The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 29, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUESDAY 4 THE AUGUST! HI RAID (AMWMW N»*P* s•**•* «*»• »• ** •* ■ ■igAv BBBHm ~ g -*«&*•#*• f «*«•** «#« ** • ***** IPlfrii # ft#* -: . ■ ** ‘ 04*#*•# ftftl mm999m00000090990 ** Ift#**#** ft ft##*** *- * "Umpmi *###»•*#*#♦** + ftfeftftft#* IM ft'ftgftftNft## # IMk ft# 009990* * %•»% Mtt ""utMl* **»*» ■p* w> ■■■» »* !L_ g%*.f eftr»«9 iftffi* MM* •*#* •ft*# t*# jfiiiWjirlf •* m mu mi» tw* rnauu* h mmm i' ■ JjNMM## # _ __ _ F I 111 ft******.*. % «i* f*MM» lM*< *4Nt ftt ***'*• ***'*• In AI tkt !*•**-m m |l •**#• ft** i» ■ •M*< . »» • ft# f§» mi<M *>%•#**» In Bfr-nr %*4O *o9s At UN* It MM# . §*# «M W# Kt*ti 1 §%rii»w fit ff t» ftM Tim I ftff fmm *if j u..ij|n ftMl 90009009 Wftl # f»» * Nt itptHmt Ml* •* MWi mm Wi U*tt*k tot *«»**« f. II A 1 im § * (itt ijf,* §w& *N« n„ triKo**.*" •• *»«*• fir ftt#### tlffft fftftPQftft •Ny *, , ft ’| in# lin wj» nii i'#! 9 **# ts##ft pM mmmm «• p** «ftft V trier Blur wilt Hr given » *r#at t.atiaa » rfcartawwa toa*»m»» tagta At Will ta f»irjia«»4 «»• tart »<<**• of <h* imu lro» aow on wtU Utahr «ta» fntla tasgraettaally *um*»der»d ev WTtftini tat tta «x>af##*toa raf aurrvu |>r *p«i n had lagan to (wr tbit nnt«M «b« kwiM <M> •• »*«•>• **»< )*• .pMitsaalnf 1 »4u iiian briiki muai Wf," my* f!itH?r flf>titl an<t y«t tbt Hroi karp. 9 f%9 Ctsbta AiW Haa raprb *d fba M** of KDMti tmi mil til *eut« A* fli its 11 fe*tt# It. Hactiior Mttrpbr. of N>« York. I* 4tatn*t»*<l «Hb |M Ultra. l*olittr» tad 100 iirrta an opinion of Mur |Ht> Tta pontpkln la raiardad by tba ffct near at tta amparor of va*atahlt< ob a<-co«nt of tta jratloa Jackal gon.c of tta protactlonlata objact to tba "opra door" lor tna I'klltpplna* They prafar DM with a toft »n»!> lock on It. Halt Cain# la atudylnn the alum# of Chicago ihla weak. It will tak# more than a weak for a full court# In thut 11b# of Inveatlltatloo. The Toronto Mall and Empir# tell# why Ttankaaiving Day t» ohkaftfad In Canada. Becauaa tta United State* aet the example probably. Whan the Cbarleaton New a and Cou rier got through with Tolbert and hie statementa there waa nothing left but a shirt and a ahoe-taK (Jen. Wood reporta that be haa nuc cecded In cleaning Pimliago. He 1* now justified In saying that he has broken Hercules' Augean stables record. An unknown epidemic la Bald to be raging among the clams along the Maine coast, and the seductive bivalves are no longer happy, even at high wa ter. Taddeo Gaddi's Ponte Vecchlo. built in 1333. the only medieval bridge left In Florence, Is threatened with de struction. The city authorities wish to put a wooden suspension bridge In its pltC9. On the cover cf a prairie wagon which passed through Mantattan. Kan., the other day was painted this notice: -Xcl bound tor Missouri. Not busted. Not g>ing lo wife's folks, lust doing this to heal tlw railroads," Great Britain has offered, according to the Independence Beige, to give up Welflselr Bay, In South Africa, to Ger many. h*. exchange for a strip through German Erst Africa that will connect the British territory with the Nile. *«#*• #t « *#ft • *+** j»ji» m mm**** »»* 1 1 m+mm Wh [ <*•*# fHRt AmMP $0 9tm 9m w&* I WAIHMa Ami *A« 4ANI •%* AMRi' IP \mm m*m* ww*um 0m *«m******** I **** I A tMA MAP Ap *•* PMHMM M* 1 llpTM* jMNttflitfi #»4flV*4 99mm *%AP jUrirtil pp*t«N*9 «l m mm f wti. itnf tfmm&tm #a A iWMAPP 9099 €P MP [ *9900000* limp 000 tm*9*9 9000000 090 |m fwAw k«'"4 nm# mm>mmm%*mmm ***»•*<*►* I mV ; mmtufwt t lfeAf IN* t **•*•'* * 1*1“ pm Ar* 5 i IIMNI liHMit #oo9oooo* 90 I ip* €momm9oo* At ***** «*««* »MA •* (9090099 1 09990 «U (W *p* ***H 90009090 ft M [ UpAAMIk ftAtiwftAlt ftf*» 9* AMM Av ip tl* 000 At t|»A f «As IN# f 11—twAI *t Ipft# A# l|* 9J9&990009 0999 09900 (090099* I mim 000 mo*9 m 9mm 4*4ftft*A r**m* : m It# 0m tij#rl rs Tomm AVti fftAAty* | ****** k-lfllAA# As IN* MAPlft** I I ) (#>■*■ ftAl lllf* I* f#AA*AI «# ftrlta* * * IftAl mm AipPiMftPh* 9mm 9m M I'# tlliflf | If fft# I rtrift Imp IfftftW |*#NT Aftft-ft «ftf f** 4 fitHPirttl ftAA ppi lAii 4MI A**sla« *«fc I IkfHilA ft#* AMpr*! ift fftft%Af * L#f *#*».!## #ftfv«*4 Alii «* imrtmm rifflipiffrl 1m A* fro* ***** tft# n#iM* iirf tta ««rth, taagHta ita 4*a**»«f | arhtak *a»ta*tai «•« | Im4 «e»p»«d. kwh **H« taf BtaWM II smi at tta I‘kitippf—. Utah Belial , il#A fftAd* 1 m ift* I nil*4 Pi#**"# mi t*i l p#ta* fftrtftr ift lit t*f :. «»ta tta aßikitkMi* of ea*acat oM I «M»r Ml ftcrftftfft 0«B PkOWIBO aBBCRAHT BABIBi j Tta eowitag year hi likely ta see »ta ! wmat notable addtitana ta tta itaf ' < kut marine of Ita t'nttc4 *tat-a that I hna bmai made since is 7! This la ! the natural result at tta war and aa pnnalon In 1111 there was ad>t»d lo tta American merchant marine IHt ■ela of 123,7X3 ton* American ship : yarda on the Atlantic and Pacific are now rm» ded with work to tan extent i not known tafoee in tkta generntton. ,Tta returns tndkNMe rtat the panda of , ihla country will wttfcin tta next yenr add tmt.oiw ton* to tb* regl»ier dome [of tta n«UUll«iia will be very aiuteble Two It that ton atenmsblp* are being built for ike Pacific Mat! Ilna. They will ply between dan Francisco and | the Philippine*, by way of Japaneee land Chlneae ports. At the yard* of ihe Crump* are be [ inn constructed four steamships of i I tnt tana each, which will run in a tirade between New York. Cuba and I Porto Rico. The New York and Cu- | baa Mail company Will add three or four new ship* to Ita line. The Red D line, between New York and Ven. aue-, In, which touches at porta In tta An-1 lilies, ha* had lo charter several out side steamships until It can have new ones built. At the Newport News yards, which are coming Into great prominence. there I* now under construction 33,140 tone. This Include*, it la true *•* mer chant ships of 400.* tons each for the Morgan and Cromwell Hues MASONIC FAIR The Masonic Fair opens tomorrow (light and the Indication* are that it w ill he one of the most successful ever held In Auguata. An Immense amount of well directed labor haa been done and the cause Is one which appeals to the people. If the gentlemen who "meet upon the level amt part upon the square" can only get on the good side of Jupiter Pluvtus. so that their friends can come out, there will undoubtedly be a large crowd out tomorrow night and each succeeding night while the full - ts in progress. We wish them abundant success. Trial by jury will be established in Siberia after Jan. 1 by a recent ukase oPthe Cxar. Oxford University has decreed that when men present themselves to re ceive degrees they shall not wear tau eolored shoes. ’Heidelberg I’nlveraity lias struck a blow at tlie