The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 26, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY 4 THE WISTI HCMIO .»«• - * * -- * 4§ gyp j * ** 4 1 OOfe*** to «u*si<*** «■'»* <**• •* “** p . #»*** ***•-•** Pap'itoP **• , , - mjjum Hap »«*—»<*■* * * **•*►* * (#***-.» «*MK ♦* *»»* f«‘** mrnmmmmml _ I nt maid wuNti UIMSMMIMI f*Tr .t m* | *>#*■♦#** dtp (feeP*P MMh A******* *to **• MM* |M»| (MNM*>^iF« ••»'* MS ttx »IU i inn me nU4Ui Id fey***** ■ V Mmml •** Kv* _ . _ _ .. ._ pp 111 top i toto—i* % 4* #Nto f wOMto# *•*•*' 1m ** 9999*0 * ***♦"• NNM#4 |* U. * 4* **» •*•** to"*** **>4 ypßpw* *«•■*■* i i* tfW*—l -a« t*» mm . , j If §i 41 *N* *>*"»*•«* * 'Mffllli™ i to *►» ?*■*• n *» ****** ** 0990 9*9* fulfill A<r*mm* 94*904 »■* ***»At»» IMM ** ! to* • alaaaia *p4 MdtotoMi **R **•**• ’ • #*»-«*■ m **RtoMPp ** *•'* *• 1 " 1 j dear* MM pawl* «•»* Mm "fife# Mf* | ptot IMh*mm e*m (to 'wto feaafe fea* •(••** HMto*'*"' 4 **• Oto Ml I* (Pvav #4 «*to*** B * ** tto «fe-PPls**«* WpffPf. (tot *4 MMA *#l payst-s It WaapiPg Mm wwMtf ppty MM Mto* toM tfe*4r in*** at tor, Jtortlt Carol IP* *««U to rkh tl tto tto to (Proivtp* *d#4 to h*t»4 •to *pM tor tor . , Ttof* to • prmmui <li>m «to’«< **tto ntoto «M tto ton* 4 Ttor* » sept *p* Ifc* Tartar Mr rto»''.*« I ton i of tto Atlanta fnanw ato to to* tot taiuu to to- IDU mw steel isnt worse (or hto rop»* tto tol’rf seema to to general that Jtpp. Jaa»a Maa»itt«* Law la will wo*** j .4 fear fc tn Cmigrea# wales# to shave*. Ctaaf ■Mat to hunting tor aaaexa ion - *n4 na ‘Tienftt. go»" mean# “a atoliAl f1.0a," H ntaata (or atawr pAfe*. Oepefsl Uarrta n#**4* Psutoy tor *to Cato a arM? Saww dot bit a itraat many of tto mlantarr mnunantora la tkto rwaairf. Tbr labaaarlltr rmarka: | "Mai Ha V, Calvin la aa prullto of bllla aa a ara tnrtla to of <»*» Ami then to not all to>! t>lUa alttot Vrimoat will taak* a l»rav<* «»t.-mpi to awfori-a Ito prohibition law. Hut jmt watch Iha Orn«B Mountain iKtjra (boat how graao lhr» »rr not. Albrrt W llllama of Otortoaton. W. Va , aay* hr was the mimed child whom John Brown kissed aa be was tolar inhen to hla eiecuflon. Mr Hugh C. Mlddleiiat has Just aomiiMed the orgaaltailon of a lec ture coime at Ralairh aud the pros pect# are bright (or a great success. The davunnnh Pres# thinks the bill tatroduced In the Legislature permit ting women 10 practice law la nn In dication that lbe silly season la here. Major Richard Henry Savage to commander of the First battalion of the army of Cuban occupation. It will rend well between paper covers. Harrison M. Seal, of Whitcomb. Hid., probably holds the votlnn rerord of that state. Ha voted for Jackson In I«2* and for each Democratic president since (hen. Congressman John H. Bankhead, who Is spoken of aa the auccessor of Mr Bailey, has been returned to Con gress seven times, a record for that state. He is a Confederate veteran and a self-made man. Dr. Bartlett, the late ex-prealdent of Dartmouth, retained the perfect dear ness of his Intellect up to the dose of the 80 years of his life. Only last year he was a close Sanskrit student and t> Wished n hook on 'The Veracity of the Haxateuch.” A recent letter of Joseph Jefferson r.-i.-u. Ins this Interesting passage: “I v.