The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 04, 1898, Image 6

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9 w-mr* * ** a, •«* psr* OIJR PARIS UilON T f TTp F? j&Mi it.t»r?'..Sri 4Nr Hr * 0«M» «# I#* **%•*#** •** ftft* ir fiitii inmri ft# * *<**##«§ #**#* * 9Bft ft####!#)# H# 4flMMIHWtf'4 # *♦«•**-♦ ft***' ; BHH| |§HEt #*P «**»■♦'-4 Nt A*# |HMRf Hi I mat ***#* AAWP *#AIAA(| nmm mm ■BP **•*••*■ ## §*m*Qm * mmmn •w* 6 *wi* gbMMgy- ftMWII t* i. iit •*» •«* ss#•»* m$ *#•» #*Ai#Pi A*«* • **•» ****** SHHHp pMIP • * #*« «•** *■* MM lavfi ■B lAAAlk®**® % #4%#® *##4pwfc Hl|p«M *'»»♦ ***** ♦%» HBAWIi wnimiii n*** AA# f : ®t» TA» omto HHMft #Q)NH# ##■# tltf tiftli. »tM «%*# A*# IHmHit ft*#*# *#* # f AsMNI 4*# • <li#**### « : ||# 4M A#o «»IN® *• If tK#t it »• f»*% 154* % jjff.f ? *u ian *f n *-»* it, «nr ft by » v#fy »*4#n*tj| t*r Hm4 •i«*f*t****t lt> tn»k Hi ** , to# , l'"t# s *|4* b n \ *>nd«i «>ti th* A % <*H y* 4#' ■f ,p |Htti»|-** fSlj-**-** *ft* IhruMtm ’i|*- fi'f y«i n *'** iNftili «*f I* * t »yA Mtfvt ftMrr vai *»j*#rl#tttMy **r.»*t. T>* »lsnrt# t*r#««t**J fr.’f»t *»f ll*# *t ?p liibmii l«< ft b» #!*»*» i Hftinc #f 1 ant |*ttat& nfttimiUK Thin *s£ mdm HUS by the fw.'t'a fsi tns 4f rwl trtfvat WHAT TO BUY TOR CHRISTMAS, Even hunt time* nowadays fall lo Irt an fur (hr iH.nap|>v*iuncc of u gift at the plata of evar/ member <>Y tb« family lit these days us marvelous Ingenuity. If tint wishes to realise thia, tilw a jaunt through (tie ahopa nhfii tht‘ Chnatlino season begins to ap* prom h. or. twit or atlll, through some of those exchanges where woman of skill and experience arm) their work for rale or exhibition. The woman'* exchange* are aluady fairly bristling with uovel tu* . Judging from the color scheme of many of thrar souvenir*. thin will be a patriotic Christmas, real, white and blue lit fjUaiiit and striking combinations oc cupying the placea of honor on *he Ivan and sltowrsee*. Thin la an It ahould la>, fur it will keep alive In many a house hold th« roallaatlon of what It han coat to five us ft rwalljf merry Christmas. Just fancy If It were Admiral Hamp aon’ft Instead of Vdmtral t'ervera'n tleet that lay at the bottom of the Car ibbean sea, or brave Dewey's instead of Mmiltjo’s that nerved ns neat I lip ptftcea for the fishes tn the depths of the silent Pacific! One notes odmlrlmtly the photograph frames covered with the new red. while and blue crepe paper, those covered with the tiny silk ilags. that have lona been for sale In the dry Roods shops, and pincushions of the rod and white striped silk, framed In billows of w hite Jace ruffles, portfolios covered with red white and blue paper or silk, tllovu and handkerchief boxes, eyeglass clean ers, veil lolls, engagement P*d*. pin cases, penwipers—everythin* in which a trlcolored fabric can be used i« made as daringly patriotic as thought and an Aubrey Beardsleyesuue eye for color can manage. >'ext to the red, white and blue. el?.. In which the national colons Ihiure there in a noticeably large proportion or art left s fashioned from cherry colored • Ik, atfn or crepe paper, One striking cushion of cherry red satfn was -ft i»ed to represent a poppy, the heart if if;e (tower forming the cushion and jiargg bows surrounding the center petals. Jn this way < nshion* may tuJiitP to represent the favorite flow* ~ of the friend to whom U Is to b*. The petal* are cut from the and lined w ith « bit of light C#h to make tliein stand out. The picerv arc then sewed In with tu« cush ion. a'nett tltvusn pieces of which It is c; ft.pused'«yik basted together Very pretty is a violet cushion, the scent of the real flower being given to the satin i.v means of sachet powder. \ pansy Cushion *» made in shades of purple * i «.