The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 29, 1898, Image 3

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TH * -* * a » v m VA M fK,. T~* I I <& «#% Vtiere's He loin? TrO* • COT. «r * *•«!*». m Matt* • Imml lanraMi l. ft. I INkim H«» m ftl J» l' ft. ft fc«e* < • wx«» |»alafi»« * tM* IW •Han tT» M 7>»* IlitK *V tg i4s ft«i r . l> t* H.'» m 4dr i* tm Mr,, to., to-, to. LvwtliiE 11 lisic Tbooas & Barton. 710 Broadway, Au«uiU f Georgia Tttf? *T%tr RjOWR. CimWii UK#Mfc n* iwli|ly llmp | a c *«»* n AHwit ii»r ! i*<N» •tf# Im»M •! ill* **^4 ► lift 4» {MI I f (M|M f m»* »»** IMA, •®* * I l**tt»* |*wf» |pMW l**' 1 f JWP Ip* duf tiplfthab'r «*».<»*•* *1 «• ••••I <4 i|t igAatteeni, ptevattM* »• flp> « Mayor H f Wilmv d*!' l ■ feme • wr **d !«*«»— %*♦ twhlsww* a fci* mw*l»N»»ii inl* IV MMi4tt y lV pr»*r»ai nt IK rt.Hw Thu irt* pMnoiiik *»»* 4*wgwcst to • alwgta ootor ««ili bv lit MU r»®f rtrtMfwa. Hut »* oil ll» trH m* mm*" to Ho M* ur*d* «*< l irt tgo> day they k< pr to Ho** •* «P gertotllty to fit* f* lV* tra* fit.'.t'.tng HHt time to tHe Miff \ trot* for t Mate fli>*«r *** take*. Stitf pgastleed a* folio*** Y—lltvw I**- MnV *l*. UW« h*v ruo* I*. gold™ K>-t» I, ia*«i»<>il* I*. flie movement to urymlff * tulli- MW# company I* progreaatng fklrlj *»» *kil *1 tit* meeting Held *fi I**l Med |.e, 4t.y night • prellm*a*ty organl** (to* OM egfgted »ml a rommlttee of gee «9* appoint** to receive applli *- •ttoo* tor membership. Another me. t- Ing will be |-ld on next Friday night, nt which Urn* It l» expected that the corn ».ky nil! he organUed a u>.rb*nhtp of Afty or more. Mr. R. Mima Pitta, a prominent ettl- i sen of thUi eouttly. ata* nrlimly an«t I -that * fatally Injured yesterday af tgrooon by being caught In the beltiu* at hi* ataam mill, on hi* farm three mile* from thl* city. He wa* whirled around about tarenty time* tiefor# the engine could be stopped, ami with each revolution he arki flashed with terrific force agalnat the lite r and rafter*. One leg and one arm were fearfully mangled end the bout* rrtmbrd to ?»ieoe*. lit tle of hi* recovery I* entertained hot tliia morning the leg and arm were amputated. Since the operation he b«* not rallied, and It ta feared that he *’lll not live out the night. Mr. Pitta la » prominent «nd well known farmer ant* a ea-e *m»d hv all who km>w him. and the aed acr'dert that haa befallen him It grturrlly d-ptorcl. Ho I* a umn of wonderful nerve and determination, i ad during tile terrible orfleal through which he ptaaed before the engine could* be atoppi tl be never otn-e loat coa arloutreaa. and nfter he waa extrlcaten from (he belt It I* wild be »n« H>< cool *t anil raiment man m the place, deliberately giving direction* to the mill bends ho»y to Improvise it mreteli er on which to remove him to bis home ■ tfucklen'* Arnica Salve. THK RKST BAI.VK in the world for Cots Bruises, Perea. Ulcer*. Suit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Charped Hands. Chilblain*. Corn*. »nd all Skin Eruptions and positively cure* Pile*, or no pay required. It t* guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mono’ re funded I’rice » cent* per box. FOR balk BY HOWARD & WttdUET. Admiral Sampson own* a farm near palmyra. N. Y,. oti which Joseph Smith, tbo founder of Martnonlsm. wtis euid to have dug up the golden plutes on which the Book of Mormon »rj Inscribed. The Ratter I)ny Saint* trud to buy the ground in 1893, but the admiral refused to sell. Fire at Hertln*. Half of Ui* store I* tilled with Fur nlsblag* Woollen Undershirts Sucks, etc and the other half 1* lined with the finest W <»!*»* for .Suita, Trousers and Ov« -Coatings- These goods are not Mum. MU. If you M.y them thev would fear n* If you " ere ..n Arc »-f lttbadwny. opposite Planter* Hotel. FAIR OPENS TOMORROW NKHT !fw ItoS I* Ifttof Ytoto j«• KfttoMf in fMHiH ftiWfWii f* toi IMflNto ! ft** fiir-ur'n i■ #NftwHtW|l <*i tt* H P * ♦-«#» IftfttopOiNft VBPOHP tototototo”** : «%» It#"’ »I <t ,_ # jtfa'tff «f f|Mr fft#£i ftftP W «#* IP# H**M«ftt» ftotiwi- % r*ppf|| i PUP P to*tofwHP> *w* \ MM| jft#Hl* #to ♦♦•fP pPPP f ***' *" : [agp •$fHv §MNpP toto4 H** #Pftpfi * Pa »r*Mh'« *Wg» •** *MNg* %*»*«» #«we*d> M»*» ***** HI §P IIP ‘iptoig toto*** -Up i |iMpn-* * i|ft4 Htoto**** § 4m» ##* #*#*« *** (Ppp pP toiMl ChIHHHi j gw. a tugftt • **■* *•* **r**4 I*' * f §*tm «nH mi*** o*4 «•*•»(••■ *** , * p ‘ ’ VOM* Mk'rft MMNti *m •»**' • ' a»* •• #iNi tBPg t w 0 mmt***mi* MPI * tmm* *4 gim iip in piiPtoPppt * Pit ip** j * I ■■ p|-p gggf! «l* r| MStitUt pppft»ppi ***** •* Ai'toM* 1 t AsMtßto* l i lift# #♦•* * *** ™ <to « f JUlf* %%***% * ■■* o*o » ,». ,A»a»i an* *•*» Umm* •***• •* \ t ww*’~~w -- mm-m .* lW MW* to Clk Poll i k., * *P f*o> I toPPO • U P* IP # P- : *** P . 4 | ( o i P - " ftiPH# >4 .HogiwM* Tfct thiMl ••* tfH* <***• v .» 1 »ltt I* 4ik»i»wHi«4 Tip •%•'* **4 ? • p»r*r. *•*» #* *• I v).i f r |» m*to» lw** Thr g/««« tKHXfc »• •» •*•'*► '< «'• 'fi#<.r»l» fc»«i m 4 w« ! *» *»*^* , » *' 10 ; »*. m* m 4 |m>> i"'"* l *»»■•’! Mr. I W. |g v * wU! *’•*• M ,| tki i -idtfe «m* 410 *»-• tm-* *t* im **H» •»* *• «#••»* •’ i m<n»- **«iM *>* •** #•''* rh* ..«N *WI K>> R-Olli win •*s*' l.««Ni Him *m Mr « <*• «« [to .J.. •»»iiuu* ***** whll* »*'l »M»k iwHk *yM*4*o»p«»k4««w«»d J All «J|>R »I te*tw* •* ***• <***••* ~i 1 hr *kr iMinauallr I «4«h»' *r*A# *4 itill* Of rfrrr »*r'» **4 It •/ -Ira UR ••••’t to >*»■« <»rr*»w !«• I|r dipnoi l#4r «•' *»••** m in. a freak fott H r1o»lM*» »a 4 .mke a *twa«r of *- ««•»» *r*ry » \H of the fatf. A bamlnKß**' «toll. dw*t »* Mil.- a* a ati-yra.* • :«' rh»M wtlt ***h jrr •*■ Rift*** M ‘° ,h * *°*' W I ulor * VM. Thr BM. Mifß Nino of «fR f* tr W |ll |M> (h* t'ouatry Store. o»rr eklrh Mrr. I.urir W'kel«» *•» prt»*d*. e»- .laird by a lorpa of c lerka Ttir atorr ila a typical one, fnrard of to*#, oyer •viilrti murnm* ptorte* rua riot. Here ; «il| hr dUpoarii of all <loneUmi» la the j (firry »a« aad prwlure pnullar Ui ! |( r country. The aiiemlanta. It i» »»*.4. will wear hnaieapuo «cwa» anil will la every way carry out the hack | wooda M«a. To ray that Mlaa Mary Hall will be (to charpe of the refreshment room t» j .iiflti lent aadoraamrat of the ilellc'oui i hinrbra arhlidi will l*c »erveil there. ! rhr dccarktti na will l»e of dtlfereal .bailee of *reen. Mlaa Madelle Burrow* ana Mln» Mary Moore will take rhnr«e of the ,-heih room, which will aeceaaarlly he mtenalvely patroalaed. To Cure • Cold In One l>*y Take Bromo Quinine Tablet* All dru»*t»t* refund the money If It fall* to vur*. S*c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. THEY play tonight. C. L. A. 