The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 28, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE AUGUST* HERALD .JMMMNNMMK «MHI fo4»v"-'"> ----- •* fMkjn wtaMTMS -*.«» mm* _* * •Sip •*• *•**£ fit*- *• *ii.iii» «» « ■ *rMfW«IWi to Tto rSttr* »«**' ■*—««»■* ******* *L iMtktM • AM, <> *M* •*•. *«*«•» CSXSIIi nt iiam> i»m***i* Ot| •*>•- to* *»*« *»»• A**" M-r —*»■"♦»*•>»# ■* ".mm ■aipilAWMAHMA*A* alll, j vot AE 111 WW» ?*** Hta*U» IgA -0t ss***s o*** I * l * ** * mßmfc* - _a i m «N» * *4040- - ••• Am jMMI 0* MurlW* 004# OMM*4. I| »** • - ** MM W*"*** **d •001 i*>w**» . Mg tiUtoitMta** *jpt tto OMtoltoto# , ! $m -A I #o* «J*#4o ®Mo**4* *• *►*■» V«*A €*»--*• *»■* **■*•* *** - |MM> •«*» M*t»* A «*»<*» W**<M (-»< tee h«MW M M tv M***M *■* ! *».» • *e*«vS* *Sri •*■ ****** m (•*** to («##*»*#• *A* S*** ****** ■o£r | "“IT*****" •**«■* to par •# *l* Wmm At Ml**- TV »wM e*4 M* •*** **•« •* (MBA |swtee#»i Yks* A*"— l V to • to'* »••’*' a*. (to (A* (Mato*# Tto tot #•**-«•»* «♦ tto **—• DAtinr to (to term «t ***** UMi l A*—l(7 fix » woman »*» to m *rO*t ta artor to lira** •ttswtloa. Apto**Btl( *TX7Wi4| I*4 fcta ** ,f l o*’ to Virgtol# *k*h tto ••«**»•»• an* **«» tva.k ngton araat* to make not tto! A HttX iktac lit* aa earthquake matA •torfc N ■in ■"■■■■ Tto ' finger at rtortlsy' to ho** tk*"*# A«7* writing that alxtf «to*m*»4 mrnmmt* laAttod* mu lit to to kiwi wMXih to Inform tto R»( Dr. ParkburM that j the war la ovsr. The sdllrw of Tto Waerroa* Journal, It thankful, among other iblac*. -tor A kind-hearted mother I a lan " Whenever (tore ta any pro*pe<-t of trouhto In tto Cart, they just "toll It to the marina*." an* that eoita It In China a wite ta new men by tor feuahand before awrrlate. la Ihl* country aome wire* aeldom aee their buahnndk after niarrlaite General Wood ha* Issugd an ordef forbiibkng bull nix! cork fighting In Cuba. Oenerkl Wood to a bully good fellow to bar* la t-haigr down there With Delaware electln* a new Minx- j tor thl* winter and Depow wanting to go from New York, there are prospect* of a'Aood peach crop In the next eon- J grea* (Everybody will naturally feel *orr.v that owing to a deetalon of the court*, j the widow of George Pullman will bare io pull through on a paltry $9,000 a montii. The man who present* a drum to hi* boy for « OhrUtnis* gift la the aatne I n an who goes Into hysterica over the annoyance caused b> hi* neighbor'* , child with a tiu born. A mob of would-be lynchers were ' stamped am] turned buck by the guards j at the Glasgow iKy.i Jail. * Another] object lesson in the practical method of preventing lynching. The social leader* In Philadelphia are anxious to have all function* be- ! gin at an earlier hour In the evening, j It ta Just like the people of Philadel phia to want more time to sleep. , The Grand Jury pay* n high and de-j served tribute to Judge K. H. Gallo-! way and expresses deep regret at the announcement of hi* retirement. He has made one of the ableat judges who ever eat on the bench In Geor gia. Dr. Ewing Johnson of Philadelphia, who is in charge of llie Soldiers' Re lief association here, lias been doing noble work ever since the war began, i is whole heart is in the work and he ; .ts feccn u minister Indeed to the . lit* of ibe soldier*. A circumstance in connection with the defeat of Jerry Simpson that has not yet been dwelt upon is the fact that his victorious opponent is iamed Bowersocks Strage how the ques tion of hosiery clings like a N'cmcsl* to the ,lone prophet of Medicine Lodge. «***»*•* f«# Mlfitllli : NMMI IMNpMiNNiii Mi NUNN ♦ ’■ **' jflV##.