The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 05, 1898, Image 2

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monoav Vken's He Goiog ? T» G*t • COT. m ft lUiinM. «f Ha;ft* ft MmlmJ Is»u«*»«Bt 1,11, fi«£iri Hon t* |l) no t*. *. Ditto* ft wm Its (to iMlft !W Vturi 1711 ft 7^.00 I Mix *V »• 111 tftftjtev l.fft* tft Sioo A«srft.fttaH ftUr I* *W tor , ftf . If., ft*” Lferyiliing id Hdsic Tinas & Barloo, 710 Broftdwny, August*, Ctofflft* THRiE UITLI WAIDS Wft* Asa Mm»4. RsUrd tain on • 1 rotten Car. Tl»»r* war sum# what at a lively ll»* M a M»a<' Saaa ear. *«at (©mod tart Law? J**#**. Lm* Ifcfijr sod Mary Cnlltar. Iftr*© rotor ©d gifts at at> »«< ftftrrn veqr* at age. bogrded the rar a! tft* egixjar at fir sen© aaft Knlteek. They oeemed in be In a yr-»i hurry l * aarr;»' lo w aom© cm* and Lu©y Jam * bad »ot ha<l (lm» to pat an her gko**. bat did » oa Iftt rar X goldler. onto? tt»r InSumr* nf m«ur offered to aw’ai bar la |»tHlln« n bar foot year Mta prraeeded to ettaa b)ai roundly. Tban another of lb* trio ledatrd ot sitting fa mot her ger’s lap aad it*© ftnmtff. oho «aa :gtrl of b*r own did not taka all la thf propoatitoa. • TftrtftTCJ than aaM things that wa r. j,.t acrcrftim to atraaC rar etiquette ' and war* plainly a violation of am non 4t*K nrw rtty code. Tbr conductor •topped a rar and rattad a rop. Offl-#r Cpanldlnit raapandod and took tba three ttltla malda to the polite Marlon Rath waa Hoed IS by tbr recorder thla Hcniinr, To Cure a Cold In <>"• Day Taka Lssstt*© Bmmo Quinine Tableta. All druggist* refund th>* money It It Mila to <ur* Me. The genuine ha» L. It. Q. on earh tablet. DIED IN DETROIT Mr. W. M. Colli nr. Father of Mr*. Hollldav Psssed Away The friends of Mra. W. 7,. Holliday will ray ret to laarn of the death of her father, Mr. William H. Collin*, which occurred yesterday at hla home In Detroit, Mlrh. The sympathy of many friaada la extended to Mra. Hol liday In her aart bereavement. • For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev, Charles F. Powell Preached There Yeaterday. Rev. Charles B. Powell, of Ocala, Fla. filled the pulpit at the First Christian church yeaterday and preach ed two flue aermona to large congrega tion*. Mr. Powell will be heard again next Sunday. YOU TRY IT. „ If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which la sold for the small price of 25 eta.. 50 eta and SI.OO, decs not cure take the bottle hack and we will refund the money. Sold for over flftv yours on thla guarantee. Price 25 eta and 50 eta. Sold by—. Retailers, T. A. Buxton. Asderson’e Drug Store. Alexander's Drug Store, West End Pharmacy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesaler*. Daven port & Phtnlxy. SELLING LIQUOR ON SUNDAY. A Case Docketed Against Dan Scully. A case appears on the police docket against Mr. Dan Scully, the well Jtiiown barkeeper, charged with selling liquor on Sunday. The case will prob ably be tried tomorrow. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy can always be depen ded upon and l» pleasant nd safe to take. Sold by Alexnder Drag and Beed Co., C. R, Part of Bell Tower Drug Co. Place yaur_ffial*r._ai .one® and avoid rush, titoads ,cheaper jtfjan ever E. J. Henry’*.- co jyopdntr pHckd tailors, 2tc and !l8 fHimpbell street M'KINLEf'S MESSAGE TO THE IM EOICIK CONGRESS Hu Hevinwft th© C*u*« of th# War. But Do«# Not R«f«r to the Government of the New Po*ee*ilon». ihf UprianTek* <* M*fc*i V*** en U»Wftieft—tw m il Hftftitt tie Pftfpet **•»• Frtttftlf »l‘» tftt t ftieft Seen* -Meirwft I AfMA'Hft T* tit #«n9 He— <4 **>•"•*** ft -y fhrttflTtit tie* »44M Mft#4»e»e rMb«tft»»e*l Ms !