The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 29, 1898, Image 5

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TUIMMV A Statement. Scfl. I III* tnvuM Vfft«i SHmW *4B IH On, ** * ** 4M CK«. Ito* I™* 1 ™* ** * ** 4*B Nov. JStfe * * “ SJO " ai , 11, L,,, * fcjVl ** AnJ mi # yrtf it tewyUloi. h» i IMmAMd w<tf|| «*§ * tKki 6 «*t4B t* ituic only «rfth iK< Fwrir** V«r«<* School Shoe. Muikfa* BlJS.OifUr«n*» 91.00. MviH ii ti}. a *j) / V i+f (t It I 4<J /» w t l-J I f \ JJ Vi r^ 1 " 1 Hlßjy m#^ DP. M«Nf*Y J. GODIN, 51 IfOV MIMXiD " 11.111.1. MIN % KatM* IN (halite* A bawl Ik* IHImI lt*r V at are n»>km4 ftw.lcn ««H»U* »»« hm. i»» • of m»P ■* nMMt, '*' Qb- 'O 11l rtibt»n montlia after th- manias* place At Th- Ht|«« (fit a; rtn* It haa leaked out that tie betrothal Wiede Is of r mantli orl* n inf pnflf# • fWPf Of‘»ilt f fflJI *' *« the Prince** Pauline of Wurtembur*. trUo vm wiwmin* * firm mi •• votfd, Aecurdini to st>ry. tnat PrlnrZa**Pauline after*arO married the elder prince of Wl«4e, Pilac* Kr.-dcr leh, and WHlietnln* determined to keen her vow and wed hi* brother. Prince William, who 1* four yeaia younger than Prince Frederick. Thla. It la added, explains Queen Wllhemlna'a Indifference to other ault or*. which haa caused *0 much com ment . Other reporta, however, aay that the real reaaon for the aelectlcn of Prince William of White aa A huaband for Queen Wllhemlna ta that hla mother la a prln<-»s of the V*-: h*Hands. and that therefore he I* Ilk ly to be more accertal'le to th# people of Holland Ujon an entirely foreign prince. CABTOniA. B ar. th. A"• * B& " 1 ‘rr Fine Rich Jewelry! Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Souvenir Spoons, Brass Tables, Fine Lamps, Silver Novelties, Vases. Fine Umbrellas, Clocks, Militaiy Buckles, Military Buttons. Wid. Scbweigert & Go . Jewelers (ft Ml kif W *, hla poe**as.v*. was sentenced to two year* la the paalt l attsry yesterday. H* said he would rather go ta the pea* where he was. aad admittad that he | * pit it m pus, 0 Nov, ft On. bright Hla art ate; attitude. He fa If on. (ieo. It-ouch tiutucreaafully. led the Hanna v. v.. 1 , ~ .k, hlatoric Zen.* Akii-«. O. Noe. M.-~Edgar inha arn broke down la court today, th-' first of set :■»/ be ha* shown nine#- >i' w*» plated on trial fur th.* the n>> rdcr-ri mao's taxi'/. Johnson's ryes Ailed with tears, and though be tried to conrecl the fart, everybody In the vl.lnny noticed It. Mrs. James Msrouardt was the moat Important witness fur the* stale yesterday. Hhe swore that three day* after Osborne a murder she washed a shirt which Johnern had be-*n wearing. On th' sleeves were several .pci. of blood. She also testified that be esme home he eight cf the murder and took a bath. Kvldnre was Introduced to show that after the murder Johnson had crnalderabl* gold coin. Previous to that time he had been In hard c.rcum stnnrea. The cast* will occupy the next ten days. Columbus. 0., Nov. 29,—The Htate central committee cf the I,’niotl Reform party In s'sa'on here adopted resolu tions, ten in number, taking steps to 'increasing the organization in all coun- I ties In the state, and to collect money I necessary to pay debta of last ram ' >a!gn: also, to sectne by May 1 at *IO,OOO a* a campaign fund. | In 1887 Mr. Thomas Mclntosh of Al- !lcntown. Tenn.. had nn attack of dys entery which became chronle. “I was treated by the best physletans In East Tennessee without a eure," he says. • Finally