The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 27, 1898, Image 13

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R. B. ROOSEVELT'S RED HOT ROAST! he Hm Into (H« War Junket V* H*»* Ami tft *i» At (Mi tVffi |M R A tft* Alff II ft% tft Ah A*«mi iki t» m (uni flftftk. lAM****** I N*n« M Ntoftk 1 It** Hi* ft * #%»* V9m «*4t tVBMBIWMNft ftft* ft*** 1 g 0 llm %fff .fr - f$ *.** i ml IIP# f«*% t mm Mini * i#« tftift# tia «t u» tetMi **• fait •• •• * •*ai **•■ fiiiHfk A «(f Mlft ftfSftftftplft Aftf* »*«m taiat •*« #«t ##«*rt t« i«i ih« tnrtfc tmm th*m I 4oionM» *M Mr. M- awifirvAA »«i? vwiw*»r |am to MM M ,h » IMWM of 111 «M»* mlaatuP. *Wa Ik* roMU*M M» Mad# 1 rmrot'4. Lai I do not tod Mr • llonai —’* or uroM *tmt to »k* *1 G orril B*«t»r ipok' im •*** TIIW M«S by g»*cr*l ro#*t»l OOrrol Dodges auggvwt ion was adopori TL» af:*ra<x>n Motion cntßpirted the work of tLt rommlMlon Its tbit city* TL* ntxbtn of tLi tottnlolot went to Boron tonight and wlil tecriv# ■ll Intending witness** *t tb* Par- K»r house Monday morn a* at 9 o'cloeU, Tlm Roo*«*elt Letter. Th#- letter written to the contmltaion by Mr. Rooaerelt read In part at fol lows: “1 have noticed in the morning press that one of your mein beta critic!*** the witness*# who htve testified at the request of the committee formed In thia Hty to protect the soldier* for the reaaon that while establishing the fact that much groundietip and Inexeu eable suffering was inflicted on the army, they do not fix the responsibil ity nor show who ia to blame. ( If the views of your commiason are reported correctly, there seems to be a misun between us. We suppos ed that lal the witnesses were to do was to prove the facts, and that the commission would fix the responsibili ty; Indeed, was appointed for the ex press purppsc of fixing the responsi- I ility. “The heroic boys may forget their sufferings, may even refuse to testify to them, but their mothers will not, end their fathers will not. Nor will l t do to take refuge behind the errors pf the civil war. Tber. was then no K 4p4WN$ RftPft 4* ftftMMMA Ml I +#* 0§ ofttaft ft| Mm ftft* I Hffi ftiif» ftHl nfcftr f irf *«*% I ijmft'ti ftftftA I NAAftft® ft I % * ftoffiftft*-*.* IftfMmNft #*mc miMft MNmf ftftt I ftp« mi tft fnirf Tftrtm I Womw ft 1 mm— mm m t»wlw mm ft j \ _ ,*« MlcM ( « tIMI rd4fc*ftM% ft om**99mm Tim irft T r • mm *9 If ; tt«ft m mt ft ***** t» (M 9mm m imif mmrixft WflMMk •** mfti, rt'femt 4 mM It «•# o»l| j I *’•?%#( h»a ftft fart Aft* AM* ift tW! I InaAptiaJM. «tktHi rfiMl MttMfta | La.* (> *a .m y * l»U h Rfir AMit to UN" by bfdtKHft* I hmrti fteil*r» tft ftittfnl aggeala Ml try to k*H> (heir mix 1 »l»k year j rommlaatoa could have read them hat i as autnr of th»« ware u«»»»ltt#d to| ma lal.y. I raanut avag quota < from tb^Tj ••Ttm* bA«r Tonitroti ttmftftHty. Tbw tb#y i have not full confidence In the Power of your commission, no matter how good Its will, to meet all the r-qulre neota the public demands Is only echoing your own d»ubia, but In spite | of that they seem to have done their j share and It would seem that It oniy 1 remains for you to do your beat, even If that best Is not quite satisfactory to yourselves. If done In good faith. It will teach the soldiers that at leaat there Is a power which was honestly endeavoring to do them Justice. You can direct your Inquiries In the first place to the food supply. Find out who gets the difference between the liberal rations allowed by the govern ment and the meagre hardtack, bacon and green coffee served