The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 01, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 THE AUGUSTA HFRAIQ ••M't totoftototototo *•»*•* W*M» fHI'P f>*f> •_ -►,«■«- «»«* •* •IH to »«#fffMA- y- ■###»» WWW* J#* #tototeto to* 1 < *•*“•*• 1* *>>## #*!#¥£ •*$ «* *«« *«• pte* mMm •iifi* yr ■;»»• _ y ppm«nm* #S® #*#»#(>* • 11 * "*"*4 ** #**•* - * * ***--■## *#|##*# l fimr i mil HO « ***»» l> P f Dll-*’ - to toato to# IN** *#•. **#» • %•**■«» m ' AItMAAO VWMA ffcggMMPl IfcM HSU I m*mm. mm mm . .. «H» *»» -mm HMi >»>—##* *»■ *?irt--f >ww »x«r» «* ||MtoMHtoK7IK:,;: MSstoMMI' * aw —— vim; will wo m«s mc*aaj> Ilk |M*U t< M*#* 1 *«»—> *M •**•##• * . * _ . _ ■ .. . {to it* ••####'•*'4fc * Hi# W#l*t I <►» I".# 'HI 0 Wl *Pt#tlA. '"|p ttK««k A* Ilk* Ws**** •*“• ... . . i* f*||kl ‘ metea At Ik* ■Bw i„ , Pit MMMk A* «to» 'W*#"* C*W«a*. Ik H, n q„*q ,*My - A* tto# H w ts*»- * «•• •*►,» »Wto A*#**•* Htoa*. •itrllMi kMHM t* *•#* TV. tteetohl «* M» 'na»*te k#4 ra»tr«to<te w«* "«•*» • *«•»*> I#****#* »*• -m* ** »*•# Mat • )«• tAM «to* to** M illti tow** Are •* **4 te k*« Hw Ttoftotato fetok A« all* Ito-ra •stetorstr muetettfcg «•* • *•»■ If • ftflM§ •#• l#t* # r *' fe*» t f**Mt tto** . •s*|*|P"#r*4 §*»#* HO #•* IMM*#* WiHfßf I Alt ifM nr 'inH Kmw-MN Ift ill Ult w iff ? Tilip 11WHf toVf pOfkH t*C4tlt Hi w*tf Ml four MMII rif«|» t<>niftfe* HiAwt toss m «•» of »>< <w# for * count* «f tortwss IMiK-r At rad M» (to* Vatican (• Uttar iy tonalll* In ktotrrtcato Bspan- AIM As* mft (to* iirsn are tosrsb «t(b Twenty will Ha* la tor* ratchet isttwl of mUilu CtoUAto* K#>, graadaoto of tkr au thor •< “Tar Muir Spangled Hastier." »• ilea* ;a Jl«si*a. Ami tos lb* < hsr*r Is rrsA* ttoal Afcwf *H4 r»<l front *u|>pll*e en iruM*«l i a itorlr *•«#. |*rf Mtrtobsn says ihat Aril sltrk by her huabs«<l unlit the trial t* o**»r. tout ttom-no more Moore. John Philip Sousa baa at last been ordered lir tnarrh up to the captain's oAce and settle with Mrs tiiakely. The mooey value of time consumed yesterday by the Atlanta Solon* In thnt "spirited debate." aould have paid frr several extra porters. Almost the laal reanlution of the Met bed Ist t unferenee was to order Its , views on the football question for warded to Vnnderbllt ttnlveralty. It waa a steamship named the Port land that first brought the news of the Klondike and now another Portland i* associated with tales of shipwreck and death, y A Montreal dispatch says that the Khan of Ptr has acknowledged defeat at the hands of the Mad Fakir of Swat. That's what Canada probably call* candor in an Eastern potentate. Paderewski'* visit to England will, be very brief and owing to a Russian trip, he will give recitals only at | lxrndon. Manchester. Huddersfield und Middleaboro. He is acid to be tn poor health. The fall of snow In New York In the big storm was ten inches and the fig ures for the last four storms are as follows: Keb. 18. 1 St*;! H inches Feb. 26. 1894 15 Inches March 2, 1896 Inches Jan. 28, 1897 inches The Detroit millionaire. Frederick Stearns, has presented his collection of musical instruments, numbering over a thousand pieces, to tlio roivers ity of Mleliigr.u. The collection exhibits, with hardly a break, the evolution of the three types of musical instrument# from prehistoric times down to the I resent. , Hall Caine say* In a Boston inter view: "1 have read crltlci&uis on my suit for havng uttered opinion* of ray own work, 'Ths CbrUuan.' whereas really 1 have maintained an absolute alienee 1 never have given my viewa on the subject tim i tin 1 do so consistently.'