The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 04, 1898, Image 1

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16 Pages Section 1 VOLUME I. NO. 12. MAKING WAR ON LEADER BAILEY HilnUiin Thul 11c U Too Blunt and surt> •or Mia Poaltlon. |*HaOfef* fell i SUiMiUi Tin ll* s|«i4 m l«ka IQn iifKi in aa tN Ti|Nii Tf\lL Tflr»»hta®tr tl flic I. top************ j «%# %t*m d MiwtiftAfi® '• mm*#*** tmmrnwm mim*m+****m M*M* *»» wWI b®t* tM* «a®wh®#®## #• I**##***# ft*Mt tin ®®> |N* mlt tb# •t' r ttt' ®pt®flftTi ’ ? ici ®# la# Mac ts **f #a®aoMi iff Wallet ft* Mr *•# trtti# •rev* la ratal fcao*® In W*a »m*4 a® ft font juftll.*- on#* abafltf • H* %IS#a • atlit®*# la MKllrr tn Mr Mail#? • rottWltaW 1l»«i ** hart*# raart H»>wrthafi Tb# Miipf ts is tba* Mr Alim dm west da rlntrr* maiim Walls y aao®#tr, for tb# lead r Haiift#*! bpoa Mr. tiian tb* gftmirtt tr»M Hwt • raa* Mrlrrd Aira fe A Pf *»n#nt Hr «rate a |H«#f tit Mr Alim's t*» tl< .»f inc. I® ®M®ML tail a# * •nrsi Bin® »urr«aa m<| m«Brritf<l «ood <|tt»U Dltirr iffiAiM Mr Alim dart ®‘*t po» arts, AllittS alumprd llr • * 10a*#«pm*»ra o*"<rir* #”# u*i» 1 - -g. yrpdot at’in* b(. ft traa a ter* j, u roll jar for Aden rb» « erf Mr Badri to fail oc io «bar®# Mr AIR® direct,> nlMt -j„ u j Biik'HStMf fv th# Mi«ai«alpp4**a tc rail Bail*? to avowal. Tb# m#t# fact. Mwtwt, ibai Bail#? vrcl® a® of » brother ron Cl i'MßiiO'fe ODD HUDt t'll tO he ample ®oticr to Mr. Allen * atitiirota that hr *•* an unfit nut* lor a place io the houar- sAcm** of Hr* Al* len’a coneresaional friende nmr to hie rrl es rod oriit btai arveral letter* of .eJemmcut, nud d**pit* *♦>«• Ball*) disipproval Allen »s» triumphant. Tried To Pest Catching*. 1 , t| )a t the t r iltiuod Halley. • ho alao disapprove* of General C*tob ln*t> of Miaalsal.ipl. wrote * •lmt!»r letter to timers! Catching* oppoueol. hut. •« n the r**e of Allen, the Gen eral «h successful in hi* canvas* Roth Allen anti Catrhinge are pepu l»r with their Democratic colleague*. THE AUGUSTA SIMMY 11 EH A LI). iM# % ts»® ®ll a-mm %»§ *■■■ ♦ 1 | I MlieSrtir ♦** *Mi c* *- i m is* *b# |%f ? WaHe t alhw®hf he teflfed | OP IMMtANDMt m the 4ttMlik*alaClr«*taU ***»■' >li* I *#•**«• fTev®i«i® II liaflM ••r I ®®(ftft#®MMM®l IRM® I file ■ tiwai * n«* flMit Ve***® M »N»rfc# ||M«M *T«®» *hr * ®a**is»4 The. the ••'•eeiarff «*r tae •• * warlatleci *«* dhte* *ed t** fweaca* • * ,s «pl ,r ! .-if these Audit®* i« ’ ° t i®%eatl®itS***» I** j (datnt t® etMitii iCih cWM wr" ? ‘ I ree4lfia« #«•«***' M'*« K B u I ieah®a#li. a- the I-- I Third. The th *** »eter? *f ,h ** *•“ laarhM.lMl dttertro "<» Pi 1 lea ■ OEATM f*E!SAt-TV Ihr f tiKHag at the Jwrv •« •»*# C»»e nl Boh Brown U lilnpft'i, Ky*. fh*r. *- jWv *nt» IJ;; ~TZ. w *B*h« . . a. nu>ther la lan in (aa, la#*la M« tTeilatid and. In te •istina at reel, h Btiiiaei arA#*r»i i* I Th** mutltr r «r th* 4 dee «** that I H|‘»" n had ta-eti J?/ 1 with hit* 12 y**an» old atMet in is ». *-*•» |dy IfeClrlMad, and he feared that ahe I had Udd her parenia. INDEPENDENCE! Nicaragua Iteclarea |She la I ree and Independent. Manaaua. Nt. aragu* 'la Ualve.ti.rn Tevae. lie.-. S. —T?»- government of Ntcragua. ■* * t.