-.v. always loved music and 1 would c,t l give away for n great deal the Ill tic .that I know. 1 pretend, and 1 de dcrc U without shame, that after the oljgy, there Is no art comparable to music. When natural music is perfect ed by art we see. as far «* we are able, ill., great nod perfect wisdom of God in his fine music.” _ __ tttt fit if ******* I ll it jiffiii 9m $-*0 *** i#* |il ******** ** *& * **! iP* i §| m in *iii m *** j wss 14fTfe4y|4Mt mu 4 mm * wm m # *«••• j Mfe, * I itowi fetoragga \t»*m wmi p*m 90*i§ wmm IMMM *sf*b***« #4wi *• iMift *%*#** ' llmp# fWt **4*4 i IwMMi 9mm9 wW | : it mi mm’mmms §os 9m *• mmm ** •* - j Itmm 9m* mm m*m* •# m**m* i | *m*9 m 99** *99 9mm If tlfl 9* *99s** [ift 1% lilt 99nt N (p **s9* 9**99*9 i I lit liati lint 9g**9o9 fMMtif 99*9*99*0 *99 **9*n***%*9*o 999 90f*99 m*" **o 9 :<M**t* ,wm hvw * w* hto Mas trip to iftoWsM (to* feast. Ms* tMfe. Mswagfei M ;m asrint Sn*a< aw feto tows MNM to to" >M>»sf |p to M i»ws> thtoy-Bv* |sacs |*M Ifel fitMltNinlM T'fee ii feasts «f ‘to ■MMipey amSfeMt ilia# ha eaPtoffi ai’iwaia wf toss* dtolipp Mafe IM (to Npitotofe fi gpto# to *agaM ' a tor, ap4 *IR pwava (Hb *ll Tfe* * ala PMpy rtoMM tP fbavv* Mb* isafesy aa*i las tto Apwvloap iw 4ri S'H I pMtofy. tto rtaitoa <4 tto HP aaaa (to* II fee Mr iMKk etototo pp4ae Ifee pea Map faSHi nf ataa* of rtvtl »mg ay»a. whMh have pwt toap isaM tor pups j waik< pp 4 asfesa* wf a atotliat aa (PIP Tto Pssrf iplfesrta* fro R Ito o*4 •pppid ipaaw •* to apptiaP to KpaM at* thaaa rtotoM. CusasiAa- abla sum* 1 Of tatotpr PSPPap. ISrlpMsi IsfeiMstl A |p Ifee totoalal tr<adtrr the I roe hers' papa.ap fapP of SP.MM towns Mr, arts atonrtod Pat lag tto taal Para of tto Pgaal** arrwpatlop apP asare rwpvogto to tto poptaaata At* leaifOa ara ass being Made to recover ttosw aiaonata hot the a arc* so of tto j rPorts la eopalpeted Poatrtful Tto settletaeat of tto (smUm of tto Rnrto H <an carroary la of III# first Import* aacs to tto tetonta t aalaeoa and tbers ila po IsttsaptloP of ap arr«n«t m- nt betna rear tied to tto aawr future Com metre le timid and rone* rvanve. I and IP conaequeat * exchange u at IK. j Aamiiraa nilaam* have naea asking I many <om e**b<as from the military authorities but none baa been granted The authorities will not hind the Fnt* teP ptatea la a way which mas latolva future obligations. Otl Hit got* AMD MABTTII Tto Herald has made arrangements for a complete serine of hantksome souvenir portfolloa of the tala war each one la complete In Itself, typical and patriotic. This souvcoir edition of Our Na tlop’a Heroes will appear one each week, and lias eight numbers, Jfutnlter On*. “The Maine Album.” la now ready It la a superb memorial num ber, devoted exclusively to the Maine, Caplain Rlgsbee, the crew, tieneral La*, the olDcerw. and Ueneral Blanco. All the Interesting scenes aaMM-lated with Ihe destruction of our giant bat tleship and her heroic crew. There are only a few of these alliums In oue olllce and they are offered exclu sively to Herald subscribers at JO centa apiece. THS SUNDAY HERALD. Tomorrow's Issue of The Sunday Herald will be one,of the most Inter esting and complete editions of that sprightly youngster appearing since the initial issue. This has been a momentous week, fn the loeal a* well ns In the foreign field. AU the Issues and events which have florae up In that time will be presented In a com plete and well digested form. Not only will it be full or newi, but all of Its various departments social, In dustrial nud literary will be cover ed. It will be a great Issue and you can not afford to miss It. Blanco has resigned, whleh Is different froty eaylng Blanco Is re signed. HIGH LIGHTS. The cheapest vase on the mantel piece never gets knocked off. There ts room at the top. but there is shads* and rest at the bottom. Laughter is like playing a cornet prettier to listen to than to look at. When a woman wants to Improve a man'* opinion of bsr, *ba flatter* People talk until they sre old, and then discover that the way to Darn is to listen. TJHJC ATTGkTTBTJh. HBKALD Current Comment ami CHpfwiif». t.