The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 03, 1898, Image 5

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SATURDAY Indomitable Pluck AD *nrf ft*** <§ lN U. bk (K*f ftlMAi R r» <to K't J wag Wik li t (a'!, fitch Hi f**tt w«i CjM «d 4 Vk< Skott tor iiW b*» cioM (*««** Hirth. bu« ** 6AI» «WMfh 10 FKfiSM TBTIMOMALSaM tvtry A»v (mm the heat irravcJ mm in the t «y 6ca*rm* Mulhrrtn*. $J Jil DR. HENRY J. GODIN, TMC sot IML BN. FtoM Kaitwa. U (W Ih L 8. 4 54. L. H K. •Mill r 4% wm f +6 til pri«. •»«! ***** !>ul» and o?b*r point* and d«Btiß*4 Nn®hvsll# __ friitti Mi IjOiiift over (be Air 14b* 1 fr* ru Hi Lout* to LohlbtUl* and from that point over the Boutbern railway to J*« MaonvtUe and* other Southern I The Southern railway people are ' owner* to the Kentucky anti Indian* bride* and recently the Louisville, Rv- j enavtlle and St. Louis purchased the New Albany Terminal »nd Belt road, j which coaaiect* with the Kentucky and Indiana bridge. Thla Indicate* that nemrthina I* In the wind, particularly when all the oth*r facia mentioned are taken Into consideration. An entrance to St. l,ouls would add greatly to the strength of the Southern railway's sys tem. Inauguration of New Dining Car l ine on Southern Railway’s Halted "■— ;States Fast nail Train*. On Nov. 20, the Southern railway es tablished a superb new dlnins car line : Itetwecn Charlotte and WaahinKton on i the fnlted tttsles fast mall. No*. 31 t and 3d This service makes this train j equal to the "amou. Wnahlngton and | Southwestern Vestibule Limited. j whose reputation ha* revolutionised travel In the South. FVir information or reservation In Pullman cars, call on or address J. B. HEYWARD, T. P. A.. 739 Utoad street, Augusta, Ga. Place you order for fall suit with E. i 3. Henry * Co., popular priced tailors. : XXXXXXXXXXXXX x j:j Fine * 1 Rich | y RJ Watches, ££ Diamonds, X Sterling Silver, ft? Souvenir Spoons, ft? Brass Tables, M Fine Lamps, {XT ka Silver Novelties, V M Vases, K i j? Fine Umbrellas, RJ 3 Clocks, # V AAilitary Buckles, gj y Military Buttons. g : Wu}. Suhweigert&Ce. Jewelers XXXXXXXXXXXXX Mlt. PALMCtU 5? As I.MI'.M fed* a* the Charges 3 gala si (tks *»4 hi) hMMnaa. ! $ K i % t)spf »|m» sim ttf* «t«l 4ay* npi *b Osiißilms, Cl*. «m * ' |*fsf* (nr (ARC M**<i. tliniij ; fßmrl b* R*4 InftßP* tips mmrn* of I«r|r# jUttVffc? 6 ORm, sßrß>f N»'R< !&*• ’ M*4 #RRR Ml * ißtll«m4a R RSIfRRSi mnsff (fosi iF#> pwitiA 141*1)1 Ift4 *C ißintißi HiTßffsy iiifbi | fioat4 (*#• t»t*«ift*Bß Ir Opritk* Tbit hrmurh of (It IrR mm* Rot p«|ti| Rt f*wi|l, ar4 PRlra, MRrfMby A Or. bits* in#*t wm I m*. m I N my frM4s mg there at • «rh»k Moods. gfler "Mo otai gigM 1 m< some CMffraba* bsgra and we drank trine and ann to be rpera bouse On* of them had a idat»l, whh h 1 ir »k, sod after ih* • how a# werr ai reeled The ptoU»« was roond -*n me and I waa fined hi polhe Toesstsy night a friend toM me that Chief of Police Wltllam* see* looking f, r i arms found him and eat In hta o#< e all night playing checker* sad talking Wedneedsy morning Hr lertlve Conn and I came to AUanta. We were In Chief Manly'* nfhee by 10:30 rtVlnrk WtdßVMliy vnornldf ’ PsfnY Murf4i% A Co. on njr Ihitid ar<i l r*gi*t#rrd at (hf Kimball. This aftvrocN«. ihroufh my sii< rn» v. Judge H. K W. Palmer the entire mailer wa# arranged, and I received a statement from Paine. Murphy * Co. to