The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 28, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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fuuo ati rfttMPttxtfctv ***** t%ni it *4 lift* smm** B(% •4H %•** #* *►'**•** i Iggri* 4 *«4 * *Hi» imp mppiM ] tmmrn §*w i **> «%K* ♦=• *m-4 ti* ♦*’ »!•»* hi m Upft *9O 9*o *99 (Brigy* ftw» ftfeiMk gpriafe f«ll i IK# m** yw i it# ©iwa g «■*»s : asi 9m)**** 1 * %om9t**9 VtM till fMflt* j 0999* »»*■# v 9 •• 99 fpp4k »* ** *9 tl-4 Iff f%MM| riNMHI |, |, If IS* 111 ******* (p449|« s §44 9 w mii 990914 tt 9# 4 . mi I**4 #9s. •« »• • It It g|494 4M ••»*»** t •# tt I IJiMMft t#*s i, t( , It I* 9* $f M In# AR* f r 'Mß#% J VlM' * ‘V* ftp** * *%* r»>t. 14(4*4 it# tvMgMy i gn%f» tlftp » it $i (44 «& 99#* ttot riif U 144 ft. |t4.U& . t #,, r wgfc of ftn) ttiftf f|| |«ltf|| , ,!».* . wf ik) tlfnfcrt iln • »j 0 it Th* |»m? l«t« Mh I rw» dftii vft» B» ... r .|— rmtrHt sos Ml |ftff | NMM' »m*m» 9 1.®** r*r •»*»«»■ ®* o»« t*W j ttMP »»mft; »ppr©priol#4 by tit co* ■ f b«ck <l4#%. TB* np*( f9§m*4 j For fty# y I*4®. ltai, *■#*. ***** , id,} |uit fif(f<N|ift| tit ftfttftbllfhliwfit j of the board of charities, the ***F and j tou3<> ajiret Jt intly lw» r Hl ® ”* I mk iff «rrW from January to Augnsc | ltMt fiS.WW.Jt. or an aeer*** •>, the board J ,b»rU!r» for that* years for ika •»“' ! »«ar I*»S »« f'.Ott H yeir. l«**-»7 7.700 00 Third y»r, t«*7-S.* 7JW* j fj; ft” 4 #3 An *v*Vftge of 17.141.*4 per sno't*. In • largely increased papulation. 3 year* by old pl««i would be *31.4A4.13 3 years by board of iharitl®*. Wf.034.3® A raving In three yrara of $ 9.469.19 Or 13.1M.39 per annum, and this, too. In on Incrtaaod population. X_|o Or toiler. I*9*. tbe mlllo In Went Bad were stopped, which ocea aiemed much distress and want among a lance amount of operative# thrown n!t of employment. The city appro priated SMO to assist the board In this f merger ry. It will be necessary during the win ter and ecrly spring months to have fund* to furnish fuel for the destitute pror. or there will be untold suffering. The persons requiring wood ill live Ip th* city. w. F. ADEN' NDER. J. H. DAVENPORT, NEII. MTJfNBfI; H C. PERKINS, H. DEMPSEY, President Board of Charities. D. B. PI.fJMB. Sec’ty nod Treaa. Richmond County Reformatory In stitute. Financial Statcm. nt Oct. 1, 1898— Dal. April S, 98.. .. 12,008 44 Appropriations by grand Jury .. .. 2.000 00 Cash potatces sold . 215 Cash cotton aold .. 639 25—54,649 94 Permanent Improvements— W. H. Lynch & Co. (lumber for stock lot 43 72 Bta tons agricultur al lime @ $5.00 a ton 42 50 Geo. A. Verdery (for chickens) .. 500 J. K. Wright (for cow ard calf)'.. .. 30 00 Current expenses ..1,257 49—51,378 71 $3,271 23 Cash in Irish-Am erican Bank .. .. 891 05 Donation from C. A. Marshall (sep arate deposit) Au _gusta Savings Bank .. .. . ■ • • 500 Cash to our credit in County Treas ury, 2,-tfa 18—58,271 23 F. A. ROBffR. Secretary. tixpertH raffled. Rail IT* W fttfttr let |M parfhfi i umm tM Bdfa i 9N» gs* 9# *4 ft# *tMh t ■***'”•*# f»# *>» w •# |M|Hg4Mp «# #•«»..* ' ■■■♦ ’ nr*« - th-if ill 4RP « fj£r|pb| | sMV | 1V m w* M m m RIN6. PIN STUO CANNINGS it* Niia'ti $ «oo m Beach™*- Carhngt Art 12 Ptr Piir. tPtCiAL CAUTION : j*. m mNW m*nm .