*' I*.-9,# mtn IS# <••«#, A»<tt«t *IS ts# I s tfUMfc Ml* ft# ItW* ftftftft I St. ;|«i| ins 3 wl| I •4S*S *»*•*? *«■» is ttw* §•»■#• rnrnimi 9‘ Tb* Amb'i'** t 4 i»«ii Sss Sown iIMHI tj) i $ sal r*M®bctSNi fMNksMt.S Ibf SStSMtusfn **? tls* iMStii * #MvunbsHt<HMii, * In* Sts •i#t ‘ % 1 f » tslant«« Parts Mm l‘ f * if* «f QstStml Pstrtr Hut -UMf tHIS* *»*•» In mat- fbrl* »M) , -|~i<«siw»st-. fINH Ha* k!% «n s*t <*i SlvHtava «!**»#• f*■ #rt« «■ ••• s*Ht - f |«siO a n Ss**w h**w t«* mtsrisis *#tl nmm fr®** S* »M #* *« tb* btaislsb m*m ,-*f***4 tin* ts« tfs«b*s «rftt» sat» $' NMs 4»t §M»fi« tftb<*4isl* obssrrHif lnt« riuiii«msi r Mart*"*? tMi«t4 t lfllHir brlsn* iSr * srrfs nrr In N»'t Is p«nr*t* MliMly lt*l |tm brisrsss tbr % «M M|Mi®i*h *>f ih ■ «**mm>sslMS Mr* !*«*r • t#r ussil HtjMhaftMMrf »f tSs firm anttf ant 4n* n«« tbs I banks of h*r fratrfal Vrry han4s»n»* »h* »mok-*a si s ro * sst fttflrttfS mm *h* b*f fsowti in s it*w l*srlstsn ain n <*f rtlls im tt snttfi faihkin*! in »«Hr« ■•«■*■** wn4 vMM with An* Mail • hsnttlty Isr**. (>l» th# i*4IU f *«f ihs r*»»v‘ ih# tsr« wmm bfouslit alaiut Ih* arms In iKilsro mUmprn «»vrr an umb »i*»a»iin« *»f velvet ami a chrysanthemum cushl n of yellow. pink or white silk, the hit* of allk twin* i»e**cd u« In the paper llowcr*. to look like the curly petal of the coni flower. Th» <!nl*y and the run- Mower ale *<> easy to Imitate a* not to n cd *pct-:al mention. It might he well |o mi>■ that the •lUntiit little figure* that »erve a* pin- Ciisklcn* when a < lay pip* OI a wianlen doll la dremed In old fashioned drew* nr* alway* imurcee i>f aniunenient In hou*eg w hero there are small children. The little boy amt girl of the household will never let a pin upon the carpet escape when they are permitted to i muse ihcm»tiveß by Blabbing It Into the *klrt of old Nancy or Aunt Dinah. The** pipe doll* are made by drawing the ■ten* of a white clay pt|w In u chlnt* or calico drea*. folding a kerchief about the neck and tying an apron about th* \vni*t. The pipe Is made m eland alone by -licking II Into a broad cork, which —25. rr>»w- JP,- FIN p/i< is of < 011 rse hidden by the flowing skirt. The mouth of the pipe Ik supposed to be llie back of the head utul Ik covered with a |v>ko bonnet or a nulled cap. Sometimes one of them; figures Ik In tended.,to l>e uwed as a ease for sewing tmpJemJmt*, needle, thimble, scbuwrs nml thread cam’s being attached to It. A tlnV gathered bag for the thimble Is hung nt the elderly splmdor or grin ning darky woman s side. The apron Is used for the needierase. and th« spool of thread Is tucked under the hem of the ample skirt. Then the little figure la ready for use. Very" pretty cushions may be made of broken Japanese dolls. At the toy stores there are always a few dam aged ones. Ask for one of the smaller Japanese dolls, and IX lb; head and arm* are In perfect .audition that la ell that ia ua>ja*»ary.