-ault >*f th* c*»U.l’*e ‘.f the Reouhlt. of Central Amerli-i. ha. pnhliahed :« .le-ie.- d« taring Ni'« ragua to Ih' an Indem-ndent a»»'. ielgn state. JOSEPH W. BAILEY. AUGUSTA. CA.. SUNDAY MOWN INC. OECEMBER 4. 1888. TO TOE AUGUSTA MILL OPERATIVES! ; rtmrnf hMHMa** t%* §•*♦»*• h®» ®|hW*#d Wa i®la®s«« !• haMi th® *s**#*• m hhi «MM vmm** It fc*» *** ■ r-a® ®H • hit fHat® W® the ®aa®ef- ®®d mmm *e aa® «4®taa « - „ li at tin*- kaki* -Bit It,.** |at <» • laatiS* • h«® ar«*id» «®4 hes fatmt' 4 '* mat ha tam* «®e fe f SIX KILLED ON THI: ALAMO Bursting Pipe Aboard the Vessel. Ike MciMtr liApff tfd But I few tats A(t. I juj »tr fl#c J —i|* nwmwTf o* I I* VTHIi’K I I*ATHM'K rAMHKLLy «ibr Fit ANK MM AMOK, flwiwn. ! J if VAN. cttal hf-st**!. Ihe Damaged Vr«*l. i rtlacba, g*d**f r*un *t hT'ti»i*Solt^aarvlH U„i,| nt*® *n«l boM#m. Hh«* | I tfeftii a#l»#4®M to ftftfl at I y » l*. n» y#a* !t* !•(«> for Oalv#ato® \ ia K«sy W**#t. but waft ,t«*lain*‘fl in «ir<l**r to (ilac** 4 on laanl I mii uniiftual quiiiirltv "f fr**i«ht. Hh«* . thirty f®uaw«®#rft. At th# Ilia# of th# a#rbl#®t, about 7 oVkx*. th« 4 Uhi|t had c*a#t oir b#i Hn#*# and th# tua- I Boat l»r «id«*nt Ua«l her ||«# taut io **• Iftint th# AJNmo Into mi«lfttr#am. Il#r • n«in#»r» mad# tuo i»r thr#* two lull, ns «nen ih* sktdoalon earn.-. The tt corlng •>! ihe d*>-k Immediately | l-vcr ih- engine room was torn up and j the- m <lll loured IhidUgb the j S>#Hnill i-*l • I The sound of the eacaptug st-am was I mingled with th.- shtleks of the dying 1 j in—tt , vc h*> were nvclop—d in it. The TV«i || mmm («%<■»»•* (fcjfct iIM *«•» *1 , | t || fi 4- : | » **< « 4 ?"■■■, -'*«*§ nv*4 IN* 1 tlfrrfT I- •*!*’**• «*4ll !*»«•> IflUl•••»'Mi ||ft> H'll|fn M«l | «*•**■' 'I ffVBVM IM M M»a r*.t f *n •. .«tmi • n **»••*• **• ■ !»**•* iiv t>t« 4h In • i*»*tM* » «% *»Mto W*t* 4|f|>n| !tft4< to** tond If to* t** fffeMMl #l(f ’tft'* * {H* m ** I mm** I tor >l>r - I *n 4 h«4 «Nr4 Mt I tor **?Wl . #u# «f ih* fl»M«tnti rnmrt ' *»u«# #rl|* it 4 to •«# •?»i4ltor'l iff** *• tto* tsm* «f i tof s llrtitiT iMMttiin IWpi (to** «t* Him to I’tnnMc# fllto-f I (iif. Joton IHhifto.»to- i" rt tositn* iit» Mntl'irfr lltitoi »ft«l H f*, f l**to-l ‘ mx'ii «n oMMHanI *«4 an* j lot her. ***** «|w k «f. ♦»***§#> #r to# M4U #*#M- Tlm* of tot* r tort# if) Mr** ••Hfift# s >f .| r Itnirlv to ||rji t hHr t |wrrr liitoi .©t ton * *ut *** fw# Ma«l «f ttor |«#M(ll#r# wrrr *»»» dr* to I John livun. tU© tupwtiitondlnit •*»*»•»- | o#r of ttor Ualirtti ilwr. ««# i*H*tof»to*ai fly |ili<ra mutor i. a r no lildritr l*r alia* to- Patrick Murphy. (to** atond runlit rrr. ««* formerly #Hi»ml Moalntant rrto of (tor* t nu»»»port C'ofttal. H« Hv *hl In (tola illy. Ntohlnir I# luwmf* I tor ottirr* klllrcl. litopaled Wcunlly. I Ttor Alamo *** Inniirrtrd by I to** to* • al atMintlMtat and a Ito on** iMaurrt toy Captain Prtrlr two «r ttorm I daya ttflMt* 1 Ttor pip** tvtoi* to tourat wu# ati 11-liu to I hraaa pip** rtinnlnjf from til** alolwt* r*©»m up ttor«*UKto ito«* pump and «*n »!