The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 26, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 BAtURDAY COAL-COAL-COAL Mi * AM* Wt*| MftUMft #* ________ Hod Aoft j »mco TNS SCAT GKAOII Of Hiii# Chftffi Jt»W» OO A L A|^lJOfi M u < As tHF I fflDfiDF .6? > *• w%mmt »«i ■ poo • • *»• Mm **f I#* CITY ICE COMPANY. 1 AUH*I* *IAMkI IA. gg#**ir , «it |h*S»p g#,g •••*• <• MM Imm pi TTW* ft* f ft******? m m 9 9§§ «**• ppppp imaitt (ftftflft# ** ** ** MWV #M«a# *•'••• m* •» *t H <MMI PP HBlii ?»_ —»» M _.**»> t* j PiW ’ fpi’itt Aim #mn4PP* p 9§»« fffpp. *•#» **■ •* <• fftfrMMftft *•-*«# ftftfftftl ** «* IP ftft*t ** Cat*—#* §** smm * ** ** IMfcwi *• CHHI< pat Mai * * P ■ P"—* * ** MnmmPMw imp*iia PaPPI 1 WPP I*l Uplift MPI. ifwPia ******** »#P’ 9|MPPHMfi|t PMMHP ** gHOa*-**, tog* FkaSttoO . a**, ** 4gfi* 4# | frr#>6 !■'«■* • '••a «•**** ft** Itotogfrffißf ♦*,,«*#> ..... « ■ •» *» • M *** * )•»• . H>• • * • •>*#*• iWH. CM . ». »\> • M ** A** mv* •me* tiA**«n Hmm 4too*i. tmrnmtm to —urn 4*4 « »»••«* grfiß oewog# «*#o .. -. » M» frg|, S**. roatoueO A* #•*• *,«* * **■ v* Iw,, .w*wt#g# #*t*e ..« *- *» ® ******** **** *• MM** * ******* Mil** .. .H a ** " M*l * *«*■!*, ***** «•*»*' IN ~ ... ... .. .. »-» )(••'• in* •**»•*• *M ■ ••• “* ** Mat A*»*n .. .. .. *-• * *® M>m Mil ***** M -•**• * MeMe II too*4*. *** <***• ••* **-•»* *rr>'.{ *» *t<* H to. »•* An* «**•*. • to- »** An . Ini**. i«n tor O <1 . A** An.- IS ‘I *>•* to**. •**•*. • •. F* *An . u I*. **H ** lit* *5 t * I* • !**■» ©o»*t*o tot*- * •**»**• •** **•!»«• o*»*H*»-fte, I I gfclFtkfig . Qr**}t«*tr* ’» N It »*'•’**>• .. .. > A* A*Hi * K (to*"Hi* .. « i*A frrto . « * 1 •■• *l H M H .. , ..til jtt, m f. Kim M M .MriMl ..111 inhst A. Ktf* It »**fc * C * I. * *-• UtiOL mu ftottoW'.. to >*• *• NN*. |*f 4*l. • C*fi'c-* *t i* r*« it nwi *** to <a ILKM'IItiOC. frwIAONI ***•>'■*• »..•«••*•* WMitAM * >u . ( nt tto totm. W inch** .. .. * t*t rrvtt *t ito »n«. T • tot to* .. .. « W M Hk An * » « C*A*t. M * •• « * J ! At*.*.. « *% t * 2 !*! PrM* at (A* WNI .. •* *** too r. K»«« H n «hi.nn* • * * « J»* I* A n* I*l A A »h.«MB* .. 4I I toto4«l* *-* •• * *■* Ju< . I* Kin*. **-i»>* 0* >r*t» •■ .. * Jo* r Kln«. U i*f*> « C *n t*l*n* ■ * *'• J*a r K*n*. *• to* K* N* told •• •■ , • •* I*’? Jmm. r KIM *• 'to* Aupnrlo* .. J*l-I PRIMT*. *m«m(l *lllrtli»«* M*AI » W M*rrlm*rk *hlr<.**». .. * y* « h*rt*T (Ml «r*N *«ylN »*«• . * m««; H>*i»n Oil* «r**ol • All.n * .. * *'* Arn (*.« • *•» i*r.«lN • CMt** Ap. .1 rnllN. p*r A»* 41 A»*riNn Indt* i hl«i*». 14*(4 .. .. I I*l Plate* CHI* Iw.HJI 44**4 4 Am.iK »n I*4l*o blu*» *4**4 .. 4 l*t*rn»i:nn* ! l>Wnto 44**4 .. .. 4 Allen * catotnet* *4**4 .. 4 Allen » l-«l< n»* 64**4 4 In*'* J *■* Indl* blu* •>**< •• •• ’ BllnflMM'* *4*M ~ ■■ * Va.'hi W**AH.«t«* •■*xA6 • * ♦ llarn*r'* r*dl»nl* 64*64 .. .. .. 4 Charter o*k*. 6W<* * *'* Tides. Aranikcai A C A JjJ ' 3 A monk.ait j * ' **• I*I.AID MOMKAPUKir. City Mill* ••••"•• * i*' Four jniid. pOoP I*>» h ••••«•• 4 Lodi •hirilnp* Wx6i •« l 3 ** 4 l.oUi dr*«* atylN S«x*« 4 *-* Ht. Clair dtra* »t>!«« J Mtrtho Wartrtßfto® .. .* 3 1-t MitceiltnooUd bran It, light wolf 13 l l#l J l«a«tta « yard** plain .. 