to the soldiers. The witnesses are the books and the rolls In the public departments to which you have full access. We have furnished you the facts, shown you brutality, cruelty, neglect, indifference —how men whom the government was under every obligation to protect, and especially because they had a right to rely ’ on such protection were starved even in the land of plenty, were uncared for when sick, left with out attention; when wounded were abused, maltreated in some case* prac tically murdered. We have shown you an indifference and belittling of hu man sufferings which continue even now if this nation is *o become a war-' TTY® ATTOtTSTA BirNDAT OTBAUD ?v M wjp I . Jay v, ( i H V f r;/ tmH /rid' 'i Ft/W *rl i U • . 6# ftwm ft V || limi g||i> «qf ||ol |*.*fvg» ar tAAft b*4ftNP Vbftft ft** *M*ftr 4A«* H* |* aftft I* g*i . # . | iiii*ori tftfti ft* ft y#<y MM ftft* *o*7 ft* Ift* *mnfm )» fti%o f«wAflftil|nft Ml AS ATLANTA SEES IT. The l-abor Situulion in Augusta. \% Vl'dnl B» aa AKaaia St**- ftper I rtrnm tft Atlanta io«t»»i * Lftb**- Tbo l«r*M» »« rt «*r»* of tft- Atl' k lt a tftkM tlaat |U*I4 POtlflA Ifttll* O**- •** lMr 4ivt«Vti<ft tftlr •*♦ ttftk IftfC* o*ft*M4h. ftft* Iftftftf* ftfttrfti | IttPtitMt*** A <*ftt idieftOtM* *" ||A t*t» fi RNprYNHAt tft thr ft A4*A I „ | n « n rffv- t i (Imp •iporttift*. ft am w i'o* n Monday m«*«»na Thh«. »nrt»lt»- | .i.ndlna the tact that the raw ** *“ [rial fr-.m ahkh t» prodae • colt on ««4» la cheaper than ever '"’forc. sn thr knowledge th*l h»B dividend* have been the rule In theae mllle. |»birh they have eves ted large ad.ll thin*, during ihe paet year or iw«. indteatlna a high atale of prwageitty. The meat cruel part of this reduction la that -ihoee grttlna the loweet wage* suffer the highest average tM, TMag uartnlrndenis and manaaera, at from *-oe« to IS.OiSI per year, ape not cut ~t' all. While the poor man. ■«»•••* clhld athnsa dally wages was « ern a v -tlt now receive on«y of “°Tt n ,er day. And la no pnipurit'.g reduction of «»e hours of lalHir. No ci«. of people In the MNhmM Tu.h low wages a a the cotton mill | ‘ : H™a''noted that now the Augusta I operatives are brought face to face with a big rut in wage, they .re or sanlalng Thia la well, hut me chance** arc that If ihey had kept up a",,,* this .■«« _ would never have be n proposed. A corpora Hon be it ever eo greedy, will always think twice about .marking an organ- U rt body of men or women. Wherea if they arc only to he contended with individually, they Mr NttW proceed to poet notices of wage cuts with little fear of trouble. It la believed that unless the mill operatives throughout ‘h* ®°**"*^ go aboui organising at onca. that they may stand unitedly for a living wage and equitable trratment. the cut In augurated in Augusta will extend t *v*y cotton manufacturing hi the south. This Will hr a great cab amity for every one •‘*“ pt th * J. T elgn stockholders who get the dl'i dende. Sick Soldiers. Newport New*. Va., Nov. 25.—1 n*ted States hospital ahip H*'li«f arrived at Old Point this morninK from Porto Rico, bringing it* second load of sic. soldier* to i new hospital. There were on board 250 patients. Only a few were seriously ill, the majority be ing convalescents. The men were well cared for on the ship, whleh is the most thoroughly equipped hospital ves sel in the service. like one, if we are to have an army which shall he efficient and to be re lied upon, these crime* and blunders must be corrected and your commis sion must correct them. It U not for you to make the feeble excuse that our committee, a m»r« volunteer associa tion. with no legal existence even, shall ahoulder thi* responsibility.” SMOI AT MIM. Pad PtralM IMaRNri PHta* lb*.