The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 27, 1898, Image 2

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JACK FROST HAS SALUTED US! Afto jr©4l •••• Df*pOf*M< ? Th©fl Mr. I *r«Sr. <x trim • w«l i»*# rw you. Maw dlMMii too 9**w. or Ovomwii, or U*wltr* %M r or M«l. Mow MMNft N w* MU f WHmW*** foooy or yowr 9MNMMI Jm41f199 w twro. Coobb t vll'v moi*. iml jrwwHl m#ri» moo of tore |AQd »*§*•. and m#o who loot coro to bo m Aliy 000 tO’iMiy drtiMd wi« find wooo oor ooooloro boAutlfol varKHIOB ai v*ry **»'•• factory i»#lco*. I. C. Levy's Son & Co., TAILOR FIT CLOTHIERS. AUt'UHT A. fiKORCIA PAYING OFF I ; y THE fIEN The (Ihost Walks For Sonu Soldier*. A Lust Nw*> f *f Rrrnlt* A** mi «**»*•#. i m mm**** »;* •« » |(tif fl| W ors W CbAelfy #igl**l NAj HoliAAl) II I W*«t n’IAIAI, I* ,& M4|' to* Id (b# f#§a ,a army aru»( m |Mj MMi#r tor fto IWribn •rt lb# Uiif Tli» m*>- hard'-* tort# MkmmM C «•*•#! ©•,•» ■»»•»* through fell lird' ibU *»<nffc H# i» • p DM alt 4 Md* MaAf IrlaAd* AAhil# I* am rl * H# to# «*•«» |m4 al*rt*d In »#'l abort lb# bay lb* »odirr* get -M r 'r yap. ,f {tont.-ni yotsn* fc*a baa* !■ A«w*g • »*“hlt>L tbr it.#* erf ib# Third Bub t*% alattoto-4 lh#r# pi* ■•r* (or *b#»f foytr #•« |br Cuba It* *<-<•.>«nt lit dfartr aoiK tor •I'Vartar#, bo r»vl#e nt Shnnm -.*• told TT# *»i\b t'f n«»* in* ib# #aw:»a toe# |» button* •! adtly on. Ib< Taath 4iiito nad lb# libt Maryland ba«* al ii #4 iiutto mi lb# u##» MM. aad lb# t #ra .a tb# Eighth INmnay Irani* hav# Nm rlntlil iron ad for ib#lr n#w r.’wp. All irf tb# other regiment* arv at*o greparing for their iauoi rifit *u qute an addition to th# fct ••J.a! * today, wh. n a lari# t4| cf ncniit* arrived. Tb# at** of 14c rorp# are efficient anil lb# addition t.ielr part i.f lb# hospital trork up to to Ib* ran*# trill malto them lo keep tb* high#*! stamtord Thu## arriving today «var* , Drted#iih*fen. Sheppard, Huaby, Thant by, Xaiaon. M. Kitue lt#ily. Xjitoß. IfeJEedy. Bonnet. Stern*. Beit. Mjtem. B#lou. PiM-hrnn. Labile, Mat utoß#. I’rffirri *e. f’hllllpa. Ouffib. V.u,*leu! (• itn H«hß. Feteieon, Burr#tl. Rueaell, Stevens. Such ratr. zr r#a> k<4 It# rill laat night that tji-t*# bunded recrnlt* front Ohio Aril on th# *ay to thr ramp brr# and atotii* airlv. av#r th# Clroryln tomor row. Heautlful May. Antoni th# trophlaa **f th# dfff#r#nt mlntmta whlrh ur* prlaed htihly by tli# oun. I* a magnificent flag, owned thr KiftPimth U.linraota. Thr flay ...a, prrarntrd to thr regiment by th# Cour-rerrlal rltili of 8!. I’aiit, Mr*. J. J. Hill, thr >vlfr of thr nell known rail cad nuynet, preaeuting It In the c;;:rn of the rlub. Tbr fin;; li. of th™ ftneat allk. hand-i painted ami embroidered, the emhrobl ery bring done by the fatnou* KJeldr *lt tern. On one aide l» a field of white upon ahlch It painted and rmbrokS rrd the ae*l of Minnesota. The work 1» done, in blue, rrariet and pink. The other 1 a dqpf Ihe flay is bine with the wolds, • yttfegnth Reylm. at of Minnesota ] VohbiU'i’is" worltml la different etooto. The whole fiay 1* a wonderful piece of tforkmanehlp and l* a thltiy of beaut). Ou account of the iV-lay In moving the camps to their new pur!