The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 29, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TUttOAV COAL-COAL-COAL r a«i|» iruN 14 n»H 1% INK fetftY GHAOCft OP • GOAL * Ant»ir>r*t# »«g »n> Wm >*t («*m».. _«yf*- I•* f%*Bn igS’*— • * Mrs Stewai CITY ICE COMPANY. A4<HiJ>f A "UHM »* CmwtM |AH| **»# tewa»* i n a §•*•* •a ANM MM* M VTAM r** v #*» «***» «„»»*»•***•***' naak mux <***« , „ . .. Mtft ftMi ,'*»*». MMW mm . M *♦! *h> tgptir in m . .. , I* IAM r»t m> A»n pwirfßf i m»* i m* <«# m *• fIMWk RAte* fcaeete » *, 4IM 4* gat *•♦•*■ >..«!• miii A fIAM* ga* MM . ~ « h • Al Nl»'» M C g»w*A 1 «... •MM Mmii % fg«*fi »n aa# *IM IA Itete'WH te* |MM m w m «• IMM. SSB»f_ ... .HAuJ* 4»e4MM»»* **<*> Fh**lA* -vs..*..® Mhl SB I*4*4 psa 1 * f*. |l Ml M m MM MU ITT T* . MM. . IMH M Ini HMd. MM' M **•»• cßSm*. I 1 IM , M M M IMI N*~ .. .. M M M M „ .. . » »»«• .... ~. « . .» .. •» w * UTI WC* MARKET Nmh *wH h*m* * mi" B* 11***-* 4»*ft *•»<•** **#*• m m li »• |*t***» *«•.,»<•* *# aatf* ... . * l* |»i»* • tmw* mm .... .... M*«i *****»<*» ta aatr* 4~**» t%**k* *xw»*4# MM* .. *►"* •* till It IMM «WM« *• " If* ~ .. .- 4. .. •• ... -# «« fctaiefc fcfaai *•*«**• M»te MM Hm imm ~ .. .. m.....•* • •? y, .a 11 I*l ****** f»'l f*r«* •# ** kfalaa. U **#■*«*. M Ml** .... *•-"* *Mwr*R* •I W. *• MM Mi » 8.. pw Ate . •wlmi. I» M O. O . »•» *« t! T*. >fcra# Saag f—9 • *K* '*"• • u M. **« *a~h»i* ws* ’• M I*ff OOCHH Braw* SiMr4**e ##• Mi* 1 *#* dramies,. • M afcirtl** . .. .. ..• *-• fsf*Alt»*i"e ?* * R *&•«•* .... * CH asMaWtl* 111 I A Am'Hi •• * Drive ...... .* mm « »•« (tranite v ilia #-* M M H .... •• * •'* jeM r kiwi Ml* •*»•»«*** .. * *■♦ jAfi r Km « lark r (* .... > • * |W>L g|LK Cwticatn. **• yd», «• ***■*#, tw <•**» • Caeflcaili. M nto *• kga-L Iff #«• • bleachindr. WmlAlMlf kf»«*» * «• fl WIO-.AN mu as tka Mm. M »»»" .. .. « !• Walt as Ik* Mat', >•* •"»«*•• ** •• • ’•* can*. I-* iMkw .. .. * * * Okkw. 4*4 *• * J*! Alp'ii* M*. M ••• Prim of ifc# « '** ;h r. KIP* !-• * K Phlrllß* .. * »-• Jiao P Kir* 4-1 A A f hr. I In* .. 4 »-* tonafkl* 4*4 .. .* •* *. .* •• • Jm» p Kln*. IWlnck <W«r|tl .. . 4 »-• Jdo P Kin*. IS l*«t> % C Ulon .. .. * * J J«r r Kin*. » ks» u * ]na r Kin* *• l*rk Sa*.rior .. * »•« PRINTS Am»r»n *htr«li»*«. •♦*«« * MnrWi.'li ihlrlikM «»« - •• J ” Ckarirr CMMk Sr.M »«»M IK« •• * »•* R.*hW«to* Oil* Ifnno I * Alim » * f.mpMi'i * » »«"l" • Co*t»* Sp««t eollWk, ", , Anwriran ln«ll*o blum. «4*«4 .. .. I t-l Plni.r Oil* <*olldl 44**4 4 Amarlmn lnill*o hluaa 41*44 .. .. 4 ]nt*m*nonnl blarka 44*44 .. .. 4 Allan** e*rdtn*lii *4**4 * At >n i Ullnn** *4**4 « India Mu* India Mu. *4**4 .. * Kim* mu'* - * •• ' . Marik* Wa»l>lfi*lon *»4** * *'* Carntr'a rjdlanla *4**4 4 Charter Oaka, *»**' •• * *•* TICKS. iiampfhlrA .. J . l ‘J A C A ® I ‘* Amo.l < a* A Am«»kf4« * **J Rarlproclty * 7 *’* PLAID HOMESI’UNF. Cltv Mill* * *’* Four yard mod 32 Inch 4 *’ 4 Lodi ahlrting* i>«*M . .. * }■* Lcdl dress atylta »x 6» * 1-4 *s» Clair drtar atylaa 4 Ceean solid* * 3-4 Marllm Waah:ngtn*» fancies .. .. 1 1-4 braude, light a eight •*" 1* ***•»• J*J Uaatta « y*ida plain , *• •• 3 >-* Thorndike B .. .. .. J 3-4 Hercules •• ... --* 14 Amosksag .. J Cfetcent .1 **• i’clham. 32 bal lio bn* IS jr o F., SO ball* to boa .. .. .. 1* j;. O. I’.. ilk bal‘» to lb 17 1-1 Muscogee 1 1-1 V, irt h 4 1-1 yd. plaids, but make -4 £tmp>nn silk finish foulard* «4x *4 * * •• •• 4 Pacific mournings «4x«4 4 l-S Chin* silk* *4x*4 4 1-4 Rockport 4 l‘ ! RlMti 41x44 1 I*l Concord. 