The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 01, 1898, Image 2

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thumoav “7 V I Here's Be Coin? ? T»(M * COT, m * MtiUMft. <t M*;t» * Mm—l la*4ruMii tn&A.Mm H«» * tltao r. i|. Pnm* 4«» i# *tl«» Mtrttfit* lrt I* l*» •Pm ill* 7V«» VWh **l * it* *»»,*, |JK It 3JkOM «** H M* it., it., it. it. EferytliiDg id Mosio Tbonas & Barton. 710 Broadway, Autfukt*, Coorgia T» xnt.e WMtKBM Tk#> IlM* Ik# H*raM Hit IW«| • Fair S*».a###r Tb* !*»#»•• «f W«f%*t4 ***- 1 I**! *«4§h Tfw MMetl*# mm* m «««*, «i«M HrmM if* IfcM m&mmi»■’*** *rtfc • mmm *« ' mmm * t# tw «*»•<* 4 «mmib nwOft I lull |%4* M ■ I *«« f frt|K***«tl I* f*T IN ’# i*w- tt%*## wtlfcln* 4UI »** v fiN' 'intis. * f 4*l* frt %*?f )'Ail * wph f»* M tmrrt#4«*rt ftif• fNrttflMt *4*l Tb* *•* Hi •** •’•lf fiHprtMMSbN* ft*t tb# HtfUbf '*7 IN •® < wrß* |b rtmtlMni mi «•! iN wlllf Rm* «s•* t**tn» rtf (NtN t» TN f«®r hdlh iNNB <*f •rti «l«a 4ii*w up •tx* **• **•’«! nuts* mm**- T>t i fvtmt*** ft ib ran at» • ItftN fwiNr tMti ****** of IN fjr•«*#!“r*s PUfMrtffl «*f *»lb#f |*§~ |FI« Th. * Mil* (feat TN Hrrtid i *<l j tit# so tbt'iw Bffi so <trfiilf«’ **ml mult*, n itdtfififi K*ilf lh!<*«ifttko*«t IN Nuia TNy ittllfir«l (bln • b*«hl H«n. bet thin tniMlilt rmm* ui-»w • *rr*t ? BMini «f iN m Jit*** • ttiNf In (N filntit. An<! t* Mr*|U*'n* hi' Iky i-<rald uni Ml- | low The Heral.l • advk* to the letter at ikt* tlm# Dm iky inland t« d» *** later ca That l* ofcat operative# tell mwri.ii today. The iliiwtM •• rocartt 'hr strike b> aiwh-iiiitod. am for ** an> vlalble (.lon hi < n*te#rti«-d The operative# have resolved that « at it hr exists. and ha»‘ j <itdtiled the tutu ,q«*rattvra throng hut ‘ •ouih Coifltno ond tleorgta to remain •war fiom Anium f«r (hr pi earn:. The> .He aim* Instructed not to «" lt»<k to w«rh until (hoy air .odn-d by thdr |.r»-»ld- ni» Thr rrdlrf i .onmlUrr to do- | In# ««H«d work. althou*h »«> far vrry tew have aahrd for hrlp. Yratordoy about iwmiy famlllra <am< la from ik ooui'lry. They ka«w nolhln* of mill work, and «anaot «« to wok until ihcy are lauyhl to run | thr machlnrrj Thry aa» that they ao-] rural idarea In Auauata noma « da*-» ago, and tlld no! r-oma harp to lak>- any i arl In thry atrtkr. Th«-y aro not I "waba." and amir of them an- al- j ready makiiiß arrangpotr-nta to laava ihp >lty. Thla la about thp alfuatlnn a» II l» today - To Cure a Cold In Oar l»ay TakP Laxative Promo Qulnlaa Tablets. All drugglata refund the money If It lella to ture. 25i' The gt-nulne hae L. U. Q. on each tablet. ••BIBI,” A COHEDY OF JOYS. The Enlertalmnent to Be (liven Thla City Soon. ■ nibl." a i-omi-dv of toys, by <'h«rl.>* liar mod. author of thp County Fair, will In* given In ihr Augusta opera house oti IVoeuiUer 2® and 21, under the uusplopf of thp Hi'brpiv Ladles' Aid So ciety "Ulbl ' I* on.lied and directed by Mr. AV 1., Hatch of New York, and has been trlven in all the larger cities through tlui north and past for thp lust five yearn, and has been pronounced everywhere by the moat prominent people OS the An rat amateur entortaln rnent ever put on the stage. “Itlbl whs «hen In Columbia, H. c\. about « month