'a and Cadets Will tyeet on Diamond. All IntewAUng game of Indoor haao l>all will take plan- al ttt. Putrlcks hull tonight. The Cadet* will play the c. T,. A. *. Ka. h team ha* won three name* The trains will tie composed as fol low ■: C. U. A.'*—Sulvo. e; B Union. p; I'.m eiwon lb; Meyer, 21*; O’fhminsU. 3b; Slu t hail. - ss: Mahoney. I *s; t.yons, ••f; o'Donnell. es. Cudeta—Mulherln. Kd, e; Fields, p: imlv U>: Doyle. 3 b: Mulherln, C.. 8b: 'Costello, r »s; Uullaher. I sa: Carrlgan, if; Durbar, it. I’mplree—J. F. Mulherln. William M. Nlvon. Boorev 1.. A. Dorr. Another (lame Thursday Night. Another lutereatlng game of Indoor baseball will be played Thursday night at St. Patrick’s liall between the C. 1.. v/* ami the Tenth Ohio team. These games are very Interesting and aie growing In popularity. Price of admis sion only 10 cents. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S expec torant. Kemember, when you are in neoj of anything in the garden gras*, held or dower seed tine, that, the Alexander Seed Co 633 Broad street, are head quarter? and the only exclusive tied house In the city. _____ Place yottr order at once and avoid rush, floods cheaper than ever. K. 3 „ Henry tt Co.. popular priced tailors, -16 and 21S Campbell street. rrwTr attcttjpt-a DE RRICOT TE WAS DESPERATE ' lie ftpgHp |Hftf |l tottog ' **m Marl «m* M«* *—• »Wiwd Mr Mala leap * N* AMI I mfcpT fe x t Hfifito lirift I to* * ftWflP * ■ \ *v*«* P** mm «P# «* # mom low | . g- to#*«w||* 4 ff“*n Ms H##4 * t uftlW f i fpr ir j Hf Pai ft#K I**to*t* P«M tMt Mr < * Man*4 trtowi tor#*"tp| IP**** *“ Pl*P* j i»tti «P# f*4#to*l # > *l4 P*4 #*!•** 4*- j | U CMffPPIP* »« dmrm**• i *#4 - •Pittodl tof tlir milt *4ll ** lin*t *»•#, ? Oetro tle at. aeatewonf a* t«M ahoe*. Mlt Itl<l AN NEW*. Chela— la (eoiaw up (alt* a repo . 't»tkm aa the ceatra of aa (row- lac country There are treer ality- i I five carload* of the ndoruua bolh* stored la rarkma ptarew shout the *tl* i Th* aeeeateeath ancual convention I of the board of e ban it— aad ronw- i lion* and eoaf-treace of couaty agent*' amor tat lon* will b* held at Bay (Tty on (Mic T and a Royal Oak la asaitred of electric lighting, the roanrtt having granted a fly* year contract to William llaiata gec at SO cents a night for each S.ood candle power light llrlalngcr will | .I*o light private realdanc**. It I* provided ih«- pla«i uriat be in opetn-. tlon by Jan. 1. Itev. I lecher of Athens ha* been giv-| •a a call to the pupit of the t'oagre g*t local church at Conmantlne. to auc- 1 iced Rev. Oeo K Pariah, convicted of forgery at Byraniorn. 