The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 27, 1898, Image 4

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v- . TH« -ra* !KI EM HU ft** tan* i *• *«. %. «* r **«•# *,..]**»* *»«#**»« *<*•• s*•+* §*n*i «« *I« fw ** «*# «M# ftt <M # «tt # ® fH ♦*# itt# « fc» ■*** #<MM» . < . n up# i*|M>i m *#«#*• % 1% ®* - * »®4 #*•§» mH ••t®* *** iii #*#■**« Ifci <Af btt •ttilMtt'U* -* i, ii W—i ***** i %*# ## *$ **» M##i4 r«MiMiiwi | S',. !,4N-#>-<§* p>m. : 4 ft# *.4 #§##(l ®#l***#: #tt tfiji»rtiit'~ri #-1 •#•#**•»»#* <f% «ft S VWk'IMMW * gam 41 ftMb ft**. IN* t««% iXf Aft,*. imit*. \nt 17, t*V* tt%tt •< #4 tp*t $4 «k? 1 tiff m~t ‘ V«#* 4Mf * I fttrn# torn** tt* B *#* ***t b*A** ti *• fttt*ft. Iff® 1 ■it ••• * f t§wa f°“ * f |1» •## *rf* -*i *#• ***** b**»i P Mil !i * (!|# f ftMft7‘*H<wl ; " ■* . . ~ i jjLfiiiiu. i»tf| all# Altfttiif ww * ■*» , li *l f *®* ,w * H rU% * working m*n la the rltf *» #f*rtty WW ‘l !n ■*’ m ia troubl# ' tfca preaanr# n# tb* •W"’ *!*• g* rn Mar • *i«hl a* M * «wrk* «orba tt I* now ail *l “TStf wßifi w% (4* «5» apteJNM not horny. •*» *• bal!l •' n | rr*rn!» a llrely *i»p#*ranre (S*!* Tb* fold weather ha* •■- j cad trad* rrnilr . ,_.,.; an in r.ved to ih* aporlla* 4 artmeat t. day Wheelman a l- * *•’ I ally ißtrrfttad W » Arthur CrtnffU* *'»«' ■T*® *• * f,„-„re of tb* UunAay llt-raM Hl* «- »;> J*a ar* vary Intaraattng. President McKinl.v will apprarUU tb* iplrndtd laliar* ol lh« Au«ual» eliildripn no rjie thun-u i »7 t aU * r : ' ... a„irk for Ci:t>B jnii TW'ttn* m'aaiioary wora n>r are avarionk** CUmm • work K'r a arm> vo.i h K* !* *ll» »* •>* P ars ' ,r7.h*" tr ba*K d ,n r^*rd ,h " 1 awh rvtrrr 1* l>u*y w;-i,Uln« «k* th.. he ha* no Urn. m write • i.HtMe, Th«y mu* 1 11 m n-g^rg Thr m. ». laughable par*t ii**r In the world l* tU« v,uthful politWtt whc b*t:er*. l »»l the v hole enure rr C h!a wlalloN and aelWlty. He U a’.rr.dy great. When Mr. Brynn Uwwci f“ “f hi* Turkish bath !»• must leu.V tor < k neaaaai \ H.ovall. Stcvall a ak« on -The Turklah huth" wna one of ihe gems of Ot orgla junvnnllsm. There la a hia'father In the eaP Keabll winrteld. It l* nsserted that the ',v:t.v works pWn< will he ton et.-ucUid without deviation In thiv'ea*’ fj-ym the crlg nal plans and 'l«ea. In this day ot lore! Politic* the little aUU V Alice tie Her.U. «lven todw. teUua how a HtUe ho.v carried the vote or the First ward for hie pnper, !* very apropos. the little hoy. read It. They will e It. Endeavor le bring made to keep the Sunday Herald clear of ohjectlonable matter. If there Is found therein that tvb'ch Is net. ptire. the managenten wIU consider a favor that aueotion f railed to It that the offense may he guarded against in the future. v* lUu.tratlona of ladles shown In Catherine Tnlbofa tetter in the Herald today will !ad" readers. No other news ; . w.crvsva is printing these <!rt fashion letters. The llliptra ihem are works of art. v May’s Fashion Chat in the today le very attractive. = isThe most expensive department the Taper. The letters are very, valuable, the women of every houae ■ ltlsrU! |> rite them when they once ;• reading them. «ob»t rtf'l m Hr» 1m m nmMif «t ii* *i»m §Stf.