The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 03, 1898, Image 1

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• a tw »« K\* »tw*t a • • .*. TH* tmmn un»m UMfL t***»*» IHMII* f» ft# »«•* arrnm i "GREATEST SHAME KNOWN TO HISTORY" fit Mil Stoat H It t Mtrtti M» •< MMtf Ji* '*» till 1W »twt»«i MHM. It* M*». *<■ tuM HmN UIW m* Win l|M M* at tb* ftanH. Htp#t|4. T#* f , ** 4 1044144 IN4®* *#4k ## f.|#ft 4#* oMy4NMM rj##4 4# • •4Vt6 Un» MMiNMI 4#**4i4tl4# #4l#4 j 14# *pj*4m M 4 *4*494 4# 4*4- ; *# **4 # It in MitP'ii • **?#• 444M4# #4 til " » " %' € «:i :» <r ikJitugAl IgK twwNMM|4W# U> 414 p#*##* 4# •#fct#4| 14# CMftl tNMHOI f *9**-' 0 • ##4 •» " *"i9V'«# •• W# *&#l! tk<af4 *4#r®#9|<rst|* { to iiffoum ovt patU to# u# mmmmm <*t i gpucwi tY;«Utlion #49* t* It (Jk* hft 1 ill of tMwo'tUi Ittrroft) tff«an •111 4#! t4# 4o»# of flif #»4 of tM j ?# *H > f #V#fTl 4#?!% Itftd• i tfH# tO si|ft#t# I* 14 r*t4fvl. #4 iii* wt) mots fit fimrtf# of (4# miqultv vhtrl « m float If irroo pittM 14 Porta oe Woh»ot«y t*j t4# l ottod fktatM rnootortai tad oti rii l# tfc# iwatot ilnof tm fcoowo to Tie ead <4 the alsHteail rtturt la na lM 4a (P brutal Htahiiatioou of fnrrt otrr rlfbt aa la (4a Moo of *'4ll Hpaio faafa Itlia fottarlf. f4a tar ribia o* tafltrt*4 oo bar. God AN INCREASE TO BE OIVEN. 5 out hern Railroad Employe* Oala Their Point WUI (let Pay. Atlanta, a Iter, I.—lt |* announced era railway b>i promiaed a par.tal ree turtiio* of lb* ten per rent tn wage* made ****** I year* ago. The restora tion (<ati a* the result of peraiateot agitation by the employe* who think I the increased busiursa of the rued jus- I till** asking fer better pay. The n*w sec 1* will go Intr effect Jan. 1, 1)09. and ahlie It Is not tp be a full restoration of (hr ten per rent rut, it ! will lie such an tucrrasr a* <vtll give thr several thousand employes of the i road general aatisfa-Uon and at the 1 same tint* avert a strike in the shops of the system. The promise of the Southern's offi cers to Increase wages wsa not given without full consideration. The com pany wsa first asked to restore tb* cut last summer, about the time ih" Western and Atlantic and Nashville. Chattanooga and St. Louis restored par tially the ten per cent cut on those roads., but the answer came from Wrshington that the Southern did not make the cut and tbai it was not re sponsible for the primiae to restore. The machinists of the system then took up the matter, and begun holding meetings end discussing the advisa bility cf demanding an increase of I wages. It was decided abeut a month a;, to make the demand. The ma- j chiniste of the system formulated a demrnd on the company asking for an increase of ten per cent and the com pany was given until Nov. 9 to answer the demand. The answer given was rn»3ti»fectory snd rfter bolding callvd meetings the machinists of the system voted to go cut on a strike on the 30th of las. month. Every machinist in the employ of the road was to have quit work on tnat day, but a fe>v days ago the company's agents went to the men to a great, extent the "nnti-Ka.ser ar .1 assured them of a raise cn Jan. 1. They stated that a new scale of wages was to be arranged and the men were to be given ten hours of work a day. Just what the raise would be is not stated, but it is thought that it would amount to an increase of about 5 per ( cent, a fid tbe company agrees, It is said, to let this increase stand perma nently, not to be cut after the heavy business is over. CONFESSED THIEF. he Walked Up to the Police and Sur rendered Himself. Chicago, 111.. Dec. 3.