54x40 * 1-1 Rome 54x40 1 1-1 Edwards s 1-* Keystone • •• •• 3 '-l Flftf * 3 I*l . KEAKSIST 8. Heavy Columbia, lieavy Kearsey 3 1-1 Kincaid and others . J 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime ?oaßs Isoaandale cement II 45 Portland cement 12.75 to 3 2ft Louisville cement in paper sacks .11 00 Plaster in bbls *1.75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 13.00 Painted buckets, per do* 11.10 3 H B B cedar pai!s. per do* .. .. 51.75 S H B B cedar pails, per dox .. .. 52.00 Tube painted, per nest 51.75 Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, pei pound .. .. _loeallc Nails, wire.. Sl "5 bas* Nails, cut 31 -45 base Shovels, ARM, per do* .. 511*111.i« Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. 57.00 Shovels, riveted back, l>er doz. . *4 .'5 plow blades * 1*- *“ 8 “ Humas. rod top. per *» *• 34 IRames. red top root, per do* .. .. 5- 80 [ <f. M*a WM f*NS fa* AN M mm SI M w .-<**• »N* *N At n m I M 1 4*4 wrnm *•* 4k »m m mmm tII (i*. -*f aw*.*. *m* s a*# mmmm IS *S • •*■**•. pa* 4r»* «M S 4 • ; H mat > *atk ta* ta . .. ,»«. Us ' T .4.* pm An a*s l* lAais a* ftnao* attaaMS* s*f iwn r . 4* s*a* si : !>•<**“♦ *»A* IN I pad ***** mm*** war mp 4 pa* *•»»«*»«. « «* *. §1 f «M» f*f4k pm 4n . , M m m •• * r. 4 wtkw p* | pa* 4m mm. *A ab* ***4a*k. IN A pm 4m m *. • !AN ka»**>» IS* I pm Pm , *S A**W Sf*4 «a*M *» Nf #M , 4M ***** • art AhaAN «* »» m f pa* Ifc M„ Sa k4*a pW* k* IS i PPP % t m •TAT* WMSIW. aWi-i*aaNt •»*••* *•« aw*4* trnrnmp |«4 kp Mfap V( BMw< M a mm OwansNi r* las nMMH IIS ... j Hams I Mrs. »«» ~.. „iw ...j Oampin I ( ft MSI I* «. 4N**«« I MT* Its* ..Ml M. Owns 1 If* 1*44 Ml S*Mth t'a.*4w*a 4 I *»• „ IM IM cm mss* A*4swn r* tarn .. .. .. .. IM ... A*«**•» s* ISM . .< .. .. ~ MS ... An#n**P S* l*S .mmm MS m. AN”*** IMS IMS .... mMS m. A*•*»<* »'* ISC .. .... •• .. MS ... Allaait 4 • 1*44 MMM MIM M. I Attest* r# IMS 4, M M M MS M. Allan'* f* MSS .. ........ IM ... AtteMa a l-f a ISM .. M n MS ... AKans <*. nf t*i m. S..anaiafc r* IM .. „ 11l m* I Wtaaaak fa MU ........ 11l ... Ww fa IMI MS M. r-iantef fl I*** MS M. f* 1.1 mite# I t»r* IS! .. .. |d# ... Mantte I l-r» ISM MS m. Hare* r». MM .. 111 •CttlmtiM# r.-C# M ... Char Hi'* 4** MW .. .. m *. M M. •<"*4*4 RAtUvOAD MONffP Oannu R. M. 4 Ski C* la, IMS .. .. . IM Itenfia R R A Ha* Ca la IPX* IM m. Ckartoll* n mn-a 4 An nuals. ’at fa IMS .... .. Ml ... rKartani* ontnmk'n 4 An- I ivata 14 ft, IIM 11l ... Ano*tn N* R R fa I*l4 ... M C R. R. Ranking Ca mitet* oral Trod' la ISM . .. .t! I* S«uih*rn Rail* ar * • t**4 . .. ft M Contrnl *f Oanrste Rallwap. IM rotmol wort. 4*. ISU .... M M C. of O. tel pr*f te M 4* Centtral of Onorgt* f’atlmar ;d pr*f incom**. IM M II C. nf O I*l pr»f la I*4* .... * I C,. SAP. IM m. »*. I*4* .. IM IST Routk Or rate end Kin rid* Id r*. IMS IM Pouts Ofrorgla and PlortN IJ r*. IMS .. ~ IM OrNB Ptraiiuhtp On.. Ist l‘a i M ra. I*** IM ... KACTORT UONDR. Rniorprta* Mf* Co.. I*t ra IMI IM Slhley Mf*. Co.. Ist r*. IMI IM IMbtav klf* Co.. Ist ra. ISM in* Oa. R. R. A R Co. stork .. M 7 JO4 HaulhwaeMrn ft R. Stork .. t» "4 Augusta and Pavannak atork S* lip OR AIN ANt> PROVISIONS, Oats. whit*, sarkod It Do*i a, mined, aackad I* Corn wktta, aackad *i Corn mixad 41 Maal. bulled per buakal .. .. ..ITS KKiur. rommob .. .. t *9 Ktour, fanry extra 1.7* Klour, tec <>ti<l patent t.OO Flour, standard patent .. .. .. .. 