• IS* I a«t Sight. Had mot . a hwIM f><>» »*«d II" MUM pistol lose far of lu mark Kd Baler might so* he • wounded maa or • inry II was last niah' OfKcer Rrark. übo wwa ualhmg Ills brat n«ar the intecae, • ip,a of 11-q<ki*a and t'ampteril at reel*, heard I platol shot. He wwlbed S Hi furi her sad foand Kd fouler a badly irtrvd maa. Kd said Bui bad shot at him and then earaped | The police are cm (hr wavh for ih* "easy cm Ihe trigger parly. Kd and Hud are colored UABII ITIES Thd Catll* Mag's .Moat ImmeoM T ailurr. Kano ncy. Mo.. Nov, »—A ape* , lal c the Journal from Abilene, Kae . rialea that Ihe Uahtlllle* '»f clranl C. Olllell. Ihe callle king, arc nearly 11.- MW.uaw. and he inrli may not reach half that much. « kite Id ft la Mil*. Honcndale, Ha., Nov. 2d. William Miller last night shot and killed hi* wife at the residents of William Stiles, this place, and then rommitind »ul riita. Jealousy prompted the crlm. In l)yberry township, a few miles frnm Konr months ago Miller's wife and a man named Charles K. Bodle lived to gc'tier as man and wife at the Slllea house. Miller being absrnt In New York state. When the latter returned he had Botiie arrested and pieced in Jail. Miller, with his wife, then went to Hancock. N. Y„ and when Bodle’s evse was called he failed to appear against him. Bodle gaining his release. Three weeks ago Mrs. Miller again re lumed to the 3i!les bouse, Bodle also being In the vicinity. On Monday afternoon Mrs. Milter and Mrs. Stiles drove to Honetdnle, end while here Mrs. Miller secured counsel to conduct divorce proceed ing against her husband. On their return trip the •vonjen met Miller, who turned and f ’’ them bark to Silica. He ' go Inside and remained mi the i i tsir’j talking to hi* wife. A few minutes later a shot was heard and Mrs. Miller was seen to fail to the ground with a bullet In her head, dying almost Instantly. Miller then placed the revolver against h.s right breast and pulled the trigger, the hail entering hla breast and causing a wound from which ho died a few min utes later. Five Bullets. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 26.—0 W. C. lJreher, a Brooklyn real eatate man. who yesterday wrote to hi* wife from thi* city threatening to commit suicide, fired five bullet* Into his head today, but is atlil alive at the Presbyterian hospital, and the doctors there do not regard hi* condition a* serious. From papers found <n him It. was learned that hit* residence is at 306 Pe»«»Y v £ nia avenue I cklyn. He Is about 60 years old and '"ns well dressed, (-fit ters were four.: 'n the room addressed to the coror- Ito the HUperTntend ent of the c-m—rv society. It is un ierstood thp: ruff r<mate speculations promped the nttex . t a sulc.d*. Wisconsin launched. San Francisco, Nov. 26.—The battlf nhtp Wisconsin was successful launch ed at 9:22 this morning. POLITICS ARI: HOT THIiRI: The Boys Out for Jobs In savunnah. K Sen*Mr Hat it a Stria hk Savannah .Mil. 27.- The buys If* hegtaaiag to huatlt,** rcaaarkcd a shrewd observe* who la la a position lo know about po.Hlea. to a Morning Newa reporter yemervtay. 