3 B • A monk.a* •• • 1 Pelham. 13 hat lto boa 16 F. 0. V . 66 ball* to bo* 16 E. O. P-. 34* belia to lb 17 1-2 ktuacogee H 17 inch 4 1-2 yd. plaid*, beat make -t Almpaon ellk nn *h foulard* 64* I 2-4 Pacific mourning* 64*04 4 1-1 Chin* rllkh 64*64 4 1-4 Mldilleford * Water 6tx«4 2 1-2 Concord. 64*10 .. .. 6 1-4 Rom* 6«x*o 6 14 Edward* * I** s *-* Fist! Avenue 4 I*4 KEARSET‘B. Heavy Columbia. i.c*vy Kearsoy 4 1-4 Kincaid and other* » 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 70a85 Roaendale cement f 1.45 Portland cement 22.75 to 3.-'5 Louisville cement In paper «ack» ..2l w) i'iaeter in bbl* - ■» .» •* 11. ’ii HARDWARE. Well bucket*, per do* *4 06 Painted bucket*, per do* 21 10 : H B B cedar polls, per do* . .. J 1.75 : H B B-cedar palls, per do* .. .. J 2 00 I s painted, per ne?t 21 75 Ip pr, Manila, per pound 0 1-1 7,upe, Stsnl. per pound 7c “ pe, cotton, per pound .. .. Ificollo ils, wire 21.75 base ■ ails, cut 21-4 S base, Amea. per do* .. .. lllalll. o Siovela. diamond, per do* 27.00 Sbo Vela, riveted back, per do*. 24.75 plow blade* 2 1-1 base Haines, red top. per do* 22.26 yiamea, red top root, per do* .. .. 22. u0 \»rnes, best root, per do* 2« 5» Cl §9O IB mm #• «• ti i sm* ii , m m m**m I M m-m m*rn* 9 m m m m ** it ; m<rn #mm *** **§ M **« •* • 1 mmrnm mm §m i HK i. »H 9 *■%. wa; » fr 9*mht ao§ fC Jn- *l* Cfr free** «*» -*>#* to* ftoN at m It Aa<* 4A e. m *w%e Me 6 pe* A*N* m.. 4to to* 4*4 to* •*«,,. .. . 4 . H f «**f*i . e*. e* pee An# p« «• m 5* 06 *♦• *«*!#»■* *>• I to* *4f » M .. •• t»• M»*to. Hi# A to* An e w K it* Mato N> | to# An .. . • INF AiN I**! '# B*# 4M# ,««•• o*e6* N#<| ,«hsxm to Htol to# «b . A* •NfrN to* * Hi IN t IA4 t *A NT *VF IW'WtvN tto*****### A* ** b# #**A hm»A» t.i*e* N b# 4* be 10 fw*to# tod M»*4 <w«ti to mi ». . tto ... - vet# • t-ra t*>6 tw ... •-otto • • r* *#M t*» *. «.|a §I 1 1 W# ~ .. M fr# • . ****** * |.r* ooto m «k.» b «'«t. -. • * t to# . .. ..11l m CTTT to »Wt*A *•««#« t# ttoi .. ...... IM * * W) i* *. ne* ~ .. .. ~ |to ... A * « #• tMt .. .. Hh .. *.*,.« * f If*. M ...... MA ...j «>#• *<* * a »**? .. .... tto ... j »< Ml 4 M ... rn 101 A■!*•** *• f«N M 0 m. I a-teas* He loto )* .. .* .. .. no ..." * ,»«, i t r> tea m# ... - A< *a *f» |*T IN ... *• ■•* eak to l«0A «. .. .. 11l h<MMi to ms 11l R.. V-44 I . t*U . „4.. « IM ... j C» a mtoa# *-» l*N . . .. „ .» IN «. < c ,ue ■ * i-r» tor .. .. in ... j M*. *|4l7- tOW .. I*o ... j f. t*t* til 4. *<*..,am*4* r.. *'• . .. M ... j Ctoivnera wto M « M «. to nail..>AD miirA rvv» t# H. H. A tog O*. Is IM .. . . ..... 11l a i . n. n a to« Co no ... ! f *r»- it# i 'tMNhi* A A*. *,»n % In I*a. IM# .... .. t#f •«• : t*~ >i ««» r«t**t* a a# i *v# *. id ft, t*i# ....... in ...! A«««>-• he R N .to MM- ... W C. R. 11. Bewkli t 00. rollal #>i.l Trtiat 6a. IMI *2 M A iN*N Italia ay 1., |*H . .. #7 M 4 t;«i of C.w* a Railway. ,«t ••>**.. n. rt »«. 1644 ... n at C of «. I#t pref ta 3# 46 Castial e* Oecrfia l.aUwar, >l ... • *, Ml U 10 r *f a •< 1144 .1 4 * I 6 At*. I*4 if. I* I**2 .. 166 167 Ault <:»■-**!