**•» room anvf u»r(»4 «- to ttor mslnra. In |h * un |ift* rngitu* room wia ttot* flaiig'* H.toto'to patdrd. Tto<* rivnn n«*r<* atorairt! off an with a Isnifr. Ttor plpw* wuatratrd toy th,* atramtooai iiinpoctor, and. It la atnf **d. %vit*»too*l a hydranlto* pmoatirr of ISO pound a to thr aquar** In* to. <’tol«f Kn- K j n *.r Canning *:atrd that thrrr wah only wi pounda prraaurr on pip** wh«n It parted. henry cahpbell doughty. The Death Last Night of a Brilliant Young Gentleman Th<‘ death of Menry famidiHi nough ts, M. D., at hla rooms. Washington nnfl Orcrni streets, at S::!0 o'clock, last night, Is announced. Ttr. Doughty has It-en sick a long time, and has w Ithstoisl the trials and sufferings of his Illness with fortitude arid resignation. Those dear to him have been devotedly attached to him, and have nursed and cared for him with that spirit prompted by the lov ing h:*art. The deceased was possessed of •iih! of the brightest minds. He early gave in dication of trlumps in the field of rnedl <al science, and as he grew Into man hood he acquired a high knowledge In his profession and gave promise of the mastery which he was commanding. At the medical college here. The remarka ble taints were recognized and com mented upon and a brilliant future was freelv predicted for him. || Is slated that he contracted lung troubles while devoting himself to a careful research of consumption. He occupied the position of demonstrator at the city hospital in Augusta at an eat Her age. probably, than any person has ever held a like position. Personally, he "as a most excellent, gentleman. He was a young mail, about £5. }f,. was popular with a large num ber of devoted friends, who learn of his death with the most profound sor row . He was married a few years ago to Miss Calimese of Columbia. S. C.. and one child, a boy. was born of the un ion . Th p remarkstolo. devotion <>t the younfc man’s mother w> him while he war. HHplesK under (ton <*xur tlon* <*. nnrHon* ling illnes? war mom pathetic Oauiitul H«r r»«ju CfiUl -l»r dead i» uni ag«?ni!ZlTig The t«»deresu ayrnpathy u» te 1l for who ckwrlV loved this bril liant and apJeiidtd young gentleniuxi. Tliurf* i« always a tcmbM' <:onnectif»n toolwrt*n the lowinotivc ami the train. EXCITEMENT IN TELFAIR Murderer Soys I Ic Was Paid for the Job. l.tKbia: llmirtH ia limsia l.a*i Niebi Ike T-:eg>»pb aays Ikat M<Ka> lb Tel fair mumr, to* la • Mat# «*f #n Mrmri»i da of (to#**#* to IlH* «r|tot ahn wtir* derMt ro*niiii«i«rv K~p.r hwurk •i t#M«nh*»f rity rareoih, and Ihe wth rr lit th* 4 whit* Mm whom lb# n#frn rhurffw With haflfig |nai*t h*wi f*a* to Atfrmfit at I.) «ibl«| It I# thought i !>•' whltr man *bw gnve a fair trial, hot th#* fr#*iliig uKulutl (hr n- g u la aery ißtna##. It arm* iowaix***) toy i>at»|il#* along mi* So«Mh#*tn radm«U tonight that th(* n«* gro amild «<e IvicNml hafor.