been gul-j d*d hy a president possessed of th* wldoni and courag* necessary to »ur- | mount th* difficult!** of the crtals. The war ha* proved ihat th* fir* of patriotism “hums as brightly in ill* h*arta of otir eltli-n* as It ever did. and that sectional difference# have disappeared. W* hav* *tn*rge<k from th* conflict a united people anions th* nations of th* earth, ready to assume the responsibilities uneipeotedly thrust upon us." The speaker referred to the change which had come over the feelings of the two nations with respect to each other, “as based upon no alliance al present, nor. I hope, to come, but upon unity of feeling." it would be difficult, he said, to .foretell the consequences should the; .two countries ever ■•cldc upon Jotut art lon In any part of the world. It trouhl be a combination difficult to de-1 feat and tending loathe advancement of the human race. ' The Earl of Hajtlmry. the f/>rd Chancellor, extolled' Anglo-American friendship, which lurtkaid was not vain tinsel, but “what fie race believed watt a duty to b? dofft T he two im* tions, he declared, hud destroyed the Idea that It was right for one man to make another his property. The American people, at the risk of levy ing maunder the great empire they had founded, had determined that every man under the Stars and Stripes should be free. The two nations to gether might defy the world. Their alliance might be an Idea and a dream —but it was a noble idea and a splen did dream. Sir Edwin Arnold completed the speech making with un address, the manner of which was so eloquent that it could not be reproduced. No man. he said, could visit America, and not express the gratitude, attachment and hopes that filled his heart. He con cluded with the following: Your guest* salute you. Only one who has kuowu Holmes. Enisrson. Longfellow, and Whitman, can sfirll how, secretly and shyly. Englisakben love Atnari «*•" f ’ Our prices on suit| only two-thtrds what others charge! E. J. Henry & Co., spot cash tallow. TMIEIItS ftf rATfttftH. I .aptoto*- RPiwgt* *»*_ f P# •** ~ WsS lumTli ftp# <MNU#*%, tm * AaA itoft tM* tJMi I *- AN* toil, dir #n> * *s . X f liit'A AHIH.L ti , Oft tijpUfi ..iINBtA-'Alk »!*»■#' j ' f 7k* fill "•> % %a * toft ittov mm pm- j I 9ft Mm*** 0 BMW bwft iiWiftM mm m - - **4 *r» tw j a## m* P* rm4*B mm ft f | | ftSfe it t* ft* |f *■» ft*4 J ** ** b»* «W* ** | I Hpt Mmi* tm nt ti*‘ (i«*» |ft ! * f «to- ft *#'4 ft* |K4| it ft ftr«*4. j Ms Vftlfn tlftftftl Ift ft ftftft «f fiftWft CVtprtii I# \mumm*Uobmm. bm b**m j ton t##w* Ml ftftM* fNftift ftftft | fftftpftili if tft* ftfPA*#t*. ftftft I* ftMft j Hi Um Vt>»iftft« ihft|t»Htiift Hi* j Idfticft Ift Imt «**• ftf ft'fttt* ti*** "ftftft «ai | I I IfHONAI T, f Mftnftutl ftf fiftUft* I* Ift lift ft H MmuMl of ftovftftftfcft b Hi Tr. Mu* to Knew* ka to tbs Ar*j J ft Atotb to Harrow la at tto Ar ta. M *• W K rtrnar-- to Olbmm Oa . I# ta m W K fin tto* to Wisstoa ka as ito Flu ter*. M t WHIIniM to BalftoMM* la at tto W T, M«s*ril to At tufa ta at tto j K Walltaa to baltlmsv la at tto AtifllCttift. A. 8. Out to Knosvllte ta gt tto i AfHftftton Albert HUbk ftf N*ftftHi Ift ftt IH Ar Hilton J Rorkswt to Or«eaelite Is at tto ; Coftfllifrla). Will Wrib of HftMtmor* I* ftt tM ; ( 'uanpvti’lal W. Z. It*rt**a of Gr*#ft*ftboro I* ftt thm Plftftttrft. i * W. C. B«twftfft* of Toros, Gft , la at II it PiatUAft. y. T. Mtirpliy of Aliiaff la ftt tb# roinffliii'Ul, 11. H Harris of UatroU la at tb* [oMMNfftil, F. W. Walker to Edgefield ta at the jfh>mmercial K M Baum of Philadelphia la at dpe Arlington. James Booker to Adnlraburg. Ob. t* i»t the Plantera. | j. a. pitta of Westminster. Canada, is at the Planters. G. W. Andreas of Philadelphia la [at ibe Commercial. j ' p. M Clark and wife of New York are at tbe Commercial. Ony Mitchell and V. E. Orr of At lanta are at the Arlington Mrs. C. H. Chapman of 3*lt Ste , Marie, Canada. Is a! the Arlington B. B. Rodwood and James Ga’nea' j of New York are at the Commercial. R. H. Walters and K. H. Walter*, j Jr., of Appletou. 