The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 03, 1898, Image 8

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ftATUHOAV THIS STORE Id itriovtn •• 9 ft# §u€C###9ul blof# Df««iy men |(y| Hi Ux n*Wi Iftd buy ll* Cloth*** If you want *ft#t It noftfty* If you want antra *w#H and atlractlv* Suita it* your tlora* *1 h# crack stock of Nack w**r. All th# andutiv* and popu ar nov*ltl**« and price* ar* l*ta than •iMwh«r« for hum drum fttytai. Apain, Soy** Sufta— W* l*ad lb* city 1 for baauty and low prlca* it $3. sf> or $5.50 your prlca ? If not $2.60. and gyod yr HID HMI IN COIITT. Om «t Ik* *W*4 AK»»te»« uw*» * '** IMw. Ik* lf*»u*te** Me»« * • f*g: *|g*»4gg * m> ' * • SMtltt' 44»*«» I"* - *'** m <M ga*teg*»* h t» i)w **>•* *♦ C r Ij inun. •*>«• t—igg* In tete*k*7 »"* " .M< *st*i. a** »t-* I•• khk**' •• U« •<«*' TUI* tertKgi*!* k« »;»* * f * *• .•• f **— . * I'' l, —* ** - MW4h. at d <*»* !t " ""** Ik* MMH* •*» *•>-•* k* -4*> pteMj * h ® • *> 1 *• P***### ** , - •*l4 tka< Itetetetelte h»« Mb* " |HMrh lot * Wth * '"'•"'t k*t *•►• • •«*» '’' £ ■MMilk* tk* W*h **•*«• * , ' ,T **"* n 4 tarrifeb kfc k *W«t ih* * tegttgg* M*> «m4* mk « it.itirtW'* >•** 11 proprietor .tatted la aa «•'** «* * *Tb» rat* >a qmwtbw 111 4« »e>e« •it»i Lewteard Sa» * aide m the 4»t "Vteur bwMtr aal« b*. "MM rate* • Ur aa# .if kaet ffftrti !• at-** )M n> entirely MlWai®*)- MAHONEY & ARHSTRONU COAL AND WOOD. Strowger ’Phot** »*• Ball I** Office and 1 ard Nu. i McCartaa Street kick, and *<> would any inker man, who might have lieeo jilma.t In nty po* ■ltlon The mom | »a* cogglgned to wai In a terrlhle condition. the lamp •tt atnoav and ike lied wt* In t dirty aaaiUiion “I really lielleve that aomeone had been sleeping with thetr feel on ihe pillow, Ido Indeed. Now. your hon or 1 will produce a hit of evidence." The defendant fumbled In hie pockety and produced a email paper package, about a square >nch In *t*e. "In that package.” said ha. "U a large had bug that I caught In that bed I upoke of. 1 will show It to the court. He U it big fellow.” The court laughed ami replied that the insect need not be exposed to thn publicity of the situation. "Why, 1 started to see the board of health about the matter." continued Leon ntd. The end of the matter was the levy ing of a $2.50 fine on tteonard. He ]tald and putting the midnight Intru der again In his pocket, left the court room. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. The following guests arc at the Com mercial hotel: J- S. Btown, Charles ton: A. J. Phillips. Feroandlna, Va.; T. H. Smith. Richmond; W. A. Fea sttms, Charlotte; F. Chanltter ami wife. Chicago; H. H. Stemberu. sav annah; .1. C>. Hickson, Columbia C. M. Dunbar. Mlllett. S. C.; W 11. Jone-t ai.d J. Gains, New York, and T. W. Mon is. Baltimore. Greut attraction —"My Friend from India" tonight. Extra strong household ammonia and ivory snap at Alexander Drug Stoic. Handsome Wedding Presents Sterling Silver Novelties., Salve Boxes. Sterling Silver top. 10 cents. Sterling Silver Comb and Brush only $2.50. Watch and Wristlet only $4.00. Watch Repairing, Diamond Mounting and Engrav ing in all its branches. Everything first class. LEWIS J. SCHAUL. Popular Priced Jeweler Under the Ar ington Hotel flic WRAIHfR (fates kW t saint t »tetgtei sal V #*ft#*T * * » fn**! *** 9m $t s*>*!