inatltutiea of dueling by suspending eight “corps" students tor four semesters, that I*. two veais. The Mwauls rocks, on which the Mohegan was wrecked, got their name from ‘Mien Egloa." the Covftish for "church stone." There is a legend that u church once stood ou the spot. 99099 $00909099900 09090 #nm» tft# §M| fft 909099900*9^ 0m 090999090090 90 ftfft AM# ft«f A 9 Aft* THE OBS Tikf\ l:R ABO IT TOWN lift ft#M m ft##-# 99m riftfttr Iftf Tft * ' omm mm» 9999$ AMAMftl 009 m 99m m 4 ftt , Mftmf-ofot || f #p*t mi (* >-dM| A r*td r * 900% T%O lit# ftf Ift# 99090009109 ftft AAfft 00* afnf ~ Big fin| ft#* TMftf ft#V# ftfftA ! h * # ft##ft# #* ftaftft ftft« #f tftfttt I# AftfiftNl Aft ftfttf 900 9999% 09w #ft in MU Ift# NNWfeft 00 - ' ,r M#li ft*** ** f 1 * 90 900909 ilNAft 004 90m f *9O 900000049909 9 9090 900 AfUfftf I ft#*! All ta *T Ml Ift* tftftflfA ftft* Iftft ftfilMft Ml *•*'»! Ilf* 90990 ** MM MPft- STS »ftrft«4 Ml lift ft*:-? 00$ 0 ******* «f ft* l * fft# AlflAtfPPft# fftT A M*#w#tad^ thta aleiily httbped showed f , . t f ftt#ffT rfthgF :* ■' .■ ts it F* 9 , hading re. h ..'her and awrfclM <*«»*■- rite etwmpe aattl Ita rwwdwcuw beat*- , ifg the tratter Thaw they eatabted a irt*a Th' emett cap* ww l*tal a »«»•* w** Brmir aad ita mutma» tadtaa#» M»* 4# it til i AMA. Wtaw tta rwadactor rewched tta ' middle of tta ear, they ehtfled from tta rtwr op fcrward. am tta W## But tta eewdaelor oft this trip bad laid hta plea* With ajmrrwtty aaprvmeditated man n.t ta awoag along aad ttaa, eta ta fell htmaelf wlthla atrlhlag die ierne his back to ita itaer imps, ta laroed sudderly and hefare itay kaew It. be bad Ita rap of oar of ita boys la hie coat pocket Tta amell boy didn't kaow whether to salrber of sol e. He rralda t go home Wlthoal tta hat aad r*.ap*> » whaling. Tta eoedre'or mutad tV«t hat a little taepar down la k a pocket ead went up forward. The small hoy hong on and tried to put on a "forglve-a*#" and auppll- j cat tag "I'll never do It again" air. Hct It dtdn't work The conductor paid no attention to I him and there !o nrrapect. be saw a ‘trip »ay down to the cemetnry, empty car* coming back, ao that he couldn t • beat hla way. and then such a long, long walk beck to Harrlaonvllle. But. turning tha Kxooaltlon curve, the opportunity for rehabilitation. a» It were, a rescue of his hal and a deflant whoop of exultation, presented Uaelf. The conductor waa reaching up for I the tall atysp with one hand and with the other was hanging on to the crowd ed rat la. Quick as a flush the young Imp ' swooped down, the smalt hand went 1 Into the overcoat pocket, the cap was !extricated and with a yell that would have done credit to an Apaehe. he was off to the silk* of the road. Once safely beyond striking distance he halted. The dirty smalt thumb was placed to his nose and the Anger* wrig gled In fan-llke suggestlvenesss to wards the enemy The last I saw of the trio they were trudging along In the dusk and the rear, possibly making up some little fairy tale to account for the absence of a whole afternoon. Moritz Frank!, who ns a child, was exhibited a* « mathematical prodigy, recently tried to commit suicide by Jumping from a Vienna bridge iuto the Danube. His power to add figures was falling and he had learned no other means of earning a living. A dispensation has been granted Icy the Holy Inquisition