— Thomas Bee*:- with, of Boston, walk=d into the. Harri son str-rei police station todwy, snd asfc «*d to he arrested He confessed to The embezzlement of SIS.iXK) from -Tile* •* Co.. Boat on. His request was pT»nrpt:y -.r. iei-h tiw* cwoe a wm 10**1 Pftt#r4#?**toi nap* ••* Soil THE AUGUSTA MEIiALI). «ot 1 Mr t*. mkmh.*L MiiwoAv, a.## 404 MM 44®l •*■#•o* 44. iat •*■*'# foaoivotiootaoi aodPt tab**'o to# f'ot 144 f4a««* Mi*a 401414 «4 I4# t ##4* #f####t i bat s»## *#%#»»» * * fOa 4ftl 4# oof fOOI 4*'*a#a? 14# 4#otirit ##94# •Hi *o aamt ft oit’ bat a t# 40 row a# toa 14# sM I ##* t t •hw pa#a# tpa a apart" rQOi 94 4*#f» 94 if# P4l4#ftt4#* 4 *#l4# 4-fio# **=? aaottao #44 4|#4N4 OMtas «Mflfc*#« 40 0*44944 atoo#Ml»w4* aad <>in N Nm*» mu» «t t» at# fuaiood at tb* 4#*® b, 941 f *44 aOOt •4# nil 9#fW#ai ffooi •04 foroatd tba oooot 94# 4«#4*44 • but •• «#B!il baaa <tf out |ioaaaa«lo4a lo to# pa#ifi- ti# At mu tb* Mo4M art aar a a aad tba ma#f as Africa, tut M»t«ot rap** too# oat too# ob# rot at •or tbioiiatnat boo 001104 teat 00 tb#a* po*aaaai<«a« or aaiaodtos iOb*r baad* #*#• '<> aooia OfMMiiab taooa |l |a ifn# |iat |M rtta Iba uoltad aa«ta4rv»*« of tba «orM would b# abla to f QQrttirr tmr 4#4t4MM4T Tba oa* 1 |m) *»a him* ««mH4 dafaod if aaaiaH tba obfdara aa It did a4Sittat tb# Old. "Tba iwfottitiiMiw of am ittroft b •til not tide ao 1044 a® 4*Hf fiaotda tbiafe If Vs bara aot lot to |*#> tb* Cuba# aad Pbtlf#fMv»a dabta. »* aha t ba abla to fua* la lira jraifl tba tbra# tbaoaaod ottiuo furaataa tt# bar** ta oar rakoltl arara. aad •• •ball ba abla to wt#a oot «dbar dabs» H-ii if oa ara kiadad wltb «ba Phil#o jHaa aad Cubaa dabta. our fftoaacial ra* IHOritltMi a 111 tab# m»K h longer par baps tw#atf yaara Of ronraa a Hat a«r would ttfNkat all tbraa ralrttla* tkme ** THE REPORT CONFIRMED. Herman) la Really Trying Is Buy the Caroline*. Pari*. Dee. 8. Thyre .will he no )olot iPfiion of ill** roniml**l«ii today Tftt# \m*ru an* hmd a lhr**« bmin (noting today. The report from Berlin that Oenna : of aa« negotiating for the ptirrhaee of the Caroline Island* l* confirmed | from severs! quarters, although Count i Von Munater-Uedenburg, the German I ambassador here. Informed tbe corres ' pondent of tbe Associated Pres* that . p* knew nothing at all about the mat - I ter. The American cojimissloners are in clined to believe the report, and loolc | ed upon it as explaining the reluctance I of tbe Spaniards to give the Afrertcan* an answer in regard to the Caroline Islands, as well as the question of re ligious liberty th're. and the latest de velopments confirm the report that the Spaniards have been Instructed not to yield on these point* until they mad# a good bargain IST tJA. BOYS A Number of Them Enlisting W ith the .