•» m*9. mm *■** Mr w#mM» Ml e wmt MtMMrMt? m*4 i MMnM#N# 9000*000$$ #'#"**• m *• I t'eefft' Qe ##'## 9**mip4*4 If*eef ** • *#m . hefte hftMMe |*rele> me, pwt f nfffte MAftre ffteMMel lefATtlt. f («•%##«t*«» hetMMHIIMII fMMMMI Me ] fM# yw wwMMf r*m§r**m 9mm t to* I Me IMe mmmrn**- mm* fMieittftMf' Mtf h» tMe MftWfcif'ftNt *4 i tMe fitibtnrr>#ei Moee heeti eMK-ywauMbfelfT I O'l? «a 4 tto (re<tfl ><|%eiere f itm lMe Hrel f enM eli(t* Mo ‘efn in y Me* ; Iwta.Mi i#v.e.ln*e**»-*! el fMe **tMf"e MMIMetW •ten teivl Hittfar? tmtvhm w«l#v a ««mM> |whki Bee «N fur * Htl«r**eft ***** Me* ! tM* HAile—l I eeyvt»f |e rtwiftit mure rlme*'t|r tMee jot flep frel imO Miiilm M*fe**M wet? | «r. t*e-vfi of |M* ««-v*ft*tr|f, Hegt«w««t Ikf War. I The ri >Mli ftl »eelee# elf* s*# Ml C*f t*i ! Q{t ia tM* Merer tNe of tM* MeMi*, Mm 4 All tie* thin** ranM Me ■ fMe m<wt #v*e l»*>f*r* tM* fMiMtAH 4 the eevml m*fl. (Mel • f H* iff la oar telalMfia ei»h H|*m aa4 *"* mm* (Nile we* At Mamß Me **t«mi t*A* iMa belief that It Weeded MM a brief .■ a#- utlve Mtgf Mi ( m to tlta> nap*** •“ tOreHSe ImmelUlt answer to Ibe duty , f iraklaa IMttant ytetbuw sot the pee* etbt# end perbapa epeedily pf.,i*ht* emergency of war and lb* remarknbh alwnat «nb|Ue aperta* I# wa# preaewted •>f a uiMtrtn.'.u* vote of both houem on the ninth <rf Hank appt»|«rtailn« <hf ■oUtbai d.Ubt* "ter the fttb-Wat ftf frnae ead for #»■’!• at*4 avwry pwft»*>*e ewnWeetnd rtbb«itb and te esteem at (be dtaeretbm of th* ftsaMml." That tbl* art at prttvlaten cam* none too ana wa# dleHuard when tb* *P pltratlon of the fund wa* ondertaheti Our rnwMa were practtewlly undefend ed. Our navy needed large prwvlebtn for Increased ammunition and supplies, and even number to rope with anv aud iten attack from the navy of Ppaln, whh h cnmprleed modern vesaela of ihe highest type of continental perfection, oar army alao required enlargement of men and ammunition. The detail* of the lurried preparation for the dregdej . ontingeary It tuld in the report* at the 1 aeeretarftw of war and of Hie navy, and need not t» repeated here It I* suffl icteni to taiy that the outbreak of the ! war, «h -n It did come, found our na ; tiop not unprepared to meet th© eun fttet, Mor waa the appiehenaion of corning strife confined to nur own country, h waa felt by the continental powera which, on April «th. through their am 1-aiuMdOrt and envoy a, addressed to the oxevutive an exprvaslcn of hope that ; humanity and moderation might mark 'the enurue of this government and peo ple, and that further negotiation would I lead to an agreement which, while se curing the maintenance of peace, would •afford all ngceaaary guaranlee* for the ie-eatabll*hment of order In Cuba. In I responding to that presentation, 1 aald I I shared the hope that the envoy* had expressed that peace might he preserv ed In l» manner to terminate the chronic 1 condition of dlaturbanee© In Cuba so ' injurious and menacing to our Inter?*!* land tranquility, a* well a* shocking to our sentiment* of humanity; and, while appreciating the humanitarian and dis interested chararter of Ihe communi cation they made on tu'hnlf of the pow ers, I staled the confidence of this gov ernment. for Its part, that equal ap preciation would he shown Tor Its own 'earnest and unselfish endeavor* to ful fil a duty to humanity by ending a sit uation the Indefinite prolongation °f which had become Insufferable. Striving For Peace. Still animated by the hope of a peace ful solution and obeying the dictates of duty, no effort was relaxed to bring about a speedy ending of the Cuban struggle. Negotiations to this object continued actively with Ihe government of Hpttln. looking to the Immediate conclusion of a six months’ armistice In Cuba, with n view to effect the recognition of her peoples' rights to Independence. Be sides this, the Instant revocation of the order of reeoneentration was asked, so that the sufferers, returning to their homes and aided by united American and Spanish effort, might be pul in a way to support themselves, and, by or derly resumption of Ihe well nigh de stroyed productive energies of the Isl uml, contribute to the restoration of Its tranquility and well being. Negotia tion* continued for some little time at Madrid, resulting In offers by the Spanish government which could not be regarded a* Inadequate. It was proposed to confide the prepa ration of peace to the Insular govern ment. yet to be convened under the autonomous decree* of November. 