The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 27, 1898, Image 1

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m$ * r u»mi mi <*•* ♦*#» (hPt *4ii> • 994 *99 tiiiii I*4 VOLUME I. NO. 11. OUR TARS LAND ON CHINESE SOIL United Staten Marino on Shore. Tin A# ** h * # UqiMi Tim»u#t Ni’Nn Hat# TaU« • U4* hwinWh Wa*liac«c liNtaH «t H Aft. 9** m> 9«gu»#« 44####4 1 t#T ## %MMM99L #4 TH# 1*944#fl PM***# m*T %## tip9Ml 9mmm##9 Ml Cfl#* %# 4 •#• itppltofl it *4m> %si*f 4*mmm hmNM t#4#t atti M Hum tin e*l MMi «# tik# frarf-rt IM #>fl#fl 9i# wmmtimm 9*** M f>i*Tllfc TW 4* |m >f If jxrrtff Alt#! taUm with Ik* *•**< of rr***urna tk* r«ri.l« and aUaytac tk*lr Brat »» prrbenslnw. It mmw that tk« Barm** war* land ad. not beeaua# of any information of rictmg or attack* upon American mla atomrtoa. bat solely to act a* a guard for the railed States legatloa at Pe kin. The Beaton wan dispatched to th* mouth of the Pl* Ho river **reral wees* ago at the instance of the t a tied State* minister. Conger, to pro vide a guard for th* legation. The min ister rc;>r.-sent*d that nearly all the le gations of European powers were pro vided with marine guards, sod he did not enre to be exceptional In thia caae. After lying at Taku for a while the Boston worked her way up the river to Tlen-Tsln, shout the head of naviga tion ft r vessels of her class, and dis tant to or 50 mllca fr m Pekin. It Is believed at the navy department that the raericeo will be sent forward from that point In launches or small river boats. Captain Frank Wilder, the commander of th" Boston, who re ported the landing to the navy depart ment by cable, did cot state how many men were In the guard, but (he force Is ect believed to exceed two dozen men. The presence of these foreign guards Is not welcome to the Chinese govern ment. When the landing was first pro posed its representatives sought to dis suade the t’nlted States government from inflicting this .huaitUatioc upon it The effect was to cause s suspen sion of the execution of purpose, but, as has bean already stated, moat of the European legations have grotshad themselves with gus"K and Hi* l"hi THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD. . jipio %** iNI *9##49# in 4flP#f AUMNmmi Hmm inmmA Hup ##9i# 4um|Mu^ : ' | tun 9* om nit Pita mi Wmflw# : i nttufiii In % 9199 UN* Hup ftp*-# t(BM i«f |p|i#y if Hm 4mmmot* Mi j riijprl • tMFf tMMMf Mm MMI mmt liirrl mm mm 9mm #4 itu 9P9|.iit #■#• l#ti «M 99*9 Mi Mtlt* 19 MM* ##9 ! # flit re • i fftntl lit #*■ ti it 9 mmmf 1 iff9 jjfil** 9|Pprtf9A f%# |il»fi»ll rs ; flit Uit«n4 P*i f tP t*#94#9. Hit 14 AMMUM *• 4 4 Mitrfl fPM9 AlMtetHuM ti I 9##9 ##### f tiwri Ml. IM9 HPMpvvmmnl ifi Pf i«% 9-4 H fil IhM flnijiiii tiki Tm CRUISER BOSTON. unhm Jack over Ting-Hack capital of th* Island of Oiunan. sad «**r several other island* ia the Chunaa archipel ago. KING Gl.Oßiili. Th* high Commissioner of the Pow ers at Ciete. Athena, Nov. 26.—Th* m'nlater* of th* four povtera latr-ested in ib» pro ceed to gs. Great Britain, France. Kuaa'a and Italy, went at neon today In royal carriage* to the palace, and formal'?