*- m || mptmgbt Uto «iMt * * Nft ftrJNMkft «••#» NR»«Mbt» R| tpjW^^tNf ItfeMWtMift lipTi up NMtIM *Ai tNUMhI t**A-> ***#• »'* p* -7* _«, *r «ate iaHarit • j bMp* tAfcsf % Stl Mil? 85-. aal ► mkWM M •** 9*«tWßl •HfcdtP Hr#ftrr- MAIL ORDERS. _ . r itmm* aa • “j,ru.v •-V ■ * —At— * i'i.m * • »mi. *■■ <n» *y im *j**** * *«"rr —prr* I2S3L wU hT5* jn.^fbr,‘lSr^^^XlsSl«arn3 OJin,Tl t# < !tyTi. , Re*3?'.»w» i lain ao t» 1 \ * "ZZ^^Mto****** rnmm» «*>-“ « u TZiJ{f»Zy* aiMwy ar.iarty >»«■■«»« " •” ••« HR fffffptlfA •prßeware ot Iciitators." 11 *# BARRioS DIAMOND CO.. • (DISOH BUILDING. a 42 anp 44 BroaO Sffii.4T 9 Nit VoNA thto Countv Home. Richmond County. Oct. 1. UR. jll jb. Wm. K. Bve, Judge City Court and el-Officio Commissioner of* Odd Revenue, tto hro. ud j County. 1 Inspect fully svtiaH the following report for th* aix months, beginning j April I. 1898. and ending October 1, 11119#: : On hand. Inmates and pris oners April 1, 189# 103 Received duringthe 6 months. white female Inmates .... 16 White male Inmate* ...... 25 Colored male Inmate* 8 I Colored female Inmate* .... # .Colored m* ; e ctißvleta 8 Colored female convicts .... 7 White male * 75 177 Discharged— White female inmates 19 White male inmate* 19 Colored me!" Inmates * Colored ft male inmates .. .. 4 White male convicts 2 White female convict* 1 Colored femnlF convict* .... 5 Colored male convicts 2 Died— Colored male convicts I White female Inmates 4 White male Inmates 7 Colored male Inmates ..... f> Co'ored female Inmates 3 Escaped— Colored male ccnvlcla 7 78 Bnlanee. Oct. 1, 1899 .. .. .. .. 98 Stock on Hand. 6 mules, 1 horse, 6 raws, 79 hogs and pigs. Stock Sold. 4 beef cattle to Dcßeaugrine, for which received fresh beef. 3 pigs to E. H. Brendle, money accounted for In September sett’ement. Repairs. Did all necessary repairs on fences and buildings. farming Interest Had all the vegetal)!** needed and have done all the usual work on the farm. Have cured 40 tons of hay. Veg etables used at the home, 1*,148 pounds. Vegetables used at the widows and or phans’ home 1.900 pounds. Vegetables used at convict camp. 50 bushels of po tatoes. .378 cahhage, 120 pounds onions, 3 perks okra. 12 dozen cucumbers, 8 1-2 dozen corn, 63 cantaloupes. Health Condition See Dr. C J. Montgomery’s report. JAMES W. KEENER. Superintendent County- Home. Report of County Physician. Augusta. Ga., Nbv. 1, 1898. Hon. Wm. F. Eve, Judge City Court and ex-officio Com missioner Roads end Revenue. Ric- ( mond County. I Penr Sir: 7 have the honor to submit thi? as tlic's ini-annual rupoft «f th'’j THW ATTQTTBT-A. HKRAI D I •AbttHi-44* t# fbt §M» I f 44»ir l fta lb liriwf 4 I * '*a**M» |4#ftMP | HpNNN** tin* • I * # %p t #4 * *«fe» tTfWRNti l #4#9 Ig 9MN* * *•»» 4**»* >»«**-«. #«4 ftbirtt i «9»44RM* «4i «>4*| l tur-lfr. •»**»# Up t«Mi NIPMMnn# 4 I ! *#-«•.# rw*4§«ft 4# : -n-4r #MPI ***99 bf j I tip » *«npM# t P.# tufty->!>♦ A iiNH ■ . # j 4# 94* «i4tpt |p4 f s fHvae %«#ot9 «i|' *■•*»■ "IlMlif JgHt Katl MmM«. CriNNM# I PM* I l* # I piiMtkfT f |bp tvp.ar9 I Ttw* ftvril «f**|> fMPtM t»t y***T P'«hP4 j #ll4 • Iftri* NftftNtpr «f »»*► I t: ll# b#AMi Of 4*l «« H*b4. Hf - j I K Mfif(t)ly lUtXlftttlKt. u. W. PKHHTMAN, PupitßlriKNftt. DIiWEY SLiI’REiHE He la Fairly Worshipped By People la ruolla. Kanaaa City, Nor. Jf. — ‘ ‘'Them la j | juat one man in Manila, an far aa tba Sp mtar(k». thr naMvre, the American , ! Miidtrni and anttora and nveryone etae In that part «*( UW Philippine, la ron cerned.” aatd Tbomaa \V. Gunn, a private In the Twenty-Third regular infantry, who wa. at the N?f Albany j ■ hotel last