The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 01, 1898, Image 5

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thumioav THE SKIN OFAGOAT.t.t.* Sdulk AuMrh < _ t£f%r«* 4 KrWI „A. - \tte4 §m i mf-tfrtmittf S <yH cifl * frsuf (KKGKK hmJivTiuJ yU. v Tku mi . UK** *K« uff*f MCI inj ifin union *rJk i to thMi* *hif lifting iw % th iiuriti i «t {*Mtury, whin ft it fttiufti Zud that ** Shrut tor fIJS in M mm* mi $l on »r. c h tt#**, M*Hm* **iiter VUTEX ► SHOES ind you *4l toe wKit on aw ulking % \a4P^n WUKUyMKUIfe AHO UKUCMmAKOM «**#•'? I# Mrifilllf »W ,rii«ui|f *«*§ fiHhnMMlit'* imri ** It*** lltlTftl K.f • -“CtCTDC TtT s 'i K! * rfi KnK * DR. HENRY J. CODIN, HI*(Ml ( ROM Cl BA. A OiMtofvttM (k¥lkm*« Ha* Afli% W *• 5a% mnnmH I*»v L*tW Uftlßfioh* Wmttfllt tl*» f*s*««r !»#«*.» f ,m t*u*>*. M h «f «(p*w fv.**«i -«• Mm* •tAftlA |*n« imU iet**re»t U ft* latter nrs» t I m t«l fIMMi th«Miv CN»» la <'•(>l. I l *., H«»'# e Y f*wrtf>, f*rim*rir ms fi%jYw*t«m, T* t.. tm« »•»* of th# fov *w»r# «f «iM borvr of At ikn*ol Ani*ai< bavin* too A rff*atiii**n •• AN' v«nl lit’ h*\ ItK * '»o A rufitiftllotiK HK vo) l»>‘ th«* t orM 1> hftnr A A>« the- ffcTOf»- tffiy tvf I'nfH HnVi'Jf, tb» )MII jUtl R» furß"<l to thin rotnii% tflof tfir**** fctn Man? I""*T*** 1 In th* -Hr Hay** <t»uM i trim. bn* alf *' built yootin iviaa **f tit* ’* Itif th** wintry Htada it* a w|h«** tfu*k *ut* ah*) a Mff i*AAAfi)A ptraw hat Th#y mUHt ha v* a fan R«U«i*d itiAt th*» •hit# due fc itilt «a« tt immtMl a till fold lirak). and that th* r wm utrana on th*» ih«)ul<lm indi< aOv«* of an * rank. Thin la dpt. Purdy, and h«* baa an Intmitlsf at«»ry to tvH, of. rath**r, mi many of trn*fn, that H la ifniKUNßiMi** for him to t.-ll them all at once C»pt. Portly cornea to thts country backed up . Ith the proper It* the shape of lattera from President Maaao anti other Cuban leaflet* to ahow that he to w hat he claim* to l» and he haa eome malt era which he will pre aent to the government at Washington. He la now waiting to m«'-e connection with hia baggage and effet la, wblrh he left at Tampa aeveral montha *teo, t>e fore prereedlng further. Till ala why he ta atill wearing hta " bite duck atilt. The horae which Capt. Puidy brought up with him la at Younglove A Hip pie'* ntable, on Weat Broatl atrret. It la a long coupled bay. w ith a lejbl’cd tall and with evidence of having wen service, though not in bad condition ! by any meana. The animal la lean and alnewcy, and look* like a genuine cam- j palgner. "Thla 1* the horae,” aald Capt. ! Purdy, to a Morning New* reporter. ■ • ihal Gen. Maceo rode on hi* famoua | march acron* the Island, wh**n he cro#- | aed the trocha. The horae became the I property of Col. Hodrigueg after M»- ( reo * death, and wtl orcat nted to me j by him. The Cuban* are devoted to j the animal, and they would never have: In me take him out of the country bad J they known my purpose. It la about all I have to allow, however, for my three year* service.’’ Fine Rich Jewelry! Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Souvenir Spoons, Brass Tables, Fine Lamps, Silver Novelties, Vases. Fine Umbrellas, Clocks, A\ilitary Buckles, A\ilitary Buttons. Wm. Scliweigert & Co.. Jewelers MUHItI \N n|'W& Hay **t*y, Ihar. I, **«. Hay ****HMy uea Ms that the ttoalaltwa ** *r •banttog baa a*e In teased the tiututier •Heka •• e.r **■ d bat esgl® that i,rgvtaf at qv abd the meg Wilt be pain ■ >!l today t'a I) kart foartero men I* lat using. Iks'. 1. AMm sated the trornlug Chrlatlau Witt, a well I ttowu and (Haanlute German, was re* leaned from the l)rtrort house of ror i rc< tloti a week ago, after wrung a nlrety da-*' aenleiite for using vile < and indecent language Prior to hia l .entente Witt bad d -veloped ugly teo tl. tides and hit wife had made appll* {cation to have him adjudged Insane. Iti J (hia she failed. Mra. Witt Is several j art younger ibgn her hutdimnd, who L, jealous of her Yesterday morning I he threw hi* w ife roughly on the floor 'and demanded to know If «he atill loved him. She saw murder in hi* ewe# acid anawered ye*. He then a*k*tl | her to kisa him, which *he did. Bh* then broke away and ran 