The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 28, 1898, Image 1

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[ Ml 6 ItMH i u*vms % mm j W I *»« #»» ♦*» K*»*# l*M»*«Mk SPAIN HAS ACCEPTED AMERICAN DEMANDS **!n»pir#d by Patriotism and Humanity and to Avoid tha Horror* of War." ThOft* Ar« ih* t*« C-v»* For H«r Uncon chitonai *ortoo4ot r*#-** too*** fto# pi 440** 9mk> >nwr rr «to jrr winiffilt 69 tto MMiflMto in. ijgrriil too* atbmifr l to tytrr #m<oo*pmispw •* oofto ttoM (to 4## Irdpd t nairtfifinTi #iwi •#* Ml a i©49to . I, n «m to#** fMtoMto## *6* #4 ta» 4666166 ppat 66 <69 wwiwffr in©66to9to6 ** *>*"* oito© to 66#(6< ** j MtWt »9«* tymm mmm** tat- 1666i6 *© to**"*’* 4 | COST I OF CIiOTH fIIAKIRG luhi Milk Eynilat m • Patix 9Mfck VitNMt C<k»WlM< M,*A# fcy r.»- part*. The mtM mag (Mr Mil this mtw ■lap. Ml very f»w of the >A '(WKh swat h*> kto (rarti. The eortoos ffe portawat hood# M 4 aMlt|> r«H«r day afternoon and (o a 1 moot • »»* ik«T *wtd«d to Mar oat Th# »n.« hewemi, Mart Ml ap wuh th* small a (Ha bar who did go la to war* tkt* atomiaa it li atoioff w a Hr raid *a porter U I |. a. that la tha Kla* anil that* arc ata ajdnotng fimoae* la uftmaa u< m ua #W»r ahoai the *aatn anal Mr. la thr Mha degnit anu Itn* to temr offorotimo lamed np to fn to war*. aad It la Matod that th# wcttoo ha»<* of tha weave non* of tha King mIH were offered 91.0 a day to weov*. A prtwntoeot apari tlta Mid (Ilia Mornlac; "It la aailnM for tha Mttla to thlak that ar ar« lolti hark to work at ral w»g*s. W» trill do nothing ot tha klad Uat eta aar lhat ara oarar to tended to go bark at rot wage* arhan we rana out. Nona of a* ara suffering W> hara rant oat remittee# to Sad oat If tbara ora aar la aaad. W* found only eight. Thara wa looka<t aftar. and thrfr want* oer# appeased. "Wa ara prepared to May oot for thrta month*. If neceaaary. and w* aar moat emphatically that wa will not go bark to work for cat wagM. Wa Just can’t afford to do It. "Over forty famine# have last the rltr. aid If *omath Inc l«n’t dona thl* weak a great many more will follow •ult. Wa ara not aaktng for help yet. either. A»k tha grocery merchant# If the factory peopla haven't got money. They can Inform you on that aubject "We are going to bold on to tha po altion we have taken In tbla matter, and It 1* folly for anyone to com# to u* with any proposition but that our wage* will be put bark at tha old scale. Jum put that down In black and white la your paper for na. please. ” An operative eaya that the mill* thought that if a *tart-up could he ef fected thl* morning, a great man? op erative! would go In at dinner time. But In tbla, he aays, the mill authorl t!e* were badly mistaken. "We are the right kind of atuff—the sticking stuff Home people will probably learn that Southern manhood sometime* assert* itself. We are out of the mill# eunten ding for our right*., and we are go ing to stay out till a satisfactory ad justment I* made. Depend on - .nat.” The mill* at 2 o’clock are atill run ning, and it I* learned that they in tend to run on. They hope to be able to secure enough hands to keep the mill partly in operation. It is slated that they are of the opinion that the operative* will gradually return to work. A telephone message was received at The Herald at 2 p. m. that the Sib ley trill ran till 12 o’clock and then shut down. On investigation, this proved untrue. • The mills are still