111. Tbl* I* the third cal! to the pulpit line# Psrtnb'* retlgmatton. la the circuit court at t'entrevllle. I Jnaepb Brown waa aeatcßcwl to five! year# at Jackson for burglary, A mo tion for new trial ha* been made. Hut not yet granted. An avill-aaloon league ha* been * formed In Oakland county, and la ac tive. Marquette county ha* broken the record In the matter of beer llrenaea rhta year. ljwt year a total of 847 were taaucd. but up to Monday night the county clerk ha* already laaued BIT. The failure of the toiow in the upper country and the consequent Inability of the hunter* to track the game has mad.- the killing of deer remarkably light tht* year. W. F. Slmoati & Son's clothing store at Baudot! was entered tiy burglars and Rood* »tol*n. Fletcher K«uisorter of Cnraon (Tty is the possessor of an .artlieu canteen which was the property of his grand father, and which the latter carried all through the revolutionary war. It is highly prised. Hayiil Shatl. r Is under arrest at Paw paw. It 1* alleged that during an ul tercatli*) over some property, a Ms». llitiver whs wounded by a revolver shot. The number of deaths in Michigan returned from the first complete y- nr of registration under the new law was 27,915, being 5,158 greater than for any other year. Karl Vnderwood. while hunting near Milford Lake. Oakland county, fired at a flock of quail which he had raised at the water's edge. There was a thin scum of Ice on the water, and the slug with which the gun was loaded went eklmmin across (he lake on the smooth surface. When it reached the opposite shore the slug raised and struck a horse In ft field nearby, caus ing a serious wound. William Kavanaugh of Kalamazoo was arrested In tha act of robbing J. M. Stearn s house. The family came home and found thieve* in the house. Mr, Sterns held Kavanaugh at the point of a gun until the police ar riv'd Kavanaugh'* pal escaped. They had ransacked the house and ga thered together severaj hundred dot bus worth or stuff -tu t:ike with them when they went. VICTOR BLUE 10'BE THERE iML 4 kin a i tNRt It IslfftfylaA aa 1 Igt tHr Ttt |i— ha 8» —I *4 Mm IS— Tib ■3 , -*r*atr wfa t» gZSUMMp l» P. »«*• aw* <to to#.. Mt K r itVtoto* «! Ilto *«a#r4 tot *4* A n4n r «r 9 Pto* C*m*m*«* *J* #ito |im»* (MM oil Mfcjtop rtotryitofti « 11 1 lnwA Tto* Aftfiftotoftto I toMrtoto. I Stwfiiif saEw aV AUSNL Mtpvcaw C«*rt Reader* DkMmi «* talrrrwl la Them 1 a«ry . ej»>'-aj>t **•* ass» <h* rv#t ,4 crMtllnra \o gnmlaba* tM a* ‘ ... .if *«rc* rati**v etnployi** waa a* it-r i.iaad in Mlanta Aaturdar Thi* ne- I *aR Ims been brought ahuo* by th* 4a -1 ■ i.i,*. la tha caa*. of ftfmaraAaoa a |M—y Brother* va J. K. Tool*. Tool* i* and ha* tirrh for a long tlm* • coa ! itqrtor la th* employ of tb* AI last* I'onaoiida <-d *trv»t rallaay company, i A'.mt a tear aad a half ago H nord ! Min Al* *y M'uthcr* 11-4/a art again*) M o la Judge Hloodarofth'n 1 court aad nerved •utaiaoo* of aarni'h meal aa the Coawdidaied Too> coa rltidcd. not only «a cooat of the amount Involved, bat on acconnt of the prtarlpl* Involved, aad Ibc benefit that would remit