{■at Michigan. Knoxville, Dec. 3. Paymaster* are here to pay off the Sixth Ohio and the Thirty-First Michigan. The money in expected today. A number of the membeia of the First Georg.a. just mustered out, ex pect to enlist in the Thirty-First Michigan. The two regiment# devel oped great friendship last summer. The Michigan regiment has many men discharged by favor, and Colonel Gar diner recently addressed General Lnw ton a communication asking for re cruits from the First Georgia. COL. W. J. BRYAN Stopped in Montgomery, en Route to Savannah. Montgomery. Dec. 3. Col. W. .1. Bryan, en route tq Savannah, reached here at 10:30 this morning, and was met at the train by the speaker of the house and a committee of the legisla-, ture with the request to stop over. 1 He consented on the condition that he would not lie called on to make a speech. H» was escorted to tbe capi tol, ’vbere he received an enthusias tic greeting and held quite a reception in the hall of tbe house. He !eav?s tonight for Savannah to rejoin his re giment. THE CARLISTS Spain Taking Extraordinary Precau- I ; tlon* Against Them Madrid, Dec. 3. <— Additional t»t*- caution* are being taken by t,U« gov •r&ffiAi agtubit the Cardial*, in »*v efiti province* notably the Sai’afgoSfti « and Biscay. 1 IWPflßClflli S GRIM HUfflOR tii t*r*t4 a a Awrn n* UMlir 9t« Map* tt*> mm Tm« <•* i b*«fl4 |Or 4.««’ Toa i •#•#•*#( 4#* b lit lb Hot "taoo* »ia toaortaat* t4a OarOMMia 14 Habit* I##'***** ar# ti*>f«Mnaii ! * 1 *<#*4't la «iaa*d by «ba *tm*m *m*ml aad Ibf4*a tMMfeo ifbe Tba wattreo la* Caul# ANihiaif tarda bara abaodooad 14m tooo aad adrMKad ****** tt ttm ft t iftt la *4# capital •• *aa prorta* * of t4a owe 41 toa 00 tba inis ad of Paaay It b b<a«H built of vool aad la drfawdad by a omit Pol, Tba pop* HENRY P. RICHMOND I»EAI>. Vi Ml R« RurriW TM* A lUr»«.m I rmm ihf l»drr»«J»m Lk«nk. ! O* !**«• I- TV»» fniMtil of tie lat# Haary Prtta H«*. titaoiid will tab* plafa from tba loiire rou# of tb*' lodapaadrat fba«b) (arias « hurrb at t o'* lorb tbia aftaroooca Tba body will ba tmmabt do*a front Atlanta oa ba nspratoi irala. Mr fti«-htn» r<f‘a <la.v*i «>. r (irrrii at bla raaidam■*■■, No, STS Wen fv#« bir ** a*r#at. la Atlanta, at I ortarb Tbnraday nigbi aftar an 111* naaa of aaarty two moot ha Tba w*t ttnfll reienl yraia a raatdaal of Hat an it ati barina raaldad Hara for tba grratar part of a long and J btsay tlfr and waa widalv known and Ircrpneted A*brmigb bla b*tig a*p»- : riffle* Ir fbe far* If liar hiialiiaaa h« «»m orrhably aa wldaly known Ihroitgaott* Gaorgia and adjoining atafra aa any buainaaa nt^n in tha four a«ataa The <tfra»a«*d waa ln*bl» Gih y*#**. having tjaan be on at t*lavrrark-on*tha Huditon March 1. 1H39 IVban a rbl I hr movad to tine amt* with hia pa r * ants, who ioratad at Augurta. where (bay tm.h dlad and art burled Hv cine to Siuntih In DC.) nn<t Vm« > lnn| mil u«*rul bu*ln(*»« l»rwr k«* with th» lir|r «vhol»«»lf groi wry hmmw of Htefk. Ahunlfr * Clnrk, of Iho Icrg?*! hou»r« In th!