The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 30, 1898, Image 1

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»*»*._ 2ss.*irr TWO HONDOED LIVES I HAVE BEEN LOST.: The Death List Is Growing as the News From the Storm-Swept Coast Comes In. Another Storm Now Raging Will interfere With the Work of Reacue. The Savannah Steamer Cate City la Safe. 'ftw* Ni Was*. to -Tto *4 ttm }of fit# |m:ii« a*4 Ntllf A to-aaa Pa-feto Stefffeppfft'* w-* m 1 * ito* Im4 at rata PM. Ateff 'N* fftoseA »f •**# r**.f » “ ItMai • MtMV MNI ■ Halt «4 '■»•<*« jyj titwOurtl .tO.I teor* with a |I9B of | Lltn bps rttflt* •* a Air# < ilntt to pgysMMMi rfpno# of dfetenter* i"BfTTt“ri from flaiuntay tiiki't Moral. TDer* ar* Mill otfevr plscv* lo to hewrd fittiu os both tot* cf tto Ciff which have sot *m tors rrsetoM by train os sroovat of w#*feawi«, tM .llrli or» rut at tram other smm of rnssuii estktfi hr ferefe** *tm. blocked Mtt sift nd iMiiHrt Nridlt*. I *|t'fer- (to total loaa of lifq rango* to aaf'msted with any degree of ar ,gr« t it la ktoMi that mar* than 300 paramo* perished Tbi* rati male l« modi’ os a haols of only onr from eaeb craw report -<1 missing and eaeb of which wools Include at least three, while the larger schooner* have aeren rr eight men aboard. Thr attempt to estimate the flneneinl 1 oases sustained by the shipping la equally difficult, but It appear* the hulk of the damage was done between Capt Ann. where a score or more of veaels were leaf, and Cutty Hunk, where the steamer Warwick la on the rock*. From present report* it is known that fifty-six vessels are total- IN A BLAZE OF BRILLIANCY Will the Masonic Fair Open This Evening. (jen. J. P. S. Gobin Will Deliver the Opening Addrees. Everything is In re3dines for the formal opening of the Masonic Fair tonight by Gen. J. P. S. Gobin. past grand master of grand encampment of the t'nited State*. Gen. Gobin will be Introduced by Hon. W. E. Keener, who hasboeaoneef the most indefatig able ‘corkers for the fair and to whom Is due much of the credit for the enwesa thet has been achieved. There ,’s no building In the city that so readily lends Itself lo decoration tbar does Masonic Hall and skillful tnd artistic hands have, In the past few days, converted It Into a scene of enchantment. As has been stated each and every booth Is elaborately decor ated in verf-cslofed crepe paper. The electrical decorations are In them selves one of the most beautiful dis plays there. From the groined rocf are suspended garlands of gleaming colored Incandescent ligbis that form « dazzling scene of beauty. The Masons, thcrougb In every thing, have left nothing undone for the pleasure 11 the guerua who attend fffity have turned over tba who!, building 10 tSe fadie-s and fell will be imt at the disposal of (lie fait patrons, r i be lit iil route!, which is large and spa ?** tmtft A *r»#A Till] AUGUSTA HERALD. »«t*r%» llf • f«vfcßk*l* **i» st* >»B*jf* i •fill Im4W m * Bbb## *4 B#tßj *•* *4 ifW tl# kflftaßft tßf#f Bt##k# that gw IMI igfJnM ♦ k»ft t I Irn ffßf* ***** ; gpg# tSJMt ofiwwi irßßf *' CK tk#B# *9t fPBBt* - IC9> | TIN* 1f»KI>l Bf tk# kig KilU* 1 ! jltß## OkiA BBd ik# €* *B* IBg T#BMMf** s hi Ml Inl'kM tn fIN HMiSlt# gitra ’Mf mmt Nk w>§) Nmv*a mmh t* hi Igttrr frtft It w»t t’lfiiffOA* for tk#jr •If tXJHMNt) to tilt * tor 111 ‘which tw«.a this mnrahtg. Five IMhi NtvovwtA I OrUioi Mni . >ier SB —•#!