4 IS Flour, fancy patent 4.T* Wheat bran. 100-lb sacks to Fine feed, 100-lh aailu .. .. .. .. SO Hay—nstlve. per lon 1! 00 Hay—Timothy, per ton II 00 Hay—chotca, per ton 14.00 Hama—choice au*ar cured .. .. Maim Smoked rth aide* * 1-1 Dry aal ttba * S-4 Lard, pure leaf, In tlercaa M* Lard, kettle, rendered In Heroes. ( 1-4 TRANSPORT STRANDED. The Chesier Ha* an Accident at Savanna It. She Will Pull Off This Evening to Sea. Savannah. Ga., Nov. '2B. The Uni ted Slates uansport Chester, loaded with fifteen hundred men "of the Fit- 1 teenth I’nlted States Infantry, horses, j mule#, ammuintlon sncl supplies for Nuevlttts, Cuba, left this morning at 9 o'clock. Four miles from the city she n et the United States transport Mani-1 toba coming up to the city. The Manitoba did not slacken speed and in order to avoid a collision the Chester, ran ashore. She is now stuck in the , channel four miles below the city. She will be pulled off this evening and will proceed to sea. • CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Cable From Dreyfus. Paris. France. Nov. 2*. ~ Ut»*am* Dreyfus, wife of former Captain Bros'- fus has by permission of the authori ties. received thi"'Sallowing teiagratp I from liev husband: "X rejoice wit* ail !«£ you. My haa.lth, morally and flh*'- sieslly, is food.” THE’ AU3OBTA HJCBAIaD Upon Aanaeo a# IN* m * *•* **** n*4 oaowtifN wing » •* tan a mg** ft SUSP- . . m «w put** •‘M P**N**4 ■MUMP sin »»wp j 1 j * - g*. %♦ -#% 01 qp> P* VlM# *• i *m mmm. ; #»«** j0i»»-i <pmo t*o nil %mm mmm , Mt« • mmmm 000 «| hoo<oow»i> mm** mm* * m* « 000 wmm IWlo%cd of the Clod*. Mo* tinptif S*te nne*' tha spawA- | •a »*. km*#'*# m *ka sane* te »N aamt SW *a*4 *4 *N i"*Nl '*•* snN, *Ag g aapwotf# run telPwaN IN* ** INI kaannnu fete •*»"■»* Mas .»■* *o*a •4 *>■> aAaennnn * n4m !»*«*«* M Ike pee* nun SA4 Wteai teARMUteMM »N , N«« Atop ateAMAMUka* akpoe and *k‘ ' r«* in pnsa kpif San *w waAM ; <«.% *4 Ate* kart 4*4 Ate ***** A teal naan pan Ms put* and #****, IMF ate Mte tSAMk **i«f *4 Ml* *•*. a*4 IN ten# »>■■»>«* IteMfSl P*4 te* j Wteteea Aa Nenawnal «■** f*A> **4 1 fSASff pnaateg «n iN An* te4k* * hunti IMI tka •*<**» •*#• "tel • awoa' iSa*- Ik* at* mcgpc Mta N ri S •mnptAS S* RfAg* |f «an a Ppf Ptt oete»* ARd if <N WM4 •» a "*4e j .nd. drag Stetef *ka gift •a* *• sat ] tmgSANAS *• law IN *P*R *4 tfce An* •*d aßaam-tea. Ate nMh-ngk »k« ten* iiaanl flag, tfc* RN dtedgSAM j.rpy sat prat nn a*4 kne in# P*"*• j !» igMte M*e iteM**'** <•**<i**ad »• > i*ateA As*. *ad p».a*ntia *Nk a tern s late Ha. pan*4 ana as »k» "44* 'te»*. < .«*fg Mat nag tar**4 tfc* Mai Tmm j ito i on* A*ea*» tk* Mr attWgkt <te4 ft- m Tfc* fatal gtaste of tM aolae at ifc* panto aw tea*praol*h > a«* tAWf **4 ’tka a*#ntar MPusMAiwg dtp *4 tk* 1*414. fNteaan# kg tM eaOMAC* ft l*»4» Matted am tka RatslartM. *4S sa ** ■ j , rte»>rAAlin*A4 Mlf ligglH'a* •* • •*** . tk* ewaada ft«M *M Mark SR* teN t j Mat Rten auWerkf" w tM ****** .rawer Ik* ketettet as p*44tea. Tk# IR-, , tie rraft a"4*4 <w aatw 4tetarM4 i twrNpa ky tfc* aats* *4 «ke dtaeaai ( l ataanwr. tM girt »>f*ri fc*e ay** »»«k , * cry **f *m4m. | I -noteMoe' Wteif ar* »* Rt*pfc*« r j - Maanat. goat.'* »** tk* teay heapoa- Bat nCr* mi nf atgkl"-A «««*» • doaMfally. . 1 "I h*t>* pa" k* ssM. ratal"* hlwaMf and luralng fcw Ma 4 4a tote aatom ••Te*!'' «itk a OH*A»d grant. "We t# tel as eigkt * . . . Ofc Pt*pkte M* teuld yaw A« It reprfteckfuny. ■Il l a!light. Raky. We’re nut »ar» j far from k«w* Cow# oyer and alt , baa* | want to talk «l»k »** ” ••Rut | te I iPite * kere ate »*•* j Piephott." Yte’ro with me and la *«k m*. ! Isn't ihai sn«4 *a*ugh ••Ni»r With a etetf*4l< tnry MMS • mile _ _ . . Com* her*, then, and tell m# a hot m«i» yna want.’’ . . ghe pulled In ihe oar*, emoolhed the alerveo of h*r »*•«# M«ua* and row and .lapped over lha Mar aaat balwaan them Ha mad* room for her bailde him putting lha cushion b*t*a**n her hack and »ha hard- edged hoard. What mor* 4o you want. Ru'>y h* a*had a*am tgkin* Nf • n 'J laying It amiind kl# nark Phe ItroSed into hi# fac# fc>» 4 rnomanl Nothin* tn’lhe world, dear. »he half aohbad. maeiUW hi# ktaa. "Are you *o harfß*, la rale* ••Oh. far too happr Piece." I "K«*NM*. my d*«r, aweet girt. 1 ' he 'raid, tenderly, a»« *r»«‘ h * r rloaar Then he broke Into • !*u*h. many and exultant "I don’t hallave that* ar# two other people Ip the world #o much In lov# a* *#. ■•l'm afraid. Hteve. you’re getting ronreltad." ah* raid .Joining hi* laugh. •■No wonder looking Intently at nor—’’no wonder. Ruby. ’ • Wave had *ome awful good timer aha right'd, reflectively. ' Belter to coma, dcareat. It'* onl >' three week* and two day* now. he w hlapered. Her delicate aunhurn deen cned. ’What a memory for date* you have. Stephen.' ’ah# remarked, lightly hut fondly. "But do you know. 1 dreamt Urt nigh* that there wa* to he no wed ding!" ... •You dreadful little Scotch Inarle You're alway* Introducing wmethlng **"You terrible hlg Bngllahman!” ahe returned, stroking hi* cheek, ’’you can t think what a relief It «'«*—' she paused. -Oh. Ruhy!" “To waken up." she laughingly added, hiding her face on hts shoulder. The swell from the distant steamer reach'd them now in great green, oily roller*, lifting ibe beat with grave and gentlo dignity: then followed half a doxen quick, narrow wave*, swinging her Jerkily from *ldt» to side. All "»* •Ml again, and Ruby shut her eye*. Sleepy?" asked her lover. "No: just glad dear.” So there was sllen'e awhile. "Tell me something. Stephen, she said at last. ! -J love you!" "That's nothing!" she retorted, with a flicker of her closed lashes and a stir j ring at the corner of her mouth. 1 "it * everything, darling." he answ ered. . . ~ "Oh. well, half of everyth**, then, she corrected, sweetly. He over het whispering un steadll). Ruby. Rub.' , sometimes it all seems 100 good to lie true. Do you think God loves us better than other people ." ■I don't know about other neople. dear." she said, "but \vc have got all we want." •If i was to lose you. Ruby, he be gan passionately, but she laid her fin gers on his lip*. "You won’t do thill. Steve .you w. u t d, that! Oh. laddie, laddie." she cri'd. giving way to her heart. "y< u wont , ver lose me." Later. Stepher said, "sou lave mo best when J'*U OkU laddie." She railed and flushed. "I forget. She said: "lf's on* <*f medlar* Ward; ■•lfa a ward, htaate. Toe must net let it set bast, when we're living in London town. I’ll want to hear it an Tfn! yon. Ske «*«Pkeh ton 1 GCOS-iUCK FAKING - FOIDER ! Is IN Imhi* W "***'»* fc IfMl Of mwff»«4. MkM <W I*Mn McHIMNm TwalAii* •MIA. »OMr#* n« hnutst shd fttt »**>• «» inlfMlN* (V- h®«*slifNPfMfa tin# find fAffWßfTttßtf 11. HR#h*4f of mi tft NMIVMfTIfN RPwdtr. Comt>ln<r«4*«MM*v I Mfkfl QuAntity. M*nufAritsTMd B) The Southern Mfg. Co.. RICHMONO. VA. ni i wi WHOLESALE PUNTS. AfUtsnr WBITR LfCAf*~ Tww-MMtea as TTk"# L*«*4 aa«4 M Augaata m *iSmi> !»