The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 01, 1898, Image 8

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TWUWfcO * V EVERYTHING Ttuit'i ind food Hi htfc *tcn iAnd lVo)» CkHhlnf hiliiinl r«mlihini*! Boys’ School Suits tf«ttn •* $ 2.00 And Range up to Sj °° Men's Winter Suits ** 3*7-50 And Range up to $»B <*» Every Suit ttm very bo*t that can b* pro dured for tha money. Euary Suit Ml afyl*»h and roll*hie. No ©tharklnd coma* Into thhi ttora. iyiii in • ItItOMAI MENTION. A. ONI a# M. Mu I* at »*• AH*m •an __ _ _ .. M 4. Han—re as Atbews mr ;* . j|. 0, |ftft at AO##** l» SI *ft# Fl** j t«*» y ft. fryTfr *f AII4MIIS Ml Si !ft# ru* *•»* . • 4 »a>n -* *•>•»*• a at **» yiiMMt jr. M fa#met «* *■<***•* ** •* "* !!•«••» « J*f»M4sy «f Atlanta » •* *•** Hw«*e. Aar** User* "I Attwata a at the Ar tmaian r K WAtfe 1 * •* I* »* th* #mat-e. H e, Galas as !<•* Tml t* •< the |*lant»-» r U Ja«*n -f mmllliau aat Ikr »lmH*~ td 1 n*a •’! Hnltiaance la at «h< Arim#i'-ft K. J nurkrr «f Clartwnatl t» al lh« 4, • MeywarJ "• Atlanta a •< •»* iftmi'nr C. t* i<v** •* Philadelphia *• •* Arltagt'**' W, a Rich as Reivllle. Oa . »# al IV yikiitara «ar>. K. unit «f Philadelphia I* at tea P!an>»-* W, • Mall Jr . «f Havannah I* al tka Plantar* W H. Harris as Ha* York I* at Ik* Plantar*. J. C. McLaughlin of tlevaland I* at tha Plaattarr _ • Hu*fin* of Spnrtanhurg 1* a' ilia plantar* «. O. Pantwm of Phllnd-lphia I* ai j »►» Artlngt ■» J. M Goodman .if Richmond I* a* lk« Arlington _ • l. r.lba n of Kanaaa Citr I* •' tka Arlington E D. Oarrlaon of Hudson, Ml-h . 1* at Ik* Pl*"!'** _ . P. W. CWllua of Covington. <*•.. at tka Planter* Geo r. Wright Of New Orienan Is j at lla Planter. P. * Hmlth. Jr., of Birmingham. I* at tk» Plantar* B. * Jonee of Court land, N. T . I* ai tk* Plant***. W ,W. Sima of Washington, G* . la ai th# Arlington. H B. Marv-I of Hartford, Conn., la ai th* Arlington. W. M. Watson of Klok**. fla.. I» In tha city today. T. W. Williams of Brunaon. S. C . la at tha Planters. J. H Chaplin of Kalamaao... Ml<h la at th# Plantara. B S. Dumphrev of Columbus. Ohio, la at th* Plant*ra. II H. Hardontan of Washington. D. C.. la at th# Arltnit"n. W H. Johnson of Blnahamplon Now Tork, a at th* Allngton. G .*. Whtttakor of th* Now York HoraM Is at th* Arllnyton A. C. Jonsa and B F Hard*m»n of . Athons ar* at th* Arlington. G*orir* Uvlnfaton. ylf* and two t hlldron, atra al th* Planter*. F P Darllnirton .th* popular H/r»r aalot-man of Savannah, la in th* city. .1. M. rH'itht'lm and E. P. Merritt of TVhit* Plain*. «a la at the Planter* Mr*. Walkor and Mlsa lAila Walker of Burke eounty are the auesta of Mrs. W r ayland Wrteht. Jno. J. Holland and A. O. Mien. «d --t litre ayenta for a minstrel show that will aoon he her*, are at *he Planters. The following New Yorkers are at the Arlington: A. M. Stevens. T. H Par* trldge. C. R. Osborn. R. Ardn-y. H. Arnold. J. Arnold. TV. J. Parnell. V. X,. Burgess*. T. H. Ryland and J. J. Maloney and wife. For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. Herman TV. Rets*, hospital steward. Vntted States Army, arrived hero from Washington. D. C.. and was a guest at the Commercial hotel last night. He has been aasignel to the First division hospital iti the ramp and was last sta tioned at Montauk Point. !