to conductor* Jf h* ' mold win the raw. to *rt up hi* claim ’of exempt too from garoDhmmt on the | ground that he *rM a laborer, atnl j that bta r ag’s wera oot aabjed lo igaru Aliment, lt . | (in the trial of the eaav before Jinge f HloOthamth he held that Toole * wt- I gea were subject on the ground that he #*» not a laborer within th« mean ing hf the law. Toole then carried the caii|. to the superior court by writ Of centdrarl. t'pon a hearing of the c**e there Judge laimpkM dlamiwird fne rerljlorarl on the ground that the pro p.r remedy waa not puniued. Thla decision waa apiwaleil to th# aupreuie court and on a hearing there the *u premc court reversed Judge l.umpkln » decision and sent It back with direc tion to him to enter a Judgment In accordance with the law In the case. | and deciding at the same lime that there wua only a question of law In volved. anil therefore It was not ne cessary to appeal the case to a Jury before carrying It to the superior court. The case came up fur a final bear lug before Judge last wink, and after argument he rendered a final judgment In the case, holding that, route's wages as a conductor on the. Consolidated street railway not ait!*-1 Wt to process of garnishment and dl- j ret'tlug ihe garnishment to i Up dismissed An Enterprising Druggist. There arc few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Wil lot. who spare no phins to secure the best of everything In their tine for th.-ic many customers. They now have the valuable agency for I»r. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs an d (-olds. This Is the wonderful rem edy that Is producing such a furor all over the country by Its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma. Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all affec tions of the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Call at above drijg store «nd"g»d a trial, bottle for 100. or a regular size for 50 cents and *I.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Isaac Wyman, of Salem. Mass., owns n note for $40,000 to which the name of George Washington Is attached. The note was given to Wyman's great grandfather for money advanced to supply the pressing needs of the Rev olutionary army. Place you order for fall suit with K. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. Some of the woodwv churches of Nor way are fully 700 yvars old, and are still in an excellent state of preserva tion. Their timbers.inve successfully resisted the frosty grid almost Arctic winters because tliev'tftave been repeat edly coated with tar,* OPERATIVES HAPPTTODAY *1 Up HAt H#t ftii fir*tn* SMtoHi lit (Hf I** if - * ftp toftMtoßNitotofl# • WfcftM 9mm i«f tfeto t MtoTMTi jlUnil to ! 