the effect that they held an charge again*! roe Paine, Murphy 4k Co. de nied sending the cipher telegram on which I received the money, but I know I received H and do not know bow or why It was seal The statement given Mr. Palmer by Paine. Murphy 6 Co. It as follows: "December I, ItM —To J. E. Pal mer: This Is to certify to you that we. Paine, Murphy 4k Co., of Atlanta, have bo charge against you for vio lating sny criminal law of this state or Alatiema. and particularly crrilfy that we have no such charge or claim against you in connection with any matters of ours In Opelika, Ala., and do not make sny such eharge against you ‘ PAINE. MURPHY & CO.” —Atlanta C’onatltutlon. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANTS DEATH OF MRS. STONE Funeral Occurred This Morning From St. Patrick’s Church. Mr*. Agnes T. Stone died yesterday after a lingering Illness of many men tbs. Mrs. Stone wa* 38 years of age and was a devoted mother and an earnest church worker. She bore her suffer ing* with the fortitude of a Christian end has gone to her eternal reward. She leave* to mourn, her a sister and (wo children, with whom many friends deeply sympathize. The funeral occurred at 10 o'clock this morning from St. Patrick’s church, Rev. Father Kelly officiating. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: Messrs. J. C. Flynn. John Scully. C. B Allen. C. E. Descombes, Wash Chapman, D. Gibson, Eugene Lyons. John J. Maher. Some Ladles’ Fancies are but all enjoy carrying a pret ty pockctbook. The Augusta Novelty Store has a beautiful assortment at popular prices. Advice For Our Chounccy. The Buffalo Times says Chauncey Dcp?w wants to be a senator, but he did not say which one. The advice is given him by a New York paper that it would be nice to be Senstor Stewart. Georgia Cane Syrup 25c per gallon at Whitaker &, McGowan’s, 1248 Broad Street. Strcwger ’Phone 381. JkTTGUJmTiA »irjt,AX*r>. A Sat uni* > Tod ley ft UR4R. * ANhbr t Anr Ark Abb 4r# * I fllft *409 RAmRR CAffR IR R oPftt#*R Rfßl R 4 MMB# »|B IR ***** || RBR RMR ptRIRBA Rf l«R' •RR-RWI R4I R*B Mbri ir Arrmbbr TTII (M (Mr t>*Aokh* r$ %rn RRt'ft IhHf nil iIRRk HwRtT li InM ilifß Acift rrA i%ri Ir , *RI BAIR (ANbaRRRR RfR <R fRNRHIcNB, T Ray rvr Abmhirk Arvr tAIR rcrt hr |m»Rf |iM4#r* RRBAA trtiVNl IR IRa ai , frrb t InpClnß fVevßir |R |«|RRB tlo RfR» 'oR r«RR« l« At tRIRfRI RIWRf j I (Artr AHlnr?. "TAt uni# iff«R| rriRRTt'RRIIRRR OR Art Vl* J HuRftRY Ir fknßion H Ir R RifRRRRI? Hlßtiriß* fRH )Ar( | Ir lAt bbvbwbi BBtßfAtf oRt Rtttf look- j Ina oi ih# poor. The alary M laid of two ladle* rati- j lag ms a policemaa in arr*M three sal [glare ‘What have they <**" | | Nothrag. cm., we are afraid of .he. > 1 Tala’* crack football player Ely ha* ! abn ken ahoulder He wa. half the j .l ength of the learn, but Vale wooid j cut feel to had If she could get taolu er qaaner hark Mlsa Jessie ffehler think* Mi* j brought about the cessation of hoaclll- , lira. It to a hit refreshing to know 1 that she ha* slopped talking long j erough to think something The pumpkin should be as esrefully selected a* the turkey. Thla little hit , of editorial admonition comes, of course, from Boston's most represents lives newspaper, the Tranarrlpi. To those out of employment atten tion la called to the fact that three i New York colleges, Yale. Amherst sud , Rrewn, ore now In search