running. It is reported that Mr. Harry B. King will return to the cit 7 in a few days and that the operatives will ap peal to him. Are the Mills Making noney. In view of the proposed cut and the manufacturers' plea that they arc not making money. It Is appropriate that figures shomd be given as to the ex ec: strtus of affairs in the milling sit uation The following figures are based m average cloth of 8% yard* to the pound, cotton costing 5%0. Th« first thing it Is dsslretl to show is what is the tost to manufacture one pound sf cotton into iy» yards ot cloth lasse figures are » rough estynatt Ot what it costs to produce SrVsraite cloth In ** Augusta mill of fiO.OOH pSnrtl •. Cfiiv ff* «t»*k a am THE AUGUSTA HEUAII). ♦tl t •»* M* **m. 66© I###*#*- v #hm| m *+ : **»s <mni - •t #A* 9&' tie* 0$ Hk ##*^l wf ## 4; H44H14 4f l 4r , < 1 Tlb» *%•; 4<m444f HO <4 •*» fllWk* : 4>ww» 4h»4 IfIMF <gNW4» o** omms i%* •“44k 41 P4..#*■«* 4HK pm* 9%v <^4**^*»* m 0 tjb* 4NM **• fNMNI l» ♦*#! **•**<« '*■* TkP *■#* —lilllg Mb. ffk>M raMMMhw. M f4li a b 4 44 fAft* &$ IlMtt <M14444k ' 141 it ppf §441441 A## 44 . »k* WWW M »k* wMtkk. «M H» *••• [ IS\r n#4 tii» 444 |4MM4I m 4Mtt44 1 fllf'MF 4*4 «*#» 4#tf 4f I f^4(QA III# 4*4^%*• 44144 Hf 4%if% In,. |4v Hill 444. w44t 44t * Til44 »’•» I ££g»<§j| of 44444 41 ■ 444 tb*4* * 444 ' I |A# #444 <4 4NMl4Abft4f4 it , 414%#% l*4i'<>4 44 4*#f tr llii •• 44H H «ImH Ik 94441 *4% ft* j4i« Mi Hi 4*t •tW ' *•»!#% 4rfH 44441 H144 t 44#4. 94444. fMt |oNf f§4« W 44 ft* ; 4 lll* i||44 J*4t-44 fi* 1 0t3&t 44 IWf po44'.| 4f 4441 Mt. S-lOr ‘ jjd 44 44 94ftlk#f Wl «m 449* tiNtf Ul9 4MII 444449#4' «f 44 tl IH‘94MMI 141t4 <*| 404144 |MTf 4*41, VUkll f>44<Nl4 J 4 444 §4*44# «f tl.ttt 9*4141. 4141t1* sis lUlt 9*444# If tnt . lit T~* Mvt 4 4*IN pf«i4l of §l/1 U« 4MIKi My list Mil fc» 113 woAmi day* t« tkw ywar aad <gw hate aa awatgal prrtt 'at VMtJlkkMt No*. threw la a watt Mg wklrti wcrwMWlat<w. w* will aay N l* akwwt U get rwwl Tk*» will writ* UU foaak H far *r L«M»w powada rawowlly Thrrw are vwflwwa atMlt* at (hi* «a*t.»g flytf* wtrip pwr* MStw*. wtr lwc whk-h A* Mill get aboat Itk gar pound The* aata Ik* MMMfctarar IIMttO aa puaity. Add tbla U i£t aaouL kgwdl. 11u1.22* «. and yoe bare kn anaoal dear prodt of 9ti**Uf. or *b*ai a It per real dividend am a Mill of ItNM capital Mark Thla w.wild pay back to Ihr deck bolder* every rent (key had paid la tear aad a half years Now. there ta a* larloihl# wart# of aboat twoaty pcaod# to thr bale, which hi Made gp kr tha kaggsag *«d There dgarrs ara nort'T aot maied. bat they or* aboat aa accurate aa oat llaa of lb* moa<-y the ml!!* In Auga*- ,U arr oiakiag a# caa he re< tired The raicolatton ia mad# ta tk* lniarrot of the mill and »k#r# I* a rarlatkio eUh •f |t will rede aad to the profit of (be manufacturers. Tbla at*trme«t really ahoa-a that Augutta Mill* »re operating cn a pay ing baala. a*>d that If • cur i# necet- Mry It la through miamanagement. ! Several thinga moat hr taken Into roa flderatloa hi regard 10 the Angus:* nulls Practically all of them are large mllla. and thla fact cneblea them, through judicious management, to economise in a greet many P | » fM where small mllla could not. If Angua , ta mllla are making 1* per e»m an nually. there cerialnly If no reeaon fc a cut. In theae t!mr« of flnaoc'al de preealon very few iud'i*tr'<-s are de claring 18 par cent dividend*. RIOT CASE* ™ nVEK. Thu May