'There la going lo be a hot old scram ble foe lb* city rdßrea at the next elec lion. Candidate* for the Job* are al ready around, aoliettlng tbe support of member* of council. The Jobs are not going a begging thi* year. I can tell you." In qulry developed ihr fact that the man who made the remark knew wha he was talking about. There are half a duaen or more candidates In the Arid, outside the officeholder*, with the prob ability of more In proapeet. (Superintendent Igjftcti. of the **- trrworka. Fire Chief Maguire and Chief alan have opposition. Superintendent of Police M. Dcrraolt all have opposi tion already known, and It la reasona bly certain that aoroc of the other* will Igitton and > blef Maguire each have two opponent!. Mr. laiwrence McCar thy and Mr. Thomas Bold both want Superintendent igifton'a Job, while M'*ars. Adoip Fernande* and W. B. Puder, both ex-ehlefa. wou.u like lo have Chief Maguire'* place. It 1* nab! that member* of roundl have been ap proached In behalf of all the parties named. Mr McCarthy I* a new entry upon the field. He I* a plumber and bu*lnc»* man of reputation, beside* lielng a practical machinist. Mr. Reid I* a brother to Alderman Reid, and will naturally have his brother's support In „,s candidacy. The peculiar faft about the situation, however, is that the coumllmen are Held to have become attached lo the present officeholders, or rather that they have become *o convinced of their ability, in their particular departments that they are loth to part with them. Superintendent Ixi.ton 1* *«ltl 10 ' ,,an<, partleulariv well with the present ad ministration, and even Commissioner Wllllnk 1* said lo have found favor in the eye* of the councilman. Knowing ones predict that both these official* will be retained In the service of the city If the selection is left to the pres ent council. “I have not road** tip my mind that council will have the selection of the next set of city officials,” sold a mem ber of the board yesterday. "if Mr. McDonough Intends to become a can didate for mayor, I should think lie would prefer to have the election of of ficials In the hands of his own admin istration. If the bill to place the election of city officials in the hands of the present council becomes a law, I shall conclude that Mr. McDonofigh does not Intend to become a candidate. Should the election of officers go over to the next council, the present offi cials will know that they will have to null off their coat* and get into the political game. Whether McDonough or Mel&rlm runs, thers Is certain to he opposition. In fact, you can put It down as certain that we shall have some verv lively politic* before the next city election is over." Chief of HAS THE PLAGUE BROKEN OUT IH SAN FRANCISCO? |X ) AAr-r^ftt—lf <N»O |ft IftftMft# <*»-*** I | f MM * ftftft fHMftMiftk K** m fH* ! iMWMk.- * «Mft ft* Iftßftiftftft Rft wftft | CHftiNMbftftft 99 ®Aft 4ftftft*RA AftAftA «a At *.t <M» IMMMMMaM <M*« t* * 4ft* ** ™ Ilf'i#4Po**P A ! ||bp ftHftfti ftf ftpftft A 91st fftpftft **4* ; «ft» iiftfti 9hmmm 9ms aftftw>»»* *ft *•* 1 - . -a.. . ||m ft ft j ftftftftPAft «Aft ftft> ftftftftftftMftftMAP* fftftftft 4ft ftftftftr 4MiftftVftft ftRM* Iftft fpftftMi lift# • ft*** l * *ft ; 99 ftft* ftiffftftftN* m** m *ft j ct I lAW ftAftlftftf' (ft ftftft* ftft Aft A *ftft" jArjirmr 4» (i Mft%r ••* IRftbftAftft** ftftftftN Iftiftftftftfti IA« ft fftooAftllwftftt* ftftftW* *** •* • ffwtkw Me rwrwwwt nl*» *l6 •'* “ **, ■ nmM will* »•**• fi** I ***: a4«ai»*v*»*il«<* thi mail lb* flAsiNa tri Ms- 6** “ Haiaea . Uisa Hw kwinr H mm* «*»!»«“ 1 qua Thi* I* an* «* ***• mm* •»■«* , «|0 inHti a€ ’ft l * #««••*•«• ** 41 i t rabiliti in AmM star mm* tMftr tftj .... ,-IM I ; The wtte* nugavtlhwi lorn* j Hagwitw m*m» «• Mv* dIN ""•* •**'* j .ih# n#w fir* oi.aal#*k*s Nl fkarg* and th< rhl#f and ih# reawiislo* kav* I iK#a worklag hanwoabwtvly Thr Miwauo* m «•!