The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 28, 1898, Image 2

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WON DAY t Pr I j jfflL KF7 r SP| I ft 1 #*l '-. A {ff J jf 9*^904 here's He Going 7 t* (ta • COT, «v ft H*u»***» ftf #*« W* • MtatAbi IwUilwt mi. ftatn ft«> i* Uitw t*. S. I Dtmh *«* t* Wi w* •»*♦»■** tJO M 100 •tur* 1?J t* 7b 00 vmu * **v it itt |tl9|*t I ► tft 31.00 jlertOot (Ur O M*' *r.. if . It-. |r. t ' ETeryibiDg in Hnsic TNioas & Barton, 710 Bro«iiw*y, Auguiti, C«orgi« QROVEIOWK NOTlil C* lift , Km J* Mr. lift* ! *».*!’ wtM * »MMM V.r«MK» <*» ■ • *i«n hnHdir. f**l4 l tO) n« VMK I# t*4 .Cmt«»#* (til* • **# Mn W fvtiitr rfiifiwl '»»«» • lilt**M»» t fr*rt*M#tM • »Wl In I* r ##M# Hr* Wtltl# tlftftfftt «« rrJdij Mr* J A. M#»***t ***f #r» rhgrfoioi ##**'•■ Ht»* Omit I#* 4w«n No AißiiMi «*# IYvMi > i«» %»#•• rrt* »• m>m «t*y* ft* mrtt I* mm» Ber th- Wbtel Mr* Mai ftielorr anil M'*» K»**»4e nw ai Thur«to» In A>««u*ta r. Ilk M. i«M a flying V le ft r n fv rtMvi* lu <« mwtn Mr larn* Man* "f Allania *a» ll« guest <A Mr. ami Mr* M> Ivmmlil «m ■bit. y. Tim Mrar.l was up hunt Inc ihia *«,k ll# •** cl UlU* Ptfte* on Thur* Aar it I* It* Mr*. |f, g|o**4ey left on v\ »-.|,,*■* I, v |»r (Edge Arid. A. <?.. I« rWI fOenl* |h*rr Mr. John (Hedge of Augusta paid a •hnrt visit tn Cot<*-l<m during ih* pad *rrh Mr. Leve and nihrr* mad* up a plra- . •ant hunting (tarty for Omvetowh «i W*tfhe»>l«y Tl <• Ilcv. Mr. J M. and Mr A W 1 QuiMi.m and R*v Mr Arthur Karri* Vcgte cu'-ta al Util* Pin.-*. Ihr h<tapl- I tahtr hon:. f Mr. and Mr* C. J. Cllf fard '•I Fund*) . Mr. Frank It. Well* left Inctralda on, lhluttl*| . Thr Jtev. Mr. Motrt* went down on; Wcdncwtny to atland Ihr annual cot. f#rt«n ■ of the North tleorgla Mrlhn 4ld jCplacoi »1 < hurrh Mr. T.'Volutl* and our popular mer chant Mt T K N-.ivct. went «« n httnilnc trip on. •‘Vlday amt proved tM tnaelvr* Orovetown’* champion hun ter* by the tare* number of partridge* they taurced. To Cur« a Cold In Ona Dny Take Lexatlv* Rromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund the money If It fall* to cure. S6c. The genuine baa L. U. Q. on each tablet. HR. JOHN CUMMINO Dt: AD. He Pn«aed Away at the Ripe Old Age of 71. The mu«> friend* of Mr. John Cum min* will regret to learn of that gen tleman'* death, which occurred at Id* home on BtM* street yesterday. Mr. t'ummlng ivaa lairn In Scotland 75 > earn'ago. hut ornne to Augusta 40 y.arw a*P>. and hna been a rinldeni of thia elly ever since. He was originally a tailor, hut afterward* reprenentetl a targe publishing house and conducted a new* agency during the war. Mr. Cummin* tvn* n mnn of extraor dinary intellectual power and a ripe culture. . He leave* four children. Mrs. T>onald Fraser, Mr*. Jane W. Wnlklnnon, Mr. John Cummins, Jr., and Mr. T. T. Camming. The funeral arrangements have not yet l<een made. For Whooping Couph use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. REVIVAL SERVICES. Rev. Dr. Thornwell to lie at the First Presbyterian Church Dr. Plunkyt announced at his ser vice* yesterday that ltcv. Dr. Thorn v oil. of South Carolina, would tonight begin a revival meeting in the First IVesbytarlan church. Dr. Thornwell la widely known as one of the beat revlv -0 1*! 