* *nd FlorldA, 2d ra. 10*6 104 a-Miih itforgi# a**4 FlortAa 2d Ta. t*» .. .. IM O tin ic- chlp C# . lat i'a M I'*. I»M 164 ... J fACTORT MONDB, Enterptoe Ms« Co.. I«t *a IMI IM ...I HIM.}- HXii. Co.. Jat fa. 1602 . 106 Flhlrv Mr#. Cr Ist fa 1»J 106 ... | Ha U II A R Co. alock 167 266 ttoulhwe tern it. R. Block .. 66 t«6 Aucuale oml ninth atnek . I* I*6 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oita, white, sacked 21 OoAta, m » d. sacked 24 Co:ti, while, sacked .. ~ 52 Cota, mixed 4l Meal. b<*it*.|, per bushel 47’* j Fiour, common .. .. Fleur, foti.-y extra ~ ~ 1.74 Flour, seioti.l |>alent .. .. ~ ~ „ 4.00 ’•lour, vtandatd patent .. .. .. 4.26; K ur. fancy patent 4.76 Wheat bran. 100-ib sacka M Fine feed. 100-lb aacka .. .. .. .. 90 Hiy ..alive, per ton 11 00 Hay Timothy, per ton 12.00 Hay-e-oholee, tier ton 14. 00 Hams -choice suyar cured .. .. lOalllf 1 Smoked rib eldea 6 1-2 Dry sal tibs .. .. i 2-4 tMi’d. pure leaf. In tierce* 6\ Lard, kettle, rendered ID tierces. 6 l-t BRAZILIAN IN l 150 MACE. I ornter illnlster to the t'nlted State* lust Answer Orave Charges. Wasliitigtou, Nov. 25. lt l» repor-1 ivd tbai Scnoi Salvador de Mendopca, ; former Bra*lli*n minister to the T’ni ted States. It a. l be* n recnlled from hU Piesent pos at Lis’tou to answer 1 prave charge* preferred against him, by the stale department of Rraxil., About six months ago Senor Mcndonca 1 was t ;k> n from Washington and I transferred to the couit of Lisbon, and, Senor Aua’a de Brasil, Ute present | tninialer, was appointed in hi* place, j The post at Lisbon and the post nt | Washington are oonaidcred in the came c!ai- • by the Brsnlian govern ment. and it was not thought at the time that there was anything Import ant In the transfer ‘Now It is stated lhal Iheie were at the time rumo-s I and suspicions of misconduct on the pert of Senor Mendonca. and his transfer was made to allow au investi gation. which, should it. not. he pro ductive of any revelations, would not impair the standing of the minister or cans,- any reflection upon him It is now said that such a state of affairs has developed that when President. Moi sent the name of Senor Men donca to the cones asking that he he confirmed as minister to Portugal, the nomination was rejected. CASTOR IA * For Infanta and CUildran. The Kind You Haw Always Bought THE AOOOBTA i4JLK.7k.U_> fiAorvutfrCi At» a fto* MnN |,N •«<#* dtoA ,i«» NAM *« an And# • ♦>>«*■» *#n to t I m Ho'iffji H mmrn§ mi l *mb tm§9§m pKHtMib' mm* 9m-^*9 | Ht&m : §9§§§ ! mmrnrn is fmm mm§Hf tw Ww iww [ §mm mm#*#* <%•#%•» tp t'wmmm Wm mmmm* t mm §***&&* %» pmm 9+m* wixuiwt tnwwwi ww *9 Imm tNww 9*m§mms m Wtm§ fw*m f%9 gHU 90 WW 9§m WWi W $900*6 mm SOOO B§ Ml *tw 99900 §1 ICWtNNI 00 IMW iNWftWiMI. s999§ot <l® WMWWW f|W I* # W 9099$ 900* §99*o*9 0999$ §m §099000*00 mm 099 mm rn**** *%• ffr«4|N|c.« 00 ftonir.l tfri%*»N4 900909 * ; §9oom 909 tiwN VfWl if Ww 0m lit UN> 9OHO9 .. ttNiWti %•# 9909 tkW §m wnmrn 9*§m9 9m WW,* 9m || 900999090* »WH 900*95 1 It m<i I ■*»■> m W#t 09 0$ *9 fi ttif 90 99 os9§m' jg|| II 9*9. iff 9*om mm $m Ml %9§ *+4 90"99 §99.09919 *9* 900900 00090 F*4lk 900% 990g50 $940000 0090$ §m Wss49>994mf ** mt |»tofr $90+9099 90** 909 tv’ f •4 #*4 futoied rto dale* to** H»#d fMMP 00*99 09"90*9 0*99 tM» 90 mm 900 9990$ 99m IM ommm Wflll'tAl <9 tW Mc 9% mfr- + Wftl o+s9r9 9 > ti# 09990 mmrn ti# mw*m 0/99m$9m m j |%fr t frfv -4 llbHVW**#* % **9*o : liftiMH To+m 999 90 |MO* wtim ti# Hi* i HllgllttMM of Rtf 9soof. Of <%#•# • §999$ I uplit iifrTfr !»