of pre*i- j dents. The "woman's” column In * New . York newspaper tell* people how to keep flowers two week* by wrapping them In tissue paper and putting them In a wash boiler down eellsr. There la nothing like beautifying the home. The amall tionquel which the lute Empreaa of Austria held In her hand a* she lay on her death bed at Geneva was taken to Vienna and given to the Emperor, who bad it preserved by s new method invented by Rodeek, put Into a frame and placed above bis desk. "Let 'em all come.” Is London'* la test popular slang phrase. Thla catch phrase, which does not mean any thing In particular, originated In a topical song at a music hall. The ex- j preaslon is used as a snapper at the end of each of the forty-two etansas of the ballad. The recent, wreck of the steamship Mohegan In the Mancles, near the Liz ard, has led to the suggestion that the disaster was due to the magnetic Influ ence of these rocks on the ship's coin peas. Among those who favor this view is Prof. S. I’. Thompson, of Lon don. who believes that possibly In ad justing the ship's compasses the com pensation was applied in the wrong di rection. The best hotel In San Juan. Porio Rico, charges *2 a day, but the sleep ing rooms ell open Into courts, have no outside windows and are extremely hot. Under Spanish law, In towns where houses Join no outside windows are allowed. This is to avoid the dan ger of dirt from the Interior blowing on adjacent roofs and contaminating the water, as all the supply Is collected /rom the rainfall on the roofs and fitcred in cisterns. At last the worm has turned. A "New York men became such a strong believer in woman's rights that he boldly usupred one of them. He arm ed himself, so It was told in open court, with a rolling pin. »ud when bis wifs isiae home from a culture dub meeting late one night be asked bm where »b* had been and before xhe ..,.y!,i scammer out the usual exeu.’r wrecked h« new winter hat at one fell blow. In court the brutal woman said the poor little man had been ilrinkinfc. gOYAL & Raluralßr land—RgßiioMff —m)rAbA—Rl toMktoMMMffffkffLJMLfltol COMMITTEE MILS ON MR. H. B. KING Thai Vmi aftfiiH H A M Ttoay Ao» to aw Itot «*■««»■ n» *4 •he tsahsusi* IWt hatha tnn« Rttiftfic IV* mill rmi.'nf * » ttoTidteW. as Tell w. those ' King asl<l sere but * humble ,-nm - J [ house and »r not feel that he h«* j gtrpn ti» lli* % rl«ht l«» IT*’ t*» liw* | |Mi(M*rA miiti wMU m* t** wa. ** * ("I tfnln* •«» wARt H** cmn for u». and «*nr of ti«* l» going lo rmlmrraw him -1 Jlf It might hr rml»arraß*mrt»l—hjr rr* I I rating f**r pui»ll«'ath*ii Ihr talk A# I luadr lo u» * Ht hottf fih*n«l In ihl» t*lal. Hr haa j gnu#* out t*i in Rhai < an ••** dour. Hr I did not trll u* ai, l»wi wr Mlevf hr lal a largr «torkhotd#T In thr mill ahlrh hi* bonorrd fathrr mad** s*«rti«i»l*lr an an I 'f«i-rprla* . Hr la looking Int.i thr tan igk' and la g*»lng to try to do a«»nir *un-1 j tangling.' "I could re|ieat t» you every word he sabl. for every word Is Indelibly tin- I printed on my memory. Home of the jojwratlve* said It was BO use to see! j him, but lam glad—ln Justlee to our- fselves and In justice to him—that we, did You can go outito West End tonight | and you will hear the name of Klac, on every lip. •'He ts sincere with u*. He waa fran't; with us. We honor him highly." You can get ■ flue suit cheap for cash at E. J. Henry & Co.’