* fM ***** NAM i ■**»»*» to A *"«**« * * ’--**«.**• M HBP* j ■ to fife* Hhip>*** ** to toHßto Ml to# - ftIMH «n» *smms ***** turn hwh I*n**m*mmt1 *n**m*mmt «€ • J iHHpffriltWf sf iMMvb I *«r wtor* Sff •• JN» 9*P**% |i l|» h«t( rafcHto r*H«wto. HntHjVH4l««»4 itMf a#npt»wH •* !•<•» W*SMB*h4 « It** «l»Si ••• ’i 90 rtoMHMff'if INI isMi* 4 ! fW 4lf jptiwj HU 1 lino »•# SMSif full? . Hvhml Mil pm «H I* •** ’ thf h pmp *****lf 4<*)4to4 r«t* IlHrt It I «* *# jfrlMl H«l 10 li twm N NrlMf »f 4 M ftoflff* |<l |h HNMTtVfI If Imtm mg «f ut t i«M«wrKitofN*f( it 4 m»i fiw*f hto fufitU of lie fftfi I o t*l • #4KSI!• ! H*mru n*r* t»im* «oDrM. ib- onn| !<«4 tiMi pteitM bN tto lirtNi ftortto* iMK)U|> Tfci» ft* SOPtol fiitriri! I tom infdtoi ly folks*in* th«ws r*- ipafti ram# with #***l owtlaMi • lUIMMSU r.gardm* the srwrniy of ftimt* and tto* toactowardosm of «*H#> •, ll*M. j U m hr«a*it out ttoal *Mhy * : man goodly and Ofidljr eltlaen*. ■»* of itprt a lit nets and probity, who were aa prompt and punctilious * aMt'lw* j ib# otiogallowa of their lot*tn<»» Ilf# *as th%dat<w ot thcae obligation* raw. I would prw iaat>aa<# and delay In the matter of chim b autom riptltwa This I* to be ftogretted. The men who gave given up the I world gad it* puraulu to ante the ' Mini* of tbalr fellow-men mart live. (Their (s'Biles most he auppor.ed and [their children educated Bishop Ih*- can’t word* on the subject wer# tlgie ly and to the polnA da id the bishop j i-at those who subaerba for rellglou* jand chtirrh purpoaea pay up; let them l|w as prom id In theac mat tent a* In iheir everyday affair#.” And then the good bishop himself. The North (leorgla Conference has I< suae for congratulation *» having Its deliberation* preaided over by *ueh a man. j Scholarly in hta attainment*, of rl|te unction and experience, be possesses the right amount of guaviter In modo as become* a Chrlatlan nimUter, while in no way losing a bit of the fortlter iu re of the man of character and de cided conviction*. ».e wish the departed and dejiartlng I members of the conference fruitful field of labor In the com Big year, quickened consciences among their fold*, and godspeed. DECEMBER AT CAMP M’KENZIB With the North and West in the Icy giuap of King Bores*, with the news paper* filled with accounts of the j frightful damage and desolation of the ' bllttnid. mile* upon miles of telegraph and telephone wire* down, whole ; townships buried beneath the snow j drifts, with all the accompanying loss I of life, wit::t a revelation must he a day Ilk? this, and yesterday, too, ush ering in the last month of the year, bleak and drear December In the North, to the soldier boys from that lo cality at Camp McKenxte. And If the latest reports l»e (rue. that the volunteers are not to form a part of the Cuban army of occupation, until mustered out. they will In nil likelihood remain to enjoy the delight ful weather and climate for sonic mouths to come. December, for these soldier boys, ordinarily so cold and barren, will bo a month to lie long cherished In remembrance. The weath er bureau reports tell us what we are to expect. .lust about enough crispness In the air to make drilling a pleasure: just about enough bracing atmosphere to send the blood coursing warmly through the veius and not enough rawness to numb and purple the uu gloved handj. Just about euough warmth *ud sunshine at noon to make the camp fire or stove a superfluity. What a difference for certain of the regiment* now in Augusta. Instead of TH» TTOTTBTA HIIHALD i#o* kwang* tot ***** to*«** #*■ -• *tof*> «**•«** ***** a-ttftm. «•# «to» .