*# NNk* v««f ncorffol Inf from iN NfNil#fi4. Tkf rw»»l bjb» twrltd jMt BBrtfc of |r»pt Cos tin wreck*# *«MI i *r#*t • mmy tHMlte* an <trif»tn* flovtli. pout* |t>|> m far ii Nixtorkit. It is tfcougk? lortNtit gale of to4iy irtll bring {be bodt*A In. The <«tlrr Cmpe la pa* | trolled. Thr body of Dmlly Frretn*n la tb* only owe iden.lffed *» yet. Gate City safe. I It appear* that there la Itul* haala I j for apprehend*»n *• !• the aafety of thr j atramrr CSatr City of thr fkvanrah llnr, in aplte of thr rrpon ahli h r#*c h#d herr last night that a Hf* i»rr*crver. hearing the name of tb*- Gate City. *aa picked up on Cape Cod. The ateamer Chattahoochee, which arrived here laat night, report* that she passed the Gate I City off Montauk Point, L. 1.. Monday afternoon, and there was nothing amiss I with the Savannah liner ns far as could clous, is being converted Into a danc ing hall and "the floor, when finished, will be ono of the fluent In the city. |The parlors are thrown open ano ner i and there are cozy corners and tnvlt i ing nooks, mest suggestive of tete-a- itele*. I Among other attractions will be the klnetoseope. praphophone and many other features of amusement. The balcony will be given over to the visitors, wbo can view the scene wlth oot mingling in the crowd. Tbs Country Stne Is one of the most unique and realistic spots at the fair. The heads of the firm. Mrs. Susie Whi les* and Mrs. Joseph Day, will be gowned in homespun, bandaua ker chiefs, etc., and will. In garb end man ners, carry out the' backwoods idea. Here can be found articles of general merchandise and useful household ar ticles; here also can be bought medl- , : eines, soaps, perfumes and everything lin the drug line. Mrs. Wheless and (Mrs. Day will be assisted by Mrs. T 'H. Rran’ie. Mrs. W. H. Brigham, Mrs. Hardy Jackson. Mis. Pinkham, Mrs. | Mary Lou Walton. Mrs. Fred Cutb i bert. Miss Mai Jackson, Miss Overall, Miss Alice Dickey, Miss Pihkbam, Miss Rowland, Miss Annabel Austin, Miss Jocela Summers, Miss Stewart Demp sey. Miss Clarise Barksdale, Miss Cora Tarver, Mias Bertie Anderson, Miss Jennie Lee Walton, Miss Hattie Pink ham, Miss Julia Smith, Miss Elbcrta Whelees, Miss Haworth, Miss Gregg, Miss Palmer. Miss Maty Hall, In charge u£ the re freshment room will serve dinner »¥• j ery tiny from- i ua 3 -o'ucick end lunch at all hours,• day and night. Tomor- j raw Mrs- WM:o“7'» famous okra wteP will be served, also batter cakes j from the Clerk mill graham flour. j IftTlt ftiiriiT# Unmmt itiMUP' ***# TWn#m iw* «#*H. tn» mAmmmmi « tk* mmm ** *>•<* *i |*IN SUM ftb* Gill* CHf %4H» «MMgk , ;amHn« Mmm i Hm NnM Mi-*. Mmm * n** t 9$ luitin I ■l**Vgl* l '**l A HlAto4 (iMI mm tty wiifNri «ni I p. I«U Mat# that ill# aionn will p««»b* \fwV«H s«m»* BttvnJ Sm Tori. Not N —* Tb# #torm t «blrb l*#c*b »•** filtbi tritb run fol io«wl by hail *•*! asoifl hiArknl iraf* I fir Its tb# Atibtirti* lodiy and «k4*y#t ■lt Hi lb# r«jr, Wbll# lb# afortit had non# of 'b+ *#v#rlty of tbo Ido* of Miorbay ao<t Ruoifay, voming ao aoon |* u lb# hrtli of tbil ulortu. ft In* ; ( rt»*nt (b# dtfll#(il?l#« of tb# liisattoa. | Kv#n tb# ilintid If bos auffrod today !*nd Blip pair—B> rror# <»blig#d Mb j walk long distance* in order lo get., down town. The main line of the | Ijonff Island railroad in again, block aded and on a number of Its loeal ! i branches also treflb is suspended. A train is burled in the snow bank at Mlneola. The trobule Is aggrega ted by high wind which refilled the cuts made through the drift that re sult* from Sunday's storm*. TREATY NOT SIONEO. Only a Few of Ihe Article* Have Been Arranged. Washington, D. C.. Nov. ZW.