permitting the wives of Italian soldiers reported miss ing after the battle of Aetna, three years ago. to marry again "In view of the special circumstances and of the valid presumption ot death." Gen. Ferdinand r. Earle, owner of the famous Jumel mansion on Wash ington Heights, has decided to sell the place and the house. This is where Washington stopped and where Hamil ton and Burr mat before their duel. The Scoieh forefathers cf Prsstdent McKinley spelt- the name MeeKlhlay, it- first instance of the present spell ing occurring tc the signature of James McKinley in the last century For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. A TTOT7BT#. ggRAI.D TTJBJ * lump css.r * M *.# «*** a *#4 | MAMV AM* ft! I f#ftftT# ftftftjftft Iftftf **-•*-*# « Mm*# ftft* i ~ a## fngpn Mfftft 4 #Hf# • fft-* j wamaammsg* \l,j it - *mif ttf rft# < Mttn-e) <4 TIM Vtf*4MU 4* s . rt .. w , ... 4 , iiitt* ft *ft#t j m*4 ruvift mrntr #«y #win I sty I> AftfilrlftA ft O#. Imop „ if, wblih *»f «fte> #i»»ft in t|#» ##*l# !*# f||| <aft H|# Hb bit mmmmitm fty ««•# fr«»<M thr h vnftn ftitn - • f v** tft# ##n ft (b»n l think # u»#*tt WUI *V*f AM* 4 »v**r Dull tft# tft Ur#Mflf ul If ft# ft Alt# uftltl #ntn# <*lftc*f ftiiftuin t#4l# h#f* If ift#r# Ift ftAytftiAar *l## tVtTy ft «f :fh *r ftftftf# ft t mamrlmdp rln# ftoA tftfc* M. lH»%*r Hill M)f ft# If wllllt* l«» rik«||# •«W #A«I llv# on ift# r«*##rvAiftan fti( «# foftti n# ft# est n fl« 4 n iirr# Ift# ukh - i %'#il**fi b. It. tl WHIa Is laatimcmc In health , and Is now ataylng at Kandgate, >a Kent, where he will probably take ua i hi* reatdence. j Uncle Hod Bole* ta undcralond to be : l ack on tta headwaters at One*k [stitdytng up a new financial pollry for j the demoi ratlc party, I The demo* rats are atilt claiming i Itewey, but ao far no one haa walked icp lo front of hta gun* and asked for a cm it ■ matlon of the rumor. utemenl BeoU I* biililtahlng a b.*>k of abort ialca entitled "Madonna Mia. and Other fltorte*." This ta the first fiction Mr. Bcott haa published In vol ume form. That newly elected congressman from Utah has only three wives. If he wants to borrow a few to make up the ortho- < dox Mormon quota he needn't go to South Dakota. Mr. Donnelly's candidate for gover nor. like Mark Twlln's mule, would have led the procosfun If the proces sion hail happened *> he going In the other direct ten. Some years ago a 'gentleman known as Antique Smith, w t|" discovered a re markable talent foe, producing letters and manuscript* In t}u> handwriting of Hohert Hums. Aftec|«whlle this lucra tive occupation waa, summarily Inter fered with by the authorities, who pt"- cceded to suppress ail the documents they could lay their* hands on and to suppress Antique Smith himself for a term of months. A reserve stock In lride which ho hud accumulated escap ed destruction and has lutely appeared in the Glasgow market. The Massachusetts Gipsy Moth Com mission. which has spent $200,000 this year In Its crusade against the pest for the extermination of which it was ap pointed, will usk for a like appropria tfrn next year, ll Is now finishing its work in the Infected district fer the winter. Pedro Perea. New Mexico'* newly elected congressional delegate, is of pure Spanish lineage, oeins able to trace his family baelj to Castile before they first caine to the New World, 250 years ago. Alexander McDon&d. the Cincinnati millionaire, has glveftthe Young Men's Christian Association of that city $20,- 000 In addition to $5,000 presented a short time ago. Tnis is to free the local association from debt. I *.