< thr Kouth. He took Mi M*j« ( art Ml I the ■i<t" of the Confetlernry. In IW-2 hr aK»i»lfrl In raining a company i*t Aiiguria anil later he was commlealoti ed a captain Ir the quartermaater - * :Ic per men!, and aerved througboot the remainder of th>- war lo the army of Oen. Braag Immediately af'er the war he returned to Savannah and be rnroe a roemher of the firm of William H. Stark A Co., wholesale green** and r-mmission mer. hanta. Th : * firm went tout of bnaineae in 18IU. Mr. Rli-hmond'e main work aiin-e the war has been in connection * ilh th* 1 fcrtlliaer husincas Ir wh! h he has been more actively engage'! ini! war. , perhaps mere widely known through out the Sr util than any men in the husinees He wee one of the ftra. to handle commercial fertilizers In 'he Sorth and his connection whh the brrinrss time has been constant. In 18S3 he became connected with Hnin mond. Hull & Co., afterwards Oraer. Hull A Co., end lster th" Sou the rp. Fertilizer compary, now merge I In the Virg nta-Carrllna Chemical company. He was office manager for the three first nomad firms and was at the time of his death connected with ‘.be Atlsu ,ta office of the latter concern Mi was not only one of the best posted tn >n [ in his husines*. but <vas faithful nuS i untiring in his work, being d- voted to the interest* of the concerns with which be was connected. Mr. Richmond's first wife was Mis* Mt ry Baron, daughter of .larnei R. Bayou, of Athens. Four children by this marriage survive him, Kd’.v’o A . Henry L.. and Frank C. Richmond, of Savannah, and Miss Mary L. Rich mond. His first wife dying -in war married, in 1*9.1. to Miss Janie Si‘ .•)- son, of Atlanta, sister of (Werner and ev-Chief Justice Simpson, of South Carolina. He has also a sister li.-ing. Mrs. Charles Stalk, of North Lyme. Corns. The deceased <vas a meniiiT t f the Confederate Veterans Association of Savannah. He leaves many warm friends in Savannah to sorrow it his departure. Marriage Arranged. Loudon. Dec, 3. A marriage is »r --ranged u«rv*en the eldest atm of Sir WiJl'mia VarUou £ . liherai lewdel of the iiuliie of «jui£&oiia. and the daughter of th* late tVa-Irwf' BfU'tni of New York. AUGUSTA DAY IN THE HOUSE Mil} ts On tifH Ml lit IpJHUlgf* Tt#). kiiiwu* ton M, •MmsAmw f tk#m4 • I* IpH t**» «•»# 4k91% RnRMRWu##, *#4l4 * ekifi# RIPRt »• i Ifkt# f (M|hflt#B *w#l * cm# K| Mr. M*v«•«* **f iigkHibui'i*' 9* lb lb* mm* 4#491#4M14 *•' ft * *4# I ntrollftii* #l«»ng 94# Hv#r ft m Au> ih»n#r ib-* rtty «%»***»' ti «r Aufima »•» r grant an*l romry iniatß i«* CHARLIES riAUe. t nited Mate* Troops Sold lo Be Ailing Bedly. He.ana PaM. Dm i -Col. H ~»l. i (liittnindiif <tf tti# gri unit itla 11*.nc.t in the. ||*ictt«n iimtrtct, ban r*»- a »#llt*r BtgnNl t*r tha b#a«la «»f i th# prtnrtpft! famlliaa tn tMlaira «om* l*tatntng againai r**ugh trwiim»*tii un * thr part of iha Anorkan #>l4kr», Th# . !