* *•* A $ \ is* v tin i *iiwtii f 9. tsMk, •» I t*Ms f * * | f Tin ft** Rs*'C* *s4 fkuspASf . I tkf|ps Utrflfcfffiifr* * i*4* i**-«*•)•.ss. *|* *n4 ' tjWtsl fny-rffMi* 9%m A**sx#t* Ml t|* jUw}n ins. i| 1 f *sii : ‘p9 ,s**' *s4 furl J*®#H fi Attk wstt# 9 In* t*i ? pffi*' *- ii** t ft*!*? tfe# WiWt s*V**9 t*»rf||fi»« * blah \m ilk H*rsy IMihi n r*s9*M>.. n»4 «rstr|i ka* b*** Bitftirt> I by a 4* f ksNl fl'i tS Hmyrfßilfff t b#f* m tail aiM» it klm* flwvit lull*«, tioi otw «tw» rxaataswi uritei* j a* a ml #* **rwi abaasr* fca»* arrtci *; ft* m an ibyrnimlaA *«*ili*f pc*- ] vast fl»i* aorßiAf th* Ailaatn nA4 a,ilt fetal** vttl biiif ra l a fall in i|k put 34 luNif* at Kay Wmf.j Tatapa a»4 WitfataflEtua a*4 a itouti (if f aa (ft rTpfifiH frntn MnsfMmaf ry A NHD'auni v)r4 wfeylif «rs $3 roll** per hottr frma tt»* imritt or» »rr* A at j Afiiarllki Te*. I> n*h*r ! (irri! *tif»rt;oa~’‘lly F*. *o<! frotn SOLDIER SERVICE. Well Attended last Evening at the » nagogur The special s.r.lcrs at the «»aa gtKtH- last evening for the Hebrew mdo ts .ess. despite the elements, well attended Itthtil Ktklns deltterril j a ['to. add rose and a tnustcal program of nnosuat exerlleme was rendered 1 Htvler the direction of Mrs. Pat kiaa. Pactor t'ar and Sl<*uiiiig Service He twer»n Atlanta. Savannsh end Mtllen. and Attiany. tia. The Central of Ueergts ttstlway com pany hue lnaugutute.l jiarlur car and sleeping ear seivtee let vecn Atianta and Alt.any. Gs on train leaving Al .u«y l t& a. m.. arriving Maeon 7:«tl a m.. Atlanta 11:20 a m.. and on train leaving Atlanta 4:06 n. nt.. arriving Macon 7:20 p. m., Altumy tl 06 p. m. I’sssengers front Alt.any. tla., holding Is-rth tlcketa can take sleeper at 4 p. m.. thus allowing them t» remain In sli.-per over night. Passengers arriv ing Albany at 11:05 p. tti. may remain In sleeper until 7:00 a. m. Hate for double berth in sleeiwr. ttw miles and undei, (I Ml, over 150 miles, sl. Charg es for seats, as follows: An miles and under 25c. miles to 125 miles sth-. i;*t> mites to 2«l miles Ac. 2i.1 miles to 3t» miles .. .. It.oo Yeues very truly, .1 C HAILK. General Pass mger Agent. -My Friend from India" tonight. REV. J- R. niXON Will Deliver His Fare well Sermon * Tomorrow. Rev. .1. R. Nlxoti will preach his farewell sermon tomorrow morning at St. John’s church. Dr. Nixon has been stationed here as presiding elder for four yearn and his belug transfer red to another field Is a source of re gret to many. A large congregation will doubtless gather tomorrow to hear hits last sermon here. Headquarters for dressed poultry, largest supply In the city, at W. H. Roberts, lilt. Broad street. "JUJU ATJCK) OTA HJCI9ALD Ml). H. 8. KING TO OPERATIVES (111 N* f*f% if 11*# f»S <* Hi* tMMftl) ((• * Haawg (te ♦ aask (teg* (*• ** ft# %<m ift# * s : ® * f #fcf‘**S» •♦* Vfftft tfifro ftMNi •#* Hit 9m ftll Ift W 9» ; fm «$# ftWi Ift fftft iiftft 1 4 a-4 Mftl ** * ft # *N *if ftft Aft***## ft'** ** ft# ftftftf ffttftcft ift* ftiifro ftN*fti* ftft 1 ftftft* i# ftkfti w tomm •(**s* yig» 'rwm»ig t ftftftWft * * ftftft ft*ft •* * ft*#* ft ftiklft#* ift ft ftffftkftft* H# f*n i Hmmi lift* 14*# 9m ftfftftftfti ftfs#f ft«i ft hmrnrnmm *#► ftfty 'fftNNHftft ft# III* ftNKHft ftftft l*ftf *i *mb # * * w**t ft* ft## s*#*ft**M* ■ Uftiftw #ft*ftft ftftft "ft* §'*w"*ft# ftf Ift* frftl *sJtl ftllftt •*•*!