I tried Chamberlain's c,,11r. Cholera tend Diarnhoen Remedy. After using about twelve bottles I was cured ; round and well." F-r aa'e by Alexan der Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. „ Brutally Beaten Pittsburg. Penn., Nov 29. Miss Nora Bltner. a highly respected young iady of Allegheny-},was beaten so badly this afternoon by three gitls (none of v hom were over fifteen years of age) that she will probably rile Her as ' callants, Mamie Wlrght. Sophia Mickle urd Victoria Bennett, are In Jail. The cause of the assdult is rather mysterl *Tius. It set ms that Miss Bltner. with a youn„' lady companion .was walking : along East Ohio street* end. In pass ing a group of young girls at play.she made some Jocular remark concerning the party, whereupon one of the youngsters grabbed her by the bait'i and pulled her to the ground. While prostrate. Miss Sillier was kicked »n the b*ad and beaten into Insensibility Her companion was unable to protect . her and a rescue was only effected when the women came upon th« Scene ' The physicians attending Miss Bltner ! say her skull Is fractured and a blood | clot has formed in the brain. Her rccov- i v Is doubtful. TIfXJ ATJCIUBTA XFTtALD. JEROME JONES GIVES MVICE tffit it* tv ftM Iftg* | ihf l*(K INUt• tIMM fltnn |» Ilk*** JMtffoCtlßMv - : 4Mt wf (/ fVP llMt wmte Mvt f>«i< to *h*m* * to nw( forr# till 1 Wtt#r. * * •* # CHKiinU* firm to Tfc# t i#Hßfl «i tfftfiU*' hit sous ix«*d men of A»m»**t» will «•* that ja* Ur# to tlonr you and la one ymr from nn« yon ran force Ihr r#*« bration You ran secure tmllmitsd financial aid whenever you show that y u are ratable of hclr'ng younmlf Yon are » df*crg*nl*e<l people. You must be orgsnlzed Follow the exam p> of your employer*. You **• what they have accowpllslied by organlxa tion. 1 have been approached on the out side. and I tell you that a fight eould be made and brought to a aucesaful , laaue. Do not he dlwcuragcd, riglr und Justice la your side, anc* you will yet win this uneven fight, »nd Ihe Hi raid 1« ever ready to do you ser vice. I do not like that reduction of water 'rate proposition. A roan who under -1 stands the labor movement and strikes would not have entertained the propo ! sltion for one moment. It looked no Innocent. It was a devil wrapped In the livery of heaven. Can't you see It was shifting the responsibility cf the strike on the city. As an organizer of the American Federation of tobor, I for one would have protested against that kind of a settlrmen. It was shift ing. I tell you; and always keep your eye on the responsible party. Aga'n, every time a reduction was demanded the water rate would be cut. I hav been up against Just such games. They are dangerous to a green man: beware of them. In conclusion, my good peo ple r' the factory, you will never have the respect of your family, vour neigh bor or your country until you organ ize. If your present employers re spected you they would be willing to see you live properly. Hanged Himself. Franklin. Pa.. Nov. 29. - William M-.nE aged 4fi years, and residing at Centerville, this county, was engaged j to a young woman of that section, but ; h |s mother, with whom he makes his | home on the farm, objected to the mar- | rlfge, arrl refused to allow him to bring home his prospective bride. Wil-j llarn brooded over the matter amt fi nally went across the road to the barn, of Samuel Anderson, plated a tope ar ound his n*ck and hanged himself. A neighbor going by out the rope He can not recover Mr Hanry I.andor’3 boot; de scribing his travels and fortunes In Ti bet will lie railed "In the Forbldd -n r.unri." It Will be published in Amer ica by Harper & Bros . fcOYAL & tfcgk** ||hr knd «N(*rv deikkamm MMI vafcuiln MMW 4 U*H#t ft *4t tom Cil * •## $ * # t *#« A# * gmti ft** #*M&t <#* *toto 4;|: iMl ## #»r Ml *A *%#*&.