evening, on bla way back to bla boot.' in Tennetwee, ''and that i man la Admiral In-nrey. He la fairly | worxhtppol by every man who wear, the uniform of the Polled States, be I he soldier or sailor; In fart. I think , j the soldier, love him more, If possible, j than the sailors. Kvery time he come.! on *hore, as he often doc. every *ol- > dler lift* hie hat aa he passes, r-ii matter where or how they meet. ICven : the Spaniard* and Filipinos salute iblm. “The admiral U the most modest j I man I have ever se.-n. If a soldier has i anything he wUhe* to talk to him ! about, all he has to do la to step up | ami salute and then begin to talk. ; The admiral Is at all time, quite as heady to recognise the private as he Is a colonel or general. Everybody I loves him, even the Spaniards, and | they think he is the greatest man that America ever produced. Wherever !he goes, he la followed by admiring | c rowd-, which shower him with loud \ spoken compliments, yet seems ' n >ver to lose his gentleness of man ner or tty In any way to Un- I press the people that he Is a great, I hero.” I Private Dunn was In both of the ! land battles In Manila, the fight of ; July 17 and that of July 31. and while I he was not woundrd In either he was 'taken sick with scarlet /ever shortly I after the second one, and since then has had a scries of sick spells which incapacitated him for active service, and he was honorably discharged. “It was preity hot fighting in both of the battles,” he said, “but the only time I got at all frightened was when Dewey's fleet opened fire on the fort on July 17. I never heard such a terrific noise in all my life, and you ought to have seen tlwsse Spaniards get out of the way. All that, has to be done to frighten the life out of those Spaniards Is to threaten them : with Dewey’s guns.” “How is General Merritt thought of among the soldiers? ’ "Shucks! he isn’t In It a minute with Dewey. There's .just one man over on that side of the Pacific. Many browls and fights that were never published occurred when the soldiers first Janted in Manila, and more than one Filipino was killed whosa death never was recorded outside of the city. We had a gseat deal ot trouble with the natives at flrpt b' lt It. sorm end ed.” ' ■ . ....... The “Maine” Album! 4lr A BUPERB y ' HtniSry Devoted nw ■ cptiiiyi Geoera^Lee Genera Blanco Souvenir Edition! No** m.- q _j • list#* m* #4 K tw *lllltrill MittMl' The Martyrs Wfctrts ii now rend? for delivery at tmr editor, or lejr Null I *« Ttn »Vote. CO*N*TK\TI» 0T * MAIMK** ÜBI'M, | ('slits c n Chari, P. Htffllief. flrwfftl I Tim Battle* Mf* Maine. The Dftfttmtir of *4# Maine, | Havana Harbar and the Maltw* An j rhorage. j The Ilar9x«r Kntranee* to Havana. Uunn r a (lana ot tlm Main# I View aof th<* Main**'** Ctvw «»IT Duty. I A Minstrel Hh*»a' on th« Maine. Htitp a rieaite notteo th** Maine Aftntm above stvrrilMi] la one of a "Houvenlr l&ba.