The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 01, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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ifcwii ft* ffc*#* 411 UNp*, VKMiw * * .#•*. - in, **s.-, * The IW* Claw. t i *r>4 !*** nr4»r*4 br Ikr fiwrfisy Hi INm - M.t in ml4* h.ncn t *. r juilan ant Hi ftaii*tir is i of III* r ir*ifft. *Mi MKk‘ Pm I* Ml rs |>»H| •otß'B. MmM to btarartf Ik* fnl tiflb* too von t» tootni to ttoo Military toon* at tto* Fl«*w Royal* N*iito*r ibrOlsrt *tfk • frrato Joy tk tivHii a* to* Hi* tol. root wltto It. sbltoia* tkrw strap* tk* moot* of ill. Lett of Honor la tto* batnakoir —tk* room* tol* mrtkrf toad laid oa tot* toad vtoytk to* was so 111. aad mat to* thought to* would only wrar la tola wßi. Hot* Jolty Pan *m soyhoa. «ith Ha TBOt toorlioa. It* aaoory prak*. It* briilaM Ml. th* nwaopnltun froal. where grotty for*tgner» rtotoll#d all tto* laagusgra of Korop* Ilk* tropk- laird* lit an aviary! A f*«r m 4 .igtot. to l» sure- tk* roa.BMptlv* young Bngll*t>- rvan In a hath < hair wrapped lit plaid* with th* ey** of a bolted #*h a Mack taffeta muff!** over tol* mouth. It aav* oa* a a hirer, yrt—man I* to avlfiab —It mad* Jullen rrtaemto*r what a skeleton be b*tl keen three month* ago. vttb rktxelflt ring* under hta eye*, and here he *m cured tewing silver tom* to tto* Istusr* and watching the benrty Util* America* girl* in flyaway frock* and Met k glyve* and Macking*. dent ing a 'ring mround n roay - ' to tto* band* quickstep. Jn*t the frame rs mind for tailtna In love, wasn't it? This the happy ron va'esretM proteeaded to do the ©rwt time he set eye. on Mile. Olga Har brine, the belie of the Ruasian colony, a* .be dlamutinied In front of Hotel tSasaon—the coupe de foudre, in fact. Beck from fox hunting one evening at 5 o’clock, the had flipped from her horse into the arm. of the nimblest of the pink colored adorers who ruabed for her atirrtip. Striking the veranda table with ber crop, .he had called for a cup of milk and drank it off at a draft. Looking like a PrimaUler’.o guides*. her allm figure and copper rol rred hntr Illuminated by the flaring ettneet. *he paused, laughing merrily, a creamy mustache on her tipper lip. Ft.(Mealy grave. with a curt, imperiooa r.o<* she left the red-coat* and entered the hotel, topping her riding habK with her whip. Three days later, after many a "Who Is she? I must know her!" to his nc eufiin*anrwt, Jullen got h!ms?!f intro duced—not a difficult process—and Joining the lair Russian's court. Was she n Russian, after all. this in toxicating creature, who rode all day and waltzed all night? Yes, by her pu tative father, her mother's first hus- j lard, Count Bararine. But everyone remember'd that at the time of Olga s birth ber mother— j the daughter, by the way, of a New York banker named Jacobson —was petting a divorce, probably on account of her notorious liaison with a north ern prince royal, some Christian, or Oscar, or other. What was the nation ality of a child brought up successive ly In a Scotch nursery, a Neapolitan convent, a Genevan penelonnat, who had slept half her nights cn the cush ions of the express, whose memory was a stereoscope in which revolved a series of watering places and winter resorts, whither her mother, handsome still in spite of erysipelas, had carried the en nui of a fading coquette along with her , samovar and her pet monkeys? The odd girl used to any, laughing at her self: "I am neither of lyin'ton nor of i Paris nor of Viejins nor cf Petersburg. I'm of the table d'hote." Had she any family? Hardly more so Her real father, the Oecar or Chris tian so ore-i referred to by Mme. Bar arine of the white hands—for the sake of decency sitting up with her child . f.%* I*4 os*. v«4MW«n>4 tola *•*ty**# -a* sin* Imms4*4 total to** stow* *ff Raw* <*agtot J*«» !• to** ege. « aeatle Hgtot • • • a.*ii si*4 | lew** Pis Niatsttik. aad alter • tew day* altto »f ddff 4 They were stand ag la (to* botet wri ' flag nvn Bear tto* rpea attsdow attb li sdti tto*a aad tost voyage.' said t tig* la toe* frank torai votaw. ' Hat voa wkm! give at* a HO* to* iga.he that How's rlsa yon wear a. a aatrto rtoana- a fiPfifiAy of aa Afrn .a lion bunt, didn’t you <*M »*"* B »PP*«I« to jthe fieri* aav free la a**, yoa know ' I Jaliea took off tto# rtoarai aad pat II loto tto* fit H a Hag*** fludtlealy gr*»p | ipg krr band la tooth of hi*, toe said ardea. yr **! love you. Will yoa toe ■jr wile?** 1 Olga freed t raif. keeping the lloa'a frlaw, Fi Idiag her arm., .to* looked straight at torn, apparently unmoved. ! "No. ao, nod yet you are first to love me aad to tell m- w> In that good way. ( Thai '* why I refuse yo«.'