- miitnight. tout tl# effort falMt IHJ Mot Ortantor. The now*l did not organlx#* aufll (to** Ivm'hing. if It otciin, will lx* lat**r. I He Brutal Murder. The murder was a brutal oue. The negro claimed a half day's pay more than Mr, Peia'isk bad alloaed him. A quarrel ensued. To avoid trouble Pea - cock paid the negro for tlt" half day. uad discharged him Shot Him Dead The negro went away and soon re turned with a gun loaded with buck shot. He shot Peacock, and then fired another load into the dead man’s body. He was captured last night a few miles from Lumber City. M hat tie Says. lie says he would have killed Pea cock anyhow, and simply took the qiiatral as an excuse. He was heavily guarded in an otherwise empty roach this afternoon on the train that brought him from Lumber City. HADE FRIENDS WITH NEGRO. (jot Mad Because the Bar Keeper Re fused Them Drinks. The new provost guard from the Kigliih Pennsylvania had a good in troduction lo a iMsorderly soldier last night. One of the rolunteora got too mticli booze on board and made good frlenda with a negro and Invited him into a bar for a drink. When the bartender refused to give the negro a drink and ordered him out of the saloon the soldier friend got. mad and the provost guard was called In. A rough tussel ensured and the soldier hoy was dealt with none too gently until he submitted to arrest. The new guards aceni on to the httal ncss, and will no doubt keep up the good record made by the men before them. Keep off the Glass. Messrs. Macaulay & Co. will Insure their window glass tomorrow. Last night their negligence in this regard came vci y nearly costing them on* hundred dollars or more. Insurance agents should see them early and get a policy while it’s hot. Just In I root of their store, Sin Broadway, one of the newly appointed provost guards of last night met a soldier whom, he believed, had placed an indignity upon him lasi week by arresting him, atiri proceeded to pull him towards the armory. ’Twas a mistake, however, and the lump <d eombatlveness being evidently fully developed lit the cranium of the in dignant and injured party. Macaulay & Cu'h wiudoW-i rattled and wi iggled during a recottttv of perhaps live ml li mes. The. crowd cried "keep off the glass," and the glass will be insured tomorrow, sure. OLD WORLD TO THE NEW WORLD Mt Mil 9hsti| In •«!rfISSdHR J*»An - " *„g 'jfcerr Mnd* ‘a «mlho4 ! i hurt «wt the lip and ahrtefc In #rh 2'auul for the Philippine, adurda as* i rapNlili. Anaertraui hnd fnt’h ~nd Aneriea. anthßMn. Ont.lde f.a --i gland I hnve n.e* no non Aaaealraa «ho did not th.'lhe the egpans'cn of i Inter Ira. nor do I thtak In Ihe whole ,if one tonr over Ittmtp* I have met [one European who did not rerelve nt j i.roteatatirns as to the genuine aln iefitjT with whirls Anwrlmfi jeop!e I entered MPO the «» ar with more or leaa i BKrliifti in*tM til tty. •A her. I ngtond Stood. "In the cowrn. of »> tonr I am uow I. umpelted to admit I found pr*s»t **t tl," jeglatenre of a dl*poa.«ton <* Ih* P-**• ]of the ponetra to Intervene on Itehtff ltd Spam mMh» “•'* hr,PB rmr I Netinni bad It not te*n rh#i*ke.l In the l»ud by the knowledge that England autild l»«% * Vathioi l« 4® alia It. Wh»n I w*. In Pari* I was told that no propoeal had ever been nude to in* ter tin. aud that therefore England had never had the ootaaUm or nppot umlty to put her foot «ki*n <m theantt- American coalition. That no doubt w .g true as far a* the overt aciloti on th« part of the government was con cerned. But It Is not lea* trite that Immediately alter the war broke