Now Bf Trifd in the City Court. Attorney Sullivan Physically t'nable to Proceed Today. The riot caaer—growing <>ut <>f the assault on the Richmond county Jail have gone over. P. J. Sullivan. E*u-. attorney for the arc yard rioters and for the accused per juror* In connection with th» cases, appeared In coutt this mernlns. and ! made a statement that hi* throat was ] causing him pain, that he wa* suffer ing therefrom and that In Justice to himself and to his clients he could nor go on with the case. Hl* honor dismissed the perjury cases for the term. This will. In all probability, be the last week that Judge Callaway will preside In criminal cases in Richmond superior court. He I* very anxious to rlcar his dock et. The riot cases are misdemeanor co ses, hut the perjury cases are felony case*. It was the arrangement, howev er, ttmt as the superior court was to take up the perjury caaes that court should also take up the riot cases. The riot cases will, It is taken, go hack to the city court. They will, it Is thought, come to trial before the felony cases. Witnesses were excused in the riot cases and perjury cases until further n*tlfleatlon from the superior court or city court. ■ —~ Mrs. J D. Heynes, wife a! .Caru. Jtaym, of the SJtb Michigan, and her Charming' daughter, have arrived from yjkirtren, snrl nr- mopping i.n Summer ville. TODAY AT THE - CONFERENCE , fiti*9 tuvMliM fit 4* lif g*M Tnftf ri. *—aa aa* taw*waff tMfcatap k» t , a... awe, a M. *>kia»«M, | Tk» ■B~ITt . I —m 4lt*~ *i «9t ft -*« • 44# f.-A'affWi*o.4 4st4 j\ { tk m, *** t * - <Nk • * jp-» *44*i Ckasga* MwMtaw* 4 % '■*'» t|lf 4 0f ~'f ' *;''%#■ §0 * i -*o* 4NH ■ i «§ Stt 14#% 41 !* . tt#9l# > . 4%# ■ * »W*4 W* *4M^#' $ 4ft r I* »§■ 44»> nv *4 4 %44« M 4HN4i 14 4 U*4r»« 114 It Ml «M 4 || wittmm* Ml MN# •44444 4K4NrA 4|p pp<t 14 i 4 to mmim mM M# 44# g#r to ittierttf, H# iivtff to fttrtio* ip 4 ip posse. li# 44i4 mi r#§t? tto M# tott4 vM# Mpttotow Hl4fH| 44 4* 9t4 4#p1)k144 #!•# It*4 A&mm %H toil pp 4 fiM MMPt 4|M4#i(i<4l <4l HWPfT It *9 «* Ufa W 1 ©. Nt)#r »4*<l tto M# «i« 44#**4%|>€# 41# Bev. c C. Carr wwrtad to kaow hew ton* kr kMI been *Mrmr skit Rrn me. P. Lerepay MUI kr had bwe tMprerpiaM* In tk# enwniry nerr AtkMM lia«(v*t(Mr. Pro Htradtry mM tkpt k* knew Ikat tkr brother ta eaMti 1 rptahle iki »lgi»ieen Months kr kM Mm M that Pro Cangin* rmltad- “I waa tmar eeptshlr tbla yanr here an* 1 bad boogM a bore and paid tkr debt and the men who arid ns the home fell oot with M# * Pro C. C. cerj said it was msbl f«rtly anfatr «• treat* a man am only oar year'* experience Hr ha* keen a member of the . oafer»nre twelve rear* aad (o evteMlnh bia üßwcent ability more thnr oar year's rgpartaare wa* nr-etaary. Df. fimltb a*k*d that he be allowed to retire vrtratniily and tatroduped a reactut lon to that effect The ». *h»p and that be found that the prtaidlnn elder would oot take him and hr had a-ipoint e<t a rommlttee m go with him and aak him to ratlre. H rt refuasd to do *o. Bro. L. O. Johnson, a* » former pre siding elder rs Bro. Cary corrobor ated the alatemeni formerly made by Rev. Blghsm. He <•>* located by a uoanltnous vote Rev. C. E- Drwman. preaident of Emory rolleee. addreeeed the univers ity la behalf of that institution. Support of Emnrv. R, solutions were adopted pledging the support of the ronferenre to Em -1 ory college and the preaident. Rev. P. H. Whisner. ehurrn exten sion