1 in his denomination, and he ha* „ nde u wonderful lotpreSßlon by his s ji pie. earnest and tender preaching v. oerever he ha* gone. Dr. Plunket gave a most cordial In vitation -to the public to attend these meetings. The services tonight will be heard in the lecture rcoyn. #nd will be gin at * o’clock. We hope there will be a large atten dance. and that very much good wl" he iICCfHWpIWtMHI. GOOD HUNTING 111 COLUMBIA I (Inf §/ : H» I **%#s «§ 99m 9f*o % *+§ I wm m - ™ wwm 4 #»i«f iff i * 4**49- I * * mi lit# pumAtm - ter** ** am » •*> I m®** t#t km* trim i tk*m tl«»t ftHfiH MHNWH 1 1 1 m«il, I tintflfcT (NlMf,** ff hi gfy>wtif . mmmi fprrl*rH hi —tlf -tiRUM ' I Dtluttt*' |j>' • (fM Kfi|f .fMi Ihi f Idiot n«. •Hit,'* if tlnn*4 *'*■ (W«r«* >! nflf, ftitraljr: ft* > U% 4 m y werroar eup tn get n drink j 1 ( f ftita and netting the rnn j • Itboitt waiting for a reply, he d!pt*“l . It Into the nparhung wave* of Uttle I Kip-hlr nod lifted It In htn llpe j a*y! *.clr on. nilatrr' ! could n’t let y-row-u*s drink tatlen - “ be nan the eotnntrytnnn Well'” broke I* Ronton *o hi* com panion, pausing after the tret Mouih HPS ' ' ? 1 If t/- i . ■ * V| Dw. ,V,> XV , T<'\ ft t j. v^> % • if / /ft * '^)T, K N -ft* VN ts*. iNk / Kr\ TRIUMPH Al, PARADIS OS' INSURGENTS IN- XANILA-From HARPER’S x* v*~ * ■' 7 . . :t * '*? r Jfs#*-'' '' _ A.rTKR a Drawing T. dk TurtSTRCP. Reproduced from Iftrfxr’t Weekly. .. By. Permission t’oryrigtVt. IPB&TSy FlaFi'fi A Broiiievs . ’ \ T9tW OTALD. leeee* w mm m «* w ** m *p *** et«n*e een* M MM l tmrn *t ee ms *4 ‘♦•a ew j I ##•* #4l ♦#»###•* | F f ft mm fulfil 9m* 994 94 4 t utm 4 bss=“ J| iNRKMt# 99949 9 9949 i Mmmtmf y-irMff ffHtwff mm 9km #f- I * ftkgt 4ftfcJ*#«| • #** IrTw-Mrir jrtlii 9***: 41 mm 9m9* *«#«< Lc iff# fit 9k* km *fr#t " I ffllll, HA? TOil Ois 9M H \ HOTTI I 7 |Of fl||lMl‘t>fNf (*wm 99 ltd#’ 1 mi*n.»ind- jui mm a#ti 4 tmm 9m t* I imp if lit mdifftt* 4 lit* itoftlf fiMkftrtr. lift 9 tm *mm mt rmi mt* i»i im»#wmh#4 wf#m tM licit* j I |l# t# y##f f>r nil# (inf he mm* m* | IA li jktiifi Acnl#r# fiuf At* ] •smtHlur# Drag K# -* Weft Knf Plwr-1 1 * T%* Klnf hfimrt Wh^d- I#r« a yjfawr* | w*rr fMM «4# to tat# *9 tmir j tkii tiicr hmmm. tMf I ute mmm mrt'Wf The (AtMl Nnvgftlen. 