(lnns, and e.» General Young Is out of the rtty. the division review wna not held th!* afternoon, and will not be held until he let urns. About Football. The regiments are very much inter ested In the gH ties of football, and a series of games will be soon arranged, the first probably being next Saturday between the First Maryland andr the Thirteenth Pennsylvania. Mr. Joy of the C. t.- A., who has the ball park leered, stated yesterday that he would do al! in his power lo aid in the suc < s of the games, and that nothing v. Hi l-e thrown in the way. He will ? ” the matter over with the captains , , the different teams tomorrow and a ¥ j ui'.jle will be arranged. 11 of the regiments with the excep . of the Tenth Ohio have teams, o captains are: Of Fifteenth Minnesota ** Stew a d t 7 M. Keboe. Of die Thirteenth Pennsylvania Corporal £• H. Ripple- Of tie Eighth Pennsylvania Sgt. Chas. yorlck. Of th* Thirty-Fifth Michigan--Chap- I •!* W €** ipi ti ■i# # I ffc# f If** HMN9 4| 19*0 t*f j o*oi* 9tw#t * v’O *H,(|ry 99 ? 9<r t* too#* Mi * r 9 ItSSmm im 99m m** 9m *mm* «* > (9#fi %9 it to* Imri ftwwt mmfmm&m * I iim tifini, (uml mm* 9m mm i»« «i fe j 9«ik ilml *mm mtm 9m f .*9 ih# mmm* t? m 0 *m9Hmm9m9.. *m9* if«tai oMm l o*p ift 4 9 u'i I. %• of#' 1 O'9UMI mm Inc IH 9mr* Um 9: ikoitt li M9* Imnm Til o# m 9mmt t***ni9«(HiNwo A. M C, laiml llfvfi mt OftvitiA 0909 «4 M*,..*a wmr tarn# mm to*4# 8» of ik# to** ywawc **## to i"i#v#to#rf. Famt a*tor nat«»lo ar# "f tb* Ma* tkMMI Oaairf «rs Otto*. a*a*t#*#d to a# tb#y atcxA a* •likia Ttov toy ttoy bat# A*MrtM#r». artll* tory aad Mvai mlllila that tb#r «a« I,alid t tdg##, Mild iMMaaa. fl*fc« «* tAlpa- ** toad or *ny • tor# Ito M lineal la #»*wtad l» Cot Aallao. aoto maadtnt udflt#r Camp that. All «rs tto #ttto#*i* ar# to*i'#tl •" tb# matron of tto Tooth Ohio toad Ibla after anon at fMr orlork A aptoodld 1 roaram toll to nmdotod Opt ftatitk of Co K, Thirt**ntb P#aaayl***to. at* «fk#f of tb# day fnt tb* third brigade yaatrrdar ||#rman Plahn of Co. K meant h ’ lliun#nota, nay# tto Joke player# bava hoo-dood blia out of a aatrtol of match#* Col. I t#b It rutting down tb# pn**e* given to tb# city. Cnpt. Croatfield of tto Fifteenth Minnesota ha* bc#h graated a twenty idayn' furUmgti. whleh b# Mill »t»#od in ■ Dtttrf**. Michigan Corporal Way of Co K of th# Klf ttaptb Minnesota went to tb# hospital pealerdhy |,t. A. O. Tfcompaon of tb* algnal rorpa bat reported for duty. Id. Chandler left tbla morning for (iraenvllla. where he take* i-harga of the algnsl rorpa at that point Photographer Fox of Co. H of the rnylntors, baa unit* a number of pho to graphs of Camp Mead# and other*, taton bn tto way down. Kd Johnson of «h# atynal corps ha* received an honorable discharge. A red light hang* at night from th# flag pole of the divlaton hospital. The work of pnttiuf alci trie light* In the tent* of the otßuera of the corps hiii* dlrlakm headquarter* wa* rum i plated yette’day. ! Capt. H pbnrn ha* gone to Athi-n* |to take charge of the algnal cor;m work there MaJ. Fellow* of th# Thirteenth ! Pennsylvania ha* purchased the ele-j Igani sorrel mate of b* r - K . J. 1.)