The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 05, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE tUCUSTI HIRIID »««** ItOltM «<»« ii m toy Ato. ■ »•#•**•**»< <• •• *##» iwi ~«„«»« M * lW * ' ftftrfl »* *»*•**«•* “ ftjftfr*** ft*9 >"ni»i ijii iliMii f l "* 4#r**"* **• ** 4M(N*ft frft»l»rr IffHHHlitNf IpM(MM * Mi«** * M. A* ***** •**.•*• .<wiw Htiuti) fIWMk I ■ (rt (MM* •§♦**•'•** !•« Mp ftft»*Hf ftftPlgy-' 4M ?'# ft* ft MMk VM. WIU. MM* I HI. MISIAU» to A*a»lda*-A» IMN ***•*• **=• PKTftjfiggHA -At »h# W«M4 ton# •* to**ar» to*# ***•*. I« Mm** *1 Ito to*** He***# »«* HKMHtr, to Ckarnw* *« to* «'**•*■•»*• M» ill M.<toNkto *1 *to «****4 Os#»«*» I* M*» r~** «"*«# *1 *** rt«to* ttto f» •**# Mlf*M &***** M#t#t. pftftltoft MMMMft 4# HiNt TW ***** «*•«• Hj>ii4i #O4 *OOO • to*-* to •*#**»*•« to* tort to i»* •4#** ; : fa*t*t#*r «** • good tor tar W** My*«« I%* ItotM totor to* to* I*l*l 4ml • gHssep# I* It* tPttrrty. Whs* kH to* CaMHtlto •« **> pat* atami th# a#gf* iwllto * Tk* idlwr of “It l t»ri»* <'•«** to CkM*a<>' akcuUi rh#*g* at* *•«<■ to ••Mr Ckaif MrKmtlr 4M» » b*v# tor •rood* of vtaftor* yißtenSay of *k* 1 ftfftvU>t»» Wmm**r Mill# rtidmmiiy l«* t*n4 to M **y of th* »lr»r*«oao rod* ••••ton* *Ui> out of hi* »r**t« II worn* (bat leader Oallrr ms* *oon rhaag# hi* «w«r to that of tb« or* MarjUed representative. Mr. Mudd For th* Haveaes*. that Thanksgiv h| dinner at tor Hotel Ihuje. must bare becoe a hard not to crack, eh? The Hike’ or*»n;*t waa wn fort »*#*#- Ijr pr*r<n' <1 from readerln* Barb's Va«<i* in P minor by a painful boar Mon Quay shook lb* plum tree. Ihe grand jury shook Quay, and now tbe lawyer* will father tbe plum*.— Fort Wayne Onaette. Had Congreenman Kleniin* s vlalt to the White House aajthtn* to do with Inviting the President to stup over In AuguotaT That the worm will turn t« shown by tbe patient and humorous Private John Allen leading the onslaught against Joe Bailey. Tbe Herald Is glad to hear Ed Bar rett say that the expansion of the Age-Herald keep# pace with that of the country. I’hllapoena! The Rome Tribune Is Inviting let ter* from Juvenile Romans to "dear old Santa Claus" and says that It will forward copies to Saint Nick. There Is n growing Impression, ue roidlng to the Birmingham News, that the Mad Fakir of Swat is none other than Pompadour Jim Corbett. When u womon'B drew I* described a* a perfect dream Its coal ia apt to prove a nightmare to her husband, says tbe Americus Times-Recorder. Et tu Brute: “The Augusta cotton mills, with one exception, have been forced to cloae down because of the strike of their employee against a cut In wages.—Nashville American. Mr. Carnegie can return to Scotland. Mr. Schurs to Germany nnd Mr. God kin to England, but the professional pair, Van Holtz ami Norton, will have to accept the situation as tt comes booming along. They are tied to the soil.—Age-Herald. The Herald thinks that ihe Jackson ville Times-l'clon can truly lay claim to exclusiveness In advertising. Here's what we mesn: "Now Open to the Public.