*, 21* and 21* Campbell street. The Methndist*. Grace MHbodlst Episcopal church in Chicago was thrown open on a recent evening in accordance with the plans of the trustees to break away from old established customs, and probably for the first time In it» history the organ gave forth the lively air of Wearing of the Green, and Kathleen Muvourneen, and other popular Irish airs. The new departure proved Immensely pop* ular and a large audience was present, that applauded liberally each number on the concert program, and In other ways showed keen enjoyment of the entertainment. It Is the purpose of Grace church throughout the winter season to give a series of concerts In which the program will be largely made up of national airs, ballads and folk songs of the different nationali ties. '* CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the _ Signature of C&t It Makes Chris Smile. The shade of Christopher Columbus, Id the Elysian Fields, must smile with amusement to sec his countrymen of today carrying hts brother's dust to and fro upon the earth under the pious fiction that it is his, while liis own rests undisturbed by the side of th - rusting fetter* he once wore.—N. Y. Tribune. Every member of the old Portland, 0r« . law Him of Mitchell, Djlph £ Simon* has been elected io tbe United States Senate. Mr. Mitchell 1* retired. Mr. Dulpb ia dead* and Mr. Simons was elected last month. WHAT TO BUY FOR CHRISTMAS Uiti (4«w*« lilt TM ftp* Tims i «•** to—nkispin tots AAftfßßtßi# TAv l rHr I *»Mrr« I %TMTf IflltfvM Hi tIMR IIBRf «Ar Atl#f RR- | •Hk lAto INaRAgR f'm »•*# CtMMesn. I ’' Wrri «Ar rAAAvrri rbrAr Abb *■ j ! *<4 |Ar rrßßrißi ft H> As R*4«« §*»#•* I Mmy As Hbrbhl I fctlJAßg j TArrr «m)I Ar mm ggßy *#* «ft*» rt As Hot R 94 FWI HR* IR |A«* fAlv» 4 it llßAlf riß>B I fttßf. I Tf»r m am** rA*m»I«I »»**«| Irlnm )4r% * Joseph Jeffsr*"* tVr* Ir m *|*A**»4»4 Rf* «ts nf >*• RepA Jrffi tMtn in TA« Hh«M tiimtotWi. rAt fHf ArtlHv I tl* r«l«| *4 im»u4 r nA RRrttotß wAo Rft I > ofninn ia \ TA« Suntfly HersM If foti noi s wlißfHlifr I® TAr j Huixluv llrrmM. t*r Rurc iA«I >»« j 'll lomorrn*. It livtn Rll th» nr«M». to* i r«l, Uumwlii n»<) f«*i>lgn. It fRriIRR I tun Hun Uy mrrU* of a* 1 c I lit <*4 l eitum Ir the flerßld. Thru trt fßßiur*** la th#* Hundtr Until). Mr. Ag«f A«»» Rfi**thrr WRf •k.iih Thrrr In R ritrtrh as lh<* irnth | i>tila rrfUnrfll, rlßlnu*«t t»» hr ih** (In* * mu In the volunleer atm*. New T<*rk I letter by Mllledfe Iswkhart and lb* current news. Large slock new raisin*, all varlctl**, just received at Lomkin A Co.'a. Keform In Music. A reform that will have wide Inter est I* that at Cincinnati, where Cath olic churches have been forbidden to allow the singing of certain piasses be cause they too closely resemble oper atic mtialc. or, to us* the words of one of the leading priests of the rtty. are "too stagey," Hereafter the commit tee on church Muk’ of the diocese will pas* upon each piece before It Is allowed to t>e sung In ihe churches. How to Look Hood. Good look* are really more than skin dM-p, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organ*. If Ihe liver Is Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach ts disordered, you have a dyspeptic look: If your kidney* are affected, you have a pinched look. Sei-urr- good health and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Billers" I* a