The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 26, 1898, Image 5

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ratuaoay 4 GREAT REASONS **& **& (gs &,rup*A*aa iKm WY She* *l*4 Udt k* adl* « iht fc* ** tkM Mk }t*4 W< d(Wr our Mimtl iKnxtfh ih# Aatly P4 pen thoMMiwli ol «Km» «mm *4 ***** 4*Y W Wi k«r (St «o b**k us iKm im if«aU tfidw'i m <hMff»mn«Bttc«M hm. «h Our kbc#dl*y In Mtilmc c\**m k» *t>r ii IcaU n th< trump w»r4 iK« U«4» ym uidf. THATS our poker, b crcdfcf* codkkiv* j , t L/Al U'/j'iJcm '1 •nm-Tf-vm *w craoijuMi m>i frr. •>« la *• »K'*tai iaw) all •mamr**** «M asto####** mim a# tk# H«au Bp# ___ k« m> Twrrmn mat * OR. HENHV J. (.ODIN. MaWM •»«•«»**’ iHi ~ !•»*«<» aad naliamaaa. N<* ii . f ggraet. aaw kaa# Bbs*## Fwateeir M t.t »»l WHSVI.VAMA NKWJ. Owia»|!«t Hi# Pa X«* M.—Al tk# Ha4r.«n afc >p «.f tka Hattlgwr* Ml OkK> ralU>>#4 yeairrdar MwnOM ••««•# *“■ HI, «4Mi# atapdwg am a stdtdg a#»» ik# VoudkWdVßr la tom* «>• tar.oo# amn op#a»4 Vr tkeott!#, alt boat lk# aM of pastoft la Ik# #a)r. »l It an mount **afi«d Horn Ik# Main* alikoai a ami •«* haul Tka aiM-kaalra ataadißg afccni «*aM 4a a.xMng and tk# »agtv •#•! M» Ik# Ml at Ik# aidlbg abd i>limc#4 taw ik# Tout a SV< Ik»»*» af# ana #a*««#<l la ratala« Ik# *a«»«# from )k# rl»#r. •ttatua, I*». Mr* R»tk#r l.urt# re turn #4 jr#st**4a) isl« a tala aaarrk for k#r S-r#ar«M am. Mokrtc# «rh<» •a# kattprsd aa# kt<ki*pr#rl On Orio k#r *1 Ik# kojr aai plated la kla rrib gad l#ft la #*»<trg# at kla elder krmk-r, ak» was alao <tcH# je nag. akll# Mr. and Mr#. Lart# «#o< to tkrlr gnr*nr Wh.n ifc#)r returned in ten aiautr# ik# rkild kail myslrtioualy i*'aapr#ar#4. aa4 tk# brother »•« ua akl# to asy what bad h#< no# of k m Mr# fair!# aaa lnfnrme.l by a fnriua#- irllrr that lb# rkild had lr##a kidnap ped try a band or gypstea and aaa atili all##. la IM7 Mr. Thomas M<lni"«h »f Al l#t>to«n. T'-irn.. bad an attack nf d ya rn tary «kirk became throttle. 'I »'«« treated by tk# bent pbystrtaas In East Trngw#. without a <ur»." h# aay#. Finally I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Choirra and Diarrhoea Hmooty. Aft#r u#lnc about tw#lv* bottles I »vaa «ured n un: and wtll." r r sal# by Abaan- i d#r Drue and »##d Co.. C. H Parr at i B#d Tow#r Prog Co. No on# kno-e* how 'tnpty .one men rpally ar# until they get full. CABTOZIZA. Bun u» Tuggle & Hollingsworth Will ran th«onty Mid.wtntrr Y.*< or#k.ti to Atlanta on Monthly, Nov. 2* leaving Au «u*l« al > a m. cty 'one- IMaiain* .nvr Atlanta at It |> B'. Tut#Jar. »OT. 2!>. arrive Aucit#tn arW f*. m. Only $1.95 for kounUTrlp. Fine Rich Jewelry! Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Souvenir Spoons, Brass Tables, Fine Lamps, Silver Novelties, Vases, Fine Umbrellas, Clocks, Military Buckles, Military Buttons. Win, Schweiprl & Co.. Jewelers Ukß KM (M b S| \A M*API V u bal aa *•«*■ ta tk am*m Nw M bay * t war <mm~ a*tb#d aa ****** 1 anaai wih».