The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 29, 1898, Image 2

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TUESDAY PIGPLEjS FORUM. 9tmm *0 Tto <•—** __ *o* M *s99 **990*90 so*o tom* 90 flraemßto* HMt as* #**• Ml to to* •'•MI ** MM fMMM I *'' * iM 9$ I*• *■■' *to* , ■me | MMMI W> 90$ SOOO 0k 000 SOO mmM * «•** "Ml to*to# **•*»_*• *M 00 000 ■' $0 000$$$ sss*• 5 .. M : ••» >l4*ol HMt <• • $9009 <*A *to MWf SOO 090$ 0$ som SOO **oo sooss M Wos $ 0100 • M* $0)00 *9OO 00$ 000 ■MI M *'• |§£i tH 4003 M#®# 40 * O#M IP i»t 111 <M o*9o*o *OO 00*90 * * gffyf IhMPNf iPMI fllKiii#! •%(## i|» .»> •«* 4W •» MtflM 000 M** " - mrrrri *» ** l*» «*» »*■*•» *M to** to* „ dti-r Ml •* M** to* #M ,M 000*9 *$ 00*9 00000 00 **• ‘•" W fr» ji ip ip fppippipi •*Mi mm* IP W# |p** ••• <•** | % *4 pp| PP'PMPP fWPfP PM •'* Mrs ** ! airfli %* IWM *MM *P PP* 5 * ,11,1 -T gf- «? 44PPPP Pit- PRft tP *** P*4 nturr r**4*9§ IMP PiM I • * — iMMI #•#* IPPMPI <of ttP MPH* f m t igj— -1« ppipf P M tfiP i* 4 '* M PIP | PPk# 40k • # pPPPMPP P* 4 ••tf ip| fy Pi ppr «i pp •••<•** Mpf% tINM p| |Mr | trpitipT ImPHP MpP* P'ftfei *»4 t»* rplwrP*P* t <M PP'* »l _ * j _ , , jto «|U» (tl### M> IS*’** %P * PP*PM* *P “*** Pi * *» w ••tup. ghj pp p 0 - * fftvp MNP -99 M ***** «*r*MPf* fp« pp ppl IPPI •* pf* PPI Pt iPrrtK PM Ip Pi P* • * •** j *ti »PpMI 09V PP* pPNpP* II MMI 00919*4 _ I . Ppi p ||. i« p|# IPIppPM pp *• ip jpn psi * hm** Pt plpmm* I Mf#ft * p*p mm <mm* Ml OP«H PP4 *» !fc a t mmsm Pf# »P*S J-Ulli -j f > .*4 «f 111 ftt*P4 ». fc *wtm *i|h pIMKII til#* PMIV M* r» n* fpp will aP Ip 4it*pPs f Mil la tp* pmUliofl PP4 tlMit >w» PP* f|p<>9 y|ftf i ipitift IP W (P*r P Pi pM *pM p tPp4p* Pt *lmpp op **' 11*« * * Itlrp |jury pMif MU tPIP. * **P Tdttfi %-#tf ifih A Holilpr of Co F IP MifylPl h<*nl«ll thank* i 'BP BrKnu • KmrMf ?I t»* K.M an 4 <«m *•«•»' friaM - •* l,fa#r tn t'otft ptfl4 aa 1 *9ff W* *'" iM thiar to tfer unMlrn of *W» f«M piMuM ia TV H'rt't of Ko»*W"0 !HI I in vkill of tk* (ft*»t* W)**k of tfcta t9ssp aisk to attM *• fttw oaf haartf»:t tki*k> To aajr wo gratafal apo* h#tW| k aroold t-wt a!|4ljr otproaa oar f*oll»it •**! I r '* n my*f fWII •nnr uikir tai <Uora*'o4 la aaory tool ta oar raioo ft o kaw all |f.tlfot rfira roala, ta thta r a"*p • certain fotdar'* or roaerto ratone tna :«4V» of Anpifta, with hat f*>w csfcptioaa rtmarf toward the pr*- vnt* n HM It **u co 4lfl*r»»i from' (hr wanarr ta which we had been treated t.jr tfc lattice who were kto< t eoouph to tl#H tat 1# oar other eaepc, and we were at a loe» to s*■ count for tt. Of courae we were forced to the conrloalon that the In dict here were a'tiually proud and re •erved and not of a aociable nature, never havinir had a thought that we ♦ mpired Tear In the heart* of any. young or old. Your left -r to ua ex plain* wha‘ au a tny*tery to u». and your aa*urance of good will and crei hdence In ua carve* to nakc ue feel more at home and will make our atay with you much more pleaeant. A* you tay. a drunk- n rowdy la to be avoid ed. We cannot bold ourselve* accounta ble for the action* of a few. We sin cerely regret that we have among u* thoae who do not conduct themselves In a manner beromlng a genMPtnan. and we beg of tb* good ladles of Au gu.