«»tt#r Raya tbai woman bav# t»**#n I f*n, am! that w h**n th# I*** ai p«Y|b*#m#n ait#«n|vt#«l tn lnt#rf#r# th**y w#r# lastly hurt by lh«* aol(9i#ra Th# 1 rlfr a«!4a thal wh#n GH4IV waa uml#r ih# <‘»»nir*»l #f th# Inaurgrnta n» otitrag#® «#i# «*«minht#il agalnat ih# ; inhaliitinla , El Trlumfo. a.rie'vapcper Of <JM«ia, S ein i-get ically plot eats againet the hl j leged mitrwg's. and aaye that the Am erican government ought not to jia- I grace the nation's name l»y gentling In ; <*uha Ulldtsetpllßeil aoldlery. Hi Tllum ia a t’ubwn navet News from Nuevlta*. province «f l‘U ; erto Principe. a»>» that people ,th-re ale also complaining, hut Oep. Carpen ter has given assurance thal all abuses Kin the part of the noldtera will he pronipily purilalied. The people of th - tty of Puerto Prlnclne ai highly plea sell with Oen. Cgrpenter and his I men. BY A HAD bOO nr. C. I) Bailie Bitten Hy One Yei terdav. Mr. C. D. Bailie, a well known con ductor on '.he Georgia road, who livee e.l Harlem, was bitten yesterday liy a 1 mad dog. About a week ego a mad dog passed l through Mr. BaiHe'a yard and bit hla | rteg. It was feared at the time that :«he dig would go mad. hut as It >va* a valuable dog ami a pet. he would not have It killed, but shut it up. Yester day It developed symptoms of hydro phobia end before Mr. Bailie could get out of the way he *vas severely bitten ion Ihe leg. Mr. Bwilie at once applied a mil ztone to Ch» wound and It Is hoped fha' it will prove efficient. THE RALLY TONUIHT Ail Interesting Political Meeting at Red Men’a hall. A grand rally will he held at Red Men’s Hall, West End, tonight at * o'clock. The meeting will be In the interest of the Elliott candidacy, hut all are invited, Mattison men as well as El Hott men, to be present. There will ho en-T'c excellent epeaklng and all who attend are assured of an interest ing two hours or so. Remember the hour. So’clock, and he sure to he at the hall. Mi. Arthur Cooper, a very popular y,,ung gentleman of West End. died • yesterday morning, and was hurled this afternoon. Mr. Cooper died happy and ashed his family nut to mourn for him. for he "Was going liomc." Tin* sympa thy of many frkrtds is extended to the i hevaevetl patents. The favorite conceit of the heartless w*ac«H“W in fa 1 any woman t- is she way ..L.« could iwV* if ill* auly ified . i.. *i*«rrr«w—aiwfrir tie* .jimm.i**. Tt'e hast hot ■cln.i oime is at Alezau dcr Drug store. QUESTIONS THAT VEX |kg \«| A*e(i tRg, Hit Vf* lk« » mmMwc I p tt Bankwaa* B* IN* •»aai*g m k* tvxgMWnt #* *lm* llw ; " f|##i« *m. ### #4#'4#* «4# ««*•» lf>)i>iiN«# Wf lb#- 4 * v % n 4 lb# f#gi#tf# *!♦#".wiiimß## | tba lb# *- *'#•**< #4i Hr# 141 b bn### 14#- °4- .A « Mtf RNMI «ia ** -01 *•■ 4*9 iftt % r *t. '#*#» ##g tn### • ifh ('44# IVrm Ri#*» tb## «».b#r miitffi of tb# i»#g«9i*l§<*«i* • birb (pa!ly nrrn>#<9 (fi It# of ni - f . Tii# #if»l »f* r »fton of (bl« h* (b# r##l ! i.. cmumde such apeelal a.H.nMge. might mil onlv aronae r-ppcaHPHl from th«- rnmfflci lal c|a**** In the Patted mate*. b»« might btlng "f«m; the Pulled Stair* government a site* of demand* from the great eommrW-| .lal nation* of Ute worl.l COMINfI ATTRACTIONS Shaw* at the Brand lor Neat \A rfl In the higher - laes of attraction* nev- j cr presented such great comedy and ro- , mantlt* ih#»#tit#of aw* high m *•!#*• m# i* in i # f iv«*n #1 tb# Gram! ihia Aw*k. In Ntldlt I***l f« th»* bkfb rlaaa in..nj*ant**# the Hon Ton Hurleixtue - ~m|,Mtiv util I tie greeted lif a hi* audience at f> *|»- | ulai pel.—a. The company cnalat* of 33 f«mp|e. lota of pretty girl*, plenty I ■ or fun. singing .darn ing and hurl-aque. I Cm Tuesday ntgtit Ward* anil Hackeit ■ preaent a high daa* eomedy. They are, ; receiving unanlmolta prala.