The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 04, 1898, Image 14

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BLOWING UP THE MAINE 4MN*rt M iMH* HHM* *o* Ml .# §o# iMNUIPI 0 WfwK Hi •i#*#** 8 * Bw* w **'’ * *** 00001 Hi OHHi*OO pHIt'Ml ¥»•*j** mnn Pi* »#* h»# 00 «o»»«ftttt 000010 iHilHi 0f OMWM *w< §OOOO Pm 9*mrn* IP •••■ •*HOO #• 00* aHm* Mi JMni H ®HH tip «*«•• il»p»r< OtWK ImM Ittl *0 00* f ItWwMf i* I *' *0 f Hofl Al tgf* < 'tof* HI tM fc**P tPO o|ittr» Ml#t M9MI o‘t*oii I *•*« *.«•* mr |w» w *«*• •» ••*• •"»*• »* fftft MM** ftfttedl MM *in4Wl**l» h* *“ •MM ta <te ftp***"® l ** »<»**•*•* «4 *4* •tgftt Yte Stef te» Itetß*# WjWFMte •te» tM IMW* 4t**W tM tfttetfte *♦■ Mv4» MMt eet4eteta 4M«M Mm t' *t ShMMI pipppp f* 00K0 opn> Ml hgtft M» tfcft BMp Wit* iKMEEia dartifte*' tw» ftM®**** *4# •**•*•* "* **** b** s * fftttf aad iMtaflp A tMf MMt !••*# StefttnS ••• 4*ft4 I ftae MWtMUMM t»t Wdtte IM •»• »* !«%*• wteft Ite mmMmMmm cMte IM ln»pe»»# “*■ >»t» «• MVmmmi r**i**' mm Mijiri tW Mm Mm * arsed mmmmmmMm* ft •Mt' IM ttt paartttnte well *R. ftgd ft**4 Mi Ik* MMMMMtMMrIMfM. ft Wrt* M ■ lac. readtadi 4*4 «aAJa* aw*»d *4 VMM «f »4Mte»#* gntog*#. )*#»»'» •**’ £gj£g» isl tl ttl f«tll *#Pl * t § wiriffW - ««***•* wmfr tf* rtreate penterttle ftettert hf the avert ornrs «*f tk# *#•**»• *#iwrti#«- Itn IN ts !»!«»« Matte There »** • treaitdiag *#4 lantetet tertta* • lb* mai • Ute «• mo*. o*4 • aril at ttMMw* Tt* e*ae*rie “ah’ * at ■kirk iknt were etgkt to Ike r»h la abut I •»• *M'IM •ta* onl T ' ,rt there wa» WM»* Walaa »”4 «anl* Tbt tltoatloa eonkl «M •» gß*tak«w; lb* Mam# ami Moan up an 4 Iter • aioMwnl iW I net ir re of *e 4 f l>roMrr»»»foa tetfc tbnr*r at m», bat sbt* mm» laaNttWi •** hiMi at oamiN I *•* "t *k# ta* H|a*t 04 i|to IHr r-1 *te tbr Narteianl alt pari a Mtiifj »*r* rrllnrtt -00-.h.l aCMtetl k liar kCTi>uoit of Ibo rtf. Tb** rt*bf^ THAT HOST FATAIi GIFT OF BEAUTY !• beauty an *dvgl»tggf <*r Ot to » »«nmn «»*o h«* to *>• a living * . , , . a g P Ten yem* «go *«ch a «jn»tton would hate lam r ' M tMVr la thow* rta»» Iwwury and a lot •»« II w*» #re changed and, strange and Irrational as u m*. ***** '* * ug|i ■ot only al a discount in Ik* modern nnsin t*u 1* wijojwi * lajotn n . fatal to a Job- Nowaday* On* 'fatal gift of '«*•»« ' „.,v baadnom* -Vaa. air. tbe.e ia a growing Psentiment (wntnpn amid 9 !11ac • * II ■ nt> • * 1 , *'°* n " .. ' " ,» .iraan matter of bustnes*. I don i care bow ™.« ,t “ MHkngl. t nd“o«, woman tnav he. or how diner.* and comi»rt.nt * , , , h , |, „ii ana', bound to demmglixe Hi* ?o " Sbr ea th, women ialou* and the men absent mind, d and It tell, on their work Of man*, .he ran t help It. but that la no .(fair ° f . - t . u( t, of the aubjeet." he eontlnued. "and I know what , m uiwi io? A lil beauty In a ..ore will reduce the working eapat II yof It. employee* a lain t twenty per cent. If *be happ * n * very! type a blonde, for Instance, with da.k eye. ■ ■ ti.m will be fully twenty-five l>er cant fluppoae the pay roll la *•&*> a m*** toil'd have to make an entry every Saturday like thla: 'To depreclalion of blonde (dark .yen). *1*7.60.