* annoute-d to King Georr*. In the prea cnce of th# royal family of Greece, the appointment of hla aon. Prince Georg", to be h'gh comm'.salcter of th* pow er* In Crete. Th* prince later received the congratulation* of the minsters. The crowds In the streets cheered •he announcement of Prince George's appointment, which ba# relieved the popular nnxlety whleh had arisen on account of the delay In mak'ng the an nouncement. Constantinople, Nov. 26,—The sultan has telegraphed to th* czar entreating him to abandon nla Intention of send ing Prince George of Gre'C" to Crete as hieh eommlsalcrer of the powers In that Island. Turkham Pasha recently went on a special mission to Blvadla. with the same object hi view, but was unsuc cessful. Railroad Meeting*. Charleston. S. C., Nov. 26.—Annual meet ngs were b"ld here today by the atockht ldors of the Charleston and 3a vaonnh, the Ashley River and Gre»n Pond, Walterboro and Branchvlllc rail roads. The old beard of directors were re-elected at each meeting. Owing to the abecrct of several directors officers were not elected for the on and Savannah rood, the old officers holding ever. All the old officials of the other two companies were re-elect ed. The reports read showed the net earn'rgs of the Charlcs'oi and Savan nah road so have been for the last year $110,66-1.01. Nine Hour Pay. N*w Orleans, Nov. 26.—The union pr.n'ers emv 1 y r d n 'his city have ?uc . reeded in Inaugurating a nine-hour work day without any reduction in waves, the* same having been accom plished by mutual agreement between the employers, and the New Orleans typograph union. ~ Shipping »q Havana. Meridian, M ss., Nov. 26,---tbe Loi re), Mias., lumber' mills of. Eastrpm Gardiner & Co. today began shipping lumber tc Havana for the tailed Sta tes military barra&ks there. This Is part lof tha tweiity nail lit* fact ordered ’ pinred by <oe government. AUCUSTA. GA.* SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 27. 1898. SCHLEY’S STORY lit* Kwrit a a# ttr Cm Dili at him h* i«a a >• tit* a*ait n»i c****** tt *• C*a»Ma OM «4 ska Hot** Mm ■UswW* tka* *M lk|M ta*. ttiM*t<H Ml Mum* M Hm urea* ant« Hr* TaftL J»*s a Am* Mb* ’*: oaftt*t um taa •<*■*•• at mm at a Maawt .»*<* iMiaM a* it. u>« <twt at itta »***.•»»*-• *<•> ini »•#»* »*—m* it Itt tala* Nt ***** %m ***• a** -»*•** naMM ta ■ha aw. «•*•*s#* «a star. .Ml ait.*t »*H htrewa i* ttwlaamti .«ta n**»**l «i» «a • itiipj At 19* iiNpnft t*9ti 9#t# flM*lt m# iMuiPf, A#9Pi : 99l K-Hati. f*9f t# 9 I ftif, %. 9999*49 M. lP|#i OfiNptf 9 19ft €1 l»f»M Hit HMfcft I 9#t - iff. €*9{fPf9 a*. T. Hiiii 999 #** ##'#“#§ 9t9i8P %9t9 A4N#9f9l Iriilf #9?## It* pfjpA 4# A9t ##ffn fiti iv- ar. * * ~• r*a- «m If# MMMI **| i 9 991 l9»9l t A###### l 9» 9kit9 • ##§’•# #f jr-«t» iff 9*11)99 49 9fiiPNl fit 11 99* *l9* If 9 «9*ftr Ml 9 ffPII #l*9l. ;I# 4 hi) t9* first if* if 949*141 ii rtf rfi |9 9 fVMWIIi V%#9 9*4 k##9 8*94’4999 j *9 fit kl#t#ff "It (Mifit tr* It mM I9»t fir Ml*9- ina vftfeff if lit ftrritti D»»*tT 99 Mff! l»4 f9#t m fit? S ct fUnt*99n. if (9* lutittffl 911*9 if fNif *+Wf |9 9Hi 9i)4 hiftafr t'ftit’ffHfPl I rt'Mlfl I9t ifgtt99ti if ll* nits #* j fff*9»*9t »9# Mi e-HI .919 Hfi fw4 I nr 9rri 9tt 4 rwpt ’h* imrlti IBM !09 tHt rPittm iff «f 0199 ttti Htfflnt II lit p^rtf t'vrlnM fcn« ! It!* til tat* ■!.•**■!** r-**'lta. It k*4 fccra *h. t.i.fwtaaW* - rs t!i* a*M ttf Ato'nil C?r**r* to la*' left ta tka at ah. of In? t Hr taa* .mat* irM*-** of t*t*r*'k?. I tka* •r rot vara tar. .ir.rt ha 4 b*m» i!