- I oils. The cold weather ha» made the men feel good and a good deal of wrestling jta going on. Chaplain Htcvenson of the Thirty-j ' Fifth Michigan served five years In. I the Kngllsli army. The FI tat Maryland band gave a concert to quite n number of ladles | who were it th camp yesterday after -1 noon. j. K. \v. Asielln. trumpeter of the I signal corps, has received a handsome isen tuintpet. The instrument i* pro-, | liably one of the riti 'st ever seen In AURiinta. and it is suit; It ran be heard three mites. Mr. Ass.-llu la un old i newspaper man and Is correspondent t for teveral French and American im pels. THE L' 01SLATURE Speaker Little’s Bill toProvl e a Gen eral Tax Law. T’lß LRQISIsATtTRE. Atlanta. t 5»„ Nov. 26. A substitute to Mr. Swift's hill to repeal the univer sity funding act was passed by the house yesterday. The substitute which was offered by Mr. Erwin of Clarke amends the fund ing act by reducing the per cent on new bonds to be issued to the trustees from 2 to 3 1-2 per cent. M. Swift, himself, voted for the substitute, us did also Mr. Blalock. Among the most important measures yet introduced In the house was a bill today by Speaker John V. Little to pro vide a general tax law. Mr. Little Ims devoted great care ami thought to the bM, which, though it coven about TOO typewritten pages lias been given by him the urefoundest don-- Md*ratJo*?artD r. Th£ biii Ptovidrs fov a state tax com mission. as well as one in each county, and goes fully into a. systefn for getting all of the property in the state In the dtgest. THTG AUGUBTA SUNDAY HHIHAT.r) |TO Bii OUI WEDNESDAY 1 Ou| fkorxM. db **•*» ... * ** m> *' m |mu MB Mot* 0 mmmmm i mm pmmmmm mm m^ <Bn mmmm *9*9 mm wumm i9mp9! mmmmmwpm iiwmhi *■ *»•* •»imn9 mm? *** mmrnmm* 01 m 11*,# 19 *l* wmmm* **ol 9mm? mmm tmf 'mmm? mm?mm*w 19# tmtmg **9t T9l* 0 fiofty 09 Wodß mmmst* 1 11 U 4 lift! IN M«4**t&* N®* * ,* mi ni«i ml 9f t9# #o4 of 19# 9 Mi cm |9tf»ONf I Hfcff* Mflf N no 9«9 Cm c 99wxm* Wto- tto toll ram# tto *#n d#d hi tto toll. Ttoy Ad -o. to* »• tw th# ftgbt bat that wo* MM «totr faall They war* ratoy and *" >«« aad waft d '*#* snort tba In cam pfArv or rftovf Ml 4 ft BfVB Ist dt fcOR Ai 9 regiment tto torotol Oedanto tot* to* calved MV prat*# Or tbrfr mitUary •Hilly, and no finer art of atonal ear sotC ar* left boat)# for war. Whether tto state militia will tab# on new Ufa after tb# mastering out of tto Aagua* ta volunteer* remain* to to earn The majority irf Ito man mu*tarad oat to lling to tbe Clinch ftlfl## and German Guard*, with her# and the # a aoldler from tto Irish Volunteer* and Ogto thorp** . .. From what ran ba learned, an #n!lr# 'reorganisation of tto Augu#sn mt itln will take place Tbo>a will to atone Important ehongea In ofßrara, it la said The following ordera hive tiean ! I, surd by Adjutant Gen. ml Otonr. nt Atlanta: ••General Order# No 1. > 1 Leave# of nbaence granted oltlcr# of th* volunteer force# on the active Hat for the pttrpoae of entering th# Cutted Suites volunteer aarvlce ate hereby limit<-d m (be Slat inatsnt. Ofllier* intending to remain In tto United Stat#s bervlto after that date *bmibl tender thair resignation of Mate eom mission lilreet to thl* ofllee. S Otncdrs absent fiont their command m and Decrn'tor 1. !». wltbont au thority, will to discharged from the military arrvice of the state and their place* filled a* required by law By command of the governor. ‘•William O. Ohear, "Acting Adjutant General.