* That', enough to b.eak Vanderbilt.’’ , » » » •Tm talking from experience. We had a young lady clerk here once who had everything In the world lo recommend her except bomeUnea*. -the was beautiful, poor child, and what made It worae. she had that hopeless, Ineradicable kind of beaut)' .ha. doe*n*t outgrow, ‘he o fiecklea, and Is always the same, no - matter what happens. h**' l ''" girl could have fallen Into a hogshead of black mnIMM still radiantly lovely. Well, she went lo work, and I never had a l or more faithful employee, bat the deadly demoralization begin to «•«•»» the moment -he stepped behind the count*- Kve ' f y frleil o y. bookkeeper w«s a surly Scotchman, and about as “ a ater. In le.-s than a week he was raising a mustache, and m.k ng at las forty errors a dav on hla ledger. The correspondence cletk 81a,,p,1 " a ; hM letters Annie.' instead of Dear Sir,' ami the cashier was short every night through trying to make change with one eye on l And that wasn't all. The floorwalker and head salesman became fn their minds because she never as much as looked at either one of them- ami had It out while the store was full of customers. I hey .pat tered gore all over the ribbon department and finally rolled thioiig “ Lnen KtrtwaT and were both laid up for a month And now. by George they are threatening me with a damage suit. I am only mentioning ft of the worst cases ” # . . .»*•*••••* ”1 thought the headporter would escape because he was such a dis * -r,.,;«*_*• ' M °ZZ r^VZ,Z r , m *, -c.;- confectionery shop became famous all ovei . ... . s r , lo#t #ll sirs: sat “f r.Fr;, sk 3ri«:jr vox r MU-OdCWU. „ -*' * « **■ * T '*’*'*' ’ b* b*»*»*rbb»»k*tr* H Mnt«M . ti An 4 IteTb? *** p y**y. |«a a • >«t »iit| If b« MM a>*4» •*» I fiPMV'# oti Hip ttHpH* PPf t pi pt*#" tP* ■ i«aurt *ak M 4 flam abaa M art* « item #*4 4—mrta4 »H »b# nmm— '* jiIMMI fbaf b* ta*N*a4 ft* bfa *a* H ’ Ma» a*at am aftb »ab*44'*4 ** ***• j »at« bfafaat * tb*f **4fM aawt •*• •* a l aSM MlMteM**lMr ’ t man* *m a anaaM aa »ba »«4t‘ Itwat4 »!4r of IM wata 4*tM Mraa-4 Ls ibr *aa»t*ira*MtM lanbfac b ramM lib* 1 mao*•* 4»rt am »k*« toaaof j ft• cailMftblfrt bat ffttrt a* ftrtkH 4*«n*-v« TVo I r*ate'ft*M far • a Lmraab. Ml *a Nhrtt la ***** k* *»• ioatma *a4 ***• wb* taik**» f t Mb* rtart I'm* H* r*ft'b*4 'Tb* *»• *«»k N«*o •< 11 *« ftooa ft*r***»«•* fa tala •*'" .t*rk fa it*: tart as Ik* *btft ••* •iftkte* *aft*4l» I «b*a mamt «t a* ib* ftm»ft 4**% 11* '■ ■ *at fianm«ft4*T Wftit»*it»' * * * *• art • •*» »*ar am K«ot*k"»i* >(*!.«,*ft*M a* Ik* i4miw«i-I* of Ik* f 1 js*i«* tut ibtft* art *t*Ha*l Mfo r,'. .'-«o kft* !»** **k*4 ann* Ulam* -f 1 I. IW**J lk*« «k.l ik* Mft’ft* aa* Waft, oft f— •t' «••** , rs ibl* h#» b**m ik*> wr ar»' •PpIflPH ptt>M«l ill* pit* * ,!l * l ilk* tlftla* kail k**a Moan oft. »ml '■*■ |||*«*4 Ih*t ftim hoi loft Moon •** !■' n ! . . i.uMr Tktroforft t < «<l*f**4 * -fti. o i*[iin4' 4 In. 4«ft ■<’ m * * f it *f VHipp fpf Pfl t : . . t !*« lo>< I*m arltia# al ®r»' j, -|nn 11 Thor* a** *k* otna*! nf , t ,>.