*. 1.. during ♦he ramn’s existence there in August. Handsome Wedding Presents Sterling Silver Novelties. S-ilve Boxes, Sterling Silver top. 1 0 cenrs. Sterling Silver Comb and Bru«h only $2.50. Watch and Wristlet only $4.00. Watch Repairing, Diamond Mounting and Engrav ing In all its branches. Everything first class. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler Under the Arlington Hotel i off me msommi. Used Mark**t kwtkawa* *h*»i !• Mart IMUiri* I I iiMt fw* | Wi» WaMwrf Aat-e (<««•« am<*4 ta ttw> fund ***■«• m**4 ml tka wise* as <w»i Uwd | kCttekatksMt le f. "a J tka Onedaai td*wv '** [ rSat **>Aatpa M Kkka»**»««. Par tka gar* • Lma as **•<«•»• the lahaMtaata as | Voaadaa* (Sa*. I -tkSHml Lord H**- ih*.*t Mltehener. tka Egyptian a*rd*‘ tn [a* *»p#k taftae ta tk# Mnkf pkpaa* I today. apfMftla •«» tka Bc-tak paMn to [•«i«*ttha tsoa.aai t« foottd *M sols ’** tn ike Chat dost Manwtal fsll*p at | Khartoum atttfc a *t*w *f edoeatta* |tka tlnadar r a O4 nsttiaskl tka work wkiek Oaaatai GoeOoa ( <mmaa*«4 I He aaja tk* Qu**n and «ka P*to*» of tv ala* have ■ <>n**«ia4 to •***«"•* go*- linn* of tka ast*ftatig|. and that Int ! PatMthnry has written him. awppoeilna I I ha *rk*m* aa th* only "dkr hy Wkt'h Eiutlaad * rtvliniag miaat ai tin | h* elfacttvaly w*ssiglkh*if ' Usd Kltrken*.* alao an«tou»**a that j tha lUmana Baedett-Coatta and «thar people of aaafih and high |*aili ft s *up port the atitarpria* At a haatvi tendered him at Mis* burgh toat night Lord KlitSmtf. in r*- H- ndlng to o toast to hi* h-alt h. as - p ained Ms plana t«r tha uiatltuilan at Khartoum, and mad# a dramafl' ap peal f<>* funds. Ha artted alao for halo from "tha people of the grant Kngtiah speaking slater nation of A*n*rt*o. The Earl of Roaahery, who »»i at th* haoouat. eioqumiiy and patriotically Indorsed th# project. Inauguration of New IMnlng Car I Ine on Southern Hallway’s Called Stale* Fa*t flail Train*. On Nov. 3d. th* Southern railway es tablished a auperh new dining ear line between Chariofie and Washington on the Cniled ftaiea fa«l mall. Non. to! and *« This aervic* makes thl* train ■qual to the famous Washington and Southwestern Vestibule Idinlted, j whoa* reputation has revolutionised travel In the South. For information or reservation In Pullman cars, rail on or addrraa J. R HEYWARD. T. P. A., 739 Broad atneat, Augusta, Oa. V.. BOILED HER HANDS Tha Horrible Charge Proven Against a Woman. Netv York, Dec. I. —Mrs Elisabeth .Smith of Plimpton Lake*. N. J., *«« ’convicted In Paterson yesterday, after ten minutes' deliberation by the Jury, of maiming the hand* of her