*? *#ft ••**♦ ] iuftft ftftvlftft IftftCftCfti *ft "ft* roftiro ftfti ** ft 4i#*fi«* mi Ift* ftro. ft# # ftlffttHlftt (ft III* K<lf ftilfl ft* ftl* j ft#** ftftfjf ftftf**»*l.ftl f**4lftft» j ft# ftf Ink (tfewiftfti K •## ft * 4ntf I * I>l*4l tn* t ift* tft»**«ftt# ft* *si si## * lift (MMMNff ift*ft*4*4 ift 9ft* 14# aftftl *ft* *«••«♦** tt#H»4 j 14 m tm*i**f mmf*4 tftft* ** &*#• j rt g rr | iftm fft# iftrofft Cwt&V-m* mm* \ • !s## iftftl *t#s» w#*f‘ »Ik' ft#Ni ft*f ?*rt (ft* *49 ftsftff* hi I* ? **' *ftl# t# 4n *m M* t« **s•!•* ,l# * ipiticf •*'» 9ft# rom *■* w troerf on the .M's P«id bHm* tk- Im« » 'm of -tee other «!!1 cwner* he .Mb it better to go ».».«. on a few than on ike many ♦lteph’re# of the Kit! Mr Ktn* »*“• »h»t he *»> going * ft , *l** tft# Sflftfl## fW 9 ft* *W» ft a* wye* Crest atlrie-iofi- "My Tr 'ltd from If.rti*' toft ift ft* - INTERESTINO Will (le the Plrrwoehs Display nt Ball Park. A grand flrr». tee d.*plar w«l b# giv en ar the lamehall t*ik .«n IVccoitvci t. 12 and 12 Kit si ibete w# he • v«u<h • Neill «|tl to. V. A A’Lrit. the ■••!"• ihlriga. Th.m e. mra T A K-ureh«r. Ih- chan.| ton Dkk .y. tlel who will ride a buggy whed. and wftt do *•»’* marvelous aiia on Ihe sheet. Then will come the high who walker. »ho «*l!l surprise ihe i*e*iple wtih his work. TTh**n comes the Mowing up of the MuinV af ter w hich com.-a » aet piece— Th# Uni ted Hlatea Revenge." "My Friend from In.ka" tonight. HE THERE. The Meeting at Y M. C. A. Tomorrow W 111 He Interesting. All men should not fall to hear Pr J„ T. Plunket's address at the Y. M. C. A l , tomorrow afternoon. Pr. Plunket will have something quite inteiesting to say to h.s h.arers. .Secretary C.each of the 10th Pennsyl vania T M C. A. tent will also make a few remarks. The boys' meeting at 5 o’clock will Is conducted either by Mr A. A. Ja meson or Prof. *» P. Butter. Men’s meeting at 5;:to p. in. Great attraction -“My Friend from India” tonight. WEST END Ml- RCHANTS Will Meet at Robert's Hall Monday Afternoon. There will be a meeting of the West End merchants at Rohert’s hall at 4 o’clock Monday afternoon. The meeting will be for the purpose of taking some action regarding the mill situation. All West End merchants are request ed to he at the meeting. Place your order at once and avoid rush. Goods cheaper than ever. E. J Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. 21* and 21S Campbell street. Changed the Sentence. In another column of The Herald appears the publication of the fact that Judge Baxter sentenced Police man Brock to spend 60 days In Jail for contempt of court. 1 ,uter in the day and after the arti cle had been printed. Judge Baxter changed the sentence to one of $lO ami ten days In Jail for Brock. "My Friend from India” tonight. —- Fire at Hertlns. Half of his stole I* tilled* with Fur nishing*. Woollen Cndershirts Socks, etc., and the other hulf Is filled With the finest Woolen* sot Suits Trousers and Over Coatings These goods are not burnt, but if you buy Them they would feel as if you were on tire. 924 Broadway, opposite Planters' Hotel, »%%%%»%%•*%*%%*%• ***** #•♦* teg teteM ifain-Ki/ler': 0 144 N <g teg 4# MMI Bt # X Kd mmmm tw> CMBteM*. l 0 ••#* ggag g**»g< •*»» teg* M # f— # |ErsT5 ==rr= | J MM* MVM * •#., 4 • *%%%♦%*•♦♦**♦*♦* thTnews IT CAMP Tfe4ft Vft% \§ Jiff ftw 1 fiftrtii A ft# fft Mi. tiro INI ron iftfli 4*t9«i ums V«#>. f 9» ftft*# i#ft#* r** in. -1# m«m *• iiwih «* | »9***fti«Mi»*•»#• Arms *> f># n*r#«vift*r t I rn#f ftfHHrlrooftft *t ******* 4*Vft Ke., 9(ft Ift# 9«* iOf-1 mUmi V r. Tr# of tin |i»iih m#J Wf»i. fUnftter, g t »rft*«ro, 9* 9 A. Mdj. OM- ; i , n f!