«« ffOTI tk* •kflO *««*«• 4 |»U* rs r*>*r* f*»P»*fa < ■!»»! }*• ». [HJjftrtm*. In tk* U**.mlm* iValiirfr. «THB AX7GKJBTA SUNDAY HUBALD curl btl tk* Mk» Mbk pnMPHP MoN>*a4 *M Hat 4M4* •*•*«*» *ta*a krnfM 4a* ft** I ft—o | —ft two * Mbwft art**' ***.. t M * aata* *'te*at •>*»« awam aa* t** tea# urn *m»« «»oft •«•«> amt wo M m !4» *. ftftta of koloa ft*m**b Mb Mm b» bft* i*ft *> tbft tb*M ft* Mr* ft** *» IN rtaaMN f ft**aa* W»a**b K*» .mab f»«*oa ••* bma4 lb*" *n4 Mr* * I* lb* bom" *«h M«ft talk* l*»*4 Mr* tterMw tta4olak ft ki'tm l*Mat Wr* Mo4M| *1 a* tb* aaM* Mb* took ,|m kftbT. trb*o «b* Oft.-~t m» KM**> Kft'i, * «mom •*«. omft* M« a»*tb*r imm b*» loom* Tkra «b **>4 I* ten** Wr it "f*M a** Ma**t I o'l* ami l«»ar *mm I ba**> **a4 it la ik* «n*4* “ I rota ikftl 4* tear «**ft* Mr* ' f*«ft.ft. i,.h bftpt an • a*"- im To* 1 .1,, 4 < f.# pr 00 10 %r* aa* 4 *k» •d «• ft ..Oft* a tea* *b . «» ft*4 ft* • tu» M>. I.ima K■ <* * * hah) 4W« iiiaat cir> it *k* ralrl lag „ift ,)>(.«akra " l*««*r| tlm aro- . ! fpp t, 110 Hip t«* pp* iwp jf * jj "ff»» | ip l Mfp ft** jiteteK #m4 l*M b*»* »••« *><**l*4 If : ,nn .Mi l •**• aa ik* <kiM ** | Th» n*4H»«p<l** <**» *l*' 'l. lufth Mr* Rod »|>h llte.t l« fall** j Li 1 „••*■ k (ate teirki lh* •»*** •* « * Mr* Ri.| h « •• •* I' * 'liaclaiol ftti*o'«'*o4' *M* *** * >*•• Mikinft oaool aranau. am. »i*|if» <1 la. hftftitni » Imorli. »« h*» ami* I iirfF I* Mama k»4f* * I* l '* Nn*at M. if yon Ilk* ' *ftl*l 'l* woman. \a> ) ft. •nine ill* rhlt l !•» Hu'»»l»'l> Hr r *" I down aifttr* ftirt Irtl hi* * If*' 11*anrt *Mh hot Mr*. I»t* kinr a. t.ll*’H K*lljr'» *l*i*r Th** rt»*l*l< h*.l • iw* |ft*nc*i aa4 flfiorn mlnuir* •**•*’ Mten I Kftlh < ni*rr*l «h* <t.i«i. A* *h* 4M *•* I »i.» pcticM ftlaki «f lh* rhiW •‘iwlrh- I in« from lh* tlftoJ* of kt *im*r, fth* ktamol »nrl .-araa* J It. ftlm.mi franim * ;lh Jo?. j Th* who hftrl lir<m*|it lh* I < btl<l *ftl»l h*r *l*l »*r M-. *iv*n Mr*. i?Hftlli*r IK* f'»r I* Rk* hft*l tenc *i*h*4 !to ftuftnilttit* M for ik* on* »*< h*<t l„at ity ilftftlh. rth- *»W h<r *l»l«r h»<l ! v*i hrnrrt of Kll*a K*H> » hmft unill j jid ltud‘>l|>h told h*r of It In Ar*nu* j \ nh<- , rii»ft» to «lv.- th* imm* or I *<ldrr*" of k*r «♦**«*• **><• l*ft «h* hint** ! »e*ntns. j Before d*|«trtlnt VW Woman *»ln I had a Imhy rariteft* and a lot of rloth- I me for’ th* rhltd ami that ah* would •*nd It to th* mother I Th* hfthy «•« clothed In garment aof inn* teatur* It hftd *vld*ntly t>e*n In 1 food hand*. \Vh*n a Jioirnal reyol*r m» F:il*n Kelly la«i «il*ht ah* w«* lauiflilnc ami trylnc alternately over her child. "1 never cloned m.v eye* once while my lu»l>y "'■» *'">* “ *ke *«IU. "I'll n*v er part with her ftcaln." Kllcn Kelly wa* the hapnleat woman In all New Yor kla*t nlfht. On the Turf. New Orlean*. I»ee. The feature of I today'* racing record wa* the Magnolia selling .take for 4 year olds and up wards at a mile valued al *I.OOO. David, hacked from i to 5. to * to 5, was u strong favorite, but Boanerges, with j as good aa 11 to r. agalnat him. had all ! the speed, and made a show of his i ftold. winning In a gallop by five length-. The weather wrs cloudy and | the track heavy. George 1-ee was the onlv winning favorite. First, selling, six furlongs: Pehrlde. 