~ m ka# ka#kt#on» *1 «na t ! ka#n» that ta 4a *HI tk# a*a#k# amt *ta.ka of aM kataakapwrii wktrk *>**• mat M# at aaa# b#4a# • WWI. 4*l tkfwta tk#w »•#»*' initial k#r fibM "•#» «k#» a#» a t mmm **ntm than VMM tfcta* at Oaal ««aaa* I ka** laaM aa aa*. an ta akb k I .aa pal tk#* ta tap haaa that t awha tk# «#a Mk* #a»» #»*.*f arfap. la lk# rmt par*. «M a **#*#*#* ia #aM a at#- a ill rt#aa a tadona atnwaat •a a*il aa hot aat##. map aa4 *kMk4 aad •til aa« tajat* tk# ha»4a aa* half aa aM#k W.«t4— far pnttakiM aMf ram, tk#t* la aatblac britar than a ##. a|nt#t whl.fc kaa tnaa niapbd •ad ndt#d a boat la lk# band* aattt It la a# aafl aa fla# i#atb.r Aft#t tk* rook lag la av*r I auk* oar «ti rraak m«M aM *#«•!>« 1-### la k#f kaoda »#4 rob ik# lop aad aM#a as tk# raagr TPI# t#tao». • tk# gr#a## galrkly and k#r|» tk# raag# la #ir#u#at «w4i:s«a If d«w# ofsa* R#*ry aaomiag w# rub oar kalrbrw#k#a altk 1 pad at a#w»* pag#r* Tkla maun lb# daa« aad b«#ga tk# bnuk## rl#aa aad fc#altky. | Alao. M malax# to tb#4r kiag Ilf# aad I utility "Tcarlag oM a#*apa|t#r» lato ahr#4a 'of a gJrrn l#agtk la aa #m|»laya»#at m%k\ I find aaua#* tap rhlldr#a ttrratfy. aad k—pa tk#aa aat of mla , bl#f What pomlbb na# -an t fad for tk# ahrwda* Why a «t#at many. Tb*y raa h# pat lato waaktaa ti«-h». aad If fr*qn.-nt!y rhang#d mak# a «■*"! and rumfortabl# twd for a atsall child. th#> ar* alao #ar#ll#at for parking fragll# auirnar tkia*» away, aa good aa »*r#Ubir. aad prart bally roata oa« notblDi p# lababl* fruit If laid away la hoa#a furrouadwd by »b##t after ah##t of ol«: n# warn par. will lata aUaoat la d#flnlt#ly. “Aa a aubaillut* for paper fell under carp da. tk# pld a##a|ui|f ra mm# In hand), and on* -nu> have a# thick a rotrrlaa of them on the floor aa on# w taken, by atm ply aavlng up for a few v e#> tc r ■'Th« a# ar# only a f#w of tk# ua#a 10 whlrh I put our old n»w»pap#ra. II * ottld reqiiir* a big bcutk to tell you all of the thing* I do with th.-m, and [of the many dollara I manage to *ave • very year by simply pr*-eulng them into aervlee." Quality of Mercy. The quality of merry la not stratned— II droppeth a* the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath; It la twice bleat; It bleceeth him that give* and him that lakes Tls ml ah i lest In the mightiest; It be come a The throned monarch better than his crown; Hia sceptre shows the force of tem poral power. The attribute to awe and majesty, Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; Hut mercy is above this sceptred sway; It Is Enthroned in the hearts of kings. It is an attribute to God himself; And earthly power doth then show Likes; God's When mercy seasons Justice. Shakespeare.. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Some women are as flighty as some bank cashiers. Some men like some fences don't amount to much until they get a gait on them. The man tvho acta contrary to his wife’s advice and falls never hears the last of It. The woman who always tells the truth tells about nine unpleasant ones out of every ten. Speaking of w*!l preserved women, Lot's wife was probably the beat of theta. Chicago News. One form of conceit ta to give yottr own photograph as a Christmas preHf'iit. ,_ _ , - TBS jKXJG*TimT<A HkttkUk M:kk k MMWSHMf I f%| 4N41 ttpMi [ Vths Ibwuai r. ligai IgM '#* ■#'#« ba jaaa ta* f m aoai tgm tt Ma turn «iat (Ml 1 f%e l« aa ... aykand inaat eg IMb Rkft ■*-1 * iw'is rnNI (MN(MI IMR m*mm» \*mm <l. 1 mww at «k» #daa* «t Mm#'" [ flm *kaaparti«ne» #4ga»**##4 .baa* «a anew Ml 14* ibMMU id Maaaaa I tkw.ibt ptgm ! n» tkakaa ctawaif Mnmt d—■.#■*» f *Mp wda bag# Ma aam aal ban 4b*#» ■ad (VtbkA law I b II M W Mi'lMa at dim tkw «##»<wd •li# «# b#a atiad aa tka *##»* #a •** •mm m— ikM <at Tk# kMIt a# Ik barn ktgk fk» dTU#ka IBM ka# «tMM4 «f«* tka naMMuin mmnt as t##» May «i» •• mtmm Ik# alaa# law *ela»-ag^eHa# Tka pnkfw wkand m kafiaw— was da mar*4 kp •## yxiaekPt d pawb a tdHM waa '#t|Mr*4 «p tk# ma 4 rwak *ar a#kn y Manbaaaa la eapaftaaetbt a H***r and mm* *m**4 rvHgbma iwyHwl ala* it mat*# gwmkaea ka## kaaa *44*4 ba lk# tTtrtatiaa tfc*t*k dtarlpd lk# paal *"t Ba-ibn Imaa. imtm laaewrtdg# ml aaaawd mk#t pramitaea* .«»•»#*• ar* ta ark tag bar • pp#4aa bn Ma#t IMert. aaabHtaad I* »kp ftMWdi kawaa of #mr* rartbw bar yonatag 1 awai##f»tt <<4a M Oramf Rapid* Ibtrai* MW a . Key Bl—Tk# ik#m k#*a of lk# Typographbwl l‘abm and lk# lbn:4<n tag PMwtr*P aad PnM>*k ara‘ darn. laiMR ka** ymartbpTly agraad la Ik# aalaW tkmral of Ik# at** knar work day at <m# Tk# «al w klada llaatf la mad# e##r» i*a#oaakl# .g.rf 1 |o kar# a aiatllar arr»ag#al#al affvrted 111 all Ik# Htl#a wktrk I .wni#t* wtifc t tel roll la print tag. Ironw md. Miefc . Nor. Sd.—Mapr*- aaptatloe T. C- l%a»b#rlata. "Tk# Tall Pin# of tk# OepMe.’* M la tk# Mat* lor apeak## of lk# boon# of r#P rearaiaUtea la tk# neat Uglalaiar*. aad I# la *0 #tay. H# M d#lly #»#?#»- MM cordial amaraarea of a»pp«ut lm» »bestfriej; W£& a^ \i r* fH | I 4L 9 More V an 500,000 American women have taken McElree’s Wine of Cardui during the past year. These women were afflicted with every kind of “female trouble.’’ The reports received indicate that ninety-nine out of every hundred of them were com pletely cured by the Wine of Cardui treatment It has been established beyond question that no other medicine sold to-day is so certain to relieve the suffering pecu liar to womanhood. The highest medical authorities and the most prominent women in every State in the Union agree that ol Cardui cures all the ills ot women and puts more sunshine in their lives. You can get Wine of Cardui at any drug store and take it in the privacy of your own home. The price is SI.OO per bottle. Nolan, Mich., June 6, 1898. I think McElree’s Wine of Cardui and Thedford’s Black-Draught will do as they arc recommended. I have used them both. MK,S. ANNA L REID. Cowpens, S. C, July >4. I suffered four years with inflammation and falling of the womb and at the monthly periods the pain was very severe in my hips, back,’ head and bowels. I have used three bottles of Wine of