The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 28, 1898, Image 8

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MONDAY voirki: VERV APT T*» r«4 *»m4*»**# «#*#**•» •*#»«*ISLfTITI o*l 00* Ov**fn«<«, *o* w»*y • CJfT»no*« 49 fa#—UtM—itti—l Th*y *»• Of*f(MU IWII w# *»• -**# ** $7.50, $lO, sls, sls, S2O y w*et» «*»*c mAM>« «hha*# ••• ** OCMV%*OA*WI 0 thirtl 100*0 (fHsffjwff. i •**> let! *ooo*f *oo*o o*Y* I *t 0 •0f»«l 10 C JWU»OOt V YNO 0 »•»«• tobctoit INUH tor# ****»« 00**0 •*• t 100 OOIO*. Ih* »'• •*!?!!„ lN»u d«f*. I'flnft, |* fotf»»o***, **o#to# **** w* n 9 00>I »■•*>» Of r*»io# y»U*M •*•#**** | V,*nL* 0.»l Vlilmhii omt W. A«rt ,h * MU»*# * Miwr«liy r*oiva e*f*fu< 00l •€*»#. AUawNTA.OA, IN A SOCIAL WAY \t ■" i■" * ammmtt tHe l I Sight. fft*4 «*»•»'. T«<T «f IWtlgkL— Itrrn «>• ) Saw »‘t*s IvWk Nr hwr m* !** "* |K th* warty ff»sr rtf Oita gnM*« A*; Ik III* —rty |ni Vjr IM mtrr • ■ | t paw of i* M« I ki»* Mr deac l M« l— «f *♦« up-* Mr 4 — m atm? CAlJrmn-r. reaM, m n* D*»»b*r AthUMh!. Mr* Blngham'a Ball. W« were •Ofnmnnr't in Wliwi •< eleven, whew th* moat euwrt. thing es th* kind which I *v*e aaw wa* W* •anted in ©or though th w* »!'" . » |MNn() t|i#r# bet nr* Mjr (hat tb# g W| na* no! •• *• «k»r had M*n thar* In th* mld.ll* »»• -A" •mnr* In* wltlwrtßafifWlt, and »h#r* • mmn.'.o apectator might tmagln* the yam mi it fownd with •'**• gn*M, *ocn* *nd aem* artl grin! flower* Nothing »c*-r*ly «P* paared on fh* tnkl* without evargrean* t» d*cm at« Th* glmndol*. which hang* Imnjedigtaly over »h* Uhl*, wnn Ini down junt lo reach 11* top M <» r tr** Ton r#Vt think h"W beautiful It |ook*d I Imagine ther* war* thirty at th* lahl*. h*ald*» a tahl* full !u •noihn ro. n and 1 h*H*v* mid. "Hon- pretty’" *» r ' ,nn ** were a*at*d: all In mv hearing, *-* ■with on* roneant, uttered th* same thing. Th* only m**ta I aaw or h»»ti, of w*r* a turkey. fowla, pheaaant* and tongue*. th* lattar th* b«t that avar I tasted. which *n th* only moat i T at*. Th* dcaaort (all wa» cp »'»** ! tah» *on*latod of av*rythln* that on* could conceive of. except Jell; though I daresay th*r* wa* Jelly. too. out. to tgiy morttflratkm. I could it'*; wot any . t never at* better than »t Mr* Btng ham a. Plenty oI hlan. mange, and excellent. Near m* were three dlffer ant *ort* of u*ke: T tasted all. but rou'd *at only on*: th* other* were Indifferent. B-side. a quantity to *at. th*r* was a vaat fi*»l for ornament, and some of th*ni I thouaht I mould hav* delighted my llttl* girl for h*r babv-boua* In abort, take It alto g-thar. It waa an agreeable entertain ment t o m*. Notwlthatandln* the crowd—or number*, rather, for th* bouse la ao larg* that it w-ns not rrowd*d—th»r* waa no noise or th* laaat cen'ualon. At twelve o'clock, or a little aftar. Mr*. Harrlaon and I left the ball. We were among th* drat to com* away. Never did t ae* auch a number of carriage* except on a rare ground.