good alterative and tonic. Ai ts di rectly on Ihe stomach, liver and kid neys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Pold at Howard « Wlllet's drug store. DO cents per bottle. The Only Hope. The fool atmcil the revolver at Hu man, Just for fun, says The Chicago Post. The man Is dead, as a result. Some time a man will take such a fool as that and stand him on a trap under a crossbeam with a rope around his neck and spring the trap. Just for fun. There seems to he nothing short of this that will teach Idiots who don't know It Is loaded to let It alone. M. E. MACAULAY J. A. MULLARKY D. P. SULLIVAN Macaulay &Co. Have $35,000 in Dry Goods-in fact too much for this time of the year The balance of the month will offer Bargains in every depart ment Nobody is in any better position to sell Dry Goods so cheap. We buy for cash and each member of the firm are hustlers. The most rorrmetent set of Clerks in the city. OUR FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT —lO cases of fine Japanese China ware put on sale today. Our reputation in this line is invulnerable. In an early inspection you are wise. Macaulay & Co. MID WINTER SALE. | AM rlmrßmra rramArar rrmf ihr**** AHA,, t Arbr ***** #Rf m rRmnC ArßArb* tHR RRBR AA A liffiß yrs MiA#*f C*A--4HmIfitCMPA* AI4I^A• aS.Jfc* Air# (Ar j A Dftg of Mon'a AH VYO® RRlF'lt <i‘ II RIMNDo rttovkill Afttl ( IC! r e it 4 J II |7 so A M«b > it .1. ia M«Mivy Wvifhi City (roch Rtsify j 33*42. Rl R lO 00-- A Mtn‘« 11 »* t> Httvy w»*«hi Qty Itdi (MC R9*4R. At It ilO. ... ... _ A MAn'i B4(lt Navy W»»*m Ctoy Douw ! Iratfiati tkot h <33*48. Rt Rly AnHf fsft va (he Alm>V* (-OCKIn Us Bk>V*' *ntl C hililfgtl R - Rl##4 Rl PfOAdLliOfltl* OtHpffiitn Isl rfii *« A lift* of Mpft’i All Woffi Kst tny iikl ( ovtft Oottl OvtfCMlw. Rigi k Ami Bliss*, i 1*42. tot p7.90> A ltr»s» of Meet Mrd>um Wglfht Ov#r co»U, dittf •nt nHUftton, 11 42, Rt RR ftO. _ A tin# of Mifi'i Flit# Os*ft# Kstrawy Ovefc Mil. Blrck. tflu« And Brawn, 33*42. At • 10.00. J. 11. WHITE & CO. Clothing Department. flfll u° ORS M,u«i;i? UH .«. I or tvtnv oiscniFTiON. L. I >EI LOR PI NI LUMBER jlgtff' staff ft* Mtt ItMWfti ffT* liMU igSSJrtMlkll **• rl ft 1 >4 L4l«* RMBTMIk’ U Itol ruu UN( in SfOCH AND MOVPf SHTNM|NTS ASSUMO pggll ClUittMl ftC MN* sltoCsTi#* **•*—*■, Perkins M*NUfAcniffiHG Co AuguseaG* Bn Direct Fin lie Mittrcr AT MANUFACTURERS PRICE**. * . \ 4 jg •sj. —— IIMADiH'AItTKRa FuU—— Trunks, Bags, Dress Suit Cases, Pocket Books, Purses, Etc. ——-L4i:i.*'T AND ( |IKAI’I?*T A'tIKTMKKT IK THE CITY—— KM'AIKiMi bV LMCKT TRUNK MAhfcßf- Anpsta Trnnt Faciorri™'.^^- Boys’ Clothing:. Tailor, Vestee, Reefer and Blouse Suits; beautifully trimmed, some have a military tendency, others are decidedly nautical. $2.00 Up tO $8.50. Men’s Top Coats. Winter weight Coverts, Kerseys, Meltons. Diagonals, Cheviots, Whip cords and Worsteds. The garments old and young men are eager for. SIO.OO up to $25 00. I. G. LEVY’S SON &C 0 , Tailor-Fit Clothiers, - - Augusta Ga. r»r»iM/»r /"vr* livirsl A cigar Is a brand gotten up by PRINCb Or I IJI A <lcn. Lew Wallace and is a lavorltJ and famous Cigar all over the Hast. THE GRAND CHlEFi‘nd no^e a rl,“^: 1 winning its way here, the In* creasing sale of which is an evidence of its superiority. ASK RI-TAILIIRS FOR IT. R. C. NORREL & CO., : DISTRIBUTORS. DKCfcMßf* •