#•« «»nwiillt>4 Iftoyo* fifty 994 0 wms99ost. Wit s9+9 r r mm I*o+o 9m *rt if# f i#f# wWwwt H ff Ti# fl# §9O/90499 III* permit# .6.11 to AN aNMlty. Fee I** *k Ml. N w It,—Ad latN- I eWtM fref bfn*Mbt <*Nt ID eODDAe*,*** Witk fto r#e#Dt »»*« •^ s r» le kii aM bxa* to n*# *e* '# **# po«***>!« «to Mr# Margaret C%* teN# I of tfcal Hl* at •*• FkMl book* wbirk I formerly heto*f«d *o tto diMlngnietod | ner#l oiiear #Dd from •bleb to *'#4te# | while * t**4 a# #rkool le fwhrtrt. Tto bank* «mto (Httvba#N #4 • Nl« | hi Mr Job# T Beh>#y ta 1441 *ad at j rh# Nt# «f tto #feeu nt Mr. S#h!#T la IM] they *r*e# bought by Mr* (All tote'# buebaad Bbe ha* earefutty pre f»r«#d them evrr #taee The Frederick N»er to deerriblDß «b» hook* NO that they ar# ta a yood etat# of preeerra t]oa. One of them, a #y6»em nt book k -plng, by Fulioa A Eaetma i bear* | tto *iatae »ed date. ’ Wtafield BeN* Bchley. February 39. 1449.'* ortti*# l« * plat*, legible hand. Four religion* j vtrkr ar* ibmii tto lot. oo# eoataio- j log tbeaame of John T Brhlry and the 1 fgpt that they »*r# purchased at Tim merman'* *#)* oa Derember ». lit* ! Another book t# a natural phltoaophv j by Dattlson Olmstead. LL D. Oar of the r#!lilouy work* ha* the name of tsnitae O. Helf#o*t#la writtea on one of the page*. Hager*towa. 114. Nov. 34. —The atten tion of a curfew taw to reatrata the un ruly youths of Hag#rate«n who atay out too la*e at night ha* reached the j point where the vote of the people ia dealrahle. and the Hageratnwn Mail la proceeding to take the ballot. There la a strong feeling her In favor of the tow. and the Indication* are that the experiment will be tried Frederick. Md.. I* waiting to *ee how the plan np eratea In llagrratown when that city will probably follow ault. flow to Look flood. flood look* are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organ*. If the liver i* inactive, you have a billoua look; If your atomaeh la disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look Secure good health and you will surely i have good look*. "Electric Hitter*" la a good alterative and tnnle. Act* dl- j reotly on the stomach, liver and kid- • neya. purifle* the blood, cures pimples. I blotches and holla and give* a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard *• Willet's drug store, j 50 cent* per bottle. PRIV ATE HOLLYDAY. What the Baltimore New a Say* of Hl* Death. The Baltimore News says of the death of Private Hollyday. The body of A. Chamberlain Hollyday. a private in Co. H, First Maryland regiment, who died at Augusta. Georgia, of ap pendicitis. will be brought to Balti more for burial. His father. Mr. G. T. Hollyday. lives at 712 Newington avenue. Hollyday was 21 years of afe, and prior to enlistment was em ploy-ad by a mon haudlre broker on West Lombard street He was placed on the siek list at Camp Meade, but was not sent