1597, but without Impairment In any wise of the constitutional powers of the Mad rid government, which unto that end would grant an armistice. If aolirUed by the insurgents, for such time as th® general in chief might see fit to fix. How and with what acope of discre tionary powers the Insular parltamtnt waa expected te sst about the "prep aration" of peace did hot' appear. If it were to be by negotiation witii. the In surgents, the Issue seemed to rest on Tine jKTT&Tjmrjk pikaxd. (ft© *SM »»*k • laadv »•>«■*• kg * (wjh g> up© jA'« m im* Bft**t**** _. * # imffT j fuff kftp# WM ** M* ftfeiM 3 mmrn «k* >•*-•♦*©< aM«* mm IM* MMMMV **mm*ft ***'4ll ■4 ** «m* gmwgiiNi m tM* immNM**££MH 90 m**m 9m i tmi i< mm Mm* 9 I# tM* rn wum* | tit ftp MMM MPMMTMMPM 111 til*' *-4 M—y* Mi MM4 09m rnppmmmm Ml %***^ f««rf ml im# # IMB M#*AN|Mt M* mm wWI I MMMMI IM mHmmm* 9mwfmmo* inwrliMM *»•* tM* *mW *M* rMSHMMMMM uTtM **“ * •*** * M9tM ftMlf MfMft ft* • MMH «iitVftl> it unfit l#*** frMM ftMIINNI AM M •*•■* tf'*l I* Af*f* tM* <*A* AAM! « v M*#M IM* I, iip|r gir p»r tM!*'* 4 W«, * v**i ( g-prnfj |pfp|t*iß *"’Mw*flS* fpigifAfAil - - n tM# MA-HMAI BA IM* «*>Mi*MV.. pp «#»| A* IA *mo>**m A IfAMP* AA tM ppldM? (M* r««4»«MAl ApfIMMMiMII * Tfc* gi«uaes yseitfyiea ikM ate* iai mil at ltnmtw*Tf • Hs* Sait H ynbrt lk* W* »»d yrisriy «f oar .tits ae la C«k*' Ok© rigkt t© rkeek kilury la am immmmra *©4 »i© pis thugs lk* Gwgaism at ik* * tfttTVfr. IM, VMftMil llM|A'Mt*, |'M* M**4 jog IfOMkM •( OPC» said N»»e» Ik© .listsal MW sad tk* t«fd*»e *«• sued ape* *«r gwvsraaoeal »»* «•- .ertstntie* sod perils at Ike stfestbi me) by Ike vo- edursbl. IMxttsool is Cklks. I asid *fiTks biff Iris' ks* pewved I hot the object teg SMA Mpstn has waged Ik* war ranaal be ilteiwd Tk- Are <d la—rest ties my Some or stay smolder witk vary lag an at nan, but li has sat lava and It Ik ©lets II eano Os sgtlngulsbed by pr»*«nt met hr d* Tb* only M© «f t-lMt aswl mw .from s r. ndltios sW'k wa no longer te endwtvd I# tk© eater* mem 4 «k* P*. in. at am of I‘wba. Is Ike name <4 humsnHy. is Ike salse nf HtiliaslH tin hetesif of ei>d*aa«*td A«n> »t *n in i teevst* »hl« h give wfc tne right and the ! >tart> l« ©peak and tn del. Ik© war Is ■ Cuba ntuol atop, I in view of all IM*. Ibe congee*, sms asked t» so* a«*d empower Ibe Preirt* deni to lake measure* to aecar# a full .and Ibril terminalbm nf kn#tlUH»© be-, tween Spain and th* peanl© of Cuba and t» secure In Ike Island Ike e«tik- Hahmenl nf • Stable government, rsy ; able of maintaining order and irtoerv tng it* tnlemattnnal oMlgsilon*. Inaur jlng peace and tfanqutllty and tfce *©- •cutty ««f It* cltlgens as well ** «ur own. and for Hi# accomplishment of Hors* end* to uos th* military and naval fur ies* of lb© ratted rttatea a* might be j necessary; with added authority to ! continue generous relief to the starv ing people of Ouh*. Th* Rrapoo*© of tongrea* The rraponae of tb© eongm after pine days, of earnest deliberation, du ring which Ihe almnat unaitlmou* sen timent of your body wa* deyelom-d on every point *nv# as to the expedleocy of coupling the proponed action with a formal rwognltlnn of the Ikapnklle <4 rnh* a* tit true and lawful govern ment of that Inland —• a proposition which failed of adoption—lhe congress, after conference, on the lkth of April, hy a vote ot «2 to », In the senate, and Ml to t In Ihe house of representa tive*. paused the memorahle Joint re©- ututlon, declaring; "First—That the people of the Island of Cuba are and of right ought to h© free and Independent. Heeond—That It la the duty of the United State* to demand, and the gov ernment of the United Slate* does hereby demand, that Ihe government of Spain at once relinquish It* author ity and government In the island at Cuba and withdraw its ißnd and naval force* from Cuba and Uuban water*. •Third—That the President of the United States he. and he hereby Is di rected and empowered, to use the .