—Con trary to what sterns to lie the general expectation, tile peace treaty will not be signed in Pari* today. The commia ; sinners are now proceeding wish nego jtiatlona with a rapidity that i* emin ently fdtisfaetory to all concerned, but !t Is said to he sltnpiy a physical hr>- j poesibillty for all the subjects requir ing adjustment to 1m- closed up Immedi ately. Respecting the various matters jthot. are covered by the treaties with j Spain, which l\avo been unsettled hv I the renunciation of those treaties at the beginning of the war, It Is the present purpose to adopt the simple expedient lot providing for * renewal of those I treaties In the general articles. Notb llng can be said perhaps In the treaty ; Itself as to the Institution of negotla ! tions to tv-place these old treaties with j rnor? moderate conventions, but it is not doubted that at a convenient time such negotiations will be bad, though It is not desired that the conclusion of the peace treaty he retarded by em barking at this time upon a discussion j of these complex and delicate uues- 1 tions. There ore, if ihls view Is correct,: the peace treaty will he of u wider scope than was In contemplation a few days ago, for tn this single docu- 1 : ment provision will likely be mad - for a complete resumption of relations, dtp-! ; lomatlc and commercial, between the, | two countries. Bought ’Em Out. Tlrouiiitt & Barton have bought out! : the furniture - rtu fjiivhniom of Mr, i Gecrg- Farg.j un i are today moving _ *tbS theip stanfl' | Mrs. M. Sanders will leave tomorrow ' for Motion, wh-re ajx- has accepted a | oorttion or junior nor.-' in the Macon i | hospital. . ■ *!«H »l A. U l MUSTER ft PRETTY SIGHT (I if m T»if* HiiMH H*i* I'illN <H«, **» m 4 LffpA. t MMIW # *** Bf «B» mm J Hfalß Bllft 4lkt Mi ii# MgMMflB : «B# * Mat jNWjlBj N mm* #1 #.§• «#r| Bit mj IB# lIN #•%* IBliTe 884 (B#BBf fßffN. IMNNI I m fm t*il ##Ki bmhi h ii# TB# mmm fBMM mmmm4 **■ H# K***t* tore#*' -» « *#>#»! *»d tot NPBBBPB'# »ffi ! NN* IMNI &NB* BBf# INMMI **• **• f B#|i tiblH li# Nlfl*#*tk It IB B#*n*« I MB Mi tN>BtfF BBi#* " • ###*♦ *%# NNf* iilßt hwpMb# mi rn*m*i*f mm %**m ijiwßik *bb b*A fk# nmnn N*i#i ** tl» titmik I wbNi #t g* <Blrr ••* ikHI BB IV *s l**4% M tIN JfST %m *\ w alto w jßb r#B«il*l 818» j ***■ nw** i** f (SMM*#? #*#fß BNH§# (MB SB# tk# BN'* *r» sit *s4> Nnaklß# tnrmwrti *«# **“" I fftsi Bf Ik# BSfBMMXtrt, *# lk#y ssy N Hi ntm Ifttrr tk*B <k# SM#k *N« k# Tk# ftfM NBttS fmt if tvisi aw»tfk Is Ik! Alt immmtrmm Bisrßiss fl t | ail S lurt »4«b#? mi tk* Iml fwrswini *Hb .MißSßti Is Get. fir wag tt Davis ■rfnm4Jt , ‘ i lof ike Aecwwd llfisksi *rt vei ife III* 1 ,4 f jr -sstveday tfess Otwsvflla Tk - ger.ftsl k* ow.hta vra) to lta*fMUi*« •hm to < rnto’k* tor C*to/*.H* hi* ■fivistok Ae*a*pa<.'