«• _ n J ' ImftMpl -'*■**# ft A ft ft«ft A w4*+9 00m09p 90 | Aft# ftftgft •uAaA' it sfM umii 15. H#ftr 900900990 AfA Iftf ffHAI IwpMMI A! Aftofft* ftA l r#*i4#«l «A fMt Vftfttflf ft»f (lift, IftAt Aft 90900009 000 fclftAA# tftft i (t| AittSkf; (■ * heH - I* A*>4 ft jfc# im relikf- ig tta lit*, *a*l tt prove# umbMtg it all etfwpt that N # York. I gee#da# and deradaa ago ilsaoiml (k» tala# Id## that Mere phy»t*a! pro pitiqtilti la l «ugl< :#( ha at a fur l#tl- j taney That (tar la Mill taSd al»**t ■iirrvai I# rural Auatkt and *d# <at d'aiit JMv and Ita practical dta#d at taast are everywhere felt rud »et they have no taetes or* ta com mon. el-arty bera»*e fhetr bowse* arc '■m than a wile wr two apart and t>e . auer s»t lo ( *o so aati.t am ate - tabtlahed coaveattoa# unit tank- un-, rlmaant talk. New Yorkers, sasai i he-nselv.-e at any rat#, are at once more sensible and mure courageous. Mere, famlllea. separated only by a i wail, a>Knellm*a only by a flight of attar*, are content to remain separated until something more algalflcant than acrid*-,its! proximity suggest* the wls*-' ■ton), the utility, or tta pleasure of ao-. clal relatlccoa When such augicstion Vune#. a« quaintance assumes the form <Y friendship aa rapidly, and It* aut- ; amnr# aa often, here aa elsewhere. We ait aa neighborly a* other folk*, but » j do not credit the Inhabitant* of our jo»t» street or our own ward with », ' sptyial and necessary compatibility wlt\ ountelvp*. Thu* ar? numherlesaj anmiyance* avoided. nutuberleM temp talittka *° gnsaiP destroy -d. and nnm-) | iterlee** formalltte#. the friends, not the foea. of sincerity snd cordlatUy, pre- I served. PENNSYLVANIA NEWS. NtW Castle, l’a.. Nov. 29.—OVtff 2KI negroes have reached Wampum to tw in In work on the double track of thci i Pittsburg and Western at llock I*ttnt i Hill. The greater pari of them came j from the notorious camp at Unity. I where so many murder* occurred, and the people of Wampum are f.-urTu Best Ilka scenes will be enacted there. Ho th i have made arrangements with th • sheriff and city pc''re force to send men there at tlie first sign of ugly ac tion. Philadelphia, Pa.. Nov. 29 —The lead- ] ere of society here have come to the conclusion tat fashionable women and men need mote sleep. They want the dances to begin at 9 p. m., within n reasonable time af ter dinner. Instead of beginning at 11 p nt., or at midnight, as n nv. And they declare the dunce should end not later than 2a.m. A day or two ago Mrs. John Uact vvttlader, Mr*. Alexander J. Cassatt. Mrs. Edward Cotes. Mr*. Charles A. Dana. Mrs. George W. C. Drexel. 7 Mrs. Dr Grasse Fox. Mis. William T Mason, Mrs. William Platt Pepper and Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer met at Mrs. C. C. Harrison's house, 191 S Locust street, and talked over the pos sibility of ending social functions ear lier in the morning. They all heartily approved of the Idea. Aa tlivae women are the moat fash ionable in the city, it is quit* certain ihe others will follow their lead. A rtieeting to this «nd had bean already arranged “for =SiVSTrirrmn ot Decem ber l at th« Acorn