The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 27, 1898, Image 15

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THE MARKETS. <M ft*# ft o#**#ft** HMwiMi gjii ,;f irni 49#>**ft 4#4»* 9ft mi**— #<4* #*4 ft# ‘■ttmrnmm y.*# imiminhnu# >1: li t *4w* •*>'•49* ** in»ini ft |m#' •*»! wftiK* 99?iNMI Spin l ' Iftftft kftft 99##ft09ii0§ tft* |p j p«ip» -* % |p «# * #<n§ #»'•' *•%* *#- a 009* WMP*p# pNp (Sl* I 9* 9 |u ft** 9ft *• 09 ilp tip puli *» » '4MMOOI pp»«jp» fft | 09#* Ptl ftp* ft #M "■«*#(** ft ft# if#' : fPfl 9m 00m *• ~ - *-* Mfp *ft pllpl TTV | P ’ *.•'* * 4ft## #*WiM#o# Pii pfMppl 000 ftp #-ft9(jo|. to# 09ft# 8 % , p 9NRM99 ip •*#%* toft*#*# P #• ft •p >f •#» »##to» > Pf. (pi p f'Mf #«»4 ' p» •*' ** ip« P" <»m %# *** pi #p it ■9M SSPfP* * m * ** Pp# t-'Pf# t it 'lf ft 9(M99Ni4## ##94 P 9#* Pt p(p 4 p ft i* P" *■* P 1 fft ffegW PM# «PI »P ft#** if mm wm *■# ip ft# #94*000 ip#* iMUMIk wi'iifiif 4 ft% Sl’niwt * to4tltk9r? KSifrpT 990090*# Pi , 4»«# I# ■■■ft* l #*#* #*## pHf PfPfpi 4 * ,** #*•**••♦ .*».«»' Sis- ti flfcffr* §»N«f Ip 9994’ft M •* «• • t f *# %0m m*mmm *> •#»• ** * 4% Pffr - Iplf m*4 ‘ *#m *• mm ***«*■ * % nimp .. «• «|ppis pit HP# 00 **., ... * **♦ Hip p# pHftp# *,# «• »• ** *** 4*14 iMI flpmp M *«| ttftjMfc ts -nfr* wtiWv mil* PM#. Pm# tftw>i tP t IP ppr 9ftJft Pi f * ip*pNPf »«.«. MP M# if 90*9 fit«i », 00 , fp fp m ip ttprwNl iP*C<fTI SP fp |V#* VPfppp t«4pl «.•«•• fl# fpfftpff fpPff * »•. HP* -* R p^irT« PPI |vf p| IvfUfU ~,, •• )t -|, |tirf t | , IVPItI itwin «p#p pttpi «r PP. laiu C«»TTtP. K4c Pkf tfMMKiI. I*» w S*^ Ht*rf k Mm ...... I# **• P*l plim»or» fumiMt Mi mmmm IP* Hn»4 *n it ft •*. I **W **""■* 4 Wtlmtii«Pii #*m l% S| if* flit>|P i|i> M ifMtf ipyitm#lf, **t ll*lf »ff t**P H#*r OfIPII AfW 4>S tiff P® IM» t *iup( %K P H»lft l|tnpf|f )#•# ~4 , | l«lf fePl Uif ' CimrlPMi.i ts) Int l\ *P luffvxi. PHP .Mi iif %M& < *u»< tlin«ti, pi m.IVi P 1/WMMlllf. Wpdf l*W ft l/>ili. Kp4jf m<lSi PI MM If cliff MR. IMUNMI|r »«#«t I-If PI ISPMI ffaw Yorf. ft#*4> ..Mi ■ ■''lfltlf HI^KIITY K«t. liroM a*!*#**** .. •• •« •• •• sm;j imtt N<rfoti MCr Built on HfS W|!ro»n*tnn !*hua<Mf»hl* .« .• m•• .. 11l Hnrannah .. .. MTf M7t #« li^i Poll*# xt* 272* Mtft ihi* .. .. .. •• •• •• Mil AtlfUftl ,» •• •• •• •• •• •• ri'.irlPiun. •• •• •• •• •• M 3 CtaHnn.ti 50? *»? Hi. .... I?M I**« Hmitt'fl »2«« N.w Tom 15« *•» rxPriHTff Or. R. Co»tw. Con. I 'r, OalrMinn .. ..... ?*** -™“ “~ Vr.rf*>lfc tor —~ roiinn I«4* >w Orlrana .. l?»"* I**** Mobil. .. .. .. ... #O4 —— » :.*1 w York 2#« NEW YORK i'OTTON. Se • York, Nov. Arm. Middling »■« Oncn. Cl l ’**' ■ .'■nutty *. .. 5.29 8,35 I>bru»ry o, .. 8.33 ..3# March 558 B.ST April.. •• .. •• .. 3.3# 3.43 May 5.43 5.47 . 8.4* 6.3 a July .. .. •• •• £.Bo £...3 ur'iat •• 5.33 5.5# ! est mbcr ...... £•£« < tclolier 5.58 5 59 5.27 5.25 i>.ccmbrt .. .. 5.2# 5.50 NEW YORK STOCKrt. Non York. Nov 2« Elgar 12134 I*2*4 5 obaoco * 134 15114 Jt. K T 84’i 84 1 * f. R. »d >l9l. 113*4 :n*». uri patim 36 a«; 4 and Nash villa . #2 53“# Manhattan 97 97 Icoplc’s Oa« .. .. .. ~....109*4 10384 Vnlcn Padflc 3084 *7Ol l;ock Island 3MV los'j 6't. Paul .. .. .. .. •• ..113**4 11544 Peuthern Rail’'ay, pfd .. *574 *" Wtsiern l'nl< n 93*4 8 3’'4 LIVERPOOL. COTTON. Liverpool, Nov. 20. — ,'anuary ard February 3.00 1.01 February and March .. 3.01 3.01 March and April 3.01 3.01 02 April and May 3.02 3 02 May and June 3.03 3 05 Jun ■ and July 3.04 2.01 July and Aug. 3.05 3.04 05 Aug. and Sept 3.05 3.05 Vept. and Oct 3.05 so> 06 Oct. and Nov 3.02 03 Nov. and Dec 3.01 1.01 02 Dec. and Jan 3.00 5.00 PORT RECEIPTS. 1897 1398 Galveston 1*384 14Lt New Orleans 23251 182/1 Mobile 2371 3718 ‘M2 charleston ls,s **?? Norfolk 3233 4000 New’ York '1 Wilmington 3620 —— Boston Philadelphia Mj> Estimated total 63/49 ** GRAIN LETTER. Augusta, Ga-. Nov. 26.