*4P» •* ftiN* || , if # *%* '*mm +>** *,* tijm "W- a* tir- Off lr -r-Qiit# fen# 'Hk4 IP* tonp»»—Mmi *■>>'» a*4 ftofto* Orsp omm mmmm a kmm FawP M (to Itovtop pato* to giasiv biMMaai, ; a*a towtotoHM (fell tin lip tfc ip*"* 1 0091 •• ip* * 1# po’iritip t 99* •m Ip trepreia to *|h 4 999*99*999* 090 • mr.-tmmm-* 14-1 * •t * so* I •*!» tpa t* * MMI 99$ m 9**999 *9*4 * *99*04 Ml ••• flint 1 — (• to to**. I feiewM* rfefwtovks tt fvgtolto to to atop *featto» ito p!«m «»* *4 »•«• tot (»to» hto tto pMw# t>w wf o*ataa*a (ktodto wttl pvwaa p aa*M* *4 toagPfPitop aaP anfa ly Par Ha **to« rimswH ton Haaaana. yiattwlt TV (haw* Hefeww aptaatog tato aar fwav* at" iiMra~i‘~ *t. h Mr (to ad auakafafecvalP maha aavw that hla ripara prp rUg*"4 PP4 hla l**4P ft SMI pwwtp. to* Ito <-a4y tkWgawde* 1 pfellpPetpfela TlMto Thro* IpPM MM »lat<4 lo "*• grawa (taa Mkblpaa would tuPleaia that f~lagi"»i'a la P«d tto to l > grapt aad well kaowa aaj>- th*ra What Chamacay toys Waahlpgtoa PM Mr Depaw appaarw lo ihlah that (teatlav require* the *arvs*oa«# a good •lory teller la tto.l’aHed »*»*• toa* jtofe Chanca lo Breath* Agala ’ Detroit Jaarsal If Ito admlalatraUoP dwaa'l tara ! (a !• paw a Re apt or Harrow*, this atata will aot aai«4a from ito aahm SacoraP a MaaPy Jp*. j Chicago New* Governor Hlarh fe> m«de«t!y waiting (or aoMMbody to awggaat kh name for the senator ship la New York. Might .toara Ifea f*reml»r. : Nashville American Hocretary f*<>Pg ought to map Rag** u a srhefeula of warship* now build ing la this douair) Han lha Hair I Httsburg Crass Now If Mr. Kangwill roold hick, he ' has the hair. Not Living Up to Hla Jo*. j Washington Star. Mr Reed ha* not Justified the so* | brtaaot of exar by Issuing any p*»c* I note*. In an Old Southern Garden. In colder clime* Boreas reign* In king ly might; Penns the north wind all the livelong night: While nature's ermine wrap* bedlght, The hreaat of mother earth. Here tn this sweet old garden roses bloom; The clinging fragrance of a summer past. Haunting their petals’ rich porfume. Crimson and red they glowing stand, Yellow and gold for my fair lady's hand. Each crimson bud. like unto my lady'# mouth. Km lib-ms of beauty filled and languor loving Smith, With all their velvet softness and Ihelr wltrhlng Hie. m Down by the gnrden w.all, ahy violets grow. A fragrant memory of fair springtides long ago. Reflecting back the blue of Southland skies. Finding their image In my lady's ax ure eyes. And pansies nestling by the garden path, Turning bright faces, toward the mari golds so tall, A wealth of purple, lilac, pink and gold. A rainbow tnaxe of rolor, In this quaint garden old. In pompous ranks Chrysanthemums how, Old fashtonul xinroas dream. Defying frost and winter, my Lady’s treasures gleam. And here lit russet tinted gown, She walks the garden up and down. Her fait' face blooming like a flower, Bring s hack the tender spring-time hours. And summer# green-leafed loveliness, With autumns glowing fairy lore, The mystic runes of Halloween, aud Joys full score. AU the radiance and the sweetness Of each season's bud and flower. My Lady'* lip* and