The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 01, 1898, Image 3

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THURBDAV THE LEGISLATORS IRE VERT MID fltfii In I fiUnrf i Wm Up Ip ***** t# h»>» um 9%mb PrN*.t»*« K»akUm» PtUIANU Ol $ 100.000 TV' Hiatus tis is« Vndfh’i vtflvM I halt aW»\e *'. '1 th,. tolrtl ; *<lu. tlnn ulll u ItrtUl RW* 'AM men, dm t*. tin reel Beffrtl Iks »<du - Unn n Kon.nn* tn the •!'pr»<rtti«ll»n« ought l‘t It)lns • rsHurtloß of 1 »•: will* In the tax rate. I» U* •rtwol* are not • i all and the penalon* ere rut aa In dt--at*4. there tntuM n- a reduction of Sjee.ona equal In one-half mill. If there la a .uniFt' nils' and iV* school fun<l la Iknn.OOA. Ihere mould l<* a irduvtlon of tan mill ■ In a military year the practical «Ip- In* out of the military .'und would he a subject of remark It la said that the militia furnished hut a small proportion of th-* volunteer fortes contributed hy this state to th» dpanlsh-American wat. an I this fa-'t may have had somethin* to with the abolition of the fund- It seem* that the appropriation was first fixed at IT.WO and riend* nr the military eatabllahment said the legisla ture might a* well cut it all off Then cut* to 15.,000 and 12.W0 were made sur • eeslvely. and when the committee ad journed the figure *2.500 stuck A* to Pensions. Ur. MorrJ* Brandon has been making an exhaustive study of the pension question preparatory to the discussion of his bill placing all pensioners upon an Indigent bads. He has token tln tension roll* for five counties including municipal and rountiy communities, and has compared them with the tax returns o's the pensioners. The result shows that 20 pur cent of tlie pensioners return theli property at and above *9OO. The total number In the five counties who draw pensions Is 22* and the number whose property Is return'd at *9OO and up-vatd Is Mr. Brsndon has copied the tax re turns In each case and a considerable number of them run from $4,009 to lIH.- .11*1, He says the returns are generally under the actual value of propet ty and that som- of the pensioners are prob ably worth a meat deal more than thy tax books indicate. Mr. Hardin N'crris. clerk of the drug Store nf R. Shoemaker, Perry, 111., says: "A man came Into our store the other day and said. ‘I want a bottle of that stuff that saves children's lives. . The children rray get sl'k when we j cannot get the doctor quick enough, j It's the medicin - you sell for croup." : He alluded to - Cough ; Remedy, and bought a bottle before he left the store. For sale by Alexander j Drug and Seel Co., C. R. Parr of Bell j Tower Drug Co. ACCIDENT AT SANDERSVIL' e. | Infant Daughter of rir. and Mr* J. J, Carter Seriously Burngd. (Saealai ui The Herald] Sandersfille Ua . Dec, I,—Dr. H. Newman Gellehet. *• old S»udm-gvtUe boy »nik a son t>\utir worthy cltizyn. (BREASTING □bv THE lIDE. i jM| *m* ■ 11 » As -ii Wf lIM *#•#* •M* *o*9* ********* ** ***** m*X*9o* f otmmH *** §■**•! ***** (BMP®* ; tfim <9*o*** Hi* 00f**0- pmmm*** VMmi rfft’iiv fl w*m #*♦#“* #» mm ml. ********** ***** "IBM# MBmMM t***m*m *** fftPt****** IMMW Mm J«*» Wmm M * f*** - fit • • ****» -pm t ***9** ***** t*Mt« Mi mtipUß* Mini- I t*Ml :K iif'-'MiMi l jHM -4 jh#Mf <W# ♦ *-# #MI IWN* #•***•** **#ff *!•*** “ !k 4*l <tr»*r*i I •**■«** P* M«n «*** k |V r» *• uSsSIS>■ P- <m klfkll. IWS rsM *• H • «•*•* •wkttkl risk I ?