# *** ♦%»;> #rik *'♦ Rh# *to-' M | •H f *<• mom 9 “■ HU#* # IMWiNIM ****** Ml 14feM»w m*m MM iphNPfiP't : j MNM m iil I * Sfepfl (MWM H(NMI ******* ® iNMf pNMNIAfiNI f%MP W** ] * P* ,il ""* 1 * 1 f* MNMI ***** *! *NI I t YU* ll A * 'nmiite *#| i (NNMPf t* lY *0&0 m *** * * mi purl am *»• tiWTwtoto* rwg* i**b Xtlf V* pwato to tow a | | m m tojL** ||g|| imMlr. 4#it# Ml Ml 11l IBalAmtk IkA #*!##• *»# t |k# fM#“ i Ij.Ljmfl-qjT'l M p|rt»fv# *ill l»«» tli# \ . gAt**( •• if H *w* *(ak** rtad 41 tfvrdy AAtoAAatiy Tto cbawva ••* ta tißli‘m-r- tok Twatahky. Hi Wa*4»> I mm WniAiwlar to tot* Ok*4t»ai I ill till nan Mgr HaritawtH Or Garti ■ AM. (veto* of tto I'Bivetwity aI Aa**?- I lew. (to MPUW at tto Gswrgrlowa t‘a>- ! vwraMy, and atony ottow AignJlarto* at ■ tto ttow an Cal keek tfcwnh (k- AM** - I iaa plrtorto at* to to shown Ttov jata to to 4 tap'.ay *d ,m (to** i*» »«* •loan bafnrw (toy ate dtap'oed ato . wtor*. They may aot to displayed (ttarwhrrr If ikrr aco considered #4- ' raraely (torn. Tto exhibit iooa art (a ! be absolutely uator roalrol of tto Ro maa Catholk church la lank* Tto , New York Jootaai la its taaoe ot tost j Thursday reproduced aererai copy- j righted raproduclloaa at (to original ■ phatagraphlr film*. _ t»« -or** Bcos • ! Many renders woader what Ig.lba j meantug of (he "o|wk tor" Pl'ky jwbkb this eoußirp will por*ue la »e* j gard to the Philippines. Tto "opea door" referred to la tto terms at p**'* I mean* that thrro ta an lataailoa oa | the part of the president to preserve a ' monopoly of trad* I" 'be Philippine Islands for (he lalted Hi ale*. It mean* that custom* rktile* will he Im posed upon merchandise from ail conn- I trie* alito; that the tariff will he no higher than ta necessary to produce a suffleinot revenue U> support the gov erutnen' and pa* for *uch pub Ik) ‘work* a* are essential to the welfare and prosperity of the people The pre*- | Ident. however, can control this only so long as the talanda remain nnder a military government, which will prob ably be n year or more, perhaps two year*, for It ta not likely that congress will provide a form of government for Ihe colonic* until the next session. Then the president’* power emt*. He letaiu* only the right of recommends- j ; tlon. He believes, however, that the lu- I duatrlnl and commercial condition* of the Philippines, and of Culm and Porto , Ktco a* well, deiuamhi low duties, for oign capital, the encouragement of u i iarg«* tiade «nd the introduction of la-i | iior saving machinery, and of improv-; t-d proce»ie< Neither the Philippines nor the West India Islntuto ooakpete i with u* except in sugar, and we «ro protecteil by tlt*- prcg nC tariff fiom ihnt competition. There l*. therefore'., | no industry In any of the new colone* ; which in the president s opinion needs I immediate protection. un<l door may remain wide open indefinitely without Injury to the tmeresla of the lalunds. It I* also (Seerae gotsi i>olUy to ud mit other nations on equal terms in ■ 1 the commerce of the Philippine*, for I if we do we enn demand similar con ceakions for ourselves In the contigu ous marUtts of China. Korea and Ja pan, which are even more valua ble. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few mon more wide awake and enterprtatng than Howard A Wll- Ict. who spare no pain* to secure the bent of everything In their line for their many cuslomn*. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New ; Discovery tor Consumption, Coughs ,«nd Cold*. This 1* the wonderful win j that is producing such a furor all j f over the country by it* many startling ] i cures. It absolutely cures Asthma. Bronchitis Hoarseness and all aftec ' Hons of the Throat, Chest and Lung*. Cal! at above drug store and get a trial : bottl* for 10c. or a regular slie Tor EO cents end 11.00. Guaranteed to cur* or price refunded. The map who Is dissatisfied with his work is never happy. llAifßTtffl * S.*S pm (sS*4fc edb A** Asa par to —g-M t.m*a ii r jatiait* to* f Satakt to I -Tati rAAk ffktot ato*ae to tto | toartaa ywA , *wr,*' rwAaaritod A ftot-a 4f -I. At* 4rammer, aad I am tod f .« M.Ad to tto am* I toAto tto totoe ‘day » (tot J»* tfftortee to At*tom*.. ' toM tt*a Jaal a* am>d aa if I tod •*•««* r * ft ill Ama*. it aftiy A **■> • tto*. and aa( a to* toy M <tot. Bad, to tto tmnwa ut Bta tfaeeto to AM ad tot e-torikto •*r>aA trara. kl haaßl ap at • urns* .. _ _ , j , -junm to waa .ailed Af*nA » toto* a fra remark* to tto actod***. **TM* to did to to* toad **yto, aad •tom to bad Batadwd to **«««d by *to , taArtof whto ih*i won hr -** l * t‘ • BtsA*. aawtoA itom that rtas—•• *a jasAgeatiaa to Ito afßart that akam 'to BAya of tto wtoto A»*W ap tto* ton. ’ might to roagyreaawa. Ilk* tta*. Wh»*- lor. aarb erw tto woe torrid piiAriMH . ties at tki* ffrrat aad Atottoaa rwnatry , of ours i “At thl* point A turns, soad-aatured gxaaltug gawk as a fcoy abOAt If year* otiraAd a boat fiwtaea teat toll, atwh up bit band, grtoaed sbaepUhly Ike ateaawkUr. “He. ttmr to togolred. | -Certainty. Ilaary “ replied Ike teach*r nasarlagty. *‘Jtmt aa mo* k aa aay other boy,' I -*1 reckon t will bar* to narrow es ' | ever run on Iha I tkkei.' oorldlna to ! ward the gaaeral la a way that brought gown (be house, amid (be embarr***- airat of tto teacher aad the gram de llghi of tto general. '* Franklin waa diking with * •msl! party of dlallngulatod gentlemen, when ooe . f them aaid: "Here are three nk- Huttlllira repreieated, I am Franch. Mbl my friend tor ta English and Mr. Franklin ta an American. Lad •*<h pro;.t>iM* rn t<»#»4 ll igiwd to «nd lb# Knglinb men * turn came Amt He arose, sod. i«t the tone of a Briton bold, said: * Here'S to Orest Brit ski. me auo that gives light lo *ll nations of the earth." The Frenchman was rather taken huik at ihl*. but he proponed: "Here's to France, the moon whose magic rtya move the tides of Iho world." Franklin then arose, with an air of quaint modesty, and said: "Here's to our beloved George Washington, the Ji shua of America, who commanded the hi mi and moon lo stand *ttll-and they obeyed." One of the atorles that the late Janie* I'ayn liked to lell was about what he colled atv American duel, wherein two duelists, with one second, went within dcors and drew lots to decide which of them short d ahoot himself. A. wa* (he unlucky man, and with out o word he retired Into the next apartment to carry out the purpose of aelf-destructlou. It mid the second, both very much moved by the tragedy of the situation, remained in listening attitudes. At last the pistol was beard, and they were shuddering with emotion