* | fiHM% Ml »**»*» H fH* fmm >fcMa m*m I®* H fit om* n iw» m hnH I* ti«' mm* ♦*■* | tm«* *#i |* »*i # HoQ*#*:* i*** •**"* in «&'*** m #■##"♦ •» mtm** Hit ****** *■* *** ** * m ***** \mmm***m m %m *mm% |t£ nntt mull ii n m* WHitlE H4II I f%tt it t •»•* in it pi*i*t| ** I, y n ip 4iHiiiJi»i ii.m i «ft» tmft I £ gsiNl!i t-.f it if M'i'l r~f ii H I fit injiili ii piin***i »iiiiii ■ *"’* «M M Mfflfi iMMi* «m ii* pitiii pPiMi itNi 4 '>«* flpM. if i*Pi*M •** lPM*i ; flit ****** M ltM» mm iML i* wi* mtmm n***« i *** *1 iiM*t * %1p *• HP ***** m* a< i am ritT* anr **a ib» «»H *•«» ' |«ae of kayMMI n*V • **>»•» to ”kM ■ wMt* aaew'a TCIM will *..* la A*- gwata ASAKSSKIIINTH OF WWIRTY. I H'lltf art are talktag ttesl tbe Mill 1 MNaani* aad «b* aaaaaaity of rw* ! dorian ilhm there la aa latereatlaii mutf that mart fruaa M.mnt IVsrti'. IN. T. The aii.rm.ira of lb* inn rrfaar to awaar to the rorrwtnrta of the aaaeaa- HM>mc aad alga Ik* aaaeaataant rail* 1 Tbe raable cornea about la tbla way: William R.k befeiier owaa a lire pra»c [ -Tty let tk* liattia of tbe lowa. The 1 aaoaaror* doc.htleaa ih.i«Mtil II would 1 ha a good atrob* of hu».a*aa for the I towa If they p«< up the aa*esen»*Bt of itr. KocbtfaUor’e place ao high that 1 be wculd bava |e pay a very targ* pne, Us the la sea of the town. j they aaaesard bU bcuac and gr.ouda at fZ.dOu.OPO. Very naturally. Mr. Aoyk ' feller demurred. He aald that hi» J property waan't worth anywhere near I that sum. and tie offered to sell It for una-aeventb of the amount at which the aaacaaor* had valued tt. The u»- aaaac ra. however, refuaed u> make any redaction. Mr. Rockefeller, therefore, took the matter Into court, end that tribunal radc e cl hi* «*a asment to '»3IS..r&. Expert* Halil that that was j about the nmrkei value of the ptv.erty. I Nuw the awmaora refuae to awear ! to the rurrcctn-aa of the *»»esatnent» jef tht town. Thev t. thrt If they !n>i do aurti e great mistake In regard to Mi lUeKi.fflarV property, they rar Italy ua .••»• fc n..«.-ko In respect to all the other pn rly of the town. But Ilf u r i i| tl »,-*<» r: daetion In the ! other property wore mode, the taxes would cot urtirly pay the expense* of the towu i.tiveroment. Ii la not clear what 1* co be done In the matter. H Is prohride that the count will again l,t> ap iealed to for the purp isc of r im pelling the Baaraa'ini to awear to the return* an.l sign the rolls. That the property was assessed fnr beyrnd th« market value there does no t appear to he any question. What the motive of the rsaesaora was in trying ti eonllsoete Mr. Roekcfellct a oroprrt . can only ha" guessed. They though; piolmhly tlirt Mr. Rockefeller. 1 lug a vary rieh man. 'vould accept the assessment rii'her than to have the trouble üboirt the mnlter. .As ot special Interest to the Second army corps the Sunday Herald present* today an exhaustive ert .ele on the oc cupation of Cuba. The Second corps expects to receive orders almost any day to proceed at once to Savannah, taking transports from that point to Cuba. We present in this article the views of Gen. Shatter and of Gen. Miles ns to the beat mean* »f safeguarding our troops thcr*. The Second corps will be of the army of occupation on the Island. Ue«. Young expressed the personal opinion the other day that the brigades now In Angustn would be moving to Cuba In January. We rec ommend to tbe