11l * mm* «*** mm »» *t***mm (»♦# m «M >■ mm ******* tto «toM %** *99m\ ** m**mm mm -*4 mtt****** *tM Urn* ** «lto Mltvip * toi fto* i. tttorttof toll i tot# mm* »# r#* JciMtor *«*4**v fwlto ttetot 1 t (tor HHtrffii h*m *fwfto4 *4 ? *ft# i otyifnou • rltofttol llfttot MM ottoi ’ <*T9T tm* Mliltto M Alt*v r »lto CbII and ***** our TEACH ERS BIBLES. Can save vou moripy. RICHARDS &SHAVER NOTtiFROn LALmENJv An Augwata Chinaman to EataMAab a st< am l aundry f Terr. Latirena. Nov. 25, Thanksgiving i waa übneivnd In the usual reitgbm* and aortal way In tin* rity the morn ing bring devoted to aervke# held In the Rplaropal and Preahytertan rhorrhe* | Family retmlon* were of conrae in order and visitor* (mm yartou* clt- Ina neighboring wer- in the town for the day. The afternoon waa apent around table* laden with (he goodie* appropriate to the #<*»#on. Rev. and Mr*. J. I). Pttt* gave a family dinner with cover* laid for twenty-eight, Mr. and Mr*. F. Z. Wilson and daughter. Mis* Luclle. of Newberry, being pres ent. The crowning event of the day waa I the card party given by Ml** Emmie Men* to the Bachelor Malil* - Card I Club, and a large number of gentle men friends. Progressive whist was the game for the evening. Misses Ellxe Holmes. Claudia Irby, J. W. Ferguson. Jr., and Claude Fuller showing the best score* at the close of the game. De lightful refreshments were served be fore this charming affair came to a close. J Among those preseui were Mlsnes Ajwtie Jones. Ctaurtla Irby, Lillian Har ris. Klizc Holme*. Lntte Wright. Sara Hall. Emmie Meng Asile Wilson. Co rlnne Pitts, Maine Ferguson Amy No lan, Messrs. Willie Anderson. John Ferguson, Claude Babb, W. H. Wash- Kigton. Waters Ferguson. J sae Vance, Willie Meng. Arthur Hudg.ns. Claude Fuller. Fleming .lone*. Jack Sttl greaves. Dr. W. D. Ferguson, Dr. R E. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wilkes and others Misses Mario Geane Caine. Louise Richey. Meta Sullivan and Emma Hud gens. a merry contingent, of Converse college girls, spent Thanksgiving day In the city with their home peo i pie. Mrs. Geo. F. Moseley of Greenville Is In the city visiting her son, Mr. Charles Moseley. Mr. J. H. Richardson has gone tb Newberry to accept a situation with the Newberry hotel. John Coop, ft Chinaman, from Au gusta, is in town to establish a laun dry. You ran get a One suit cheap for cash nt E. J. Henry & Co.'s, 216 and 21S Campbell street. London’s County Council has deci ded to assume control of the water supply of the metropolitan district and will try to get a bill through Parlia ment to enable it 50 purchase "by agreement, or 1 ompuislon'' the prop erty of the eight companies that now. providethe water. PTJI tJNPfIH dip * *ff**o** *mm 11*to#* Hf . *mm , mm «*** ** m* |Hg| mm »#** totoNfttoto «M ftotoHMl mrnm f Sic.# w »*l#. 4** ##m4 # ftnlft* *"“*h « trr-j w * tofttoto toto# f m u,#' f t toft f»-T* ftlftti tie SH.i «Mtol mm**** ton|bii#toi»,| nt **m* toMft * IkITU ATKIN tor ANY IO HELP WANTED * ttotoMfc 1 mm* (ft. * |'*‘#itotoNHr TO RENT * Mnman*m*wmm*mnnmsnw»'*ssw»«.»w*nuiiiin‘-,- | ii an ■ uinmnmgnasnsMaHmiaHmnn j r«#n hi tin **sn on two n<mits umnrn wttli 4rt%#¥*. Ki* lit #4# ts titoiil" , lf» 9 tocutoc MPtoftto IM4* D»c S TO TWO lUTYWHI notwut , UtotoMf ft l*S i*rr m'm*H, «H m#*mn «nW&- *#. bn««h) !