eyes reveal, In tht* floral Southern bower. —BERTIE EMERSON TARVER. Place yon tinier for fall suit with E .1. ilenty A Co., populai"‘priced tailors. fTMTiBUCOSSIpJ ' Ttototofet *rn, WF3Sm&:i*f \* o*-<M 000*0 *9 m9m*/9* **o ||*« m*rn tftpf 9m* *9 099* *9*m 9* PPh-" pi a M..i r 1 ii piUyia *9 000*9**% 9*9*99*00 ftmm lip •pf’ftNPl ***** h 9 i h* rHpFtoipf|i IP lip 90** WUPif 9* fi# rtp»tr-ttlflt# liirPWiP *t Hi I a i»«p #« *9*o*o* m * # * l> VJt*f* fPtoMMkiH lire# MfiPP mm ***** p Pi* fMtofef IP 9*00*099 ■ i WpfPP* ipp ***■#* mpot *m* tMN< rpaip m Ii * i»4«a ipi»P#i I s , I h 14 9k*m 009*4*0* I VtHttah ropPffHil tiitPMf IP fa - !t» tlP* 99990 m ********** 1 99900** ** 9ho9omm >f^a#»re I Oil) Mpr man IP »**& !*•>* •«* j«n Iftdta. Up* <4* ***** «• pM ; iPftPßd*f ** 99 9m49*A* o*4 pfwpprC | WpMor BppM tWtifca *N* •»* T**o*t Hrt4#*> ofP tia **%•'•* IP* * (pMp #»tfp»«# o*9* 14»4 #ofiml IP lia jS-rIP. I (*«n«<ta Na* 9hrmm *6 ho* mm* atliin# i« (h M**U4 * * ? f (4»f»l* I4*rt»*% ‘fip girt *t Cpaapth a»4 INfl «»• I Jack--" Maud say* toe Mi madly tn •**» with her new wheel NVll-Anotfeer Ildar* Whet* man la dtsptared by na* j icNiiwry. ' ,Ito* Wh ** yep to auspeel he had torn vMllina the attotk eaay. Her—He anok” with su(h dlflV ully.—lndiaoat*- j A at aald that the tuoprletnra °f Nfrtnibin Tfenaa Have «-b*ar»d tv*> «* t.yi 1 heir i*t»ublic*tt«n at lh* Flu yclo|>«edlp« ijUltannhs. The right hand, wfcl h la more sens!- Uy\e to the Much thah the teD. ts teas sensitive than the latter lo the effect of cold or h«**i, London and IJver|x»>l are both at the level of the sea. Glasgow Is thirty feet alxtve It. Manchester fifty feet and Bir mingham S«o feet. It coats alx and seven cent# a t>ound to raise cotton In the south, white at present the pi Ice* the planters get arc less than I cents a pound. TJie largest workhouse In the world Is Ml Liver!>ool. and It has accommo dation for no fewer than &.«<in Inmate#. It Is not, however, often filled. Jnck—Do you think she I* the wife of the man she is with? Tom-—Certain ly. Don't you see thin she monopolises the opera glasses—New York World. Little Marie—f know what 18k. In a ‘gagement ring means Algernon— What? LMlIe Mai M—The klssrs It takes to get engaged-odewelcrs' Week ly. Julia—Here's a writer w ho says mar ried people ought to live acroa# the street from each oilier. Charlie —That wouldn’t do at all.! Th *y’d fall out about things they'd Irbrrow. Jim—What an egotistical chap young Mucgatroyd Is getting to Im*. Dunlap —Ah. that comes of living in u flat. Jim What' that got to do with It?—Dun lap Why. a person feels so big when he's In the average flat—Chicago News. Mr. I’tnkle *lO p. tu.)—My dear, the doctors says a brisk walk before go ing to bed will Insure steep to insomnia sufferers like myself. Mrs. Pinkie—My 1 dear. I will clear the room so you can walk. Please carry the baby with you. —New York Weekly. 1 The wife of a dynamo tender went to a haberdasher's tu buy a necktie for her husband. She selected a brilliant red one. ready made whereupon the young and inexperienced salesman.with compassion for the future owner, was moved to remark. ''Excuse me. missus, is this tie for your husband?" "It is," said the woman. "Don’t you think ha’d rather have some «|her color ? I’m afraid he won't weauihls red tie” "O. yes, he will.'' said the woman, firmly, "lie'll have to—he rd* ad.” tUllft NT M », rirr.*sra *» j '««#*.