‘ ■*<Rga!" replied Jullen in B choked i voire. "Mateo to me and I wilt explain, I am not worthy of you. You would tow unhappy with me. You remember your tiater'a letter that you said you had I oat? Well. I picked tl up here and read it. She replied to the eon i fidmees you had mad** her of yonr love ! for me. a love I had long guessed. Her went, shewed me the vast different* ! between a true, simple girl and me. ami I saw. too, what a real family la | -your family. He grateful for the mother you have. M. de Rhe. I have a mother, 100. but I have been forced 'to Judge ber. You have wen only her rldieulcua aides, but I know b“r better. She would refuse you my hand because you are only of the gentry and In mod erate circumstances. She has decided that either lam to make a brilliant mu'ch or she wit! find something else. I know a lot. don't I. for a girl of 19? Hrrrtble. Isn't tt? But It's true. That's why last winter we were at Nice, last summer at Schcvettlngen. now at Pau. That's why we are rolling like trunks fr im one end of Europe to tue other. Mamma was almost a princess royal, yon see. from 15 I've been given to i nrierstand that I was meant for an arch-duchess at least, even If a left handed one. "Marry a mere gentleman, almost a bourgeois! Ah. you arc disgusted, and I'm asha red of myself. Do not protest. Besides. 1 am expensive und useless, and you don’t need me, and I wouldn’t make you happy, and I don't love you. I don't love any one. Levels In the things that I've always been forbidden. Goodiby. Get up and go away without a word. But leave me your lion's claw to remind me of the honest follow whom 1 have treated honestly. Adieu!” * * * Three years later one stormy night the transport De Couedlc, back from Senegal, stopped at the Canaries to take on the mail. A package of papers was tossed Into the officers mess. De Rhe, seated there, opened a three weeks' old Paris sheet, and under the heading “arrivals” read the following: “H. M. the king of Suabia, in the strictest incognito, as Duke of Augs burg, is once more among us. An un fortunate Incident occurred at the sta tion. The Baronne de Hall, who ac companied by ber mother, Comtesse Baranlne. was traveling with his maj esty, suddenly tniied au ornament of small value, but tc which Mme. ie Hall is, it seems, greasy attached—a Item » claw mounted in a gold circlet. Mme de Hall has offered 2,000 francs for its recovery. ( “My dear fellow, you'll miss yonr watch if you don't look sharp." THE -A.rrOTJBT.JV. ITTCR A T.D t aijn tgp #* Mb* Vi OPS • fVW* M _ . fff, On# of tit* li til* m**rnm'* itfi ii* * •* I lit um litwtlai W graph «4 tto* dec Ttol* «•>>»«• th* weessslt.v of to* losing a carA Of , f miCf aocto tooaso BMtsS toe w rapped t« tto* ft Best t»»»M* paper that cso be round *ad tW with ribbon or stth ■ «nt Ob* Urge oatatdistotoaßt refused lo sell boxes total year, but • regnlar pa troa thought she bad flgnr.d a way to gel * round Itoe proto! lil: ion by seadliig rate of ber ornsmutU to th* big establishment for alight repaira, [ln this w»y aha got. tot a llul** **• liens* a box talito th* wasted naßtc on jit and Inrtosed 1b II ber glfl to bet ! friend, but (tolled to notice that a small label bad been posted *>n the Inside of Ith# cover with the words. ''From the ! Krpair Itepartmeat " Tto* recipient of the gift retort ttol*. however., and . anew that her gift had not com* from 'Mlaßk’a. Nowaday* the fortntor friend* do not spaak aa tb-y ptwst by. Ithe recipient of the gift bating taken Imran* to let th# seeder know about Ithe little label. How to Look Oood. Good look* ar# really more than skin deep, depending »ditlr<’ly on a healthy i condition of the xltsl organ*. If the 1 liver I* Inm live, you have a hlllou# look: If your stomach la disordered, yon pave a dyspeptic look: If your kidneys sr* sffected, you hsve a pinched look. 1 Hecuie g<s*d health snd you will surely have good look*. ' Electric Bitters" Is a good alterative and tonic. Acta di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys purifies th* blood, cure* pimple*, blotches and boll* and gives s good complexion. Every Iwdtle guaranteed, gold at Howard & Wlllet'a drug store. iO cents per bottle. Spain’s Acceptance. Macon Telegraph Wiser counsel has prevailed at Ma drid and the Spanish peace corawis sloners, acting under instructions, have accepted unconditionally the terms for the treaty of patoae laid down by the Lulled Slates. This practical ly settles the quratlon and the only work now to be done is to draw up the formal terras of the treaty, affix tht' signatures of the negotiators, and sub mit the completed document to tho Spanish cortes and the American ann ate for ratification. By the action of the peace commission at Paris this country Is committed for good or evil to the expansion policy. Al an >’ Americans have looked upon the ac quisition of territory on the Asiatic side of the Pacific as an experiment so fraught with danger as to be avotl ed at almost any reasonble cost, but the. time for criticism and warning has now past. Every energy must be bent, toward* giving the inhabitants of these Islands a wise. Just and firm government, under which they may advance to a higher state of civiliza tion, and their wonlerful natural re sources may be properly developed and utilized. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SAME BY HOWARD A WILLEY*. There is a rosary- in the British mu seum made of the vertebrae a snake's backbone. Another in composed of rats' teeth. . .. . r i 1 CASTOR* j, i%tn|i Iglfii » wfiduftdfi I* Ato ] vbsraaixxl *> L'wt- s'ttsfiU* j tgw a# Vaasa to* **at df ■ ’I ■■ ■ -*w _ j; htfiwb* ißfifwHiWvl toviM . \ w —o*l *** ft IfcßMrfHwrftotrw taw Hasrt-4 i lUrv Nani IT iw** - ***»-» / [ Ajwifiraf Rraßvdt fsfftraay 1 ! ntm vwsr Ato tags h l>ss*t»a*ra Worwssi« Irratiafc . I nr« ssJI tistor SUM* latos* 4 The ; “Maine” Album! CAPTAIN CHARLES D. SIGSBEE and Interesting acene* associated with the destruction of our Giant Uet ship and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few lnild- nt* of American history have been attended by such public exeltcmenl and national Indignation as that which followed quickly upon Iho destruction of the Battleship Maine. In response to tho universal de mand for a pictorial history of tho 111-fated warship. Ra captaincy and in fact everything in connection with It leading up to and including lie assas sination, we have secured snd offer our readers this week a beautiful Maine Album or Portfolio, the most complete photographic record Issued upon the subject, otiibrufjng splendid photos of The Martyrs Which is i.** ready for delivery at our office, or by mall for Ten Cents. J k CONTENTS OF "MAINE" LAHI'M. Captain Chas. t>. Slgsbec. General Fitzbugh Lea. > ' The Battleship Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner’s Gang of the Maine. Views of the Maine's Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship's Company of the Maine. Please notice the Maine Album above advertised is cm* of !l Series" of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Hpanlsh-Amerlcan War, each portfolio being a special number d.noted Vex'tv-k wlnToffered as a Memorial of the First Sacrifice of the war. or the heroic death of Ensign Bagley and his companions, Inclu ding many other special features of the early events of the war, such as the vessel that fired the first shot; the first prize; bombardment of Matanzas, '" l Then and consecutive order will appear the follpwlng: THE SAMPSON NUMBER-Bomba°rdm«nt a of San Juan and Morro Ca»- HOBSON AND THE MIItRIMAC-with addtdnnal metal iaatura*. ADMIRAL'feCHLEY—The Destruction of Cerveras Freed. THE BHAFTER NUMBER—The Siege and Capture -of Sam I ago _ _ GENERALS MILES AND MEP-THTT-Army Operations tn Porto Rico anil R Pn ‘ur. Pt ''ii<| r *ct each number of this souvenir y-ri-s while you have a „ opportunity, and adv is. your friends to do the same -thing. CASTORIA | The Kind You Have Always Bought Riant the / , Signature wAw * W k The (V Kind V/ You Have Always Bought. ni A SUPERB Photographic History Devoted Exclusively To Tie “Mains” Captain Sigsbee Tie Officers Tie Crew leneral Lee General Blanco A Groun of Junior officers of the Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry In Session. Funeral of the Vlrtlms of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender in Havana. Milk De livery In Havana. The Captain General's Palace In Ha vana. General Bianco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havana. SUNDAY’S HERALD “A Newspaper For newspaper Readers." Something About Sunday's Herald. More .News Better News Quicker News All the News (Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is tne Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial ! 0 Cants a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta. Ca. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street ! Name ItaTbontT Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD, TT ~7\ FtoANKC.Ivts / \ / \ famous / A / \ 9 Cushion f \V \ Shot. I / \ Possible \ / \only Lo a \ \/ \hardHitter\ y \ Centre Ball\ Q \ Very fine \ \ \ RightTwi»f\ A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS ar JOHN A TMATCHIB t'u.lilon c«r..n> i Iminplon of <>h«o 'M •ms winner of H l.outfi H inrtlrap K 7, thi> longest tmira»m«it on rworfl. »„,1 ihr "„ljr "“o rver 's»t Ht lmefei'. Mofikoo, und Ire* In tho umir to urn sweat. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL. CONTENTS. 100 DIAGRAMS OF f-OUSHION SHOTS. SCHAEFFR’S BTRAIOHT RAIL NURSf. EVERY STTLi OF aALK-UNt GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER <3AME STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP OAMES ANO INTERNATIONAL OONTEBTB. LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS. 6TO. The author many valuable ffuggeatlonn to nov lren which wrve so rentier clp*r t.ha method* nmplojcd by the worlU’u experts. It will fibovv yoa HOW TO PLAY Cloth. 75 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. 044 p»gl, *#nt, BMMU!, tv toy .iIcUSM SB r«eeipi of Prfcs iiipsta Emin Herald 7