«||< ' 1 % H|»: ffcrr.t 4mm * "** ' ***- : * (f* **P t * .s#- rpP-i M I MMi rm nit*w%Ai. ! totow oaUtoatM fton* i*w«w«i towm tig* lA# .INMKmnb t*flßN# H| IIhHMMH * MiRMK t »•'— (HMI* •*** Ml 'AHMNMiR [ inmmmnhpli Hi (Mhnm li M Mai i [ tmm HWHUllrr MM iff M*. M t* ? * |«« i*#i M MM# lIMMMMf I lb* | tot to toitoto# tNHHf * t tone |ttoi| 4MH v I AM Mi M'Wiif Mi iWMfi' M I|p M M» Mi MM** HMM M* Mi H* wpi *lMwi M • >«♦ t Ms MAP laPMPi. PMM #«*»»>* t»4 IfeMK '1 «|MM ••Hftoftor**'* om*** I W%*% P IRMMI IP PP’f BMPPIif *P- litoPP ". MMfHp «M flip pppff #PP * Pi* IP ip* pptoto|toP *tof IP* #*»#*•*• BP* pp.Plpi** a A A jj# tlpf fppfl iMpI pwppto'4 flfPMi MMPv MppPP mm tMIPM YMp tfK4 PMi wMMMP'IpM iP- Ps m| torlmpiM MMH * •PtoPPWHf ppM Hm ' pMplmpp ipmmmpp Alt Mis tppilppMpf Ml IMP topPP f-PPP* <lh Ml *Mp wMIPMPt lA | tiprMMiMM hmmm-' #MiiA It pppA'AM MPi tIMMI P fIMiIMMINIf #f *4* IP «*f •#•*** TMpv *• a «ltP< tM* Mitof K»sto»pp«| PUP IM# 4** I PMM > 'Pl HMI tPMPlff* Tlipi |p pit tM*f Mptto* plrtpi 11.. TM* Km cap pmil obmlM tfc# «*fl i** ipf' ft MB#t Apt# totflpt flrP|rfttoP. It ■iPi Apv# Ap<l pm Midai • tM# mpH4 l3#p (M# ppptfpfc TM* pptM fpppet Aid M IP tM# *B#t*4 PPIPM**MtMP **• the Frewrh to tto* Agwftcan*. I can a*y that there ta not on* word of irwito la k. Fie me «’. ww not Ml* what bamww >4 th* Phlltpylaea. *to* ta the only na iln ttost to** no iwtereat la ttooa* I* lands Ur many to** * trad tig Inter*** there, so ha# Rnaala, wa baa Enclsrd and all ttoe ithevn *«rept France, ton F;sn<# moat neturrliy tow not e*er. . TALKrO DEPOTS- The filwsisioa Thai Is on In Atlanta I Atlanta Journal. | The hearing of ttoe union depot ques tion. which nn* lo have bean consid ered by the railroad com■!**km yes terday. ho# been postponed An extension of time for thirty day* has been granted tha railroad*, and on December !$ the hearing will be again ratted. The postponement of today came aa a result of the slepa taken by M*J J. W. Thomas, of the Ixiuisville and Nashville, In bringing .Mr. Bradford I, Gilbert, the depot expert architect, to look over the situation and present .dan* for a structure that would b» acceptable to both the city and the , railroads. Mr. Gilbert was brought after the city council had adopted an ordinance calling up »n the railroad commission for au examination Into the depot fa dlUle*. When the ordinance waa brought before the commission the bearing was set for yesterday. Maj. Thomas communicated with ' the committee of council cm electric and other railroad*, offering to send for Mr. Gilbert. He *ald Ihat the rail road com pan tea were anxious to bet- i ter the condition both for themselves am! the public. The committee ac cepted the proposition, and when Mr. Gilbert came he was given every as- Kistnnrc thnt could he furnished. When the commission announced I hi* morning that It was prepared to , enter. Into the hearing of the question Attorney .1. Cat roll Payne of Payne & Tyr. appeared us the representative of the interests of the Louisville and Nashville. He stated that Mr. Gilbert had conical the request of Maj, Thom as nnd had carefully Investigated the situation. After doing ihi*. Mr. Gll beit mid returned to New York nnd was now there working out hi* plans, which are to he submitted as soon as they have been put In shape. Mr. Payne said dial the coming of Mr. Gilbert was In good faith nnd that he would report as soou as his plans were completed. He said that just now they were In such shape that nothing definite could be stated. Mr. Payne then asked for un extension of thirty duys. Mayor Collier and the city officials who accompanied htm to the hearing made no objection to the time being granted and U was done. A spotted hyena was recently killed on Baron IJchten berg’s estate at Ras chitz, in Carntola. Austria. The ani mal's stomach contained feathers and maize. It has been ascertained that U escaped from s menagerie near Lai bach in April last The use of the diamond s*«v fqr cut ting stone Is facilitating the erection of She buildings for the exhibition in T9tm in Pars. / Allot | TOWN A pmtp% I *4 'BMP* 9mto^ ■ 900 ******* p# P* * "•*#* pw** I --S *—4p# to*# *P#*-P«P4 I^aw-Tw.Tarnt Pu*! , ir- -rlt ttoa ywww« awa toad aa **» 4# pff4 i«ii4 mm 6 Imp p* mm* p**# •«vfp «rp*»4 p Imp fppf* iMPt* Ms iA*t tAPttpM PIMA. t Apt * gM«r f rir fiftom mh‘ t gulf f #WA A ■p’lH AiafiM tMMKto wntAto fff»« MHf* «• !^f piortppti* tt*piaplp# #1 P a**# raa'af?. JprtiPfT Ipt iPtii 9'UNi ft*»t paly tAaaA Mit ywi'tl fc*H alt Ala4# « I® PRBMi. •• It MNNH" MEN AND W. MEN. frank Hunter Pw:»r, a aepo»w of ib# Episcopal Ht*h«>p <4 New York. I# a grand opera tenor whoa# stage pame Is Signor Fllllpe. President Kllot of Harvard la msM to b# contemplating another Wesiern tour, to visit tha various alumni **•»- rtaiion* of ibe antrersliy there. The Sltdnr’s proper title I* not. ns •i first announced, land Kitchener of Ktiartunm. hot l-or.l Kitchen** of Khartoum nnd Aspnli, in the roomy of Suffolk Miss Msry Kingsley, the daughter of Charla* Kingsley, and the most fa mous modern woman explorer. Is »»ld to be eont .opiating snomer trip through Central Africa. A few weeks ago BHgg* 8. Cunning ham of Clmlnnatl gave sixty thousand dollars to the Cniveralty of Cincin-; tl for the erection of • building, and now Asa Van Wormer of Cincinnati has gtven to the university stock valued at sixty thousand dollars for a library hall. The body of Bishop Clagett. the flfi Protestant Episcopal Bishop of M.nyl land, which has rested for uenrlv a century at Croom, Maryland, ha* been rolnterred In the ground* of the pro posed new Episcopal cathedral of. Washington. The November Gentian. In a gleam of sunshine a gentian stood. Dreaming her life away. While the danced merrily through the wood. And rode off the wind for play. She stood in the light ami loked at the sky. TUI her leaves were as fair a bine. Hut she shut her bear: from the but terfly And the coaxing drops of dew. Dreaming mid sunning Hint autumn noon. She stayed the Idlest bee Thnt ever lingered to hear the tune Of the wind in a rushinß tree. H had a golden cuirass on. Ami a surccat black as night. And he wandered ever from shade to min. Seeking bis own delight. New were the blossoms of summer fled, And the bumble-bee felt the frost; He knew that the asters all lay dead. And the honey-vine cups were lost. Not for love of the gentian blue, Bui for bis own wHO will: All he wanted wns houey-dew. And there he drank hie fill No more dreamtni - !!! mn or shade' It never could clote again' The gentian withered, alone, dismayed The bee fl*v over the plain. Rose Terry Cook. }uTmu^ | t fj| tohn to fjpto- # thgi*'*** p t#« ts % viir twin 4** fTBMMtoi I *' t S*M#i g*nu I tictfi vt ti * Jkfr wwi i Rtfelny f»*r VMtor caMewltyl—Ms, (hank row t V S* «wly tanking f«* my w If*.