troops’ careful perusal of the article referred to. There Is Information therein that will prove of value to them. It la said by acme that when the two big mills now Idle desire to go to work —even if both the bosses and hands wish to begin operations—difficulty will be ncountered from the fact that so many men and wqtjjen have left the city. Skilled operatives from other points will not wish to eomt to a mtj.l | city to work where tie employers have j tone out tn «*i .Hivfllly. *X*Tr£W AUGUSTA SU NDA Y HKJB ALD tttf twA%m tt*i% mn fgoi i*** m pm& * H ii* n l # •* liM » I >'* fmMiP ♦**# *• f|* MMii #iMl I *p a- t-mm -t fMM *■ '' W* fm JPi* gi«i pT «M 11*4 aim m nm*9% mm I9S * * **4 i»p«*)tv jb* MMM tlifli #*** ml* «F-*4Vf' tin .4rA* tp 'M #*n*i t Mk *#4 ll» ‘ 1 . mtm 11 ti# gftr.i# Aiff fk|H # r Ci i.ti liiri tianrf* REV NOF *ITI# VKAB*. ai Uttar***, flu mm mmmm ttw ImH *ge Vi* ftw**- •»* Itlt4 to Tftt >(l»f y>(tt| «rt»a Til *M4ttti li*it*^«r** 1 ft# CH*., ilfl IftttCH • wti**! »i I. it !oe *»*i Mr* *» * i«pv i* |»*i4(n»t *l| Ml** ifirfl K> iifr ?H# f lfjlrr <n »«» *•»* 111,- iiiy t , 4 f|j(f tiaa ndift ifct suffar ng. wjitrb he* »<»H*v»lfP f”*’ i Mhm Bar th aha m>»rd fn #lfftkma- KJUMBSTiW ' «ne h. and *w*lie<l for •» ftaXl—lVlrf a bats d.MMM b, Fni.y. tba d *tb cf the !» ,att a for wh< m *b* had he«*a flltcl. t-.iraad to he- gtrtbood bc'int. an an rt lietaring Folay a* If by ebaore. la* arVMttHitnMtt *r*» •***• fkJ -qwaatUm' aabad aad m>«wwr*4 f** a -1 ahly ■ aeeoßd ttm*. and ea th* »P* punted m'.rning Ibe bridal party bsm In the ehurch. | To the time bonrrad emmoey qu*ry Folay rc urnct an mihrslit fag "Y" Tba prleal then turned to the ~r,‘ l elect with the. Interrogation: ’ tA 111 you. Maryan t Mt> re. Uaa# fnia man ' •mo thv Folev. fer • tr lawMb wridei h. ahrpdr M ,* Moore fu-ared a mo 'ment then alammerad out: Uta to .'ay nor "No." r-pl.rd .be .*- ! tor lab.-d jrfriff. "Then l nil not rs- Jelned Ms* Mxre. ted ***** •hr. ugli the hrtdrl ratty flnt fn ft e’-ereh. > teavt;iy tb. dls; omiltel gruVn tr tr.Ue (hr trua: rebuff a* oeo be mi&Vw , i • - ALPONSO XIII. Tht BOY KING OF SPAIN | I V ’"'•x •«,# Awuxuim Vrtos sa?* hit, mother (the queen resent) has given up •H hope of his ever reignW* OWr Spain and wlTMenre the kingdom. permit ting Don CaHoa to oc6upv the throne. iu 1 aHU HrfPPBAWH mm mm- v** mmm *** ml 1# smmm ■: in if ym iin n ttutt* m mmm mm fit iiny if m* mmmm ** ■**msm* Ii l»»*il mmmrn**& m mm mm # eh* *+*<■■§ tiH' mi Im * * Had) itdli *tt mmmmm •* ▼ * {ri i-f U* mm*P **• s*» t go id*. td Hu» ... make a mu# f r*t fc" if • ’'i r 1 n ,o4#)r. T**# *»* »* J* , k *• .*tt *tuK'kfcii*A< r*#® 4 * j whlf!l V# w* lo**4 •• * hu>U#« Au«j. Tbr mill optriutii w.ti « t a*lf-wt»b«awtcuittff. Manynparx ;.\r* h»va last Aug«*t» • «rrat d.-ai n r» thaa la gin*rallj l>la eta tra near tnk c thtrs ar* *r raaglag to leave the ae*t w*cb. Tlttra fie a acmfcer of bright a n> ' 11 .* err mm it tb t lie in . pa. Tha liar* iall haa r tad many pleasant com jrt.un cttlcra ft -m C rm. The trosiro* pha to the aaad e 4 4d> nte S. n< today Is j quit* » llt.le skit By tho • .y. ih* Irtrh string la on Tbs oatald?. ■ garrets la oea huslnaa* venture* her* etftl tt pr sper.nt* winter sen scat ta wi,hed fie 'satfldla'.i*.! 