* All officers absent from thcli ran mandv after December first without authority will to discharged Born the sites service, and their place* filled. In Hl* Old Home. Mr J. B. Smith, n former Augusta :,.|(l*en, but wbo ha* been living f> r u number cf year# In Dayton, arrive.! In ,be city last nteht. and Is at the Ar lington. Mr. Smith left Augusta a fe« ! v.ura after war. He. while here, wus purser on one of ill# Savuuuub river steamers, of ivhteli ; there vas quite a number plying the I stream at that time. Me was for two or three yenvs purser |on the steamer Express, of the Flam and Bollock line. Mr. Joseph Morgan, now a resident of Atlanta, was captain of the above There were at the time #flout fifteen nr twenty steamboats In or-eintlon be tween this city and Savannah. Mr Smith was also proprietor of the Coker Sprints Place nt Aiken which is now the elegant estate of ex-secre tary Whitney. Mr. Smith says be enjoys very much coming back to get a drink of Savan nah river water every now and then. Tbe many friends of this gentleman will be glad to know that his tines have fatten in pleasant places since he left here. He Is now,a part owner in a prosperous oil bualnees In Dayton. Mr. Smith leaves the city today. His friends regret he did not tarry longer in his former place of residence. FOR SALE 60 Acre Farm—mid way between Fephzibah and Richmond Factory.. _ Address A- H. Hackney* 449 Walker Street. V’T —-rrrm v... To Blcvcle Riders. 300 TIKES, HIGH GRADE. $1 2.1 EACH. THOMAS BARTON. 1% fne H# APnee** Vtosag# Mk# #atoip-» to* tow#* Mkg *•#« 9 f f a.i ■ hi, 00i, i td# 1 9m mmMm#* m# &*# ■* ■■ J mWm&m jam*'** JM m* mm f%9 9mm* 9mm m* mtmmmm *&-mm ,<lt j i tat 9 * m • « 4* f -O 9941 “#• to. mi ■ % to* #» |# ##o 9 mmf wl 199*1 to atol 9n thw l s 99M|o# ‘ ‘nt •’' 5 Tto Hrtajd MWM f for 9 if 999 mtt ni t*> fl»rp4 it Up ti-wfH * 9914 9#; tto folfea «tli to tet<wv*«to I* «• I anppA*# It • k»«* ” rr * r * m hm»eT" . M . , He won give* »**• '»# •»* •"*** much P»eto#d Wit* It. THE RI D MbN liklwi at Ca***P dUkew*t# I®» today. Tbia will to • great day wit* tto I led men nf Pappose T jto No 18. and ttotr fellow brave* wbo gv# eol dl#r# In tto re*<u»eot* at Camp McKm tla. All tto aoldler* wbo are Red Miv> »t# requested to ****!«Ul* N> tb* Wh#h*» upp. site tto colonel'* bendquar t#r* of the Thirteenth I’ennaylvanln regiment nt ! o\:ock tbla aftrrpoi a. 1 and tlaten to *<>rd» of welcome by a prom loom Rml Man. wbo wilt nd tlrei* tNna, On aoniv day at the near futqrr P*P oooee tribe will give a *peeinl #nler. tainment. at wbb b •»» 'he w.ldlrr Red Men will be InvUnd. Thsgc ary ato'H 300 men of tae J.dJ R M •« special commiltto oppointed hy I ap sacse tribe will take the name* of nil aoldler Red Men and report apeh to the lodge "o' in p FOR RECORD Two Legal Paper* Recorded Laat Afternoon. Two legal papers were Hied at tbe *u -1 per lor court clerk's office lost after noon. . One was a deer) front John W. Dick ey to Mary O. Dickey, tronaferriu* a | lot of land in