+ &hr Mikjl IvtJf* 4M * Is* 4** ||hM* UL 111 k,, «}«•«* * i.ii ft* IIOM yil MUS 8* i gwlnr to u p jm mus hot ilfiMf. An mu** —. . i. * a, whai Ain’t s«»t no mor**! In ** TM Beat Fta»U-r. 1 A alrtf «.f flannel tlimiirttel with I ,<*ham>>ertaln'* Pain Balm and bound «>•> | l, u n«. affected purl* I* superior to any; | plaster. When troubled with p«ln tn •the cheat or aid*, or a lame ba*-k. give ilt a trial. You are certain to be more than pb-aa* d with the nromiit relief which It affords. I*ain Balm la alao a re! tain cure for rheumatism. For sale by Alexander Drug and Hee Co.. C- It (parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Why do not women count their j change? THE FRIENDLY COUGH. "Stopping " a tong* hiHt a sftttintl who warns us of danger. BiNORANCE rSH upon cough n*» ** friend. Cmiifh •* anwM-Satvil « Hl* vleoplca*niyhtH and u ustinff diaeaw; yet eouyb Ls friendly. It warns us of trouble. Coug-lt <.U»nds tfuard at he breath pijM*. It is 11 sentinel always awake. Bopping a cough too quickly is wmnjr « ni > Quick eough medicines are dangerous. \\ lien zppenru It is the condition that must be cured ur.d Igh stops- Lulling tho si-nsitivecesa of the nerves e disehurge* of a cold into the lungs, it-na cures the condition and tho cough ceases. operates directly to heal the congested mcm nd assist nature. Dr. Hartman's treatment of id lung diseases has made him famous, Ills un .uc-eess is due to his great prescription, 1 <--ru-na, ay lie secured of any druggist. Write to the Medicine Co., Columlm*, O . for Dr. Hartmans led Chronic Catarrh. It is mailed free, ami con full explanation of cough nm! ml diseases of urous membrane. The battio is half won when things are understood, anil Dr. ltartmau s book is clear and practical. Mr. W. T. Powell, i'larington, 0., editor and publisher Independent, writes the following letter: D \ viJl tnk-n^sick’ Hst February with bronchitis and catarrhal fercF !uy head was in a terrible condition -eould neither see “ or 1 “IS half a bottle until [began to >“Prov. ; - .J | usin i three bottles of it !Td 1 uav y e for years W. T Powann. There is probably no remedy so safe lor la grippe or so certain to Has Pe-ru-na Neither is there anything mysterious about the way it goes to Work Pe-ru-na contains no narcotic or nervine of any kind It is entirclj vegetable, f. ' nrL rouo-hbv curing the membranes. The same process cures catarrh permanently Catarrh may exist in any organ oi letters are on file from people Pe-ru-na A l>ool< fu. 11 ' rru! - Ask any druogist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac for the year W 9». .... tHI' tIKNAI Ml M u ik. mas a !*-♦•*<* k. VkMVNV ; ft#*# Ito tont’t ’#Nl wn>w» tbvfflßlwt Mill 4 I M|MNNI. MtoA, A TtiflltoA Itolh llmi"*? £B*4 Yll# M : UfwittoMM* - * ntttltff MiivltofM ■ vM< "> „l otl# . from ih* tot # * i ji*t A# Wt . s * i ih* nlttn I Tito Han: tlh A M** !