-n 1 tr ie nd and naval force* of the United Statea and to call into the artual ser vice of the United Stales the militia of the several states to such ex tent as may Ire necessary to carry these reeiiluMiin* Into effect. "Fourth That the United Slates hereby disclaim* any disposition or In tention to exercise sovereignty, Juris diction nr control over said Island for the pacification thereof, and asserts Its determination when that Is accomplish ed to leave the government and con trol of the Island to its own people." This resolution was approved by the executive on the next day, April 20. A copy was at once communicated to the Spanish minister at this capital, who forthwith announced that hla continu ance In Washington hud thereby be come'lmpossible, and ask 'd for his pass port*, which were given him. He there upon withdrew from Washington, leav ing the protection of Spanish Interests In the United States to the French am bassador ami tho Austro-Hungarian ministers. Simultaneously with Its communica tion to the Spanish minister here. Gen eral Woodford, the American minister at Madrid, was telegraphed confirma tion of the text of the joint resolution and directed to communicate tt to the government of Spain with the formal demand that It at once relinquish Its {authority and government In the Island ! of Cuba and withdraw its force© there { from, coupling this demand with thg ' announcement of the Intentions of this govarnment as t® the future of the isl and. in conformity with th* fourth clause' «f the resolution and giving Sp*ln-until neon of April 28 to reply. Thdt demand. Alfhough.--above shown, '^officially' made known to the Spahtsh envoy h»re war not delivered imrnmtmm ** #•**"**** pmm**m * Mm* l**..9F* * m **M»y»*»*y t*m Mfhft Ml I tAjdSte* A w**'.* ama idHMftMM «4i aaM > m 0 *»! ■* <'•« mm-M MMifkft# M mpMa aa4 9<Wff mt ft m «M* *mooLmom m <, mMa, *M 49m MMM i*AiM4l f *h**immm m AM* ***** mm* fM»- «W**»l*M **4 I iMftMlift ft'iMNl IMfIMII 4Mm* *4 I iMm Ms M MIMMa *4 900 9m* : tw*-+m IMa t*A«ft»4 (MMAiftM Af*4 j TM# r ■■HKMAwAA Ai < - ft4MAM<|> ****** «* «M# f —l'M*# 4*9 <M«» mHI MpfifWMA'B MMMMI IM- IfMM, AftMfMHM Mmii' M>IA4 IM# f«Nft#Ar* *4 I HAN' M A ftft'Af iIAAM A4A# Ml* fAMWAM tMA .fwftl 4*o *9 MfAtl. ftSul IMa MPAAf* t |n t Mfa- ri"Mi f—«■ «4 AifffM MUM-. (Ml* * MfTT 1 IMA* ft I MM*ft "A «» I ( Vim# a4**4MaMM4» *4 IMa ftiMMA r* *4 mmt AA mm* gV'TAM Afftftl |M MM * ■ j||, «g<A l<| fljll ml l qgi r p ft|»4 fi|| n|| fft wMlftM IM# l*AH#4 IMaIAA MMMfttAiAAi ft** MIMM Ml orM#t iMpf tMHr Mitfttltr n.lirM* Ms; ftpinil <§M*tM# «Ar 1 Th© nows goveriiow-nt* mynkl *n»k witteaaitis d ©alrrtti a>l arise Ilk aw* met bad*'ll te •«« •*«w ! tk© hast gratify Ms tori As ©it* "t <k© si i n ggte Ik*i the ohllitatlgws *4 aeglral. try © see Hr »■<■* fly dtor barged by all. ftn Mhr Mink and gilkraff elr* - m msfaftrs*. la fartb»e telMmqni of ta«rn**fh>»>*l duty, t Nmei April ft. taaa. a t - wta matlqi ISkHWrM th© tr-©tmrill pro . I— -d fft he greoidM t© vews**y and ItbaOr rargrw* as tri klftrkade, <v4rt*a i-ind the Sirretee .4 th© right at sew re© »nd tk© ImKintty at netrtral flag* ; and neutral gmls andee the snemy * ■otoff. j A similar pet* lamathm was mad© by th© rtt*satok imrmnvn!