#fe a s I rw. t*»e fssgw All Aragsest* «rtl l>fa*k ■fn) afmu Itw sed flv* year* es- Mr It C. Robson «• ebter tbe »er Maibls and MrHriO- have opt#**™ | gust a *n>r» a#d are daily re. cm ng and wmAow-framea also Abe easung Whan the gsrk ta properly •rrtninl this attire will present a very attrac tive appearsme. Or K B Holme, hs- moved hi* deatsl parlor* from the Harris bmltk ia* to the Holt hulldiug Mr. A. J. Cadle, of Wsdley tndsv opened a fresh meat market He sill supply bis customers s <th home-ralaed end Western beef. • The Florence gymphnny dub is pro gressing gdmlrsbly under the Instn-c --tlnn of Prof Cbsrlea Adsmion Thin band, tbomlpooly teu days old. played a polka at "Th* Old Folks Cmrert." given Isat Thursday evening ai the Auditorium , After Jan t. 1«»». all Aj*h baloggiog to cltltena of Ssndersvllle will T*e tax ed. Tbs city fathers have so decreed. Mr Hyrnie Hymes left yesterday for Savannah, where he has accepted ;* position. Mr Hymta Is * sterlinK young hue:ness man and RsnderavTTle rtgre.s tc lose him. Mrs. T . J Be* k. of Teaoille. is vis iting her dsi-ghter. Mrs, A. Chsm blee. Tou ran get s fine suit cheat! for cash at E. J. Henry A Co.’s, 21S and 211 Campbell utr***!. |\ CiriZl N’S LOTH 1:5 A Soldier Slipped Off f rom Camp, But Wa* Discovered. In a suit of citizen s clothe*. Private J. L. Lewis of Camp McKenzie thought be could outwit th? provost and police, and so slipped off from camp last afternoon, and on arriving in the city proceed'd to enjoy himself. He was arrested by the police tad .chile at the barracks it was discovered that he -vas a soldier who had Lft camp without permission. The p ovist took him in charge and he will be punished by the camp authorities. I ire at nertins. Half of hts store is filled with Fur nishings, Woollen Undershirts, Soc’ts. etc and the other half Is filled with the' finest Woolens for Suits. Trousers and Over Coatings. These goods are not burnt, but if you buy th?m they could feel as if you were on fire. 924 Broadway, opposite Planters' Hotel. SOLDIERS VS. C. L. A S. Game of Indoor Ball at St. Patrick’s Hall Tonight. The C. L A. team will play a pick ad tuem of Indoor baseball players troT the enth Ohio regiment at St Patricks nail tonight The game prornises to be, one of much intafast- Tomorrow night the Sacred Heart cartat,* g-fll a**i« play the C. L. A. buys at the above hall. THBS *A. U OUKI A HIUKAUD GOUIO CASE IN NOW ON [ft* M Vra la* at j I ti< |it Mi |MiMs M MMMi MMMI 9~ • MittMfe* 0 I imMpm M | M* *P* fist- *#*s«i»isi 11a* tl-uid Tost Vote*. porter* labia to her tight »Mrt<*r>k Hrt ben. k* i ikarfe J Itonlit la I , K T M> t*r»r her during a •reastaeut scene* ware eaa. ied.aad the «le«f<cmr* mint The exeats les.krg up to the fetal Cody »** the trading sntrlt la the pro Mr*. Got!ld bis acknowledged wife gad rted a y-ortng woman at Rot*»< * "util, allrg d to h* a Mr* Ann Angell wb < hv him bad a dr ugh er, who now re - const!tried a soli to recover fur Mrs Migrll bn ttkbl of iktsera* th* widow of Jay Gould culminated in a confea ecß by Mr*. Angell that she hnd nev er married bint Indicted Because of I etUra. Mrs. Cody collected the evidence. 10- g-'her wilh Amasa J Parker, of thTa Hty. aon of ev Sen.itct Parker, who we* «o r.*i-e‘ve from Mrs. Cody one half of the sunt which shr would re i-yver fnm the fiovld ertoie. The In dlctmen: fount e.-t-lnsi Mrs. Cody was lias, d nn two lettais which she wrote to George Gould and Mins Helen Gould from Gris city In IS!*;, when ihe pro cts-dings wet*- p»nd ng, in which she sirted that resndal wes eu aw ful thinu in be spread that she was no; desirous *f prosecuting the ruse and causing their family further an goyanea; ihst witbeut her aid no atic rrfaftll issue odd be cbtrlned against h*i- father's will, ami inviting them to see her In their interest. The prosecution is being conducted by District Attorney Cook. Assistant District Attorney McCormick, of this c ty, end De lasnrey Nlcotl. D. D. Duu can sn* John D. Lindsay, of New York e ty. Mrs. Ccdy'e attomey is H '('. Dugen, one of ihp most successful crlmlnr.l lawyers of the Albany coun : ty bar. The major portion if the day was taken t'P in the thawing of p jury, which 1* composed principally of farm ers from the rurai districts cf tlie ! county. Ore of the men questioned bed never heard of Jay Gould, and an other had no knowledge of the exist ence of any stub person ns Miss Helen i Gould. Geo Could on the Stand. George J. Gould was placed on the intend and Identified two .otters re ceived by him from Mrs. Cody—one in February. .890 (ere of the incrimin ating letters), and the other .n Septem * r . 