Summerville for a e n alderaUon of <IOO. The other one wa* from the Irlsh j American bank lo John D. Sliehiui and Joseph Armstrong, transferring prop , erty on the north side of Broad street | for a consideration of <2.100. A Statement. On September 13th we received the first Invoice of famous Vertex shoes, by November 25 2118 pairs have i come into our store. On Friday. No vember 26. there were Just 619 pairs on hand, showing a sale of 1469 pairs In, 84 days. In the sale of each pair we have invited a criticism of the service and comfort we promised and during these 84 days not one single complaint has been lodged against them. It Is n record that spurs us to new energy in pushing the sale of the greatest lit tle folks' shoes on earth —Vertex shoe*. Misses. *!.2;>. children’s. *IOO. We are figming our profit on cases and not single pairs—it’s the quantity we are selling that makes the above small price satisfactory to us. Wm. Mu'.lierin's Sons & Co. Fl.mco Resigns. Havana. Cuba. Nov. 26.— Marshal Blanco, at 10:30 o'clock this morning, formally resigned the offices of gover nor and captain general of tbe Island of Cuba in favor of General Castella nos. Preparations for the rapid evac, uation of the provinces of Pinar del Rio and Havana are progressing ac tively. The Spanish transport Covadon ga arrived here last night. The Unit ed Stains, transport . Florida complete ed unloading her cargo at Mariano and. entered Havana harbor shortly after sunset," yesterday. Tbe men at Que tnndos camp are doing well. HOI’S ON THE TRIBUNE the ion ul An OpMm. t|f K#| H 0 9t% OMM9O9* I Mir tfmt mm «# INN (909 nMV 9mm* « rff gw*,, ftp u dM to fgßk 99Mf Of 99 9€BM«Mi9 tfH m*rnmm 99 9 9 9f 99tv • - trtto H«ki u, entM ■> .#* «a## ib#» ar* am i«M * Mm gr**w to* ntrit tab », It t* taken that it In tto Nli #*n* nsygrt# 111 inwAurday'* toAW*» 1 tn «b*rb iUMM t* M*d» In tto 5 iilßtu Mat#- me iMtrtltoliß toV 9|*9©9 F that V9# mid# In A*cu*t* *nd tongtry. - hit k tov* torn < h#-4 4#* nnd idt# tor tb# r**t n#*fc. nut *tnri ug> ogam "At Men-’ay twttAlftr "Tto etmtned retail n wbtcfc •-«** •■rnngbt at*-at brtnr##n tbe np>#- ttve* and tbe sn4N management byr tb# tedtniton tw nag*#, bna modt hi g r.ry inallt. ansi t t* ss .r*tr boytwd b} ib# be-dd# tto «tty < f *U etaaem that tbl# nit-' ttenet# eisAhtHt will termtaat# wttb tto end of thl# w##b, "It i* trn# that tbe o|- rittvN In tto mute b*v# art *, * ured a nsto ration erf ttotr wage* to tb# former *<*•l#, l»ut ttoy have gamed #**#► *toß* from the milt aiitbarttle*. • hsb amount to • roneldrrabW m»t tqrjn many way*. Tw tight to organ!*- and contend fto 0 m lr mteteet* hn# h#*-b rreognl#- «1, and tin on* wto bee taken IStt lD tb# nttliggl# for wh#t ther txdteved to be flgbt ta t* to arbitra rily dtecbarsrd by tb«> eopertnlrndents. ■‘Tto pledge of a *t* p#r i-#nt ad , \*o,over other mil!