home, ~s lie warned to stay with his company. Kn route j south lie war seen at Union Station by* ' Vtis mother, to whom he said he had ! cut his leg, thus accounting for hi 9 weakness in order to allay her fear*. An operation was performed about a week ago at Augusta. For Asthma use CHE NKY’S EXPECTORA NT. m Ole Whose uhTUtiocd has known caresses and kiedws*. there ia always a fibre of moraory that o*n he touched to gentle iMues El iot. GCOD LOCK 14KIKG * FODDER 11# (ft* tNof for Mtoliitor •*** ilt nwel 4)9 l'»##d, tu*fußA ! mufftiM, c«#l*m» or OtoN MoWh rwolwto* tftlh I6CMMN9 • | rv« hmi* w % ADM) fit i. UCM6A ot I tottiiiiifwfi m9mmpm* ' o*6 AfWl fKOfWfltofto ID Ht#Hoof O# All (ft NMVtfilßt CtttTlblflOl t|4M It A . *nd dtofinmy. MAftuDArfufgKl §y The Souther Mfg. Co. RICHMOND. VA. CROUP CAN III; CURED i AND CAN BE I RIVENTf.D IfflS D DROPS a§«iot* 4 mnit HAHM mHi* OitT It R. H. LAND MCI M«f *« «i aUkifV WILSON S IMPROVED AIR TIGHT HEATERS ■Bfmli -% Wm, <-rn ime* leg* than Wl.' -hg’f •*** faet nthrr item rmiatrv to neat ~*u room, tl art, It re more m-onomt -al. It will fcth, Hi • lhlrty-ol* bourn gnd with ciro w üb’ never go out. Will blit It "'hip*. Ntma nga. Berk. Room. Corn Cotm or r .rd K'ooff. god gtvo m it» h->«i in l« tw •.him and retain It Inner- tbia gov -Mt eve, made. D-or sgte By The. Aciiosia Made! & Sopply Cl. General Build* rg 9uppll*e. KU Broad fit., AugueU, Oa. --i Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. Fleming oodles 904 s ßroad Street. CATARRH A LOCAL Disease A Climatic Affection Nothing but a local remedy or chaouc ot clunaif* willoim it. tiet- a well know n Ely’s Cream Ba ! m It i* auicklyAb serb.g. Givea Kc- COLD >n HEAD llrf at one* Open* ni.g-Owatis.s tli* TSa a I’uuns Allays inilßnimatltJO. Heals *nit Fretogt* tbv M.gll race, fksud** lb* ienirs cvf Taste IBd Siuel . Vo f.\ai>Jr*. No M*t eury. Jfo Jojurtous draif. f tall >'i»fc>c Tria; eig# UN #t Dru«*i*l« or b| ®»il ELY BR<?THF.Rfi, 8B Widrrti fit., New York CML 90# lufuita (rewmg Coe KXfONt HKN lltti ■•# lr % jagfljpj B E I. L E O IT GEORGIA Cur Draught Beer Has None Superior. * .$ f |, fllH iin AUOUSTA BEER. roll so H !r» *ny lumt from utmards. in stFMtirht 3 tor.d 5 j ears i mp, or on lOyaarstime, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiaoder&JotiDsoQ Af#n't ftftftlMßh Am*-roan M«>rfftftirr v, 705 Proad St PORTNBR’S MOKBkAU and VIENNA CABINKT BRANDSOF Export Beers V ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THEM. B. R. MITCHELL. At EX McDONALD Mu pi o. Cm Sec. .1 U(u. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mrlnlcsli Sire**. Electric Snpiibw— peaking Tim-*, etc., etc. R, laiira to all * levirical apparatus. Kieclrlc Ltgld Wiring* ipecialty. Re.l’Pbon* 1«02 »iy«*ger 0.0. 1 6ndT*rr L° w PM'"** » ,,v ‘ PIPF. VAI.VP* and FITTING*. «>■ lilhF*. HOI4 FRS. M and KKPAIHS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m 521 p. m. Lv. Sundeißvlll* . 1.19 p. m.| :* 09 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .. 