Cardui and some Black-Draught and I feel as well as I did when I was sixteen. MRS. ANNA POSEY. Brookvilie, Tex.. Feb. 25th, 1898. My menstrual periods have been very ir regular both in time and color. They would return in every 24 or 25 days and last from five to fourteen days. I would suffer almost death from them. I also had heart palpitation. I wrote you for advice and followed it with reference to medicine and also in baths, in jections and diet. This month for the first time in two years I passed my periods without paigs. MALINDA JACKSON. gfflTFor advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, ladies’ Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn."PRF AOYAL rowpf r 4pvdtt HIT iMu ---- - •■» I %*m Tfk WHIRr kW *lpp I viMdßiikMP fMkWkR <nir»kMp» 49 iMMt 1 n** I thf iirltUrf •IM» M ] its Mk'*** 1 * * k «** # Ink* rNkimm pit wk , 1 pi #ie» itppMii •#%<'#• «HP ] «mmm • 1 ia* fVMpti w PT*?•“ j Mama Pa«a »k# dlaabw Man taamd -1 tp#fl Iwll pf tt* m mg* Pi . • .i-iip** | kkf ppf HiMBUi I kpifMpt «4B* pflh | ; (Ip mwdw <tMb f *»*# Ma* iaaknad twaagkl tka »••’* k#** #a*aa »W *k« j »# bn wkl#k mm ****** af*## kiaa •**# Mil ***** MPa M# dwti tMi’! ***** , agm. «Mbbk b**dat* HMk Bp* ““ V,! trail* tak* ka#* kMt| oatmdat aMk> **• tk# *%»•** wf •»*•* | . 4M« kk» kp*M wbaead Tk# •(«»• »#w*tag piw»#w»f- af*-# a** I ## ***# tk#l >».•* ia#*fa;i» ka>*4*4 tb*t If* J «r»Nr# tratwnw •"» •»# lakkafk a# | •k> ••** as Aka* Rtf #•* • -»d m*» b* j :«•*# *• *k< k l*» ka*4 kMk Ma waa ■m«>#4iatal« 4Maka»##* Nrrkiag kaa *•»• k*»#4 «f Tbaak If :«rki*a al w M 'tmaa* W 4. waa M ' t*r#*arat bla iboagkt ik*t ik# aaa* j oi l ka id»'«kt'*» aaw aP-w** tk#.* b #* . itraipt t * >«tet lk# Hf# la#..*#* mltry i#4*a eaM fc# Ttatak If tr^i# * lirflarr kla death I* a»twaWy pro*ad jmiMNnsm r m wi •llllwat## M.aa Na* Si Rl*#* l>w kaa r*t»n#l from M*aa Ikveb. ; ak*f* k# *otreatlaal#d tka daatk at Ida ' t aat kar. M# stated today the! ik# 1* iia •, dookt hot tkat kta bfwt ka# ****' iMttad aptetda hot tklaka it waa don* wklla ka waa aal#*p Tk# aaerdr# tk*. <wy adraarrd by aotn# had mm fuwpda* 'ilea wkatr### M.aneapolia MMui. No*, id,—TV Votaatwn of AmtVa mud tu og#a • kttaa# f«# o.#a who awt b* temparar. tty «ifortunate tp Ik# m»lt<c *4 re ployaaeal. Tka pien te Ur laralali a todgtag house. a wood bed and hath room TV at#* will alao V aapplted ' roll# aod a rap of roke la the 1 Slorm Ufa. k>wa. March 27. I*9* I can never think y«u enough (or Wow al (ardui and Black Draught tea. Strut I have token them lice! H* a differint penon. My friends at# tsking the medtcinM since tiiey sec what they hive tunc for me. ROiE f.3AUGA St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 28,1898. My wife used two bottles of Wine of Cardui while we lived at Toledo, Ohio and it cured her disease entirely. She has a friend litre who needs it Please send a book for GUST. LENING. Fairbum. Ga., March 28,1898. I am improving greatly in healffi from taking Wine of Cardui and