- » I In tk© conduct es h similes the ruts* I <lg th© derlorntb -t of Farts, Including sbstentlnn from MU'ft to privateering, hsvw aerwrdtngty tees ..bservsd hy both ; beingrewn's abhffish neither waa a • iarty la that destarathm, la Deadly Conflict Our country, thus, arise an Interval j of half s century <4 ps*c© with alt na tions, found Itself In deadly mfiirt {with a foreign enemy .Ifvery n«rve *>• strained la meet the atn. rgcn. y. The toagoao© to th© tnltim * til far !<>n# h«ndt* I and tw©aly-ftyp thaMsand > voluntacrn wa* Instant and ! waa also th© result of th* second rail nf May 25th ft>r ivcntydlve thousand ad ditional voluntrers. The rank* of the ; regular arinv were Increased tu the limits provided by th© net of April tt, pt»*. ,vrr“ The coined force* nf th© nsuv. nn th© l*th <4 August. wkrf» it croc hod its maxiniusi. numbcrrtk 01.111 man and MppivnihteS. One huadred and litre© vessels were added tn the navy hy pur ; chaa#, on© wo* preanted to the govern ment, ope leaned and the four vessels of the International Navigation rnm psny —the Bt. Paul, the Ht. louls. New York and the Paris— wer* chartered. In I addition to these the revenue cutters i and light house tenders wiere turned I over to the navy department and be came temporarily a part of the auxilia ry navy. The Navy. The maximum effective fighting force of the navy during the war. separated Into classes, was as follows: Four battleships of the first class. One battleship nf Ihe second class. Two armorvol ctulsers. Six coast defense monitors. One armored ram. Twelve protected criilsers. Three unprotected ‘raisers. Eighteen gunhoats.B One dynamite cruiser. Eleven torpedo beat*. Vessels of the old navy, Including monitors, li. Auxiliary navy: Eleven auxiliary cttelsers. Twenty-eight converted yachts. Twenty-seven converted tugs. Nineteen convertedi’colllers. Fifteen revenue cutters. Four lighthouse tenders and nineteen miscellaneous vessels. Much alarm was felt along our en tire Atlantic seaboard lest some at tack might !>e made by the enemy. Ev ery precaution was taken to prevent possible Injury to,nur great cities ly ing along the coast. Temporary garri sons were provided, drawn from the slate militia; infantry and light batte ries were drawn from the volunteer forces. About 12,000 troops were thus employed. The coast signal service was established for observing the approach of an enemy’s ships to the coast of the United States and the life saving and light house service co-operated, which enabled the navy department to have all portions of the Atlantic coast, from Maine to Texas, under observation. The auxiliary navy -was created un der the authority of Congress and was officered and manned 'by the naval mi litia. of the several states. This organ i rat ion patrolled the 'coast and per formed the duty of second line defense. Under the dtrecticaf ;ot the chief of engineers submarine mines were placed at the most exposed taints. ; Refore the outbreak‘of the war per manent mining enseaflatws and cab!© F I . a „ * .-a*.*, A fifth .. jj., 44 -A'eft? toWbrift to'dfttte ft* A i ffinini ftdk ijif.iAi' mil 7 mo*m M# M*M wm*m ___ _ _ ******* 09*94 $ g jm'_ rteito A iftl'kkA >4A-• ■* r »•# iMMftk* Mft !#■*• f itrtpp* fa* i-- AAt ft* * 9* *Aft •*©• toff l w Aft* A » liftfitrtM Aft **»» tm§ f th* 4AA AMaHaM A AMfM Mi OMMMMAAAA •'M-MIM 9 mom 90 IMa MmmVNi# MMMftA. -m**+ ***** TM* MMfMMMtf MftfAMAA fmm4 90 wtf miHtea *o»t*f* waa *s*©wd*d I* •*»*» pari kff tks graky Akto ■»*? *" a».j*iri© tea wkbk at waa aa©d a#w fat ty skuwa la Ik© rryarite ©f Ik© ©-weal Aft.H IMA Art##- ft mm* • ®AAM| MM hfaiiftMttbA fftftAMUMf «MA lAfftiAftftll jtfUTl It to -f niflj-l ffWkAilkd* iweparatteoa gnsaUff a*©4tel Ml rite* <4 Tbl# food b©lngi l—4»qa©‘- I© *b© r«q a! Ml. ©IS of i q*M<l»©t »*4 te© tk© rudhtai at Ik* woe, Ike ssinow of tk© ...ngn* wwMwl lk* aweaoa la tk* war rvveaa© ©t of daaw IIIk k 9 aw* Iteikkl k three pa* real popular hiaa nt to exceed fnwr kwadrid mills* dol lar* and by Kevytkg additional liaporia •nd la see Of Ik* satb.wised tea* l«» hundred Him