— letter of Mra. Btoddert, I*oo, in De camber Upmlneott's. Old-Time New Englao i Husking Bee “One beautiful evening under the septemb*r moon Mr. and Mra. Pratt summoned the Concord young prop 1 * to their farm for husking," write* Edward XV. Emerson of "When Louisa Alcolt wa* a C.lrl” In th* December Ladles' Home Journal. GLOVES ' LADIES’ PERRINS —n J. MILLER WALKER, HiVTTER KNOX HATS. -* # (f% ?t§ 0# «fc* ftfclftft «f • M 004 **ottr* *# £*4 «|0 o** 4#» pH# «§•*««. IM4MI «0 **** Mm« **4 *** ##*o4 **•*# I **jyN#s 00 ImMM «NP nun #*#»•> (ft# j mr— - •»« 00♦# inrffirf 94# p«n •*•**’■ I # j mi ms |0 (0«#00*00 ft |O4 0 100 ft# l #*# I 0 fcgyy ** o**%«4 MKf ft#*** ft 04 ft*##* # 0 000 ##*#o#o. Mi •### 9000 !***%*€ ||ot« tM N» ###o*o Nt #of %*• j ’ TIMW »'** o'■*#•• mu •#•* 0 Mlij* !• tM «m'N mi • #o*# f *4 v*®* . 100 trOT * wnmm**>* «f •tut* T,nHw»o>'i«M * j til -ti * Ik*lt rftt Ml |N# OWIO.I ##4* 0f f 4jOOOMO 00MP0 fto#o#*ft «f | ftfolwo <OOO4O 00 1000 0 49*04 10tw| ft##**# * ft*f9 §fll9o OVOMTOi 4, 0ftl» tfr**% r *#•«■%# *#*#4*. T ft#* lo#f# 00f0 y g, fij## <%f W* fr#ff-*M| tflo99t#9* !r 0 Ilot4o4#ft>- #o* 0-«*f* ofni lo#f# fIIMMINMi (ft* f*9*m f*'«o 0* fompot^ i 'T>>» room ••• AeromieA •:•*> •»- ’••me IH<« pr»**Mt mart*. andl*o - MU**- gad *— gremng an# ••• " Aa KW*r*«*«« •• • nre»9Mak*». A!?f» r>rr*M. a**tn>Hn r«mwoi' la a#is!>#* l*a **a^ s f r* 1M r»- Tl** Her* r*»*» * h * t f*ll la la** aim **• '» l l ' fl? * J«*ha •' *»• as m>m n P» ,m,, n{ <*r> jaanhaai pnae** jrrnvw Ital y haeim #» th* (HR* a* "*•** : #oo..** Hfy. Jofin Its fN» 10400* ippM' Nl *0 <tvinf*4 As *o# ffllttltf, iM iilifltlltT rtft;«#4 00 wßMnt M 10* mum*ir* lb# coofM Nf tm 0"*. h#** rVf r ty*v#? r»?DoiiMf L- 4 r<oßf** o « »myl*#o *rt ‘« mit«rtl Nlr, and »4fT> off ttfaa Ndy )#\t. 0 NHb# to (hr hok#r •o*h*»#«l him t* aiagvhi himsotr 0»i 4rtPr »h* ana ir>«mln*: a* •* > h » «aa »;Bpti*<l ih* *»<lr a l * a o ** < o,r,ptea «•• PaMly earryt"* ht * V**' f inua leaS <!■•>•" »talr*wh»a h* **» »«*’ j ler Sir Jfthn. «•>*. InrWlr "H ra*o««l*-, t, a him. rj>» him a *i*r*i«** •» * m r*'S f -r *»*lnt *n **rl*. aha#r*l«« *hal that *#* «h# wa* I* Ihrl**. on fMaeturrla* Ihr truth. Sir J»*hn «-a» a* a nary that h» »*l*lnh*rltr<l hi* dat «hio atvl «h* quarral «a* nnl'' 1 tn«.Jr up through th* lnt*rv#n«lnn of g iron KiiaatMtfh. who Invited him to *:an<l »p >n»«r with h*r for a ohtld. I » h"W hr promlartl to adopt—to Snd It wa* hi* wn prraD^Mw A l Horary Coincidence. An Auguata girl who orcaalonally i writ**, and who had an artlola In yra trrday'a Sunday H»rald, har otioarn for tier pony dr plume 1 Cola Knlftht, a 11,intonation <>f the namoa of two of har n andmotht r*. and a name to which ahe though shr hold the rxolu«lva right. Today »h* raw In a magaalnr an artl .ie entirely new to her algned lati* Knight. Thf Him girl tella how ahe wrote a abort atory accepted hy one of tho lead ing monthliea. After It wa* accepted, but before It appeared In print, ahe Pirkod up a dally paper. In which hv atory. even to th» minute details, wan told In \ are* hy Klla Wheeler Wilrox. Unr of the greateat attractiona at the Masonic fair will ha the W* doll pre sented h> a merchant of the city to the booth of Mra. Goodrich. The commit tee tn rharge of dresaing this wonder fully Ilfs litre toy has been Instructed to spare no axpense, and so the doll will ha exquisitely gowned/ Mrs. Stsnnard Owens has been call ed lo Petersburg. Va.. on account of the death of her