nine-year old stepdaughter Alte? wlih a hammer and of Mealding the child's hands In boiling water, the child's offence havtng been the rteaikig of pic and some wal nuts. Two slater*. Iy*ah and Ine*. told the story, and then Alice showed her mu tilated hands to the Jurora. She denied taking the walnuts. Mr*. Smith's defence was that Alice mashed her own handa cracking wal nuts. and that the scalding of her hands was purely accidental. She was. she said, simply washing the child’s , hands, and did not know the water was ! hot. Her husband corroborated her.blit the Jury believed the children, and Mrs. Smith was reprimanded for sentence, j Alice has heen adopted by John Stags , of Hlghwood, Bergen county. Her three sisters are living with Abram Van Hou tem. the neighbor, at Pompton l-akes who first informed the Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals of the case. AH four are bright rhlldren. As We See It. Great Operetta Bur lesque, IB to BO cents, tonight. | A Hamburg inventer has devised n ; penny-ln-the-slot machine which sells ] milk and keeps the glasses clean, clos- I ing up when It is empty. It Is to be | used especially for school*. i Popular Prices. 15 to 50 cents. ATjaxjßTjk »JTbald MORE Cl Or. IOUS j THIN TRAFALGAR Ylßi ti Mfeti Mb kfkiorti TMM «ffc ••**♦•**• df Mm k#»»edk Mksß t f«o UPM f *$ ; flMIt Ot* §#*■*' ios<Q&§ It## vow twil IMIpMIphI mi .4# MNM# t|k ’• T *lm> ‘ 9m* * I up# Wml Hf A m l*iMA JN*» W"#}'*** f fms*i** | fHptmm# pf tso plOfT# m» §0 00 MMifURI M# tP# * ***’" * §#4l f-t-r-jiry * * - fsf-«r 4 #1 | „w t .gj f^ f T M til 4 fin «w»# Ik# f# i |t|«irltlm9# • *%% #l| It# 4MH9> f ##MV *69004 i n»l#rr»»>> ipicwitiffliiti #»>M» • 9*if «P* irmj* wmmM «iM ||# ffafillb# III# fniffUrllt# W 90% fm '(W 19nw###»» f|»# Ikn’tfpll# IMRMI 661 W 0069 lit### 96f6 Hn<* Bpsnitng et lbs bnttln# #1 W Ctm*y j and Km limn tt»tl#e s*p# »R# Am#r>* <ll Am|M • til mrtf ttalnMi **•l’- *g# tM iftfll Wbil* tb# w#r# going on nt 151 Csgsy end dt ‘ ! #>, (hr m«»tr OMM Uneven again#* •*•# ! wb*’# Kphhirk tin*. frr tb* P»T* «* ! m» |n«M. of berwsotnt and mak*og l|l« sitark more k*dr s’ Til* eswwel* iln nf ill# (tconlsb aid# hr# 4»H (a ’h* SHtp-Stt c-®r*l» Sad M* O*#* D* *’»lm*d >bst #nlv XIO m*n def<md*d Kl r#n#y for in bonre end *b*t defended In Jwn fee fw beur# Tb* writ## NNki of ll* H»#!» Imm* liar lmro' tip Ml end loud oh *b# 5*4 «| July, and Ik# aoni# of t>» Bponlsb t,<i i p July S For some <lm# Ik# Spaniards did set know »krh»r Ik# iklpi bid iixmlif tv hiliN ik#l# «*r«|io l< we# *t« O ' Iwk when '•*# pilot ram# la n 4 htlamol *b*m tbe* tb# T»r##a. Oqu#»*n and ib» deatreyer# had h##n io*i Tb# Sr* df *b# Spanish ship* was •aid to km b##n alow, mbit# that of ihr A tor; aa abtpa *a* brisk Ta .1 »• cussing tka disaster h# aapa that to# to*a of tor ships had torn foiotoM hr at" lb# commanders Tb# b##t e*##!v#d rif tinit> or4#ff ffocn tdptila •I of Cuba to l#trt B*otiii*o li» of Admiral Carvera's remonstrance* SHa aap* tb# Bpaalsti ar# proud of tb* diaaat#’ of Trafalgar on account of tb# heroism of tb# navy. and tb* battl# of Santiago la much iaor# glorious Spanish Losses at s*atlago Tb* total ]ot##a In all th# attack# on j Santiago arr gl#*n a* follow#; Officers killed. J«: m*a klllad. 