ago and pmnouneod by everyone in br the moat artlatic and In every way the best amateur performance ev er : t-n in Columbia. The different east of "11:1)1" Win consist of about SO peo s. ms, who arc now lvhcurslng tinder tli... direction of Miss lie lisle AV.irbur ton of New A'ork. The dlfrercnt cast Will be chaperoned by- the following la dles: Mr*. Henry Cohen, Mrs. J W. j vy, Mrs. F Lesser. Mrs. AVlthcra. Mrr. M. P. Cartoll, Mrs. R. Utiben- Bpin, Mrs. Jackson. Miss Pearl Daly, Sfiss Brooks and Miss H. Fllshman. The speaking east will be composed of thp following young ladies and gen tkmcri: Mias Annabel Ausim, Miss Lt ohoia HoßWifudd, -Miss Kotio Kopiiell, Misa K&tv Tgrywr, MtfO"vrinie Puryear, Messrs.' James Reacey, Harry Russell. Siduev Anhalt, C. C Howard. Albert Boyle and Charlie Smith. Tbs other names will be given ae they are found. Old fashioned buckwheat Hour for gale by Lanikin A Co. . MACON IN THE THROES OF A FRIGHTFUL ELECTION [TI» In* «*i &9fi >»» iMSHU BIW9 BMK9 ** ( |ff| ||» |it • tkw tinitUT Mat 9mm Ms H»iP«t I hmmwm m IMtk Caals * tikh «A Dm *«M*a Pfarks a ka 9SH **■* • • m* Ikt# 9m <*<—»* mm tka talk t#aka I*# Ms# A#*» • AM th kaakag tka Mas \ 4tfh * Nwh» *• «• BBiW *" [k k„k«kk#«k. ******** W mm «k# mmm’mmtm Am m *■**» >* - stfr zrsZm'zztz. f • ta« iMf m mm !•»•••"►«• rfi* lass# Faeiirv (Ma ApgMwa *• »k* mrnmrn [tmmmrm TBm» ••**•*• mm N» mm* m •#•* *mm »» ••• **pm iw* k>«k«Ml»Hti MAM* _?* -V? *•* ,fc *’ |MN* tß# mmmt Id *m+H %m <N m*rn*ttm**m I I*l * urßif BMi-lki# «NMB WBM* IMM-f t j tb* Ug#a* '"dh* has tvM#l-eil '• *h» I mt * m * _ f#<bialag la a kt as '«* re*- l Hrnem Om. IhNtr kvt»t Om m [caaMt wf tk# wary flmmi sklbwaW I . kt, fe (Ms tpa* v •• 'hr M**»* M |mf §%# wN fIsH jpßf7 f NpWWH • r ** Irfuae M Rad Mao# ll I It l> M NaaMvtfally CmmmUUe, Tka frgl'rtr* rk< basest la •* lt r«ai uk# Tbta trhk of Ik* kklf* hag he pa oiat ruunitly daoantkfMl. Tka tails' trail* fkr PmklhMNo -To W lettal tke j lalM should read * Aga’aat tb* «>l# ~ , Bright aad Forty. Tk# xllll hr—n bright aad early, aad la cm #t‘h #ar»»M*##a mom ■ *lt f * M (M# of Ik* <#*—'«• PM** headed J«at Itefor# Ik# Baili#. Moth#( -That I* a (enArr. beautiful «#»* —* Iq «fN> trt vtrilß#. tN rtufelHHi l 4« fct* moiNf t4*' tm %»• of her |t*»i b#fora tha battle A«Ah er oattl* la oa—the rtU#*e»*' battle of baltci* totaorrow Aad aa a rosapar atlyely peat rltUe* of Marta lateod ta* to make tat* my boa** foe taaay pear*. t#y coaevleitte I tad* lae (tett - peda me to my aa earkeat word la «h* *mtog me# <>f Macao and th..*.- who u»ed to be young Men ho#eMly dlf fer oa thla ptobibltioa qoeatlon, hot [let every hotietrt. sober man thinking of voting the anti-prohibition ticket -remember this fart: (bare are but two rtde* to thla paramotmt qusaion beforv u» shall we have barruma or ao barrooms? j "No one denies that Ibrt do wretch ed harm. You see araund yoa day and night the wreckage of character and happln<-a« wrought by them. Ito too my. Of course l am oppowd to ItarnaHoa and would vote against them If we could get them out of every . ounty In Georgia?