4 j to 1. won; Apple Jack. 5 to 1 and 2 to I. Second; lardy Disdain, It to 5. third. Time. 11# 3-4. Second race, handicap, two years, five furlongs: Sam liaaarua, 9 to 5. won; Pat Garrett. # to 1 and 9 to 8, second; Sir Oaalmer. 20 to 1, third. Time. 1:07. Third race, selling. 1 1-2 miles; George J. 2to 5, won; Rockwood, sto I and 3 to 2. second; Red. 20 to t. third. Time, S:SO 1-2. Fourth race. Magnolia, soiling stakes, one mile: Boanerges. 11 to 5, won. Da vid Bto 5 and out. second; Time Ma ker! 11 toR, third. Time. 1:50. Fifth race, one mile: Wnlterman. 1.1 to 5. won: Nannie I.'s Sister. 7 to 2 and 4 to 5. second; Elkin. 4 to 5, third. Time, 1:82. Note A special Southern express train consisting or nine carloads of race horses from Banning?, arrived to dav having made the fastest time on record 31 hours from Washington to New Orleans. The train came over the southern road, via Atlanta and Mont gomery The horses will participate In the winter meeting. Did you know Thomas & Barton had gone into the Furniture business? Where Is Prank Mv AlUter ? Frank McAlwter. * rietald carrier buy. residing with gtaudiaUier. -Mr. j F Fwtteraoii. vli Calhoun street .wrrled his papers to '('aiw M- .Kwtate F,-ldav ufterfloon. S.lnl*?, then h» has not been seen. His family Is worried over his absentee. THE CASK OF bREYFI'S (korft l unMc Mi* Vjc^ji. fit bfwrtilM as Ip (tfUM 14 fniH # p4#'-'-p pf ppf illpf’f p mtH fi turn ■ 9** PMIMI 10 If SP H 0t« % • f-4* ’ - l«hpt 10 «o*fti fiiii* ftHimpi 01 ipj* <mmtff •iH , tM ''PPMMMHPI MM# ■ PI • - ppm m iPiPii • hppm • i ; 0* SPHOIP m m**m m ihp h«o#p p| 0 frp iMfi | if Moo* Op«M 0 P 0 pm%«o t*mm*"* m *** •«* *«***« . fbw-u. .fm 0 m ft* n# <M rfMIP pt > ***** net WmmHk HtiP '»i»f PO4 .WmOMM ippM flip p*«oof r Pbte’ *#rp* ipi 00M PMIt tiHO 001101 POO tlMt 110 POPOPOH HffPfM M«r MW §0 I Pit M Hi»»* P«i *« tfc# **w»frp fprw p%>i PPOOO Otis* f H% 10* ppppp«ff«p Yfl il It • •bwli Pro** M fiat <0 ««PM» Ml ?f| ,1 **#*fob* m tip iippfkpp o#op*pppfP 00P IP • Pf*** O#PPOW Hl* tintamui la «k* rtaanaa M kVaa** of ■ fteftlla.eai tef MfM4S Hm * .ratal «c at • 4ini»h mcteMaSftt tar* ts It It ha* tb* *#a*|ia|wf ikat wr Irftttef ftrrtbfttkiac ftteart tk* MR I make aft as tb* fwk #*n»r*l fttfta and Ib* ha>»aeftft ft*4 ft*»4dt«m*ft**ft «f that price* «f arcaadrelft cad forcer* Tana t Bftterkacy a* a*l! m tb# fwtt tea* effort* n t 4» ft4*4r*. terllNm ••4 other* to erraea the ceacral »t»4 from d’ftcrtw* It ki the n*a»pftaer» • h.i In term mi of <k» ptmitlve «n 4 art >l*clftr»ilna of Half aa4 OeraMav ihl* *h»f* have never keen an* a*4» il.itStnnf aay kind k*ta**a thea* and ; ickllo »fxt of the e ftht dtft la*’ t* ftrfe* kv Rial I XoM a bleb •laggfted fceorh «ilitftrt*ai and fthnok tkft paei rcwiihtfc to It* f< >mteilott* It ift <r*«* c-ur Meat reaampt f* and ibelr narre that we learn *o«*elbin« ftlextf the Keench **aae <4 Jnetlee «nd Keenrh mllttsev »beo!rtt!