—Nearly 100 gigantic ostriches, each bird weighing from 250 to 400 pounds, standing from six to eight feet high; all in full plume; also a lot of baby ostriches, Just hatched, Ostrich eggs, etc., etc. The most Interesting and peculiar sight In America. For sale on the farm. Tips, Plumes. Boas, Cape*. Collars. Fans at Producers' Prices. Patronize home Industry." A MM *«*•«**» UHK§ H;i liiHrmr l ffaftlftMi IMftMiMM Mftwt ►tototoftftt.# fftfftftMl ft# #OO #4 (4*9 ■*** i JNn*H» to I *-»• I** tm** ****** SH? Imi «lu» M#f *MMMI ill •A#*# *MMI Iwswah WAS* Tk* wswk sto'«» m iamfttobM ntosd tsy Mask «• ns—«nr jtfwto ansa dub* lb afshfto •**•**•*»• a* •» ttosg mah «•**# m Ito* A«****• ftotay. | tod WM I*a4 «hw< I had a Itw waa th* paatottMMto* *4 umm tfa*9 I tor ear a**»- s*t hatssagasatt I th*r*» IMsw toMMsal th* n#»r as th* MtaSMA !l hht*. kostwaaa, ism I t* «**atr»hto* * i mr ggttot** to ah* «f tk* aatuttw*. , Wis m AiSir,h’ m - I witsbt *44 > i ants* bw satop**to*t fact ah* wttb ( Jtow la tola vtaat as Mawt Hahsna tost is*r~ *»4 wwpM «> —#*' awd *■••♦ i IMmi Hahaaw ta aw wwtwatttwi. * amgartP —T ♦•**• to** H* tssAM aim s*ftla 4»ww s*M ’ll** . wafanaMt #».« to iawafatotl*» sMamrr at OtaaSMtown. Ala <to tk* ituuiat as tot* sms, rata* awd *dwrw<* a fwtwtlf. astd p*w* tor tk* hwlawr* as hi* ItfS. wa th* totowt* «f tk* ftonito**' I H# prrfrri howrrsr. a Ototwii Ilf* Awd tt I* Jwm thi* salt hew. thia ***** j (^|p > the** MtSrtinsi wot 111 ta* • O tJ ihitiijif tiiat malrn tIK >cart#r«i 44 $ 0m !• #4M tmmjf hl*!k m II M. (Hr* th*** eitwr *btp*. yhsty of ihrw> awd lb* boat that raw h* aiad*. •ay* Tk* MttoM. Awd a* N*w Tarh'a got cm->*•*•*«•< writ** ta th* Itwsalar North Aamrt r*a Rrrtrw. M Cnwgrra* gam th* *»• Irf p er*nt>p*t Mil wed tk*r*by torn** ik* prvaaat Mellow hrtw**w the Mnr ' odkrrra and to* *agtw*fw, T»» ITEMS W> would call sttcnilo* lo th* al moai aaaatawus r#»* of tk* Ho®*» Ap i ropnstbHi Cotamßi** a» Atlanta teat ar*rh oa tbr I hr** Item*—th* common school fund, the p*u»!o*a approprts tkins and th* geological bureau fund. Th* lot of th* Georgia legislator the** days < aanot ha any too pleawnt a one. The demand for ratranebment all over lb* slat# I* peremptory and de rided. and where lo begin without treading too heavily on certain toe*, or ratting down apparently necessary ! Item* atast be a dltoenlt task. It - might seem at Brat as though the,edu ' cat Iona) fund should he th* very last ta feel tbe* pruning knife, but the abls MUI sensible suggestions la this Ques tion by the Hon. Is>ul# F. tJarrard srs evidently having weight. Th* common school fund Is cut down t4oO,oott-~thls year's extra approp-in tlort of thsl sum -being token off The pension appropriation* were al lowed to remain Intact—to fart, being ! increased something over M.wa to meet elslms now on Ble, which could not be met out of tbe last appropria tions. I’uck-r thr bill the total pensions will aggregate gtWl.iKHt. While the need and value of thr geo ioglcsl burrau is m-ogntsrd. It will have to wall for ftushrr times for more rocks In the treasury, as the eommtt- j tee voted not to appropriate a single dollar for It. THE ELKS' MEMORIAL The Elks' memorial service yester day afternoon at tbe opera house was