—Later cables openly helped t» give confidence to the local bears, who again sold both op* lions. They wt - assisted in th:l" sell ing by disgusted bulls, who ha<l bought Ir fir »M«4 M»< »• »m>« if foot «* 1 AMI »■«> a# * «■»»«'■■>■ ** i *•#*-* |» h»-»* mmtr *• 0 m «•> 00 ». ,*mo •**#»•* 0- ton# 4> »#•«- •“*'* it «h»c •»*#(* •**«►* 1 , * v... s Bhi/t *•-■ hm Amm/ tueiNi eg |n» -rnmm >OO ■■ '■*»■«» **• (• 0* " «M|M' *-. -st' 4 r-g *"W 00 s#r i 100 0 000 00 00 omoo r «•%» M kNtt 0 «»* em»«*.h<i»t» fSytfve t 0 %» ikgei to *«* * ft* 0000 1 Ifo 00 *OOOO 0 000* | «gl«t fOOO <t%oo ’ m m m m • •'» *'"*h t #4*4 . m m m mm 0 •"* •“* I iMewwha* mm m m m * H k ' »*t MM MM W **» *»», 4SN»f* i Mffffffff' ******** #*' '** ffffc tfiT m m m m m •% * I Tn»i. -rmr-r „ **** *■> # ** I fit (HIE# |#f M M M M *• I I I I** «# "9 fll «M• f* # i * At *H >t A /‘UMtft «' tw» i*4 tWhf u 4 *«4»ie«i **•••# , «f A#t#l Mm» im tn# fff'in-'iif »*••««» Ms *♦ Hf j n**% |#|f| ** B# H M lf*l? fit# JnHj Itiw *• M 4* f I*4 IN dfp#f ..« »* m «* *t. If MNM pfz nfH ABM CV**BT*Y fB4M * i . A* # |nM#f^4Mt h Isis IfMpi ** *, H f CiMMMi ffttf'•* BfNt «• •» H B** fl ruff >f~ t**t Bnti .« m .. W MMI f i r»*&*#»„ pm Btl *•«•••«« h iff b «*., *mm4 *• **o* if bi Ylfltii i | #| i I At* jUf*n>. saa «< •« 0 •« .‘W (f,r~rr-. B#t . .««.•»*• «. * •• ff ARit##wtß.. I* t IHnmhnbi .91 «a»« Ml t*r’f# fMMfMNI 4* *• ***** Nil itiAßft « •••**« M*w •* If* II If !£*#% rMMmM •**•«•*••* *Mf 1 f ftM *• •• ****** •* Wf® M*%* t* ** ** *••**#•• ••****«■ H lAtit 4. •• .* *4 .. .« M M • lin k met HAiticinr )|eft]| #r*lf. (tMMMi t# flUt |*A- I2i |(ctVf ft Aft a«•“!## •#!’ • *• «* 7i Mi ttffß# I **t»l • M I® lirifft •#*#* Mki ..*• **** » -Mi ft44l*tv. ft#nii# |t mu ••** M ♦ Yuml# ffM# ••••** •• if— i* Hat fe i4#mf, «cmitr-t# It fi* u* Wh r» Vetch l**t* ever*** Ml** .... *<* -7* pin* Instm* .. .. .. .. .. .... •« A* Mi .•. H | ] M</* fu*l it!** - •* ** Male*. It hard*, full >*«*• .... A-n* woopwgna. A If. t** h*** c*4*r. * A., fee *** ■ ihrehet*. *M h«**i O. O , P*f A#*.. tl W. thr»* bo**, rt*» A A.. ** t*o - Mi **U *•*»!•. U 3 II V p»T IIOUM Ar««* 84'pttti •** kh*-t*i«* OnnltMilk, M ehlrttitg . .. .. ..t 14 OnlltMllk % R R •h'c* leg ~ .. I *-i OramiMillt. 414 K A •R*ilß| .. 4 14 Drttte .. .. c «... * *4 aranH. vltl# 4*4 ,H II A ... •« .. f 1“4 Jab* P King 1-4 * * ahirtl** .. •* 4 John P. King. JS l*Ch AC....* >** •POOL SILK. ret ter lit. |M yd* *• *pa"l. per 4m. • Cotlunit, to jrd» to •|<o»l. **» 4«*.. A BUCACHINO*. MMccltonvou* lush ~ •• .... 44 I* il WIOGAN. Fruit of Ihr loom, to Inch*# .. .. 4 M Fruit of Ibe loom. 7-1 Im hc» .. .. I 1-4 Gabat, 7-4* .. •• .. •• •• •• * *** C*bo». 4-4 * > < Alpine ftn*e. 4-4 •• '* •** Prldr of thr Went •> Jn-/. P Kin* 7 * R R ■hlrtlß* ..**-• jn*. P King 4-4 A A 'heeling .. 4 8-4 Lonsdale 4-4. •• * *“* Jno. I*. Km*, to-tn h Georgia .. .. * 1-* Jno. P King. »* »*ch E C ne* Island * *■* Jlto. P K'n*. 84 kwh Eg arn Island * Jno. p. King 84 Inch Ruprrior .. 3 1-4 PRINTS. American shirtings. 84*44 ? I*l Merrimack »hiriing». W** 4 •• ” *• * *7 Charter Ooak dress styles £o*44 .. 8 1-3 Washington Oils (fancy) * Allon's (fancy) * **• Rmips/m's 3-4 prrcalrr .. » Coates Spool cotton, prr dog. 41 American Indlfo iliM •• •* J !*• Plater OUa Cpolld) W*(U .. r# American Indißo bluet fl*64 .. .. * | International black* 64x§4 »» •• » Allen's cardinals 44x44 4 Allen's Laloiias 44x64 4 India blue J India blue 4 Etlnglnnt's «4x«4 . .. * Marlhn Washington 54x4# 3 ■ isrner's radiants 44x64 J Charter Oaks, £9x6# * *** TICKS. Hampshire * *** I Amoskeag A C A J® I ' l Amoskeag , t Reciprocity .. .. •• ‘ *** PLAID HOMEBI’UIie. ! city mius .. .. .. •• »**• ' Four yard, good 32 Inch I V J | Lodi shirtings * 4 Dodi dress siyleu 56x69 3 *’* Ft. Clair dress styles 4 ! Ocean solids •; “ , T Mart « Wushlngt'.n fancleo .. .. 