*<*r> tnl**a, a*a a*«*M«l to rmn«t tk* »ft*. and reward .nftiMw of my ahtp T*t I f.»r.d to k. tm ekt la on oT'iat'oa of bardt? an oonr. krt loaa to*d tHat tk. aimd of foa. aagSaaa and oa* bait Ml if Wit fffPHi'rf tHtt t#r rtiftlWP lead full Mkr row** h t rt»k*d It. Mark k-a to h* r!*fc*d kt hot >k*. 1! ap?i*«r*d that at tk* *.r* hoar I **» orrapfla* m? mind allk Ikl# q«**tlo*l. fomi had planned hla slt#«»pt lo **• i r»P*- Comptete PlacMpta*. •*Th. dlarlplla* *u to rotapl*t. and tk* man off Saat'apo to vigilant that th* m iv.ta.ui es ti». *n*tttif*a . o*t **» dlacoT.r*d a wßltanrcualjr on .Hr? •kip. Th* aacdwot by Adkital orv.ra ttaa *,30 o'clork In ifc. morn inn. H. rnaumed that <re wouM k* at quartan, amt »* wrr*. In thrr<* o»:n --ptne th* action had cOtnmaaca I Th. atrrm ol pr>tj*rtll.a that pnaa.4 ihoitt i-* ana atmply t.rrlflc. I f<o* <• “ n < h? hr'd*-' to d.t.rm'*e wlilfk of I'ipf* m.thotl. to purtu*. Th., i«ov.- it nt «at mod* wcatward. th. tnott vi 'I .rabl* to Uie .n.m/. * follow'd at hlah «r..d nn'll *« cotarmlnad tnat th. attitude of th* enemy was lltaht rnther than fight, its e.n mtnute* a-oi Id hen lost had pot th’a been the rpsr. masking the enemy against our Are Th.r.sult I n twen.y*nlne minutes wns tiiat four of the enemy'* (.him were denfroyed end on fire, and In retreat to the be: e'l end two re mnln.d, the Vlf.nva nntt the Trtlon. who put lh“tr h.lm* to t nrt and nt temptet! to .s.sre to :h. w<Mt. pursued by el! of our fieet the two who rema'rt.d behind for humon'ty'a sake, and to save Ilf. wh'rh 1* common to rlvltle.d warfare. Flftv-plne mlnu'.* from the time lrt e Teresa and the Oou**nd« rf-mmenced flight they suf fered terribly. Sew Shingle* fly. "It was tbs first time l nave ever seen shingles literally fly from a ship. They were pierced by one hundred projectiles, tne water roa'.na cut and f ! ■■ • .5" : - ■&. PW/mS if fOMMATCTIRR W. S. SCfn.-F/V. (imp* Mi 9p* Up* nlpMttK iiuwi P4M| ] p#iMl4M| 4fl IHfIiHUP A* *■# » , f%i»9 IfUP t .*•«■» 49if9 9 9411*9494*9 9P 0 9P 944 19 •99 mm PMNMHMUI €9449 iMP 999 #*# ? ‘9499 HMP «NP 4949 if *9p 44MfP 999 : 199 fMkiajji m mm tm-mmrn tm** <9 mm \ •919 mmmm 4*9 ihm #p9 994499 mrnrn Ml flwwlMM 9mmm m*4 \ •MwA# 199 9mm M4M%9#»9 1 *%rnrnmm mm 99949 i9f4>9ft9 IIP iiiit 99P 4**# j im 9» f 199- flfli fIM9 mm 9i. mmm**4 9x mm 9m* #m9f*9 999 19994 99i i ; 99919 49 99*9 99i 9PP9 *99 #9999 I ITiUMrf m» «H#p 991 m M 449- *49 I 91- IfiMpf l%t«M Cm* m (99 •NAIM : m mm m omm** mmm *%p mmmp (HPHfli mm *99» 44 HM Hliiii i 99 ! ’ 9999 fflpP 49M999 9i9 9MI MnifiiL t9> i» 94949 k 9HMP' i MBMflflfli i* 3 * 9 ,r '"**- j 99441 #9#M> *#**«• iiii 9 flMiif 1 1 •ft*M Ml Hi M9j>. 9«f I 4*94 | Ml l4 m 94i fH4 Jr jliTi IffWilf *'pf*«* 149**4999 • k it |M9 9 MWM M4*i9 M* ptriM **# •* asM«*< #*•»** an* fkttff *%»'•• *♦ r * M*«*»« aw rat*# M •«* *• #• •*** | e,..M ntf.a Owk nf 9* <*► •M l*MM«H4kk »*•'*• Oa* es k» #f*rk ffnnn *NWL W* WW Btwa Tk-r Ik* ks #»tw an ktawk nk*r •k , »k •# **** •• •apaal ffnr*waff ••**< Tk* fk rff a* •. "Tka tk'r* *kn< Th*n nwrk.m kr*ff •• *-'*'* * h, ‘* Mew# «<• Nt <■•»“** N* <«**■ anti *#W»k ** »*» % \' m T n kMw MKkkSff •*•*■• w *ke ****** tk* Mwtrwwsa-kwp.nd k* fff# ••**;* twktMti ••* ***** *•* *** *m •** t'w<n«n thank, kna *'•»•*• ••* * WM ~ w4 M «kewa4. ‘trknl **rrwnd**. ~P»k *a* ffwut** **» um * - , 4 M* #94 tM s# tmmmmm** p*#w*** *■ ,rta* kna inmtd aw h* ktw. n»* n betas* al prpprt twraW In -ft ankf tr h* n't «f tk* #**n «f „ (J>M pwnn*rs are Im,, w*r a *rt*a» Hftk knt tker* N a« dr uM kat Hf r .