*hi*ftS>. HB Krtnto * IWto SI KOCvM HKXT xN»HKICf« RI,UI mm* tolcrly fynUtoW- : FOR SALE CHI~AM—4 BIBAM AT M JACKAOI* »T 1 - ! FOR HALE—PAPEH FOE WRAP PING parpen**. Cheap#** In etfy on* 1 cent • pound Apply at H*r**d vllita Ib tb «Mt* and new*-pnp*r. | Nov t FOR PALE-I**-ACRE FARM. ON» i mil* fe>n city limit*, a bargain. Ap ply W. C.*. N*. M 4 Jnckaon it 'Oct l CHEAP-PA PER FOR WTtAPPINO purr ••a#* 10 , -at* n hundred rid en chant**. White piper 1 cent I t*ouaJ. N v I F* R y.VI.E- THE HXKkT HADDI l” I Hi >Rf*E tn Augu»ta. Prtie '*ne hun i dreil d»il*r*. Cnil at »*» >» l>» will be nt Id bcfirm ;»ur arrival. Apply ,0 Kee nan # Co. 2* 2* 3i LOST AND FOUND. Mm*T—A POINTER It ITCH Pt’P. » month* otd. white with liver colored 1 »|«>t». wore atlver lollar w hen loaf. Hc , turn and get reward at (14 Broad 81 ■ I n«v !9 Special Notices. 7 Per Cl $500,C00 7 Per Cl FOREIGN CAPITAI.IRTS WII.L LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLAR'’ on realty In Augua'k. Ga. Term* 7 per cent. For further tnfunnaUon re» their attorney at law. P J- Sullivan. Es., or Mr. P. O. Burura. Ask Your CATARRH DRUGGIST _*»■ for a genar. us I O CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely’s Cream Ba’m wt s'* . M eouttoins no ranlDf. mt-rcurv nor tony oiher iniiti iwu« dr 14. |»' \ Vy^£*il»wftfl| COLD 'BHEAO once. It 'ipen* » <t claim** Ik* Na,»l i'a> sage*. Allays ii fianuuition. Heal* am Protectß the'meml r nr. Heator s the Sensei of Taste ami hiaei . Full * *<■ BOc; Trig Bize 10c, »i I'm g s'* or ly mall. ELY BiiOTHKKS, 50 Warren St., New York Tie Sunday Herald IS A PAPER FOR NEWSPAPER READERS. The New* of the City. The News of the Camp, The News of the State, The News of the World. The News of the L’nited Stales Mttttoerjt ria being ‘ liMte pertciHeii TJUW. " NOVf Mtof 91 9to Just Arrived <gtoHHMEßßtotoftßEMtoMMHtol^ft BmuMul liM of Chin* Mining solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits. Lonely Una of Walnut Suits, finest lint of Extension Tables in tha city from $3.50 TO SSO OIK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMIBG&OOWLES 004 Broad Strmmt. IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN 1 Si HI WILSON S IMPROVED SIR TIGHT HEATERS II nMna l i . f rgrim— * lew# than iw.'-half tb* fuel i-tfenr tbivw require to n«u*» your rooms tl -ee'ire more won mi *l. Si »HI held fli • t* irty-al* hoar* and with car* w- aid never g«> oul Will burn •'htpa. PI v r«*. Bark. n«Mt», <**rrn <r, «ha or r ,-t| Wood, and give mx » heat in leva •.me and retain It tun**'' than any ; Stew ever made. Tor s*te By Tbs It [Rita Mantel & Supply Co. General Builder* Buppb«, 831 Broad Bt.. Aug>at*. «•*. CROUP CAN BE CURED AND CAN BE FREVENTED BY rsiKC 60 lisrs A BOTTLE. MADF. AN’D SOLD ONLY BY IR. EC. L^A-TTID 5J2 NINTH STUIF.T. BRASS BAND Oti FITS PIANOS, OROA NS and "v** ) MUSICAL INSTRUHENTS. 'j| 4 Everything New In lioi3l : SHEET nusic THOMAS & BARTON, Augusta, Ha. auousta STEAM CANDY FACTORY Is making the PRETTIEST, PUREST, WHITEST CANDIES In the market. \V ben In need of Stick, Pea Nut, Broken Hixture Tcffy Candle* Tele phone Bell ’Phone No. 3376. I if Ifii GOES INTO EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA.