The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 03, 1898, Image 3

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ftA t WHUAT OFFICER BROCK . CRTS BO OATS K. iwi l «•««*<• * }«•«* l|(tN »# ..«• ICM • tIMMt • •M* \mm FN«i **» fmMHWMNMI rxi I ftn i %•* #*■ 9k fIMMI fHAi ftpftft# I##'' *• #*| 4Mt* * Hi tift ft»« ft* * ‘ HHHI *■# WN» ft-~4»'ft# it *’*##• **•”** lhw| *«• ft*#* t 9 ** ft* ft ****** «| ifc# MPvft 4*4 »>!».'ft Wjj *** *#•>** j C* *»■s ffS# ftwftl nf *44 sft###|(Nft4 •#* * iTrili *4*4(1*19 «* «%• (ft#** **« W *** I Ip ,p)gp , ftyjiftjifT 44* * ft**# Pp jp<*t4i!|ff 44 M| < ft*# 1 # ftf s%# Ift44 i pft m*** •%•§**#•*• it 4i * •## ft* #** #4 ft* (¥Mft* *t flgntffli ftftt ft**** Jja|... *, Hf p.p* i-p M - 4|. Ip fft**. fMT * 4 4***4ft ftftMf ft* ftftft# (■44*9*l Htftftftft ft< *«•#*• «» tft MMM» «* M* ft~* Pf.ppp PBM4 ft*t * m ftft tft* ftftvft *t tft* !*♦*# ftp* ft* ft*ftp* ftPMM 4M Pftftf't «*ft # f>*c mm* ***** •** ft** 4 * ftp *ftftftp ft*Hi I g|rp |p,. ppp ftffft*NP* 9*4 (*§*W!-#I ,ftft* IWMI* 4 i t||»|| ftftft* ftftfttft ftf. Aft ftftft 9ft4 '|m* 4i* ft**l Tftp* ftp' ■m.., .JgftrftJftg f* - 4 ft «pf*% ftftlHf * - * - . | itlki&l gft# * ft#ftP4| f ft■ pp« ft ( ggNg§# , ftfft ’ * »i%* » j. *_ . .pi • tpftftf l|# ft#ftt#’|W * n. rip i flftjft t ft *lll ft* tf*#ft *$ **** . • i m -n (ft ft fhirf* ©* ftP4* im •• • mmmt «• »«*«*.»*« •• <*• . f f H mtAiHMhpr Ffttry. W II I * *** «- - la I—* - Polled u 11 ■ ■ j| _ | i> I nJO « i? i •#!§•.*• •» «... ’»wp** put# by Ai#4ftf**pp Otf prl<4« oil nut! 4419 tnMWf*4 fthftl ntt*»r* rhftrv# K J. H#i»ry A Py ftp*>t l'4#4 tftllorft PVMRBL OP JI D<*F SMEWMAKE OccurrtA From Ml* I*l* <»« Greene Street. The funeral «t Judge John T • makr >#*trid»> at 4 o>l<«* Iron* hi* Fat* 1 rraldanrr <»n t"»- ► r nmn' T>>*- funrral »•* laraaiy aurndwt by a number as friend* «hn cath-red to ray the la*t *ad trib ute of reapaet t« th-tr hotum-d frtaml Thr tetttaln* aer* laid In reat lit lb** acted a* rail! earera. Mraar* J H. Umar. J P Vrrdrry, ftr T. B. I*hlnlmy. r'barlca G Gucd rlrh W. Reynold*. Krank H. Mil- Honorary Pallbearer*: Hon. J**. C C Hlark J. H June*. Bnykln Wtlaht W. D. Boaen. rh»rle» K«te* jarne* Miller. A 1% B» ne >n. Thad.b u* ' >ak iran A W. HUnrhard. J B. Cummlne and D. B. Plumb. “My Friend from Intia" tonight. LOME OF 5 RROW. Th* ExerrUe* by the Elk* at the Opera House Tomorrow. The fr*t Sunday tn Perember >f .»*oh yaai I* art »r>art by the K’k* ;m nt> • moiisl acivlce* Thxt afternoon all t>r er :h- i tilted «:atea the r'.l feient ludge* of *:ik:< *ath»t to w t.dhute to the n-emory »' their departed brothel* du ring 1 n* twelvemonth. Death la* heavily tnva.'ed th< rank* of th- Auyuata lodge thl* yegr. l out • f th"ir liother* hive passed *vay— four g.-nttemen who were loyal aod de v t-.i ' - the order and whoae frii-ni!- ehltre t mnng the member* were mark 'd. Th * *• in:* 1 service by the liilei I* a be*jti''u! one. The exerrlaea -v •11 to had to-u trow afternoon at 4 o . lock. The ,»r..trani w ill be announced in The He al l tomorrow . Headquarter* for dressed poultry, largest aupplv In the city, at W. H Roberts, 1116 Broad street. HYACINTH BULBS” IVl.lfh. OBO< I'B, NAR« l"l -. FRKEBIA, OX ALLS. SNOW 1 ROPS asd other choice Spring Bimmlttf Bulbs should be plained now. Call on us for them. jardiniers. We h»ve a pretty assortment of Hie litem deerens FVices reasonable Hvacintb Olasse- Matering and Flower Pots. Flower anti \ ejetsble Garden*. Ground Bone Meal-a fine fertilizer for Vegetables ami Mowers. We sell any quantity from snoundii to a ton. Georgia Seed Tty* »1 per buebel. Kemember we are the only erelu lit* Seed house in the city. ALEXANDER SEED CO tn Brtwu Street. Befl Telephone -OTS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! - - r ppnaPKTTR FORCED US TO MAKE SACRIFICES AT ONCi:~*«-*'-<~— Ladies’ CAPES, and Ladies’ and Misses’ JACKETS Cut Down. Onft-tftird ©f priest cut on all Fancy Dr#»» Goods and Tfimm«ng». 200 M«4##a* and Ladias* Jackets cut to mak#rs coat. ... . . . 300 Plwth. Plain and Fancy and Military Cap©» cut to c«it of MatarUi. 50 Ba M tAarm Comforts starting at 48 cants, to Eidftndfotfn at S3.f>o. I 0 Bal#» of Cotton and Wool Blankati 4tartin|i *Hoc«nUto $ I .<X> ©l* ch©4P -200 Pair all Wool Homa-mada BUnkati »3.50 to $5.00 tor brut I I -4 mada. New Fur Capas and Collars, Naw Laprobaa. naw Portiara. I .000 Fancy Carpat Rug* from auction at 50 cant* on tha dollar. _ . __ 40 yards of fina Saa Island for sl. 20 yards b#»t XX Bleaching for SI.OO. J 10-4 Ba .t Heavy Sheeting 12 I-2c. 25c for Table Damask, good value for EO cants. Cheapest place In the city for wool Underwear. Wool Underwear cut to I -2 regular pr . . P. D. HORKAN & CO. . . SUPEHVISORS SHUT UP SHOP T 4 Fmi v>'iw HrM it Id ovitfli Tib M«ni»s it** >|ee« Niiw Mfikl 9 vew Ike UM*- The I Ighlern O. k. : ft* • 4*# IftSdft*lgatlOft f*» tft# aiftftt## 1 * •Afn*'’# j ' baMM 9ft by ffts ft* Mftftd rsitaulsj [Alt ftrfftfta rftftcTtiiad apfN , ar4Nl ftnd a 1 ft»s a*9*p*ta»a ihos*4 tH»t tft# fii r ! ?tag ftlt 11% •# 4i liar a t bat fiait atfttac* !*% > ff ffta strr*t* ffttt fhav HtM na Had I •: jpr ft- as f*t> at* yogrgph r ‘ftt err***’ i At! #«*tn*en part la* srar# j acid UM to #n aha*A and rant tl Ttiara tsara irviri! other small rdf ] j mi itlrsdad to. Fhe rtialrnian of tha atift©r |«rtll nn« irak# out th# rrporf of tha | j %oi ft O *lt4 ”1 t»»# *tipar» isiira sib |iftay a ant to work on tha liata and jmrh trill ba aiftftFd b> aa« h auparviaor land rrasantad to the mayor, j Chatrmgn Kog.rly *<g.«. ihel the Afkiian thl* luornim *aa tn** final or* I and t*o nama* non handad In ft ill ,f | ’ invratigatad g% iwl *hmild ha%a h#!»n j !danr aarllor It roam* ; hftt »ha ligta arc pretty I w#il prrfM now and If any fraudulan | j vrtat ara rift, It ft ill taka FOIBf tTHS t.' j neat work tn do It. ■ For Croup ust* CHE iNEY’S EXPECTORANT. Remain* of the Soldier* Athene. r,»„ per 3 The remain* jf Prtva.e Jtrne* Kelly. Co. C. Two Hun dred and Sfrotid »* York, who wa* *bot end killed here ’ even 'ng were went to hi* home. Rorhexler. N Y.. yesterday. Berker. the ma t who killed Kelly, i* hxked up in thu guard hciteg and the number of men guarding the p!»ce hs* been inr eated. a* vlrlenee la 'eared. ft la raid that Kelly and the quai rrmatuer sergeant met in the company Street and a few word* were i.atmed. i when the shooting occurred. All the iremfcera of Co. C. however, claim that •Kelly was an innocent onlooker. ! fireat attraction— “My Friend front India" tonight. Give Soldiers a Chance. Another philanthropic movement jaat started in New York in which Mies Helen Oould i* raid to he the Parting factor Is an employment de ! partment where honorably discharged soldier* who want wora and can show reference* from former employer* will lie help'd to obtain new places. Al teady a large number of applicants have applied for employment and an investigation by a medical dirertor proves that a majority of the m-n ac tually left their employment to enlist. Plates have been found for a few of the men and promise has been made that more will soon be given. N. Y. Snn. G6ld Band Hams I Oc per pound at Whitaker & Mc- Gowan’s, I 240 Broad St. Strowsrer ’Phone 38 1. • My Friend from India’’ tonight. The chaplain of congress will soon take a look at that body- anti then pta.v fat the country. OASTOniA. Stout tU the a uoubta herald INASOCIALWAY \Tt / VPrnM v • fJi | f f s lb* sailor. (N) »i*b M *>! Tb» 4*) • wilt t - nw tkr 4*y* will i»»,| Mt tilth* !«*%#, in 4 iti*\ Till *in4 irfflwi tfi<* **“*• T« lit**, hit h»v#, forU»rti! TT»*‘ im»* arv !»•»**. \ »-«| atnt*i t#**«nrth «»vwy*h>ra ohv look fpr ntf m h#ti »umm#r *v »**' *•* our h.«#r within Ih«* rn»a«lrt» lfav<«», \\hrt» »!*-*» «»ur l**v# was »)•*»«* Oh. wish n«»t no! i Thf» nun will ahlar. thr **tini will l»l»* ! \g%fi thou w lit hit'hi «|ciw it th** rho*.- » I An*i a# ithnll tn*o»t t*» t»nrt no tw»m. All <Mn a •utnntrr tuot*t* — HT PAl'l.i* I ncon> enttonal Lunckro* Table*. 044iy »h*p*4 table* Cat lt*nfk^- n * | and dlniHM* air |o tw the fad In loan | thin winter. A dinner wan given tb» other rv.nlna ; by a youm gtrl »•• "W* of her friend* who ha* born ntudylna for noma > *»i« | In Part# to l*r *n arftnl. Her nuftrn* ha» far rxrrrdrd *ll antlHoallon M<l | nhr return* to open a atutllo. In whb h| will hnrif aoltir plot on* which have I been mi *l highly arokon of hy th* to-*! men in the profonalon. The dinner t»- hle *i the dlnuer *l\en In hot honor j wan In the *har»- of an ea*el. and Hi > ] thumhhole wa* th.- pi are whete the j flower* no re put. The menu raid* w ere j liiruboard eunel*. with bru*h and all! pnlntt-d on them, and ihe dinner favor* J wore a l4*l * rap* made of light*coloied . nllkn ad tilled w ith bon-bon*. Thl* may I wound very complicated, hut It I* not . mn In lealltv. All thin ajtl*l * fiiend had to do wa* to go to a local carpenter and futnlrh a design with proper 41- menni' h»; then to get him to cut out of plain njne wood about two Inch**, j tblr'; all e’aael juat the *l*e required. TUI* w.a* (dared on top of an ordiyarv round or squaie table, and the shaped hoard v a* complete. The same ld*a may. lie c arried out In any in sign, and a very metty one for a I ride maids' luncheon I* to have the tabb In the Kharic. of a h-att. Thl* \,rer can he cut Just ** the e*»el wa*. and *'o aleowuvrr* can he In star*, cie* rent*, triangle*, or any other shape one wish;*. It 1* lust