1895. He was asked on cross ex i amine .ion if be had ever had any per ' sons! conversation with Mrs. Ccdy. and answered ip the negative. He was excised to catch a train for New York, 1 but will be recalled later, , Detective Murphy and Detective Ser geant Couch, of the New York Detec tive force who arrested Mrs. Cody, gave details as to that event. James B. Stearns, an attorney and notary public, of Rouse's Point, before whom the conferring of the power of attorney on Mrs. Cody by -Ylrs. Angel! anJ «n agreement to divide equally with her whatever cv»s obtained from • the Gould astate were curtiflpd, tastsad aS to Mrs. Cody's activity in eoonec- I lions. An - Koi't was- mad' bv Mrs. | Cody's attorney to have Ids ovirk.nce INASOCIALWAY 1 il \fIJF V; , li U}/ • dP I w Bm mm Mhe »**» Ha* ■« Ww i ladai, I |MB|| 4MI * ! * IklvmMi |bc*itk lIMMVt •' t 1 9*mn (KM IM UNH* mkhmn muglt tfMMMtMI fit t «f |lm< \flrt g Mtw • m9i tf* ’» tIMNa »«*i Im*. fn*e!i la (htikMk NMMMwt*** Maiittnt ioil Ml seflftit • *MH la * \ s-aaHWtflwm a ai i! «•**•** aiflou* tbcNafM fat tile iiwt of tfM- nf* «M<ialiiag aad #ii#te o*' r ***» H nit* Ktifa i ollt g «w tt»« t« H»li ma*t of boo Ho ind f*wr toe retjiiireat bia ot •mm UI life a* tffr*’itßifd a the rtiret nnil ottioefiU i«e, ohq •e.r into **• * ty . hat brier snd brains count for more than sumptuous ra *r«-nt. the one «rrl may wear purple and fine llrmi. and the next one tin*** -wootney and pet both will stan<l on the sane foot ing «o far as externals are cobc.rneil l„,-t of all in weighing tbe arsuoients in favor of co l-ige, those fcalurea in which hooks play no part will he twr https the last grains u eded to ti*i*n the *s:»le. Aiid what arc these feature*? The advantage* pf fhle jusociftion; thu lifelong friendships which have h-re their beginning. ib«* heallhfnl friction of mind* agalust mlndr, the lessons of *elf control and f-1' rell- Htice: the finding one’s proper level, and then th-- jo, s of field day and float day. emits, golf, wheeling and fe-nl nlr.e athletics, generally. The conclu- Kion r» iii hp*l that u g> 1 1 if to go to college, two things follow In order- - j cholc- of college and th- manner of j preparation for entrance. In the mat- j ter of choir- of college there is very j little advice to lie given. The v-q-1 rrac's college has not yet teachel thej r-haim of tradition; a girl bardt." vet chooses a particular lostl tntion lie cause H was her nother'a Mater, and athletics ui not titlticlenlly devel oped to exercise positive Influence. I'nless there Is’ decided piedli?etlon for eo-educatlon. auch as Cornell and , Arn Arbor offer, Vassm. Wellesley | and Smith present equal facillUe*; Bryn-Ma vr Is patterned more after t he university Idea: Itarnard and Rndt-liffe appear perhaps ag appendages to mns colleges, and though their advantages are excellent ihey lack as yet th ' full rxduded on the ground that he ha T acted In the capacity of attorney for her, but Justice fire gory admitted the testimony. The matters developed were of a preliminary eharacter and the court adjourned until tomorrow. HYACINTH BULBS -I CI.II'H. i -Bo< I'M, MAIM ISM'.