'bnlar pffaaa. j |>i Young la raking a took around |H will ha bark Nr'a few day*. ® ktffbk « ml kgAtlslß* f it* *ni tUMk fjjp% * fl#fe ffttfH* j>»fb#i (iftt % «#%• * I mrn%m ***** I*l* mm mmmm mm* *** ** * #<#-f VB* t*tts®#4 *ll J#f' t ■*# d- , ,% || dr M-f *'fli rt tt*** no mmf m9mmm *• *** ***** * ?ny* Nam*lra* tkbb' 4*»* a,. (|{ Mftfkr Tl# *t« r> •!>♦«»• »u Prri# hitt ife# it## of mm r#fnov#4 tr tb# afeof** of !-*b# N<*ft* .. , # ink# fnW4* fur rtP t lttl onturul ph?nnmtm. .iMsxpfcitirlv ||r*»' €■• i *; * #»» ■»"* rwißf */ * , nf 4»p*Cttt4 urllH • Att. t rllll't*»iy a fittturtl*#** * P*tt *l ■, m ( ,-r'. r,'**'t*!e *>«ly to • abßled tr mnt'at Here the atory la quartitly '■' , nlt a a auhtle humor: there !| I. rich with a .-art and tender patboa .mm max Inf# tu t »—l*. ttP* 1 bfnf# opv po j»ni. **** M m. f w i- m« •’ttitfiirtarf frotn *® i aft tnNf» ntsculpoiot ## It i< Item mflny j ~-v- . .iHtebrr* the Douhtedny * Mr pi. , o', who km spared o' pain* y j,. r -,pnne» the vtlre of ■ i, ' «k by the aid cf the bock-b’nd* er’« art. moke thl* geraroua* fUr. They will reiM til* ycdt'me poatpahj !• any ... • r r*j hn epjroval. to be paid f° r “ »P ief-atcry. or to tr* returned » them jln rare* it *l* net tarot ** rfter agntrl- , rtP'rn. TV* aystem bra be<*n e*c>erl»t jly devtas* for the rrc mmodatlon of out-of-town bock buyer*. ••The Golliwog* at the Seaelde.” by ! lrte re nee K Fpton. with verae* h> i Bertha rpiou. (New York. Urn dm I nnd Bomlrny. Longmans, Green & Vo.) Thl* I* not the first time the Goltl -1 wogg ha* present 'd hi* hldecua but nttl ahle face to the public, hut never before has he been seen to *uch pleas ing effect. In thirty-odd full-page colored pic -1 lures done In her own Inimitable style. Ml** t pton tell* the atory of the ao- Jcurn at the seaside of the Golllwcgg nrd ht* friends to the accompaniment nf Jingling vers » of the kind children love. The adventur** of thl* ronmrk ahle family are numerous nnd sllrrlng. and tl 1* # very unnaual child indc: d who will not scream with delight over every page. The volume Is subfitan tfallv hut Ugh'tty bound, end although the pictures ere generous in sire, it Is not too cumbersome to be handled by small hand* "In the Shadow of the Three. by Blanche Loftua Tottenham. (Phila delphia, J. B. Uppincott Co.) The latest of Llpplncutt’s select nov els Issued mouthly is a story cf Ven ice under the dread rule cf the Inquisi tors, and under such conditions the story could cot be otherwise than thrilling even were It written by a less skilled hand. The vicissitudes of the hero, tbe patriotic Italian, are graphically described, and his almost miraculous escapes dramatically de pleted. Event follows stirring event In breathless sequence, until the com ing of the Corsican proclaims a now slavery for the Queen of the Adriatic. "For the characters chiefly concerned, t is not for the nation, the story ends satisfactorily. “The Impediment,” by Dorothea Ger ts rrrd. (New York. P. Appleton & Co.) i The author of ‘The Rich M:*s Rid- f rkv ml ti ii /nk W If ft / illt IlllUw v l I f - —itt r > *> ; j t ' V %}r' r\ / /1 my •' f/\ ! n v- / /* mi \ C If K \^\* t ** (W m%m •# mm*mm ** Ihm'4 Ii suk# tb# fttttMStt ittlf •t - I—— A w* IkfaAmi 11 a■> n# «t 4 $ # #«#ftr #r ittrl Tb# l ? # *jf Wmi too ttftl Tb* h a ft# # (fciffltiftf IHtltt Ir<f- *ttb C*!