*»a not to condemn ua without bet ter cause that: the action of a few. who never have and pfohab’y never will msk* any pretentions to being a gen tleman Hy far the greater majority of our sold erf are young men who have giv- 1 en tip good home*, good positions. and ; left behind mother*, wives. sisters. nodi the comforts of life, for the privation 1 or r* np. thinking that our country W».s in need of their service*, and I' think were you to make a canvass of our eo'diera you would find jus; as i much good breeding, just a* much ed- j uratlon. just a* much honor a-ncng' them a* you would among the young’ men of your own locality or any other j in this broad land of ours. We trust that-after reading your address to ua. j those vbo through a misunderstanding' of us have imagined that we were bar-| hariane to be feared will 1 take a differ ent view of the matter, that they mar j • islt our camps and Judge from tbo conduct of the soldiers and from th“ treatment they receive, whether they | were right or wrong and treat us ac-; cordingly. j We all appreciate the visits of youi-j citirens. especially the ladies, and we pledge ours-lves to do everything in j our power to make it pleasant and en-; jovable to you whenever you come, and remember that you are welcome at any and all times. Again we thank you for railing the attention of our. citirens to what was to us an injustice | and we sincerely hope that you may never have cause to regret it, or to change the opinion it would lead us to; believe you hold of us. Very truly yours. J. F. Larkin. Private Co. H. lthk Ohio. ~~ 11E ADQIJA RTERS TSat tranks, bags, dress suit 'ire,dm, tfhidh hsr^efs. , ,se«. trunk Strap*. Trunk Factory, tt« Jiruad. - . PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! ppnflPurTfl FORCES US TO MAKE SACRIFICES AT ONCE~ Ladies' CAPES, and Ladies' and Misses' JACKETS Cut Down. On*-third ©f pric* cut on *ll Fancy Dr#** Good* indjriinminfi* 200 M I**#*’ and L*di#§* Jack#** cut to mak#r* co*t. f . , .100 Pluah. Plain and Fancy and Military Cap©* cut to co*t of Material. SO Bat#* warm Comfort* *t*rtln* at 48 c#nta, to Eid#rdown at 53..»0 . 10 Bal#» of Cotton and Wool Blanket* *tartinM at 4M c#nti to $ 1.00 a I H c 200 Pair all W«roi Hom#-madn Blank#t* *J.SO to 56.00 tor boat I 1-4 mad*. Nuw Fur Cap#* and CollafP* N*w Laprob**. n*w Porti*r*. I 000 Fancy Carpal Ruga from auction at 50 c#nt» on th# dollar. 40 yard* oHin* B#a liland for SI. 20yard* b#*t XX Bl#arh,ng for S I .OO. y io 4 Raml Hpaw Shrrt nii 12 I-2c. 26c for Tabl# Damaak. pood valu# for 80 C*nta* < Chaapnat plat • In th* city for wool Und#rw*ar. Wool Undorwaar cut to I -2 regular pric* . . P. D. HORKAN & CO. . . INASOCIALWAY i £ \ F;* ! | ! v I (Pf? %H lull* CWr J Ml U4p * rMir to hifh w «•*» r»> \• <% it) **mb Mill HWllftl «K’ll|fl jOf fnlßti k*fs# [ Ami r«w—»» *lto »ttl* r*‘W* i^ifi* AlMdi H* tfW l \n4 ftft) i |«*t «ml pK*ift. ii mnr pw**w [ H«C M ben+mih •Wit •Wit ****#• I luif At tout |n»|S»f •*« * •" And vaunt H» nhtfir* Aiy Udy** " fHnir hftit* r* '■• M '* | M|T n fh*lr <l f »*h pwwy ttiina. ■ ! A fit!inn trrnm*' for f*lrv tmr+, | For dftinty form «mt »tot*tor m Ami *ir«n. *Wt* N»**H»t. v| > Udm * * l»*ir to roM i®4 Mn*«. My Ulfn'i ti**ftrt to norm »n<t tmn ; | And find my »«■**. -IlMifin*. Those « ho Will Assist ■I Muonk Tair. 1 