* from the | pecs* and public. Wednc*.ta> night promise* to I" a star event tn Ih,- grand 11*1 of atlrac- j lions. No play ever came to Augusta as • ,1,0.* The Heart of Maryland. It "ill lie a great event in Augusta. The the ! atre will he decorated with Maryland color#, and the lotc* will Is- occupied l,y Col Land Ami hia staff of officers. ' The Heart of Maryland la *o well known that the mere announcement of| ft* coming is sufficient to lest Ihe ca-1 l pacify of the theatre. Thursday night is the night that the 1 I system of ih.- th-aiie is changed en tlrely. once a year the thegtie changes i it* rule, when the biggest colored »r --i ganigatlon In the country visits th>- dty. The entire balcony Is Itnit-d nv.-r■ to the colored people, and the patrons ! of the theatre as well as 111.- .adored cit izens will have full .-1 |. rtunlty of <*n- j Joying the only and oilglnal and the: I. st minstrel show lhai travels. Next Saturday. What Happened to I Jones, one 1,.' the most sue. cssful com , 1 elites that has ever 'eeh produced In] this city, will tie a fitting climax for a great week. The m‘re fact thal Men. Boniface is a member of this company ! Is sufficient to draw out adgrge house. SHOT THE PQWCEMAN. John Y.criurpltay Tried to Kill Officer Cobb. PoHceman Oold.. while attempting lo arrest John McMurjfhey, a white man. I who was h»havin* diamdeily In a house ~n uppci Jones street, about fit o'clock i today, .- as shot at by McMurph.-y three times. The aim of the latter was had. so the policeman live* to tell the lal.-, and pul M. Muiphey under arrest. He Is now in Jail. Hone to Atlanta. Mr. Rowe Price, who has been with Thomas & Barton for some lime, left this morning for Atlanta., where he has accepted a position under Secre tary or State Philip Cooke. Mr. Price had enjoyed a wide popular'ty during | his stay tn Augusta and many friends deeply regret Ills removal. Diamond Robbery. Chicago, Dec. 3. Jewelry and diamonds valued at $4.30 were stolen las irletht front ihe apaitments of Mr.’ and Mrs. Max Blmnentlial. at the; C,r at Northern hotel. The door loek and Hie lock of the trunk were picked. Troops Front Cuba. ■ VuJsU. H., Dec - The SpguiiiU tfiniipufi Juu FXaiicisco lias afTfved .T,ara Worn Coh* with I*oo repstiriaied Spanish troops on board. tiawsamitii t*Mi *kv *«a*HiAt*tf rvr **. EMPEROR WILLIAM TO VISIT QUEEN VIC 'fv#"9t<U| «| i( *% « t fo #| |.t«#| 4f'«ifMM : 4 I to |'Y|hr# 4**9 ts *b# i 4f>*tbt tb#" I'Ti •if! •###■**• • #r' t.rf ike M-gaoa of I«** Hr*lira*af AMwa*t*d. shape of a W-ga.v at tht-*r milium I* > King AifiNWM . _ n- a[ r M | IVil f ll Ens- STOCkh HKIMER. Ihe Bulls Are Having If AH Tbalr Way. . I a. tc.lsllc ~f 4 .ontinued Pull muvrnf-ni f xittiHiion# ui*»f|i whirl! ts» *«*#•• (h»*»! j l< Atfir»at*fi« A( tb# i* l ** »»i***»*'| Una. Ihrrr win n **li*hi <ll*|>«aiHofl (*»j Mila# »•> «h# w*> «r* Ik n#r*il> nut («» v**ty ih#ir huldiniti uv#r ®undn.|r. Tbii* i t l9 fnII»»M-, t*A by HU ’ml buying. w4l#b lurnwl |*»l - during th# fln*t 9vmj?