‘ns him atv ; Mai R A Blown Mai Sstwt. U»ui iYan I> msn >M Urw ftlsxist A largs nonstot of thr officer* railed Vti the par.; last night nd alt today |t|t| hat# beet, the guest* t>f Gen Yot ag sad his ataff This aßemoon tto two grnerata » 11 Insper* tto caaap * ar<l alttongh lh*r« trill ate probably to a ditisioe twvl* , «. Ula atohahi* that all of tto reg-menu will to on drew, pars dr Tto rltlxusi %ho oslseeti tto Hi owe. ! today will have a chaara of seeing sn rther pretty aight this eveaiug and !eaa ne* the ahole of the Fltwt brigade whru they return from their atari h to : morrow • Thtg afternoi'ti On Axline and stafl j will inapect tto whole of tbn First bn ' pvis, quartermaster and eoaatnlaaary rWpartno nta, camps, hospitto* can . ens and corralls included ■ 1 Constable, of 1h» Fiiw Mary iNad, ha* organised a football team •from the First and Third battalion*, jwtoh h will play Cape Roman'# cham pions on Saturday afirrroon. This wilt b, the first of the series of game*., which are awaited with an lawch ln- Itereat. I The officer* hato made arrangeineni* with the Bell i telephone eytom by means of wblrhf conoectlons can bn made through the signal corps ex change with any of the phones of the company In this city. This will be a | groat convenience to the citizens who desire to call up the camp or for the 'officers who wish to speak with the people here. N Camp Chat. Tweuty-six nun have lieen trans ferred from the hospital corns to the reserve ambulance corps. Quite a number cf stables arc In course of const ruction. All of the regiments are receiving new tents today. The different regiments ara la*autl fylng the csiripa by planting small trees about the tents. The kitchens of the Firsi brigade heedquartors is finished and in use. The cavalrymen have been furnished with new clothes, rubbers, shoos, etc., ard will cut quite a figure In thair new duds. MeJ. Srhade, of thp Tenth Olfi*. is division officer of the flay. rapt. A. ’A’. 3. Irvine, of the Tenth Ohio, has been granted a leave of absence for ten days. Capt. Dank*, of Co. F. Eighth Penn sylvania, is officer of the day of the Third brigade. The work of grubbing stumps goes steadily on. Fifteenth Minnesota. There arc at present, eight men in the hospital. Sand is being scattered throughout the camp. Hokinson of Co. 1 has returned from furlough. Earheart of Co. H has Joined his company. Frank Mclnnery of Co. F has rejoin ed bis regiment. Oblinger of Co. D has rejoined hi* regiment. Li. Nelson and Corp. Hoar of Co. C lievc reported for duty from fur lough. b<ooks of Co. B him returned from ChiJitaatMjgtt/ wtoT* he spent Tlianki giving with hjs Aunt, Sohwede oi Co fi ha* retumad tr on* suck furlough. ('apt. [iota* of'Go. Hte offioac as the ! day# I Lt. Jlal-y of Co. Dis ill toramanl HONE OF VOLUNTEERS FOR CUBA [TV UtVIR ll# V)fl •• A*> MtiN to M TVw, ‘ flk* lutolllM to 1*»«l to AM Waste *a Kstoveff I B*BBklß||tMll %m •# #» |t (BIN* I i#rt| IB Ik# I tflMvßl PM# (k# ' tof ftm m* mi tk# f j B#B*t VI Ik ##H# fwwitxi *• #k#4 KmmßP fOO |B# fMw## *##VBN #I * to Ik# mmt"* ItN# il l k* «*Bi IB vk» BBffIMMB 4Blp I I I# * toMM# T#b ifvffinfMi fit *( i# k» 9m • birb j Bill k# r#MBPB##4 IBNPIP Vl Ik# fw*Blß# !**«'.«###*• Mto f#t mi #» ■* Pi#(Ml I Bf#* BMN #* *BB (Nn# B# BlvmM## NBI *<f B# * MMMK# VBlßßt#### •#• IB Ik# «### k# «• mmm i m >*• *«Mwesi ■»« m | Hsifii* m§»4 (MB## Ik# MPT*ItB ftß " #»#■?* #:##*«•«#• t(Vi Ik# ##■**•# ■OO *m* *mmmnmm %t*\ mil *** • l<k fwffwsto* few tto tows*a*' ASM es i ■ gt—swis m mm lw *•*>«•»*«* feaw to / ;##,«#-! liertwg the pt<: tfersse I war 4# part Mewl Is mstiA-oti tto j Biysiin* of se*. I * fig j#g iiar lapwvut *r#awge vwwis *r» mail The reypatsUS ihora rygtiMMtote oa ito atom ttwgn aSti ; feeze ag a ili*pO*ll as io have ttom #- ype-*i**i asuf mi mi ai is tto full tiwaffl tof«»*e »•> niUwg ’ tfeeto to Manila 'of tto guard Thu lisstesußt Has i (sen appointed acting adjutant of ito Third feaitnlkte tn