-. Make a short bug <mu*l in MngiU t« what tut doil's bodv ,i lythtfli’ wap Und fill W" with saviduet, leaving |U#l jM»ough sot what remain* of the dotv Pltei- thl* inside ami gather the bag about the doll’s nerk. Over this fit a tiny kimono I of yellow or red satin find tie a crepe i susli of the opposite color altout dolly s HE AUOUBTA STJ3ST33AY HERALD. i ss^* , i tsn snwi I MM NSRilslt nunrSif# fS n» SM% SpM# |n|siSir'< *•* VPMlF'vnv *-**' I ttif fs ♦ 4k# Man sqfp <•%» k4^* *%»*# s«» -WSM ft -41 jltpss ka M% Imps sns# 4*mh4 4H*B agl * |aap* tin * kaMswil I MHm *' j AMB44Mb ; *' * INS* sSMB # ,-i«“» ** sV ts|f tthas sMS- tna * * • any skpn i^^ijPi^ 1 %o<m ' ** *'■ f _ / Dn.-\ < MW W I.N’TKH WALK waM. a very larf Jf&ot appearing I where Ike *aah I* 114*1 jf Moil** for la*n;w 3<4M come ami** 1 •be I her to the Imp <HbM maid or man or Ike acdal# and respisAble Ivoerhol'i er. The new **l she J Jptie quite plain and simple affatia. Ti,mF gre picfursltiy ...» 1 if J pup s‘iauh i&r f\_, "W • vv» T H •p/S ilsfoß ftoTotißApHV \ ? ..... - ♦■PS Sn n w r"S #MS thnsPpSPks SMI •*#-ss 4pPS • ksHIMSM|iS stprsa M as** w*w " ; ntiw >lll/ ; sf »4 : ” p /*/ 7) ■ KANO aOWKt of thic k cardboard orwdter rotar pap. r. •a wpej, ore la.nled fun- light -% airy h*«F’«. like -nr*|vr#| »»f noWirgM ■ •r ahfci h-.-t a deOl r*»ly c-kn* A t„l sum:m«A a. Wh< n Hum able to rm iM SOMK CHEAP CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, **•» iin.iiiii»ii.MO» mmmm mm «—»*»< tut »w|W* *#«•»*<• *mm+ m * >Ww»m* MNNBiP *# .**► *•••*•» •MMMRM *** **•* *•’** «*t «*| **«* % l£. f -Mm » $ T' ( | l|t lH myt ft IHdkfVNPCI H till VillMftlV (ttt* I *H it "gpan.ah a Mmr Leon V. i*tK 401# IMMI Hi WRllft •Alif*. Im* a4rn j.n Aot *Ulru«r*«l » lih *m» l> ,|y 4»i*.l til# aho»** fi>«n lA»ria#t*«9 . rt|f, )irtivl>>»k «»Uft Nk** II I# |>t***«tf»* Isl rttii hsal |Mr;«jU* l« n<*t* that th# A#*«r- Itaat '* ijiji ti »rr» fM»t only mm a f*taa# mis* h i»* tt-*>' |n»ftiAK hut w«*r# |«WB#4 fa v:t«r than th# A|»oiti#h lad*#*, v, h ■» tinjlir'i t M and mri Horfiat sr sxf jiuinr on# «*f tti# AhlUly pflttirftN tt#pt jtu {«• i« «»ii| |n th# w|U 4*» to Cth# Wtr# fmm# •if th*re tm mi .4N* «B ihr |*a|##f. ■nit! * let'll nitft n«it#r i(#hra I* »»**« i*Kl 5-, run a ahaded line W eohw a llitle « the e*lge of Ihe f|-4Jf|r.The I ini*, of , .HJf’o matehing *.»mc -if Included in Aw tl-algn on th. |mi|mt. A coupl- of rows of chenille aliout iMrelmd. and a jarp, r 'ailterfly . p .>**d -..nmuker. on H* and the frame I* ■ pr.tly and .jßftfy an one could » «. A* >very tfilag .eat *ugv.-*t* lloiiepd •* in vogue ?kt»'X>...f«n. delft ehade*. a* Home call hern, are decidedly pretty The frame* are painted on witter color p«p*r. pre sumably. the color nehetne of the entire background Icing shaded blue. On thIB several' Dutch landscape* ate painted. Including rlum#y wooden bust* and « IIP iu ...ip » ,Pf p ,N CuSHiofJ windmills find coifed peasant women in short skirts and wooden shoes. Cushions are always acceptable pres ents. If you are not up in cushions. It may seem a very simple thing to buy or make one. but you must first decide whether the object of >our gift would be beat fitted with a »te*iu*i, ham