aecrstary. addressed the rorfer enre. A colletdion was takeu up for the Dr. Morton and »*o4 was raised. The were admitted on trial: J. H. Houae. Walter S. Robin son. J. Watts. Lewis D. Lowe. The Liquor o***l ~,,• Following these admission* the s'* 1 retary of the conference. Dr. Hcitli read a resolution regarding legislative eractment In on the liquor question, It stated that those m-mbeis cf the Methodist church who were not strict abstainers be loingly warned and that the hearts of the lawmakers at ihc ap proaching vole on the question be touched and that they have a realizing sense of’the grest and far reaching Import of the question to be decided by them. The resolution was strongly for state prohibition. That the waste of nillllou* of 00.- lars '.n the stole qf Georgia be stopped and that temptation be removed and the chance of colvation be enhanced for thousands of our men and boys. Keen L'p the Apltntlon. Let the church poop'.e keep up the agitation. Dissolve the partnership of the stale ci’ Georgia with the liquor dealers. Make, it impossible for » report like the foljowing —one and a half mijiton dollars spent for the churcber, two and cae-balf millions spent on education and ten million dollars- spent cn. whis key—'tc again be dfct.‘forth. The pro hibition Eentimsnt 1s growing atstf the time tq act ia now. Lat im here » JMr to close tha brew eries, the distlllflrtcs, the rum -shops UtAI FPlfi *#P bl| *«i *mm «•**%• Ml TpM»* A&JIH »tA |IA THE HllEli OPERATIVES ARE FIRHI (-141 • teM lew M #«*% HMk II *f a tag «%*• sms lk*« MM rqM aa mm >gl|i ta* 4a antaatr aatatmm *4 M*> ssssatsM 1 j »m»i>MM'aa ••# toga* i%a» it —-ns Rf . t* •#• Rkw #*4 ** Ma> kgattah 4s* t oat Isa mm* (*M oMI Mb iwtiitsi t* arm* tk I tkr Mttki «MM| thr *** Ms somsl Tkrr* taw* k# jtuvUM'i MM 4m ; I *»i»«(H* *a* k*v*<Na>a«s amah m Rk* I ma« tat •#* kkk ska Dan* TSSkMX »*» ««»aaaw«M '«• iqiMt m tahar asi m - ■— mtaarn tM*k it»*• tso* w mkfi <i», ■—!#» I tflwl 4%hMNfeß« 4lhhm» 11M44 lU m# i Tk# ttoMto 44# 4*44*4 H I i Il44©## i'fifgli*# Iki ft4# «lillHl# l # 44 4* H«w at PniM t Ife 4#Pk|i4l#t% #©4V ©t M#MR to ©4' Inlh#l *%* f*#4Kl4flt 4f Vi# f44411194HMk 4 #4#4 4*4# 14'iHWI 44 ill# 444#9>i»4 #*f 44 tonr 41 (pf494t 44* •*» 4#4*44* f «4«tM 41 ft# *44WHI Kp©4 4%©# 14# ««4 44* to4§ 44 to 44 I#4 HI III# I TV to © t U«i* «f Aigrr* fptf nmA |n ik. f tV r<4(H*»4 4«» 000 bfHm 41* Ibere •*# Ml k#|kk<w •» |»*rt M t*a U|Av am*. Re lr*t* taad* RtMka. fOMaiha am tkr t|kr»tM>a at tk* kg*' "* §gmsm aad H .ivr ftmaraa «Mkk*w si that H wa* tk* gaby of ike hr#**--e Ik gray at**. * wHkoot - vealog #)»>#■< tkr I Moor trafflr, 9^4 9* I •n#*4#4P*D the Rev AMM refer RkMkrd-.n I baa rasa* ta (IM Iraet ot tkr fMfsrn aad aw4r a moat NM<ree .as ahovt *n gkMk Tk* veacraW* Miottt. f M be bed fought sag Mag «»>l come te »f# aga.n m tbla q-ieattoa. tkr wkMkry q« •*- NMk Thr htrhnp her* HttrrfolaKM that it wo* k iMOW tkoarraitlM. aad tk* iJrrgytaaa .oettnued that tk* Brat bat tle fought 'ha perron*. Uhrrtf part of the queatkm. and the opposition bad hare thoroughly touted He AM not believe ta mixing politics snd ra'igian. hr didn't want politics tn hia religion hut hr would Ike to have a little to i Ugtoa tn hi* politic*. la tk* Laat Dttvh. /Tkr whiskey men were tn ib* laat dstrh aad now mis tha time far their complete overthrow It waa only the doi tr that war between the wbtskev uc stlon and prohibition It was no