107; officers wotmd#d, f>»; nt#n wounded 55*; pris on#ra and missing. 7 officers and 11* men. H# clos#a tb# account of th* naval battl# of Santiago taping: "1 hm never b«rn ablo to und«r atand tb# reason why th#r# wai »#nt to th# laland of Cuba a fl##t that was 1« no ma«n#r able to cop# with that of th# United Statra. But alnr# It was a#nt, th#n It should hav# b#rn preveot #d from h#ln* destroyed. aa It was. without resulting In any advantage whatever. In# only way of gaining any advantage would have been. In my opinion, to send a few ship* of great speed, more or leas well armed, to the commercial rorta of th# United Statra and bombard port* or the Vnl t#d States and bombard them even though not very effectively.” Norfolk Oystnrs in any style with repular Supper toniffht 25 cents. Commercial Hotel Restaurant. Popular Price*. 16 to 50 rents. Macaulay & Co. Have an announcement In today’s paper which will be read with Inter est. They have just received a beauti ful line of Japanese ohinaware which is very suitable for Christmas gifts. Their stock is entirely too large for this season of the year, they say. and they air therefore determined to redtic* It. They have a large and competent force of clerks. Be sure to call on them if in need of anything In their line. As We See It. Great Operetta Bur lesque, It. to 50 cents, tonight. Georgia Cane Syrup 25c per Ration at Whitaker & McGowan’s, 1248 Broad Street.. Strowger ’Phone 1381. _ Popular Prices. 15 to 50 cents. Odd Etomologj^ Restaurant, from the Latin, res. a. thing, and taurua, a bull~a bully thing. Try the new one at the Commercial bo* tel and he convince J A* ffs See Ic. arecit Operetta Bur lesqtlif 15 to 20 tonight. 3. H. Duncan of MuleU’s. S. C., la M the Commercial. THEI NOW CALL irTHE'ABOTH" * * . Tka \f9 fM# ( #B#kl tt ( t 1)4 s#nHkt Smmm* «f 4* f' »*»o gosa*. ▼#*# ■: fit#' |pp4#*i| #MU #######»-'I s ##m| ii»* * #oo* m+* 000 9*9t* I • In#* **mm* «*» im&mmm 9mm ft fm •* flk.qs foe#- ‘t# ftHlhN#|##f *Bft s MAH *•!% # *$ m Tl”*"* ■ #'### #lf *'##***, ftfilH# I*4 f 9960* #•##»*'“ »*■* J * ■ 4 ai |t ' > '» ftOM#f| • “*9tik9 H* l^yjftlll#! n# «rrv«J4 §*#»• At .*«* If »A ft## mm* 90*904. NM H 94 ts #t III# !«)4## *4MIN| Jetfi# N9i H« o*4 *** kirn* W* t"' 66Mti l##t >ii#S* 4*#? I*' • I'l# l ##!••##(#, R 1 • , n)ftH fMkliv•#*•*• 11 *W«f* a FiMfft# I# *h# **t j«l»l FwIlH T**oo9> H #ft* J#lHi’fN*#9e i#9 • «f * «MB ao-tlw “J" «• *k» 4«*%af J F clrtgga -vmlsima m-K » j.o« ii.