out a diplomatic representative of the pow ■ „ra communicated It* an American mlnlater at an European court In plain and unmistakable leinin the dls pleaaure of the ts»»era and their de sir* to express that displeasure pub llely and forrlbly. These eommunlca. dons were sufficiently serious for the contingency of the use or Ihe allied forces of the European nation* for the coercion of the United Slates to be frankly discussed between the two dip lomatists. The result of that decision was to put a summary stop to all na tions of European Intervention. *< *|f you Intorevene,' said the Ameri can minister, ‘lt means war.’ •' ‘Yes, it means war, aud >ht> forces of the great European powers acting In alliance would overwhelm any op position which America could offer. 1 New W orld and the Old. "No doubt,” said the American, but vou would have to bring your forces across the Atlantic to the other hem isphere. and keep them there for the rest of your natural life. Kor the new world Is not going to submit to tlu old world any more. No, sir. not any more than It submitted a century since when the odds were far worse. "And remember." he added its a clincher, “that when you were bring ing your armies and your navies across It,ooo miles of sea to tight Amer ica you would have to count with Eng land, who is certainly not friendly to your enterprise." "Tills put an extinguisher on the proposal. Nothing more, was heard of the contemplated Intervention. It nev er got. so far as to be submitted to England. The whole design was checked at the very outset, by the calm audacity with which the representa tive of America played his cards, in cluding the trump card of the Anglo- American entente, which, henceforth, will play a leading part in all the deal ings of the English speaking people with jealous and suspicions neghbors. facts as they actually happened. I hey were told me at first hand by th- per son most Immediately eoucehi-d, and you can absolutely rely upon the accuracy of the above stat-.n nt. "ir the old world regards Am-ricuil growth and expausiou «Uh uucuu ceul-J alarm, th* British empire, Whlctr't* Seated oh the old tVoi id slid the tre-W. contemplate the fte* depul lure wittl unaffected sympaihy. I here latlons between !h»' embassies of Wit a„d and Am-rira ni Cons and Uouie could hardly be closer an,l «* i MPMatm ha 10 omos* wm -fehk* - •*•* .»»« v* a •*» «•*«»*** fM^jkJJjJ 3 CENT® A COPY Editor jMcml * I‘lcry Statement of Europ ean Opinion of lift. hoiMtif if* t Himih) i n t Himv fttiml fmtti to Iftsit til C|v| • rOkl *f (I|r4 fnlhlkl | a I'fWi l kited IffiNiß «gt bmm# feoNttai 0 li ti®fl ®av® ® Immnl #im§ I f-*t •b® ®t«M® n tirrfl rr®.ttil ««m4 bbM <|> f»n iiii ii Bmm ||pP t®P®i fMMft * *lf iMtitfe ®a «® V®*? mt* twtij i «'«® Kill, rfftf) IC®®Ml •Bv®%§®®i Wttm I ftrltf hm g® | &®f# Ml ‘* B • •mt vimm |w ®®i «•'- »M»*h««Mfe®4BP I f,,,* ««ici ib tarftjif I® ®HMaft I mi tit h*®, a «®m®i4®mMHl Mm II d hrntm tw W®l I® ” rr»Mo*ie*Y. U Hal *ll9lrr Sm ®f «M t«MI Hitlff. ; { ««Mwr®tnd |*!