Glub. »y Our prices on suit* only two-thind* what others chars*. E. J. Henry & Co., sftot cash tailor*. For The Soldiers! Refutation Gauntlets Regulation Hats Officers Hats Flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers' Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORR'S 718 BROADWAY 718 "Good Tiitt Afjttffl. ’ < Tur Dtclir Cai > < Be Grtllll inisM > N ftl *090999900 tfeft 4NNff4 9ft- ) € 4 ft«ft fuf#** f » * •f- V C j r I## f * # #» ««* i »«•* S tilvt* ftNMHI tft# Itaftft;# i»«# If# l \ mmm9oomm fto* *a mmmp r *# * \ f c \ ftftfft# * f tft# IffH « MNMpb j t *|»*l f*W* **#«* a A *ft# I .9 / v Wwffrl|iliftff C \ * ; 4r Aftraftt*#* * 3 ( • ( J m j 00990 flPftfll tft# A#* M V ftftttM \ / tr,-rial Nftd ftft 9*119 Rf# ¥ i <r i >m ft* ft. ft Tfiftift fftA* % > a coni snppi < \ Prcq-'e whose .'.ffarmg ham 3 V V ) J j j. • live . ' tl '* i . 3 . N .|m tar aad »••** bum—2a \ ? JlfiatJer Dm Ctijni) ) -(I BROAD HT. V For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey I A 2 Library BnUdiag. MUTUAL UFETNSURftNCE COMPANY OK KENTUCKY — Vtwolute Income.table Polleic. 1 ram Hut*, of limuc. target Dtvtdanda - - -1««" Hrcmlum* tutlelturs Wanted: call or write H. H. BTKINEK. bpeiial Agent, 410 Dyer Building. r iAcn'FmEFr - | ™ E ltmALl) WSc -^4~- (fe •? 9 |»o «».ja Tj. 34 15 »# 87 l»|g. 20 a I .?® NOVEMBER 70 G«ms Tnrtling Cam 4 mum 00 om# 0m099m%9 ■•mtmm 09m omoz ' 4 -ftft #OO% 900 »■# *# 0m mmmrnrn* «A» #g Collar and Cuff Bom outclass borrt.ES [ 4a ftjp j nr M rT*“ 4if Hfti i’«i : ftf ft «ld| 9^490999901 JEWEL CASES ft ft fi| ftftlft. *', Hft'tiUtfAft»ft 50 and 75c ITONiZERS | ftftft* ftwuft ft#*' Aft# mm Aft* »#n>#i#»a »•# Bw'Sft 90990901 009 •*• mmm99¥ L !. Gaioelle. Druggist. 1 %,Mk PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, ?Off 7tl Ufldl •ran »err m rtm «* #n ■*•*«* « «*f !»•. #»«#.#> Ms pe##»» «'" 1 eas * ala. UMt. #« FREE OF CKAKiiC II ■ ■■.!■! ftff»ftff» A %Of A COAL and WOOD rttoM ran—. North lagßsU Coal ft Supply Co q,w * tty #• 4 Qaetaf t. .mu. 4 F W SCOFIKU), PRESIDENT AM! 4*4 MRftpr 090 Eastman’s KODAKS! We sell Eastman's Kodaks and ail size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. ttiMMli-BIUN MERCHANTS. 803 Fevoolds st^TelepbOßei&TL.:;’ Lim tt .r« . ttret to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wire* foe Cotton. Block*. Bond*, Grain and Pro. vtalon* fur r»*h or no margins. Local ae< uritie* bought and sold. Reteioncec —National Bxchang* Bank of Auguata, or Mercantile Agencies. FOR SALE. Number 22 Telfair street—Four room bouse —Lot 40x150 root. Ten acres of land on the Hand Htlla. near Hotel Hon-Air. Dwalilng of 12 room*, liable, barn and servant houac. Will sell gt a sacrifice. Three small houses and tots on Sand Hills. Will *eil separately or all. at a bargain. ST Acre* of land near Wrightaborr* road, one mile above city’s new water b#stn*. SO acres of land near MiiledgevlUa road, seven miles from court house. ——APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! l'«K to notify mv friends and customer* that I have add’d another chair to my Barber Shop, making six tirsl-class Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my customer* without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COML EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 A ,214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.