-. I'RKESIA, OXAIJS, SNOW i ROl'S ne<l oilier choice Spring Blooming Bulbs should be plumed now. ('all on u» for them. JARDINIERS. We have o prelty a»rortm*nt of the latest deslens f’rlce* rtasonaWe Hyacinth Glumes, Wa'ering and Flower 1 0>S. Flower amt Ve-<:tahle Garden Tools. * Ground Bone Meal—a line fertilizer for Vi gel shies and Flower?. We sell any quantity from j nourids to a ton. Csorgiu S«d Kye 1 per btiahal. Remember ao arc th- on'y exclu sive 'feed house in, the city. ALEXANDER SEED CO tz,i BroAd Bell Telejihonc tXT7S. - Mt 'M t i i»ii i - ft *4bv«iiM ' »■<**'- *►«• mm b>Rii'''«<Bß J>h*«j gpMHftwswm* *#»' naa tn*** <" ♦**■■ *• | NKm## Km m f%M|MNNMNNN9 |HP MM *#*| Hrnwi ** Mitlt «#> m 4 *# ft* ***** : I,*#**♦***?» -«*MMk>^»»».*• 9 Ml # ***** ] T |B»« t tut* JkcSbrl* Kpif MUMM j Um&***4 ** m HUMnj ] MfMMkt I tft«<** Am* #%,« - -tHMdiHI MIMwM Wl | *m Ufa* nrrM*lMf #*4* ••!.##• w 9 It** \ Miftl-tk ’ ißk f l##’ *tiU Ml*# ifc* , . g |fa» fMitPifa 1 ***** ImHH MPtMV Ifc***!# I *-! f* f R MM f 5 ; * M pPMM * * aMmm* li-g-gpiw- |m* lIMHM tMMM m t M ftkr IfMM-i MmilHa KM Ms •tW| l«f|f* P’l ilnr Hi ihr Udirn How#* jMHrni t Golf iiinrnamriit. ’t|(l HA'ii IMlit* p AfNI IB* lalBHi 1 Pfl l ’ imfav ii'lertHNio. |wc*tibrr 3rd, Iron Si' r John Mi mi The sfitnooo will of vlaltors will drive out. and lea and . andwiehe, will Ih- set veil f a r Notes. j Th* voting lontesl for the most •Nipulsi ofllier Is ihe most InieieMlng ■ feature of the fair The leuding *a | voriles are (/apt. Hartman. I.t Prlee and I.t. Ingils. o 1 lug to an H-ehlen! to oil.- of the I hiarkets. the hai* am! coats checked ; Ja*t night were hopJleksly mixed »tp. Th ’ oung ladles in charge declare | ti nt everything will he syatenxgtiealfjT I arranged hereafter. It has been suggested that it would | be a good plan to have a committee on reception at the fair who would In troduce strangers and so make it more j pleasant for them. It i> probable that I 11. Herald’s str„- ' g-hi 100 that afternoon concert# hy the viii ions I'eglmental hands he given dal ly at the fair will be carried out. Mrs. William Williams, of Rlurk sheni. ne.- Miss Slone of Augusta, is. visiting friends in the city. Miss Annie Wright of Atlanta’ is the guest of the Misses Wright on lower. Broad attret. Mrs Wills-!' Rogers of Chattanooga; is thy guest of Mrs. 11. H. d Antlg- j nac. Mrs. Mobley of Mllledgeville Is the, guest of Mrs. Howard. Miss Cattle Beane Is visiting friend®, in Columbia. A HEADLESS BODY | Police Do Not Think the Man Was Murdered. Ne’.v Volk. Dm-. 1. - The headless body of a man was picked up in a i lian i no I off Red Hook Point, Brooklyn. v<-h- I tet lay. The body is now In the morgue. Captain Cullen of tin- Hamilton ave nue station, said that the body had been In the water about six months. H dld not think that tin- man bad been murdered. The body wus dressed in a black ov ercoat, black frock coat, black trousers and vest. The underwear was blue and of tin - material. In the overcoat pock et was found t> bass on the Third ot ,-nue Elevated Railroad in this city II had been iisuen to .1 H >- on March lv, IS9: The adveTtiswhant of the restaurant at the Maso/dc Fair presents an array ,_,f good utiUi«a rarely equalled. Hvot'V ‘tltituf in scusou is oieffontly s'-ived . j-lve tin- ladies in cbaiue a call. gFni%l<M . ‘ yP y§> Toys! Toys! Th# l*rg#«t Rtoch of To»»»v»r brought to Au#t<#Ue Th# pf tat mrm th# iowml #v#r put upon t>o not for##! my pi#cm wh#n puftth##»ng for th# II on**. My #wwortms*nt of C#li##»« »uch th*t you «hould h#«r It in miml Pound Ffud C*»t# #oM L#«*y F>fl|«n or# my #p#c»*it»#*- H. H. CLAUSBBN. 