Black-Draught. I was run duwn and in bad shape when I commenced to take the medicine February 17th. At that time I weighed il9. By March I7th, I increased to 124. I never had my menses with us little pain as last month. MRS. FANNIE DIVINE. Oberlin, Ohio, April 5,1898. f enclose the names of four ladies. Please send them literature about Wine of Cardui. I hope they will take the medicine and be benefited by it as much as I have. I have been under a physician’s care for years until now. It is a source of wonderment to all my friends that I am improving so much. MISS STELLA HOPKINSON. I Sub # -x * * fi'SPMI * ■%*» *-S •- * » (||||| »H>M [Mm «a«* «M» a# be# mo mop-* a da# j I * .j- M. It mo. Mm# waaMO* S Mpp i 1 MPMiM ** pMp “i •• i«H Clip* Ram wiN b# pbrnad m #ba#gp* 1 bmhdk Morn Boa V b d IN* l d|A 1* " 0 00$ 1 RfNMp [it iii» #Tiff vp ||| jjitn r |pai ' tk. 9mm «*•»**•* * *»• ti* ! UpHllt tNPft «MW% ip • * 8 »fcit - mmm iNif Mi tip 9sm whmm* **’** % - : |i# pstltf Pii*4 «IMP pfPiiiiPi Pit 4 * | .«w iTiffi Mpl tNi «ii iMI H j i** -0* 000** pi. iNpi l ' ■ pp* iftp IP ] * i * IV# Ml*** V* » ImMdP! ;• ipatM -.we lae wMt aaak* *o*a kaa tp *a IV l#*k imke UadbM «aw«*a j itimai who p *a*w ba kawam ittnaanga I [too «f Mm ****** tkM MM mb R* tolls pt dago# Mai TV rwOMbbokaaae oM ba a# ■■ ogam* r*4 by j i b.«v#w WMtod# aod nau B Wdfka* j ... M’aamwpadb* Naa* ombarmad s» **d Wadm #o*o4 lodaa**. baa p##‘ j ( mM a aiwmomad bm k»*i»«* Rbr'* ' « at.b gteaa >b# lodtdp abb* as tk* mm . m Bat. IBao N.» *a TV ao# a*#tag Hoc goa aotalbd a* IV tdamm : •a» *m ***** #«M ik# aa*#a*a v <b‘ boaf* as ******* bar iwbaf b"*m» aaßm : H| Iggaad 4 »ee«ly by Ik# »-•■*« •*»« - , a#y Pro, irate nell**l> tk# b* l •MdklP aad obybmm wwab #4 Mm dm j .r.baaw as tka oemlk## *w j ' tba dterombwl tkat ***** v people j ak* bad Mwvltaa tMM b#lorally Ik * . m a «lpmi*aaa atble# «lla*a«e aod ok» , >.ad pot p**jw»ed fo# wMtar. M* IVal, M»ap.. N«# Nl— Tk# Mid' ner#!i* fire have pgtk##lty to rl a# mart remkllag kooa# ta tfßßMdpo* * At . ,•« they »«ut4 fcgya Ik# gkWNkm • f lk* atpt# aapreom rwdt la t*atag .. ~, a M#p TV Mlaeeapolia iwdi aaeea. Wkbk pncklMta Ik# «*••#»#! last , r gambling d*#»c#a we* y«#i*rd»y da .fared nret'rtrtlunal fcy lk# atatak hlgfceal IrUwgal. Tkar* 1# act hatt r kalM tor b##p lag tka atlad ateady on Ka k##t aad pov’ag It from all risk of ft nktdwm (kaa buotrt *#.- f R. IdWll. WINE ; CARDUI Eye, Ashe Co., N. C. Dec 27.1897- My wife has used five bottles of Wine of Cardui and some Black-Draught and has received more benefit from them than from two years doctoring with the best physicians in this country. D. M. HART. Hardetville. S. C. Feb 21, 1898. My physician. Dr. J. W. Frye, advised me to use Wine of Cardui. he said he .couldn’t help me but Wine of Cardui might reach the trouble. I find it did reach the disease and cannot recommend it too highly. MARTHA F. JONES. Bcnwood, Ohio, March 14. 