11„ |**iiM>r guede. sterling silver liMiw.tke, « n**ee, souvenir*. *i{.. *t the August* Novelty mere. '44 Rmnd hi. lars* stock new rnlstne. nil vartetlea. | Just received el Unmkln A Oo.'n. PRES. GRANT ON CAROLINA 1 fc*t M» lii (lilifflili •t Ai tlinto«f Imw. A hM# W%A»# 44 #• k&9* §mmm*9>4k* tmm « # I 9mm 9tm# 9k* mmmemmkk 9m* 1~, j ,|j|, dftut’i I Hitt •• mtimmt mt th« 99* f#r» mrm*m mm m< re Atnpwent Men nt the town ** llamii'Ugb ft. C. Th* view* nhhrh i ***** MM*** na tn Ihn dntlen wMr*J you ene t- »our o**h of o«re gad d«1 I the nMageh* * * aecusy M a. i their (Mil ' rlghtn the eight to vote dr* ! cording tn the utrtnren of their awn rotter ie are* and Ihe he ker duty of the i esen'll ve of a ant tint to give all petdful aid. when property sailed on la do no. to enable you ta Insure this ' i nail enable right 1 fully concur in. “ The neene nt Hamburg, aa rruel. bloodthirsty wnntaa. uarwovoked, and : as uncalled for an It wan. tn *mly a rep* jel l* ion as the course that be* lets pursued In Other host born state* within Pvuairtned ftvwa A*d rfr jn fwaMft,if ft *9* ft " ft v r ft* f# - | m .A J ~#l>T 4 I fftW ff fih# A###fPMWa m f.f# PfMrWfllf MM * ■MiWW'TTue” . « <l* n iiHAN'T -•Han. D- H. FhaMhcrtaln Oorvemor ■ t~rrrilrn‘ tirani a letter ta the rat ted male* liens*e imm n« to that ee f and th* governor of South Caro- , Man. ogeiher with the Barloeur** in Oov. rhamberteln a Irtter giving »n , »rt mint of n lot* harhnrou# manancru of lenoeent men at the tonw of Ham* burg, ft C., concluded with then* mpm ."T-Thene Htriauumn entbmee nit th# Infnrtnat'.on m my pnone**ton lovkni tig ih* lete dlnarorvdul and ttratnl aUugb . ter of umdfendmg men nt the town of Hamburg, ft C. My tetter ta 0or» rn«r rhsmberlatei roatatnn alt the cjm- I mewl* I »l*h to make on the *ubjw- Aa ail salon la made la that letter tc, the rood it km of other state*, nod par ticularly to U.utnana and Mississippi | hove added to tan (mclouure* letter* and laatimony in regard to the law'*** condition of a porticio of ihe people of the Inti* r*tate.' " • • • Call and see our TEACH ERS BIBLES. Can save you money. RICHARDS & SHAVER. A PAGE FROM POLICE DOCKET The hour 1* nine o'clock on thi* par-, ttcular Monday morning and the scene Is the recorder* court room The room la crowded with witnesses and defendant* and the dock la a* Jammed with prisoner* a* a Monte Sano car I* with passenger* on one of these pleas ant Sunday afternoon. The scene is nothing unusual, for It I* Monday morning and the many offender* of Saturday night arc on band for trial. Sergeant and rttiien.— •'Sergeant J ebb* and Tom Buck, qailed the Judge The sergeant doe* not show up. but Buck Shaft He had bit a negio boy. so said the hoy. "I was only shoving him out of the way, so that the sergeant could not lot turn," eald Buck. "That don't go." said bis honor, "1 tine you s■">." About a Handkerchief.