ifee place sf L*. El Ihe i of Co, la who la on detached •ervtca. Artificer Miliar and Prirale dfeuroa of Co G Haro rejoined tfeelr company. I Hirteenth PcSSithiSl*. U. Botfebousc of Co. C I* <dto»T of [ito day 14 J. W. Benjamin of On H la In cownand of the guard ggt Wm Hall of Co A ta -'rgraat I ~f ito giArd Angie of Co. C haa Iwen sent to ill* hospital IRIi-e of Co. O is amona ifee additions lo ifee hoapllal. Forkin of Co. F. Hines of Co li and Carling of Co. F were discharged from the hospital i Hospital Steward Erwin W Kittier has retumad from sick furlough after three moatha Illness Eighth Pennsylvania. Corporal Flah«r of Co. D has re ceived honorablo diaebarge 14, M'allirk of Co. I Is officer of the day. Lt. Darr of Co. G is commander of the guard. Robert Clutch, a reporter of The ( Philadelphia Enquirer, enlisted, iu G j |; esterday. He was a member of the .Third regiment of P V. E. hut was .musured out, hut liking the ilfe h<- life he came down and enlisted again. Thirty-filth Michigan. Wrn. Shirk, W. Bird and A. Griggs of Co. M have imported for duty from sick furlough. Blakely and Marvin of Co. H have returned to their regiment from Mich- 1 igan. Joseph Sheets of Co. 1 has been I granted a discharge for physical <ilsa-j hllity. Lt. Fountain of Co. K la officer of the day. F. M. Wilson of Co. C has had his furlough extended. A. M Slllshy of Co. M is home on n furlough. F. J. Bush and H. R. Huff of Co. i O have been granted thirty days fur- 1 lough. E. H. Pryor of Co K and C. F. , Terwllliger of Co. A are among thos'j who have gone home on furloughs re cently. Chaplain Stevenson i« off on lenve of j absence. Corp. Sovey of Co. K and B. McDon ald of same company have returned; from furlough. N. H. Hunter of Co. I leaves today.! having received an honorable dis charge. First Maryland. Adjutant Smith and his assistants, H. O. Crist, regimental clerk, K. F. Barton, stenographer, and T. .1. Carn ey, adjutant’s clerk, are very busy get ting out the tri-monthly reports aud ration returns. Corporal Duckstein ot Co. L has re ceived honorable discharge. Caps. For wood lias returned from sent slc't to present sick. Sands of Co. B has reported for first, dress parade wits held yes . afternoon. Roman of Co. C is officer of the , .1, Sands of Co. R is officer of the: grind. . . 1 u*»a Lyman of Co 11 Were ieac from j a ndLymgxr of Go M„ wsie sent froth ice nospitsH-iv' their •companies to day. " r - v ■ Beau* of- Oo 1 and Hrimes of Co. ! \l and Moy«-r of Co. n were sent to the I hospital today. ... :.... ... . . . ....A-ii .... mr MM I APR A VPA# to Kf>**tM4»4V, MH, Jto o*o WHAT ; THE SOUONS DID TODAY SfeAMl Iff lift It* Hatted |f«i* ntklPPfe l» f a efett .Oto Ihituton aw (stow ttorto* Wrsaga «te a feßiffN Hufeals dgsw-at* to Tto MwteiA Aifetoto Ito* to -fa Ito fetaase to #Bt Ik WmUfm Hf iltlßVPf B#l<4 IINw Hl* VwVt Bb Ik# *B9 tk# BRikiHl #B» NBVk .#> IBBBkt HMk# N* M V# t imt i pm* " |J t# r *'»( ?V# * * BB# BBtV# B * * '«n Bußbi* #b cm# kßi VI ••# tmmmrn■ *•#►### Bkd Bit* kßt# #B»#k#» mUßbc f * #Bit# IB |HMB % (ftfßlPitkNi t# Ifi bb 9mm BB #*•## l B»t|#i tvprfk B#fl# • P#*tltiNl 4#- i *'**#<■ kvp ii mmm flßßilf l ffgoaAav 14111* fea* •i'Mte*»t»M a «aw • t Bittt## (fi #tr-fW *■ f ** ’ (k# INMI## IB IB# «gumffi'Cfesv Bilk Ik# #NUIV# «*B (B** i» ##i# mi iSvLbb Ob tk# bn*' ’ * mi W* VKHS Bf kVarpftk#, tk<' wmm* H AI or nif bAN Wfl.T iK.smA Ito* tltwssM From Hh Late RrtMtwt. Tk# Bf Of Tf»Bk VBB f*#D tMf MIT« 4 m tlilfi ik nj tkld BOffßOtlß frßßi hit Ibi# f##i4#B« = mm Rupmt! «t# rNtffidi- to hm RQ| M At! ll>| Itff tO ft ’ Gfßltk for mb im# Or Via fvit wmi • irtiliMMf of tk# MHirti fkk|# f»? tkN dir bb4 fkr mm* Usb# ctm dlttctf4 i dnit t*tt#fß#it* Gut hi- j"#r#nt I if, o*i»§ to l»Hi IH HHh k##o To ifee -omiwhtg wife the sympa hby of man* friends la extended 1 WO CASES - < M |lnterc»t Being Heard at Superior Couit T»Alay. I Tdday will end «!