1898 t want to speak a tew words of praise for the wonderful Wine of Cardui. I miscarried June last and after that I was hardly able to be on my feet any length of time. I had terrible bearing down pains and other suf fering. I flunk it was providential that I found one of your books and heard of Wine of Cardui. for two bottles of it has cured me. I can do a big days work and not feel tired. It is wonderful. MRS. W. L. DAUFENSCHECK. WINE OFCABDUiI MID WINTER SUE. AUnkof Mgfl*» Mlioal CAomimgtw B*#il». Bl <yf Mik'l AH Woo* lb AOtfJPIM r»MP«b.p bfbd 1 11* MMKR. W*B. II I? ft® A Mm#* a pimcb MmMvy WMfghl Mmjr IfOCB Amß* A M«»' * W*mch Medtry WBfbl ClBJf P® M» A WmM*i Piar k Mommy CMy DooWo# Bff**«»tf tkmcb Bdgfia iiii. »l 113 69 ; Am Hmvm lima AiMM* ( CM Bl loim mod Cfrlldrmfl • Sift! #1 l‘r«pnftmwiß OiMmopivcM Ml PTHsf* A -lorn 1 f Mafi All Wool i#fvjr mod Cowmti Cloth Ovmrtomi*. iu* b mod Rtw. 3 > 41. ml 17.60. A Mom <* Mkdmrn WmWhl Ovmmom*k. diftmr •nt ihfitt, I;Mi. at Ii JO. M . . A moo of Mmn*« Fiom C*mdo Kmrwmy OvwroomU. Biick. Ilium mod Ufdwn, 36*42. ml • 10.00. J. li. WHITE & CO., Clothing Department. Hoys’ Clothing:. * TAUor, V«»*#f», Reofor and Blouto Suits; be uitifutly trimmed, soma have a miiitaiy ’endency, others are decidedly r au.ica!. $2.00 Up tO $8.50* Men’s Top Coats. Winter weiph* Coverts, Kerseys. Meltons. Diaeonals, Cheviots, Whip cords and Worsteds. The garments old and young men are eager for. SIO.OO up to $2500. I. C. LEVY’S SOU &CO., Tailor-Fit Clothiers, - - Augusta. Ga. TV paik of amfciihsp toads to a| gr*#i away poUttoal gra«*a. TV lacier a Pas 4IV »«#• Vto 1 galas id ar.«an»lh*b Iwdtortow. m *OMEN A« Charleston, ind.. March S, I*9*. I commenced to use Wine of Cardui about a year ago when (offering from about ait the pain, a wo#n#n could have. lam now re stored to good health and think the Wine M the greatest medicine on earth MRS. WM. A SMITH. NOV* MM t j* WMa a as* a baa noth lag to do he siWi jrs atu-arta to H |rivswilf. \ good is. ey heroes are autdr of wood pulp «ad | rlater s lab. Redland. Cherokee Co.. I. T„ Dec 30,1897- I was down bad every month with my menses and the doctors once gave me up to die. A friend of our family told me of Wine of Cardui and after using three bottles I an\ sound and well—better than I have ever felt »« my lile. IRENE DANIELS. Parsons, Kansas, April 20.1898. Lewis Carpenter of Heartley. Kansas, for merly of Parsons, makes the following state* ment. "My daughter Carrie, now fifteen years of age had her first menstrual period over two and one-half years ago. Wo used all the family remedies we could get hold of, but with the assistance of doctors did no! succeed in estab lishing or ever bringing about another men strua! period. Last January I procured » bottle of Wine of Cardui of Quarles & Co., and after taking less than one-third of a bottle she is set right and has vgular menses.’' This testimony is gladly given without solicitation. It is a plain statement of a really marvelous cure. QUARLES & CO., Druggists. m » /£ ?A' jp» -; IB 2\ % ;y- |