Mr Will Hollingsworth. fancy work ud ho«th assistant* Mr.. N. K | Boiler. Mr. Fhsver. Mr. Bowl*#, Mrs. Will 1-*« Mr*. MrKlnnc La*. Mts. I'nnnor ri* kl«-j. Mt* Hnllldsy. Mr*. , " Shaver Mia. (twlndetl. the Miss es F< re* the Mia-* Heed. Mr. J H-j Hollingsworth. Mia. Hollingsworth. i^SWuSS/S-' Z«* I al'anta: Mr.. John Connelly, Mr* I eh..tor Clark Mia. Lucy Doughty. | |minm Carroll. Mlaa Dahlia M-Glmy.. Ml»» Josephine Crane. Robert- j •on. Ml.. Bessie Wright Ml., uillan .stulb, Ml.. Mary Wilkin.. Ml.. Helen Carroll, Ml.. Nellie Crane Ml.. Cl.ia ! Knlcht, and the Ml..e* Boykin, and; others. . . , Mr.. W K Miller, .ut glass and chi na. assistants. Mr*. C*. ■ 11. Mrs. Al l,n. Ml., wither.. Mr. Beeson. Mra. Jam*# Bothw*!l. Mrs. Joseph Lamar.; Mr.. William Davidson. Mrs Carey. ; I Mis. Connor. Mlaa Tlmberlake, Mias c.nnahl, Mlaa Allle Eve. ML. Marie Al-| lien. Ml.. Ida Calvin. Mrs. Htuarl Phln-i i,„. Mrs H B. Alexander. Mrs. Boy-j h ftn ’ Wright, Mra. George Baines, and | rth -r*. , , ,Nfn* C H Ooh#n. table, an- UWgnts: Mrs Frank Bult. Mrs. N. A. Teague. Mta-I W B Whlte. Mr._G. IR Argo Mrs. K. B. Baxter, Mis* Wil ly* Roney. Miss Mattie d'Antlgnac, Misa Maude Blsell. Miss Margie Real., Mlsaea Annabel and Fadle Cranston. Uree, Miss Adelaide Moors. Mi. ■' *’*■ 1 Campbell. and othera. Miss Julia Carmichael. Miss Lillie Roun- Mrs J W. Levy, ladles' and gentle-, men's furnishing booth, aaaletanta: Mrs., ' Louis Cohen. Mrs. Joaeph Meyer. Mrs. Frank Sm: ihe. .Mia. Joseph Id.venateln |of Savannah. Mrs. Max Robinson of West Virginia. Mis. Dan Lyon., Mrs. Paul Muatin, Mrs. Sheron. Mlaa Ad - (line Levy. Mis. Blanche Levy, e (jrsie lVrris. Misa Maggie Funk Mias ! Rosa Koyple Miss Doris and otheie. Miss Mary Hall, refreshments, asiis i , nt , Mrs. W. r. Eve. Mrs. L " White. Mrs. VI'S. Smyth*. Mr"- „kj». u n a. Howland. Mib. Wei-t ; jfje, Mrs. Denning. Mrs. Bowe, Miss Mary Anderson. Mrs. I. H. Levy. -*>•“ iowen W. Moore. Mrs. Stephenson. Mrs. Hines .Mrs. Whitney, Mlsaea Pourne'*"• ; Misses Goldslry, Miss Aid worth. Miss Mary Stephens anil others. ! Doll and toy table. Mrs. Dr. Cood lich, assistants .Mrs. Tracy Hickman. Mrs. Setxe. Mis. Shepard, Miss How ard. Miss Lizzie Scott. Miss Lou Smith. Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Eleanor Carroll, Miss Merlal Black. Miss .Juhu (Jkimleha*l. Miss Clara Doughty, Miss Mis* Purcell, Ml** Hopkins. Mi»* kou King Purcell, and other*. Mr*. WheleAS, uhar«e o i the CuW>- tiy Stare, Will have a large number at a* Win Miss MadsUv Bar vwr* MWry Slaare go* Hiss n#?- tl,» Hattie Forge ftutler.fn charg ; of the checkroom at the entrance to the ho •n=r» attoura hibald i )rtr< . miMhi ai t»ft>' • * loir A wtilt •' I anwAh tt«e*t I * | far *■* *' I#** 4 - * * «%** ®# * **’ | AM (44 VI orM t«*l»m. . St friiMid ih , h,. n th.* Kmptflt «»f 110 ht< h u*e T-»|>e (Njur.* lylMin [ e hen he hteeae. th** gift. Wild the ailcaa trewawry wee richer than It I* in«.». a grrai ruby «ee ueed t-- tepre acnl h hud. amt I her.-.were •llamond .lewdiep* '.n the leave*. The vaee. he*, in which th.' plant stood of amid, in. diamond di'-p* have evapmat-d 1 oow, the ruhy tud ha* turned yellow. Ihe rmc golden vane I* only silver gilt land the gift mat* the receiver more than It does th< giver, but *llll. Il ls a < ov ted honor. The coat of receiving It It* said to I-, *lx thousand doll.ti* which i goea to cot-er th* exp* mo** of thoae wh » | convey It froni the pep** to th*- r-*'l|d .