and remorse, when suddenly In rushed the supposed dead man. triumphantly exclaiming: "Missed, by heaven!" A certain Mr. Swadleigb. who has a phenomenal! large neck, bad occasion to change hi* laundry-man. On the Sunday morning following II was no ticed that he was an unusually long time making Ilia toilet. He called his wife, and sue went upstair*. ■ Marla." said he, "I wish you would sec what Is the matter with this shirt. The sleeves arc all wrong, and I can't find any holea for the collar buttons." Mrs. Swadlelgti gave one look at It. rod went Into a paroxysm of laughter. "George." she replied faintly, "you are trying to put on that shirt wrong side up. The laundry-man has starched the wrong end of it.” TELL YOUR SISTER A beautiful complexion Is aji impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that onlv exist* In connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. ; Kart's Clover Root Tea gets directly on the bowels, liver and kidney*, keeping them in perfect health Price :s cts. and EO cts. Sold by—Retailers. T. A. Buxton, Anderson's Drug Store, Alex ander's Drug Store. West End Phar macy The King Pharmacy Wholesal ers, Davenport & Phtnliy. TBK .A T7GT7RT-A FTH.ILA LD i t»U ,*d*Hk: M* k xlWfctk %fcf *b4 4Mto§ $ JP># 4MNO MMp JNfe #M§ ii| iwtr ■* Mhtoqi! f# li» • I'n%iil>4 ***** 4 Y -*-*** 1 * *# *I*P- '*»###•- IM# 5 < *to GNkldMf* #4#| 1 ii* #i» ft 'mi# ft*# m*mm* Ip* MiM I wm t ! in IM# pKifi Im *»4p* I rMi. * * «fc*4i m iMi* • 4dpij *0 t lUtY»<n#i>» j «%**.( *t f itor 90mm 90 «»y o** | | %m+*m urn*#** ***m4 I §.#■«• •(#* f|*P to *’*9 I jjprof 4 mm tofriMk ill 44 rntrnm 4mmm| MWiC I »*4it*Y ** mi( mm mi **##- 1 *ff iMtoMrii fttlht tMt# Itoffw4|hp4 INM* fi»# fe*V fmm to***, I t iMMNf Twtftr tT VlM# Ml ilk# 4§M*P I j,|h#i4 tM# *in ihIWH «f|ltl 4#f JfdUVto I- fp<4# f fill# W «#4 r-' «<«## 4 «H* M*fn**M* Mill dl* {•#«! fll to fHI *f% 9 Mlfftl t* <wd to to William M Jaiaaa mt to, j Igaate. Ham* mt Ito ta**ad# «v»nt*»n* laa eatbr acre. Mr ft. Jmrnmm l*to* ft tt Imm #rfto 9m IN N»*<Y iltfM t -*m»iiito4 J**i »»•* Itotoftijr-nftli Ufi #rpp H# ptrrNi#’ p?l## w## 4## | Ctolfet# . 1 Onrit tat* ad. aaoibyS Hay Mt «* tatwl I oka b »*» put at* k» tto t*»» aale. J aa* porHW'M by Ttoaaaa Da yer «f I ihl* <iiy. Tto to ato price waa paid I‘ Miaing Joaraal. A iMtltmlt Ckaa. Paltawt- “ta* are aorrtod atoart my cane .derto*. I ran aae It la roar face." —Ikisrtor—"hen : I m*t eaacily." P»tir*i —Til aie iha itrath. dot lor. I want to know Jti*t l*7x| you ihiak. fTkatta-- "Writ to to <l*Jte taadld atlth you. I aa# worry - in# about your Mil. Too haven't paid nr a rent In two yaata."—Pack. Halartes of rntte4 Htatea army offi cer* are ** follow*; General ». ,« «. *. ,« . tl I Meatenaßt general. „ 11.**# Major general.... .. I.S** l Brigadier General ~ „ i,to * .... .. -* >*• Kiaatrnant «..1..tHl .. >.•*• Major .. .. .. .. . *.*aa Captain, mounted .. .. I.tsai Captain, not mounted , I,l*l Regimental adjutant . Is* Rtvrln.enial quaHertn'r l>t»* Find Itemenanl.. l.ftw Heronti lieutenant ..... 1.7" Chaplain .. .. .. .... I.6** "If Methuealeh had any property." raid the Cornfed Phlioet pher. "what a ! lot of fun he mit*t have had after he 1 m>t to te about five or *l* hundred : year* old. and hta younger relation* be ! Ban to be kind lo him." "You have mad the paper the laugh ing stork of the town." said the munaK |ng editor, "with your article *r aklng of that ftre-engtne. pereecutcd-herolne melodrama * kimple elegance." ”1-1 didn't get time to aee It," Con s. seed the dramatic man,"but our hired gitl came home from the matinee and told u* It waa simply elegant."