* You might a* well refuse to hill the rgttlemake your gate until you can kill every snake lu Georgia at one blow. Th* logic I* Identical. Horn** honest men are with you. but remember that on the amll-prohfbltlon aide are found tbej barrooms, the bum*, the toughs, the luid houses and every Impure element lu tht* elty. "Thla I* true ami It cannot lie de nied Think of your mother Ju*t l>e fore the buttle, and do not. I beg you. be found on the aide of theae people and places, where you could not carry your mother, your daughter, your wife, your slater. Thl* is not mere sentiment—it I* heart. It 1* conscience, It I* Hotter common sense Hetnem l»er, too, that on the night of December Ist ; onr vote will be found in the bo* right by the yide of the ballots of bar keeper*. drunken white men aud drun ken negroes, aud . "Only the Master who knoweth all Can tell the two apart." and He will mark no difference, I think "Will you be found on the side of caioualng soldier*, th* saloon keepers, that gladly sell them, and all these wretched places that drag our young uien down? Or will yon be found on the side of the 1700 Christian women who sent that ignored petition to the mayor yes. and on < hP * l(,p of the churches, Wesleyan, Mercer and all that would life humanity upward? There I* hut one crowning Issue—bar roras or no barrooms? God help you to vote tomorrow with the pure und the good, with whom you hope to spend eternity. “Yours in earnest “Willie Upshaw.” Mercer University. Here is another of the campaign card*, tinder the heading. “Sensation Extraordinary": "There never was a more remarkable piece of verbal legerdemain than that by which the Anti-Prohibition meeting at the Academy of Music last night committed Itself unreservedly, though unintentionally, to the policy of pro hibition In this campaign, and uncon sciously advised pH of their voters to support the prohibition ticket. "They did so in the following lan guage ATtAirr.CS EXPERIENCE IK A PROPER GUIDE IN OUR JUDG MENT. FOR THE PEOPLE OF MA CON "Now, ihc only way that this qflv4oe can lie properly followed is for Macon high license voters to do what has been jijjaxsm t.a wmmjMjr*. in trt *k# PMb» . hmrnm i lii urn rnmm tlBN* |J|, JN MifyNt BB# ms ■ P. M' i*. ? !• tip mmmtm* «t INiMif r*pprk* •••■ | I Wlil*B fjpNfiNi (ft Hr. m■ tHBMPBWB * ®' TakHgrkpb Mr, HID M»»ka* of Mm ao Botleokawtaa ood Ik oddrtapk to that | sold otker mm to imrt to kta ortt* 11>0» Mr Mary*.* tkot «»• ' |j nboaar g>d oil of bl* kMttaf «"* of j ! • paper that •*. writ'* a Ik T**o# »»d i that b# bod a ropy «f fV NFf * r . Mc.rohsy - ika oegrort sad ItM iokßa b# b»k* j ibras atlrtod »a- • \ The prvdtlbutoalst* bald o M*Mlag to lb# Haptlsl rburtb tbta uxwatßg a' Id o'rlorh ood aaat* tb'a aft#raoo« at %, All of 'he kteMbora *»f *be oatl *• loots league or# Of mm% »ad Ibey •earn determ'acd to carry thr taatrM. Tka Aotr* Rig Ma*ting Although ••!( a few h-iilM’ MNksa Had bn# girt*, thr IBtl-pnhtUtSml*l» Ail ed Ibe Academy of Muale loot night I The meeting waa coltad la the lateieat of the twisltteea melt who believe that > r .hiwtt -n w • uld be destrui tl*' •• thetr loteteatg. The ream u I Inn* which were adopted without a dlaeeotlng mire were the . name aa those adof*te«l at last datur-, , day's meeting of the Chamber of (Ysm* i metre, but which were raiwqiswilr re- 1 Ivohad, They wear aa folloaa: ; Jdr. Pr.