■nt. Thl* manner of presentation I* an other lilt of old w*nld idcturenquene**. 'in thla country the lllumlnnte.l le*«4pt* rnd engrossed resolutions go by mall or *'X| res*, with no detail* more spec tacular lhan the official Idur of the en velop-*. The Holden Hose I* an annual possi bility, but, llk» many humbler annu als” of the rose specie*. It doe* not al ways bloom on time. A sufficiently mer itorious personage 1* not always to be found and the gift is not bestowed. Next year, however, during the Lenten season, the pope will give the Golden Ito* - to the Archduchess Louise Marie of Austria, daughter of the late em pr »**. There Is a tradition t(jat the gift brings unhappiness with It; but the arehduehes* has already had more than her share of trouble, and perbaps the pope'* rose may chang’ her fortune. At least let us hope so.—Harper's Ma za r. Tor the Soldiers One of the most praiseworthy char itable movements ever organized In Augusta Is tile Soldiers’ Rest opened by St. Paul's Brotherhood of Rt. Andrew | over Christopher Gray's old stand on Broad street, Here me two comfortable rooms where soldiers may find w armth. com fortable (halls and lounges, magazines and newspaf e r s for th"lr own section of the country. In an adjoining room, cof fee and sandwiches " ill be served by tli* ladles of St. Paul's free of charge. A cordial invitation li< extended to the soldiers to come here for real uud re freshment whenever they choose. Con tributions of magazines and newspa pers arc earnestly solicited. The ladies of St. Paul are soon also to open up,a soup kitchen In West End. Hamiltoti-Thomas. The mairlage of Miss Scylla Withers Thomas, daughter of General S. G. Thomas, of Dalton, and Mr. Guy Ham ilton. of Athens, will take place tomor row at the brides home. Only a few Intimate friends will be present, but owing to ihe prominence of the bride and groom the event will be "f great Importance socially. >Ls* Vivienne Strung* wh- i> the guest of trientU m Augugtft, witfrstwit Lame m the neat’ future. 3fOA* has been absent for nearly a Tear and hap fnM g&iffwsv BMV kfh% WiH a* *)i# to wplcoVno her at home again.—Atlan ta Journal. flHMMat* t* 090m*0 . Bah JG 9 iy|g-4| t»» * !«#• * *?!''!». Mi## ] I ijsm> BNfcwi# P'4 * i fIW P# ##•**##'• WSMMhkc ff«l# n-ag-jg 1 1 tt* * fir* !**»#. *g For L*Cripp« *nd Inf ia enzause CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. \ PMil: PROM POLICE IXJCKET The Pace That »,«k. Law - Mr rtiarl** l.#o«Mir<! tn»**t hav# •! (p|iit#n<y for sass driving for thn# j mw mo niN on tli# poll## do#k#«| today aaainai him roßcfrninc th** i b: raking of eectlon * city rods ffssl I in the first place J. Kell; and Mslj j Huutad were associated with him in !the charge out, . r t'o|vert testified lhat last j .. irioott the three had made aa%rial, wild dashes on horseback op and down Broad street He had cautioned them when be first saw them that they | wine riding faster than the lan al : lows, tint laler he saw them at It They all said that they hud nut ! thought lhat they were going at a pace that was unlawful, but that did not keep the Judge from fining the uft 50 , apiece. The second case of a like nature concerned Mr. leopard alone. Hither Holding brought the charge. lie said Mr. l-eopard had been aeen In a trap with a couple of women and when steal he was driving at a very rapid rate. The women In the rase said that the j nap had been overturned, *o fast were | they going ”1 could not hold the horses In. said l-eopurd, The Judge did not fine him In Hie latter ease A Lively Hide. Margaret Williams was given a lively ride to jail last night and she made that ride a lively one for the policeman that went along with her. She made night, hideous along ihe route to Jail leaving a long, lingering echo of profanity behind her. She grabbed hold of patrol wagon driver and nearly threw him from his zeat and It was nil the officers could (L> to k?ep her in th»* wagon. She was fined *ls by Judge Baxter this morning. Much Ado About Nothing. When the lelephone h‘*ll at police station rang at a iate hour last night, the officer who answered the phone was told that a policeman was needed in a great hurry at the house of Hamp Milledge, colored, for that party «as tr-lngto kill his wife. Hamp was arrested and at court today his wife told a long tale of a domestic difficulty in which she was as much to blame as. Hamp. The Judge dismissed the cage. Henry Carter, 18th. $5. Rudolph Tolbert, 18th, *2.s<i "when in want of anything in the drug line, whether in drugs, druggist sundries, perfumes, soaps, toilet, articles, etc.. REMEMBER THAT C. H. HOWARD JR.’S iA tli- pla«.' to have ysur wailu sup pllsd 111 per fume* arid voilei articles we Lanjuit be surpiwep, having just added tp out airaady large Bne ROGER * GALtET a fine extra's «« sakjts. Tire place is 908 Broad. ill Olf*tlA M" A il# tMftifti f«H#n [*» n*** <*** nf *o*m**mm m*tmm TfctlfwtfM aft#*t*n*ni # ill tmi?#* ■«***# ■. * *#*ml#'* fnMB tipi'"a"iif ait** rl*v w%rfr and .M o* *o * ~■ * ,i *i 4 f lama Jatttm Lao. ou# of lb** whitit- I If lal and M r*!•*#»* as I**t»Sd‘a* 1 Thttf»d#v tin*ruin* \* taw 1# ~Mg*.o for kl* *ui.Hl* lie bad a I to* fai m on ftacrmi creek, was out of . u . _.s -,a j j Ipi ! irinid ma4* W* nN‘a«i«it *ihl afr##* j I fnthtirrt Uider On Monday Col. I Arthur H*k*<l J. W thralty and 1 IMi R. F. BhW (rtiW l*#Hf I Hk»nt ©out# Ihh for th#ir ivoiX K**»'h J ffttlfßiß a##ttr#d 90# (dark ban# and | a#K#r prrt h Iwo or thoi tirh#a (ft whirl* lh#y «M a forward# lib* j *rat#d in lh#ir |»ooda (’(Wfnwinian fM«'tfr#d th#w# fl*tk for OiT t*lt i iema McintU’Olto ronatHntlon: Jrfftraon county ha* made an excellent peach crop thl* year. Our aoll and climate seem lo be especially well adapted lo the aucccasful growing of floe well fla vored pecans Thl* Industry Is re ceiving mote attention than In former years. It is not every one In Jefferson who know* lhat there Is a twelve acre pecan grove within six tniles of Monti cello, hut such Is the case. Mnutfsiimu Advocate: The horrible news comes from Oapt. Jones' farm, near Paradise, that a boy climbed a cornstalk to sec how the corn waa get ting along and now the stalk Is grow ing up "faster than he ugn come down!" The. boy Is plum iml of sight. Three men have, undertaken to cut down the stalk with axes and save the hoy from starving—but II grows so fast that they can't whack