1:30 p.m.j 9:11 p m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3 55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p ra.t Lv. Dublin *10:00 a- m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:3* p. m.!ll:5- a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:!0 p. m. Lv. Sanderevllle. 5:25 a. nvj 3:21 p. m.’ Ar. Augusta . .. 9:OU a. m.. 7:10 p. m. j Eastern Time. Close connection mttde «t Tennnille with Central P.. R, ter Macon, 4nd nt b Wrlghtsvllle and Tennille ft.' ft. 2<ar toublin and HawkShsvtlle. C. TV JACKSON; OeJi, Ts-.. -Pasg, Agt Jam*¥ tT. Jackcrnr. Jußepft H. fiaede,' Recelvar*. . A«Dt*oAt> •#•#>»» t-t am Chtrlnion t W Carolina • *4 0* mm 9 0* •##-* 4 • too# I *00+9009 0$ s9** o*o* Mi ***** ~y *§7 * ; 1 * SSSSSmm m -* -- liiT’f mstso9 \ * ySBSmZm* J** 44*77 n wmm j 9§+m+: 90+***** 9*r««| •#♦#■*» MM#- to Ma46*'# if s. " *•9# ■ 4HM) mSmmmm »« «•* I *o* m +*s+oo. mkm* ■■ mm- mm* 1 '' ■■■■#** ] 1 0 90 +4 ■ mmm I GTWstmfsso*** ■- *+ ♦»•*- 0009 * 09mmmlm mm* *** i« •++ omm j * PH* MpPVNpL-a ao»4 1 00! 9+oo • 9-9 mm* I mmmmmm* * *** • ** ». « 1 * * **§oo mmlmv*’,:.Mt '**—* I m rn * §'+o $00000990$ rt w AAAfrL Hf* ■■ * **’’ * j M # 0 «4MWI 9. f '"§* tmfimSm 9§m * ■ m *• m it| I 4WM:#4NW* j * §mosm *•** v*a*»*•**! *9§oo9*m * 1 M $999909k >• 6 »4c44-m>fy*** 4$ $99090909 6N464 6*64 * |m• > WM %m§9o ] * ¥§*§o l >44141 —»• ***» "***+■ mmrn . a **•••.,*>* ? §Jmm * «*• KcwHJtoS ’ s9§mo§9om*-* ■ ! *m '* im 0 % fi r%* #mm~ r “ **“* "H • | * • • **** .-,♦* ■ m _ # ■WfßVMNVfaw** - «*■ ’•»» I * 90000 - * #'****' j jpjNNNMIt . -.-#*♦»*•##*..4 Mfcrnm *4 ■*■+ I T fMi ■ , .•#»«-«( 1J» *4» ■ 99 *%of** » •••»*. •«•#« 44*6.1. * *‘ ‘ ♦ * 4900+4009++* , «•••«•«•» «*• It ** •* 9 4* 0 94-09*0 ,*a#. . j. Ill# BELLE OL' GEORGIA I 09 | I# if* 9 §*9t 4 90* H# 9 *M»* *#*• f |* I* m* *4 §9*oo > v# §. 0. U * 909* 00m$0t00**§9$ #* •*** oroh +9 000 04 ! |rn rn 90 $ ,0, t Mi I # » m o+o9 I 900* #*•#**»•*#** 999 §oo9' »■ 9$ wlf f m,j * ##!€* 9m 0m OWO9OOOO- §O9- BLOE hi doe railroad. If C ME4TTIE Hfrffrt>#f C'lMfrfr I .4). S-fr W’ \ SOOO9 * Ell ■# o' : * 4 4 *■** r#t t#« ; toatie* *#» I* > w am Fto I Arm* u»w W '*ll M 18. tm 6 .. XMWN -» 2 fOltNf I* to I M n., M |e*tw ... f I>llt 26 I* . | gg A*4o# .....F I 4011 to 4 M 4 ;4tt . rwiwm .4 16 $ *6 ton ery ermoc f t to it h 6*: 2,06 14 AAjm's croft f§ • I’ll 6* *to 1 22 24 .. IKK At A .. a * 912 * a.tfc i i i« ( » I ■ to, 12 w***4 Di>4*N » to •m> D >4,... W*lb#ltO ...ft 6 17, AM PM | tltoov* Am*. FM FM M r It Me f Nt» tl N. 6 F Hegwttr mount F- 2*i Otettcn All nt nor tnhw from AoOero*# •* 16*ih0..0 have right to twtf over •r*t»* at the ram# < to*o aeovtaa to eg gaMle OltotN, wnleN atbetoto# .#>c -1(1*4 le tr* * erg. re Will atao to'to ot faR-wrmg etatlmo to take <* or let off p(MW»4»#»r». Phi*, ’•ry », ieniM *n| ttoodv *pr>ng* No It ft**w I* with fktulher* 6*ll - N* 12 *4 ANdeeOOO. No* 4 end 4 ONi'ct with ktotkn NtlwaF No*. 12 *O4 *7 at (home*, j J. R. ANDKIUKIN. guper otendeni. miNTIC CONST LINE. HU RT EFT AND MUICIUEFT ROUTS TO THE KAPT AND NORTH. t;Mpm; Lv. Augmta. O* \Ar IT Sfeta J affirm L*.... Aiken Ar j T:l6#m 4:l7pm Lv DeftmAik....Ar I 4 17pm (.Strproi Lv.. Oringt f... Ar | 6.46 am 6 ,4 pm Lv.. Burnt tr. M. C... Ar | 4:26am I.apin' Lv....Flar*«tto ...Ar | 5 16* ro tO Ufw.j Lv...F*y*M*vttl*...Ar | I:l4pm I I ilami Ar. Peteretiarg.Vo Le I t llpm 4 aoami Ar....Richmond....Lv I » llpm 7:Uarri*»h ng:no..Lv I 3:46pm 9 93amj Ar.. Balllioore. I 3 26pm ll:t4*ml Ar . Philadelphia, lv ill 09pm j t:62pmj Ar New Fork ..X* | 9:Soam Pullman palace buffet sleepier car* from Macon and Aiuusta to New Tork without change R. A. BRAND. Oen. A*t-. 