>»«« b* that .*»*« ~ ariiiiag to 4ntp Mr Magwl'* L| it •aa g*t a b#tt#r maa Nr «b* ( I aia-r bw* this briag la *li»uW tw m#a«ly a* «tom lo ib* i*"**' rbiN to, I aim la douh* ... .. U Is tsi sl ill aa likely that whk «k» ! pa.aai# of tk# »*« g*’ ln « nmnctl Hw ■oatr to rrral# »«wk romialaaNM •• « I may as* fit. 'Hat ##*#«*! romwlMloas. anaitvgtel* to tk* pr*w#Wl commlwrtooa but under tk* roatrol of rowacll may b# crwalcl to take the fftar# o* Ih* present commlmlon* In tbl* **»• Ihe fir* and poll#* department, would i>r'»bftt>iy cantlttwft und^r a»4 ih* l»4f— IW»«y "* +*"•* heads of theae departm-nt* would rwl •nth Ih* commissions »•* ,M ** rertain. there to going to be n mlgbiy ] ltd of wire pulling In the near fa are. whether thia council or tb# next electa the Hty officials. VON CARI-OS. They hny Thai He to Colog on Ihe T hrone of speln 'ih# telegram# of Inst Sutuiay. scot out by Ihe Associated Press, made the atatenient of a report given cm on high diplomatic authority, that the queen regent, finally convinced that her son woul ’ never be permitted to rule over Spain, had. on the advice of Austria, derided to leave Spain. Fol lowing thi* there would be a peaceful Ids going on the rhnaie and abdicating at *n early date. In favor of tils son and heir. This statement has given new inter est to Hon Carlo# and hie followers. The Carliat movement began away beck In IMS. when King Ferdinand VII. nfter a troublesome reign,breathed his last. He left no male Issue, only an Infant daughter, Donna Isabella. The Salle law. In force since 1713, ex cluded females from the throne, and the crown should buve passed to the king's brother, Don Carlos. Just be fore his death the king issued a decree disinheriting his brother In favor of the infant daughter. A civil war fol lowed. In which the Carllst* were worsted, and In 1839 Don Carlos qu tt ed Spain in despair. Don Carlos, the first pretender died in 1865, end a sec ond Don Carlos catne forth in the per son of Don Carlos, Count of Montemo lln An attempt at a Carllst uprising wag defeated In 1860. The count was captured and released only after sign ing a renunciation of his rights to the throne. There was a brother, Don loan, who, when Queen Isabella wa* forced to fly from Spain In 1868, ab dicated the throne in favor of his son, the present Don Carlos. He was of fered the crown on condition tbatSpain should have a constitution and that church end state should be generated. He refused to he so tramelled. saying he would rule Spain as he saw tit. Don Carlos, the preseut, was born in 1848. His father was a brother of Charles VI and he hopes to lie Charles VII. Hl# mother was Teresa, Archduchess of Austriu. He tnnrrled in 1867, Margaret de Bourbon. There are said to he 2,000 Carllats cluba in Spain and they include tome very wealthy P *The ffergld today, on another page, presents a meet admirable picture of Don Carlos, one of the beet likenesses, we are assured, that has ever been I produced of biro 1n this country. (kKlom rhcnc Say lb* Kcpofl U So. Hi* tftg B«am m Oqd> u» A**- mm* (•»*% ft IO*K ( ft* (%r« .| Pftlft MmUPIM Mm Am* l.diL.hM A ftMtflA* H ImM OM* * M •* •tm vm# m m 0 Me *iav*«g gs *» j-g- piamgi iy f» «M > •% tka . :«f t~»t'a'lngtct .#• .Va 4 M *MP ~.,. || r[ a. rt ggg |g ikn*. yiMwa tit iin mm *r~-*~ aa mwM , | fr f .«><«•« mm •* **Mi egaq (tJrt - wri[l -f itmi VM* M (p, at mtmtm .VMM* .