uva In snj'ing that problbltina didn't prohibit —he knew totter. Keep at ■ them concluded the Rev. Mr. Rich- 1 art) non. iur Rev. C. C. Cnry followed along the tame line, counseling continual agitation of the question The work of ths Her. W. F. Oleon of Atlanta, editor of the Wealeyan Christian Advocate, wa* reviewed und a resolution of thank* paaaed Extension of Session. Tb« hour of intermission having ar rived, It was moved to continue :h« Marion, and the Rev R. J. Whlgham j arose and moved that superannuated j relations he granted bis father, the Rev. R W. Whigha* Th younger in'Ulster was vlalbly affected in reh r , ring to his venerable and coble father. . With a voice made a little Indistinct through his (motion Ji* referred to the fifty-four year* of service Just finish ied und paid an eloquent and feeling I tribute to the work and character of ; hl« baloved father. I Fervent Amen*. During his laikrihore wore numerous fervent Amen* from the congregation i ard it wa* evident, that the sg-d min lstar’v labors anil worth were fully rn l cognized. i As the young Mr. W’higham sat down, the bishop's attention was In stantly called by several members of the conference and the Rev. W. TV. | Wadtworth was given the floor. Af !ter a few words testifying to his love land esteem of the Rev. R. W Whlg i ham. he called lor a subßtantiul purse to be subscribed for at once, that this grand and noble old man might have something to depend upon. Rev. 1 ovejoy Fo estalled. Before the resolution could be put. the Rev. Lovejoy said that he had hen forestalled by hi* brother and that he had d?Blrod to bo the vet: first to i subscribe. He paid an eloquent tribute to the ■ aged minister's worth ami many of the voices of the members in calling out the sums they desy-ed to be put down against their names were broken with feeling. Upon the completion of the subscrib ing to the fund the conference ad journed. While consult>aMu work was accom plished today there yet remuius dutch more on tha calendar and while an ef fort is to be rnada to finish by tomor row night, it mar be Wednesday her f ()r , rhb labors of the conference are over. TROOPS AT AUGUSTA TO CUBA - %tmm * \*ki Mm Lp# 1 Nkßn tat 14 Hl»«i Hr DM Rs<kk*» WksMilk«dx« 4# |9fc*4 %«#444 9N4 #-4441 t«i444#*#4 In* , 444* m I *44l# 41,441 mi to #»#X44t ’ 444 *§*#•* mi »1# 4#**4HV ##4> * 444# 4 I #44##•#© Im#-4 94 444445# 141# 4**43 ' -44 If 4# *#44*4# 4* 449## 9m* 4|f' 14# 44#44 *4 14# i ( 4* 4# #1144 9 4 444 {#46f 949 #9*44 4# 444 4# |>|# 'Tp# 14 4i { ipsa* OMR faeakn* nqpst TT#* 4494 4f 4*4*1941 4## * #•*'*# 14 ; 4**4*4 >4414491—1 HI 4t (44 r*M | 4*1444* » #■ t* * |MM* 4H*« mi 4# t99* ; 1 444 i#4N4 444 *4i* 4Mi#«1444 it# 144' : |%4«4K>t ?r ## -» <1.4494# 4494 494444 TV** I 4ffT*4l 4 4 119# 4#4 *44l*4# 9«# ©9# t©f ' »*lt> 89#44*4*46 «# 4© ©MM (# 6*6#f |4« ' *B4 94494*61 49 lIMM 944©4#4l ##4 18©* j #4444# 6# #44#r##4 IlM# »fl#*44#4 ft © 44*t# 46 •-*<* •* %i «4#*%6* I# |4 #6>#% ||9* 6##t 666 49 ©M '64©** TBn* limsm 69944 (44*6 4r 48*4 44©‘©66# , «64 4© 6k6#f #4#(f *###«• 6*4 #499*#© HnaiilV 14 li#* 444 46146 $46 64© 1(946 -■ 0 (468 6©l *6IV #4# 99 ©MI It# #44949* * 1494 6©l( to 46696# 664 14©M46 to |t6468l 4# t%# 6##6l#4* l#©Hl*'|646(# 9#M 1 lilM*6 6t’«r#i9 469446(# 44 664 #6 ! l*#f iplnit© 9f*H 6*4444 #64 69** dual '*m In* 6#? 