10 tbe bouse |of a neighbor. When an nicer reach led the house he found the body of | Witt, he having commuted suicide by cutting hia threat. Hattie Creek, I>ec. 1- At the ex amination Saturday afternoon of Mrs. Mary llutterfl Ui of Sandetsou. who is elarged with the murder of her hua ; l and Rttdolphus Sanderaon, by feed | Ing him pulverized glass, tbe proaecu i tor disclosed the cards he Is holding. I and which he hopes and believes will, I send the pretty widow to the Detroit house of correction for tbe term of her natural life. These cards are six tiny chips of glass now locked up in the. safe of Prof. A. B. Prescott, the ven erable teacher of chemistry, who Is now and bus been for thirty-three •■’ars the professor of chemistry In the University of Michigan. Port Huron, Dec. 1. The police are (Investigating the death of George ! which occurred at noon yesterday | from the effect* of a bullet wound In i th bead. King was about the city ns j usual uil day Saturday. He had a; KH-h In his head and told his employer; that he had been struck In the head hy unknown persons on Friday night. He made light of the injury. Dr. ■Henderson sewed up the gash Sunday without discovering traces of the bul let wound. King died at noon yester day and the port moTem examination revealed th? fact that he had a bullet in his brain. A revolver and three empty shells were found at his horjie. His wife, who was away front home last week, scouts the Idea of suicide. King, when he was shot, or when he shot himself, was in his shirt sleeves. oAfSTom^-. Bears tie yf T,!e * in Haw M 3 ! B BaL 2 M e,g :r Vanillin, an artificial substitute for vanilla, is mad- from the *an of the Sr..t.-h pine, While a kind of rubber has obtained from ilw- common birch. T HR AUGUSTA fIRJIALD. AFTER SILENCE OF 18 MONTHS Hi** lim iifft df Itfeftk. |iV9 I" *#«fiANA* (HI AtkNAIIAA Hl' ##% 4 AAMhn# iAMMI At AfftHf** Mm* a#* #*mi M MMMI (M9k Hi Mm# *3Mi» Hi j, m# **£ lA* t «w- # i•* # f »» f ¥lt'|A*lAA • tt* » ■ ** mt iMr mmih iIiNM a*mi **• ha* j PM" soar wdrt at wtr* mm 4 awokl OAOAUIA. 4lt*l Hitt ?<« <ili ATOf l» (t HIS §f*W (14**1 frtt*A Mi«f q ttpi* a I KltifffiSil fill A* First I‘hurvb Of t’hrla*. S. traflsf of Prneldeot (irtirir A. Smith of lb* Georgia Navigation company haa been at Hrunatwk-k attending to the tepalta of the City of Maom She la now tit the dock and will soon be put In pro per repair and be enabled to resume It profitable business. Meantime the nc tgatlon rontjutny la only wait ing until the City of Macon shall lie again afloat to ptoeeed with the con st ruction of her sister boat. The money for the new rraft la In baud, and it saa raised without dllßeuUy. as the first boat d tnonat rated Ihe profitable character of the enterprise, Greensboro Herat*! Journal l-ast Sunday night a negio man. la>n Cre dllle. Itoarded the night pasitenger train at Union Point to come to this city. Tbe fare la 21 cent* and the ne gro rays he did not have but 20 cent#, which he tendered to the conductor. That official refused to accept, ordered the train stopped, and. I«en says, kicked him off the platform of the car, I tmusing him to receive a very hard fall and breaking several of his rib*. We do not know what the railroad will seek to establish, but the negro, who Is suffering Intensely, employed Col. 1 James Davison and that gentleman Im-j mediately filed suit for five thousand do I la i a. Abney Taylor, the wife murderer, who lias been sentenced to hang on ] Friday. December 16. Is now guarded , by the death watch in the condemned cell In the Macon Jail. He is very much depressed and aoroe fear Is en tertained that he may again attempt suicide. Ffe says that he is not ready lo die and ha* abandoned all hop ■ of a reprieve. He was visited Monday by a minister and took part in the prayer* and services. His brother j visits him regularly and he hopes that there may be some chance to secure his release or a mitigation of the Hen- ; fence Fils attorney has not. yet deci ded whether he will make another es- ! fort to secure a stay of execution, i Since Taylor attempted to tak*- his life' some time ago tty swallowing ground, glass he has been a model prisoner, but his despondency now is ground for fear that he may become deeperate before he faces the scaffold. Place you order for fall suit with K. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. Bubonic Plague at Tnmatnve. Washington, Nov. 30.—The secretary I es stale received cable message from United State. Consul Gibbs at Tania tave, Madagascar, saying the bubonic plague has broken out at that place. The A. C. L. Extension. Barnwell, S C., Dec I.—Messrs. Ab ercrombie & William* Ot Montgomery, Ala., chief contractors for the building ~f the Atlantic Coast Lin, extension hi-,. p,< it -,1 hen* and will make this the distributing point for the entire tine. Royal s, KWWHW—TIHI lldii ri dte* tiuod KHrff* <lt*!k km* Hud |H»|w Al* » »*’ I »IIJH r|i»- tak*’H a* ihUhWa f»rogi»o« | K«'»* t |iu* am l*» aAIHA «*| th** otHrr »!*P- in* H liiiit h «*f M)*t||AApOl)A. I«» !**• Atilt* ‘»ll innp*.*t«T- 7.<-n*n II Auntln ttl PuluiH. ' 4l |w, t Ik n,.t down hx |«r*tt> «*«*rtsil»j that laoulA Na«H of ttliA ett? All! no\ l«* th* ' Ne« 111 m. Mtup.. free. I.—Mrs. Ju lia lad rtiilf. of tR. I*aul. state organ lx-r Ilf tin- l-adli'S Ilf the G. A. It., and Ml,a lints Muidtlln-rr Were hare this a i*-k at ranking for a liranch oraattlaa (|, n of th >t ordfr. Mlms Murhll>*tg I* a gueal at Miss Mary Hogen. .Joseph ft.„ ’ atroh, formerly of New I'ltn, «a* killed last week, ls-lng atwlded by a derailed locomotive. Deceased was 30 yeata old and a fireman on the Great Western road. -—The camp <>f Forres ter* In New Dim will have a special meeting December 6 to Initiate mem bers, A large number of the camp will go to Mankato tomorrow. The camp 1« on" of the most prosperous In the state —having h»,l thirty-five application* for membership. For LaCripD« and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. SHARK BY IS WILLING. Provided the Proceeds (lo to she Poor For Chrb tmas Presents. New York, Dec. I.—Yesterday In ft published lntery|le(.v Corbett was tipol rd as saying that he was willing to fight Hharke.v again for nothing, pru- I riding he was Allowed bis training ex penses. | Today Toni O'Rourke, Shut-key's manager, Issued (he following card: | “Corbet, has stated that he will fight i Sharkey for nothing if allowed train - I Ing expenses. Sharkey accepts, pro- I ! riding the proceeds go to the poor u» la Christmas gift, the press to form a Committee who will distribute the motley. le t Corbett name the time, which must not be later than two weeks hence,” I-.irge stock new raisins, all varieties. Just received at Larrikin & Co.'s. Toys, The assortment of toys exhibited at Hf H. Claussen Is such as to remind us that Christmas is near at hand. The children of the city flock there daily in i rder to s-e the many pretty thins* that are exhibited. He calls particular attention to the great variety of cakes ha makes. If your thinking of giving an entertainment pr want a fruit or pound cake for Christmas do not for get Claus sen Some Ladles’ Fancies are few, but ajl enjoy carrying a pret ty poekerbook . ’ The Augusta Ncvelty Store has « beautiful assortment at 'popular prices. (Mild 'I M •. ( Manat tarn aaaSrs an Mas a *♦* \ wttvssaa ' isgfswW * aaaa ttar t —MawsstP* ttSsag, I ewftww tr,rt Ike ■— ettSMt ta *saasrSWS , tiss maksttatte# to*, o» tor * xtravagance In building the new , Children * Home. Wnoater, <»hl«>. far. t.- Tbaodoie 1 Crow, l». sat down alongatd • a hot stove, and then walked across the street lo his home and hung hi* old nr- 1 ere at against the house. Half all hour ■ later he v-as a rotated from si ep by ' h trlng two shots. He went down stairs ami found the sld • of the house in ffantes, but not until the house was battty damaged. After the lire tt was discovered that the *b<'l* which had aroused him were caused by the heat dc„ barging two cartridges which the, young man had In Ids overcoat pocket. ' , i( is supposed that Crow's coat was on j flic. Cleveland. Ohio. Dec, 1.