was nff«©ed sod very priMuplly take© Ik* isloftlyiw© *n ter IHIIHMW lk® call a* w* ran « many time* osar, wklte, preterakce *•©■ lag stt ea la Ike smaller bite, aa «iagle xllaimesl, exceeded ll%© tk««*and dol lars. Thu waa a moat enrnumglag and slgalflcani result, ska* big tfce v*«t i»- I source® nf the nation and th* delrmlas • tlo© at the people to uphold their couk trf** tenet. Th© E xtraordinary War. tt is not within tk* province at this nieasnge t° narmte tk© htetnry of Ike cstmordlnory war that foll.rwed tk* d*- Iclamtlon **• April ilat. but a brief r©- ■ Ital at Its marc telhsl feat urc* I* ap propriate. Th* first i-nioun'xr of ite war, I© point of date, t«ak place April 21 when a detachment of th* blockading squad | ran mod# n rerondolaonre tn force at {Mstansoa. ahcllcd the harbor fort* and j demolished several n** s wurhs tn con ! structlon. The nest engagement was destined to * mark a memorable epoch In maritime wsrfxr*. The Pat-Mlc fleet, under Com | modore George Dewey, had lain 5© some weeks at Hmg Kong. Upon Ih© I colonial proclamation of neutrality b*- j ing l**ticd and the customary 11 hours ! notice bring given. It repaired to Mlrs bay, near Hong Kong, whence It pro -ceded to the Philippine Inlands unde© { telegraphic order* to capture or destroy ! the formidable Spanish fleet then ss \sembled at Manila. At daybreak on the list or May th© American force entered I Manila bay. and after a few hours <>n igagement effected the total destruction of the Spanish fleet consisting of ten warship* and a transport, besides cap turing the naval station at Cavite, thus In tho Pacific ocean and completely annihilating the Bpanlsh naval power controlling the by of Manila with the ability to take th© dry at will. Not a life was lost on our ship*, the wound ed only numl>erlng ‘seven, while not a vessel tea* Injured. For thl* gallant achievement, the congress, upon my re rammendatkm. fitly bestowed upon the actors preferment and substantial re sard. The effect of this remarkable victory upon the spirit of our people and up on the fortunes of war wa* instant. A prestige of Invincibility thereby attach ed to our arms, which continued throughout th© struggle. Reinforce ments were hurried to Manila under the command of Major General Merritt and fltmly established within night of the capital, which lay helpless before our guns. On the 7th day of May the govern ment was advised officially of th© vic tory at Manila, and at once inquired of th© commander of our fleet what troops would he required. The Informa tion was received on the 15th of Mar, and the first army-expedition sailed on May 25th and arrived off Manila June Sflth. Other expeditions soon followed, the total force consisting of 611 officers and 15,018 enlisted men. Only reluctance to cause needless loss of life prevented the early storming and capture of the city, and therewith the absolute military occupancy of the whole group. The Insurgents meanwhile had resumed the active hostilities sus pended by the uncompleted truce of De cember, 1897. Their forces Invested Ma nila from the northern and eastern side, but were constrained by Admiral Dew ey and General Merritt frotp attempt ing an assault. It was fitting that whatever was to Ije done In the way of decisive opemttons In that quarter should be atjcoMplished by the strong arm' of the United State* alone. OtFy- Pahr Killer. fSlgrl »*kk»n»gk —tefcn® eeteft. mmim. jsaou Sfi m «©*•*«*» fin® aas* Sot adsnrte* ftwer e*TMr IM*-toA ♦%■ tn *m* ft* Mma*- a**ftft4 mm** f«t 4m# |l Iflßft f fft>»A»i~ W400H0099* twmmirn «a aa i li 11MM1 *m m*» aaa tflM *m* ' im* TMftARNft MFIAIMMM MliMlfiWMi AA« : • ' iFi—i amM *mm*o «MA >amm 9mm AiMAftM AAAMMMA4 40*999* mm A A AMI ****** ] * Haama»MMa IMa MMMMMaM ***** 9*9o# i to#-* * ihwekA RMft4 MAAM MHMM *s'** * f *m*9 A pmmmffm » ****mrnm 9000* A - I tifTAM mt Mwa t lift a t aa4 **m*m#4 IMa pft-ftft a imam Mama mama mm laml im# ' ttnigAM A*4 HMftottA* IMAM 99*999000 ■ Ml **o aHaM 'Mftftft tkAAM **o9oo 90 90*9 ■ ; MMIAAA llmil AWAM 1 MHIIAA> MVIMM MA 9*o ‘ i AMMAmM MM Jpo99ot*4 I.AMAaAA A Mapl. Aftjft (Mteftf f«A« AAWftft# *994990 fftAfuttrit iMpAa t «n ft! *9t*m %* o*9o 0090994 i %#** MmM * * Mi §Ma Ami#iowft m o**'* lA#* ** OA*«An aMmbi Ma# tMm aa* S ft f.