-skli-nt and Oentlemrn: "Tour committee |o whom was refer- Ired the suhjeet lavotced la the electbm to be derided on the Ist dny of Derewi tser, to dpi Ide whether the lt*tu»r trnf- | tic .ball l» lPenned ar prohlWted In i Itlbb county. relb-eaaed or prohibited In Itltib county, reapectfully submit that after a careful cnaoMeralton «*f the (lueatlon th**y ar* of the opinPm that a* the repreaentatlves of the buatnea* In- | tereata of Mai-un and of Ita Inveated i.pltal, we fully juatlfy by declaring clearly on an issue that involee# tt»** i bualneaa conditions of Macon. I "The business men of Macon are an- ; I i-humt here by Investment. —are held ! here Ity tie. not eaalty louacaed what- 1 ever, therefore, adds burden, that pla ce. them at a disadvantage in compe tition with other cities: whatever maltea fiw tin* development and maintenance of business; whatever ntahea for pub lic order or the reverse, Is, In our Judg ment, a proper subject for this organi sation to consider. "Actuated by this view, your rnm mlltep And that the Issue pres-nted the business men of this city In the com ing election Is whether the liquor traf fic shall be permitted In Bibb county under a license system and police su pervision or an unlicensed and unlawful ■ traffic. ■ Tig traffic under a license srg|rin . and police supervision Is kept within I proper limits, and yields a revenue which defrays a large portion or pub-; lie expenditure. The burden of expemll-j ture Is Inevitable whether we have a licensed or unlicensed liquor traffic. It costs the city of Macon Itn.OOO amiunlly to maintain Its police force. Cnder present conditions the revenue derived from saloons, wholesale liquor dealer* and brewers constitute about of thla amount. The police force most be maintained. Indeed, It Is hurdly ad equate now, and with an unlicensed liquor ttsiflic would probably not he suf ficient. The present cost of maintain ing It and the probable Increased cost under prohlbltkm would be an addition al burden placed upon renters who are now burdened to the limit. Nor is this all. "The experience of other cities, nota bly Atlanta, proves .that prohibition Is not effective: that the Illicit traffic 111 liquor Is certain to follow the aboli tion of the licensed saloon, und what Ir known as the "jug trade" takes thousands of dollars out of a commun ity that never returns and causes more liquor to be used than under a licensed system. Atlanta's experience Is a prop er guide, in our judgment, for the peo ple of Macon. The business men of At lanta who contributed money, time and their best efforts to carry prohibition In Atlanta, after two years of bitter and costly experience. raSt their bal lots for a license system under police" supervision. Such men us-Capt. J. W: English. ex-Mayer Good win--and many other prominent eUisehs: who prohibition when it was put in opera*, tion in Atlanta say that after a fair tri- Al It ptioved a costly failure and tjint tt licensed system under police supervi sion is the best method of handling the )iqu»r traffic.