*# pi **6 Wm* mm l «## 9mm mr # *■* iom* j-yy a-y-p-rs f t f m Vka 4 I- I* lip | 94*m*900: 9$ Ump m *9*o*99* ■ ' to#- f f-f-"if #**?:•■*##♦♦ ihtof 1 ; MH|f i topmi * n* to# -■ ,s*.<* $*- * i m m i% -■ tmm «|p4 typpi o** **o*o*°* t f* 1 "J «a 1 m i% 99*-■* Ip 4 g *■■■* 90 t ito fN to #### HHMlto*# 1 r ftj ii* ri'P ffi Cl *oo* 99L - 4 ft PNM* f m I,kito a*atPV > <r'iP-- L*p Hr* 99t0f * BJ+ 9* m * „ tofc A i, ('o!*pN > a. Sit H— Dr I * pppretiii *9 yN’f a* pi# tanpiMi *9 NppStN, tiurtlN*re %*** h**m it l«**i «p* moll <i#4sm* ***** 9* m*np*% ii U«tot Tto a'ffwpt as »la by Dr, Fvcta*. *ho hoMevaa that tto cold will ptak« tto dtacaaa »u«h »<»' I fra m * Mlf petaf (firm Or’ Nov. N -At their few rear Girtsrrlfem W*dt*aday Mr and Mra B. U Dorr lay cdcUrad ttor i iftieih ifNlisi niiv«*H7 *9*%* } p**rt> ftiPtit** ttw|j)r pffi Ohio pjktpfpfp, NptiPft N##P roarr »-<i pt itrak.m a Ndl**, of (ha Pbtabuf* and Western rsllroad. as* t-cob <!■'* fa tally Injrred at Da KkfsH Wfeißesday , Ills home is at Trucefl, Ts 1 Ashland. 0.. Nov. 34- *»••* ih* 'jmictcrify out of the Kigbtb regiment 4he members at* more (fotrrptlfted than 'ever not to g*> tto ‘h* Nr MuXl uOard funder Col. Hard. A "roi»4 robin,” signed hy every captain SBd most of ' the other officer*. rrqneat*4 Col Hard, Iftent, Col. Dick, Qoartermaalcr K»- llna and Adjutant Maynea to reaign. or all of the cfle-ra and private* would resign. The reorganlxatlon contem plates MaJ. Vottrath. of Bucyrua. for colonel: MaJ. Waybrecht. of AlUaaqe. for lieutenant colonel, and Cipt. Mar- j quins, of Manrfi«ld, for one of the ma jor# Lieut. Col. Ick finds himself In , disfavor after all. Columbus, 0.. Nov. 2fi—Radlc Tuohy- | Allen was severely, and possibly fatal- ; ly. burned late lh!« afternoon, her j dresa cntchlxg fire from an open grate. , Radio Is but 15 year* of age. and two j wreks ago ran away with and mar- ! rled a man named Allen. Her mtther : caught her immediately afttr the cere- ; nroay was pcrformctl and forced her to : return to her home. Mr*. Allen ha* : tut n despondent ever *!nee. and the 1 nflghlmrs say that she hag threatened ! to commit suicide If her mother did not. cease her Irterfcrence In her lote nffalr. Whether the sad affair this af ternoon was an accident or designed, is net known. Mrs. Allen Is too 111 to tallt. Toe Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and liound on to the afTei ted parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with pain 111 the < hest or side, or a lame hack, give it a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt roller which It uffords. Pain Balm Is also a certain I'ure for rheumatism. For sale by Alexander Drug and See Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Another Dewey Victory. Boston Herald. » Bully for Dewey again! He has re fused $5,000 for a magaline article. And «;et he knows how to fire one off. Fire at Hertins. Half of hts store ts filled with Fur* nishingt. Woollen Undershirt*. Socles »tc . ana the other half la filled .with the finest Woolens for Suits. Trousers and-Over Coatings. These roods are not burnt, but U you busy them they wmifd l>et as U'vMi were on fire. !*4 Broadway, opposite Planters' Hotel. For The Soldiers! Htfuiaiion Gauntiitf Affiliation Hats Officers' Hats Flannel Shirts Wooian Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUITOAS Swords and Officers* Equipments Uniforms tn Order Overcoats to Order DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 **G‘TCid Tj»tf Arfirtl.’ Yttr L'tciff C» B; CrritiT luiittl in tNAM# Mi# IN# 4* ***** **» to/t* it ff.iv fWfc"oi Itoto# *f* f g«j •s<) • *toto k *AO 9 I**#* •tot 4 ?*«a v a a Y •«.# )4>f «<>* »*•. 9*oo*9* §*#•#» re* ii*# **#4m#N#*# itowf Nt I ID* Rk MMMRf * 9m* Tire *«* n#» 4*- tqrr* *4 *4* mt* *9 toll# ft *9 *** F* *9O «(fN •! ‘lii* |>«#ffif#4«*to* tore #*^4 *• I ft#* #df—<*** N IN* 0f o*9 |«4* M*oo * *M*t# p* ref. toto l * l * tto#* canto# m IM» fk i fe>i# toiwiP’i ito toN IN* • >f«l tore** •»* Jo*9 IV g* r«i m mN» rrts#* f*a i Clifk SUfP i. iVeqda atoav* «*ff»vi«f Ika « oitgto. OsMk n«sn*»#*» «e |-r. nrh>a I. «•« alii Pa* a I«#*tiv* cure hy aatag r Tar **4 ff««*l ((Ml—R iltiatder Drii Cfipuj :i« BROAD DT For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices in all sections of the Several of J. B. White's new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey j A 3 Library BuilJiag. MUTUAL LIFE INSURfINC.E COMPANY OK KENTUCKY A bn. .lute I m-ontestable Policies from pate ot Issue. lanrwt - - - - Lowest Premiums tell liters Wanted; rail or wtlto H. 11 STEINER. Spadal Agent, 418 Dyar Building ■EACnTAYTEEii THE nERALD UupiMeNITWtiMeDITMW'fRfISPT DfUtt "Tall A A —s, itlTp/lS 16 17|18;i9 ~>VTj» fi'i* sijJOl 'S' Cl" NOVEMBER 70 t.\fr»vi WiUH ttaiaL Ot» pm* kmow #>*i inn* i ip (| gtpai to4#p4Plftoa *( lha •tfahffHt P# WUr ■« HalM t I IMBO* *#to «O#M iMHiI. t*o|t* Milt ffksH* Ami MPlttoM *< |ha (MtofMt WMM (hePha* art ifto »* Pd)M • 9*o f> «* bwiuop 2i €•«(• L 1. Gwatllfe Druggist CIIHIMT4S CHKiOS. I (MVt fipdd fi# up. Offed (R) ' UHJ<|‘ Ml* **f f >fPt (SM ChDalfßto nrrirwHtoP, *MMr = »tf«l WMMfMKWMVa tfvtnife at [a low ran** of tK*:** ! *oe# 60c an*t ?Ac aructoa. Otol toart untH lh# ruah lof tftto t**t woo* or loro. inj| too* Mound to* and mAltiyauf aatoctfemp. No w«»v.t»** in •»'«>* ff.wwi* W* arm a way* <»•* fttiad to nav# you took afound tn* •ton*. • 1.1 Gndt'li. Druggist top aa*** •*«*#• aaaaato—to PROF. P. M WHITMAN. fut ?tfc St. Un*tt. o*. •tninii mn»n •« • ssfiyrtd. ,r ” w FREE OF CNARuE JzlrjS >»KH ■ COAL and WOOD raoai thk Ncrlh AcptiU Coal A Supply Co triiHTl , | «t d VitaiMf l#n»ra»loo4 F W BCOFIEU). PRESIDENT B*i '» ■«- 4 Us Mi Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants- We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationary. All goods finest made. Richards & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. CUMWH-BloK MKKC HAM*. 803 PeyoGlds st^TfleplMitSft i link h .in r>Ufn to New tori Chicago and New Orleane. Order* executed over our wire* for Colton. Stock*. Bond*. Grain and Pro. trialooi for rwah or cm mar*ln* leioai aecurltlea bought and aold. Referenced —National Exchange Bank of Augueta. or Mercantile Agenclew. FOH SALE. Number i 2 Tei-alr atreet—Four room house—Lot 40x150 feet. Ten acres of land on the Sand Hill*, near Hotel Bbn-Air. IJwellhi* o' 12 loom*, stable, barn and eervant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Thtee email hou*>'B and lot* on Sand Hill*. Will *ell separately or all. at a bargain. 87 Acre* of land near Rrlghtsboro road, one mile above city's new water basins. 50 acres of land near Mllledgevllle road, seven miles from court bouse. AI’PLY 10 Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! gB-l beg to notify mv friends and customer, that I have added another chelr to mv Barber Shop, making six flrat-class Barbers, end I hope to accommodate my customer! without waiting HQT AND COLD BATHS. COME EAKIT AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 21 if A 211 Eighth 6>t.. OPPOSITE ARUHUTOS UOWEL.