a* well to remember lhat u* the decoration of the table it I* last to carry nut the idea of the shape as much as possible In the favor* and tl< wets A pretty “star dinner" will he given h,.f..i . long to the principal mat-s of an amateur theatrical company who have fiemi i tost successful In raisin* money some of the families of the soldtei* who neic killed in the late war. The nv.. "alar*"—three gltls and two men —will Ik- seated at the flvf star points, and in each side of them will Bit their cttlrn!' irig friends. Kvery dish and every rout's will he in keeping, and tin* girl r till give* the dinner promise* It shall l„. a Htat" affalt which will not soon he forgotten. Harper's. Embroidered Kerchiefs Exit. Fashionable women no longer use the lens, popular embroidered handker chiefs. nor even .the dainty lace trim nlf,j moucholr* that were for a time universal favorites. Doubtless th* array of cheap embroi dered and lace trimmed ones to be found In all the shops is responsible for fashion's fickleness. The woman who abhors commonplace things and drops a *tyle after it c.-ases to lie exclusive i* nov. using handkerchiefs of the sc vercst simplicity. They ate made of the very fin-s. linen, sheet and filmy a* * : eobWeli, with * not row liem-atitchei Mjge in one corner, in the most deli .it- and simple -i uacery. see her ini tials uui rhere mult not a flout lit, Of the emOTOiiiitt's o«Jte to thcae le hlef muAt U-weiW Mr ii. *:vli- mm the .xi,nisite duality or th material and the pwtwitlV# lhu um ' *tf th r i i m ihl ib«* rr««f Site Oral# tft tt«*gl f* state. maftlna »# Mr# Kmm% | s*li4» is g ft ’ inaii ft li*» Ha# affta>« Imts I i»r*>m*n**t*! in «’l i. ## * #*a« * H#« girl- j f*4w««f. rosnilns n>aft> ft *•*»»*!#. anit #l#*! ,ft hi*’ft (M*ff Igrllii -I !«• r#**) #*lllng. Ifti|»r«9\ ing anil traitsfenint **» i) r«i*#i iy Thl# pr'»f#aai**n n#c «*#«ltai##; | huslnea* |>i Inclplew. but *..methlu* of; j the law. »f n.tute and of ape. j I illation. Aftern<*«n Tea. I MaJ Hanholl* and Fapt. Buckllrt i ham o' the Mietrican i umpllmon|. | i-it a few frtend* ulth a live e clock lea yesterday afternoon at the dub of the t iieglment There wet- pres-nl: Mr). | l.nd Mis. Banhidta. Cut t and Ml*. Sami*. Ml** Moore. Miss Mary Wilson | Moor. Miss But tows. C«pt. Prince. I [rapt. MeCahe. Lieut. Ripley an I Lieut.. | McCoy. Children’s l>av at the Lair on account «i lh* very Inelemenf | weather, the children* day at the fair; ha* been postponed until next Wednes day, when a very enjoyable hour ha* I,een arranged Tor the little one*. Informal l>ance Tonight. The Mi*se* Wright, who are stopping with Mr*. Stovall on the Hill, will com pliment their friend* with an informal dance tonight. On account of tfte Inclement weather, the Golf Tournament to have l.eeei held | thi* afternoon, la postponed. Mis* Viola Benson of Washington, j tit, . who has been, visiting Mi** Madge Dorr, has returned home. Mr*. K. V. Chamherlain has returned j to Atlanta, after a visit to Mrs. Ken- ; dall. Mis* Vlatfie Haiti* of Sparta I* the gu *st of Miss Gardlnet. A PAGE FROM J POLICE DOCKET “H. Bradley is my name and 1 he- j long to the ambulance corps,” so spake | the owner of the above title at the j court of tft recorder this morning. H. B. had been indulging in a hit j us stimulant* and while under the In fluence had gene Into the home of * j party whom he did net Enow and took ; * nap ip the hallway. j As Hie above act was a violation <’f No. 4(JO. he was fitted s3..'io. Other cases ’hat; came up Were: .loe Simmons, tan. ia.s<i. Bill McTnr.yr*. 