—Cin cinnati Enquirer. ' What timk» * your #o hood- Ktrong V* **lt wo# ml##d on goot'o milk.** Morf* mon h#vo died and «r*? hurled In th# Isthmui* «»f Ponoma. ulon# the lln* of the propo#«Kl ewmil than on any equal amount of territory In the world. "Did the ipinlatei ai?y anything com forting?' naked the Neighbor of the widow rvyenltv lad caved. "lndceif he didn’t." wns Ihc qui> k re ply. "He said my husband wua better ~rr .*•—Yonlter* Statewsun. FOISTED PARAOBAPHS. Handsome is ns handsome‘very sel dom does. The motorman on an electric car I* a non-conductor. The man who is dissatisfied wPh his work, is never happy. Speaking of fireworks. David was the original giant cracker. The man who starts out to meet trou ble never has to go half way. There are people who actually be lieve their troubles Interest others. It isn’t necessary for u woman to he an artist to draw attention. A man often has more respect for his servant than his servant has for the man. Men take opposite sides on the money question, but the majority are on the outside. The French may be fickle in every thing else, but they are always faith ful in their love —of clfftnge. In China a wife is rover seen by her husband before marriage. In this country some wlvc* seldom see their husbands after mrthMaerf- Chicago Daily New*. *jstißLwi ■ I mrnmmmmmmi&m , fi Ft*** btto H**> to Mto nakWask TkA t rtgT*'kff ****** to a»«k ttod mmm Trm* M«* IV *••• l*» * **♦ tosd S***y*adMM*A Ato (”* • - t- •+ 0%. a i* 4 *«-etodk# % ♦ mrnommfmm% m *#* j -|pt stmm ***** mum : f mm?* ** f 44MMM mMI 4NMNM# 4#MM MPMM4I 11# It >nf fmm 9*o M%»> I **9*o H ' «#• mmm ■ m wmm yrMn mt* < *** ***** ] 44*4 omomm4 9m 4 **m§ mrnm mm mmt mm m*9 9moo**mmo*>o' 41 mnpmi i j ynmlif MmM M#4t > 4 uriigll. mms m*hro iMMiil **mm m ' Mu 99 «m##i dm# * 4044 te#4 I 4 %vow# | 449 ■■ '*ivr*Mi>4 . r ' 4-10011, |NH4 IkNvt 0*009009 090009 k I #441 * MaNHf I umm t M 44 0M Mb I | o*o o*o ok%oo 0* Um, 09*0*000 | iM4 909*0000009 o*' t*** 9*o ll« 4 04^*® \ oP#ook o*oo o##f 900t*000k- o***o9 o*4o »bvw#|» 44R# 0M0» o*o4 «mM# 0* 00* Ml ; «MM*4 99* *OO om*mm mhm* I m I 9000000*4 MM4 **9o9 o*4 till 09t* o*o9 0§ tPittMwM'ttl *4 4 M t 0 omm <mm **oo , OM4H4# 04 M4m». 40#i **9m 9m9 o**o \ 00MNH0 00 1*f414 4k Hb4o h#oo * tT4of#o4» I 04# €oooo****ok I 4>l m Tii 4141 l» otf Hk : o*4 Mt o#U># 00*9 104 of*4 404*. I 0*4014444 !*#»•# It 4*4 o*4olo *4l a* 1 *#9l 4hrtooMMi« o*4 #lO4 m*p 9f*oo okf 1 j W«#l * 10440 90*4 9m 04401 0 990090 1 I 0044, *** I lira. Wakkaxa ta*tkm Alt oath duff *'S(A*n to emt* to to# Al Lraa Mss* . ' , toy kt.«a All todk Witara mm arm M*d *a«w*rwi| ky «»n*» «**</. PEOPLE’S, FORUM. toM TsewlM. €o44# 14 0 > -* *9 fOOY ’« t > * 041*4* I** 11# to.*4-? mi *9 *^*•'"f* YrKfH#* I *«4 41*4 I# ka«* lIMM (0# I*l, 4 n r ,i ( |in*4 bf tli# rHt4P«Mi *4 Am itml# tiCRI It irSi j hi - liar I 14 0# 44 0# 0 f*<ftNoo *44 ilmmM k# r*pc(4lo W« *lt 04#y« 1011 1 *#■ f** nfa* in fmi r m »4tof #o** | 4*» I4t ftMpi fft# ft# ■iiMNf’t *o#4»* ; aatvea, tott yet I da •*! IXlsk y*m w.»»i I nad am la tto six restotonia at* - ama ed at (Ms to' *to> w«tod kn.>«taglc tssalt a lady Tto lady waa right a tow ■to aald. "ttoy a»««ld etori tto last dr .p. ,if htnad la ttodr Mff. t«*»* Vearta Mr- I fora (toy would aa* a lady Wr siw awer ready to pedect (to fair •ex, aa writ a» oar flag, from all ta* •alia Aa«ttor thlag abnwld to taken mtc mnridenttrm. we have toed foe MX nvaiha nr mo#* away fwaw tto geatler inltoeaces .d h«w*e amt tawed «nea aad tuxv* la a way toctswe r»i her carries*. Yet. for sit of that, we are Awnttaeaea. and know to>w t* tr-a» a lady. I ka.*w 4# irt I* 0 #t*l# WO#P4 l»#4l »* •*•* (tun* fit *«**! <44 Ha-utbrrn *Hv tuiratta faraPta*. but M !*Hd* to laid uatde and Ist Itom vsirnias tto eol diet-* who were brave e*<>ugh to re n.t t« ttoir country * call. We ara rountry-haaded together to protect atm d> fend oar flag, and Ito **me •• *> • t jthat flow* through tto vein* of a Geor -1 Ktnn con arm through Ito man from : Maine. Xox |*t tto rttlsen* show their an trectation. and w* in return will stow them that we are gentlemen. In behalf ! i,( rny comrade* ,1 IhaUh the lady fu# her kind letter, and my comrade* and I would ewatder It a great honor to 1 1* able to meet »uch a noble w onta*. i Youra sincerely. FIRST MARYLAND PItIVATB. Place you order for fall suit with R. J. Henry A Co., popular priced txtlora. WINNSDOKO NEWS. A Burglar Orta SSOO Worth of Silver and Jewelry. gpcciHl to The Hciald * Winnrbiiro, S. (’., Nov. fv. The i store of T. «. Patrick * Co. of White ttak. waa entered last Saturday night; and about Ijflo In allvcr and some Jew elry itolen. ttne negro ha* tieen arres -1 teti In Charlotte and made a confea- Isioit that he wa« one of the gang, and another ha* been arrested at Rldjteawy. who also confewted. Both nag roe* arc In twit hen-. The ladies of the A. R. P. church are going to give an entertainment dur ing the Christmas holiday*, to which the people ate looking forward. Those I who are to take part have already be i gun practicing. A few days ago a negro named Wal ! ter Harris wn* cleaning out a well on 1 Mr. K. L. Glenn's place near here, and. | the wall* of the w ell raved tu. burying the nrgro alive. Every effort was made to save hint from this horrible death, but after having dug forty-five feit he could not be found and had to be left to hts fate. Mr. John J. Creight and bride arrived home from Florida Friday morning. Mrs. W. L. Elliott went to Hunt ter on a visit Frida'-. Mrs. W. U. DesFortis has returned front Charlotte. DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? Muddy complexions. Nauseatinn breath tome front chronic constipation. Karl’s Clover Root Tea 1* an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 25 -is. and 50 cts.. Sold by— Retail -rs. T. A. | Buxton. Anderson's Drug Store, Alex ander's Drug Store. West End Phar macy. The King ‘Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport & Phinlzy. Fire at Herrins. Half of his store is filled with Fur nishings. Woollen Undershirts, Socles, etc., and the other half is filled with . the finest Woolens for Suits. Trousers and Over Coatings. These goods are | not burnt, but if you busy them they I would feel as if you were on fire. 9!4 Broadway. opposite Planters Hotel. Tor The Soldiers! . Regulation Gauntlets Regulation Hats Officers' Hats flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers' Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats lo Order DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 718 "Good Taste A [•parti." $ Tiir Dtiur Cai } < E' Grtatli ink'd > m ta cWU ' leg tk# gsviiwt re- M J V ( ••‘.