- _ , u . ... .Juaev.. I * I f k \vfTzk 4 M |g| g| gefc. ajft-ji'-t**- if •%!< m* •*"«***«*.» -*» *+*&*******BWl n - t yip *mm mm T S&ir 2X wmm **?[■■ * OREESON OUT TOM COOLEY IN Pffilliirk Air •» H#t •» Ym Pt#t« ii Sgranafc. A Chaa*» There t hat th Ml Prove a Surprise t# k»vry «■# ceewita •toece WimaJ . Might Hand Ma# flirt at ortfc#. asVMtssh. On. Dvr, I—Thin mrtra lag Mt Thomas Coolay is Is char#* of ' th# w aieayer ayatem of th# rtty of . tiavMnsh. M# swree* At Mr. Henry K luewtos aho hsa l#e* I# offia* for th# past four ini*. This < bang* of offi cial# te lofcad upon se very atgaiArsat ,It rvslly starts th# political ball roll : :#g for th# r impaig# of I«M, Th# of- Be* to which Mr. Ctootoy >wrr#»da to dlrortiy Is th# gift of f'ommtealnoec of Pvbllr Win k* Wllllsk. Th# appoint ment t ome, from him. Tk# ehaag# la : official* I* going to rati#* something of a political ■rnastion Mr. Dr###on'a friend, wilt be #urpria#d St hi# going oat sod Mr. Cooley'* friends will b# aa greatly surprised at bis going hi. Tk# fart that there to to b# a rkang# In th# ulkre of superintend#*! of tb# senvhn grr depkrtmettt ao soon ba* been Nwpt very quiet and the publication of The news yesterday afternoon was tb* flr«* Intelligence many who are supposed hi be on the Inside got of it. An effort was mad# yeaterday to net- Mr, Willlnk in reggrtl to the change, hut he nould not be *r n. It to tindcr atood. however, that be baa advised friend* of bi* intemiou of making a change Mr. Dreeson has. during th# four year* that he ha* been In charge of the office, given the city good sorvtce. Ha ha* been looked upon a* a fixture In Mr. Wtllink a official family. Dur ing Ihr campaign two year* since It* w»a a firm and active supporter of Mr. Herman Myers In tbs contest for th* mayoralty. Mr. Cooley * very well known In Sa vannah. He I* the proprietor of a grocery store on Klver and West Broad street*. He ha* alway* taken great Inter*#! In local polities and dor- Ing (h» Meldrim-Myers campaign ! worked hard for MaJ. Meidrtm. He had large Interests in the section of the [city to which he rertded nt the time. That Mr. Cooley ha* aspired for some Itlmc to the place has been known for 1 several day*. The Strcnnoah Press sta -1 tcA over a week since that he and Mr. .lame* McGuire wished to succeed Mr. Dreeson. Maj. Meldrlm staled, when asked about the change, that he hod merely heard such it change was contempla ted. He did not know whesi it would occur, If at all. Mr. Dreeson stated to the Press of this city thl* afternoon that ho hnd tendered his restgnaton to Mr. Wll llnk and hat it would take effect at i once. He states that he hop#* his ser vice* In hi* capacity as superintend ent of the scavenger department have been satisfactory to the people of Sa vannah. as he believes they have. OASTOnXA. B»r» th. Kind You Hate Always Bought Brotherhood Room*. Reading and writing rooms for the soldiers have been opened by the Bro therhood of St. Andrew of this city, |at the southeast corner of Broad and Mclntosh streets. 