beautiful, impressive and pavtlrularly 1 touching. A short year ago. In the same hall, upon the oernslon of the last Ix>dge of Sorrow, those of the four mrmbers of the Order were present In the full flush of health and vigor, that yesterday made no answer as their name* were called. There was silence and no re sponse. Their voices were hushed in death. And a year hence, whose, from among those that were yesterday af ternoon raised In praise to the Exalted Ruler of the Universe, shall be forever stilled by the same mysterious and Implacable Heath? ORE BIGlf OF THE lIMES. As Augusta’s hotels are all full and doing tine business, and that justly famed hostelry, the Bon-Air, will throw open its doors In a few days with the prospect of a record-breaking season nhond, the following, taken from the latest Issue of the Hotel Reg ister, will be of interest. Speaking of tho hotel business in New York city, it says: "This year the hotels have been do ing so large a business that any civic gathering rather overburdens them. All the hotels, as a result of better times, have had sn old-fashioned abundance of out-of-town visitors. At tbr Marlborough there Is a parfy of Southerners, seventy-five strong, sli THE TVtJGITSTA .HTBmTVXJD IWXAWHS >•*** HMUkM4 k* Tk* j n ttmm a**4 to* fifth A*«*»** Im tm#** * iMf» i *-m ***tmKm& *om 0 jri rat n Inn A« lip i»»o> ? fiH> m ffN ip## %nmm tu m*% I iMfct IMP Ito x itojtohrr'l YIP IMMM m Im Mmpmi ttaflpMl Itot r # ft - iff 4ln kivto 4# t . IMM •••Ml i JMHP pMMVMM# fMMP M ft if* iacfftol |#W| ♦«NI . <a* giaas# k*aw ***• naaisdti iM# fto4lkh4i **£ tirwriii #*o 4PPP49#It 4'f ■ AMiMMMI IM, MMf m iMPPMIMI m • IPM* j IlMftiMll • Oimiiti iip aNMMMMp mm 9 fmtm iHiiMC TfrvMi vim of §mi% >i>4i Iwi l»4 raft ••«|pr *if IMkNft MPla dtos CkaaMWl samas taltohksa la ik* dy ta* j With • awd #toa* by hla totthfwt la- ; wraanat. : Tk* ttrtrtilag efnrwtwr wswrTty faad Tk* awaage* a* tb*y kaskwd M kMk. IM impact, by HrHm wtc** *,*4 Ml**** haw a*4 la th* Itagwriag a* m*at. A mil* light* *k# grar*. w*ar> tar*, flsailr ikaaghta as koto* asto dtstaat I torsd wa**. •taw* Miwssn It*** wttk a t*a d*r srar*. Ilatrhf agato thr wtrw* agwsk ItoWr waralag. Aad they flash to hi■ oar th* a*l*- rrlag lla*. ■ t'omr at oar*. Mary di*4 this *r*alaa at towr." Und’ hi* hrala r*»tod Ilk* a •** rras*d with wfa*. Th# •* mag heart Hr a mom eat grew d*wd and chill. Aa his hand* clutched hltodlr th# rmply air, ll# staggered heavily aad the* grew atilt. Wishing ditmhiy for death, Ilf# »o |nr.g#t was fair. God pity him most to whom th* wires speed first Tk# pitiless message, the saddest la llf». That "to# star of bom* has set In thr grave," That the hewrthston* no longer I# blessed by the wife. Joel 00* more pnsatonat# sorrow In th* world. Aaother heart tbrobbtoa with an guish does desolate roam, tad oaly by earth'# sacred, holiest memory. Thet l# lending him onward and beckoning home. M. L. R. Advertising N»t Advertl-lng. 1 There I* adverttelng stid advertising. Irbat Is to say. there Is So-called ex -1 ploltotlon and exploitation that Is gen uine Business Arms get out pam phlets, booklets, circulars, etc sod , these may or may not bring good re | turns. Then there are church, churlty. club and other programs, year books, etc., which are filled with advertlsriVnt* In name, hut not In fact. The houses which advertise in these do not expect any return*; they give their sds be cause they fear to lose custom If they withhold them. It Is a process of sand bagging which individuals submit lo from lack of courage to resist It. But business men In the several com- j munities of the country are getting very tired of the Imposition. In sQtne places they nre combining t oreslst it. and declare they will advertise only In .legitimate newspapers, whoae business Is to advert lac, which seek advertise ments. which protect the sdvertlser nnd which see that the woutd-be buyer , gets the advertisement. Newspapers make a study of the art of advertising. It constitutes the ma jor Jortlon of their receipts. It is to their Interest to study It; It is their interest to see that the advertisement docs the advertiser good. Newspaper advertising is the one. sure and cer tain way of getting results Horn adver tising-Exchange. Had to 00. “We are worried about Julia; she got out of a sick bed to go to the the atre.” “How could she?” "She had to go; she hnd a ticket.” A Contlnous Ovation. "Did your India cousin enjoy her vlalt to Chicago?” “I should say so. Every hand organ shp saw was playing ‘On the Banks of the Wabash.’ ” Getting On. “Mr. Newby, we don’t see you at our socials any more.” "No; I’ve got Into society now.” A selling race often turns out to be a racing sell. A good example may be a disease, but it is seldom contagious. Was it windy enough for you? rite tutsWfN i w ABOUT TOW N. Aula Afifi k-gto t* d mg,*# - »■#** m jppfff hamm&ttw* ft JMM iNHPP pMMMIr M MM 4pmp* 9 MM. truiri) MM 4J»9 iiitMMf If MffIMPMMMM iMfMM + J •"■to «*A 'I _ _ _ _ ww* 4m- mm mmmmmmm mmm ;; - * Mom# MittMi mm *m*m . |t#ft 4 4M* t —9*4 Ilf Mtoft « tin 'ii mm r iM# ipiiiniitft «pM# , m t VMM MMW4 TM# MNaMf HmumM YMnpik ■» . 1 iH. * ,j| —to f a < § I waa wn. 4 ■ I iff W l !* A f ■ H*w • to- ,mm MmMI Ms 9MMft|ft m*mp f**M *mm I (M» 4PM Mil #4f M ? * mtmmrn MM [ • tNMM M* IMP VMtMMf M M 6m* *mmp. Tom 4f mm Tlf HmmMl I i m*4 m MM4 •M4nw M»tr fM«i * Hi * I Mfkl4 MM Moot# mp 4 iM# 41m I rtMlMl »Mlf M «Mis 14 ****** j »m Vl# mm* &mtm§ MM> OpflMl #M#M t#* flows awajeesa tsiwo la^*e^ nsfli as th* psvslt guard ’ V* ta • light. Ha* as Ihwi gaard ahd th# aat 4t*e tow w*** »**<••'* *a*#s hat aw* #s (Apt h* was aadtor arvwas hg hts twa ihat waa too math -Ttotoh m hww t« to* sward to-*«* % ' said th# pewewos waa. a* he wawght hi* by th* ana. "roam oa aow aad pa with ta# " "Oo with yowl" f#W the other; 1 a<>i —to *• A *••• thowsadto ~ years!” Ka pareathfato. the Ohaaswec aowld say that the** da#k#w ea* h* swttahly fitted tip by hi* raaditv Th* H#r* d's ' types W'VOld melt If Ik* e»ptot<*«* | vacv The* th* teoM aobtlar hoy sal flow# oa the wldewalh. sra* gathered up by i th* guard, aad the Otmerver aawatered oa along th* *lr*M Crown ns over, there w*r* aenr# sights sad saeprtae* la atov*. Kaockem (fetovloa*. | haven't yws Knock#** In wait# awhile, and