—library Clara WVll he was JcUMiml »l hl» week, and H never i<«vnnl »«, to»r itoal h* might t« kilted or «wm#lhl«g!-TM- Ktls. A n*» Bismarck ane- dute contain* the statesman's opinion - f Wagner the man. 'T knew him." raid lb# chanest lor. “hut It wga impossible for me to • are for him. At hreakfsst. dinner nnd •upper every moment W*gner deman ded admlcstlen. I found myself t**o busy tn gtv* It.” Dentist* In Germany are using fnl*e| t -eth made of paper Instead of p*ure lain or mineral composition. These. parer teeth are said to lie very satis factory, ns they do not hn-ak or chip, are not »en*lttve to heal or cold, or to the artlon of the moisture of the mouth, and are very cheap. This story cornea from New Jersev. A young lady In a small town saw a tramp, to whom tthc had juar given ■ food, ride off on her whsel. She lan to Che stable «ml found only a sleer thei. so she jumped on hts back and heal < htm with a ell. k until he *t,»rb j on a I run after 111 • thief, e ho ftbanclnned the machine and took to Ibo yconds. II ts no longer an uncommon sight to see a farmer mounted on a bike. Th«| pr.jspcitly erf the agriculturist* will doubtless induce many more to become purchaser*, for them* -Ives us well us for their sons and daughter*. U will benefit the cycle trade, but It will ulti mately do even more for the cause of better roods, for a man cannot cycle set many weeks and t»e content with the average country highway. Cycling In Getmany is In a rather crude state, according to report*. In ferior machines are mostly used: a big registered number must adorn the head: neither vehicles, tledcstrains. playing children or feeding (locks yield j a right of/way. and. where tolls are payable, the cyclist Is classed ms ' small cattle with driver or att ndant." These things do not add to its pleasure or tend to promote the sport, t.ut still it is growing there. A Russian physician has already be gun to experiment with liquid air. He placed a dog In a room with the tem perature lowered to ldti degrees b.-tow xero. After Id hours the dog was taken our alive, nnd w ith an enormous aune tlte. The physician tried the test on himself. After 10 hours' ooßflement In an atmosphere o.' still, dry cold, his system was intensely stimulated. So much rtombustlon had been required to beep warm that on intense appetite was created. The process was contin ued on the man and the dog. and both grew speedily fat and vigorous. It was like a visit to the bracing northern clt niate. "When will liquid air cocktails be available"" asks a medical expert. ■ - OAST*ORI^I. Bean the Kind You Ra« Aiwavs Bocgft **T" For The Soldiers! Regulation Gauntlets Regulation Hats Ollicers' Hats Flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers' Equipments Uniforms to Order . Overcoats to Order 1 DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 "Good Taslc Ar parti” !iir Etc'ir Cn B; Grtalli iuiitel i# «4M»«i#Bkf ftfc# 4>»lf#l r#» Ibfl 4 Uto fefrtos f*s iHtotoe# Iff i :.M #ttli #l#toN«»ir ? |r f*»r» !