3 3-4 Mls e'luneoui brands, light | weight 1-2Sl* 1-8 l-aeua 6 yards plain * l-» Thorndike ® 3*« Hercules ' Amoskeag * Crescent 1 '*• ,1 'elham, 32 bal Jto box » F. G. f •. 30 balls to box 1# E. G. P., 20 balls to lb 1J 1-8 ilttscogee •• 3 I_a 27 trch 4 1-2 yd. plaids, best make -4 Simpson silk finish loutarda 64x I Pacific mourningß 64x64 4 1-2 China silks 64x64 4 l ' 4 Middle fiord ? Rockport "■* Slater « I_ * Concord, •• • 3 r' 4 Rome 56x50 1-4 Edwards “ , , Keystone “ FtftS Avenue 3 l " 4 KBAKSEY’S. Heavy Columbia, i.eovy Kearsey 8 1-4 Kincaid and others 3 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime Hcsendal# cement • •• Portland cement *2.7sj to 3.25 . Louisville cement in paper sacks ..fl.w }'taster. 1c bbls c. *• * U>7i HARpWAKEe Wei] buckets, per doz ** P3interl buckets, per do» 11 i THB TV TTOXTST7V SUNDAYHIIBAUJ * « A A itsAsf *• < 00 *0 m as tl • ' >OOO is*l 000 00 00 M M AAj t* m §HPM|. #•*# 4M*as %, m-nm ft * "jPff# «#» *»>"***s n at » i •♦ | B NPMf f*f fi'H# > 99 * i f' l fNMR BP m : Bmfß BiPP- H k m *9 ft VI ***** ! BBNRt m 0 9mm ®s e s t ft-B «##S •» •* **# R4MNfe fMtof om* m ] n.««a B#i<Biiifni fit* 4*f » aa i' b **A/. ** *'«••.*«! |M|f ft# ft *P [ iPNB lifeftf i v's*. , . •*..: 9 M I 1 M A 'HR** f#i f** f*# „j. (B 49 tt> fIOR, **■# B# mm 0m f*f m ae ft b j» • ijt'o* ftMt* #*## fw# 9wi •• «*** ft 91 Baßßso** S#RHIk. fHPi 49 #»«• a* m § IWI | *•* *SSM* *M 4h » M M MMM • 14 t»~MS AM 4M M » M M K •• 00m Am y** *s<s mm m m • $4 .. i<ww»i>.» SRNISMb ff* If m tot *tolj®9 j m >«Ri> •«# 4m» . i .#• ft # |N«* BS# f* mm* . ft iftM ft i*p#P Bf9# B* ft B# ft# «• m 9ft ’9#f #ft f*f # «• «.« m tot * *1 g. w j r msm isHN iff ftv# «# «««•«• ft ** i * *to t#tot*to» B* t ftff ft# w •• •* 9ft ] i ft'tf •#*#*# 99*. ft fff ftfi w) *4 V **• 9N ft. ftsf ft# H to) to# w® ♦ >p*j. ft*ff ftfßNff'. b# ft# v mil ft'*** #*#.«H* ftßtfto niljpi fSf (ft to).toi 9* >f#Rift He# - 91 Vft ft 99 9 I 99 Ik M9l •tiff ffttßf# ftßMfftftfMt fNtotoft* ffttft fwftl* ftpfftftft' • | toft ftf #« IHR 99 . tffftff. ft# ftifttoft :#Mff«f r% ff H » M,4M 191 «*•! [ I#** if i I ft, l*ft 00 m*- IM tot*. > i If* Iff! «* •* I’s #•*! [lissttoS# i ftTft 99ft ~* ** to* ’fi tw Da«y* I I f* Ml [•nstto <to*wto» * I l-tto* .. ..lit I** CITY gOWt* Asms** f* fMS .. V. .. M tit MS A*SS * jt * gSI IS** MM M M H M H. A»g*sl* *• )4u* ... .... '• sm I Aagus's I IT* list mmm Mt m. Aug**** ft 8*77 .. mm m m B*4 m. A4Wet* to» I*4l M M M M lit M A S*4S r* I SSI M M M M .. I" H. A'hStS •* MM , ~ M M M ll* ... At *S4*4A 6 l*#'A >«2D .. ~ .. IN) ... At-sIM* 4o IV* mmm .. B*B *•* h*«s4Mssh r» ttn .. mm HI ******** t• mi mm.... tu m. 010* 11 J*l» „mM M M to* MS C- t**lllS* t* I*4 ~ M M H It SM I Ctos<*to** I l-tto Ilf M m I** ms llm# I l-ft I*B* ........ M ms N*«* *K WM .. .. .. M ••.. Mt sm ■CslutatMn r»-*» to ms AltkSM ft B*4* . ss m .. •• ms *- Ul S*** ■ IUIUmMO khkr* 4V**«to* It, It, • ttkg 48s. •*. IM* IU MS a*s<fi« 11. M to Mg Cto. 6S. I*B* . .. ll* m. OmwMl*. Coi*sn*a« to A*- IMti ts* Is. IM* K MS (tortißte Colusskt* to A* «-*•<• M !*». t#l* .. .. .. .. 117 ... August* lbs. 18, It,. Is. 1*86.. ... It C. 11, 91 |t**kl*g Cto. Cstlsl erst Trsst ft I*B7 .« .. ..• tt Rimihsi* itsi!w*r Pa IM4 . ~ ts *8 (S. trwt of Gsoeg/s Ratio ay. Ist re a** I fcsft t*A tot .... ■! M jo. of O. B*t *r«t la ..... 8* 4* 4 austral of iioorgie k*is*r. SJ pr*-f t*o«ms*. IM .. .. 83 14 C. of 41 Is* ptof Hi IM ~.. t I 4). I. to to.. Is* M. Pa I*4* .. It* It) tbttrtk Osr-rgt* as# to: 'rids. 3d ft IM* I4t f .uib CrorgiS s«4 toloritos. id Tm. in* lit m. jOcsa* Wrttntolp Cl., tsl P* Id r*. MM IM toACTORY BOND*. Enterprlas Mfg Co., Ist Pa 18*8 IM ... glblsy Mfg. Co. Ist Ca l*#7 IM Hbtey Mfg Cn.. Ist Ps. IMB . IM C.A R. K to B Co. stock .. 187 JM ttouthwtrstero R. R. dtock ~ M iM Augusta and Mavannah stock . 