thought pnaalbly that h* was enjoying a well-earned - or per hap* I should say well-menu-l slaty or alasty days’ rest »om*where at the county's expense But Knork #n» was earning sotoetbing etas Satur day bight, b* am* cAralng aa honest dim* by beating th* base drum out old* th* Klnetoacope show As a hentvr. dead or oth*t wia*. Km» kc.n's all right. Saturday night h* was thump ing the big drum to heat the hand, he waa doing btmself proud, sppsr. n i» throwrin his whole soul Into the pre cision. volume and rythni of his whacks. I couldn't help thinking that |>w«d hly bts proaresa was acquired by hang ing on the door of hla cell —I say hi*. because hea been In 'em all down at police headquarters. He seemed ashauicd of tbe job, though. He woulda't raise hi* eye* from the sidewalk and kepi hammer ing away even when .the barker, up in his llttjw box. yelied for him to stop. Perhaps, though. It wasn't the iialu.'e of tbe Job, but the fact that he was working, that worried him. However, the spieler stopped him. and then rap ping lor attention with his rattan esne he Informed the crowd that inside could be seen "the most marvelously realistlc and life-like reproduction of the world-famed Empire State Ex press. going at a rat* of ninety miles an hour," Ac.. Ac., and all for a dime. That Is. that's the sense of what he said. Hl* exact word* were. • going like —well, I musn t repeat everything I hear. Then the hand struck up again—by the way, 1 forgot to mention that the band here consisted of a big drum and a little drum, eurlouslv enough, the small drum belns as skilfully ms , nlpulated as was the big one. by j Kuockcm, but the artist was a coon of ■ twice Knockcm's size. Then the Observer turned back down town and saw so much and such an Interesting and continuous Saturday night's performance, that he really must wait for some other time to tell about It. After all. I'm rather glad I didn't get a pass to the theatre. ■ ' ■■ ,t Cradle Song Softly, gently, to the west, Sinks the sun In clouds to rest. While I lull thee on my breast. Babe, to sleep. Comes afar the brook's low song. Winds their tend'rest notes .prolong. While I hold thee, free from wrong, Babe, to sleep. And I pray that. God may he. Onward through eternity. Ever near to guard o’er thee, Babe, asleep; That when the dawn with gladsome light Cleaves the darkneaa of the night. Thou mayst rise wltl visions bright. Babe, from sfleep. —Boston Transcript CAST<i>IIIA. B.ST, th. Kjftl Yea Hra Ahwg Booght “TT o*o Viw | #•» I <*##& 9H MjMM 90m MU tMMMM MML 4wfM mm 4 «mmo *• mm* **6 ' M*M HMf MMlt. *«*M «4hi#Mi mmrn • IM Mill I# cM# MM •%»♦*♦■*# Mi# (mm ffHr j tjrtiTi" ll* i Ml., mm Mm fM* (RmMM»k f 01m* M# MM *M MMM M MMMKb I m »mm Him mm I mm** mm* , M## mmmm** # 11%'fyfMwt Tiijirt w%m 0' mmw §M4ni V•* ?4*v.«to Ik mc ts *dc t 4MM flMftfttoO# 1 mmmmmm* IM*mm mm ***** ■i Hn iitiji ft mmom mm* ***** • hmmM \T* fit* toft Ml# mtftM mm «M f%# : IT* im ••' • m i fg, f yam* MM IMI ft ftn# A* Ccep H»r*t Itoto. * tttows ynwag mm*, j . T#fc»* thlpga sway ae a**a» at aa mm. f'cvp fl#n#m the *!**• ttoitd as hit, tn tS4 haras aaa a ereata** ***v sa stoali rv-p At f?»