mock. yacht, sofa, balsam or hop pil low that useful "and simple looking article, the cushion, having so very many uses. The balsam and the Jtop pillows are to indnee sound and sweet dreams, and their covers should there- ft mjmM smp M Mm* i ill m s 'wrtjWS <S ShS >S» J -4<f •# «Sn* 'WnftMSI BHpSM ftSW# #■--♦ * S 4 *r4:W* ISMM *lp4 fr 4BMS JfkMt .Wi i- S» Hw «%4|n ipf ppp Pf it tbs SrwiMsf «S*M|lMt wSikHP Pik-,' «S» fMpVIHC #MMi Mt s siSft ft* '‘SS t%f lIMI MSk' IMIiMSSaiSf 4ftMs- MMI ftPMRMI A >-<•■ - i > gM <> ' .01 j~' 4 >*.*3 ,« • */>/■ , . / IN |w Wl w I , |nflk * ■ u (/>s * f * * K \ j * 'v ! S 3si ■•%. wj ti Wk ■ * * k\ ‘ ' the world look* to Fail* for M* rnwgrl* ■* Th#r*f«»r# I nn4cf»:n»«l «rh> th# t#nr* j »t« ha%# hi<'l| • myirtirinii «n 4 loan sir n|k« tbrir hr#* •# th#y *U4# i:» «mi out «*f th# #h i# TH#> or* ##* h. ting CHrmmmrn hr##fht # far th #t*r .* h<MtHk it in m «hft imm of rvHtfif % if knot th# t«#t«a »n 4 nriinrrmr-• -tq nf th«* trnr far nh*HSt th# frock * r coat or lust I* intended < rthor niae any woman shudders to think of • It# paaatbtlttias * Ttw long coat seen** to have come to I foro be droorated with aom# appropri ately dreamy motto and a smooth pat tern that will not wraick the f*ce ‘hould the cover not br removed for a nap. For collegians th* new college pil low. showing in applhiu* «r outlla* embroidery a *eene from a f.»>tlwll. baseball or other athletic conical. I* al way* warmly a«-cet»ted if th* winning side wear* the partk-tllar ■ol leg 111 n * color*. The lalter fact I* mentioned bec ause one girl in trying to please her broth.-r wilh atlc h a gift for hit room hud th- pillow coldly returned to her with a note reading. Tale College Dear Ms-Tht* |Mb«w lan't any use to ne. 1 Id n't have It In my room. The Vtlow* would pitch It end m» out togelh r. Why don I you make Tale winning? i l ours, Radiy and painfully Ai* picked out the .(Tending . mhroldery colors, and. hav ing obt lined reliable Informallon a* to the color To n s football learn wore up on Its brawny limbs, she went to work Again, and to her satisfaction It be came the pride of Tom'# heart. There was always one facial characteristic of ono of the players, a Cyrano de Ber- --v —^ Pol LY . gerae nose, which Tom connects with one of the members of the team, and | when the college boys gather In his | room he always calls attention to the i fact, and the young men comment re- I spectlully on the photographic accura cy with which Tom’s sister even em j’ltrOi#ens a vouch cushion. The Gibson girl seems to have wak ened to a hew lease of popularity in : fancy \vo>k White satin glove boxes, bonbon Ky*** and photograph frame* at* pMt*d with Portrait* of these dainty ae*a*r*» "fh* painting i» much easier wortc than it looks. Buy a mag aaihe contEirdng the picture to be cop ied. and. placing between the picture and the cardboard or satin a piece of carbon paper, trace lishtly over the pic- m ».. ♦*— »*«—»- *#> p III INI flMtNllp' “T“ *N*iNNN* ng mA mm mm * --• •no *%♦••• *• *••** ( .. _ |, f ■•■ T -lmS fthte* 1 mpr Ml ntftftl 4M» Ir* * m sMaibi tapv ns an i r*t Is rstss#*# l «* •« i*tn*u#. ffyy g| (|| V< • f SMftrll SS* tA* S IttfS* 1 iij ssi mm*** mnd mim* Is a «w*rs -.