twice In the same place!" The poor boy is liv ing on nothing but "raw corn"—and hr has already throw n down over "four bushels of cobs." Perry Home Journal: The only ne gro rope-walker we ever heard of is 11 citizen of Perry, and grew from early childhood to man's estate here. His first exhHbtini waa on Carroll street in front of the court house last Satur day, about sunset. The rope was stretched on rough poles, sllgntly in el I tied, about six or eight feel above ihe ground. Ho used the usua baance pole, walked back and forth on the rope, assumed a kneeling position, and then arose. The performance was de cidedly good. The name of the per former is Charley Bright haw k, and we are told that he possesses considerable native talent In drawing pictures. He succeeded admirably in drawing a crowd last Saturday. Brunswick Times: Charles J. Ward was discovered in a dying condition at his room, No. !H7 Egmont street, yes terday morning. Tnere was no one present except Capt. Kralnn. who saw his head leaning out or his room win dew. *He was formerly emplowed by jc. I). Aiken as a lumber surveyor, but laterly he was in the employ of Chan. S, Hlrsch & Co., in a similar capacity, j He came to Brunswick from Augusta, i and was 48 years of age, and had a wife and three.children, who were ab sent on n visit to relatives on Satilln liver at the lime of bis death. His fa ther was notified of Ins d atii yester tiay, and bin body will probably be in teired til Brunaw-Otfk ”Atlanta Constitution: "Old Texas" was siTcste'd last night for the softhtd time within a week. She is an < x-clrcus i WeHialewM Hand Wheels Tilt Is flit lo Get Oit of tli f if. (4 Cleveland* at SI 2. sl4. SI 5. SI 7. One of these is a Ladies. I Cendrom at SI 7.50. I Raycycle at $ 14. One Stearn s Speciall at $lB. 4 Models 40Coiumbias at s2 l . 522. I Cresant at S2O. 2 Credendas at $ I 5.00. 1 Victoria at $24. 2 Ladies Fentons at $I 5 and S2O. 1 Man's Victor at $20.) DEVENEY.HOOD&CO. BICYCLE DEPARTMEN-T PRINCE 01* INDIA »..'mS I IV I i vx. .to Uxsv sM **** Has tot. . ■ »-« r>ai i *|l\ /'ll I X’t •* I* n«> Ira* a ItvarlU I" ’wtkat* 1 H : (i RAN I) CHlhr .»<»»• «Inning M* way k#t«, Ik# !•* iTHftlTff »*lc of whkß la an e>Ma*f« ot Hs .upcriorltv ASK retailers lor it. R. C. NORREL & CO.. J DISTRIBUTORS. traps** performer and bareback rider, and about ten yearn ago wa* a lerrot to the poller of Atlanta. She used to flgiit when ahe waa arreated. and, being muscular and supple on account of her rtrena training, she gar* a pol esman as much as he could handle, and It of leti required three of four men lo put her Its prison. About seven year* ago she disappeared, and the police thought they were rid of one of the public nula itncfg for good. Now that she is back in Atlanta again, and is taking to her old ways, Ihe police are wearing sad countenances. l-a«t night "Texa- gave an exhibition of her dog dancing n* *be wa* being led Into Ihe prison at the barracks. She was hilariously drunk, and ready for an old-time fight. DIRECT. Buy direct from the manufacturer at manufacturer’* price*. flepslHiig by expert trunkmakers. Trunk Factory, K4J Bioad. CH AHPION LIARS Witty Irishman (ioes His Colonel One Better. Here la a story told of Patrick O'Mars, a private in the Ninth regular. Not