*thato fits* eery ktgh nfi#a i tooag ladle# hi* forto w* As apt (Vry (lea Jaaaa. awe de*i*na a* he***. Man* paar staa#rs ha's tirtoa to save | Carp. Tovlß. aa Irleh old f#*low. Bat his etohlsi at gvsea faded ta yaf law. rorp Rah My#rs i* totoseetek today, t-orgs tor bta ewewttbeart far. tor away. ! rarg Inn H a feed aataved chato. But hwriaaa* first. tb#ti roan ble faa Then there is Joe Flak, oar tpc>**. ] you ##•. H# kuass ail d# vajr vrwia de n#naaade | Aam her hug ter. Oeo Park##, by Mine. No d<f to-a go** It. he'# always th* MBMC A anre flagrr. th# pout, whatever your ta. Hunt np Hr Morgan: hell give a pill. Our old friend Reed wsnta to go koine. Th»a at liberty he aad be wot sloae. Then Gene lamb, a brave little scoot All may know he’s too young to be oat. Urwto. the Joker and old-time actoe, la singing, too, an important factor. May I mention Ctooke. a wkit# headed I boy, Hl* mothers pH it# and comfort and' j Joy. ' A droll sort of a chap I* Yergry, tbe cook. For whom all have In store a pleaeant , look. A boy In our midst w* sometime* call "Kat,” l.owe ts good-natured, and always j ''stands pat" Fred Gutbmnnn. our old ‘’family Joker” ; Noting his wit, you'd take him for Crokcr. “Mickey" Walsh, from the "Isle of i Green.” He and Steven* make a good team. Then Dewey King is proud of hi* name, Reminds us of Dewey far over the main. j The other day as It came to pass. ,Guy Mish smiled *t a Southern lass. Byrnes Is not Irish, a* vou ml# **ht'- v No more, sir, than our bugler, Joe Fink. McMillan says that he never did work. So now all duty is trying to shirk. Carl Rltxman soys that he Is no Jew, Boys, give the rights to him that Is due. Quiet Joe Regan—let him alone; He's thinking of loved ones now at home. Now what shall be Ed. Mtnnemeyer’s fate. If he remains down town every night to late. Ned Farr tells us he's weary of life. Of living in tents and the cares and atrife. But Chester Williams has cheerful ways Of consoling the boys these dreary days. Then Karnatz huatleß and bustles about, And tells the boys about mustering out Then Scbwaulm, we must never forgot He sings bass in our famous quartette. Car! Winters wears a smiling sac With him 1 mus; close—no more space. A. N. W- For The Soldiers! Regulation Gauntleis Regulation Hats Officers' Hats flannel Shins Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTORS Swords and Officers' Equipments Uniforms lo Order Overcoats to Order DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 718 "Good T»(t Arrare!,* ? A Ssvasonabla ( 1 Symptom j J J m*t tear ** mm ftoM | 4M41Ml (• I ftftMOt M* (MflMftflrt itm i -rto * M v 4n#m* 9 I f *••• -i I ( ( »M« 4 l«9« f*9r*M»«4 Idtei I# I \ mm (Ni it m < M#riMl. M \ Syrup of Tar i / and Sweet Cum / f Art* ** a *pwr»h* *»d pa#a»e- / S SMIC :<v t> I • Uvs'tnaat nt \ / < i#t •>. iii-ii live rhUM f v V / ssmsi ms toa g* i' / / If Your Face / j and Hands Chap / j r## #*# fisimlst and At- f f me#' 1 < •#•»>, it t« sd» i#' N V Im T- iW( 4 flirt#. • urn # J Char# seu Issvs U» tola as C \ Moffc MV I / tsat’#. Cases vaab«.