— A handkerchief caused a great deal of trouble once to a party named Othello, and the death of his wife, so Shakespeare tells us. A similar ar ticle caused a small war between S!s Cartledge and Georgia Lumpkin. Geor gia had Sis' handkerchief and she could not give a clear account of how she came by it. Then Georgia hit Sis. Georgia, $3.60. A Uttle Bit of Buggy - Jack Moss was charged with doing business without a license. That Is. he was engaged in selling articles by conveying them about town in a bug gy. "But It was just a little bit of a buggy, and I only sold three trucks, voui' honor.” He was fined $3. Hurrah for Safe May.— Henry Jones got enthusiastic last night" and insisted on disturbing the neighbors by .'shouting ‘‘Hurrah for Bob May.” He was told to desist, but kept file noise up your hon or.'' Henry, r 'l Jtail a little too w £L/^ # A Hu§ §99 ## A##'**- $*499 I*4'# mt 9**9 ' j, :>S 4 gu ts: * t (M* ft, up# mu #, 4NMM 9n-*9 tm-ft. . - -ftmMif «■§ 93 Ml i % . . m juli mmm ##4 title u M for emh «f thrtm Ail hewrwf of IbiMft.-* ftahart Owhl'h ha* he*ft ' iketti of what he w*»«»!4 4» i» va- j m, «t j, * half* *i»d I have w* pan ! . r g, , n —u ~i,, (I .... j,**;,i, and I waif be* them 4*rh P«a*e» welL” f a womaa *aM. "I am Jest tr«M to nut toor. He tordt my baby * 'clothe* and wheft I s«h*M for th»m he mb! he woald hill me" wumaa mid. “That m.a will mnrdv me some day He tooh my cioah and j I caa't *rt ft hach He 1* a had «l«- ~ L ,1.. Hildf **vhlt ibey *ald I ha** done I hav* newer The Jndg* fined him $2 S». ! John Barnea. IBth. ft »•. Usst# Conaer* itth. »S Sft Joe Simmon*. l»h. fJ.ft ' 11.-orge Smith. l*th. 91 M. T. F Belcher. l»th, $S Gu* Dnneteoa. I*th. 9i Sft BiU Coleman l*th. sl4. Archie Griffin. 19th. $6 Henry Kitchen*. Itth. $S ! Wm. l*th. $6 Dick WllllanMon. l*th. H 541. Prlftre Robertson. l»th. Bill Moseley. 18th. nfteen days In I Jail. Henry Green has been put behind I the bars for stealing wood from Mr. Luther Stallings' wood yard. Buck lea's Arnica Salva. THE BEST SALVE in Ihe world f«r ' Tuts. Bruises, Seres, Ulcers. Salt Jtheum, Fever Bore*. Tetter, Chero-1 Hand*. Chilblain*. Corn*. »nd all Sktn Eruptions and positively cure* Pile*, or no pay required. It 1# guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mone-/ re funded. Price 25 rente per bo*. FOB SALE UT HOWARD ft WILLET. Special Notices; 7 Per Ct $508,000 7 Per Cl FOREIGN CAPITALISTS BTLL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty In Au*u*‘«, Oa. T>-rma 1 per cert. For further tnformatt.m re» | their attorney at law. P J- Sullivan, !*a„ or Mr. P. G. Burum. Funeral Notice. DIED THIS MORNING AT $; o'clock. JOHN CaOIINQ. Th* funer al win take plare at J p. m. Tueaday from th- family residence, 1201 Ell!