■toy Tar* # jI i r ( phyvlvm #».**!• r **B|- v J j ,« * ties* tto Mt< *• to W \ | imewx ihsi ta aunt —*"« \ f ttoy are ito * n tom* mg k* r f Mltoit nsv* *• 'to I •*■* f i . v fcta iTvwcrlfttriH C 7 sty rbwff. # S U.|rtSe AD***e*Ml* a* 1 f •mt *«vta Wsto C J assM to par** 5 ana* (r* ■ > I J / > ruSß# m m AM AriiX a \ ■i t* ta*rx la ril ik# V i tmpUcss «•• ki rrtua* to A m x i,al>« M > A Cugk Supp’d. < ) i . - iM>»r* *uffk#t*A tom J f .tuidv Hwramn i L I 1 # tmd a i<« lire cur- 7J u»n« J N ,4if lar aad h***t—2 \ / cents. | \ Alriaoder Dm Crmpny s [ ) tie HAOAII ffT. ( For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and If ces in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey t A a Library Building. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP KENTUCKY Absolute UicontflhaliJe Policies 7’rora i Hat* <>t I-sue. Largest Dividend* - - friwkst Premium* tiillcitor* WMiiteii: call or write. H. H. SI 71NKI'.. t-|> ’d»l Agent, 41t! Dyer Buiiding. -£Aui DAY DEED w !IEi!ALD «*■ 9Lp c\.,p )%NOVC«BSR i\ ■ M v*UA Mkrii r TyEiMESl |: fMU|(>i T »*T r© v »I # iio JjJiK. TjT (T ,«»!«*> 20 a Il2a 23 a 4 25 ijg z7W»Tz9is. ol^Tcz& NOVEMBER 3S Gents' TravEting Casts - ill s ip jj, 0 <i.# 0% 4 4 Collar and Cuff Boxst lii 'min mji'iffiri i in mm —i tt i •; -~T s«p:.w®.”«sisK'-'^wa* OUTCLASS rOTTLES I A# 4000 ■ * *«fi 9 104- «r. - luek f tip A, *54t0%9A%44k %0n*099990. JBWJSL CASES A 004 90 9090009'- * s***s 9%m*k **4 I*l m* *m * *’■- *4# ,f i *9 00 f» 0 50 and 75c NTOM ZERS j I *«4H t4O o** o** 000 90 00 At* 114 I#tW> (0m oufrig| s % ;i,to f.wty L k. Garoellt. Druggist. * Jg%_ Jm IK*;* C i PROF. P. M WHITMAN, «0f 71l 0m A«cvf«, <*t. Km nw m rtm h mi • wgto #*«■#» (to g#w**» «■< Mato MAtrr* (torn FREE OF CHARUE JzlrmSZ * »nr* COAL and WOOD rknaa the—— North Acposti Cctl A Supply Co ' S * 9|404 , ! | 'f <*4«otf Qvmjmmt+'tm* r W SCOFIKI.D, PRESIDENT Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodak* and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants- We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Bicbards & SlaYer, 827 Br o ad st « City. Paine. Murphy & Co. t <ikl M IbfiluN MERCHANTS. BC3 Feyaolis st =- T eieplione i SfcS;. ! j i., *.rii Kirs* I uect to Ne* York Chicago and New Orlaan*. Order* executed over our wires for Cotton. Stock*. Bonds. Grain and Pro. vision* fur rash or on margin*. Local •eruritie* bought *nd *old. Refemnesr —National Exchnnge Bank of or Mercantile Agencle*. ” FOR SALE. I Number 22 Telfair street—Four room Lot 10x150 feet. | Ten acred "f land on the Sand Hill*, near Hotel Bon-Alr. Duelling of 12 rooms. -Ulde. barn and servant house. WUI sell «t a aa< rlfiee. | Three small houses and lot* on Band j nil;# Will pll separately or all. at a liargatn. r. Acres f land near Wrlchtsboro road, one mile above city’s new water I basin*. j 5# acre# df land near Milledgevill* road, seven mile* from court house. APPLY' TO Clarence E. C*ark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! Car-I bag to notify mi friends and customer* that 1 hare a.ldi-d another chair to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, and I hopo to accommodate my cuntumers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey s Barber Shop 212 & 214 Eighth St. liPPOPITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.