*o». rt wall ft* the merit* of tkie twrt'rn'cr 4444, and for miv one to l«tltn»te <kftt the tial tcr*ft' aymimthv for neerftt* »• ■»**- plac'd end thftt the pro rbrevfu* *entl m*nt in thl« roumr* 1* wron« bee»«re H In batted on oewwimper Information la to dUp'wt a rer» limited d****# of Intelligence I h»*e before m* etlltnrial uUerftneett from H«ro*r’» Weebl*. tk* lnde|t*nd*m. Phltadrl I pitta Preest, and the New Nork IteraM. Their HC*f*l e rr*«pnndent* In Parla «ere Ineirnrted to Inform tbci»«clvr« on th* *ubje*l. and *h* re |ft i,|* of th*lr in real leal ion •• douht a* Ito tb* aitilt of Oreytyi* and conrtrmnft. j tloii of th- irlftl pnre*dtng*. Th* ane*llon whlnb dlreclly concern* the mrc*t public, the American public e*|tc< tali' la not *o much a hethrr or not ntevfu* la culUy. »a: "How could tt happen that In a g:e«t and *nli*ht en*d republic Ilk* France ft man «»* co«t;«ed of a belnou* cr'me upon evi dence contained In ft forged document without a «lgn»tnre alleged lo be in tk* handwriting of the aeewftif* Wm the document *ulimHted to him or hi* counsel? No. Did the public know anything about hi* nrreat. confinement »pd trial procedure? No, not ft word. !la France, the public aaks. where the ! military power is mtpremr. and where |no cltiaen is ftecure from ll* domlnat j ing tyranny, o teptiblie in reality or In name only? We marvel llltle at the mock trial* of political offenders In Russia, or as It ia called, administrative process." We lock for nothin* better In a monarchy under am absolute autocrat. There a word, a hint, Is sufficient to send the noblest to the gallows, or to the wilds of Siberia. Rut In France, upon whose banner are emblazoned the words. Liberty. Fraternity, Equality, no otie ever suspected such perversion of justice and such rank corruption In the highest officials, for what are such men as Mercier. flu Pat! de Clam. Bil lot, Bolsdeffre. Gonse, De PelUeux, Ra vary, but corrupt harborcrs of crime In view of what lias been established and exposed beyond a doubt? It Is now known that Colonel Enter hazy wrote I the famous bordereau at the instance of Sandherr. It Is now known that Colonel Henry forged so other important document, and com mitted suicide ou- being confronted with the fact by M. Cavaignac. ex-min ister of war. It is now known that a conspiracy to expel Jewish officers from the army existed among the offi cers or high rank. To recapitulate, the Dreyfus affair means this: Previous to lSi)4 It was known in the intelligence bureau that French military secrets were being delivered to foreigners; Dreyfus, amongst others, was suspect ed and tn October. 1894, arrested. Sub stantial proof of his guilt had t:q be se cured to convict him. Hsterhnzy soon supplied it; other incriminating docu ments were forged by Colonel Henry. Government experts^jtestified to the geuuitteuese of the documents. Drev- Dreyfus was convicted humiliated and banished ie December, same year Two years after Riplle Zola appears on the scene, and startles, the French nation with his famous open letter to tHNkkMilflMl tMHStm the Maaw afMwNaal