400, $8.50. Howard H. ObarUau •tod Elisrlea Litpwi Vioiariug 4W alniOll**r*OtfSty, S:TiO for Lafnar. "Mv Frtfnd frt|l- iniY<i‘' tonig#, j ! We Must have Room LOOK AT THIS PICTLHEI . This Bedr. om Suit is made of jelecte I Oak, highly polished, has large Mirrow B« dslead over six foot high, iar»e double combination Wash stand. This Suit is a bargain at $35 00. but to make room for new eoods that are now arriv.tig we will sell about thirty of these Suits at $25.00. and let you pay $2.( 0 cash and 75 cents weekly on the bill. We have everythin# tha*t you need in a house. Our prices are Low our Terms are Easy. Pjfell Finite Ciw, 'CuTtX' • r| CHILDREN’S TEETH should receive regular atieiitinn, II I* not a difficult mutter tn dl.eet th ■ growth of the first teeth. Thl* will In - : sum beauty, soundness and freedom | ft om pain in after years. We make *P»- I elal rates for this da** of work. The artificial teeth made by u* are | equal to the natmal teeth In every re- They defy detection and will la*t sot year*. • Kxanilnatlon and prices free. AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS, 81 K Broad street, AUGUSTA, Oa, Ask Your TATARRH DRUGGIST for a gencrom lOCENT TRIA.L SIZE. Ely’s Cream Balm -'jA coo la’ll* no cocaine. Raßßli .. ,s ftH| i mercury nor »’>y : oth*iiujuriou»drug Kay A “ja A ' W Jis ’"“ l ’ COLD'n HEAD cAvm Belief «' ■ . ooce It opsna atet cWdiises tha >«sa. ha. AJtav* Inflammatloo H,aJ " * B ‘ Prot«ci» the atmtnm Rtstoi.s the s diet| Jot Taev, and Sn]«i lull »:av 9UI , TTta. • Azr- l(fc; «t DruMTsts or by mall. ! LLY BLtyTfiilKc, 00 TV wren tit., Kft York ' X-MAS IS COMING s With what joyful anticipations we all look forward to that time, and we then verify the adage, ‘‘lt is m9re blessed to give than to receive.” What are you going to give your fattier, mother, sister, brother, _ wife or sweetheart? We can in that selection, and take pleasure in announcing that we will have our full Holiday line open for inspection on Thursday, Dec. », when you can have a selection from one of the largest lines ever brought to Augusta. Come early for the first pick. We will be pleased to show you around and render you assistance in making a selection. Don t forget the time and place. C. H. HOWARD, JR., - - 90 S Broad Street. Our Coal Promotes Health. Wealth and good Cheer II burns through and through and leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled lor cleanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. fcgg, Nut and Steam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices Telephones - ( FRASER & GUMMING, Lessees, Bell— *3o ( CO-OPERATIVE COAL SUPPLY CO., 1041 J.ckson St A SURPRISE FOR SANTA HIP* A. J. RENKL. . . : ■ fl Util twtJHt ft