#rt'#r ftf B#**tri .IS&fh 349i<“HI - ! r §#ll, Thl» 9«r»#N| #lll r\m ftlfi* !#> 1 , , ts #}i (-#### of 4t**H*(lMl W #«»*****r»«* I ftf ofty»|« ,tI #<*m» 14lii v *4»ft >• nvtey itiw 9# the r*-*oro*w«9 Tft#> win Mm* x ivwm#d ftv *w|i#r»l (•rtl**»# ;ti»i|x# h#a4«|iuii (*r*< ! Hy man akn ooptn Ten Pointed 0»**li«*"» Ag*wer*4. What I* the uae <>f making a better jartb te Ihsn your eoswpedltor ts you can | not get a better price for It? An*. A* there 1* no difference In the j price the public will huy only the l>et i |er so that white our pr tit* may Im I smaller on a single Seale they will tig j mu, h greater In the aggregate. H> v can y<m get Jthe public to know your maAtf la the best” If both articles are brought promin ently before the public both are certain to Ih. tried and the public will very quickly pass Judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the targe sale on Cham ber’itn's Cough Remedy. The people have hr n using tt for years and have found that It can always be depended up* n. They may oceaslonally take up with some fashionable novelty put I forth with exaggerated elaitna, but are certain to retain to the one remedy that they know to he reliable, and for mugha, colds and croup there Is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Couch Rem edy For sale by Alexander Drug and steed ts n.. C. It Parr or Bell 'Tower Drug Co. Great altrai lion—"My Friend from India" tonight. SOLDIER# INVITED —ts- To the Services at Church of the Atonement 1.1 Rev. S. B. Carpenter, Rector. Service' tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. The rector am! congregation of the Church of the Atonement extend to all soldiers without church engagements a cordial Invitation to attend their church services. A fine musical pro gram has been arranged for tomorrow l,v Mr. Howard Tinsley, organist. The church la directly on the Monte Sano line, at the corner of Kollock and MarMtry streets, and soldiers will find It very convenient. Great attraction "My Friend from India" tonight. Mr. and Mrs. R.-JL. Gait paid a fly ing visit to Augusta this week, the guests of Mrs. Gallos parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bramljt*. Miss Ada Bram lett accompanied Item to their home in Washington Citjf Great My Friend from India tonight. .. j M c Mrs. Ruben 6f Columbia is visiting her mother, Mrs. ELubenstein. on upper Broad. •* FORTUNES TOLD TONIGHT fltSt S4l I# lift I ffttftfv §1 tt# f ft i# Tte* I* v «tei»■ m** te* •* Ik* •**•*» Bog**. | ft##* ft*# ftTOftfti #44 * i *#*f4ftlft# fmmm : Mftft ftftt ift ftll ft Id *#9 «|f #4l *'9N» ftl’ftMil" I#* *>.f #•< t }>,;*■ #t|,f#*4ftl# Ift* *J*» m* I ##!» dr#iftf|*4 ftf ||r p)*ll rntk* < Mr. 9Vi Gooftrlei Ot* »**» | ffDt trrofu s|Vf r#»t*4 tti# *#9lf# wif* ! den of grratigtn* the iteiiki an* *e o atmg »ad too K«eh «katw>t he idl I Itypra're for the eßr ent *ervk- that have been rendered hy them T hf* a e the hub proper of the fair, and everything revolve* around tli m. "My Friend from Ink*" tonight. St. flntthew* Lutheran Church. I (nndtey. •: 3b a. u>., Sunday arhool. | ) Sunday. 10:30 a. in., preparatory j garr ice. | Sunday, 11 a m.. German service and .holy communion. Sunday. Ap. m,. evening aervtce. iToptc: "Crons nnd Crcteenl.” Monday. Ip. ro.. Hewing achool and 1 preparalory claaa Tuesday and Friday, 4 p. m., ron flrmation class. Wednesday, 4 p. m.. Young lauke*' ! Lutheran Society. Thursday. 