n«*«if*aM m Wat ana tb* bn »i—i'ft4 #*♦# as fan bea* Vla4MM*fbf| fttkea* i*b»4 * fta*ak# tw»a i«i a*»a»t ha 4 •** >tn»4ft N«tft.ftm« twfti am* fwe wmw 4*4* fpUfrt rtek be* mmw V’ TflftfTf _« giateft caf tftei a a J Marear Mu**# Rant* ad Mftfdr (M Hat* lbe Qaeea ftaanttarr tetear* a*4 Art Mr J A fterree as Orwetaa Tb# l*TM*n • KM liaibftWft*. Wbat Are Mr# Her* Iff? Mater Hot Tim* ta tb* Old Teaa New Cabrt. • Hr IkfUf Ton aft Marfter. T tea fabb K tag Kerrptlna Comm t-r« t ha* K Isbell. (Ttelrtnaa Beaj A Nlebubf I W A. Varty. f'karte* Harvetea. Frank fteamaa. H Brink ouia. ckartee fvpp*f: lev Redding Satan*! M Jsrvte A. Raymond Itetaari* Mink by the Fireman’* Hand of Havana Wreded by Prof Rafael Ro)ft* Roll as Honor. At Patrick** (temmMTWl Institute, rwemher A Iteft: Trat Cl***— T 4 Mura. P. F Mura, j J Colli"* T M Yarborough, t- P. | Bartley M’ W Rattey S*.end Cla»e—T A. Jawortey. J. P M' AultK*. O. A. Kubetwteln. U P. i c.wter. C O. Cterrtei. 1. J. Aculiy. J. ' rt. Ijmlert Third Caao—’W. J. O'Ctmoell. T. P. Keataey. J P. Doyle K, A Hreodet. M J Wolfe, M i. ah*r>m. W. t>. Ma honey. L A Rente. 1 t Sheahan. V. 1 Bennett. T. A Heffeman. I’sher Fdelatelfl. J. B Sutllvan. J. K. Har man. W. J Bheehftn. Fourth tTaaa— A. M. Rattey, A. M McAulMfe. 1. D. R *a*v. W b. Ru hcnalein. D. K. rtcudy. J B. Heater. C. C Padgett. W D. Horkan. A. J. tlta ham. C. A H'M'PP'r. J. C. Magarahan. R. Kikes, D. P O’Connell. W. J. tSra i ham. I Fifth Clan* —Paul Cosgrove, John i Tarleton. Marlon Stiver. J. C. I-an - et*. J. T Pope, William McCarthy. Chart** Jenkln*. J J Maher. Thoma* Origin. Arthur O'Connor. William Knuck. tTaude Landers, lombard H'Wipper. Thomas O'Connor. O. C. Wel gle, I-awrence Dick*. Foatcr Kale. James Macaraban, Horton Hooker. ! Charles Oraham. BRO. ODON, Principal. - - handsome Stock. The stock of clothing carried by I. !c. Levy & Co. I* very large because of ■ the second purchase of their buyer in the northern market* recently. Not withstanding the hardness of the times , this progressive clothing house is do ing an exceptionally fine business. Their clothes w.ear and fit. Their prices are right, their salesmen polite and at | tentive. In another part of The Herald i will be found their attractive and in i teresting advertisement. Japanese te are. | l n tody's Herald will be found the advertisement of Macaulay & Co. This popular firm Is fast setting Into the good gi aces of the public. Their stock is carefully selected and having ready cash they bought It as close as the clo sest buyer* that visit the northern ; markets. Their buyer came across a flue lot of Japanese w are while In New York, and it Is now displayed for the inspection of the public, ls you wish something that is really beautiful be sure to call at Macaulay & Co. s Mon day and see this line. the president of the republic; is court martialed for attacking the army, as he calls it: "the Ark of the Covenant, too sacred to be attacked,'’ and is sen tenced to one year's Imprisonment. This Is followed by the confession and suicide of Colonel Henry; by the disappearance of