88 IM GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. I Oita, whits, sacked .. .. .. „ .. SS ' Ooata, mixed, sa<ked .. .. .. IS 1 Corn, while, sacked .. .. J. £3 i Com, mlxrd mV*- 41 | Meal, bolted, per bushel .. iL, 'Flour, common V « IM ; Flour, fancy extra .. .. ~* ~ .. 8.7* 'Flour, set olid pstent .. 4 00 Floor, s'andsrd patent .. ~ .. I.M j Flour, fsnry ps'ent * ~ ~ 4.Tt Wheat bran, ioo-lb sacks .. .» ~ M j Fine feed, 100-lb sacks 80 1 Hay—native, per ton ~ .. .. 18. M Hay—Timothy, per toa ~ .. .. lt.M . Hay—choice, per ton ~ lt.M | Hama—choice sugar cured .. ~ lSallH . smoked rib sides .. .. ( 1-3 I !>rv sal ribs .. £ 3-4 j Lard, pure leaf. In tlercea S% Lard, kettle, r-ndered in tierce* f I*4 Roll ol Honor. rtt. Patrick's Commercial Institute. Nov. 25, 1898: First t'laxs —P. F. Mura, J. J. Col ! line, F. S. Mura, K J. Cotter. F. M. | Yarborough. i Second Class —P. A. Jatvoreky, J. P. Mi Aullffi-, J. J. Collins, K. C. Moore. |C. O. Carroll, E. J. Cosgrove, P. F. j Boyle. W. A. Lyons, 1,. F. Cottnr, J. :F. Campbell, M. It. O’Connor, J. J. Siully, F. D. Russell. I Third Class—T. P. Kearney. J. L. 'Herman, W. J. O'Connell, F. A. Ken ! nedy. K. -N. Brendel, W. D. Mahoney, J. P. Doyle, T. A. Hegei’ian M. J. , Sn/’ron, K. J. O’Cannof, P. W. Rou lett, M. J. Wolfe, V. J. Bennett. W. H. M/ Aullffe, W. J. Sheehan, C. A. Lambert. Fourth Cla-fK —A. M. MoAullffe, J. jc. Hasaey, H. L. R. Rubeflßteln. A. M. Rattey, A. J. Orahani, W. D. Horkan, lj. Tobin, W. A. Carroll, C. Sweenev. I>. K. Scully, J. C. Margiuahan, J. P. 'Hester, C. A. Hoopper, F. I. Blgnon, I P. J .Sc ully. | Fifth Class—John Tnrletrjn, Marlon Hllver, Paul Cosgrove, William McCar thy, J. J. Maher. Thomas Kelly, J. T. Pope, Andrew McCarthy. Arthur 0.- C/nnor, Thomas Griffin, William 0.- Connor, William Knu/ k, Harton Hook ey. Lombard Hopper, Foster Kale, Wil liam Lots, Pryan M/liter, Charles Gra ham. BROTHER ODON, Principal. NATIONAL PWZtoj^) f the Medical Profesa/ion olfl W the World *s the Best Tonic for Conva- \ If letcentf, from Yellow Fever, Typhoid , Fever and All Malsrial Trouble*; It in- H creases the Appetite, strengthens th# r Nerves and bnikis up the entire fiyktom. J , Pari* : 22 Rue Drouot j. ji NexYorki E. Fnugarai Co., 26-30 N.William St 2 j >r- I I I .1, ■>. SOCIAL r* $; I siHwiim. t.iifcrlftlmiirtiM IHir* ing the NVeefc. Rill Hill IMI i (tfudil Urf* t mm ftm ftP;. f% if** B i'Bto r>#|(pni # m p mm&hm dftp Brm##r #&% «#« i# #** ißift nftiifririitr tffftif ftpwipr #t tl# ■ *fVf* HBfBB# ftftpßNißMi HI fBftRRR' fftft 19f muffif* mm ibirmmmmni • i mm i Dtototl gft ft# ffwftHP mmm Ylfff t«#f# to* "l m MNf 4MM#4t | T%rf' 99*9* W*m tj#r» ' . fti# 4ißßl»*B |ft#fr |)« f t / nmlit . ftft* ftdfW (ftirMi ; dMt to Rift # |4to*«« 18 r *<h. d t iWO (RRRtlfft Iftß (ft# ftfftftk BftNf <#(#* #*• «r#R«#i f4f Nt #■'* ftufft*# %* #% **4 ft* ft9flt|M9 ftM*» ftftl •*# 9* li| toi ft' tftftrf ft**, lid* -1 l *#Mfdk 9nwn I iftp (uitifti fitl#. Y** fttm t* a.. ftimftnpftß mm •#• ftjr ftfUfft mi U * ft# fftßßNffti fft# fß##tl -4f#l 1% %* "(P m 9ft fftotoftfft 9f# 9#9 > ttt t»*f gftii * h S -* » > I Tip ajlfiwi ft#9» ##m|r |,»f (ftp t yf ullllp ffAttfNlMtft *i#4 Bit'll #to# Plpft *1 i i: * Bftft (MO tofpftNk mm •«# ft#9w9#p Y%» ■ft ft# ft#% ftft# •r'lwrii ft* TU. *9 99 #9# 9 ft# frftftf rn#i99 Jnlttti r#»r T «sf %# %. * jh*#9 # • I B#ftt99 Hi ftU 9ft ft#99B ft*# ®V# (ftp hat'm tt. - |i»r ftptft. ts ymn fto« 9trf*iißl Miff. pr*f iRr»m r * ft. IV 9#. VM# (ft# (*9M KP#**'* Pi lift* Human INinrli The Rowan of 'h-m .H *w-J«llnp Tjimif. I#* i ftoßiß Cmkm* h \mk of U9#l| m*rv*t> t ffjfhf tintii if iif. -- Otftfllo, Cheese Cftoeke*A A man (SB die but owe. -H«IT IV. ll* r* cowe* a cracker King John rofffp, I not sU pt (»i»p wink* —OfmbeUnf. •namely fun." lire eptrum would j. F , tf ?