* and friend* and acquaintance* of the deceased and family are respectfully Invited to be present. IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN i an hi The Bell Tower Drug Store, CONNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS g*~Under new management, A new line of Fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles “ Brushes. Etc. We make a specialty ofP hyslclans' Prescriptions. Tie'll Telephone Y25,'. '.. PATTERSON & WADE C. B. Allen •30 INOAD fcTflftiT. IS4LI IHLOIO RtUAUtt Eitelir Cool Sim. HEITING STOVES of 111 KINOS TOM tmmm 999 mmfwtmm--- 4999 nnn* p, *9m* «#• mm 49m ' Hr##* 94T 9040999 I# ffr Wm 990 #f *990494 m*« m 40* **•■’* ft- ft* • A *4 o*9o* It i'i 9* 91 ?''■# 990*9 f-> ■** t “ * WMitniiir rur M M* 9*9* #» 9+ m *94 IH**** t»* 09*9 mm* *m*9m* 4* 9m* 9m* tft« «# mm* fNm > IWiMr*! *o9**- 4k* 13*-*ft- 4 * r iifTTift *4 ftftw. *■ * 4*9*9 mm# rmf 490*409*9 99 1 9m* 49/9* " 49*40 *4490*99* SITU AT ION WANT EO * .as* Her* ft He*. MM ' HELP WANTED I ii, ft- , T , |j. t/t A KTKI'i KVISft VV% f-f Rfl A 1 HiEßlnr 9* «#«|# * f*mt 13## t# *m*9t |y|jr\' aNIJ WOMKK Of KVKHY «n»ew H-nty -f *-.-rk gr* ,| pay and tr*n*TMWt*tl<n fhvntobed F«r full par tr otor* maito. -r* wldv***. —f— v-etrur TO RENT FOB HIRF* OSK OR TWO HORSH 1 team* wltb driver* Alt klad* of tosh jMg dua*. Bell Phone 11*4. Dev I (to LET- TWO HANDSOME DOt'BLH lidkw. t* 1-t ner month, all modern ronv-nlmres. Leonard Phlnlay. TW | Brand street. Dec 11 I ROOM FOR UKNT, CORNER ELLIS f and Cummin* etref-t*. nicely furntoh j ed on flr*t door. d*c 3 FOR SALE CREAM—CREAM AT 24 JACKS'<N FT. FOR SALE-PAPER Ff/R W11AI’" PING purpose* Cheaps*! In etty. on* cent a pound. Apply *t Herald nillca Both whit* and news-paper. Nov 1 FOR SALE—IM-ACRE FARM. ONM i mile from city limit*. • bargtln. Ap ply W. C. Junes. Na. 124 Jackson Si. Oct 1 CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAPPING purpose*. 10 cent* a hundred old ex change*. White paper 1 cent a i*>und. Nov 1 FOR SALE OR RENT CHEAP--HO dawat-r plant, everythin* complete, set up ready to go tn *mk. Just out* ! side of the city limits, no license, low rant, twat opportunity for making mo ! ney with small capital l know of. Ad dre** PoatofHc* Box SM, City. . nov fit I _ . | FOR SALE—THE FINEST KADDLE- Hr'ME in Augusta. Price one hun j dred do tin) a. Call at once or he will be I sold liefore j-our arrival. Apply to Kee nan ft Ot. nov 21i 21) 10 LOST AND FOUND. LOST UN THE HILL WEDNESDAT ! night—A silver hantUtd riding whip. !Idbevaf reward will I** paid fur It* re turn to thl* ofttce. Fri Sat Bun mor LOUT—SUNDAY. NOV. 27 189'. A lady's watch, between Georgia rail road crossing and Greene street on Mc- Klnnc with name tneldc, "Julia A. Col lin*.” Reward If returned to IV. H. Robert*' meat market, Rroart »treet. nov ;n 29 STRAYED-FROM MY PLACE NEAR Camp McKenzie, at 11 o’clock. Satur dav night'; one dark brown mare. 15 .hand* high. 4 years old, with rubbed spot on right hip. Liberal reward. Jas. E. Fleming. nov 28 Call and see our TEACH ERS BIELES. Can save you money. _ RICHARDS & SHAVER. NOVfMtt* ft