Esterhazy, by othet discoveries favorable to Dreyfus, anti by a general clamoring for a revision of his trial. The lasi art of this awful tragedy will be written when the court of cessation renders its decision Thee* 1«.. ts "» yleaned ti-otu nvwspepel' dig patches as they appealed, end I be lieve. faithfully cPronVd the events dav bv day. * CEOrtOE TVNKLE. THE MARKETS . oia HOOHHt Ht.foHVf. Hooi;ew**A **% twm | -"'-00HP <of» mm iHßppf - » m i*w**Wwi 40100 ..,A v 4 0i #OOI MMHMWIPaii m t$ H 0N(00 001 0000040 ,** ■feSlMf ; m m ~ »• I f*( »mm mMtm ; - ;m ■*% r ■ m i% mmw* m j.., iMH&wm v*. ,* .. Ii» iM 14 f«oi a M at w p l.« I H sr>4 M4l *.,,.*•# SHI i 000 *OO . ft. ft. 105 *** m ||>l «<k t ft. .* .. —— *M* • •A t fw „ * iA3 1•» t.NPf . oa4 »# ** » 402 So* ,4|fir OhNMH *• •• »• • M*»dle ■» S* ,:i MiUMt .. .. fteft Brt t NM .Vnvfntk tel lin Mew T«wA ••• ft lMMtfti .. •** rVZ PMladetpht* . «• j Eat'mated tidal STkti kMaa DAILY IHTToM Mil Kte** Aaeß-j lt»*lv**«e». ateady 141 NfMt Nortelk. uutet .. It* «• •*<» • Halttexw-, nomtaal I*. •*“ 3UZ4 1 Bmdijft, *te*4v ... «S . Wilaungtort. Irt* -4 t Phlladeirhi*. firm IN Davaanah. **** <S ! N*w Orteftftft. *t4y.S f" ****** McMte. steady .. I ®* ***** Memphta, »te*dy .. IH j Charieeten. Aim ....,* t*-»4 Claclnnatl. ftuM .....S *-!• •» i** l, Luuiavllle. hrm ...IH )Rt |>.ui» ateftdy .1 *-t* F* •*••• Hoartnn. ateady .. *'’* 1 New Ytwk. dull .. SS *<* ••»** RftJTKIPTH. NH* Qrtm*. Ual'entoo I'* 2 * '‘*3? Norfolk 1,77 Baltimore TT! • * « «** | Wllmingt'.n .. •• - l - n ;’; h,u,l n rt . p h w New Or lean* 1 Mobile :*;* Jg r,l ‘* I Charleston •st. Lout* I** -2J* New York - »•« EXPORTS (tt. B Otw. C'*nt. France Halveeton ..*l3ll — ” l'k®> Norfolk 4,53 Savannah .I**®* -• ,, 1 . " - N Orleans..H.lUS HS* 1M44 1» 4 Mobile 1055 iCharieteOrt ••* 7 * : ‘ ... [New York ■■ SOO -* l * 464 NEW YORK STOCKS. Open. Sugar 17 «’ 1 ,2 I H Tobacco ‘“|* 1 5 1 , C. B. “?]* Missouri Pacific *>'* ■ •'* Louisville and Nashville «’• People’s Oas X £* Vnion Pacific 3 ‘H 3 ‘ * Rock Island ®» St. Paul “ 4 , " 4 .. Southern Railway, pfd O- *’ ' CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— Open. Close. December May ■ - •• - •• ” s 6"« w,v - CORN— .... Ma < ; en '. W — ” oatb— May mbe, .'."..“..".:'.V:.'^ PORK “ a -TU 9 17* ::**£ *■» lard- January .. .. ;; -• •• 44 *;« ”,3 4 «H *,«? May 48,1 4 "° - The Nuts We Used to Eat. *Tig now the melancholy time When nuts are hawked around. And men think of the pecks they used To pick up from ibe ground— When men took, hack with sain regret On days of long ago. And think of nun they used to eat That now would lay them low. t —Chicago News. WANT AOS. 00001 0000 I 04 0* Tlfmri *OA «**• 40 * H •## o.o* 4 . a .ft tl , • A A 44'4'ft# 4*o «•*»* *4O OVH* If# •»#*[+«» 00# 000 H "■# mi HI *4l 0 iH *H4 r«0 A# 4* H p«t «■, * I 010110100 «**•*■ li late 4 4H| fIKMMVH *.Cn a. morn am ..ftrt**# ** torn tew # «a Msiftte W 'ey wft Rt *•. * -« tete. «*.* mm*»* fa** w>.aftwte 4 «4m. «ms " HITUATION WANTCO #f|H | p|.'