*# »<** WBM matte ««a Mate W# seM Wat tfce new •*4a*a4 pewte Atuhtr u»s» ottf- Yfc# Actei Bsateea OS. MM4 anrtfc f I'uAt* • g»*Rte mate tMA wuat* **•. NARRIMN BROS * WMtTIC UUUk rttek state fraw tM IMMtMf •» *»* uatk leal Rite. I« «MM M *»w aa JMHBMt ■ W* satt It ai same pasta *4 taarti HAKRIPON BRC4 . RiWR AMD COU NTRY RKADT MIXKt* PAINTB Itig fftek *t*> Kifnwi f*. t if- **ry a * eat prtcag. <**• «•»* r«s M*aay. PAIKT STNDRIK# enma aiuM n**»» Paiat#; S’araiak ( Ptasna ; Ttfte Raa4y-Ml*ed f%>r> -. MarA’ile Ready Mixed Mnif. Roof fa pi Mineral Paint* : n||t. *4r. Tli Howard & Wii'ii Dm Ca. JOBBERS T* ' - ' 4*.l* | "Tea. Ruky : both when thing* go arong aad whea tklnga come tight." The gif* looked over ihe water medi tatively. 'Tt’g wonderful how every thing of Mr* haa come right an far. P'.eya Never a trouble’ Our true loee ha* tun gmnoih. anyhow • • It bay town a heautlful year. Ruby, darling. Why. wave never bad a quar rel, Mve w#T’ •‘No: we never had Um# for that.” "Tell me/’ he aald, have you ever cried about anything Hit* laat year!*' • Only when you had to go back to London, and”— healtatlng—’ and when I heard you were ifitPlng to aee me again." ’Hut you’ve never keen really Surry for anythingr* ??p; and you. PI eve!” ' Naver once, dear, Ihank tjod.” Thank Ood.” ahe efhoed aoftly aad ahyijr. The afternoon wanad, hut the warm hage increased. 'Theßid* - la flowing now," remarked Ptepben, looking at hla watch, “so we muyt fje drifting cotn fcrtahly Into ahore.” “Very alowty. I’m afraid,” aald the girl. "Are you In a hurry?” Phe ebook her head contentedly. •■Stephen, will It he alwaya like thlaT’ ‘‘Always my dear, my dear ' A audden sharp sound behind them made Stephen leap up "My Ood!" he exclaimed, "the oar*, Ruby " A large steam yacht, with her deli cate black line# and smart yellow fun nrl wa* almost on them. Her whistle screamed excitedly, and those on hoard were shouting; then came tha sham ring of the telegraph signaling "full speed aalrro." But the small boat was doomed. Even a* the yacht shifted her helm Stephen took two tanid strokes In the same direction "Don’t hold me. Ruby!” he cried; "I'll save you." But she clung around his neck "You won’t lose me. Steve?T I There was no Iremeijdou* crash, for ! the yacht had been goißg at half ape ad !op account of the hase. but she had sufficient way on. despite her reserved j engines, to upset the rail eraft. At the j moment of rollision Btephen oaught at a rope flung to him. and. with hi* | aweetheart’s arms about him, he fell • against the steamer's side and Into the i aea • "Stop Ihe engines," yelled a man In the bows, perceiving au awful danger. The captain had observed It. too, tor again the telegraph rang, and the screw came to teat. But a girl who looks over the yacht's stern gave a pit iful cry. and slipped to the deck in a 1 dead faint. Almoast immediately a boat was In the water, arid two of the crew, with the owner, a burly American million aire. spiring m and rowed astara. They had not far to go. and the silent people on the yaelit saw the lovers bulled on board, it was then that the cap tain whispered to one of the men of the party: "Ask the ladies to go below at once, sir.” Very slowly the boat returned to the yacht, and when it neared the side the two sailor* did not look up. and the American was bending down in the stern, sobbing like a cHli'd.