mother. Mrs. W. H. Platt Mrs. laxann of Wgyneshom is the guest of Mra. E. H. Callaway on Rey nolds street. Mrs. Horne and children of Macon arc visiting Mrs. August t>orr on Broad street. TBS* JkTJOTJBTA BBTALD IUSI»HI! CF TKlurnr »i4i )#3 0 4ff9*4l *9 4 lltagi f*»M4 Tin Mmm& tegSMw f r w saw * ae*R fM»*wg **■ meg m ggaaw't |fOM 0 #0(00 IPON §OOOOI 00MN00I 0 :#M 0 »*4MOO *IMO MMMO If «00 0001^ . §H*f §M *o* 000 **MI I *OO o*o*o m iOOBOOMO 0f pi# *# 10*4 o§#*o'* lirt 0| 00* 00MN000000 Nf 0 OMO I*oo*o «0 400 'ooooMooll * 00 000 §ooo* *0 #. IMI *OO MNMNOOOO I0«»ft*0> *OO [§00(0 000 01 OMA *o*l 0 OM* 00000 000 4000 0000 00 00ft0p 1001 too* *OOO4O | <o* I*oooo 0* 0l ; 00# 10#* 10 00* : §#*§oo Ml 000* 1001 00*00' 0*0M«0 *0 .09 If 400 *o# f * 000* N *** 0# [|OMI «MI 00<* 0# Mo*o 0f 9k •• *OO •#o*o# •NPN *OMI 000 440*0*4* iMMiki *OO 00' : *f%9 o>§*Vt 00* o*lol 400"* 10A «nhmMN*A 0* •** tioo* ONOOi 001 000 [ 040 oiloo*ol Mi o*4 PM**#* 0f m | 10* §M*o* « iMHOM> 00MI *OM 00 • (*lt *OO |oo*¥ foo**, 004 0 00* *MI* 0 *0«P0-0 400* *** tr**»p*f TIM HflMI ratga «aa»*4 lg-Q spo gtag ary wa't'ag as aaefarg r« T - t ge net astaw mas# trim hf tye awe a hM*rft-ag Use <»•# a» ‘ at# Ttga OnMri Mna rate any ted at f*** •aw* in lan Ptf *9* ajaapar wwua Seat Taa* Mhl »iar*a« Aafwaaa tsaa aoaew aae a iMa T*e Haa.gae* a»a* aaaa fcmsf Igga T%* ganar aa aaa rnaiaa ttai tall •••» tfara Sw A*- (fwma raasaraaa aaeay the (btr aaqra that ta bta* Tart the ta *o4fr 0*0»¥ 000 0 f 00# 41*0 * tt# 0 o*o 0* *#o M*i o*#* 1001 os*i# 000 w**»" tp|M« (0* t#olo *o# / o*oo4l# 00*09* 00 To# noHl> M*ofii •MOMMM i*9 **• o*f #4oo* % Enreataat Inf M hmtra andiac • S at. Tnaaday Khvathhay J* IMt Hasbey-oo to awl far Georgia Mid hrttt ra o taa - -Haia gad agraaay • . otgb- and Taeada*. ahlft ag W> freak egeterh Ufa’ tareaagt for Aur •'» and atftatf* -Rata aad mat a>r tohtgfct ami Tueaday Tha r var at • th» aeo atag was I * hat. a fall of • J faat th taat iwea'y Itwr RaaMhMh prKirw rtoudy weai hat prefabs *hta froralnfg over tha psmatar portion of •ha aouth with rata fatltag la th* owar Mlaai** ppt atl.ay. whlla it to saowlag la Sotha Dakota aad Mtaaa- MH I A atm as nf mndarate eaargy ta ad raaetag from tha northeast aaettoa. hut ta Sea Eag'and tha d*prwaatog to about to paaa away New York elty reports a Tartmnm wind rekwlry of M ml lea an hoar from ■he ootrthwaat. and Norfolk S 3 tr. I lee from the north west Temperatures ore higher over the East Golf aad South Atlaatle state*, the lowest at Augusta this morning being n degrees and 3* yesterday morning For Croup us» CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. City Items MIS* Bet tie Is visiting teiollvM in Newberry' j | Mrs. P'-rter Fleming will entertain I the Eurhre aub tomorrow. Mrs. S. B Voson of Msdlson, Os.. Is visiting Mr*. M A Hsmmond. Mrs. Joseph M. Brown snd children of Marietta are expecied this week on a visit to Mrs H A McCord. Miss Elisabeth Andrews Is the little lady who has recently arrived to bless ‘and gladden the home of Mr. snd Mrs. Robert Andrew*. Conductor Hill of the street railway has sufficiently recovered from the ac cident rseelved a few daya ago to be rrmoved from the hospital to hi* bro ther's