> the criminal dorfe c« gt superior eourl Tn th. c*«c of *lhe Stall t* John Youngblond. a veidiet of not guilty was rendered Youna‘flood wa* charged wdh amsuit with Intent to kill, and wae represented by Mr. J. J. Zachery The case of the teat- ta. Edward Rayburn has not yet Iwen finished Rajburti is charged with stealing >tm from Mrs. Palmer, hia landlady Ali the eyldrmcs against him is purely cir cumstantial. Mr*. Pa intei had too stolen from her. Previous to her loss Ra> burn was in Iter debt for hoard.' A day or two after her loas bia board was settled up and several purchase* were made tby him. This, coupled with other ‘things, convinced Mrs. Paimer that h> 1 was the one who hail robbed her. Kay- Sluim is being represented by J J. Fos -1 ter. esq A verdict will prohabiy bfl j rendered this afternoon DR. W. & STEVENS' FUNERAL Remains Laid to Rest in Summer* illc Cemetery The funeral of Dr. IV. S. Steven* |occurred at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon I from hie late residence, the Intermen: ! being mnde In the Summerville can letery. Wrecked Schooner. New York, Nov. 30.— The steHmer Leon, from Port Antonio, reports hav ing passed a wrecked schooner-yeat'r-; day in Intltude 37. A1, longitude 7t.'.'l The schooner was without n mas. and the hull was down In llv- water Tb. name was not ascertained. Off For Macon. Knoxville, Tcfln., Nov. SO,—Th - - j find division headquarters arc lietcg moved today .to Macon. Tho lasi *«c- . tlori’get* away this afternoon. Drum Major Seim an had his hand bitten today while trying to separate two fighting dogs. Tenth Ohio. .1. Edinger of Co. H was sent to the! hospital last night. F. Baffler of Co. 1 Is among those at the hospital. 1.. Langt-ndorfer of Co, Cl Is suffer ing with rheumatism at the hospital today. A Robinson of Co. B came to th I hospital today. Capt. Ogram of Co. B is officer of the day. Lt. Colwell of Co. F is officer of the guard. Lt. Goodhue of Co. A and Lt. How- j land of Co. D. brave returned, from j leave of absence. Cavalry, Lt. Klee of M. troop is officer of the day for tonight. Corp. Wayland of A troop lias been granted a twenty days furlough. M Williams of M troop was kicked py his horse and is in cite Hospital The hospital has had some unite at-j tractive pictures taken among them being Steward Tronaan liataloglue uj patient's leg, the interior or rite hospi- j tal, the patients, aud otb-r views. fife Nye mss «wdl ' «te tafstoto. i * p»*tefctteaa « < te.tesii ♦•a PLANTS** U>AN ANO HA VINO* BANK «# 8188 *##**# #«-#' MOORE'S 1 TRIAL BEGINS TN llatfesfe4 0 tariff fri )*# feA tip i.nHtoA lAR teie It** Mato • • » iaMmp % M#N*«4 H## Vfffp*k#«M * **• Vbv%. I *m 9$ m Wm B. tt j B* *bl B#f*»# IChwBW Ifkrtf. PR#.