— From Mad ame. Call and s«e our TEACH ERS BIBLES. Can sava you money. RICHARDS & SHAVER. CALC POn lufutta Irtwmg Co's sxroftT f*«*H JB* li HI L LE Ob" OBOROIA Our Draught Beer Has j None Superior. «teSM*4 A tel* f* *0 '—a— auqusta beer. ioirrM In any turns dßsired from s*tOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 ysars lim*. or on lOyanrstims, paynbl# in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expanse to borrower •xcopt th® usual attorn«y and record fees. No delay in getting th« money. AieraDder&JotiflsoD Agen't hcdtieh Aa I can Murtgax* Cnaataanr, 705 Proad St. \ PORTNER’S l C HOFBRAU and ) i VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF f J Export \ ) Beers j ? ARE THE BEST ( S AfK FOR THfcU. / b. n. MiT' in i.l. ai.ex McDonald j pupt, o. Uoti. bee. A Oati. Mtft. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Melnioall Street. Electric Supplies— speaking Ttu>-». etc., eic. Repairs to all I lertrical j i sraiin. • Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Rett'Phone 1602 stronger 0,0. Ami T*rT LOW PRIOR?: L*r*# •took. Alto r , *,* r4| vi'fl mn4l KITXINOH. FN OINRH, 801 I FUS. MIIXEbimI UKT Lombard Iron Works & Suppiy 00., A &QrSTA . GA. — ■ >i Aupusfa Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. In ! ISSS. Lv. Augusta . 9:30 i. m 5 21 p. m. Lv. Sandt i eville . 1.19 p. in 9 03 p. PV. Ar. Tennillc .. .. 1:50 p.m.| 9:21 p m. At. Macon 3:43 p m., 3 53 a. nu At. Dublin 4:20 p ui.i Lv. Dublin ‘1«:W a. nr Lv Macon .. .. 11:33 p. m.|ll:s' a m. Lv Tennillc. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 t • m. Lv. Sandersvillc. 5:25 a. m.( 3:21 p. ni. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:ot> a. ill.j 7:10 p. til. Eastern Time. Close eenneetkn mad* at Tennwil e with Central R. R. for Maeon. and wl k WrigktEviile and Tenndle R. R. for »nblin and Sawk'naville. C, W. JACKBON. Gen. Fgt Pass. A James U. JaatessD. Jv*cpb H iaadi, Rev,iv*ra. 1 ’ ' ► a It Acxg t Chtrltkton t W Csrolint ♦ *•*44.4# «*•*•* *4 ‘ li*A •*«Ma* % -»<** ASB MB • * *'"* . MIRNi #** - i mm - 1 t • «m 4 mmm mmm 153i^3f£rr • jMMMMSsesss-wsaaaaaae* w4H9g9*£2g 1 jt* iMa*»<*. i I • psaataaAteSf mm m Mdptea • Mir tte* «y*«*qß mum if 1 * teBI wtsa •Li.Ri ««#*##«*fT*» ’-BEmHI.' ■**' '*•* *y* it £&!• j rimri MPi •» Iv* fim* p** * m ••*«« I Ac »ai»*gs sm »4 mm W**W« ‘ SmEn I PM4MAW. ImjM.. Sj.±mt {La Aaptetek imin I —} » •*** IAS XflMMi ••«•<• mwjaaae Mte* I * finite Wxaa* kfM* *N* m*"‘ m% H*»k< «t* • - V* *OO ’ P yob ! NgM ... ...... ,11 asms ?4k*te I ‘RMBSKfon •—... ,sse. » * MH4B j ‘OsiSHfctemY...,. 1,...m».t iMBBI * —trrrfiKii I " SpillaagA.«T... .0.... 1... .. I IJMM •ha H0te1....... m., 1 1 SSpri A?** 1 * i *MAPte« I a*#N *4 am TteMna ...... ..... Nlpgs A4SM* • l|g||.,.o. , ...... JAMS*' A» An**4*.■ ■ 1..«. -■ i>*kM imto *# # «•* 0# t# m ***• m* I s m+****** *4*»t #» 0 m* s<**** I te S 4. U , I .as *►«• ■•• #» 4"*s»w te *- *» s pa* * a * A. I ». A** ►*•«•• •as Seatte***** aRS *m ess B*»'MT ra* aav lakiWN*»a# s*M**n a* *4»q teat «*♦*#» aa *w aAntwm S.J.rSltS.*** Na AM t k pOKtl K-arw»« Ml f B i#’|:|»q» , i Imm* B«***»*» AtaWßa tea BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. M e Mtmt R*e»a Easi.eM «*mkM - Psx 4 * TMa» •** • Claws rtt*a * Ci*#» i '*•* M afg Mh g rtf We J Rat** os*, f*/ N, If N*« ; Ma II R# * AM KM I ‘Afflte Ltetre FM *M i. a in S .< e taesaa a; t Skit * lip IP It.„ D**eee ~,,f I 4111 3 I* r f itS ... Awtan .. ,T tSatlM |U S IAM . »*« t<e*te -A * IklflM S: i» I ** l«, i*k fgy r*»* l f #••»** • i; tss IS AlLte's < WAS’S ft •1‘ u •• » » I Mil .. 4BMACA ..