-r, toa 4 \ l »#o aitl m T .i r . C * ill# >1 . c j flier eh#'-ion— > 4 # kaisto, 4 / tmr . M* #i # to qgtc »bc- 1 I B I're- to J arrytraa* fil ed bi car ft.** | / itnaeder Dreg Cecpai. s J :<* broad at. 1 C For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White's new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties, John W. Dickey 1 A 2 Library Ba'ldiag. MUTUAL LIFF INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENTUCKY-- Absolutely ln#aot«#Ubl* Policies From pate at Issue. 1 .arrest Dividends Lowes! Premiums Voltiitors Wanted: c#U or write. 11. H. i-TEINr.K. Sperlni Agent, 41k Dyer Baildin*. EACH DAY SEES THE HERALD < i ROW S (^X-EINDAII SUN 'MON'TUE IWEDITHU BRI SAT ■sto s e 1 1» ! g^io II 12 1314 15 16|17 21 22'g3i24 'z~j"zcT gytaWzss 30,31 DECEMBER 6 Gems' Trawling Cases I A pjftp **f 9M»a. ftfttitilMßftft *-♦«»« I'iwg fttoNlMft ' » MM# ftPM MMaft ito#?* * 4ft aft • #4 «si amm • «p fia as* •* fttfrid (M M 41 MMIMiIJ.P San* Coilar and Cuff Boxts * ***** ******* IMt • IftiftiMMlMM MNmMPM mmm*** I t» M OUTCLASS BOTTLES ft# |ft4'«9«MM4 •# i4s« #9MI ftlftMlft -ft e#®» ftMMft (ftftMft* fd# fft •. Mto- Mifftl M «sftMf 4 1M94 ft tw##ft«l% JEWEL CASES ft I toto *0 «* i i* ft*#*! ( *iM to*<ft I#l (Rffrdft ftfliMrto ift» ««Nft#ft tot ftft t, A utkt'S IXK l*>B,#aatos 50 and 75c ATOMIZERS I «hi4i4 * toft i* #<Hto mt (• Hft *«i I (tots* I totok |ft««ft Mft MM ftfttor r-ft Ll. Gardella. Druggist. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 71l St . Aartdt. fito •tvft nut ra rcm *n *** • <• tagttf, #r»n>> It* yi»»n>»» a'aim— MMI «t Affc* ft* jrr* tHii'l Umo «»t Ml M Im» vfctk fN v«% FRFE OF CHAfiuE —— «mtn k »om— COAL and WOOD rKUM THE North August* Co*l k Supply C* (£«*•*> tit? tr-«l V—ttty <4 r w SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT |MI ‘Phot* SM* swri.»*«r *• Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Cali and see how cheap we cat* ! supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Slater, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMimOM kiKIUHANTa. BC3 Feyßdis st^TelEiihone^*"* J mu. 1.,,rc »it« I.i«ed (o New Yur* Chletfo uh] New OriMU. Order* executed over our wire* fo* Cotton. Stock*, Bond*. Grain and Pro. ; vial one lor cueb or on marglne. Local •e< untie* bought and »ol<l. Rrftrawe i —National Exchange Bank of Aujiutk or Mercantile Aaencte*. FOK SALE." Number St Telfair street—Four room house— l.o l 40x180 feet. Ten acre* of land on the Sand Hillw, near Hotel 808-Alr. Dwelling of 11 rooms, stable, bam and servant house. Wl» sell at a aaerlflw. Three small houses and lots on Sand Hilts Will sell separately or all, at a bat (tain. 87 Acres of land near Wrixhtsbopu road, one mile above city * new water basins. 60 acres of land near Minpdffeville road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. rtJJBJZ&T! FWI beg to notify my friends and ro-tuniers that I have add :d another chair to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, end I hope to accommodate my customera without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATH 9. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 * 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.