-klwipk*y»a<‘ *atin« «*#—#»•»• jaqoh Hsmt<etchk->-k< datum tk# ®- 1 p HJOle- Prteaa. Ikftft *• *#•*•■ REGIME ED MATTER. Important Order K*< vised Regarding Above kind of Moil Coated in several prominent p a### in the postoßter lobby 10 tb# following nolle#: , I’twtolbr# Department. Washington D. C. I Owners of first elatw registered mai ler shall be .odemalfled sot loa**« thereof in lb# mail*, to# indemnity to be paid out of lb# postal r#v#m*#, but in no rna# to eiceed ten dollars for any on# registered piece, or tbe actual val ue thereof when that la Ira# than ten dollar#. It is recommended that sender# of tegtoterad letter# write their name# acroae the sealed Cap# of the envelopes, or tbnt they seal With wax, * John A. Merrill. Third A set Postmaster General.' Thl# will force people to the money I order system- Heretofore the regie- j tered mail, when lost, ha* heen made good by tbe government for any amount. This order Is to lessen the responsi bility of the government. This will 'cause many to patronise the money or-; der system that have heretofore used : the registry service. I a» We See It. Great Operetta Bur j lesque. 15 to 50 rents, tonight. AT THE GRAND TONIGHT. | As We See It” Will Pe the At. traction ••As We See It" w ill attract th..*" who j enjoy light comedy to the opera house tonight. Popular price* will prevail. ; The show-1* said a real excellent j one—really equalling the *1 shows. The company Will play here tomorrow night : also. Popular Prices, 15 to 50 cents. W. T. Murphy of Atlanta is at tbe Commercial. Popular Prices, 15 to 50 cents. A. W. Rice of Washington, D. C., j is at the Commercial. Popular Prices, 15 to 50 cents. Died. IN' AUGUBTA, UA., NOVEMBER SO, IS9S. ADELAIDE EVANS STAF FORD. W ife of Thomas H. Stafford. The friends of the family are incit ed to attend the funeral front St. Pauls Church TOMORROW (Fri day) MORNING, at 11 o'clock l-nneral Notice. THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTAN CES of Judge and Mt-8. Jno. T. Shewmake and family are requested to attend the funeral of the FORM ER from his late residence. tIS GtTer.e street TOMORROW (Friday) AFTERNOON at 4 .o'clock. Married. Andrew Wilsom ait* Gra*e Psl*r#e» were unit** in th# h4y Usnd# #f ntstri mony or tius rssidegto of ©. *• Wil kin*. 0.7 Brand sitwit, Tuesday night, November W. WA2ra®£>—BOaiTXCw'Ajft NITIbWS Odt r-rortc. Address 145tJCollork street. Lil ia Dixon. ai c c - v FEARED HER PRETTY EYES < tftftkjtl llftf Mdtii llltMtf lift !«m vaseH Bomb immmm, fftk J«| Is* t «f#g OM»< « fm* #### 09H06 Mm##*###. «a#ft»* i»fth#| l #i *f 0 9060 W9O t|M#l ft#* 900096*090960 *»|h* k. 4 fff # * -96* !#%# * ■ ' * 00099 00 ' *tom 090% 0900% %t*mm 90mn0%*$ . +o*m 090 Vila#., >##%#*9 90000 fiilfcli W 9#r|#*'f« *6*m 900000600 00000006 00* *&0000B,, omm 9*# •#■«*#wi ##*##i t *'♦*.