*«■• K H has MPk tka. Wtary p».****'ow # me .Hea d d«f*tad <h* *r*ra #*> lakert**d The arm* j******* "'k l •*'* w* a atffta »k»t two aMfirnUMM ’»*ve ,A..» l tk. ’' •It. rm win polrl tm «»• Whwe dre«*4*nre k»* *** *“* J ' i, .« « n **Wit li • 49ti* lfT 1 IfHi Miftßi %9f? iwr9.rl9i tmwm *« IMP tii fttpots* I hi * to teki ** HOBSON RRI’ORTS He Itaa fiaat fntk t* W* Wtrk * A— t AeaocMl -I Ptm. *» Hundav H.ra d J Wathlnf <oa f» C . Nov **, - - Con , Irttrlar npheoß arvfVed la -Aa.hlng . ton tm i? from So tn'\. and «»* dl ! raetly to the navy depart nentH- ha« Jnrt tetura-d from hla trip o« tka Vnlran to Oat lalaad the eceae of the ranting a »ay of Ike Hart. T'reak Ho 111 ought with bint th* fepo ' of Csjl. McTalla. who waa In cbnrge of the ea ..edition amt on the Vulcan to endeav or to aave the verwl. The report la n.arrly *n alabornokw of the history of the Intirney and N# resulta. abeatly 1 contained in ihe telugiaphlc report to ®th* d.partraent, and where it MAichea upon the present com' tlon of the ta ie»a makes .th" wear’s “PRewr even mo-e hppelesi then .(’apt Mct al.a a i.elegratn And this ctalement waa strongly reinforced by Constructor Hobson's verbal rep'dt ,n Acting Hee rctarv Alim today, CnP*- McCaha his duties as captain of the Norfolk naval yard. Constructor Hobson went to Annap olis to take up the direction of hie i course In naval architecture He was desirous of returning to Santiago and endeavoring to raise the Colon, but the rt’partu' nt had made other arrange i ments that mad.- thin Impracticable. TWO DOLLARS SHY Trank Purcell Locked Up f or Cheating and Swindling. Frank Purcell han been arrested on \ cheating and swindling charge- He has been arrested serial times In the past, go say the p 011.., for like offences. He was sent out to camp by Mr. Lff yeiteriay to pell a fpw tMnic«. »n I he came bark Just two dollars sby. He cyuld not give « lucid explanation ~f why such was the case, no the police 1 were summoned nod now Purcell la in ! custody. PAPER LOOTED U Juft# WinlH ti M#t M Tk* W*k*ia Tk'**aak ka k# tk* faa.a* Hmm IN? i turn* INa P. a)kaa*«. M bwt* kb* ' flr##lt H*m. 94 - « 9m mwf 4m* 99fi94#i) Pm*# .< # tk-s 9 4|# mm** i #494949 if 4M949*4"i9#ii Ml mm* . | ||| |t#|~ #|‘r *t IMi |9 MW 441 inr g 949 **#-94# If s. ■<.### Ijwf # 9$ VaM4 fit t %#vf r 4-* ’ Ik* ‘ 111# #4P ,4 m 9 i AMI |fTAi * J *lß»m#«* th# ipikb #Y9ri9iM9i mttmm*mrn* •MPiiii *H*t t%* mmwtwmi-vm «#fft H# irrrffffl t*m4 ms tmr*mb** 19, h ’ till 9m ®r*ff9itF H# 9iH M* mtomtbt* H**+n**l*m om** **** •till b# b*m ft»t tfe# .fwo|S9 ic f* t*n of «Sr '*l9l*B. #M tk# mnmf fli B#- tl 'iflHTWl tk #t •T , R| 19 tk# #l* erg's* svseesi’nu rs th* ta’.end ke . ,i. # •.k iki #1 fv*f»f»hrf. «h# miiftirf ffvrtiin'il will k# r#* MOtri 10 diifwitOi. mh*r* o###f9l rastellanos Will ea’Ab tah bla herd .rjU in rnn * sen son fur hell*vlng the t h*'ere tb* Ist of January th* stare ***<! rtrlee* win Host ov*r the entire ' aland KIR CHAPriIF/S #«59#»N He llots to Porto »ko as an Ams rican CII t« <- tVralilngton. Nov, I*.