4 94 #69666* Tl# t+*nl*t ***** 6f to r##i4M4S* (#< 1 646 64tl #6449 46J W#©*##©#? morning at * oclarti tkr Mwrier «t*U» Ixriß k* ratted foe tk* fiat urn* Mk«* tk# arrival of tka troop* Or Tknr« lay tnnvatag at f a’daefc tk# Flr*t fctt a*4* will aiar-'k ta RrF-Alr. a her* 'dlanrr will kr aaten and tkr an A bark will tkra b# krid Tkr M*a anil b* ia Itgkt march*ux order aad all MU j»c urvraa are* l —ry ia a knaritr lard 'win hr pan* tfcrongfc irtih Tk# fol- Ivwtng order la raaponalhle far tb* march , Headquarters Etrat (Mtrtahia, krerad Army Copra r%arp MeKrattte. Oa . Nov. it. INK jlpeclal Order* Na. ISA. 11. Tkr Pilot brigade at this divisma will make a prrcl rv march oa Thara rtay. thr tat pm I mo. to Brt-Alr Geov gt« The brigade rammander aill i*g iolate th* hours of departure and r»- .turn, route of taarrh. ate. ! The quarter master's department will iumiah one government wagon for battalion, ana the medical depart ment one ambulance for erch balta’ioa. Humble guarda will be left la cjmp 10 protect govmkmakt properly. By comtumd of Brigadier flenemi Gob.n MAJOR STRONO. Assl-tam Adjutant (Jenerai Yesterday morning eighteen recrtt‘t* for the ambu'anre corps arrived. Six ty men from tbq corps were order-d 10 Athens, where ihey Join the brigiole hospital corps ordered to Cuba Thlr ty-alx others under three acting stew artl* go to the three regiment* am- Honed at Athens. Dr Aldon went to Savannah lo join the troop* hound for Cuba. Court martial was held at division headquarter* today . Two cavalry rvaes and a ruse fiom the Tenth Ohio were tried, but the findings were not made public. News lias reached (he city that the friends of Col. Irish, of the Thirty-fifth Michigan, are making a great fight for him to succeed Julius Caesar Burrows as United Ststee senator. It Is said that the colonel can have the plac» if he dealres K. The eHirers of the First brigade have organized u football team snd challenge an team In the surrounding country. Only commits!inert officers are on the team onrt they hope to pl»v ihc Third brigade snd also e city team The regula- drill of the engineers has commenced. The Uvo companies take turns doing enmp work on alter nate days. Today Co. sent on drill.' erecting earthworks, fortifications, ri fle pits »nd other such work. Thr drills ere quite loterestinj;. Although Camp McKenzie was named s'veral days ago the regiments have Justs been u tilled. Cap!. Kimball, of Co. M. Thirty-fifth Michigan, is First brigade officer of the Hay. C.ipt. Owens, of the Eighth Pennsyl vania, is Third brigade officer of the day. Charles W. Bent, of Co. C, of the Eighth Pennsylvania, was the first pa tient operated on in division hospi'al. i Dr. Bann'ster removed a tunic.' from i the patient's side and he is doing nice- j ly. The tint of Dr. Baker, with all tn contents, was burped last night- Chef A. F. Miller, of !bc division IcJKpital, ha® already fount the way h tha hearts of.the patients in the hos pital by tos appeultnk diahee ataj Vi: H. Holmes of the Ebituh Batogyivania, is dTrigion officer .of. the day. George E. Gibson, the Fif teenth Mi no esc.: i*. has been granted a me mr 1 ar* a ts a# ."3GMII4R, Sin , ak, *%A LIMIT . INSOLVENT 1 4 94 6 ttkNM Rt IkftRHM <«*h >» tkfiot»4 1 RIMI MM nmm«M IffMMfH tog Ik*. -Smama ' to»to 16 T6# f #9646 a« I*o*o Oa *•» R » lo tha too** a hgk 000 nammam -4 m R* bum m moo <0 am mm *ow*i 01 Ni of tk* **•«* *«kn aa* lorn* i r «* rmawl o*«ok mu A am ot R* ta ••* at twoi.t* «r to. mat “vm**'tarot' a mrtkak »hc at tka mm • Ik " ka R* ■’Mu to km*> ami a*> iaha Ik* prVM.O* at tk* dMHR **4 <-6©6 6t HM66MM6© «MW4(t «%T9 ©to I 66 00tH9m%. 