*nnoi harm «w- • h * v * today." . _ ... —Sydney SmWh. I Mrs (torswrtra gto-ata were Mrs. Her amt. Mrs. pUgY. Mrs Inman. Mrs. ItHSTir- Mr# nr/Tocl. Mr* H Klng. MruVJ. B. CumMlliß *">• J- ' ' IlnMtoh. Mrs. V fl’A. VariSry Mrs. H. B. Alexamler. Mrs. S&8. Mr*. W. K Milter. Mlm Connor Mr*. Henry Mr* Wrlgh*. Mr*. C - H. Cohen. Mm TMtou Harrell, Mra C. A. Ir» J- Wltlard. Mr*. J. V. V«* deft Mr*. Wm. Cr*tg. Mr*. K_ B. Hatter. Mrs. Johß Davldaon, Mr*. Tay li/r Mr». Rowland. Mr*. Gard r„,r Mr#. I>e Sauaaure, Mr*. Robert Fleming. Mr*. H.*ho,. A'exsmh r Mr* ■ SUlner Dunbar. Mr*. W. B. Whit*. Mr# Hardy Jackwm, Mr*. Umli' Har rlaon, Mr*. J. MrfSowan, Mr*, trank i Holt Mr*. Win. Glagehrook, Mr*. Onrh -1r: nr * Mr*. Horne*. MrA W. Thoma*. Mps Thomas Alexander, Mrs. T. K. itcoti. Mr*. W. T. Gary. Mr*. London Thomas, Mr*. Thoma* Coleman. Mr#. Lamar Fleming, Mr*. J. O. Mathew *on Mrs. K. B. Hooke. Mle* Georgia Kate*, and Mr*. W. H. T. Walker. German Tuesday Night. One Of the moat beautiful german# of tbl* or any other season was that given Tuesday night by the Young Men's German elub. The presence of | B number of vinitora and debutante* j added no little Interest to the occasion. un ,) the event will long be remembered i for Its brilliancy. Guest* of this popular Hub were: The Misses Doughty, the M!**<■* Allen, the Misses Smith, Mia# Barnes, Ml** Wright, Mlsb Ferri*. Mis* Blsell, Ml«s Cranston. Mb ’ Robertaon, Mins Gar roll Miss Scott, Miss Shepard, Miss Lockhart. Miss Crane, Miss Plnkham, Miss Webb, the Misses Moore, Miss Burrows, Miss Carmichael, Miss Jack son. Miss Afmee Chafee, Miss Eve, Ma jor and Mrs. Gallagher .Mrs. T. I. Hickman, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Cam ming, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Miller, jr„ Miss Wright, Mis* Young, the Mlewus Thomas, Mis# Radford, Miss Collins, Lt. Meyer, Lt. Walker, Lt. Bell, Adjt. Rtiey Capt. Hartman, Maj. J. L. .Powell, Lt. G. E. Ball. Lt. Holler, Capt. Lt. Ottie Talbott, Lt. Col. Howard, Lt. C. R. Evans, Lt. J. O. Constable, Mr. Theodore deßossctt, Mr. John Seibels, and Mr. W. 0. Hop son. Dinner to the Tech’s. One of the most beautiful and unique dinners ever given in Augusta was that with which Mias Mattie Ric@ ( complimented some of the Technologi cal students on Thursday night. The long table glittering with silver and cut glass was exqiflstely decorated in orange and white chrysanthemums, ■ Ik* fwMfc MMMh VRw DM** ■!»>•> 00m Itotttol R#*w*«4 to • *OOO ms RRBW4MWB fZtowsc bitolWid It 00 000 W# *•• a*rnmmmoo l tu*** nh- .*--*•*♦ 0* •r*o « X *mm f-l-TRF* 00000 tt MM w#» •,«* ** « 1 Ms*. Mb It* *»4t s# ! .mm*, mmt* !*■ wwto** *) «t* o*oo*. * m — wt#% i*#tost 0* swMtohwl *4 -1* (tots* «M »%w*to*h# wm 4 ■ *4»» 88* j to# V RRRfffft Ptotoßt*# ftft toft* ftp# 9# 1 o*o s 0 ((#**"lß* t ffttolPftto ft# 9ftf 9»tow % •*^%./ |||P( ftft ft 9»4pof#|Pi# Hftft: tofeiiftUM 49 *-*>**- ? #fti Imm) 00 # ftMftiMftMß toiß# toßMPaftt fftp ft" tofttJigft) «#P ftf# fll ftf kR ssm#* 9mm 19#* (ft##*# ftftftf (Tftftfftipft ft ttotoMß ftpHftlP tHf# ft ftftffpfti ftftf If ptoftp'"" jNfftftft 9ft ft II l%4P#. 9|t Iftifl# ft'Tftftt, ft# 1 Hi t|riti |ft ff#|ftfft9 ft* tl.ftH 99# -; ft# % tt# tftftf >*#fCP *fft tftf PPffMftMl #4# Tiptototfpp (ft# fftfft !| _ . #tt4NMft# ft to# ft# to"! If . 9M’ft*to * 4# | f 9# *ftp ftmirr ift 91* 9fti ft# | ft9*(9ft# ft*ftftt % tft# Iftt * Vl*. ft##- ; <#ft#llPo (ft* B99H##4* f#fpffp 99# 9 ftN* ftlpfpfi 9<Pf9 pf##*#* fft# ftpftftt 9#*# 9 9##99 *• •* 9#**99 m %4<oo «|m(9 i#99#P# (Ml Iftß# tp**ft 9 ft** In *oo** to T%«#« (pPP# (9># •*' f •)#* 9*P #.