-— Ar.’hhlahap P L. Cbapelta, whom the f*p* has ap l r;utcd j npel deleg.t* to .tie ’.Veal In d a. has returned from hla extended visit to Kurope. and la stopping here a short lime on hla nicy ta Nf * Orleans. The archbishop expects very aoc n to i-a:er . w-u b.a work in Porto Itico, re moving prVctpally at I'.tire, but he wdll »i-k s a trip through th* lalnn— |pit*r he will g<> to Santiago and Jheu !•> Hr van*. rittcuealnr th* work in praar f e f tk* arrtri>.«hup arid tt day: My m'aslcn la on. of a j rlcst and of on Amcrlcnn clt- Iten as well. While striving .o watch over the religious lolctests if the Cath olic church, helrlng the biihooa In the werh of reorganltatlon. I shell use my p!mo«t Influence to help the govern ment of .he United State* to succeed In the work of political and serial recon struction. I am Indeed rrofouno.y convinced that up:n that in large measure the soelnl, pollt’eil nnd economic wcl sere of the Inhabi tants of these Islands. "I sow President McKinley this morning, end hurt a very satlsfnctcry interview with him. Al! the relation* between the ehureh In Spain and In the Iwo Island* have reused, so far a* the former exerei*ed any authority. Heretofore, you know, the prlesta were appointed from Madrid, and Spain ex erciser! great Iriflnenre and authority, both directly and Indirectly. All thla Is now ended and for the present the the supervision o. the church at Rome, priegi nnd laity eeme directly under •'J retain my position as archbishop I of New Orleans, but I am not going to Porto Her In that c«ueclty. The island* have not been plaeed under the jnr'sdh'tlrn of an American fllo or«p. Whit changes mav come, and what ms’> he done, are all problem* of the distant future, and I cannot dis cuss them now." Brought $70,000. Lexington, Ky., Nov. 26.—At the Easton F.-ilc of thoroughbreds today the fourteen year old stallion. Imported Topgallant, owned by John B. Ewlne, of Nashville, was sold to W. J. Alex ander, of Chicago, for J 20.060. I'ealhs at font's"©. [Associated Press to Sunday Herald. 1 Washington, t>. C., Nov. 26. The following dispatch from General Wood, commanding nt Santiago, was posted at th? war department tonight: “Deaths —Arthur Griffin, private Co. H, Ninth volunteers, croupous pneu monia, Nor. 26: John C. Allen, second lieutenant, Co. B, Ninth volunteers, ty phoid pneumonia, Nov. 25.” To Camp Polard. [Amerciated Press to Sunday Herald-] Knoxville, Tenn,, Nov. 26.. The Firs: Virginia left Camu Poland today for their winter camp- at Columhun, ■Oa.. ffr.r-. ■ I HE ARMY NEEDED FOR CUBAN WORK I Af'iMfeM##*## H9f f> fj#9«# , w Hfd j 99*mmm # n#*##### mt •## c ###>^49 4 9hm 99M m9 *s I m rtmtimm*4 Mr t' l m# * m# fv »* ikit (81941 Ml *** • f ) * rt ft ryMf. Hr tkliM tk# C»h#9i rr tro? I# mmmm4m*4 vttk IHttwii. mm* 1 HH vtlt kt fit tt# iro^ikl# lhfitim mmt CM*!. 0«t of tk# mxmt iro#k)#9#9i# N* In tk# cut# if nrfpr n#ni nko #r# m#it* rrfi'Hl fir rotHlerl rfl#«**i #nd who for <r*.mm. Th r# hi* onlmvmi la Hi 11#99 19 fi#9t an nriMha* t'on tk# or4#r of Ik# IfaUavi Mi4i. karwn a# (k# Srilfo, wk)#k was # tonrr# rs (#rror io tk# tnkak«tnoii. On# ,-f th* saw r ■mm*adabl» art* of ’V*yl*r w*a Ike <le;ovtAttoa of about 700 m*m beta of th'a organ I tat to* to tb* p***l cHreiy of C*nte. But fear* am **• prreaed that th*** crlinin*’* may re turn. or that the order may b* revlv t [ |,y * me cf thoo* who were not da -1 part #4. agitn ido firm. its Again Refuse* to filv* Hl* Prisoners Manila. Philippine Inland*. Nov !