712 Broad fit . Adgutta. Go T M- EMERfiON, Traffic Manager. H. M EMERSON. G«B P»N. A#«. Central of Ceorßia Rail way. Schedule In Effeet SEPTEMBER 11TH. lift. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE ATJOUiTA. No. I For Savannah 1:26 V. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta 6:40 P. U. No. # For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* . 9:20 A. M. No. 62 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations 9:36 A. M. ARRIVE ACOUSTA. No. 1 From Snvananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. * From Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta 6:35 A. M. No. 6 From Macon. Atlanta., and Way Station* .. 6:50 P. M. No. 63 Fro-n Macon. Atlanta, and Way Stations ~ 5:30 P. M. Nos. 1. 2, 3 and 4 dfillv. Nos. 6 and’6. daily except Sunday. No*. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping <_rs on night trains hetwe-n Millen, Macon nn.l Atlanta and lxl - Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information as to schedules, etc., apply to M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBE9, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after the spree needs LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headaches. 2 for sc„ 25c. cue box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St.. Augusta. Go. "removed TO 711 BRO4DWY. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber v stamp*; Seats, Stencils, Daters. Pads. Badges,&c h\ Brcadwar. Augusta/Ga. StTOWgrr Phone 16-, MOVCMBI.N 2d ! ae ysae* *ee*eOM>» S. C It HU 411 to §9 § 09 00*09 099 * 099 9009.0tt 09 9 9mm 9‘*9§- §409- "•rn $ **9o9o* §4OO 0 »«# |#ii%6. % * $9 00 \| • § - * * 9Kr to*# 1 mM|| | 0m • *9OO * -mmoo9oo I# * *9O 99> 9 09009 #f * §9* *OO *f ' 09* ** ft *+"9 «ftw mo9js ! f»e# I fr##. 909 »■**»■» 0 ft w -«.»■ ftHPis. fr a ft fMoftfr-ftfr ->. -tofr '« % m 0000 90 * I to ft ft ft 0* ft «.ft ftfti'Dffto ft ft ftr*% §9o*o SOPWO* §099099 « I* * * - # •mvtofr # 000 ft *-9H4 Mil tft ft lift* «(MftM* ftftft * ' •" ftVM ft * ft » * *-4% | 0900+- 1 ft * * <*o I ftlpilftft • tto •« - #w #ft ft ft* •• * "ft 9 m / - ftmr tol « | to ** 99 ft* ** '• 0-*IO9OO (f ft# f.| • • to V *-. S# ft (ftp ft) #6 * **--*#• #2 §9o*oo | _ •# fl |ft.. | f §9§ i •-<*9 9. §9O Itvlfttr **• ftftflft § $ ,99*§tm9. *99 #P» $ * #*#*% §O9 §outme*- h KAU.WAV* mCD m w $9099 90+ + “-■*** 4 * »*frftftftftftfft ftfrftft I*4ol*wi totodV ** *#*# FtoF’toftfr ('«** -% f ft, mm __l_ 0+9*99+9+4. 4 fti*»T iMftf Ml ■Ar tIV" l » ftp ft §990 *T frtova me* .«,( »«•# «{» 0g fgjiiji Tl •» :*ftP, *OO 9 L Y* t u i#s# »*t Sr **T' * ■.4* * » I *9 V*”4tr#ato M- - I { frpt JF%6 -vt o . . I IVM Milk a. ■ wt. j 11»* {j*o ” w!