• fttot#Pf « 94|flPTfft ftv#R* 4P9P Hpi-iyy fp#N» Nitto x(* *ft99 9fß#l 1919 I ( IttirapTi IIP Igi#99 PHI (ftp Pi9ft9t#ttt H—K9lim>r «f (9p199R, fw»* (Ml# : POliliiPMl 1119 IR 9 #9IMP to tf»f#» (99# j , <900% tfltof «ft» »to I 0901 III♦ ft* 994 ftfP f"*) 9 9 r r pflo99t 9 ft# «l#t# 9* fft# ' II HfjllM 9*499# fv 4 909199 ft *Mtf ftl99# ftf T*ftP9f# |p 9## tk9a»#9 99# fO9pSO*fRVtRP 9 , p9|r- pf 9r(*» 8F19991' 99# ftN tR ftp Imp* (pro* (n*M* 9# «9*#t tip* *##(*• 9(ft* 91*9 (ft 9 kPftft###* ft Hit. ilrwiti I *4n4As« 09# R# (ft# f9Mf ftßlMl* 994 9ft9» ' « r l9#f P)3f9ft99 f#9# fttofUM *s»P9 ft AtftRHMUI iMt i*9PO9 #99 lft# •‘(fW* I llwatodfwU* * 44k whirh 88r* Ale* • fliji# I .i.iMH»lCll>ftllT4 tMn? JhMftS toBMRT J f tf|p# ft99ft9 Turttdttt pflto*to9#<# Ttft*j t«t«pto IWO Plltorf ftR-lnl dtp ft«* 994 I . .to . jj> M -9 000* RM It ft fp i *W it Mr* %(r « |R9»R «M ftn #as ton 1* Mr# INwtto-f V if*9»IIMI Tft I«ft#f9l«> IttlKft#o9 9M iftiftlltF 9Pnr#4| tH9 f*w*r (*!*!« » 4r4«filH rp9|»prtl»i*»jr j 19 911119 rftr>P99fft#**9M99fc. pftk fOP**«. ffiklV 1 |f v *#9l ftto (99 ft * 904 f#T99. (ftp i i(9*<9 fwypfj (4 tft# t*bl top rorrf#f*md j ID* |g| rt»k»f vltft (ft flo#• r» R«« itorly. 881 m ttotoa Kerr Is nttpllnsiiH MtM | I gar k hart and her gum's with a baij iwrty at A Milk While Flag After lb# play there was aa informal daarej ' „n,i siipfM-r Miss Ferris' goeM« were I ML* Usary. Ml*» Collin* the Misae* 1 i Thoma*. Mix* I-nek hart. Mle* Aant* I Rrbwetgrrt, Mr George Jarktoa, Mr. j Kdgar Miller. Mr. Clarearr While. Mr Will Derry. Mr. I a mar Tootner. Mr. | j Frank Moore and Mr. Hugh llarrt* The party «ut rhaireroned by Mr*. ! 1 Kan lord Cohen. Mr*. MAualoa Cnmp4lm*nted. Mra. William Tennent Hotwton en • tertalnerl Tbnraday evening In honor 'of Mr*. Clarence Houston of Atlanta, : with an Informal but thoroughly dc i llghtful rllnner party. OueaU praw nt were: Mra. Clarence llouiton. Mr*. , Wlljlam Morrl*. Mra. James T, Hoth wHl, Ml*# Imliel Graham, Mr*. Kath erine Houiton Flat her. Mrs. C. 11. i Gnrrrtt. Ml** Vivlane Strong of Atlan-j Mr*. White entertains. Mrs. W. B. While charmingly en tertained the Euchre club Wednesday, j The prl*<*. a Wurtemhourg centre piece j worker! with the perfection of (kill by Mr*. White herself, waa won by Mra. 'Steiner Dunbar. rite King'* Daughter*. Tonight at the First Preabyterlan church, the King * Daughter* will hold their annual meeting. Personal Mention. Mine Hadford of Richmond. Vi . who ha* been visiting Ml** Minnie Weed Plnkhum, returned home Friday morning. Next *umnier Ml** Rartfnril ( will entertain at Old Point Comfort n j large house party, at which will he present several Augusta girl*. The many friends of Miss Collins of. Macon, one of Miss Lockhart’s guests,| nt her house parly, will bo glarl to hear that she will return to Augusta to spend the Christmas holiday# with Miss Mattie d'Antignac. , Miss Vivlane Strong of Atlanta Is the guest of Miss Isabelle Graham. Mi*s Strong has just returned from Raleigh, where she ha# been in atten ! dance a* maid of honor at the state 1 falto. Mrs. Richardson of Atlanta did not, as was stated, accompany Miss Rod ney to Amerlcus, hut will remain in Augueta till December as the guest of her father, Judge Roney. Mrs. Marlon Snead has been spend ing a few days with relatives. Lt. Snead joined her last week and they left for Savannah, from which point they will sail for Cuba, Mr. and Mrs. John Foxhall Sturman, jr., havq returned from New York and other points of interest, and are at home at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sturman, on Ellis street. Mrs. E. T. Miller and Mr. Edward Miller have returned from Washing ton, where they were present at Mr. T. M. Miller’s marriage to Miss Smith. Mrs. C. A. Doolittle is in Waynes boro, the guest of Mrs. H. W. Ranks. Vlas toaMM towtokte *t Pto I# P i 119109# 908 (wftMl 91 ftMNft #99 *9# (ftß 00*#> toßpflft# t ft f[ftri.i>iW>t.'"lWto 99 900999(4 4)f #iv - ’ *mm 9# ftW ftni'ftlii ftp# ft ft VftM#ftP 09# ftlWPMto! *appßPVfti #9# WftMftHft #4 949 : «9m» rnm oi# (puttofti 4# Wm ft ft I pii vftvtftp mwm |ft 99# ft** ft (94909 I#9t9ft» 99**. flHMiv 4 * top #9 99(4 #9* #i 9PP9# 91 4 ft# (N#MMft49Ni 04.1 ft» W e * j fftdftft# mo# HM9PO #4 Opto—fcpßßft Vi# ft#*: * to### %ft9o*o9l fttoto* ftpitol* I#9 l##ft 4 1 Imp *to ft#p #994 ft#oo# ft# ** c ft#* jbmm Y fti*p#oiMcwito (990# <e*o#*(M*o 0# *# »(#+■>#»•# «#'«'" 9 * #9O • i*» 9* ftl x 00ft I ( j# 1 ft&p# ftp#T IftiH #4 BttoNir# /I|o ft oppftp#opp# 0# (ftp aft 9 ft# (ft# . |VftV#i ft# W ft BPti###Mia9 to# %*«9oa*9 99# 904#W00P# ft*999 #B#* 9 00411 09 /094ft* lov4fto ft to# "li# 9M#** * 009# #"OR ofwM# I aim #i * p4i ft* tof#v9 T#P to#io * I 09ft 9f ftOM99. fcm## ft i|i9#|ii9 9 ft# 499# Ml 94* ftpMP ft to #9 Cft#o9it ft## s“i 09 #**4 ft*#9 00 ptoltoppp#*! 