home. Id. Bell, of the third ravalry. wishes to state that th# announcement made In this morning's paper of his engage-) rtient to a young lady of St. Louis Is entirely erroneous and without anv foundation whatever. New Maple. New Orleans and Geor gia Syrups received at Lamkln A i Co.'s. Ms], W< J. Cowden and staff are at the Planters, -.a]. Cowdeu Is pay master of the United Slates ormy ami Is here to make the soldiers happy by making the "ghost walk." Hts staff ronslsts of the following Maj. J. S. Wilkins. R. G. McClure, G. C Whit lock. Robert E. L. Hall and r>. W. Morey HOW IS YOUR WIFE? Has she lost her beauty? If so. Con stipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the principal rauses. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these Ills for half a century. Price ?5 rts. and oO ctr-. Money refunded If results *ro not sat isfactory. Sold by— Retal’*rs. T. A. Buxton, Anderson's Drug Store, Alex ander's Drug Stoie. West End Phar macy. The King Pharmacy. Wholesal ers, Davenport A Phinlsy Dr. A. L. Smith, one of Athens’ most popular druggists, has accepted * | poaltlsa with \ idatte’s All Night Drug | stop*, of this slty. W* etc glad to ; welsoso.B Um tn our midst Tow own gwe * an* sun aheap tw sgsti *t B. J. Seiu'y A Co.'S. 216 and 21S •wwwhe* ssrm. SOLDIERS ARE GENTLEMEN ( ammi hg?* iHH4 M i Ifeffig** Intern AS*«*e Mhg fh*M Ml «*■>• * tMA •• tN»N MSB tkw* tg*** »a*»»ig wt Bis • ggwwi sßsuw OHOO* 0f 000 00000N* 00N0 000 0000M0M ***** «f«0 l%» «§ 0440 000 #MHOH| o"»WWli# 4 ’(h4n| o§o#t§ *h§|.4 Ihutw 010* |t‘“o0 T ff'or-'| 4040# 0l 00* 0* 100 ***f 00' ' 00*001 oioloC*oo§ 0f 00* 00 40# 041 —I «0* «MI §§*4o#* o#o 000* |OROOI 0# 000 pf 40*0* 00009 000* 00* **o-0100 #OO tt —| §o4*—' 4*o 000N* 04000* o#* 0 «#%— 10 t§o *OOIIO4IOT oM9o*# %• f o*o § W >&#V2 #f —o*o #ON§ ' §o*o f»«0 4B# *0 m f §t#*#A (# of*o 00#- U 0k a 001 o*o ##oooo*o 000#0i 0# 001 009 100 *t 1000 ■**' * 000 00* §• •' * 140 90 ON*O4 #-f |o§ t4§*4fooN itfMl 010# #k§d# # 0| #0 '#oooloo t*#o 0f §#M*l o*n| 00* *# 0 iMM #orf.9olof o*# 10* §h #l** * "# *% * §. #«: '* —HM* 90 0 * Y •WWW yw,* Jt I J§m- *.-#■*»- r gsg§ In »*— j## 41 # JHo** cf t|o 0 # 00- 0 000 00 0 90N#* ««*• —o'*» 0* (—o**o A 90f*#N§ ft 011 %tr§ 0* o§§V till 900 )I>ir g •-«—#* #o# #oi Mir froot*i>~f «i# 40* #f«o *#t 100 i|nfir •#'** §0 **ooo OINl # ** 0§«l 10 0 # 4#* 00# *N#i #O4 00 NH*i 0 t«t* *ot *oo#ti»> 0* :■ ts t—l o§,f 010 §* | a f# Out o|§ ofof—:#r#o 0# «#*%?#• 90 o** To* * r«0 04f §#—l§**4 o*o4* 0# «0# #§M'#4. 00*0 §oo#4 <OWOt ft, §oo#tin', ffitni f%H 0 4*## §olono*-* Ilf M* <»•$« To* f-000# l#if •%*» 001 «0* r«#*o «0#«/-0-i fM 9m o** ft g Y §§ 0f • #T&*** , t 00- ##OH» fb* § fH* kwr 0t« *«—ot##. fOO I§9« f00»00t *#4 To# *§ MM#? t*«**4 00 Th* irnßg VsA? hMssM ! rf Iwbi "* the Art*w*tp* Awl*(Vd Amts «• iVri Of gfr's h»«»* r*S' Ft As » h«»T<Wd swings who. re*ll>'*g that he gggr. hwwrkias on* Bf thss* Ahwb rwagfct her hf th*' elhoers to *te*dv Iter 1* •vgev InettHM* wee* thr fw't gyeelty rragserated Thg agddtef* have keen mhwtty talk - s 4 stint sed gtw rrrsrked hr thoee Who have had n« rwrwgßal ewsf**- w»»h them •* a ftset of mffiar a Thor »se, with • few »te#-ttow« a gw«ttewiiw*v *#t V fellows, and It Is * thCHaaßMa feet th*v vshrw • *ns*aa« hoard* • crowded esr .» f* S»w*v* a ghld'er who to th* tr** ta offer her hi* *MH rrPSONAL MF.NTIOV H Wolff, of AHmiAol*. to tn ihs elty j. J, wooer, ot Nfghvilto, Is ot the Planters. J 8. W toon, of ABoapeilo. ta at th* Ptggtor* 8. C (taker, oi Org*nyll>*. to at the Plan ter* i H. Hull, of Washfsgtoß, Oa, to Is tha eliy B tthlrartl. of rntlodelphia. I# at th* ArliniPd* 4. O'Donovan, of haeaanah. la il Up Pssiter* O. g, ptsiey. of Bos ion. Is ot the Arlington j. s Wrllsy, of Mstnphto. ta at th- Planter* J. A Hall. Jr., of Columbia, la at th* Plantar* J. M. Robinson of Denver, is 0* the Planters I 8.8. Tennant, of Philadelphia. Is *t tha Ptenters. j, A PHta. of Atlanta. Is at th* Commercial. W. P. Lowrey. of Louisville. Go.. Is In th* s ty. P. A , Bern**, of Cincinnati, ta at the Arlington j. B. Winslow, of Oreenvtlt*. Is at thr Planters I Mrs. R. Pounds, of Charleston, Is at ■the Arlington. W. H Platt, of Ph.ladelphla. Is at the Arlington. | .T. F. Pc. erson of Egypt, N. C., ts at the Commercial H F. Canten. of Aiken. S C.. Is at the Commercial. F. James and wife. Of Savannah, am ■t the Commercial. | Mr. G. H. Fuller, of'Oahtesviße, On.. ts at th* Arlington W. O. Bush, of Philadelphia Is nt the Commercial. George K. Swindle, of Nawnam. la at the planter*. J. M. Gyion. of Blacksburg. S. C., Is at .ue Commercial. W. E- «eag* r. of Crawford. Ga., ts at the Commercial. Frank D. Wills, of New Orleans, ts at the Arlington. C. P. Mite. H. M. Johnson and .T. C. Smith, of vttlcago, are at the At tlneton. F. .1. Hale ami R. P. Snelling. of Boston, are at the Arlington. F. M. Goo’bar. advance aeent for "As We See It" company. Is at the A rl!ngt"si. yv M. Scott, W. S. With am. and G. p. Dennan, of Atlanta, are at the Ar- Hasten. H. E. Cohen and Miss Cohen, of ' Saniiersvllle. ere at the Arlington. I H R Boettcher. William P. Moun tain and A. F. Pound, of Cincinnati, are at thr Planters. | Dr. Clement Clc’dc of Washington, p C.. Is at the Plarmrs p r a 5. Hawes, -es Bordeaux. Sc C.. i* at thr Planters*i Tba quurtatte «vl*ctu|n which was so beautifully sung at Baoadtrsy Metho disi ohuwh test nlghi, by Msasrs. L. T. Goodruh. Irwin Ailetacdsr, Harold War Wok «na Dr. VlddHo. was quit* a treat tn rite etxmrefgAton. CBL. SHOWN OF 2110 GIORGIS irtuH * *8 I#H TWt •fft’ ; Mg Ik Mk*b t» (Ms I a*« t«M g* in tMns. H§9 €OOO4 J |oNi*oo #f 900 PMPNNO4 IS *B##»§ o*f»—r#» §§§#l4o |0 |o* #0 (§>.• * § ■*# 49090 *' 40|# #§BnH§' : MB H* o#oi 0# 10# *—| JwNm** , (o<rfr# #O4 10*0 40p§9*00 oft 90* #•* geee-s aSwe* 8* awe* A Bv* SUpIM V* BgM* mt § um A *#••*• Mgtssgg at km MffMtoSOß _ Dsg (h*w»* bb* »» Be B legdu *< iß# A-WttffM *»• *B* ****** ogffgi pgtt to t*Be —"iff » Wk* meesereißf •sgl at tha Be* *1 OwtotHß "Mf*M," hB MS *| BSk # •Sff’B *B Mffß gKSB ie *—< * * pa ***** *wa* - A**g «hB 0 *■“ ft *# * #f t§o ft###**# 0f 10# O«P94n 0 **o>fo*l*o Ml #9O 090V* oft# 41" #% t§ 00—0— hll- ON9 —V #—#ft 4ft*ftf' 00# oft *oo# 0 Mft#9 4h#» tlrf #*4 90# 90000 f 00V* o#o4 0§ ¥O9OOOOI 004 4*oooo 004 •90 ft# f—# 4100*0 ll*###' 4ft 9ft # 0# • v §o*f oft oft* 4# #4of'loft o*4 01 1000009004. 