1002 Broad St. B«f Did Fm Ihe Milselw 1 AT MANUFACTUHtH-3 PHICIL*k. f —~ Ilf %tHgl! 4tl* *H* foM Tiunk», Hjo. Drehs Suit Ci'«. Pocket Book). Puthcf. Lie. - likl'tlllVi l*Y 9XI Birr tHI M» MAkbße iuisii Tmt Fiiiiry, - MASONIC FAIR RESTAURANT CPEN FROM 10 A M. TO 12 P. M. Everything choice can be obtained that the market affords. All dishos are prepared by a rhpf. A supply of Choice Oysters al A/ays on ha nd and served in fine style. A fine Lunch or Meal can be had at a small cost. The ladies in charge will carefully look after all orders. I’ROiiABLY OPi.N ON lolls. Ihe Ron-Air W ill Have a Busv Season Tbe Hotel lion Air will probably opeu on the tenth of this month. The I b|>!ovemeuts on the hotel bttildllfg that have ben in progress for some time are almost cotnieted The roe perts are that even with the addition made to the hotel. It will be all that that famous lioetelrle can do to ac commodate the many who will stay there this winter. The receipts at Valdosta of seu Is land lot ton have fallen off u great deal in the last three w.>ek*. und i; Is be lieved that the hulk of the crop has been marketed. Tlifee weeks ago the local receipts ever fifty pr cent greatet than last yar th sam- date. Now they aie !rs*i, showing that the ileciease hn* occurred sine.- the first of November. Reports have reached Valdosta of a j new method employed hy the negroes Or that section in getting iutoxicailng drinks without too much cost. \ I gentleman from Clinch county was; 'talking about th. large traffic that is; going on In home-made wine, cane, liter, etc., and lie said that potatoes ; lare being used now to make a wine j jthai will make a man drunk as quirk j I almost as rye whiskey. He said that j ! the potatoes were cooked hall dote ' mid mashed up and allowed to far- j j nient. In a little while a drink would j I come that would satisfy Ihe appetite! of any man who wanted to get. on a! howling drunk. He says that a great j many sweet potatoes arc used this | way especially by the negroes. Ihe re ault is us bad h\ the rural neighbor hoods as the ,op.-n traffic in liquors. Miss Lulu llyne Wilson, ;i po-pulur social favorite of Waynesboro, Is visit ing her sister. Mrs. W. Tenuent Hous ton, on Greene. v X-MAS IS COMING w With what joyful anticipations we all look forward to that time, and we then verify the adage, “It 13 more blessed to give than to receive.’ What are you going to give your father, mother, sister, brother, wife or sweetheart? We can help you in that selection, and take pleasure in announcing that we will have our full Holiday line, open for inspection on Thursday, Dec. S, when you can have a selection from one of the largest lines ever brought to Augusta. Come early for the first pick We will be pleased to show you around anu render you assistance in making a selection. Don t forget the time and place. C. H. HOWARD, JR., - - 90 S Broad Street. DECfMHtH » a mmnm job wutta C LA tit w ****** «M mm mm •**•» «»*- a «MIMW» «*> ***** **& Wfr >-*&> in fc ff-ttrtt • ft«»- • m im ****** * ) **t**% iKIi gtn "OmM, *mo**t**m ***** **». ******* ■ -*■ *0 ..m+* i *m- *t~- ***** **** «•** flfaiiWi'- fern# *t ***** *M**o& ****&'•** A. I RENKL •T - : [[§"% CHILDREN S TEETH iltould re< i-i\ e r»‘fiUfat attention. It 1* not a difficult matter to direct th« growth of the tlmt teeth. Thin will In kuiv li.auty, soundness and freedom from pain in after year*. We make »pe i lal rate* for this class of work. The artificial teeth made by uh are c(iuul to the natural teeth In every re- Hpo. t. They defy dele* Him and will last for yearn. Kxamlnatkm and price* free. AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS, sis Broad stieet, AIUrFSTA, Oa. WOMEN WON’T VOTE The Suffrage Amendment Didn’t Pass by Big Figure*. Sioux Fall*, S. I>.. Dec. I.— Final re turn* hate bei it received from the va r|ou* counties on the constitutional amend mejita Hi.bmitieil at the recent election. Woman nutria**; was defeat ed by t.OOS and the South Carolina dls- Icmit i y ttys’-m by 986. while the Inltla j live mid refei ndum has been carried by a majority of i little over 6,000. The vote on the three amendments reached only about one-half the total vote polled at the election.