-Colonel j I Charles F. Dick said today regarding i | the tound robin Hlleged to have be-u ; 'drawn up among ».te men In th • Klghth ! Ohio Volunteers Infantry, which has j created all kind* of excitement In Hum- j , mit county. In which all the line and i staff officers of the regiment, Includ- j lug Colonel Dick, were asked to resign, their national guard commission* for| alleged cruel treatment accorded them ilurlng the Eighth's Cuban campaign: 'I have not l(.•en mixed up In this con tention In our regiment, and I believe that the round robin matter is all talk and nothing else. Ho far as I am con cerned f have paid little or no atten tion to It.” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the /l? , Signature ol Cd£»^/74«4 Things in Old Hadrid. i Madrid, Spain. Nov. SO.—At the meet ling today the agreed upon instructions for Honor Montcro Rios, President of the Spanish Peace Commission for to day's meeting of the commissioners. Were discussed. The ministers also con sidered the action of the Carllsls. and further deliberated upon the repatria tion of the Spaniards in the Philippine islands. It was decided that constitu tional rights for the present will re main suspended. Minister of the Ini *- rinr Senor Capdepon, in an interview, is quoted as saying the Carlists have no chant eof success. He added: "W” are closely watching (he proceedings In the Basque provinces arid Catalonia and Aragon, and are ready to repress the firs,, sign of Insurrection. Don Car los only has a chance in the mountains of Catalonia, where the people suffered les* during the last Carllst war. The Carlists are working desperately to win support from some of our regiments and sortie of our generals, hut these nlt'-mpt* b«' v, ‘ all failed. Not a single general hs* listened to their proposals." MID-WINTER SALE. f IMH f aM*4» ##t a 4MHha« KM! t**A KK- A HA4 of Mimn'l Mltatl l ataimaff luttl, •» 1 ■*». *1 A ho# of Maa'i AU Woo* Burt •*»<! Aiwa H>bb«a f la A«Hf CfMMMnMPfO, AS*A<#, <1 i T.BQ_ t Mrßt«a« k Heitv)r Wfighl („!•> rfOCA AuA* «i iio.oa A lino** BH>ui Hißvy W#i#n| c>4y Me* “tut, 3A-42, •» AH.AO. ... . .. A Mait’i Btoeh Hedvy W«m#m Cl*y OwiW* HraAilctl Sdclt *wll, 33*451. ** i*2 I 3 Vf* IHa* Alft’lVO* T (HOffK * * % * (KtHl CnitlJfHfl | Sum at (•rrmirttenkl* p*ffof*o WBA A i|na nf Mgff'l All Wool K r ml < ovgri Ctotfl Ovtfiodle, Blßflt 101 l Alt*M, 33 4J, *1 >7.SO A l»n«> of Meo’l Mgd'um aftl ahAtf«», 33*42, tl I*l 90. _ H A line* of M«n f t Fin* O >3* K#r**y OvefcO*!*, Black, CSIiM «nd Brown, 31 42, ai SIU-00. J. R WHITE & CO.. Clothing Department. Dooobs.Sashano Blinds MiuWork - - U5 « or CVERY DESCRIPTION. YELLOW PINE LUMBER ItafTC** mo vaa v u tOV<**l9 tmts tatfO iMMt>fM|NT% MO tin oaoMt/ATton Hoeott&N >• i%t«w otoaonatMt LJ U Jf 111 l UNt IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSUBCO •OtCti. CXtSiOOUIk a*H**TtO* <*r- I Perkins Manufactliriwg Co Lugusu.G* WctaMnlMWtt Ttiat Ve Want to Get Oit of tls Vay. <4 Clevelands at $1 2, sl4, sls.s 17. One of these is a Ladies. I Gendrom at $17.60. I Raycycle at $ 14. One Stearn’s Special at $I o. 4 Models 40 Columbia® at s2l . $22, $23. $24. 1 Cresant at S2O. 2 Credendas at $15.00. I Victoria at $24. 2 Ladies' Fentons at $l 5 and S2O. I Man’s Victor at $20.) DEVENEYaIIOOD&CO. BICYCLEJDEPARTMENT. Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fali in regard to business and that is a most heaithy one. and those who are preparing for it are the people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLI6ITS CRYSTAL PALACF 809 BROAD STREET. Boys’ Clothing. Tailor, Vestee, Reefer and Blouse Suits; beautifully trimmed, some have a military tendency, others are decidedly nautical. j>2.00 Up tO SB-50. Men's Top Coats. Winter weight Coverts, Kerseys, Meltons, Diagonals, Cheviots, Whip cords and Worsteds. The garments old and young men are eager for. SIO.OO up to $25 00. I. c. LEVY’S SON &CO., Tailor-Fit Clo'hiers, - - Augusta. Ga. r .Mm A CKiAR Is a brand Rotten up by PRINCE 0 r INDIA aen. Lew Wallace and la a favorite * ' an(3 famous t | Rar all over the bast. _,» .a * I*, |, no less a favorite in Northern THF GRAND CHIEF Eastern cities and is fast * *'L *V r *• L winning its way here, the in creasing sale of which Is an evidence of Its superiority ASK RETAILERS FOR IT. R. C. NORREI. & CO., : DISTRIBUTORS. nucfcMftf* I