## s #•4 #%# 9990 000009 f9OOB *‘oo 00096 *OO *066 0000000090 6 06 *9*- F * 99* 06* '## *# HD##*. %mm*i 60t 9m t#t#4 9m aft #9*-1 i 9906 m 9# 000990% *09099 000006 C##9 fft flit# ft# 006000999 ft# r,m» o**96 09009$ , : 4000m$mm lift 9000000010 g|#*k.ft'*Nt 090*066 ft## IftftffttMMk ftftpft ft lift tftlwntftftft,. o*o96ooo'* §0006006. ftfttf %06909600 00640 06*9 - lw# t*4 009609 9666090 ft#*#- ft|#9f9ft‘ftft*Hl ■ 60669 6600 69006 0660 60 #jjftiNr , ft , ll*S» 000660.. \ #• f%# ift>rp #t#ft ftf H* ftftft hmi TliFipt tftflftM #t«# 0*969 tfcftft# o*o66s* \ ktgs H* fail tk* grtaa# uft lfe**r tMtak ; ftVPf tV94 Ift 99M4M ftf 4ftF 6m tftwft# ftfftft 6004* Iftft Jftfftftft lt"» 9400m* \ 9% ftft#« ft ft ftftft#* %o*4 *044 0900* ft# t.Vft# 0996, ft Mr* Jrftftftftft, 111 9*49969- \ ftth# ftftft ffttft fttft) tftftf 0%6609 66999 069*9 *s6o*94 »i#trt'r p"*o9#f SOO ftftft ftfftifti I Le.f l 10.1111#.' I* I# Ift# ftr# Iff Iftftt’f liftftfft# ftftft ft** ftfftlßMlft'l*•* ft!«ft##tf- tftr##jft 9* ft*t ft* ft 0000600444900% uftlftftf* ftlftftfMlftNNl * is r "‘’- #MHft tl## IftlftiMWNl Ftftft tft* ftftftfp*» ff«fti 111 fttftftftNftl. 9f tft* 04460409* j ttitm of ift*** •§**?♦ ft?** f'#<4ft# lirsfte# Jft 96W6' t ftftft #t | ftff ||4B#ftftftft WlHMftft ft- 09*9*04* j «itl) r#r##«l? V4H94 Hat*# ***4m%tm agent «t Dorhoo Boolk Mff*. •• l f |#| fgf o»«ort flft 0460*49 ftt Vft* ft***' * f##ftloft#ll hftfif ft#ft#* fr*nft M#Ht# #!#<•, 4 ftf lift Kft AftMtrf* 4404 000349 Ml ilftftftMl* * \ rMt-tlx** kta gloast kkgek kale pike* red «k»*k «• MMrk * i serially laglirsM gsuiikg. H»a fst* la 1 •wotal It tk tit* ike* <* if* >k * ■** to obtain tk* mas-ery over sock a jgrttek at Faj ne lltraksa When Recorder GeX e»m# to Mr M*l«tyn> asked that the jguksgior of throe muling #f»» k# agrlodad from tka eoort rotm The aya# Mated ** appeal so Abraham Idtf kar liwfff, ] ond that of kar husband Every tktea- I man gntetJ at them gad aw da*riad Their glanea arrept over tk* room » my of (aartnatloa. Abraham Idvy pr»- lvoted, he might k#ed to conault Mm.. Moor# j But Recorder Hoff aad caught a 1 flash from tha eye*, and he too, fear- j ed k>r tha Jttrrf*. ausceptlbl* men If they ahem Id rc-me under tkair apell. I he banished Mm Moore, aekt her over to a diatnrit comer of the room, far from tbr chatr An which the talesmen would »H wb e being examined To her distant Bt Helena, her Davil a In latitl. she went and ant. hut not alone. Few BenJanPo Hill, an *m oenl law yer from As ntn.'where abe used to be called "Pet" Strahan. followed her and sat with her throughout the day while the prosaic examination of tales- i in* 11 went on. But. ever and anon, from a distant corner of the room there shot a ray of i mure light. A my that curried upon j it thrills to the hearts of those upon whom It was turned And the ray »»• bluer than those that flashed from the diamond set sapphlrea that sparkled tn her shsll-llke ears. The selection cf Jurors will continue today, and after Wil'lam *• E Moore a trial ends that of Fayne Stra han Moore will begin And In tha trial every one-Ju«kte. Jurora. counae snd wttnessea —will be under the apell of those witching eyes. , A* TV,- Sec It. Great Operetta Bur lesque. 