■>*»»» • ..... I J*r* fg* • ... I T H ftl iI? * • It ■§ M f fti ft Ar IWN . . |• 5? »6* t, am Imm6 Ml # i L#. icmi see .. .. (Dfß # At Soefwk ! M* • {xtatvue . —I *2 to *#■ amwi I **>#l **» ft ... k (t j ,» to# •* * » • i.M' r : •"i0 4»J • I-# Sjmiit.XnM.l4. Vet 67 * * 66 Drill limit, IglLelal Pa A A j r 6>, tx 16*1 * FklleAe.pate I 4W# it#* • K*itu#e(* I 6 »>| |«t le *l*l <OB 6* sis It, «** II u* Lt Kekwmg .. | UtoNj R#i#i Lr H«e*l.i* .. .. I toe, JX U* Le X»rfc» .. *Mp Ar dneetmrr . *<6*. Le Oreaaebore 166 a! tMp CNrMM* . *Me Hi to# * Buck Rut . .. If to* : *» • tHester MM* It top * WiaaNer.. . ... ... Iltlr M to* ft 00l !*» h»n4f m 5 tk», IK* r CelntnbwCb Oep'l. I tip « ••• - lohnttmtt *to p 6an * - Tr-ato* kt*(.j «»* * Uroaiteeiil* aM pj 7<# • Ar Auifunr 4 Up, •<»* L. AMmeme * 06 *3 TWf L> epariaaearg tl to*. 6 lip Le (vrtoe. AC OO By ... .. i Ito p I» • to roejteetee | * *>p| It <*>» L» t>.rh:» rr *f Ry. . . 11 »*. it« a - -rventieh 447 p 5 6** to dwkroqelile a i *U • mii'i’ia r«i .i*rni Ki -elteci deny iweseager helweee flpruts utd Kew Vork So* JT and A-# » leofM* and nemfcwewem Idmlted Ootid Vosukaled train with dining eon Mid Arei .- us euncke* north of (toerlotie Pullman drawing sleeping cars bet ween Tamp*, Jacksonville, hevanae# Weelungion end New v, r g Futtmnn Hreptag Onre leg ween Cher lot re end Ri nraond. . . . Pulimau drawing room aieeptnp i-era he- Iwnen itreegaboro end Norfolk Close (onto SoT.t Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFOJ4T, arriving there in lime for hreekfeot. *.,ttd train. wt*h I’nrlor enrs. bntweee Chsi ...ton snd A.l.evti!- i 5,5. A end 4-I*. 8. Font Knit Through Fn. ruon draw tag room buffet keeping rnr* bo- S tween Je'kw.nville snd New Vor* end Pull in»’ ilMuiAL' ftorto l»#twrfr«n Aufti*t» w.i Char lotto Pullman sieetdng com between Jerk ! Hostile end Ootmobte. en route dellv beiwem a.-U'-avlllr and i '.u.-lnnntt, rln AshertUa. BANK(4.HANNON. J. M t ITJ’, Thlnt VP» lien Mgr T M..J F Hshingteu IT A. TUBK. »• H HAHUWK K UFA w.i-hljgtoo- ft P. A .Aiianm. GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. I9oth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1591 Pullman Sleenere between Macoo and New Turk. Through Pullman Sleopara between Au gusta and Si lx>ula- Lv Augusta ..| T:Ubami I:20pmjl0 30p«* Ar Atlanta’:3spm! 8:20pm; 8:00aia Ar Macon ....|ll:l6ar«i| | 6:45am Ar Athena ... !ll:lspm| 7:'4opm| * Ar Galne»vlUe!*3:46pini I Ar While Pl‘a|*l:oopin! I Ar Mill'** le ,;io:Xoam| | 4:3oam ArWvh'ton ..|10:10am| T:lopm| - Picayune train leavea Auyueta daily e»r<pt Suitdey at 5:15 p m., and ar " rfvea at Mll'-dgevftle at 5:10 p. m Train* arrive at Augusta 5:11 a. m, 7:45 a "I 1 -?o - aid «'7S p m. A. G. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W’. WHITE. T. P. A. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect, March 0, 159*. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Fty. 9:30 pm. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:IS a.m. Leave Cheater, C. & N. TV. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. it N. VC. P.y 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 7 00 P-ff l * Arrive Green Park, Stag* .. .. 7.00 P-in. Arrive Slowing Rock, Stage ..7.30 p.m. g. w~ha*peK c f. Harper, President. G. P. A.