\ anti through nut th# #«rion Ihf u; vard imtb »a**i pur»(i#d. ih# cl*»Nln«c fl4ur#*» Mnu at i Hhmtf tb* I mat for the week Th.- In [terttathmel* were notlt-erhly sttong. t.n.l several large iilocits wete Is.ugh! -or foreign accounl. which wciii.l Indlvgle strong faith abroad In American secu rities In U** fnduafrlal H*t there wa* 5..111C apprehension us regards Ilir final adjustm.-ni ”f Ute Sugar trust, owing t ..the leeent cut by Ihe Alhu. klc pe'e 1 pi*-, whl'-h would Indicate a hlt.-h In I the linal amalgamation, We still advise purchasing the luw prlc- d slocks. anjWlhose who have f.d ilowed this a4vi.aMT.u- th.- i.ast month have occasion to congi aiulatc ttlcin scl\es when they compare th.-l. pur chases w ith present quctallon*. We arc i lolly hulllsh on Bout hern railway preferred ami hellcve It will Increase lo |SO In-fore ChrbHtttas. -Falnc Murphy A j ro. THE COTTON MAh KET m 1 Liverpool Cables Weak—The Ainerl tan IJgures. Augusta, ll:*.. Dec. 3. Liverpool ra llies went weak for near futures, with *1 ots .unhanged, our market u|.ru.d at a decline of two to live n.iints with ihe near months the gn-ater loser*, lull .(iiickly rallied, atid there was large lo cal buying, which was estnsdully rto tk-euhle thr.tugli |t"Us--s e.J Hi. Bout hern connections, and w h resulted in a net gain "f tout to seven points fur the day. The position »f cotton lias la-come more than unique, and il is almost tm possUile to estimate conditions which will take place when the weather con ditions change. Our rcpicscntattvc has Just returned from an extended tour throughout the not ton hell, and reports in.ire cotton In the fields than ai any time at this sea son of the year, and the 'movement Is paralyzed hy had roads, etc. A crop of eleven million bales has been made, but unde! prevailing |vctt tber conditions. It will not be Picked i as It Is daily being damaged by belli- Ins rains. We Hie bullish on cotton, and look j for high t prices next week. I’altic, j Mttrphy A- Co. fvtw York Futures. Neiv York. Dec. 3. Futures open : mi steady at a decline. Dec, 3.H>, Jail. . 535, Feb. 519, March 541. April 646. i May 65(1. June 555. July 556. Aug. slio. S#f)t. 559. National Banks • Wualiiu&tuti Ij#' 1 ’ ’tfuller fiiaiJe'a <■all hkUiV fui; ih> CtttyiM fi oil of Ur# national ban at I of bu.'Knesva !>n boromber L. *•* r*#t- .>«#*#* | *U ANTt rtH l f IAN AND HAVINGI * I HANK » . *»,.»♦ t an 4 * Mb#* l # b 4#4 (#9 #♦ # *44444 ifk* ((Mk*tNK K VttMHWI Ia it# i»f*t«i iiiatMHf iM C»#m » Utm Hut Aadf fcMm laaMg M f ai>tal %•*** is.ofiti* a u»t at # **>a«w Aaart* «K* u»rmm Kale*, ft*hr* »•* a* V Ml*, *M «#U *•! *s *i»«t InkS, s*h»*B .»*«*..•* t«fmr«Mtfm*l '•aa-4>M the ra* *m*l tIMM aa taaavknM. «4«»<rw» «as i<• »*al* t'w*»»a»**i.t> »a* g ra* p ! * * •*»»*** In aM*n U# ***t»«ai» A* I Kara to *»» Ik'l at »»■ data I fha Mr«n*tsu» at Ihr K*fe#aM n<*4- ,m« la on* .4.4 wv a ihtt artaMi hi i#b#4 If #lll 9*# Wt.Jl4» iHflulb S fe-#44* 1 tn# rm 9m f%*m *m *4 « tn**ttjr i« fb» I »i<«| 9H#<#4 f A«i Tb# I#ii|ilr b#f# b### 4»4f(«4 9na4l ibfti fp*f libit •• -»94#r»f44 94PH4IMhB Milb#4 Hi* IHgtHy. Tb# bettty ut tb# IMr# «f ■»• #444 Mviikfi # #bnrb (4 M n* *#»«t • blrb H*« <mnr#ff#4 W 4114 #n4###*9 # *# «#»• cAiff### •bb b f#*> | f _ « K r .