«• —Agulnaldo. the Inaurgent lead* . has address d a are-oud comraunlcatlon to Major General Oti*. the American mll- U»iy commander, on the aubjec: of the Spanish prUonere la the hands of the Insurgents He has declined to rejeaae the cleri cals and civilian a. arguing that both carried arms voluntarily against the Insurgent*. Agulnaldo then refers General Otl* to the local papers pub lished since the inau rectlon. for “Ir refutable proof" of hla aaaertion that the clerical* were the "moat active and vengeful agents in sacrificing the lives and honor of innocent natives." Con tlnulg, Agutaido quo ei the Iternatlcn nl rule of reprisal, rial nlug the tight ! to detain the prisoners In the bop? of I causing Spain to “liberate the Filipi nos nnd cease torturing and shooting ratlves whose only crime has been the love of liberty." As to his saying In a former letter, that International law must ritfede be fore the Just wishes of the people, | Agulnaldo assorts that he meant under the existing recognized I laws must accede to the wishes of those fighting for the recognition of Ithe bulk of said law. The inwtrg.nt jloader also maintains his right to de ' tain the prisoners until the Vatican re |cognizes the right of the Filipino rler l icais and civilians or until they are I exchanged. The United States transports Arizo na and Ohio have arrived boro with re inforcements. Bi nding Storm. [Associated Press to Sunday Herald. 1 Chicago Nov. 26. —< The blinding snow storm which accompanied the northerly gale Friday night on Lake Michigan and Lake Superior proved disastrous lo shipping. In the Mani tou passage at the foot of Lake Michi gan, three wooden gtcamors and a whaleuack barge are ashore in a dis tance of fifty miles. A fourth steam er went ashore on the south side of Lake Superior, but was released after sacrificing a large pari of the cargo by throwing tl overboard. In all these disasters but one life was lost. The cargoes of the four grain laden ntcomera still ashore amount to 334,0 M bushels of corn. The vessels tVm ; selves are valued at over $335,000 and all belong to the highest class. To Inquire loin It. [Associated Tress to Sunday Herald.] New York, Nov. 28. The Board of DJj'eotora of the Lenox Athletic Club, ■under whose Visplcee the Corbett- Sharkey fight was held last Tuesday Right, decided today to investigate the various charges growing out .of the af fair.. 16Pa£ts-SectiflDl SCENTS A COPY »t)cn. M. C. Duller Tell# l< the Situution. til# Nkt nH>b fiO I# • \re*4 Ifcrf* r«t S*m TUft* tkrt* Half im« \# tNlflHßffk Lftant i|r lkrtlr«l '«M#n •Mm, tfltp# m* ski *m*wrm mt *k# MV99HMI ili wJr#H *ms i nfknf ** '** kntfi «## ##•# t f i|9 ifinni mpm mm* la tlw rnmm* me; ■qt iin* < Havas* Tka *ksft i ms- gs i*b p> •*% *> %t* rimaatf k*» | msM MV* tka •*!*:# re* of ***l*o f*lW * Hava** att th* rial fgare*, -*•#** ; »;• -*'*:• n*re*v*rr tk*i iki rt# •k**i* N pt**a* i* itwnnaffh ***iirfff I nnnli’m o*n«mt IWM laarnka* !ih.< rps at* M a tret hk k>’>4 *<‘k umati'nr*V gl«k. a*w*Nr 111 dawtl* 1 lai'on Th* ffi * irk **vf bsfttts* bar*. Mun***r. agreed t* eawtwrat* th* ' wren es retting the etty t* aMitarr , v d tie a wth tk* oM of tk- AameNMi 't ##>. 994 WWf9 1# «kf# f«4 Si M i,i a 9| tmmm Offttfi 9iii"«#f f.