3. C.. are at the Plan-1 iters. S. R. Rooney and O. 8. Mclatrln lof Cleveland. Ohio, are at the Com- 1 mere Igl. _] Jno. A. Rice professor at Olemson [college. South Carolina, la at the Ar-i I line ton. J. Parelra. John K. Hogarty. C. H. ! Thlnt* and b. Steifer of New York are ' at the Plantera [ Mrs. Alice Toole, who has been the | gipet of Mrs. M. Sanders, left today for a visit to relatives in Macon. ■The following New Yorkers are at the Arlington: P. I-. McDermott. H. t. Hensley. P. M. Gonbey. Geo. \V. Smith, E. J. Desßalnes, and L. Mad lock. Mrs Reid, of the Reid House. Har lem. has taken Mr. Newt Johnsons house on the Hill, and will take the cavalry officers and their wives as j boarders. Mr*. M. Beeehenor gave a Thanks giving dinner to her eleven grandchll ; dren. seven from Atlanta and four from Summerville, at her home on Fenwick street. OA.»TOITT^b.. Bears the _/? 1 he n( * V™ Botlgtlt *T* BREAD PATTIES WITH KGG SAUCE.—-Cut stale bread into rounds; fasten these rounds together with white of egg making a patty. Dip them Into egg and milk: plunge them into smoking hot fut Drain on paper: iflll with orange marmalade. To make the sauce, mix together a tablespoon ful of flour and a half cup of sugar; pour over a half .pint of boiling water. Pour J W.s while hot over one vre.lj beaten egg; add.-the juice ofrtt lemon, half.lenspoonfu’i-pf vanilla and a stat ing of nutmeg. wet ' - J» ?f* ' ift ** a n * 'H ni i ii WHOLESALE FONTS. * * # ftftft? • ft ftfti> *t !*■'#* I ftftft wbm** i H a Mt|||ft'* M!fV fiftw* obßo> tt*"* f*r® "\to ft* ft j as * uft mw ft( ftjfVft** Y® ft Hniftf Iftifti ftHftftftl fftMftt*. TP BeiH h fillet Dn( Cl JOBBERS ( WIT ADS. FREM ADVBICnsiNO-TM* MEH ft 14* offer* Ift* umn mt Ift* • waat Ad"* column* I* tb«*v o*l to •mpi**?***** who are aeebmg work. A tittle si. at*'- tag gear caae simply aad gtaln'y. ted* - trig wlukt y«* van An and wfcat y**a • ill do It foe. saay and yea BCjdeaW# narkyimti. It to# done a* f«t many ethers W# «l#k car reader* ta fael ttot •bey are not imposing «a n* t»y mak ing are to ear frea advertlalag offer Tto Herald believe* la keep**# Wtoe and atnptoyetni informed to tbair mts j tual "vaita* SITUATION WANTED WANTED-A PttolTloN Tt> COOK ; (ft* tnNTfnakl nr n u ta- Can rotes well recommended. HI Talctot street. I nor 3* It HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN OF EVERT trade, carpenters, mason*, sea tr - sires*,-* and millhand* rtse-lslty, to, Ij. tn our Cuban and Hurt-, Rican ml- 1 j nnle*; plenty to work, good nay and tratwportatlun furnished For full par | oculars, maps, etc., address, enclosing ilO cents for p istage Pan-Amerlcaa : Migration Uttreau. New Orleans, Ist. j Drawer *l2. n»v 2d 2* 2* I I WANTED—I-ADIEM TO EMBROID ER. Good paving, caay work, aeut to I your home. Addreeaed envebtpe for j j sample and materials. Eroplr,- Em-; ' broidery Works. 23 Duane straet. Nrw [ j York city. n„v 2# : : WANTED AT ONCB—li« KPINNERH. ■ Apply George K. Selby. Clarks Al ! ley, Walker street. nov 25-J* WANTED —CHEMTUSbtEN WISHING I to engage tn the best paying t Aral ness ! tn the Mate can find such an opening ! |,y calling on the undersigned at the ‘ Planters Hotel. H, Frlabey. I nov Sl—2& TO RENT TO RENT—FOUR ROOMS AT 532 Walker street; per month. ; nov 2ii—2# FOR hire-one or two horse teams with drivers. Alt kinds qf haui i ing done. Bell Phone Dec 2 TO I.ET—Tfl'O HANPSOMK DOCRI.E j office*. *3 1-3 per month, all modern convenience*. Leonard Phlnizy. 