6ver Christopher Gray's, front room db Broad, and the soldiers to town ar# invited to drop to and spend a pleasant time, reading writing and smoking! New Maple, Now .Orleans anti Ortcr cia Syrups received at JLamkin & ■■ - - t w‘ W A— , RtORCANIZING F mt MILITIA 1 fi#» t* tkf tUf ?t«l kkfi It mmi Ik itlf n»(* IMAM* IM •##• taetaMl k Ye* timn m *9m m* mt&m* mm 4 - **# mH (MN# mmoo- tKKtmtmm am I«t • t M m mmmmmrnm* wmm* i wmm* • in«§- mmmtm mw* f'in mt twmm f 1 %* m mm* iiMMi ■ mt t mm** w fBN-s*NP Immi *i» ****** mm m inb mmtmmmm w mm"t tmt t♦# » • \t*o > mm* « it **r<*-**' ill *-*.*♦< * tw* ## *m ini Wtm mt 4 m~g t ew mmi mt9'#*H iMNriMI f%* «mm*+* In *it «*# rnfrm* I ( iltt ••qiiH B*»* *4 ri 2 w t t,>n4ri |r i w%** • T 1| * M 9 §kp tm*-* 1 1 <j«’ tfi* fit* ImMamt jC'pf toft* ■?#*'*• *4 ml j *tt ' »* i» h 1 * f%# B 4|"*l i ,g*| |#|* b** fNS< . dji i »iii«i frtt ##4 tm wmf tm ptm f|jW !• f •e It k MM MfMlk fk#t k- wUI k# ■Mend tm t set of lb# e«nw-* «f Ik# t elteM MM•• »• * ***Y» M *t#i#4 by fw Ok#*# r<»*e»d#l f *■ *' tk* i ■»# n*" *• ™' tr * '* *"* grew** n#n#M* annwiw w# #»(****•* »- * tk#r woal-t k» MW *b# «wwk*»#M ,Hptk* Ik • 'YMT (krt#l It** Tk# i ir***trt of r#** hmm - , wemtnr ta th# nnb reel*•#•'- koa wol b##* "■•'['l Hl* cotwm aa'on »1M pr«k#hly •» t'*f felted Tb'a Will h*»* tk# Fifth Te%- Intent wHfcow* a Min#. Ort t'#Odl*» ■ MtlkOa# hi fWMMOtId 'lJeut* Tom Haatlag# A. O Mar hat sad W J. Pr##ton all oftatbtrt to lb* Third rwctMwnt. rnltoA Mate* volant sera, have not teoderrd fh#lr reelgaat leas. Me#' **. B- *"»#•• more'awd of Co P Fifth regimen'. Oeorgla volunteer#, la with Kay e Im mune* la Cub*. H# boa not been beard from Lieut Barnard V Broylea. of tb# Aiiaota B't#u. »od Meut. G. C* Herb, of lb# Gut# City Guards* have t»ndar«d tbelr restgaatlooa They »r» oat con see ted with the wat tonal a#r : vie*. , *'A number of resign at k«s of officers In all pans of tb# state have been re vived There are many, however, who have not been beard from and their eoutmlaalona #lll he forfeited after H#c. 1 A military man aatd last night “ 'While the lack of appropriation may not materially affect (he militia of the state. It will prevent any eneamp oirnts for two y«tra and I bellere the soldier boys will lone Interest In the mllltla The troopa are fairly well tquipped anil ihelr arm. will remain with them No money will be expend ed In buying new arm* and those com panies which are not equipped aril! have to watt for at lewat two year*.” Two Pointed Questions Answered. What la the use of making a better article than your competitor If you can not get a better price for It? Ans.—As there la no difference In the price the public will buy only the bet | itr. ao that while our nroßts may he smnller on a single sale they will be much greater In the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make la the heat” ff both articles are brought promin ently before the public, bath are cer tain to lie tried, and the public will very quickly pass judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. The people have been using it for years and have found that It can always lx- depended upon. They may occasionally lake up with gome fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but ure certain to return to the one remedy that they know to be reliable, and for toughs, cold and croup there is noth ing equal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. It. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Card of Thanks.| To the Bdltor of The Evening Herald- Sir: Please allow me to thank the white friends of this city for kind words and help at this time, and to Messrs. Force & Chi for substantial help. 1 have nothing to fear from the hands of Southern white people. Yours respectfully, GAD S. JOHNSON. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. Welcome Soldiers. The St. Patrick's Catholic Library Association extends a hearty welcome to all the soldiers of the winter camp to stake the!? hall headquarters whtie in Tile city The sotdfers will find a wSrm weleome •at the association banding Oof prices on suits only tuvo-thiixls what others charge. E» J. Hcnrj; & Co., spot ca#ll tailors, . JP M <Fkfck *i'"A r - stop* TMD dll* *l4* «♦»■»'* >** «*m as tk* <F** : * ‘ j aa.»-«uwa«> «a «## wTjlHH 44 *** | *%• #«• yfMg Wo-dk- A knt# #4 4»* ■ , # (BMP’ *nmm« mm t mmmm* mm* -» «!, -* BD* IrtWBrtHIB *• 1 **9 *'*4 iB-N** #»# Ik**# #- - iMNpD ?m r .-mini mt Wmm wmm tv*#* ' m%m#m * * DITUAY ion WANT SO : w4KTfHMN-'itiry* j *rm*n -mm mmmmrnm \ .114% m# kddi ’I %•* ■„* *%m tm** 41 mm - iiMipink fi iffit mmnnnf 14 aDk %#*mri ««'*«•*•• : . « wrtka §*:-**■;,*• mm Urtiiiin tb* I mt wm pa*i a t-n mm bn i* ftftwii i ■ *dd mmrnmm # *■ ilttimii tftmmw mmmm- > i * **4 mm wmt BflNnmb tm mmw t* t* b? 1 Hu## 4 |p t» ftmmM'U" mt rtrtPrt «# 9 * r***-- «ti • NkFffi* mtmmm 44 ti! m t Hi t/mmm** I’Mint >< i * B|tm Mk Mj... a % 4','ji -«• J) |.» A «n hWTwst* wtmm or 4 MV mimi» .•1 m p**m mm mm gjf#** ti., «d#d it#-* **4 «4N* 4dd i WAMnrKt*" PfTt’4Tl* *M 44 Jl^ltrttt W 4MT iST* Pf Tf J % Tto M 44 <%• »% [ HELP WANTED t mmtfr 41 «MPf 4»v Crt4l Ml Utn ~ TO RENT yog HIM! egg ON TWO Roßgg ihhm srttk ttot'*##*. AW kinks nf bant, lag Aasw. MM Pba*. MM. Dec I TO U!T-TWt> HANtWOMR la lilt ur |s 1-1 (<tf BißDffc, •!! rtt'rtwn - DDiiDiDDirDD LkkmN 4b Hilly. <l2 ' Hr «4 kU**( • Grtc SI KsMtvi r»ifi Riorr. crkjikh w#us \ 184 ('vailßHlf fllfrrtS, rtwljr ftinisl* . 4«n lltdC flrttr 4a 2 1 roR HUNT -THft KK rottßKi. f*jr»il«ih« *l ar l ws» imily IncutWl o*» RniM Itrirt All sw4 ipn lßisniVFSN»ntt A44rwMi It rtr» HffftM. WOC I |tO RENT LAROR. KUCOAST ronm, sffftjr funi,•( SSS Hroid ! itrtct 4km* • FOR RKNT-S IWMUtrt AT m WAT KRH Btnvt »t 4 V** month. 4w M UOOVI roll TWO dENTLKMEX- Hon»li IS ulicsp. *ll*l two H»vd> rtrtMM fitr rwni •( 14 W»lhtn* I FOR SALE CttF-AM —CRffiAM AT M JACKSON FT. Fort BALE PAPER FOR WKAP PINO purposes■ Ch#*p#vt In city on# rent a pound. Apply at Herald office. Both white and news-paper. Nov I FOR SALE—IiM-ACRM FARM. ONM mile from city Itmlta. a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jonaa. No. H 4 Jackson St. Oct 1 CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAPPfNO purpose# 1® cents a hundred old eg- Changes. Whits paper I cent a iKtund. Nov 1 MISCELLANEOUS^ wanted—second hand shelf worn and damaged goods to sell un commission. Good market and price. H. H. Sontag. Denmark. ». C. dec 7 MR. n. W. H.J PLEASE SEND ME your address. F. i. 8., Bamberg, S. C. TAKEN UP-1 BLACK PONY. OWN ,q- can get *nme by calling at M? d'Antlgna street, and paying damages, dee. 1 Special Notices; Hied DIED—JUDGE JOHN T. SHEW MAKE at his late residence, 41* Greene street, at 1 o'clock a m., NOVEMBER :!