0# t <o*4 104*9* m 0010 104# ftf #OOI4OO g fg« afftota PNgtoß* cm MWSB* to a* '—MO apt* ft** hs**<M , ahd g Bto<B f WMSI iMWePMtI ••*<* Th* Aag'—M tov'gfrs »<ri dgtighted Th* «KBto#rtag p— to M«l —*« as »*4 the ftttoto ***" »•** (ftft—ftftK olft§o 10# m'4+*9 ftHU *#* • 100 ftoVMoftftV 04 O*VO 004 900 0400 off* §M|o»#4 10 00# 000 ¥#*oo9ooo «h* ,>*# *lb wt« to >*- AM Ih* pto—i*t Iguto <4 <h* mta et •*• ft# (0# §M*Hft.#l9 §4 400 *ft-9ffh'4 #941 •it? ft*#o# to*tf o*o ft ft 1400109 o*4 ftft#o DO VOIF KNOW pre-e* that, gad alee till Beater* to Mtrtdai The .<ta #» A m tmmk •« I* r«r*d with gfct'ch t CMS* aad C *»- •MapiMa Cm* W 4 aa p—n*» gave aatee gar ever IRI year* PaM to-'le taller* T. A Bu* teß. Aede *.*a'g Drag pi«r*. Ale Sander* tens riel*, ge- gad Pharma*?, The Ktaa Pear *-a*g Wbatoaaier*. fvaveagrwv a Ph#a tog. PLOTT U TO KiU TMIiIK BEST FKIENO. Oa* M ad# (Ni l* Ihe Other on Trl-L I The Jury w out W th* en»* ot Jim t riueh. rwlered. ><a trial In Richmond *u gertor court hr asaauit with tataat to murder N*« ember Id Will Wiley, entered an ’ employ* of Mr M. T. Green# whom Mr, Green had befriended, in 'Hi# coun ty, near Hephaibah. ran trite Mr Green'c bed mom. secured Mr. Greens *• .itgun, a mottle lead**, ran into the yard, dropped on aae knee, and *a i aiming 'Tamil pen. I gel you now. exploited the tap and p>'~> der. There •a* no b«*l *n top of Ih* powder in the gun and damage did no* r**ull TW» •va# Mr Or**n»'s evidence. Will Wiley plead guilty and implicat ed Jim Bath, j In a eiatement to Mr. Green Wiley said that he and Bush bad - 'H*-d to kill Mr. Green. In erupt Wiley did not give this testimony, but It vsi prov en he had mad# the statement. i Bush maintained that h* had gnn* in to no plot, waa not aware that Wiley waa going to try to hill Mr. Green, that he had nothin* In the world to do with the matter, A. H. Russell, Esq., represented th* ' d -fen*#. The solicitor prosecuted the earn. WOMAN'S SIGH FOR A POCKET Hgw dffdir t* iht§ If—rt tr* tb* obi fatblcN—' 4t Wkrn fnnd r*§oUr?*tirn r»rf»«o0 th*» •* fbr* ? In (tnry I «**’ the old •ftrdroh— tnd j?r*’t—» •bi h h*ld tb§ loved fc».n tbtt tn ftrlbo«d 1 knew; Tb* wub Rpr—din# mr*h*ir. th**ilk tbnf hunc by The Kt: aw color*# a*t»». with trimwinpto a 4 brown: The n#N foulard th* fdnlt ergaedi* nisft if But. eh, tor rhe pecxei Mist Ut ag In esei fS'.'.'S Tb# old feshicnefl p«e*el, *‘ ■■■ er-elet# pecker Mm prr, ever 1 hj peeket that hung in isrl gevrat Thtt deer, r**»r eeeket 1 d bail as » treernr# Onuld 1 hur bshsld ir gruvas es todiv. I’d Unit it the ssurec of sn exquisite pi- v'.are But sll !*y sioAivtse elorsly answer m "Kay!" Twould k* re cenvenlest when geing '# »he:,»!ST “Psoukt held my *n’»U purchases com: fr#»i tees, And always my parse or my kerchief I drs>gi*g Oh, me. fm- tiw poeket thst hang tn r sewn Ph* eld fn-Mnaed pc-:-.n. th* obsolete pock- The ptalresoithy pocket turn bung la n gown I A gown with n poc krr ! How fondly I'd gaa it! Rseh k*y ere I 'd don it I'd brash it w ! e»re Net a fell Par'# eoifuinc ear,ld make me d card it, Though trimtned with the laces an empi e islfiit v. c.