#**!« gvimsigN >qam« k T u--iat M*»» «via wf ClllMa , ||B|| M lk# pa**'*** aat tag I> laig iMr ignirrt (Mi H** i. m» I mm -• .iir--nrr a* r»»i it liiaimx PEOPLE’S FORUM. M ||M PfOfk •* *•«»•«* IWgftteM Or • Wipl. •• I iRn kHtrriM Wlm I *»•» *• <*• MHk : TV Ilk* <*•».« of Tk* II.HM ' Utr I htv» «till initmrt iM ■ valium m<n>« In Ilf mill piimi' €. llkt <ihim«.«v • itwii of tkt mill HPoMtni** m*m-~ (Ml I* Hit* tb* an*! «# stw m *wl if* linn and a i pest n» the .maratlVßS **• ha it# bo#n , Y i li«kf'g. bit* Imh a 4nil of «Fi»- 1.4(1# j i|in pari f»r tl# mfll h»r»4i tH ! thr yifttpMiorf ll and Ik iwWk *r****'ton* I Nut It ai If n*rthiM to «MM [m ram hr t \„nr to Hr KtM* | t j ofl || r«>n«inly to m dm «l«n *»**■*. »iwi*H r tfvinn alnKwt %i*h >ui «M»it»ma. aw* rat 23 I*3 iiv** r fit, to tnflr ruief tllto !•• town At*m, I The <pj<-a»li>* of proper wag-a for f»c --i *ry t»t*era liras I* n«i trinflf • quo'ton |t„ | .*n Dir •till presidents ami Ik* | mill help, II la • «tu#stl<m of *«ir»d ...m| .mlon, of supply and demand, of facilities and a*l VSDtkfr*< that w til rP* ’a hi uar mill «*> *all Its prodnrl* ‘ hroP .•r an-4 qtrteker ihaaj another mill. I Tak* a rn«mr> will u r«<*lh Caro ' Una and It la oaf* to say that ih* An* I gusts mill. hate to mak* * per rani |nv»r a hob la eaten ut> In city ta**a. I blab alalr an*' county ta*c*. a alar rmt .ate., l-afora Ihraa Augusta inllla , r „ „„ , inaai with country mltla. Where dora thla monajr go? To run tbr * lty of Augusts. to pay the aalarl-a *»f illy .m*lala. to par sot public work land Improvements. A kl«h uwcaiunent I and la* rule on Augusta mtlla. la an I Indirect la* up**" every woman, man 'and child that works In three mllla for I living wagaa. And yrt Augusta and lla ••llv oun II run do nothing lor thrae people! I don t ■ Itelleve It. . | The good cltlßcna who object to Ilia Icily mum II reducing water rente and I offering Induccmcnl and falrncaa to tha mllla lo keep up wage., will douldleaa applaud the donation of the walerwotka hit.ln mi* » public park and breathing Mpa*e to lho mill hand*. They applaud the opening up of sewers i»nd aldewalk* Mill streets. They arc willing for Au gUKta to contribute as » city to a high er grade of living and civilisation, anil yrt ur not willing for Ov* city to act in an emergency that poaalbly meana life or dcMlh. A starving man d ican't * nre for put>- llr Improvement*. He v ants bread and meat. Give Ihe poor w ot Kingman park., asphalt, libra lie*, public balha an*l what rot. hut let him have lea* meat, b aa bread, noire sickm-ss and cold! It la a alrange attitude fat the pro fessed friends v r the laboring PeOPja In AugiiHtH to assume. led the city council ad and atart thr.e mltta at tho old scale. They can do it. Hut they wont. merchant. Everythin* nice and clean etthe New Commercial Hotel Restaurart* l.oafifd the Hornet. Washington, D. C.. Nov. W navy department today authorized the loan to the governor of North Caroline, for the iik*' of the state militia of the converted gunboat Hornet. r*)K SALE OK KENT CHEAP—BO - plant, everything complete, sot up ready to go to work. Just out- Klde of the city limits, no license, low rent, best opportunity for making mo ney with small capital I know of. Ad- I dress Pustoftlee Box 580, City, j nov 20 __ WANTED-A YOUNG WHITE MAN to clerk In store; must come well rec ommended. People’s Fish Co., 418 Ninth street. nov 27 wanted Waitresses at com mercial hotel restaurant. To Bicycle Rider*. .100 TIRES. TTtOH GRADE, ft.SB EACH. THOMAS * BARTON.