*n H-0 (FH HU oftf* ttMWllf l 9$ ■I m i t t''-: -« JT 1 % 00 0* ftftHM 100HT1U V fniltl* »m 00 '4‘WfH* 100 0 o#4f**» U*mm M WOHTIU* 0 I*iotfl 4 »» 00 HN H*HO * Ji [r -|f O PO>- : IHH W 0 m Hfft m Tt/** 00 i ‘ * I **IF I Ha if At KnfW 1 *-it'"|iiir ll* t*o H» • 101 t9fP>f i opv 4 tteftetwlAte* M HOl <VHH 01 9mm* oA** t t«»( \*l OAM f»Vßo*ftlgP 0 tevftflk Y«| *|e NpM "*0 *'f«no • . wtep W f r- aA4* <**«•». « K r#f Hrs Al * 4»* «~0 MAMTiei* 0 f*Hof"Tl«*olft AW *T" >cM MAI* «i»4 miwn»f • :> •t*4# * Imp 44- (*t % i jKgf HT rr>otfMio. 044r»— IHHHWA «*•»♦ HKLP WANTF. D a"Wted vY « , iN« 4 lt a riitW i FLAM 4 cook a *ll »mm -w4*4. Literal aaae* paid Duties hgM Jft i i«te Pktmar dee J ts WANTED- A FEW' iMiOlt OAJIVAW** I4U> ladies amt gent ft. men gong tay f « their »oeh AtlUj at No * Kite •tree, tram * «» ft he-ft, IK ncnlag r ; to ( Hi evening 4*r 4 !WANTMD BRIGHT YoTN'l LAW YER. nterterteg aHh g«id »*« »rin. I | affrf* |**gjk| 44 **• k «*f • Urn ft) dfin* rs, 0009M0 110«4MPW‘e r«f*» IliftM. HIT WAftXT A not m»<ter Jft |MROm <»f *r- wmia r|B fyuilir guns KKIRf >' - *f*#U 501 Df**f tutHinc WAKTKI> TWO CATHOUC UDirj of ftffitiT-mrn t« HN* r *t* v f 1441^ Iff far tHrJr m«rti mi S o A Kill* rtrwt fr«mi i l» I ° tl* w^f* : nlßf or * to Mil tlM* Hfnln* • TO REN I_ TO LET—TWO H ANDrtOME DOI’BLR (lßlrtft I* I-* per month all modern convenience*. Leonard Phinlxy. T*3 Brand street. Dec 31 TO "KENT - t-AROK ELEGANT room. tw»l> furnWhed, at *3i Br<»ad | street. <F' • FOR SALE CREAM—CRBAM AT X* JACKS-jN PT. (FOR SALE-PAPER FOR WHAP PINQ purpoaea. Cheap#*! In elfy. "n# rent a pound. Apply at Herald ulPca. Both *hlt« and nea*-pap«r. Nov » FOR SALE— lte-ACRE FARM. ONB mile from city limit*, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jones. No. 12* Jackson St. Oct 1 CHEAP-PATEIt FOR WRAPPINO purpose*. 19 cent* a htmdred oM ex change*. White paper 1 cent a ;>ouijJ. Nov I _ BILLIARD TABLE FOR sale cheap. Apply through pontoffbe box I (V 67. dfr 4 TURKEYS AND CHICKENS ALIVE and dressed; also beef watt, veal, i lanmb and sausage, ftee delivery any l where tn the city: also Summerville land military camps. K. M. Deas, Kill# I and Jackson. dec 4 Tost and found. LOST ON NOVEMBER IT. A LADY'S gold watch end chain on Jackaotl ' Street or Broad between Jackson and jCampbell. A toward IT left at Herald I office. dec 4 miscellaneous MAHER.THK PAINTER. 1238 BROAD j — F. *t in the world. IV ant ED— SECOND HAND SHELF worn and damaged goods to sell on commission. Good market and prices. It. H. Sonlag. Denmark._S. C. dec 7 : MAHER THE PAINTER. 12116 BROAD —Best in the world. REFINED COUPLE WANT BOARD. deeirable and central location in pri vate family or boarding house. Good board and room expected for 130 pec month. Lawyer, Herald. MAHER.THK PAINTER! 1236 BROAD —Best in the world. , . WANTED - — ~ TWO PARTIES TO board In private family; desirable lo cality. Address. C*. E— care Herald office, city. dec 4 MAHEILTHK PAINTER l»: BROAD —Best in the world. GOVERNMENT POSITION'S -DON'T prepare for any civil service examina tion without seeing our illustrated cata logue of information. Sent rre-v <_o lumhian Correspondence College,Wash ington, D. C*