* <»f «-ttfht*i>ortfolloH. devoted to the great lier4ee and Arhlevements . ~r the ftpaniah*Anietlran \lsf„jyn I* portfolio being a P|sec4al nuinlw*r devuted ' im a gr* at and yflu l Ipftl evei*9 i * Next w*'<* nm. | w||| la olT« red aa a Memorial of the First Haerlflee of ' the nar. or U*v h«*i‘»h il< ntlt <>f Knalgn Bagley and bin romtanlonii. Inclu | ( . nK many other apart*! feaSypra of the early events of the war. aurh aa the i \ ,•**« ! that f 1« -t the first ahdn the flVat t'Hae, b«»mt»artlm* ut of Matanxaa; ! rutting of the jaMra. etc., ait# Th**n In wMtly and order will appear th»* fftllwlnf*. Title tdCWiY Nt’MBEH -The Hero and battle of Manila. THE HAMPTON NrMßKß—lk»mt>ardffMmt ot Han Juan and Morro Cat tle. lI<*BHON AND Till’ MKHfUMAC—with additional *fn*Hal features. ADMIRAL BCH LEf-Th# pant ruction of Oarvera'a Fleet. THE HftAFTF.It NtTIIBEK The Hi. gc and Capture of Hantlago. (IKNKRALB MILE# AND MKKItITT—Army Operations An Port© Itieo and Philippines. Be aim* and get each number of this souvenir serlea while you have an opportunity, and advise y«»ur friends to do the aame thing. I Wi> Grand Masonic Fair, November 30th to December I Oth, 1898. REDUCED RITES 1 ALL RAILROADS. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend the meetings of the various Masonic bodies: Georgia Commandery, No. 1, K. T., Meets second MO Aug y u?ta Chapter No. 2, R. A. M., Meets Third We Adon C irain J (founcil, No. 1, Meets Second Wednes- Ciay Soda| t Lodge, No. 1, F. A. M„ Meets Second Friday Lodge, No. 166, F. & A. M., Meets Third Monday Night. RMD HERALD’S WANT ADS ! \ im of Juni. r ftUkfri of llw I Maine. Wardrnnm «.f llw Maine. The (Vniri <*f Inquiry la rte*nk*n. | Kuneral at Ik* Victim. .1 (tie Main*. l>lM»ier. j x Fruit Vender In Havana. Milk De [Mi cry In Havana. The Captain tkenersl'a Palace la Ha vana. General Hlanco y Arena*. Uwklnt Doan lb* Prado. Havana. A THANKSGIVING ENGAGLMIINT for dinner should remind you (hat your dress suit trill need the moat immacu late linen - not “shining like a nig ger's heel," but of the right medium gloss and domestic finish, such as we lay on your shirt, collars and cuffs af ter they have been whitened by our perfect methods of laundry work, and starched to .ne right degree of stiff ness. Shirts laundered here are ad mired by the most critical. Shirts, 10c., Collars, 2e..; Cuffs, 4c. Both 'Phones. HULSE’S STEAM LAUNDRY, 314 Jackson Street. SUNDAY'S HERALD "i Neispai<Br Fer newspaper Readers* Bomothing About Sunday's Herald. More News Better News Quicker New# All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta, Give it a trial 10 Cent* a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta. Ca. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Monlhs at the following address: No. and Street ; Name You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD. 7\ /\ FRA'NKCIvk.6 / \ / \ famous , / \ / \ 9 Cxishioti, I \/ \ Shof/ X \ ! / Y Possible* \ i / \ Only to 8 \ \/ \hsrdHitler\ V \ Centre B»ll\ H Very fine \ A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS ■ « JOHN A. THATCHES Cnthki. Carom Champion ot Otilo'M •*S. winner 'll SI. torn. Halolo-ap 'O7. tin* lortgi ut ttmroriiuiwt on rccora. Mini tlx* only playvr wink «vrr mxl gclMrifrir, Wuwson, and in* *R ■MP4 touruttiupur. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER riARTIAk CONTINTI. 100 OIAORAMB OR 8-OUBHION BMOTB. SCHAkFCR'B BTRAIOHT RAIL NURSE. EVERY STYLE OR BALK-LINE UAMS. ALL NUR3INQ POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES ANO international CONTESTS. cist OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS, ETC. T 11« liuthor five* many valuable •uffettlons <° novice* which servo (o render cl»*ar the methods employed by the world’s expertH. It will *how you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. M4pa*t*. Size, 5 1 2!k niche*. Sent, prrpnlJ. to any addreu on receipt of price. Aiipsta Herald 7