*4 **,U % •ik !km 1 a «|.. e Weatt t*! tte * I* t MI SR— WalkaMa ..At I ID am PM f W-tei* Arum PM PM Mo lt Ma.S fc*H •*#» i t p Rega'xt Ptaltoa. F Shag Mattaa All regxlar trata* from Aadarw* •* Wsikalla have tight la track aves tralav as tk* Mm* Ham moving U* op pestle direction, union* olbetwiae aiwc- ISed hr i'hla oteeia I Will also stop at following stating la lake ai oe lei off passenger* Pkla. lev's. Jams* and Handy Hp«h"g* N» II cateParta *»*to Southern tall way No II at Asderaon Mm. * and * eanaiect with Ptetkat i , railway No* U a»i4 XI ai Semaca. J R. aNDFRSON. Sup«r ni**4**L I Tli NT 1C CONST LINE. lib I'.lLuT AND «UICK«»T ROOTB TO THE EAST AND NORTH. I t.-Mpnl L#.. Augusta. Oa Ar j 7:M*ia I oapm; L»....< Alkan Ar I I l**m «. 17|.rr, Lv....Dettmark....Ar • 17pm I Wpm Lv....Orrn*i g....Ar j l:4d*m ( odpmj Lv..Burnt ee. K. C.. Ar I 4 Ma I Apn Lv/. ..Plorante.... Ar j f Mam M:S!l»m| Lv . FayellarlH* • Ar | t:l4pm I "lane, At Patersharg.Va.Ly | * llpra 4 noatr Ar.... Richmond .. Lv I* I ?pm f:4tan>! Ar.. Washington .Lv | 144 pm • nj.uni Ar.. Baltimore— I.y lilepm lLlkam! Ar -Philadelphia Lv jltilPpai 2:o3pmj Ar... Nev/ToA....Lv | 9:Sham Pullman palace buffet aloejlc.g cai# from Macon and Augusta to New Tork without change. R A. BRAND, Oen. Agt.. 7SS Broad Hi . Augusta. Oa. T M EMERSON. Traffic Manager. H. M EMERSON, Ova P»m. Agt. BSLLB O JT &808 C - IA Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. IW. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA No. 2 E**r Savannah ' bff P- M. No. 4 For Savannah, llacfn Atlanta 8 4® P- M - No. * For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:2® A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA 'No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. 1 No! 3 From Savannah, Ma con. Atlnnta 4:35 A. M. No. 6 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 6:50 P. M I 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. I i. 2, 3 and 4 daily. : No*. 6 and 5, daily except Sunday. No*. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping errs on night trains between Milion, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information aa to schedules, etc., apply Id M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W A. niRKES Depot T A. j. w. NAI-L. Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after tiie spree need* LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headaches. 2 for 5c., 25tL o«e box of 12. the HOWARD & WJLLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. RFMCUED TO 711 BROIOWM'- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubbar Stamp 9. Seals. Stancils, Datars. Pads, Badges,*c 'll Broadway. Augusta Ga. Strswyer Phone it)*. NOVEMBER 00 MAttXMkt* «M»M*»iVWSa S. L l C. Mll»IT CO I*9 a# g*9a »#wA MSS ■wees RktekOl Rte* MMh MM ***A kaw* Tern I .«•■ ..a. a.. . ar^ag.^^A |mwo s***m 0 m* t 0 0i i* im-m 11# SpMPAtefMlMk 14 4*fMMMa a »*ua ' Ai • iw* wa *-4 <*aa A# A apaMa »■ *t*B I.** i »«*#. Si* is**-a A* !,%**•« etete I* raMMkte »Mdg g. no aaa,te *» a an**** sr •• vszi&xiMi it irJfcßiafcgfff itsmam k**ap •»* ! • g»*f* te»'i**ii . 4*M* CHte»c A kelipa. i * A* * aghtea, »♦ tea*. Ar t MWSIMSfSMkMB L* ttawvfwa fPtpm >• f i»44 > fijn Ar tm m* *-•**• a* iA- # »<SPM A AS* Asv utegH-r-*lhuh nTAte^Mb!4 jus A* A4o*qi 0 fc OfMM» kishii»'"AMr a m«fT« 'YtA~i ShteAMk : t4s*wpA *a#|*» *» *»• R*dh *M 9-te inStete ’« TCaTmI-JMI ! A* A.«4k»... 4k*sd* *» wash a W* A* t*. wt. a I .as I e twwate>t A IMP «. V .1.. a lam t* 10*4 ' iiete ■ A* A«*b*te Mmm Pi AM** I team [ A* Sr* ItelJk* A* Intel ■ I Mate f negate--te *1 <1 te !'»