•isiK ■•' * i.'Bi r««a( sf <lstk srw*n . m | M - ,*rt% IMN M 1-1 Fit *!t!i Mairmt fw nn4 tumrt back **lift •t*i4s r< »rr* of htawl "-1 ■**! tail wi<S «tikb Mnati «w«U» »•* n»m*««U<>n*l . ImWM •«* lr*> <*4 «* »•!«♦ j th# *hn# tmr h#ln« #»Ur«.i4###4 wttfc • lay M«ir (oguSß* Kl«ib* in#*» r— vttm km • mitiik b->r<l»ni'« of mWk. R>.N|»«ho«ll> *r#t«» »«14#.«.»U. MU In R. mbraatt .«r«< «r* I ,1,,. | Ur ., u .|#r l» h# Irfmw^q #i»ttruly witti t ttsia an« 9 §*• ,<# j *mM*rM *»*> tsca* Th* rfT*rt wt« m in tftt Mlrtss ‘ fyrr Any tyr* can tb*a Alt in wit* ip* ,»r«*f>rtat* wsl*r r«4k»r lints tn* Hi»‘t *t.4 garment* *4 ths mm and Tbs , oral nn ta Ih# . arrtb-aM for ih# pfc«- ■ .■graph* la tn Ih* fram#* In Ih# * r*B'ral»» tmrremmSt* •** • garland ot j ribbon and a hnahnot I of roura* tn an br»#f an artk-l* It la i |v>«».|i! - 1.. m#ntl«n only a f.-w <«f «b* .«.»#! atrlking I’hrtrlmaa novrlll.-* of ih# »«am»B which nmy be mad# at hon»«. Thrr# are, l«#ald#a arraena. •iffc* l *. i ac inaura *'aa#a, #roHrold*'r#d allhrn tapa m -aaur#*. handhrn hief#. prnwlpera. j h cycl.aic du*t#r. handkerchief, jewel. knitting and fancy work, mending. "P --j era. work and party and *how bag*. Iho j um iif whk'h la empla'ned by th# name*. Tjie party bag I* to carry a tiny comb and bru#h. powder and putt pin* and needle and thread in *#w up unexpected i rente. The opera ban la for the opera *la»aos and the handkerchief and fan. 1 Oolll.a of all aorta, table mat* and tu ! pi# oentera. tray cloth* and embroider ed toilet *et*. clotheapln bag*. hou*«-. j keeper*' apron*, caae* for knlve* and fork* and *poona. Iron ani kettle hold ! era. nweeplnif tap* lirenkfaet jacket*. combing and dreaulng aark*. kimono*, i eunonnneta are ea* h In their way ac ceptable gift* and are capable of being ! made *a pretty a* one may wl*h The men of the family are notably the hard eat to at with gift* For m. n the fol lowing ll*t I* Kuggi *led. From It aoma anxiou* woman may he able to select juat the thing that will I .amt* shade*. Yacht screen*. • ilove*. Ynchl pillow*. Handkerchief*. B**r nmg*. Packet hook* <• omfort i*g*. Fancy calendßr*. ••ollege pillow*. Newspaper hold* r*. *’tuvat*. Necktie* IXxtotV pretwriptton Pipe rack*. Pad*. Paperweights move ense*. Pincushions. tlolf ettK'klng*. Shaving paper case*. Holf kloies Shaving cup*. <*olf score*. Smoking »et*. Handkerchief caeca Su*iamd*r*. laiundry bag*. Tobacco pouche*. I.etter llle*. Tobacco jar*. J.sundry list*. Toilet case*. Match holder*. EDITH I.AWRENCE. t are of « III*. The treatment of small cut* I* usually considered a minor point In hounehold surgory, but when we consider the the ory of germ* and the antiseptic treat ment of wound* we come to see that every small scratch or pin prick has It* danger If not properly treated. Cleanli ness I* all Important in the treatment ! of wound*, large or small. The scratch ed or torn skin should be at onee bathed in water as hot us can be borne, in which a few drops of carbolic acid have been mixed. In this way ull dirt vvhlrh might otherwise endanger the health of the sufferer is removed by the I hot water, und the wound l* purified 1-y i in* oAfboHc some gill* h#vr aucb tld. k hair that | th«y ar# v«ty likely to tah- cold aR-f f washing It. a* It remains damp so long. Warm rowel* should be used In succes sion tn dry it with, und the hair fanned 1 with a fan.