702 | Broad street. Dec 31 TO RENT—Two nice furnished rooms. with or without board. Apply to C. H. Luhr*. Nov. 27 FOR SALE CREAM-CREAM AT 24 JACKSON BT. FOR SALE—PAPER FOR WRAP PING purposes." Cheapest in dty. one cent a pound. Apply at Herald office. Both white and news-paper. Nov 1 NO BETTER 5c CIGAR ON THE MARKET. R. c. NORRELL & CO., WMesale Dealers, U9IP. P Avene NOVfMfttft ft DO YOU EAT? Wm f ilftr — m*m **«# mrnmmm -l*T 0t ~** I*V- to •«* to «»*to **, ■*> *bs-« * 4s» » «• •««* tm* mm *~* «*** wmm wstob H. H. CLAUSSHN 1002 Broad St. §mm r»ft«i m f *m*m *B* CNftftM* ft ftiftftftift ftf* I ftftft | :*f *rt« 9 mm ****dflh§ ** mmm • * « * * ***** ***** t **m LOft T AND FOUflO*! iggry <•* THE MILL • *»«F( *>*l «MM,a .e > . bn*4l»4 , <mi ***• ; i/s*rat t«t. < .c >* i*to * • •• 1 1 o*o rftftp* ffti *.-l • fftftk *tm* MISCELLANCOU* [ a fFftw tmmrn t* iml ftf *l# | M** (Oft • ft#f*ft*» IftMMft* *** •' *«*-»-%!* *mm**m* mNNnMHi ******* *■ * "* • WRgNI e'ftMb ft* ftfft ( f * ft f**' *•** ft** tw*m (wii *M| Mt i # *l iftM ftN to*ft *% , special Notices. ThrO ISOIUOO Ihr 6 ftOIIKtOft CftfTTftlefftTft WIIX LDftfi HAL# ft HtUJ ift ftnu*AM •ft iftftftft Ift AmwmMm. Q* Tftfti f r«* f«*t ftft IttrOftt >M«fftftftft •mm UmK •( It* ft i ItHftift m » , «r Ut ft. O Brntwm . (ft ftrftfi a.(4» nftft.uitun w a nnm I %nt " nm **t («•«*tto» • v *!**!’ «*•» •*# | H (LKXAMftrfl THC WEATWBft ftmtcfti H*r tftlfif-*lh lft*fi w>4ii| fft n'rlmft ft ftt . SawrmHitt St, lift, —* -■ WiiV»l>|iiHi fnrtrtit * ftor Otftriu **4 ftcNftlk ltL* ft*i7 «o 4 #cH4*f Ift* Alftflt *it h f frftl9( tfft|f#fft*rt tH Ift* ‘teffetr. KitAdtf fair. tl lift DHCtllwrfC Lval forecast far A ugvHa sod vl riaHy f- Fair tonight and cwtder Fair The Mv*r at rigbf tbt* morning *a* »S f«d. « fgll to 1* fowl !• p**t 24 boot* j Tbe 'flora this morning In rratrnf osar tbe lower take regl**. wbiW tto ! high pressure are* baa Bond do*g the Misnowri valley. Raow I# faHtn^ - ovn til# low F-f likFf md u f** I per Michigan, also la centra! North Carolina and rain along tto coast from WUmtngton to Savannah. Tb* fol lo-vlg heavy minfatts have occurred ta the pax 24 hours: Galveston. 1.(4 tn (hen; PaU#' Ice 1.12; Jupiter. 124 j Temperatures have fallen sharply over ihe centra! and lower Missouri valley, thence eastward to tto gr,-at lakes, a tall of 24 degree* occurring at Havea ! port and 22 at Omaha, but c**t to tbe Mtwlaafppl river as a rule hlgbstr tem perature* prevail. D. Fisher, Observer. To Reorganise a stat# Regiment. Pittsburg. Nov. 26 —Order* were re ceived yesterday by the offleer* of the regiment to proceed to re | nrgfinlte as a state regiment. The or der, issued by Col. Frank I. Rutledge, Is as follows; “In compliance with G. 0. No. (5, |A. G. O. C. 8.. dated Harrisburg. Pa., ! Ncv. 18. 1898, all officer* of this regi -1 merit now In commission are returned 1 to duty, leaves of absence having ex pired this date. "Commanding offleer* of compsnle* are ordered to immediately proceed with the reorganisation rs their com panies, "The regimental armory *lll he open every day and evenlt g, and a anrgeon. field or staff offleer will be present ev ery evening for the purpime of render ing such assistance and giving such In formation as may be nec’ssary. The regimental comraf-nder will be present every evering for the purpose of super vising the work of rcorganlxatlon. •■AH officers of this regiment are or dered to report at regimental head quarters on Saturday evening. 26th Inst., at 8 o’clock, at which time com manding < fflerrs of companies will be prepared to report what progress they have made in reorganizing their com mands." CABTOniA. Bear* the _ Kind Ymi Ha» Always Bought Flop your cough. Tar and Sweet Gum will do It. Get it at Alexander Drug Co.