**■* ate *te **** *"** l *****"** ** imv? «5H **• -.*# #»w* *- *3 Rate a saate at **. an s*tetet |, ». «AStx* LA EMEMMMI Mem •.* aa. I sate’ aga* p t *••-- a. 'm Hr #■«**#wa j ” IOUTHKRK RAILWAY. * _ #: •nf gate*** *Wa* teawan* A* nav t **w *N Win* ” **' % *T; iiri Katif" h Aaa»# *££rn’~ m ~ Uid «?* Ar RmwS* . ■ j I llj *>» ul: JB Vir*^ v : IS: iISS :E is* At 4 te-k m S»: * let ■if e-te- !l>a.p MI«P iTiiNtex HTi: 4*. Fact"* l—" As ikshwead - * **! **» v r» *•: t*•: * Pe.t .. _ »>•* '*• "u.,vm.r *• "* “ OaNr , Uarly. Lp NewiiYh Pw'iiß. f iSy"iilliiii Paiiao* , • I IBp (pi* *|* '• • I J»p Iff* Is «it •<•■*. Pa. 9p- [ B 4»», II B* Ce Wfehmead I l»Ba*l UC -a |Lv Bwaeßa* -- - "Tte* 1 aUp Lv Eaitete s Bp' Ar tesfsashee* *A a, . ... Vt'ieitvii Tl 6 a tMp l': ts mr* ISI 10 Bp • fc. -4 Ku, ..... 16 h>* li asp • twer MBs II S p • ktoaebon II *1 . 12 »• Ar O 'is tuand'g te (4 44as. 11l Lt o>«msSi»i o oep’t. I Up l#i > Jehu sums t«3p 4 o'* * Ten’ s I **pi •** • QrsrilevUl* * I*pi T tff a A• . .. ♦ Bpj >tea Lv Adhan'i* “ I Ssa tMp L» Apar'aor-urg 11 A* 4 lip L* tW’kt l.r AO Ry 4 (Up! "Too a If Cluiri««ratt J II Oum U C«4W F-C.OF.Rjr- 7. ITmm Vt 47 m •* fMTAftfMlh 44t P s9* » JnckmiV* ®l| Mil '•itirlxa fig -ißTifg Kr-'sbenf UaUy ptumeagav terele* betwsea Ptcn U srd Hew York Sea. Kand l»—Waehi ugfoa ami Reateweatero Lloicsd head Yaaiilmltd Irstn with dlniag aart and llret e.ste eoui le* n„rth as Omu-loh*. Pullman drswlng room .leeptngearsbetweea Tamo* Jarkroavfila. havannah. Waahmgioa and flew *xl Pulluiaa stseptag Care b*»w**a Charioti« and Rlehmoad. . Puilmsti drawingroom ..eering car* h* twasi («rseast>oro ssd Norfolk (Tov, ,-oanee tetTal N rfoik for »>LD POINT <XJMgt)BT. arriving there is time for beealrfaet. B .lei tram with Per lor ear., batweea Cbarlsatva and Ashesille. h os. B and te—r. 8. Fast Mail. Through ! Pa ur,an drawing room aoffst aleepiag cars bw tween J-o ;.* nvlla aa.l New York aud Pnll au .leaping • »r* between AuguaU and char loll* Pul’n an sleatdng ears beiwami Jack {mrllle and Columbia, »» roote daily I*l *•»» sckwinrills and Cincinnati, via Asheville KANE ► »AH NON. JMCCLP. Third VP* Oen Mgr T M Wjahmgtoa W A TCRK 8 H HARDWICK, O P. A.. Washing* o ”- ®- *• k ' dIINW- GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (SOth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effectl'e April 14. ISM. Pullman Slaanera between Macon nni New York. Through Pullman Sleeper* between *«• furta and St. Louis Lv Augusta ..| 7:obnmi *:2optn|lo:3opia Ar Atlanta *2opmj b OOarn Ar Macon ..,.|li 1bamj........| « 45um Ar Athens !l2:lspm| 7:jopm| Ar Golne*vllle;*S 46pm| | - Ar White Pl-a n:obi>mi 1 Ar Mill'ge le .I10:10am| j 4:3oam Ar W \!*Vtoo ..|lo:loain| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Auguata daily etrci pt Sunday at 6:15 p. m. and ar at Mil l 'dgetllle at S: 10 p. m Trains arrive et Augusta *:ll a. an, 7 «:. * ’ . 1:» P r. and »» p "»• A. G. JACKSON. U. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P A r AROI.IN \ AM) NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6 189*. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augus aT’seut .era Ry.. 9:30 pm. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Cheater, C. & N. W. Ry 7:4i a.ra. Arrive Lenoir, C. * N. W. Ry 1:W p m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7 00 pm. Arrive BlowiDg P.otlf. ■S'affg ■- 7:20 in. C VCT Pi AWPfeR C F. HAP.PKt{ President. p - A -