#*## *n# t:ti vori «btttt • b*rr!#r of #*«»•* m 4 hrmtrn. Tb# irorttti ht ibf#b tb* In* 'ptmmtr t to rFfkfttH tt*4 tb#* 4#*tnr«4 If*.** A Atom#### of «b# W«ot I |p |fc# . fcr ts f m t/(r|. Rijtl . | ~ Mr# Arfeifbf CriintofttiblA iN#i York, t> A raj ||a<f r un* #r tb# rtmUtlom obvh osH#4 la tb# tftlttfil itt tb# ##Hr P»rt Of rt*, ,vr«q ta Urn M»el wrt. of ar'km fbr oa. of tba moat remarkahU fuoritttt mi »4*#at*#* ttl##a w •lo## tb# of R‘4## Hsipto* mo* atartlmg maraala ki tb. way of tßnft* lag tiyiflrtfrt TO. wwj M ’ In be a faftbful ■«<» «rv»* aerowul of tbe advemtur** wh'rb befell ”ib# Skip per. tbe BoVo. tb. Smith, tbe Mate, and Cjrathla.*’ rMtoaof* ®a an *•*- friendly ahora. Pirate % rauntbal*. charmed aerpenta. membera of aa loecne* *ably bonlblc raudrux aect. rebellljua anbjacta ami a brutal Africa* blag. u> »»y n<»«blng of preawmabte ghcat* are aome of th« pleasing ctiereciera with which the #(rc9(ltd cow# tocooittctun dec dreumatm e a auffh rally harrow ing to forever deatroy the aanlty of or ,!■-ary mort .ta. and which W merely read ah* ut can*.* each particular hair to *t#fid oo tto #nd. There *r# *ow# fin# bit* of demcrip tlon end some atrongly drawncltmaxea That It ;* a woman akillful hand that weave* the Intricate plot la shown in >thr dellcet* touches of humor which rc levr tbe mot Impoaalble aituatioo each time the at rale a*em* to become ! will appeal irreslailbly to ■■ —■» ' V'm. J.. Bryan ajmmmee that he will be present at the big ji.bilec the- la to he held in AC»nl» next month. 'b# b>i t'ftt ttf f##*4 ttffltttti- ttf btttbttfl*' : >r—4wrr» mm bc'ftifm «M if pm*** #i|ib mmtf f **»tt*i i •#-1 butt### *4P#f t# (Tb#t# ttf# mitt# #ttc*H#ttf llblfiMe*# if on|» o!bb#., tt#p#cl*Wy b*t*9iftti *m* # pN#.*## btttttt §*•#!* tb# pis* j g 4 tClttl rbn»id pb# tt##r Mil tat, Haiti, a* 11 aggrarad aNwM I*#. "Tb. Hero of Rrte,"' I Oliver Hinrt perry > by Jaaaew ttwrae* < New Turk. f) \at lei it A Co. Ti tbo*# lb# ttf# freta if bi'-iifttttbjr itt* if lb# ###ttttt if blftiof j | #tt##ttt|’ , U I4 n r Mttftt## K taft#H baol it2l pn*«# %#rf i*ta»tt» Tb# tlf# ttttd lb# fbrill, lag mats cowaerted with It. of tb. sreat nasal kero of I*l2. are told to ith* moat readable manner Imaginable !, ttk alt of tb* accuracy aad 000. of 1 ih. drraewa of btatory. Tb* aaloow l* , ba*d*om«dy bound aad I* enrich*l with a aamhao of beam! fully exwuiad r*- | prc. duct lon* of Chart e* O. Harberb. • K*q ’* mt'eettoa of old ewgravtoga. IMe more tollable or wetmai. Cbrtot ma. gift for a boy eoald be .elects tbao tbl. true and lotereatlßg atory of ! nB „ of America * heer.e* whoa* mem ory I* almoel fnrfottrs >• the claim* to aortr* mad. by tha aava! baroaa of ; tb# ltttt war. 1 Tb. boy* at Camp MoKeaal. declaa* 1 ,bry bare enough .and In them now 1 to whip two Europe*® nation* | "Camp Young.” “Camp Near Augua |lß 6*-," "Camp McKaogl*. Any • more? The Sunday Herald I# figuring oa new failure* An excellent one la about arranged for. Macon la hartai !« b <> l • od b ? vy - The liquor election la warm and no ■ mistake. The small industry bring* the heat skilled labor and keep* money at home. |, a favor to the management if The little ones are worktag on their tetter* to Santa Clau* now.