«. Funeral ar rangements later. Special Notice. Office of Augusta Belt Ry- Co., Augusta. Ox., Nov. *, IS9B. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at a special meeting of the stock holders of the Augusta Belt Railway Company, called according to law, and to be held at the office of Messrs. Jos. B. & Bryan Cummtng, Dyer building, Boom, 428. in the City of Augusta, Ga., at twelve o'clock, m., the thirteenth day of December. 1898. the question of the increase of the capital stock, will be considered. TTIOS. K. SCOTT, President. Carlton Hlllyev. See. & Treas. Inwrmßoo 7 : PffCt FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty In Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 per cent. For further Information ree their attorney at law, P. J, Sullivan, Es., or Mr* P* G - Burum, ( DfCCMBf* I PORTNER*B Hoi t*VAU end VII .SNA CAMM.r HHANOi O9 Export Beers are the best **e soh fete. 9 tMtA*» dam> tuirni Stf* ’N WAkok, tm§ "Dv J Ml Ml al rtrtffi MMk |UP wrti t t ”M **C IUItO\, mmmm AUMBI f ft AM CAM)V FACtOtV M tmr*—f IB# Fkrrtlt *T. Bl« AT. * Mil At iA'IMa M Ike MUrt. HIM |# *##k #• Mkk. Fee 'd. Mrwke# ?**»«## tarts l#*rt** t#*f #*«## BeM 'Fkawe Sw. Ilj*. Tie Sunday Herald IS A PAPER FOR NEWSPAPER READERS. The kywi al Ik# CMy, Tb# Met #f tk# t«gy. Ik# k#wa trt Ik# Mat#. Th# Y*w* ed lb# * arid. Ik# S*wa #1 lb# I #M#4 Mate* TSFiiiailS IUIHEM ROMP!" Nick to be able to put a Suit on a boy that you won't have to worry about for fear of the wear-and tenr of his Clot nee. Suits like these are wanted by every mother. 350 SUITS made from AH Wool Fancy Cassimeres and Cheviots. Every seam sewed firmly. Good looking, good wear ing. Take your choice of the lot at $3-00 LuSYLV ESTER. IMEKESTINO HEMS It 1* stated that equirtvls are becom ing very common In Ireland. Landrails have been exceptionally numerous in various parts of the Brit ish Isles this season. Seven hundred and six cats were ex hibited at the recent cat show | n the Crystal Palace, I»ndon. One-half of the windows in Dawson CKy are without glsss. A small light, 10x12 inches, readily brings T 3. The consuls In France report that Indian com as an article of diet among the French peasants is being replaced by chestnuts. The amount of available pensions In North Carolina this year is $120,000. The number of pensioners has consid erably increased. From a Knranc Interpretation Mos lems are ferbidden to have shades to their unshaded eyes, hence the absence of the peak both from the fez and the turban. The Ptnninptnnink Ccal company has on exhibition at its offices at Clarksburg. W. Va., a lump of coal ta ken last week fronjJ.ts veins weighing oven 10,000 pounds. In the forests cf Guiana dwell some very large and exceedingly ttrocioua black ants, which throw up hills fif teen or twenty feet in bright. They will not hesitate to attack man. and theit' headquarters are usually given a wide berth, ej ß *. -st”x —..-