-.: * ■at T have n* hope, f, >r the fa-ltion i# bantr Tka i**r of regret will i.iy food via. drown. As fancy reverts to tie daya that have v. ishod Iri;h for the pe«ket tbst bare in my gov "ko old pool • . tkc cbot!.c e j.e * The prnlecwoxiby pocket tiat hnnf; la i. r -vn. - Corcl-v rolls in Jamestown Journal Eurfbqu-ke in Grcce. Petrms, Greece. Nov. IS.—Twoheavy earthquake shocks war# felt here. The inhakltanta ware panle stricken. No fa talities are yet reported. Secretary Heel: fs Dead. Capa iter- N. J,, Nov. as.-eJaaob Bask, ga—iory of the Nacsar-wl Lvago< of Mualolans w-a« found d*ad In bed of hear! atemrve icday. au • I KINDS. OlßMVhit 4m#h ft§B#h LaM—F> lok. Shtojlri gmff ( to Ska—total iNMtovAMft. (IUS 9, ttWtV o(Mh>fW -, SWuSaSura&rt *14491 4NUN 0010 9 *•#** *§ %m oft mt 0 0044*04 4f % oM#lol tA4o#oi4 00* —to-■ «Mft#i#—ft §( i|ftft f|§ft—*4 Foo#wo §099—004* V 0 11 ftio#noiiioo iin Hi— irii 4#m#-0 000.00t4#f 004 ft#o#*i#4 fcft f#t tf* 4 09 Pftfiift #f 0 s#ol# ftNi %w 0 ?# rO-#t mm pm+»w*4 If »M 4#» To# 9ftfloo4ft §9 o»|#*' * 090 00* 4000099*4 §0 #—oft 'l*o ftft 944# #4*9# 0 , - f#~i i (f-§ a!99090 ftft f(i<i>f4 CJ» 9mm** flftf## ■,09*099 4# o■■ ■ dft—9o. 9m 4—»0 ! 9#4 ft #%§§*#* if’ If#- f9ft000*0”0 &t 14# C'—d* '” *#off ? # 9fcoft 04041 #§o9otft# , 4 10 ttadte'stew* K-#* 3A •* AgtoM§ Ih* «g ig* gr*aA jwv. a *■■>»' « g— email 18— «MB «W rMWM the law hg —Raff —to Mteßte. «• JtoNMtKf gaA M BMK A A*##’ Ml.|#AWi §or#-r9 00* ftN# f’f*#fto 00 90*9*0 •h# §#’ 1? 0# IAOOOV ft t- 4 00#* § 1111* **§lflft 9 # iM> '<#-§§ §#oo#49 * *8 hafkw* tha § and Jail aa* ItoAlcßsA SB SNte ag the Ht key of the BhSto* Char - - .gw peveral war* lafftotaA *8 'hese jehsegsa sari Th* g aaA J— to Itg ! report gtoa saß*M BtfreHaa •« the da*- grrnpr laaffl'lwa «f tha MM* .*'* wall ssg seeanignaA*A it# laasf ii# i*ggh. Frwemnhe CRy. tow* Wt- Ur. W- R Cnvingtoa a grewteMt rtilgaa. r»- aiAlag *#ar thto glare. «Mt with a rtona snd p* efui —iffeat. frow which he to en« lying irtikailf B» **# w-'il •. i ■ rmJjmmm STROMOFA >«i. fir. Ll. I 70«. Just Call Us Un when you seed coal and ' wood Tear order will bs filled Juat •• quickly and agtiafactorily a* if you had come In person to order It Th* Mat of oak and good, dry pine, long or tawed and split, juat at you wish tt. And th* coal will be juat aa good coal a* ever cam* out of a mine—clear, dry and reliable. Both ‘phones. MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG, Office and Yard, Foot of Slararlan Street. was engaged In building a porch to hi* residence and fell from the scaffold, spraining his hack an£ injuring him aelf Internally. Capt. H. A. Dekav, engaged in thc ( manufacturing of hat boxea. in this, i city, will shortly move hta estahUsh m»nt to New J«r»e.'. where h* will en gar* In business. Eikton. Nov. 2d William Tirh'tt, aged about 35. trackwalker on the Philadelphia. Wilmington and Balti more railrrad. between Eikton and i on Hill, wa* struck and KPled by Ihe fifth section of the M ashlngtcm and New York exprers, at 2:30 o'clock thin | morning. The unfortunate man in getting out of the way of a southbound freight t-alu stroped In front of the one northbound He resided on Sou b st. in Eikton and leaves a widow and six children. F-ank Meyer* of Aberdeen. Ha’ ford county, an employe