0099 99 9*#oftoW 901* 01 9(019(9# * ol##9i»e** 1 # ##|*oft^Mßi I (ftp ft**(M#N #‘##4 tol9ft T9o#49f pflPtoftp##, Tft# Ift lfp f ?#ft tori 11 ft# #o(#fftlo#4 lift • N-fc ftf- ftf# INtolW 1^#09149 ftf U# rp00r(l ttf ft ftp (1(9 !9 j epeWdlßg a few of* 18 lb* *4l y. ftftt ftifft!) fta f*lilf’9to4 ft«io9 9 i lap I m frlitl*# 19 Rtoirkto ivnhiiy, Ml«# ftprt Acini (4 Mtophtlhpfi I# j 10# 9 , 9##l of ftf, lto4 Mr# IClltflk M lp# ftirah Uo9 ft tft# (n#p( ]of Mr# IJ#toV#llT9 HcMNllilf, Mr* ftlfrrft Catfcbrrt ft* vUtitßC r 4« ■ti% to# t 9 N#v Tork. Ml** R#b#frt Ik**# fti r#fttrn#4 (tom Svw York. Slip* l/wi# Smith hi* rtotum#4 from . Tlwmwoft. M aa 14a Calvin ha* returned fniq ! Atlanta Mr* J, T. Palmer has returned from I Texan. UNIQUE POSSI M SI IM'F.K It Wia Served to Test the Ability of Rival Chef*. j The T»m*um supper In Poverty Klat last i/iabt was on* of the beat enter tainments of lie kind that has ever been enjoyed In the ib.uth. Poverty Flat 1* i the bachelor quarter* of P. J. Bull!van. j Esq . ami has been noted for Its plcaa jant and royal private banquets. | That which Is unique about the ban- j quet was that whb h prompted 11. M< ' ' Sullivan ha* a chef. Rob Middleton, col ored. upon whom he acts great store. ' Recently he made the statement In , public that Hot) could cook an o’poasum twtter thansn y man on eaith. Mr. W. j M. d'Antignac challenged the stale- 1 ment. Hl* observation wa* that John Walker, chef at the Commercial Club, j could better prepare ‘poaaum and Ts toea for a banquet board, Th/ result wa* that a friendly wager wa* made, a i suit of clothing being the stake* John and Bob were each encouraged to do their best, a Jury wa* select*,| and the feast wa* prepared. Tho*e who eat down to the banquet were Capt. Simpson. 3£th Michigan, of I the provoat guard, and Messrs. Joe: j Cartledgp. W. M- d'Antignac, H. C. ! cashln. Edward Lyon, Thoma* Shln olaer, P. J. Sullivan and Bowdre Phln ! Ixy. The feast wa* a grand one. Mr. Sul livan made the occasion a Joyous one. providing the aide dl*he* and condl j mcnt*,The dining tabic wa* neatly dec orated with chrysanthemum*. -1 in„r, eloquence and plcaHttnt ralllcrv flowed a* the banquet proceeded, and a* the teat of the superiority of the chef* was made. After the banquet, Me**r*. d'Antignac and Sullivan were requested to go out and the following verdict wa* made up: The Walker 'possum wa* served Cold. It wu» the better cooked cold 'puasitin. The Middleton 'possum wa* served hot. Jt wa* the better cooked hot 'possum. To enable the jury to arrive at a prop er verdict a* to the merits of the chefs it will be necessary to have an other supper prepared when bothc liefs will be required to prepare a 'possum to I)/- served cold or both required to pro pare a 'possum to be served hot. Hob is proud of the decision. Hob not. long since declined an offer a* chef to Capt. Philip*, of the warship Texas. John Is also pleased. He and Bob are both ready to enter the contest again. COCOA^ndl CHOCOLATES ]l (v7|J^4 ra* EATIBD 08WIW8B. X lj coOKiKG. B«cmc »»/\\ Njfj, j IPuiMy of Material and \/ 4 jji) 'JjAfo tor sue h miß smayfy grocers. (II t f.«v tv# 0 0009 ju. ft liftMMNiV pp#it« S p#Mnh# HniinTlMlt~ii| #9oo#: t j-(pi j *t ffcpifi mm ft# o### 9*# 9i9 mm : t#p% *• toft# «49## 999 994 fftftft 4994 PITUAT ION WANTRO [ r .«.