#MMi a Arflt Me#### mt tk# 4#*U*9tM)9 *94li j , i( r * ■ v#*a. t*d a. ra it wilt t * >tal ?h* niinanc — (ft •* »t- rn’ak ,j 4 |0 (i, * are'** arneka* Taaf fer th* f p**t*r**, tj**»e»: Untie* paid a high evrnjH jnirtti to tk* dlarti-lin* sad id* uacom- IslsinlM tuff -• <og of ** fiooaiok ~ Th*t «.*idur*4 h. rdvhlga, fc* •at* akkk would how ea*«*ad Aaa*r* 1. a aoldlcre to •*«oil A* aa Jiaatta j t i a „f (he • dead id dtarlpMM Of th* s*gafth aoid ery. ke said that a* oa*. Glare there are* «.**o grants* *oldtn»* m Havana, yet h*- **rer **« o» h'ord cf na art of vlrleae* cor did b* hear ,cr *** a air tie it pan Ink onldNr »i"«*». ' - n ■ aini General Butler will remain here a**- • rat day*, tad probably have enotkar, n!*rri*w with th* president. He win then go to hi* h< are I* South Csrolkamy •hear* h» will return in about 10 dayg| tr- Havsam Hl* *if* and dauahtar wiH rr.-ompoay kirn ra M* rctara. Tk9j fsrt lead* to the belief >h*t h* may k* ■ t'eaiined for military arrv'e* In Cob*, tt hla prvueat mlaaloa exptrea with tb* (•emhlrtloa of the evaruatSoß. SI’LU archipelacio. It* S*salon flrmanded By the Ameri can* (Asserts led Pres* to Bunday H.-rald.l , Pari*. No*. 36. The Spanish com ml-sion thla evanlng does not know what will b* tha terms of the answer j to the American tendar of $20,000,000. ' for a treaty ceaalon of the PhlllpplnO*. Rcnor Hontcro Rloa. president of tha communion, will himself write .-pain * final replp. premmably upon Ilnea ap proved by the Madrid government, but ss yet lie hat not formulated a **B tence thereof. ■ ! Up to thl* evening the Madrid fgft eminent hns not Instructed Its coah mUfton here to reject the United istttea' offer. Some tentative Instruc tions have been revelved from Madrid. | but today Senor Montcro Rios tele graphed to Madrid for a construction | of them or a clearer light thereon, and ithe commission Is now awaiting a re- I ply. Spain will not ask for time beyond Monday. She will then meet th.' Americans and make a conclusive re ply. Speculation continues rife here as to the acceptance or refusal of the Amer ican terms, but h majority of those who are In any degree able to Judge believe that Spain will yield, nnd the American commlrslonerA expect that u treaty will he signed. j lyondon. Nov. 26. !>elnl dlsatch is Tom Ixindini say that Senor Mon tern Illos, the president of the Spanish pence commission, hat Informed bin I government that the Americans do j mand u cession of the Sulu ardjlpt's go. Further advices from Madrid say ■that the Spanish commission has tlecl cbd to instruct its commissioners, a?- K-r the peace treaty U signed, to treat for a revision of the treaties of com merce existing hefore the war. TUESDAY NIGHT Another Excellent dome of Indoor Ball Take* f lece The -’srred Heart Cadets and C. L. A.'s c.ill give another interesting exhi bition nf indoor ball playing next Tues ,;vy night at the St. Patrick hall. These Indoor ball games ate proving n very popular sport this winter unrt are r:< ceedlngiy well attended. Ye'low Fever [Associated Press to Sunday Hi a!(! } San Juan do Puc to Rlcni. Nov ::t. It Is reported generally here that eral persona ill with yellow tVv-i been tiansferred from the ! r uin 1 States transport Mississippi, w'nic. rived here on Wednesday last, to : ■ Lazaretto, hut ihe ehlef surgeon states that only one of the patients is suffer ing from a genuine attack of yellow fever, the oHrws Irelng lit with mala i rial fever.