of the P. W A 8.. attempted to jump from a handcar while it was in motton. He fell un der the wheels and received serious in juries. A serious accident on the Philadel phia, Wilmington end Baltimore rail road was probably averted by the night trackwalker near North East. It is the duty of these men to patrol the tracks at. night. While the North East man was performing this duty he discovered a mole wedged in an open culvert near tha' place, and only in time to flag th* N*w York and Wash- 1 ington *i"?r*» train, du* here at 1:31 j a. m. The animal was iii inch a po-' sition, haring gotten out a field and strayed on the tracks, that had it ! been struck hy the locomotive the ' wain in all probability would hav? jbeeu derailed. NOVf MOCR 91 THE MARKETS. AMHtoA totkagf RBFvrigT Arrg'saSß Ato #•» P »-■!—». AMR. Giptari „ m » *s A lief —» *»»»■ • *** a—m g»4 i, Rsarr M „ • IM« tees, e-#4MSf •• «* ****** A B#f#>* •«« WABAWM .« ee ee ee . JAI MMMMag , e* ee « e* *#e*» * l-IA sm-MBag , » #• ee e* *e, ■ •*% fMMftft 00N94400 9* ** •«-«• ** **l 9mm* .. *B ** *♦ ,• .**»«•## 190000 *»§»«••••*«• *•«.*. IV* 10 f IT*, ft A I f"* ft9*l9l •mm., mirftfftfi W«§4 »#4it f tot# ft 404 In, 4ft'A§ft 4§<o 400 m o§fo§44# a* fftf t?* 9ft Tmf 34 ■ A** |; j tftft I*9 09# Iftpf fftftl it r*tini> <#4o9 *• 4mmm * IfTf * lift? !oii 10 A####*o .a **bb 9*t*'f wm 4«ff»*,'»# 9»oi t mm tmm #r*<i«l W9VOO #€ 90i0#. Mwrylr 4 Oft#l fWlfftOO FRUf 149UV4 ! §9*l*9 %T»- O##o f9«i#ft * .. 9kS «ftH fi##ol#r 9fft9 - - ; - i § w •# p m »*• I MO|F «« •• 99 *• •• «M» *» l r *°" K - jj*B**ry ee ee n .. ee ee ••#* rw#mb#f .* ft.oft ft * | January e*»«*e *.«H I* BIDFR- December.. .. .. .» * *D» A. OH January .. .. • •* t ieto NEW TORE COTTON. -M Fthrilirf #e •« *» *• aa ** ft#ft* March * 11 •April .. »• .... J ** May ee .. .. •• * to *-** J’ *« * *« .. ».« » «< August .. .. .. .. •* •• * •* Veptcmher .. .. • • Oftftfefff „ •• *• BB BB •• ft-72 November « » » » December - - *•«* ‘ « M944H40 MEW TORK oTrK*Kll Purer IJS T« harm * a V l * C. BoV tITH D’S Mleeeuri Pnclflc . .. .. .. *»H Lmilavitle and Naahvllte . **’i *; * Manhattan *•'» People'* On* •>* Vnlon Partite T»H Bock Island ) JJ r't. Paul *' ”• ’J* Southern Railway, pfd .. «H 4 Western fnlon «V »* « LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February *O4 *•* February and March .. 3.04 ! * March and April „ n . April and May *«« *•“ June and July *■<* *'JJ a Juty and Ang JO* *<* '* Aut. and Sept *M l*! I Oft- and Nov. a. .. • * 3 * Nov. and Dec * 'l>ec. and Jan * O4 ,0S i PORT RFX”EIPTh. I<»T W* *»™ *l^ New Orleans «»"" *!!* i Mobile M Norfolk *** New ion mil ’* ton ”ST wk Philadelphia Estimated total LI IT. HUBBARD Of the 15th ninnesota Improving Fast. L'< > t. L. V. Hubhnrd, of the 15th Mlnnccote. who hns be-n so critically Ul of typhoid level 1 at the city hospital, la considered slightly improved teday an<“ Strong: hopes arc entertained of his recovery. Mrs. Huhhard, the liemen ant's mother, who was telegraphed for. arrived. And 1® with her Ron. Tie Say Herald IS A PAPFR FOR NEWSPAPER READERS. The News of the City, The News of the Car»p, The News of the State. The News of the WorW, The News of the United States