*ft* to *«*m*mf MffftM t Sttm T**r®, 2 t*l li®aMWT W«m»r MUM «tm mm forvfHf at | I H# (iai4 nf (la XkiMtfqa (*|®ii *o®|» t tovfti Mia® tb* f«t yluii t+p* I **f tb> l*jiaa®»a Lanai • owmi®i afa l l ®* 1 pnrtwl to bat# ®«m# to H «»h i®«®. | Io toaiftr i|f iiuUfi®C tti I ib# X>«niaiu«o e*®al mNI b# kK>b#4 I i,|nw H a# a® ftßi«#»»*t»a® pl#c® of #f* ' fTo®t#t> MB tb# yarn of tb# ET#®rb Mr Millar *al!» attc-®Hoa to a ««#* «a«# »#nt to •oner by Hay## on Marrb I. ISM, la afeleb N# I wald th* policy of tbl* ronatry m a c*V» | nal nad#r Anrrino • oatrol Tb# ! t nitre) maim ionuo' «oa«#ttt to tbir unafKlfT of tbit control to an? K®n>* l**,n power or to any '<»inbination of , ir # •Wv’tfl. Otir , n , t« than that of tboa# #«Mißtrk#ft wbll# IU al®t ton to • ai.- j«>». *c ;n.! piwapprlty a* a aatloa *to mu mean* of d*f*s*a*. oar iwH). ’ p-are unit safety arc matter* of para ■ .nooui ••*!•***n to th* p.-opl* of to* I I mted Slat** Mr Miller then aaya th* i* will not hav* any .anal ~niter any auapic** aav* th*tr own gov and If tb* Panama canal la : ever to It* Imllt It muat t* *uir*ml*r*d Ito tb* control of tb* Am«rlea* gov ernment WHAT DOES IT MEAN ? Are the German ilerihant* Siding With Aguinaldu. | Pietw to Sunday Herald.l .Manila, !»*.• 3 The Hong Kong nevapapera lui’ing asserted that the attitude of th* German* here was hos tile to the insurgents, the ileimans of Manila have circulated a aiatement saying the Germans sr* thoroughly friendly toward the Phillpino*. Thia statement Is signed by the German consul and the German business firms. The natives infer that the German* are favorable to the independent fac tion. Advices from Cadis say the Sp;in ifirtls have abandoned that town, and lhai Rb<> insurgents, with e 1 ht cannon, advanced upon li on November 21. Cadis is a cl.y. and Is the capital of Hi- province of the same name In the Island of Painty. It Is on the north roast of th' island, nnd Is the ledtlence of a Spanish governor, it Is mostly built of wood, and is defended by u small fort. It has n population of over tI'OOO person*. SUIT FOR 5i.000.000- Thurlow Wild Barnes Begins a Big Action. Nr >. York. Dec. 2. The World to morrow will snv: Thurlow Weetl Barnes lias brought, suit In the supreme eoutt against the AinerU un-China Development company fill on- million dollars for services In obtaining lailroiid concessions from the Imperial Chine*.- government through the Chines- minister at Washing ton. These concessions ar- wroth In net ut least twelve million dollars to ih- company, and they may lie worth twenty-four million dollars. They arc ih- most valuable grants ever made by ihe Chinese government to foreign cap italists. and the terms are more favor aide than the concessions obtained In re.-ynt years by France, Belgium, Russia or England. The chief spirit of the American- Chlna Development company Is Calvin S. Brice. Associated with him are men prominent in the financial world. Harms claims that he secured these concussions, for whtc tihe was promis ed eump -nsation by Mr. Brice. After tin* concessions had been granted the company refused io recognise his i Li hits FLKMINU IN D C. , 3,—Kepreseuta tiV Fleming of the tenth has amv-d. II • called -Cl 111" White house yesterday. II- was unable to see the President.