**- tof FfttnA ftotti IMt* #lll iH*n gt th# Orato on tounlnf. in# | MtM#u* iM l oiKininr. mark# llm#lffli#M. Atto <»lli»*«n. r ‘B r \ hriclktcHKt HMMftoNtor irtliu In the r»w* r itkß Mar *ti r<*l Otto. (’birlM viHrhdll. u»to A r not I Eih#l «n*l M«b#l McMmA la*i# VvvllMl. Lto I r Gmitor and ICrtgM Ward#- It to , I . | 1),,, |»c#i Imlam **d i<> ti|Muy tad without r#frr#iit*« 10 anything j. * .1,, f or it»#y nerf to to With Kuril a group of nttd a Iffho l ** that ha* a* many adroir**r*. It la 1 ngrgrtif-jtt to aay that tb# Grand will t.«* < lowdrd to It# mmoat eapaettr on Saturday OAMtOXIIA. d*an th* AIVMWhk^MI *<:r Very appropriately the stockholders Of the Kecty Motor company pall la-arera at Keeiy'a hospital. They were used to carrying hint. MID-WINTER SALE. I dfcp ghmawto mmtfimm ami MH ttovm # • Hit • vtw a 4MM# * hat t#m Hl' A It ft# of Miind fltOfO HuHi, .'t.'l* A3f # Al r». ciii . A Un» Ml M wav'* AM Woo H« c h *ml « v.« RibNMl ('hVvktl* <I««J CfilA'lßVfV, fft •?< ftU A M*n** Us*, k Heavy Wtiyhl tlfijr r f«C« m*lt* 34-43, a( flu ou A Mgb'k ■lAffli Heavy WiMffht ( 'ay Aatk *««. 39*42. •( ift.fM*. _ A M«n'l §1 (ark Heavy W#»#M Clay DawM* |lrpt»lt<l Hark IHiH. 35»4J4, 4* SI St AO, Am> kivw (he Aitov* ( ikhH in |}< i > and Cti'MffW I giifik at pfipßortDonate D-tfoi*m . m A of Men tk At) Want K«r*«y amt Cnvarl Ckrtlt Overroala Rixr l and Hi we. ,4*§ *4#, at H7»oo> A nn« of Mec'i Medium Wet. hi OvfffONllt. diffar * ant ahadaa. m-42. at §0 ftO. A nn# of Man** Fma C* >de Karaay Overcoat*. Eilat a. Itlue and tifown, 39 42. at Slo*oo. J. B. WHITE & CO.. Clothing Department. #in "Mn l|?BlUj*li »iH rOk IkoORS-SASHaaoBuNDs Mill Work g * Of I VERY DESCRIPTION. UUIYEUOW PINE LUMBER ]iiCiWffMlH* v it (*n>*fito until ift(|t iM*tyv(utN?f OtC |i j <M4M.24f.ON tM«N&U*N <N fVtOv fit PtWtMCWt U iul IfUll UNC IM STOCK 4MO PftOWPf ASSUOCO n ttY(.*>muitt*c k*t* a*euc4f<o«. w ■■ Perkins M*NUFAntißm6 Co Augusta Ga t . W NoamaMaMWH«Naaaa»«NNaaa*aaffaanaHMaaiaM»N*NmaaiM | <Ha*aMaaaaßßgtfl i Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fail in regard to business and that *s a most healthy one. and those who are preparing for it are tre people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers Immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to noveities in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE £O9 BROAD STREET. Grand Masonic Fair, November 30th to December I Oth 1898 REDUCED EWES I ALL RAILROADS. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend the meetings of the various Masonic bodies: Georgia Commandery, No. I, K. T., Meets second Monday Night. August.t Chapter No. 2. R. A. M , Meets FirsJ Tuesday Night. Adoniraln Council. No. I. Meets Second Wednes dftv Nifftit. Social Lodge, No. I. F. A. M. t Meets Second Friday Night. _ Webb Lodge, No. 166, F. & A. M., Meets Third Monday Night. Boys’ Clothing. Tailor, Vestee, Reefer and Blouse Syits; beautifully trimmed, some have a military tendency, others are decidedly nautical. $2.00 Up tO $8.50. Men’s Top Coats. Winter weight Coverts, Kerseys, Meltons, Diagonals, Cheviots, Whip cords and Worsteds. The garments old and young men are eager for. $lO 00 up to $25.00. I. G. LEVY'S SON &CO., Tailor-Fit Clothiers, - - Augusta, Ga s NOVfcMBSft *• A SURPRISE FOR SANTA CLAUS uwait* him when h« th** many novelties* in eilver and »<>Ul that we have arrayed in ilazzliiiK profu.lon (or our natron*' choice in th. ninny toilet articles, coin puraea, torunettea, wav« ...I*.. hair coinin', inijualahlr handle* for umbrella*. manicure act* anil the many pretty kickahnu* that women delight In for Xma* gift*. A.J. RENKL.