# outside of Auguvt* district h«* ,»•#" eecttred in w'rtftng and lb# addlttan*! pledge I cf *»W Jer c#nt further advance If th# .other nillte will also com«• tn It. *how* a dlspc altion of falrn* *• which la not an empty ronceturton by any nieane. when th# otcerativee mm# together, push organisation and present their request nnttediy. •• "It 1* learned that th# bell* will be 1 rung on Monday morning, lo give l an opportunity for all vho desire to dec so, to return to work. "The rs'serter talked 0101 a num ber of the hands about the proposed siafilng of the mill*, and a great many eggreesed a willingness to work, alttough they consider the re duction git unfair c-ne. But they say they are resolved to make the ta>st of the situation until thev can ; do better. "The toss to the operative# In Augusta this week In the mill# which have been idle. Is estimated nt over *lft.rtts). This ta a heavy toes and to contemplate a repetition of It with the hardships which are to follow, is a strong reason for a resuming of work on the port of many n xt week, and It i* believed that * hundreds will *0 bock and push their work and prepare for future emergencies " Under tbe headline. "The Right Thing To Do," The Tribune publishes the fol lowing editorial. In justice to The Tri bune, troth articles are given: "It is stated authoritatively that on 1 Monday morning the mill toll* will ring out again, inviting the opera tives In their accustomed places to j work. Will they go? "For a whole week they have been Idle. Why they were Idle is well known. It was a protest against the wage reduction which went into effect last Monday. They have made this protest, but 1 have not gained all they asked, j They have appealed to the gener-1 ogity of the presidents, but tire an- 1 stver has been that their appeal could not be granted. The mill! presidents remain Arm to their de cision. maintaining that necessity compels them to this unpleasant step. Further protest or anneal will avail nothing. The operatives are in no condition to compel the manufacturers to yiafd to their de mand: if there was any hope of suc cess in such a movement it were right to persist in such a strike. This Is the situation as the r close of the week finds it. land tfow'thstt - the announcement Is < made then the mill will to opened again, , "hat GLOVES Ladies’ Perrins! J. MILLER WALKER, THE HATTER. Knox Hats Finest sausages Finest Beef Finest Pork FINEST MEAT MARKET IN AUGUSTA. call and see row youhselp E. H. ILLE. 1265 BROAD STREET I"^Hdfff 9S *m ! • In* -flW* •*'* ..*•#% ttt *ln I'fefe INTU”* * ««Mft|lt fn Hill*# |4fef «• jit IWttNf w ttMlf* •#• *<49*fios tf#r* •JBK'cW 4 ■ *fc *> Mrfl V ’’ftk rn 0» tm ttMWWN lll**’** §«*»« Hn*** «**» h* * til «r in m *4*®.. •fc - ' r<*i* %m Wf»ttlN»» ■••t' I# tNllN'Wi »fe«* 4«. §•*< 4» i ;n—*4 t|Nr-f- 4*l' II id | t rnvi4f t •**•*s* *uti flip &**-*>+*****■* ft Hfe •»*4 ml** »»®4f'l th* «*»» aa *» l» •»*««h .*,y Kin *«t nM AM *» k *>. ik4 -.m d****A« ' M *h*4r *" "* ■ >*rtt«<M a* » w«m !• »«rtr ***> thAW IHA* He (HM HH* •»•* ah«H*< •Hi SA* that t* »•<**«< HB* *• *® HIM »•»• *« h'Vwd «•*• : •*• * r h*Art hM a< HH t«f*»uttr* MfcH-A n Milt rut tWir Ilfn4y wvtl H|f 9H hrwAltt VAtINA HAV* A Half |A4Kf ftUlfl NwAfN* ®t iM ** «I 4 N'^ ttMNM t«* 9<Vl wlNHlt *4** •** •'ll lu« Hu** HUgWI **tla»at*4 that Hi W«*M End *’>•»» th* .»!*«• I!V»A Mil k*« tUeMA «h«a •*"•* •’» IM *tMH* TKit In tl*' mh*** hat* M*.M* W-*a tlan IMM WoMA Mil had If IV AIM h*d n»* W rhwd What A HtH Min •n 4 M>* mHe'll «? «H» ef*Al*** « ••*»»:» ,vs nf« thta mM Mh bought II i» divided m>- as #*•■) faint!.•» I>MI A HAM As thlA «tff»!Hl» I ** UINi vpun *v*ry .air |i>«iVr or not* worked In (V mllM. VHM that It *• hoMdegw k'DiH to pmtiM. or t'’UA** r Hi plead, ■mnf IMil Ula to try tmpM tht AttufacitiHrt to 1 *ti*" to bat 'or t-'iniA mml knowing Him m idler Hwlt w)U mtoll th- I*'** of aneih*r ll*.*«n upon th# »"'i»- Hvm. rbouHl they not return to work? After vtli nc uwlVf »«*lt ■ml Incurring lists further the irmrin would Dot lot Viler. And if lh»>’ lh»A Anuttllt U»»T niuM only got It won th • torn* now offrrrd. Moon IV HUH mrrrhnnt* who fen** boon IV frl»nd» of IV working p#opl# would V unable to mi'j ly them further nnd Ibr big mor< ham* would not know ih»*m. and every day would make rondf tlons worne without bringing th' oporatlvea nenjor to getting whot they n*k. ■There are father* whose duty I la, no leaa than their de»lr«. to pr> - vide for their famllle*. While their mttnhond tony reliel ngatnel what they feel to be an tnJuMlee to them, ax 111 Will the- let then chil dren aufTer. on Account of thta, for any l nine they can provide. Then* are teriouft t«» iowU*r. and havlntr considered them, ihere ran be no doubt that w h the mill ( bell rln«* on Monday morning mnnr operative* will nna.ver He call. "Now if they do, shout I those who will not return seek to hinder them Net by physical force. for this would 1* unlawful, and operative who have gone through His mo . trying week. who have won the commendation of all by their order ly bearing, would not no v l>? so foolish as to seek to use fere** to prevent other* from exercising their rights. This 18 no otgiin.xcrt strike, it is an Indvdual wkik ut. and so there can be no organised ending to It. but every Individual must go back or remain out as his Individual Judgment directs. Those who shall go hnclt to work may be intimidated by petty persecution, such as It is easy to Inflict. They may be jeered and scoffed, and p >s slbty such treatment woo'd deter them. But can those who may be more fortunately situated and not be in danger of want have tt In their hearts to Jeer at those who arc less fortunately situated? If * 77 !ln with a fatpily of dependent child ren and who had no other soutro of income but his work chooses to work at such wage* as are offered, would a man who had oth“r In come and was not dependent uwn employment In the mill for Previs ion for his family, seek to del or his j less fortunate brother? It would be unchristian, unmanly and unjust. ■■\Ve believe that those of the op- > eratives who cannot do better rhruid j return to work. They should retu.n. to work, because for them it is the best thing they can do now. Wha: , ever it is possible for them to do to j secure Justice snd their rights they can do better- whtto— -at —work than , while they are idle. If It *' t' l or_ atinistc th vy .can not. he fully oi\*an- I lied while they arc out of writ. I 1 %r !•* r V • tMHNt* *l*# W I <4M If 4k *■-#*&, :.N*H I* 1 to***'- rNW »y. rki kk» f* 4 aH f| t® i 1! *r>4 fit ||»|« t- f.