- . hlrn | (•Mlv H#*4bm lartff or ttHft t «If 4», tiff* r«n* i#nt Tb# •!«!*# ##»#* iM to i mf ilmmmn him Tb# i*4b (#l« #1 l>r «<m«44 4T4i««4#f! I»*•* «ft#t # #r#4# o» (!• 4t#tfo t»i lb# iniio •«art»a la «|i!t4 .*f tb«# • irir(tr*m ••• ##bi to tb# fro4!l#r aa4 a (s#nwaw «»4< !r 4i>pfar* #*« (• (b< tarrl#s# and <!«•«»»**44M tb# liikmn- of «br «!if#rrnr# Tb# Aa km rwfttaed and Ih Herman ..18. I*l -Sid, /V«'rj ##9l ## wilt lb# rif» ..age and shun «tmr kifkM** t» tba .old tiding unfit yon pay Tba doka paid. THE GRAIN ** ARKES. the f eeling Abi.-ad an 4 the t fleet In America. \uguat3. Ha Dec. 3, 1 Xilk - Wheat.—* Early reide* shew *-! fractional de . line* w ha-h were reflected ia uuf tag;k.f at the .'lining, r.osipg the ’•tigh: seflnow ditrliig (lie Aral hour. 'Th.* -«*• fcltowed by (light • merlgg, I which came in ihe moat part from 4t. , laicte hotts** and fur ihe real of the , session price* were narrow, but w-11 sustained the dosing Iteina at a de cline of only '» from oftenlnc figure*. , North*.*. teceipts coniinu.- fairly lib !, ral. In.i are nut tin to e\pe. tatlffaA. Till* seemed to lie the silmnbillltg ln ltlienee Sl-tpin.iits for the week, in rlutHng fiour. aggregated 7.483.P3# Imshel* vs 5.824.726 bushels l»at week and 6 499.350 in Ihe same week in 1897: 3.653.160 imshel* in 1*96; 3,156,828 In IMS. and 3,011.560 in 1894 Since July 1, this year export* wheal aggregated 196.198,142 vs 107,938,739 lasi year. We arc still hulllah on wheal and 1 hellcve in mn.h higher prices. Corn and provisions rilled ntirraw through out the half session. PAINE. MFRPHY A CO. HE ?S BANKRUPT. A Former nillionalre Now Without Money. i Toledo, Ohio. ftec. 3.—ln Ihe f'nited States court this afternoon Isaac D. Sinead, until recently one of the best known and wealthiest manufacturer* in Ohio, filed a | etlth.n In voluntary bantu ttpt.-y. He gives Ills liabilities at nearly a million, with assets ns stuck named as worthies*. I I'tKll.a few wars age Htti-ad was sole owner of a patent heating, light ing and ventilating process. He was sole owner of'th, plant at Kansas Cltv, known as Isfinc ft. timed t‘o.; one at Toledo of-fll- sank name: half otvjt of Siitead. Mills « Phlladetpllla; and thiee-qunrlrr* .iwiter of the Btnt-ad Foundry cotnpaoy. Toledo, Ho incotpoiatc.l 1.1:- interests In tlio Smea.l Foundry and Furnace company, and he says that boa rdf of direct,ors, .'Xecutlve l oinmlttecs and general man agers drove him to the wait. the panama canal Another Fxtenslon of Six Years Time Refused. Washington. Dec. 3. lnformation i oimnunicateil to the stale department by Consul Hart shows that the Itotiso or representatives of Bogota. Colum bia. litis rejected the petition of the Panama Canal company to extend for six years the time for completing the const ruction of the canal. The compa ny still lias six years In which to rarity out the work. Tile Rita In New York. Dec. 3.—The United Stales transport Lita. which left San Juan. Porto Hi' ~, November 21. arrived today, with all well on board. An \rrival, Mr. NYelllii'siut; C. Caller i». happy today over the arrival of a pretty tittle girl at liid home. < .