long ago he wont to the colonel, who was a severe disciplinarian, for u two weeks' leave of absence. "Well," said the colonel, "what do you want a two weeks' furlough for'.' ’ Patrick answered: "Me woife is very sick, and the children are not well, and If ye didn’t mind, she would like to have me home for a few weeks to give her a hit av assistance." The colonel eyed him for a few mo ments arid said: “Patrick. I might grant vour request, but 1 got a letter from your wife this morning, saying that site didn’t want you home: that. HYACINTH BULBS llf 1,1 J’S, t'HOGI ri f HA KGISCLA KBKEBIA, oNAl.l'k SNOW I ROTS usd oilier choice H|>riiig lilootniug l;ulb» should be planted now. ( nil on us for them. ,1 ardiniers. We have a pretty assortment of tli# latest «le»:«iia. Priow reasonable Hyacinth Ulusse*. Watering mhl* Flower L'ol#. Flower anU table (Jurdeu Tudlt*. (irouriti Br>ue Meal- * bn*’ fJjHhzer for Vegetables and W e j*pll arty if-nantitv from •» pounds to a ton. (ieorgia Sect! Rye l" r bunhtl. Remember wa ar- only exclu sive 'eet| )jvu#» in lb# city, ALEXANDER SEED CO 632 Broad Street. Bell Telephone 2075. NOVEMBER 20 vou were a nuisance, and raiaed the drml abm- >*r you were there. iki hopes I won t let you have any more furlotig*.' •■That aeUlee It then; 1 suppoee i can't *ct Hie furlough V said Pat. "No; lui afrlatl not. Patrtek. II wouldn't he well for me In do ao unikM Ihe riroumstaoee*.'’ It wa* Patrkk'a turn now lo eye th* colonel, aa he started for tha <h>or. . Stopipng suddenly he said: "Colonel, tan I say something to ye*?" , "Certainly. Patrick, what la It?" "Ye* won't gel mail. Colonel, M a say?” "Certainly not, Patrick. What I* It?” "I waul to say that there are two splendid liars In this room, and I’m one of thim. Sure, and I wug never mar ried In me lolfe." REVIVAL SERVICES. They Have Started Out Hncourag- Ingly at the Presbyterian Church. The revival services at the First Presbyterian chureh have started out most encouragingly. Last night, al though the weather was so disagree able. there was u good attendance and a most solemn sermon from the text "Tak- Heist How Ye Hear.” Luke Blh chapter and 18th verse. Tho speaker forcibly Impressed his hearers with the fact that If preparation for preaching was important preparation fra hearing was virtue. He urged thal we should give our selves to this work at this time and hear the word preached with honesty. With faith, with devout preparation of heart and with a d termination to put Into practice the things heard. The sermon was strong and cannot rail to work great grind to all who heald It. Rev. Dr Thornwell will preach this evening at the lecture room at 8 o'clock, and everybody Is Invited to hear this great preacher. old fashioned buckwheat flour for sole by l.amkln & do. SENTENCED. ' Cases Disposed of at Superior Court Today. The following cases wWe disposed of lit superior court today: Hud Shewmake —shooting at another —l2 month*. Will Wiley—Same. / Jim Rimh—Same. Finnic Wilkes—Same, flounce Johnson burglary eight year* In the penitentiary. I’nrnpbell and others. . , ' ; No City Court Tomorrow. Owing to the attendance of Solicitor Cohen at superior court tomorrow, there will b.* session of city court to- borrow. Instead court will be held Thursday. . .... .