# Nk' •4 ■. tlni* tlkv wjN'BkiHiini *k» ~ I® t Ntt I In* 1 * ’ r«&*■»& f-'f M «Wf# m*- »«•%. Laaa M*Jr*lK. • Hwtts »«■< If -PiaH KoA*k. "f s N*M fork, kaa h*Ml aifMtMl «w» Ik* barge *f tr«e MAJeAUA. AAM to VMS ■ keep < na*ltM Ia A alasakeo. Mr. Km au irrMlei wMW aft tine »»tA tl la ali'l<4 llal V HlmM HI •• «*- l>wife «•**«•»* •» the Map** I **. a»d a S*.fna AMs he*til Ain* imi tllAlMy iup tmat I A jshlb tea* JUthittfl Mr. kauk lad several »itr aaj». •ho <M tltlfM that He had twb* (He hJHaed re | t.4*rk He r*a ihrwfm WH* *■«• The tf|. *i a . j «|*e I'awte t Mate* embassy ryllNiK fMiNMINk 1 hfittft alvmi htt rvHKN. tkk * Ikfft iniwnu *4 !>*i! Imui iMNki <4«n4. THa f MAgAkl Murder <'an.* kast a# Cirtr. Ndr. !• IHarlng the trial today of the murder er * of itte Txtngaki family the dep* ai t,<>n „f • Mo**«?m*tt <m read. It **>d ■ has as Ik- time of the maeecre* of Bf bant Paaha. th* Turktsb « w.mander. he **. m l l d the laflueatlat Mu*»ol ■ n*ft* and invited them to m*a*acre all •;fee Chrtsthin* found In thandiA !*«'*• four hour* after the meet in*. The Pa •ha'a remark* frer* uttered In the ptek- I nee of Major C* urchllt, the cmman ' dor of the genlarmerle. pt.cret-d very ' atrcngly. and v.** ordered by Edhefn Pasha to leav* the rot>At. Admitted Him. j Pti-nsburg. Va.. Nov. t*.~ The trial of Detective W. O. BaWwin, charcad with the ahooilng an-i killing ©* Hen ry llawkea. cobued. whith began In ih« county court of Dinwiddle last Tues day. terminated balay with a verdict tof acquittal, which Wag received with applause by spectators In the court- S room. The court refused ail instrue | items offered by the commonwealth and granted all *a*kc,| for by the defense. ! iiy agreement between counsel the case went in th« Jury without argument. The caae against Kelts us accessory was nolle iriarijulM. # Threats ol Lynching. WUllamson. W. Va.. Nov. !«.—Pam ! ucl Konnoda Is new imii r arrest for tthe usaasslnatlun of Constable Chari-* Ht-ele, near Gear, last nigh'. Steel* ' was shot from his horste. three bullets | pen. tratlng his body. Circumstantial j evidence Is very strong again t Ken neda, and there are threat* of lynching. Races. New Orleans, La., Nov. 2*. —Today was the third day of the Crescent i Club’s winter inciting The weath-r 1 was clour, but the track was heavy. The three favorites won. First, ' he mile: Judge l» endman, 7 to 10. won: Klktn, ft to 1 and * to 6. *-c --1; Bd Overlook, 20 to 1. third. Time 1:51 1-4. js,. ond, selling, six furlongs: Hittick. 11 to 5. won; Sam Lattarus. Es<|.. 20 to 1 and 6 to 1. second; Chancery. 11 to 5, third. Time 1:11. Third, selling. 5 furlongs: Water Crest. 2 to 1, won: Randaaao, 7 to 2 and even second: Branch, 15 to 1, third. Time 1:34 3-4. F urth, handicap. 7 furlongs: David, 3 lo 1. won: Macey, even and out. sec ond Harry Launt, 1# to 1, third. Time 1:33 1-4. Fifth, selling, one mile: Uttle Billy. 5 to 1. won: Garnet Ripple, 4 to 1, and fi to 5. second; The planter, 10 to 1. third. Time 1:50. Washington. P. C., Nov. 26. The Bennies races were postponed on ac count of bad weather today. First-class Maals 25 cents Commercial Hotel Res taurant. Hanged. Wilmington, N. C.. Nov. 26. John Brooks, thg negro convicted of assault at the la?t term-of court In. Brunswick county, was hanged in the jailyard to day. He confessed.