-fAtrtW'AMk# I# ptAM M AftAA* r»t AAfttWftAfy A#»»A IMA A*lit * ' m* pm*9909*099 *0 iMAIM j §***9mk 00999000000*00 *00990*4 «• ui>a>a *4 OaMa a*4 IN<aM» M*ta Ia tw§ «M# lAfMAt *9990 tMh tM# Atman* mmmmS**** ’ MaA 4*99* 4* HIAA *ftA jftjkty CfWAAi rM tr Mr MMr> "A ATMaA -1 torn (m'SilaHh) IMa fertft fttftrMai tM# AAitilM mt 90t*H*0a feArM«t, MedUNir MM* tA«4I h*4 mOP fte#A*4. il AAM #vft4**t IMmI #4) AfMrVAftl *aa4 >®*#fA* (!•»#»* wm§* Ia iUftfA l a— Ml# M» AcMi#iNi A 2 (Mr* Uo9* *oW**%*9t** 1 hrilled tk* ‘Nation ! Tk© oat to tk® star tkriHert ant olon* tk* hearts at aa© nwHfrnm. ‘ bat tk* tearid by It* esreptlonal fcsr®* I ism \ On tk© ntgkt of Jan > 2d, Meat- Hofc -1 «an. aided by seven drvotod volunteers. , Men In J tk* narrow nattet fnxn kantla ku harl«w t»y oinking tk* toll ter Merri ma< tn lk* rtaanrl. sniff n Hem* •*© fr»m lk* akor* tellffk*. escaping wttk ikrir Mves u try a mtitevt*. test telling into tk© ban- *• nf in* StaslnMv It te s {moot gratifying Incident >4 tk© wo© I that tb* t*r*v#ry >4 shi* Util* bond <4 heme© wn© oirilvily tprorrlvlel by th© krantefc silisgral vte sent a flag at tnurw to notify Adtntmt temp* -o *» f tkelr anfrty and t* ..onpltovens tk <as j„n iketr darvaft act. Tb*> war* aabo*- j qOMtty *gcbsßged July ilk. By June ?!k lk- cutting '4 tk* loot ‘ Cuban eabt© iaolated th* Island Ttew©- aft-r th© tnmalon wa© vlguroanly pro©. ©. u;*d On June t*th under n hanvy i.rot.©iinx Hr®, a landing <4 *0" ma rines from tk* Oregon. M*rid®h#*d and Yank*® was effected In Guantanamo liny, where II had been determined t* .•ataldlsh n naval station. I This Important and cseixitlal port I was taken from th* enemy after severe 'fighting by th# marines, who were th* first organised fore* at th* United flint## to land In Cubs. I The poaltlon so won »ss held despite d**p©rste attempts to dHtodgt our ter !©C* By June l*th additional forces ! wer© Isndod and strongly Intrenched ! On Juno 22 th* advance at th© tnvsdln© I army under Major General Shafter landed at Dnqulrl. aliout 15 mile* east of flantisgo. Thl* was accomplished un- Ider great dlflli ultie*. hut with marvel ous dispatch. | On June 22 the movement against flantisgo was begun, i on th© 24th th© first ssrious engage ! rm-nt took place. In w hich the first and j tenth cavalry and th© first United I Stale# volunteer cavalry, Gen. A. I- Y(Ming’s brigade of General Wheeler’s I division, participated, losing heavily. But by tllvhtfnll th© ground within five mil©t of Hanttagro was won. Th® ad vantage was steadily ln©iv*a©d. On July I s severe battle took nlar© —our forcea gaining th© outworks of Santiago; on the 2. El Caney and San Juan were taken after a desperate charge, and th© Investment of th* city was completed. The navy co-operated by shelling the town and th© coast forts. On the day following this brilliant achievement of our land forces, the 3d of July, occurred the decisive naval combat of th© war. The Spanish fleet, attempting to leave the harbor, was met by the American squadron under command of Commo dore Sampson. In less than three hours nil the Span ish ships were destroyed, the two torpe do boats being sunk, and the Maria Te resa. Almlrant© Oquendo. Vlxcaya and Cristobal Colon driven ashore. The Spanish admiral and over thir teen hundred tnen were taken prisoners, while the enemy’s lose of life was de plorably large, some 600 perishing. On our side but one man was killed —on (SEE NEXT PAGE.) The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS MV-CnHrr new mnnn!