15 to 50 cents, tonight. MAKING -MOONSHINE” I Hartwell Russell Bound Over by Commissioner Calvin. Hartwell Russell of Jefferson county, charged with Illicit distilling, was last afternoon given a preliminary hearing before Commissioner Calvin. He was bound over to the United States court on a one hundred dollars bond . He has been making "moonshine down in Jefferson and was arrested by United States Marshal Wblieley yes terday. Popular Prices, 15 to 50 cents. M. E. M-'CAULAY J. A. MULLARKY D. P. SULLIVAN Macaulay & Co. Have $35,000 in Dry Goods—in fact, too much for this time of the year The balance of the month will offer Bargains in eveiy depart ment. Nobody is in any better position to sell Dry Goods so cheap. We buy for cash and each member of the firm are hustlers. The most comDetent set of Cierks in the city. . OUR FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT—IO cases of fine Japanese China war* put on sale today. Our reputation in this line is invulnerable. In an early inspection you are wise. Macaulay & Co. j GET ACQUAINTED. N fm ftM*! M»b *** 9 ft* ftf Mftftft I CiiwpMV fff k##N N Ml pm |M -I*l BVtfMl M #1)1 ftm TM. fti •fttl ai ItMßf tm 69*6 6m Cxtfiw mp*6 I ymm n «tt HfM tm •16 ommi m 6rmpt -ym Nftiiof hb»Oihr> Ab 4 ttaf mmi IdßdariW* twiiitßm 6m Um mmmmm* in m«M%. MNtcf mi pm* m «bm| b»a«i a mu «| IM Itff iNfMBNm ■#> >>f I MW<^r 6 I#—l bf *t#<tHif ymt tnmmt*i Inmb &* mmi mb## mi CHAS* f DEOCN. is S\ik)us!u Siniiiiii’r^, THE WIATMWt Facto* Clna4> TaulgtH aad fetdkg. AactaM* # I*4 ftftftftMft Iftwrftftll m* lift, ¥*s **■ 94* 9m 99 009499 6694 mm. 6p*4 w**i» ftftlftft 064 iftftHft €04969 Uftft ft#4 OftMfftift rn F#f 4? flnftit ififtMlftt ##4 Fl*####.: *# *•*►!• o*9* $ rum Of O 4 |W< m *O6O *O4 24 f |j. # rf||f| j 9iM»t> r 4l>gl Vlllftt. ##4 tft# to#»it o*6 pf I ft# If ftftft Wfftt rvMKtlr) Tft# §044444% *9 ftM ftiftft fttftf Kft#- I#?* Flftrlft# #»fc • *»«ftt ft#jwrw*itaft r««rn«l «# mkm§ l%* T#»a* f*mm T6044*94* Ufr 9 04*99 f*ll#ft ft*#* *ft# ft« ft## our h#»< #ffftrt# !• m*k6 y46*f ftftft ft#*** 64U6409 6M*J*o4ti9ff . MAHONEY & ARMSTRONG COAL AND WOOD. - Slrkvtgcr ’Phon* ~. . . i*t Bell i7*» Office and % ard No. i McCartaa .Street Ut* Regioa and tha Ohio Valia*, with marked fall* reported from Wes tern Texas aad Western Nebragha; but have risen, aa a rule, over th# re n alnlng seetloaa, tka rise being deci ded in tk# Central Gulf State* Rain ta failing at Corpua Ckriatt and snow: flurries at Davenport and Buffalo. New York City reporta a maximum -aind velocity of 3C miles Com the northeast and Buffalo a current velocity of 35 ■ilea. As WV See It. Great Operetta Bur lesque. U to 50 rents, tonight. INDICT IE NTS Cases Against t fading Citizen* of McCormick Indictments for conspiracy have been found tn th- United States Dis trict court, at Co.umbta. against nine leading citixens of McCormick. The offense was the action in driving ont of the place J. VV. Tolbert, hus band and assistant of th- poatmis-: tress. The men Indicted ar-: L. B Stur kie, John Dunlap. Wade Cochrane. Thomaa Bentley. Henry Martin L. Tucker. J. Q. Stillwell, J. P. Jen nings. J L Reynolds. It !s report..! that these gentlemen sa> they will ail submit quielly to arrest when Marshal Clayton arrives, and will accompany him to Columbia, where the? expect to be tried at the present term of court. Cold Band Hams 1 Oc per pound at WhitakerA Mc- Gowan’s, 1240 Broad St. Strowsrer ’Phone 381. R. W. Robinson of Charleston is at the Commercial. Popular Prices. 15 to 50 cents. DtetMftt* i BOt4MEM>* LETTCM* To*49 40*64004 91# € 9990*4 04 lftr#*tMfeC VftMft Tft# ft»f i) fl ftf t'##l# ft# «# ftftt# tftft fttVVlMftft $m 4#ftMl *4O tftMf ft## ft ft##t* w tft*! i# # m **0464006 • Iftf N 4 fft# mm 969 60 Cmmp ftftt# 04469 9909 9*664* 6944 ftftrftl tft# 9*4f tftftt ro4tmm*4 tft t Imf ♦ jUq nf * * 4 t* ir - * - tftftfft*# f- Jiff • l /’itff,* ftftft 44*4*64 ft* tft# ftft tft# tft#####** ‘Lft# r»ed pm by tk# «aMt*rt man Tka* ft#V# it* 1 to )Ri'rffl{ h #ft4#* 4#ft #ft tftt rftt#fU« ft#*# #ft» b##ft fat* BnsMwaater mat Hags b>. ao« (M sired tkat ffcay a** tk*! tkrtr letter* are properly addressed Haetlo* £73 »f tka Paata* f-nw» aad Regclali <r.» read os tka aakjatr "Baf* idler*', sailor* aad marine*Tetters -» letters written by oOrer* -otamlaaioa aad privatea ta tk* military aervic#. j naval aad aurlaa service of tka Pat ted illata* to b# tr*aamttt*d unpaid, must ha plainly marked ’m Idler's |e»- t«e,* tailor s letter' or ‘maria* a let | tar.’ a* the cws# may ha. and signed i ihcqadar with hi* mo* and oOctal .lent gnat ion b* a l*M ar etc If »Mcar, I or datseomaat commander to i whose command the noidler b->no*. •or by a aurg**u» or chaplain nt a hos pital. where be may be and ta the na»y and marine service by the .•BS'g'r In eommaod of the vessel or eurgeoh ra board or officer command'ng nnral •hospital or datarhwent on ahor# letter* no cert .Aad wll be ferward ed charred with postage due at alngl* rates only, to be collected on deliv ery. •PERRY HEATH. Tiret Assistant Poatmaeter Oea.' * A* Wi* Pee It. Great Gperetta Bur* taaqae. 15 to ** cents, tcrught THE MARKETS. AUGUSTA MARKET REPORT. Aufuntft, Oft., Dw I.—Ton#. Arm. Ordinary 1 IS *** Good ordinary ♦*» Strict good ordinary «N Low mlddltnc < 15-ls . Btrict low middling 5 1-lt ! Middling &N Strict middling * *-'* G> od middling .. 5 13-1* Stains f T-Hall-IS Tinges j RECEIPTS. SAI.EP. SPIN NERS. SHIPMENTS. Weed ending Dec. 2. 1*98: Rec. Sales. Soln Shlp't Saturday 292* *«» 3* MSS Monday 1373 731 131 *W Tuesday 1971 *93 101 20*5 Wednesday ...1755 7** '-'lB I®so Thursday 145* 979 2091 Total 94*3 4221 49* 795* GROSS RECEIPTS 1*97 I*9B N-t receipts today 9*7 \l4s< Through cotton today ... —— 1 Gross receipts today .... 93. 14.>8 STOCK—RECEIPTS. 1*97 I*9B Stock tn Augusta today . 4*205 55594 Receipts since Sept. 1 ..205141 19718 S Aa W? See It, Great Operetta Bur. lesque, 15" to f.o cents, tonight./