>*»«*♦ 4kf rßffi'4 Bitk tßkkPtf-. I It# wßiffii <ii * |Bp* mi mm 9 b*Hit t%# ’ vpnMißMi mm* fm-rni M If*~9tf mm mmH * |*s ♦ a«nl Iki# BBfk kß# *MI | B#BB f *k#« BBA <*» k. mm-0 HIM# kkfBkBBI #*#•* S9O bv mrbbbN' k> «B###tßlßk ? B#toßi #Bf# IB «#'B»BkNi 4 fft. *!Bf# - *P**B IB# ♦«#§#«»•**' Bf HMWIP BBBt ##■■" t tk# Bit* HF Ik to *f# j mmrnmi* IM ktvßkßß ms kt fm* Bk# »• %hmrrnm§ #4k #«#kß*B(i k#f Ba<M|s llßktwi Bf M BfBfRB ; *B4 fßfl p|Bt *#*• *BBtB«"<i Hmnr# «*»# n* **«4 not tm BBaBBD till lßt#*»t tB kill ffiftll #» WMI ktlkrt fk«i «# kt* Bit#, (lift* > 4 Bifß rßkk*rf, b Fh# < Bttfi PBBIB **t B# I l«’h p#B||<B. MIBT# ik# irkii ibbbinb* to k# BB# d B ?B tIBM ft##tt Iff Ml**' ! If-'#, fPfcMkff ilstffMfi* mi k#f afff MM|ff ij ‘T It. T -*' kUk* * rtnifl* DruoVlfß I*•’ rs Wlu f*HßfV* l> IHfßdi .# INiiftlind Os t§tm. *kff If fdßkd lit to fkr tail*'# Bf Cliff Jb* th’# Brilftt BIN mljb Aiftfi in >ir*. 34 r Hill bH It# f* » *w»p#fii; of «*»• int tk -ni«#ait of Mm Mbcbv jib im#r#*i#(l ffpffiiio! wat Wmm. €. Nhtaot. for<B#ri: * #ti! kBBBB vro* f#*#or at niB 4 c m AtUuit* rh#r# |k tar vti Pm Stralae. Wk#B ph# ram# nor# tkf## v«*ari ago ti# *■*- ivriid he: tn the ‘omfet and chowtA ! b#r through the rrtmwial coart build- Whra she. a priaonet. raw him, sh ir narked the fact. Fib-ant think* she ta innoeect. 11m raid overture* tore been made so Mr*. Mtwwe from the iMvtriet atturoey's nfli<« to turn Male's evidence against h r husbaad. thereby going free berwelt or getting off with r very light sentence This she stead fastly refuse* to do. declaring she will not desert her husband in feta trouble She make* no - vret of the fact that she will Sfek a divorce from hits gs soon as he is again a free man. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. L. L. McClesk* of Atlanta la In lotto. Mrs. Mat ion Snead spent yesterday In Ihe cily. The first monkey of the season la in town today Mr. J. R. l/smar from At larta this morning. Mr. A, H. Halsey of tb- K. C. F. IS. AM. railroad In’ln town. Mr. R B. Mansfield. Mr. L. W. McGill and Mr, L. F. Pnrrott of the .Toutheastern Freight gsaoclatlon arc iu the cltr. Mr. W J. Pollard ha r <! from a visit to Boston much I in health. He will leave in n cottfle of sveeka lor hie new hcudqttarfi* in C .*:■ Ifomia. Mr. Cl-o. W. Timmerman, one ulu* most popular drummers in Augusta, has accepted a position with T. 11. Magahan & Co of Charleston. 8. CL. ; n old established dry goods and no tions house. Ills home will atilt he Augusta and Ills territory the Georgia and Central railroads. The Herald v lslies him success wherever he goes. HE WAS DESPONDENT. A Pennsylvania Blacksmit Hanged ( Himself Alonday. Non is.own. l’a.. Nov. IIP.- William *H. Smith, the village blacksmith of j Washington Square, a f ■' m'lcg from i this place, committed abide by hanging i himself Monday. He ’ his home j shortly after ."> o'clock ’ partalt- I lug of the morning .. 1 went t:> j I the ha in. When It b raturn in several hours his wife sent UeorgeTttrk to look for him. Smifh was found hanging front the rafters in, the wagon stud, rn old rope havlrg been used to 1 a Ills life. When found It was foetid that a lit - ife still remained in the body and i ts to restore consciousness were a tie. A doctor was sent for, but the tin fortunate man had died before the doctor could arrive on the scene. Mr. j Smith had been despondent for som- I time. He leaves a wife and eight chlld | run. A TRAIN OF CATTLE Lour* Hundred Head of Stock Pass Through the City A train load df cattle ein^. through Augusta this morning There: were four hundred head on the tram The animals t '•re fed and watered at the Vugusts yard and scut on to Ear leva ptknta. . .....