>f f Lto»|K ato Y«**9f #»)««#• | fito »«|ll* fit#! tM# I# )i#nitfUi k**i .it mmmy I toy mfm l •< f ■ nb*r*tims fctoto f*liU#to ( f tM# '•MI l 'it to>tVßfl)l »mt Fr« •# n#»to t# t|# t »r«#B «!» «.% i*m HBtertyUmit tM Ullt4. Wi |fi4* tuwi'fii if* ihto t| .ItlitV CM i»»«f Xf4B# , wk! U ftotswt , mmmh# fr#*h«r Ttotoi ri#B# in# li*# W»*l f#lt##tv b<v» it nit ti»# Btott! HI firtU P»»* ~d*r I ’kut t*» fi.L I’r.f# rtt* A Click Slipp I. People «In »re itifTering Beat foogtow (Ulv lt.wr-«oe*» . r I'r te t.’» InlUmsl oW spl Mid a |<»*ttve cun toy nstog nur far etod gwtet Utiß-ft nnu. Aifiaifitr Dru Cenpiiif :t* BROAD BT. For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and f f ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey I «t 2 Library Building. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OK KKNTrCKY Absolutely Incontestable Policies From pate of issue. Largest Dividends Lowest Premium* toHcitors Wanted; call or write, H. H. ST HI NICK, Kpeiisi Agent, 418 Dyer BuildinipJ EACH DAT Seen tiie- EIE KALD ‘i* 0 * SUN r MONITL'e IWHDITHUI SRi SAT -WUt -i t ! "i~3~ 5 I G> 7 T& \9 IQ SBXaItAJaLJg i&jUL DfCtMBEFt 1 Gems' Traveling Cases f A am* li Mm* rr-riMi. - *r $m 90* * |f#g pfeto'-e A* to fM# Pifr *## »*%* • "4N|P *MP't |A Mb pPa(Mtol pp» =*4f iHMMM le* -4k to »A HP *• •<-*• — % Collar and Cuff Boxtt I a m#4a# * .PM>pf pmmm* mm % I* 4 *A4!»##*«#, L-Miiirvpp, «■■#"■"#■> ■ CUT GLASS BOTTLES AM pop- <rfM»'i*4 Pt IMP tM## tokpM# pff [«0l MMBMB -P *M» A r MMi I* A HAPI-BMAAwA<- iPIJHIi* JBWhL CABBB ««■»•# —to****** ****V«*f» •P P# # MAMB •'A* kssspto-pi Pi *P SO and 75c 11 AS Ll. Gaidelle. Druggist. PROF. P. M WHITMAN. •Of 7f1«.. Atoftortto. Mh fiiii m rim ►» #e nadM** m towpAl flMto pwtoiiiiaPt #>»*— <u»4 MF 4BB ABiVto (A* a» FHFE OF CKARuE ..... i.nm a vor w COAL and WOOD FROM THE—— North Aupost* Cc*l A Supply Co yt**Jrtftjr vapHtf Ot»r*«lk4. P. W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’nim ;l*4 *tn.wgac 40 Eastman’s KODAKS! We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Bicbards & Star, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. CliH kite ION W Kit CHANTS. 803 PeTDoids St- TclEDiiflDeiSEw.:r liivala L.*k«o Kit*# PiSvcf to K«w Yort Chicago aod New Orl.knj. Orders executed over our wire# for Cotton. Stock*. Bonds, Grain and Pro. vision* for cash or on margin*, local securities bought and sold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of August* or Mercantile Agencies. FOR SALE. Number 22 Telfair street—Four room house —Lot 40x150 feet. Ten acre* of land nn the Sand Hills, near Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling of 12 rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small houses and lot# on Sand Hills. Will sell Separately or all. at a bargain. 87 Acres of land near Wrlehtsboro road, one mile above flty a new water basins. w acres of land near Mtlledgeville road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! ggy-I beg to notify my friends and customers that I have add -d another chair to n y Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my customer* without waiting hot and cold baths. COME EAP.LY AND OFTEN TO * Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 <V 214 Eighth St., OITOSiTK ARLINGTON HOTEL.