*rf Ml re» w »-T mi —in urn r ' ' tot 9ft tVi* 0 ftoilftTMtoft ftti rv 9'49 | i • oßoi#i<*#Pß#R9 #» 9PH9P «ft 9«P 999 \m*m f > T [ ft |to ttl* 9 to* « 10 4tft WM oi-400to 09 IM### ift«M4 oi4ft999Hr I 0» fprtoafti 0 III ftp*99o9 94U j “ TO RINT ~ -pt ervr n«8 omm* Ato *m m ttft/ito «9#*tt%. • (» i (##94*, dM** 09 09 11 9 *>• totoft# 9##to «#9 .%< 9*9«ft 753* : <*g ginsx two l> m• /U 4 In* I I w» I,toto t«»> H«*l»<ur i*»»* nUI *mm*m m l-t ### v>-toK t# mmWmm -» 4Rf| p*l>p* * -to I /otto#4 | »#B( C tft ' *llllll9 0 |9»« ft • h m «nk *i t»*»A toirtt w C. H um Haw. 0 VAtotol***. nierg wt «>♦ ••84B8* rtm 0m to baht k« h». «* 44- An* mwh *Bmmw, tan* 48*7*14 at* FOR SALS |1 if) J* % I*#’— A I HIT \RW 91* Ml MCI 9 (C-toft, * H if *1 2M T "#«4 9| ### Iff (Hl At-CTIMM AT M J ACMVOfV OT. mu RAt.t rAt*r« fr»t VNAft » |\*(J |9lf oiiß*h* . C9to#p*#( to# #Ol% 1800 - r#»( | #r *r>4 Afftoj) 91 N'ftM * 4*9% tftptok «rftl»# *94 R««»ft|9r. ?f9t I help wanted < a foMCISTRXT MAS fMTK «*AM oil* TAIN 9 NMMIlit, A|*o|o 29 )if#fto I |if 9*tto .to MISCELLANEOUS WANTKIv-A •NhxD MILK n>to| i would ilk* t« try her a few day* ho* fore buying Apply at 18X8 Broad 8R«« OOVB7IINMKNT p, .SITB >NW—DOfTT I prepare fi r any • ivll service raaaak* ’ nation without sets* our tiluetrwaa# . • atslogi.e rs oifornwttcn Bent tree. Co* > urn hi an C.or. »,-mden,-e C> Meg-, Wash* tngtnti. D. C. »oe 87 ; FOCR GENTLEMEN OK TWO MAR RIED couple* can a t first . taaa t-oat-d at Sl* JacktHst sttvet, opposite | opera House. All modern ct-avrniea* tee. R, tereiit-e eathanaed, nov 87 , IMt Alt DEJIS W A NTEI > NIOBLT ! furnished, sunny rooms, with bath, ■nd first rise* table board in one of tha I,e*t localities In city. Addreaa E. car* ‘ Herald. nov 37 1 ■ r Special Notices: 7 Per Ct $500,C00 ? Per Cl FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLAR* on realty la Augua’a, Oa, Terms T per cent. For lurther Informatbm re* their attorney at law, P- J- Sullivan, E*.. or Mr. P. a. Urn uni. Tuggle & Hollingsworth IVIIi run the only Mid-winter Exrurvlon to Allan:* on Monday, Nov 2*. leaving An gutts at 7*. nt.. ally time. IMnramg have Atlunta at 5 p m. Toe* lay. K»v. ?>, arrive Au*nsl* al it p. in. Only $ i.QS for Round Trip. VI-RDICT FOR DR. HICK VAN Tha Jury F»uii For Drletdint In stead of I’lalntllf The Turnrr-Hb’kiran ease was brought to a close In Richmond supe rior court yesterday, the verdict being for the defendant. It ari’itix that Dr. C. W Hickman, i while haling icpulrs done on his home, ; , tigaged An hltcct Turn* r. The archl leet claimed that for pbin* and sui,er- Intendonce of work. Dr. Hickman nw !•■/! him a balance and sue I for 836. Dr. I Hickman, In reply, set un the allega tion that he IViis not indebted u> the architect, but from the fact tl at the ar chitect did not eurefuliy guard and Handle portions of the work. Dr. Hick man waa damaged, and Dr| Hickman set up that Instead of being roqui.ed to pay money mi stilt to the architect, De ar/:hltect snould pay him damage* eon'allied by him. The Jury so found, awarding $25 to the defendant, (bus throwing over the plaintiff’s esse. Hoy kin Wright, Esq., represented Dr. Hickman, and W. 11. Barrett, Esq., represented Mr. Tur ner. The matter of custom of establishlnar professional fee* wsx brought up In th# case. Judge Callaway laid It down aa a principle of lawth at the usual On this case) fees as established by the customary charges are the fees usually charged by the architect* of the com munity and not the fees charged by one architect. Capt. A. J. Renki. The above popular soldier, merchant and gentleman.has a most beautiful line of Jewelry of all kind*. He Is doing a big business with the soldiers at Comp McKenzie on aeoettnt of his connection with the army. His prices are rlght.and his goods are guaranteed. If you are in need of anything in his line be sura to rail cp him. His stork ofli elf day goods