«nent. A Brw line of Fresh Dm**, Toilet Article*, ErasUvi, Eic. Wemake-a specialty ofhyetciens Prescriptions. Beil Telephone SS 2r» PATTERSON & WADE Cf CMPM ACM M WANT M tr *0 MjMM mil Tilt Mil tfitl 0009 m 400* 40*** 00 90* *4 «Ms *o* fchi -i. TY itriftf ft®t Mkaftftft 900 *0 •«•*#-- * •#4to*#AlA AM-*- ***** '*4 m*o9 # MwlMi AA 9*o*m xa *9p** *m*tm*9 Mu# **#« 41 M +**• * ♦ ft *49 09m 00 0 W*» Ait'iftf aa# #**4**49* #« A*# 00999 MA *M* '' I AjP 0 * «W* *9O- **4oo9* *4 4*o ■.%** | hAtfA 999* 99** Tt.j-Ttt A ft# #« »" '»M» '4M 90* ft# 9909 Mhn* Anlf 1 1 hi 'IjUTi < * o*o fA# |3##Al# tA«ln# A# 9* M ■!#§**# a Am# f 4 mM mm**&***m 9*0099*9$ 40 «#A>f MftAM I **mo *‘490940 '* ftl TU AIION WANTS O IpH Ml A M $000904(0 0 0900 9900 I *** pm.M 90 9090 m** *4o'* #4ooo* \ m**" 4A 09m# ■ 9*4 #-«4 *99** #’"**-•# *oos f Akk#M 909900* #MA mm #4 **4*9*99#* ••MU i t ■ *** m 9*»9#*#ms *4 1 0-99900 0k $ - 900* ts**9o4 s#*■ 9 $ 1 *0 *W4'W*4A :ci: ' 4 A *!M 99m#**00 9nmsomm *9*4 **4m**4 lir *n#i rir diTMA ftinn#’ IM^ | #A#Mt| •ii' | M4M ■ * • »-MM l-Ab* *M'A 4 *4 k “ HMI.P WANT SO * j *7 fiWi i~ ftt'tiwft j t-gjM# »«*.'* a*a> m*mm - ,; U i Lavw-kl * ©a*© fst« tsagkte Vtgvd Ite? |■ • |%© i > < dfAtoTkate- maw T»» te4-|urT tt to an xiiarfivst to© *as ••■**• ssaa* •% , ah** as a<«te»w»» teoerikaa*© aw* tosato i nsok Otek g«4 tkdonsgMHi totenC clsi, kgt fly©© kbttdMNi, tow ft ; urwtK g t wrrtv * m.y at nt tg(,c .©Till •?***? «S© 2 { 1. 1 ■, H i " U WAlrrKO-CAI'T ftl 41 LtalHT FfiriG xiwxk Ttoowoglk ©aptetekaa w^ I tJ IT IT at k*gtka<ag «T«*te tk (-«*• - a a (tatewea* Mao. H*»* l (4Tl*to TO RENT > Til urf-TVn H tXTrtoMK fwrt ntto ,4*. ,« |B l-t f»* k* «fc *» o»i«d»>r% I -qi i■ w i«o» —x beavrt fthtutay, toft i Ht wt stfasfi. ***• ** | to' fIKVT -"IsRGE El EGA NT rt-e-m n#«r|f f«trfsl*N#4. AI M3M HT'-a# j #tf*#4* so* * FOR SALE CtoBAM —CMUIM AT M lACtnog rft. foil walk—ftAftKß rom wwain FI WO pat yam* CWa»—< ia stay **aw f,st a fcaakd. Apply at Harold m©% Botfc wfctt® and a**©-**par. tow© « Ton fALK-Hfi-ACftft ftAKH. ONto out* fMMk ©tty Itanita. a hargsla Ak> ©ty W. C. Japam. Ha. tit Jv< im (t» Oct t CHK A ft-!* A PER 'ftO* TTB * DPI NO purpaae* Ifi > < nt# A hundred sM •%> change*. Whit# papal I coal A pound, Nov 1 OST AND FOUND. H IrrßATfn* one whits. cow with black head and neck. H .rn t Inch** j iqtoTYgi. Dn4ftf wlii return I® St] Frnwbto <toc* miscellaneous NOTICE--WK BUT AND COLUBT* i oat uunt*. note# and Judgmenta, Trims raa*«kAhte Call Iteitlmorte ; Trad* richnnge. 5«1 Dye© Building. | special Notices; 7 Per Ct ssoo*ooo 7 Per Cl FOBEIOM CAPfTAI.I'T* WTEtS LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLAR* ok toally In August*. O*. Terms » par rent. For further Information re* their attorney at low. P. J. Halil van, Es.. or Mr. P. O. Burum. iTEAM CANDY FACTORY Is making the PRETTIEST. PUREST, WHITEST CANDIES In the market. When In need ol Stick, Pea Nut, Broken nixture Taffy Candies Tele* phunc Bell ’Phone No. 2276. Dewey Raising Ships. Dewey has proved hmself to he aa good a man st rasing ships as he wag at sinking them. He ha* already floated three of the Spanish vessel# ha sent to the bottom on the first of May, So ter. this gallant salt baa proved himself equal to anything he was op. dered to do. and If he Is told to re lease the Spanish prisoners, says Th* Courier-Journal, It Is the tame as dono already. Large stock new raisins, all varletlaa. Juat received at Earn kin & Co.’s. •Magnificent Stock. The attractive advertisement of Wm, Schweigert & Co. can be seen on thg fifth page of The Herald today. If makes Interesting reading at this sea. son. They have a magnificent stock of Jewelry and holiday goods. Be Bur* to call and examine their stock. If will be well worth your while. Place you order for fall suit with E, J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailor*.