8 p. m , Teachers' meet- i lug and Normal rlaas. Ashurv Auxiliary At Asbtiry M. B. church tomorrow, | Sunday afternoon at 4:3b o'clock, the i Auxiliary society will hold an impor tant meeting, which will be of Interest jto evety member. Their friends arc ; cordially Invited to lie present. The I society will give an oyster supper on Friday evening, the 9th. at the parson- , age. for the benefit of the new or gan fund. Hephzibah. Hephzibah Church Record: Pe- | cember 4th: Baptist church Sabbath school. 10 o’clock, a. m Preaching by Pastor Jenkins at 11:16 a. m., aud 6:45 p, m Methoillst church. Sabbath school. 3:30 p. m. All are invited to j services. St. Paul’s Church. St. Paul's Church—Rev C. C. Wil liams. D. D.. Rector. 11 a. pi. Cele -1 brat lon of the Holy Communion and j sermon. 4 p. m , Sunday school. 6 p m„ Evening Prayer. Young Men’s Bible Class meets at: 10 a. in. | Asbury. Asbury M. E. Church. 1024 d’Antis- 1 nHC street. —Preaching at 11 a. m., by j Rev. George Walker; Sunday school; | 3:30 p. in. At St. James. Rev. Simon Peter Richardson will ftll the pulpit at St. James church at 11 a. m. tomorrow. St. Mary’s. ' Rev. S. P. Bullock will officiate at St. Mary's church tomorrow, at 11 o’clock. St; Andrew’s flUslon, Rev. S. B. Carpenter will officials at St. Andrew's mission, Wood lawn, at 1 p. m. tomorrow. I ftrrßlfl tNte**Bi (BBlßrttfc ftte ftlßTffttetil «t JBB4N Mi* wM «i mva*, #**#*! pbcb#** Ib 44 Kl Nail Tl* MftMMtell tlhwiug tft# ll N*v ***** Ite tBB !*•*#'» tftegtlt gKg* te lui*te k*% In## twgk 'Wg Ika M* yd a. t fit ti hhj | M hy pcofalg **Nte Bteg In Bte*4F ttkgw Huttefghg (hte|i n|N 1 HAS f, Odadi llteßtefVtf Sn tea**** BM Ate* tetgtea. te*4Mte*« (h* Ik* gs#*, > j I* Ift* *** t ft* I ## WeHiMcndlUMs That Vi Van to Gel Oni of lie lay. i (4 Clevelands at* $12.514. $I 5. SI 7. One of these Is a Ladies. I Gendrom at $1 7.50. I Raycycle at $ 14. One Steam’s Special at $I 8. 4 Models 40Columbias at s2l. $22. $23. $24. I Cresant at S2O. 2 Credendas at $I 5 00. I Victoria at $24. 2 Ladies’ Fentons at $ 1 5 and S2O. 1 Man’s Victor at $20.) DEVENEY,H6OD&CO. BICYCLE DEPARTMENT. Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one. and those who are preparing for it are the people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. Toys! Toys! The largest stock of Toys ever brought to Augusta. The prices are the lowest ever put upon similar goods. Do not forget my place when purchasing for the .itt e ones. My assortment of Cakes is such that you should bear it in mind. Pound Cake, Fruit Cake and Lady Fingers are my specialties. H. H. CLAUSSEN, 1002 Broad St. MASONIC FAIR RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 10 A. M. TO 12 P. M. ' t Everything choice can be obtained thatthe market affords. All dishes are prepared by a celebrated chef. , . . A supply of Choice Oysters always on hand and served in fine style. _ _ , „ A fine Lunch or Meal can be had at a small cost. The ladies in charge will carefully look after all orders. DietMMN 3 THEMARKKTS, # sfENPVP $ K<s KM'm f tft t r* mr A «###!#. lift s*■ ■ ft ■* fftro* «*ftjl i Bte####®# ** l# •• a « *te •• ** 9 *bmt ■■niiirr- £* ~T. ,?• * 9 g**g>< l>4 uteWage* .. .. 4 ti * *|Cbte**** „ „ % |*| I F," ”** M . % 0 T n«. . 4, I*, a I# MteJ BM *l*n *» I At* ttn. ,r<> *«. -g gt l l ?«gi*4 ;*W4* K , y, n Iv If ivaiu ante