1 *-* - 99*4 © » T%*- 96##Ni (##6 14# 6 M6* l- K V6'^#f# s #»«• 96# tm#—*#'l" ii! 4* im* ©-ii*99l*669*#6 96MM#R'#4 #>##69*46 9 #6 *4 *4 ■-•*6 t%* 9#6L 6# 81* i 4 !#4t9«k. <4 fit it • - R ad yRRh-M- - - •• t* #466 64*46n##'« 164© #HWIM#H i i'V49|i - **•*6 Bm#4l (6# mm mm m 6 >»#6l Nfl© i 6 64966#t *i 4 699#r# T6#' -#6*nt t6p# v-cm# 44119 6* ai, - mi 66946^4, | C f' © §| 19*14 #6# 6 649 (**64 44 . mimwr lg*4* nttmtam IJtal Ckarm. AJw *» : ~- FlVOt Mam * art !i KWff-k Vfill, Rtghtb PriOril vavut sod rtak as Co 0 Tk*» asattk ■ P-aaryl vaola ham kero Artaifek tk hr r»«mi*atry drmnmrot Tho k-iapiirt rorpo a mprrito t a* tm miM off today ar tamttnvv FMlrrotfc MtaarM* Dr Tarlor the cootrset *otgr««o. left | tktr mprrtng for favaoa a a fo> which Rat# hr gora to C ikj Th* gorsnr, wa* qaitr yopolar and th* mflawot ' a sorry to give him up COl loonkocorcotod M Cot <lOi* vioa #tt»od*d choreh lo th* rity y*«- Mffßk) Corp ttoinh of On It ho* m«ro*d TFSL. - » r». xppole led rrrgaoat A. C Rantahom and t Eomoo ar# appointed corporals in Co F Artificer R Arad of Co I baa iw. turned from furlough Capt Barrow* of Co A la uNt'l of i th* day. U. Ren nr it of Co. F t. officer of the guard Thlrtccoth Prooavlvant*. Lt. Barry of Co B I* officer of the | dav. Lt. Murphy of Co. C t* officer of th*! guard. Q M. Bgl Brown w#nt Into Ibr eliv '•estetdny and when hr returned found a large dummy in hi* tent with n utg crowd slewing It On th* figure cas ih# sign. "Noi dead, hut sleeping.' The slow freight ha* arrived at last and there I* great rejoicing In, ca tip. The moving of the .-amp wa* begun today F Muller of Co. I) wa» sent to the I hospital today. The hospital corp gave n biitUdayj dinner to Sgi. Ollleapl# on hi* twenty-j first birthday. Sgt Kankey of Co E and Freeman of Co. C have been sent to the dtvls- 1 loti hospital. Fire in Kansas City. Kansas City*. Nov. IS.-Fire till* mor- j nine damaged the Robert Keith Fund litre and Carpet house to the extent <».' (,ne hundred and fifty th.-usand dolla *. | c hile the loss on the building Is fnitv thOU#6lltf do1l4t». MANY LIVES LOST IN THE GALE Thirty-Five Vessels Are Wrecked In Boston Harbor Alone. The Whereabouts of the Steamer Portland Is Still a Mystery. Boston. Nov. I*.— Tugs returnlnß to th;- city at noon after u tour of the harbor, report about 35 vessels of all xlzi-s and classes ashore or sunk in and near Boston harbor. Seven large schooner! and two Baltimore coal bar ges are completely wrecked, and it i» estimated that between 25 und 30 lives were lost. Onlyyne body was recovered and more tliajra dozen me reported In ih<* hutj' at Hull,.anti offort xtc*" bein« made to recover them . Ti.-.- ocean steu mei Ohid) Cf the. Warren line 1* high ur.a-ary it i* v#yv lioubifuT-ur mean te flontnd '-iwW W rhaansl-bai. been dug The ocean going Cue Tsmaquft !•: on' the.rtffita at Ratns island, mid will be a total wreck.' The management of the Fort I rid *K'm . ■"■"■■■■mffpff 44 1 »Jf WkjmgfM© * **eo I *499*49 a #69# PUANtf## 9anm * OM 0 »*#♦»*»*♦! (TIRS.GRANNIS ENTERS ft DENIAL DM Vttf t kfffft kh*tr ksqosk •*» « eO<gffi*k*trff hkaoi •to oo»o N kp Mk Noi ff i J9«6 ! © tot. 16 *6# t'4 to to *# to »6669 4 81*# **# I4MM 6-* $ #«•» rjfrr irjinrl | h*4' - tt-fc *mmi »#m % * #494469 69 6 *6l(4' i* p#lff 16 »6fl4 Ito T 6HN #64 ©944 4t to# f 496 6«# v*#m« *6 ###» (64 #to»4 9 ‘to «R4S%. 49 64 69* 6# 6 694## 4 *0 f - I# © itolli • 6mh6 to : - toM V6fc*'f '-«*4 am mm* © mi im ©Ntof ©to *4© ©66- (6 to 16(4 #9 461 69#81»t 699466* M|* 1441 o*i (# s** fi69 t *6M 6'to# *"tf* 4#6to 944466(9 to m [ ©to# to to" I 494 iB*fl I ft 66 fB4 8(44 tr #% 6 699% I •tr* <9* »64|> 6#6»* |-9#496(x *«*-6(tMN©| 6 (89664% # **♦ #Vr «4g» s 644996'•##• A 6 Ito m*m* -mp** m nm-mt.a tF*f 6#r #4 ©I to 61 f6ff> *4(69#© 669(4 6668966 8i (tofft ttoNto (|#f 9^l#* N“6uti© • r64i .9© mum** * (4 .(to tote-*6 ©*♦ (If#64l* «6»* *9' B ©N m4f4i mm*m 0 4*:- ♦ #* «4#"# ©i »to |L: «© 1 9 msm 6t 6rf'.M *»*£©£ ** I t 1 ri’tt €h* 6 9 to- 6669 6*4161 * 'a* «6 ** 1 6«f t' j '-at %-%r *#■#'#. ©94 #to I m iff 66to(M©l#»4 -m* 6H>(© 6f l#66© 6 51# f6H»«© RiMflß# 6 5 4«4»l » :»« *' 6*|fe#-l 69 *grf4©6l 9* *5 *4 fNiM #tol **+* 46( Mr# <*96»to9 r*' t to## «to»r ¥m**4 *i «tot* ■ *4* hag folt of a ego hknoff.."" •** ftightto-odeirt people if th# ffoatfc »r» *0 vary oror kin to the right-«tnd ,eg *duera at the that I ham faith 10 Feline tkrt mo wftl hr glad of an "pportcoty ip free thr sn.od* rs your mndera frem any farinas ttfo ' r 011 so#** toward an eomaot, stamp# '-Norhero wc-awn J(i reccrd wtn ;.rovr (hot I bar* served |l< pgraeea • d. whether Hebrew, Irish. Chinee# or tooy ether neUooallfy npnrsensd hy the MROgrret sen pe-cerfet. Foowk, Imy dear atr. aa I believe tnyeelf to hem received tram so leaeer oee than th* Redeemer of (h* Wrrid (he .emodeatoh to g> out with every other lowly Cbrt*n*o eeektog snd trying to snm j *H' lost. I ran i ruth full- my that I jbav* not felt cb« angry **n;tmeot Ict’eny cf th* anonymoo* letteni or {these from th* chlvslroc* gentry of the svuth. teaming with obseene ept < theta heaped npon me frr the rrcklcm staiemrttl of a young mol* reporter. • who only exhibited the hflnon* mee 'prejudice in writing the paragraph to i which I refer, aod which b* In all t>ro 't.abllltj handed to two other r*porters, liability hared to two other irporler*. 1 '*oselbly the young man feela a astle ioctkn aimllsr to that of ary'aseasalo led by prejudice to ciromil «> d. etardly a il#«*d Tbe fbili «voroi*u of tto *ouib 6‘to sre wy friends and know me personal ly world no srontr credit me with took » stgtcmenl thi.n would the | m-mbeve of my own rhnrt b. home or |of my family. I »’#* shocked at the 1 poragreph In (he dally paper* of mr cwn rity. le*( some strangers aad >omi who ki'on- m* personally stuuiW bellevf me to have been so unjust to 1 reticent and chaste we roan toed.. Poor At,a. Felton I should lu- Juit us glad to meat and strive la convince her of i my Chi UHlke srvirit toward* hsr aid !),]• slat,.in the south a* If she frit kindly inward* me Faithfully jofr* Elizebetu M Gracnis. j«hip company announced at noon today that have no information a* to the whereabout* of the steamer Portland, which left this city Saturday night for Portland. The Gloucester, which arrived front ! Gloucester, says the Portland Is not' at I Gloucester. The company received u !dispatch from Portsmouth, stating that their vessel had not put in that har bor . A number Of steamers ai*- at anchor 1 W lower Boston harbor, but, owing to me thick weather, the names cannot Us wade out. The Portland steamslUp peo ple think ' possibly the Portland it in the number. The Portland had a fair 17,0,1 freight mill about '-’5 or 30 passen gers.