The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 05, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY It ft ft— tfftft He MflßflAffk % Hi ' —ift— #1 1 Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUiTA, OftOftOt A hdmji BftiftßftMi ss, **•#- PAID 19* kAtff At* ••*••• •*■**•* - - ftftMMftftft— —- * * « TTI 9»MI • ft***# &m*l ft Wmhmm W ftf*» l—. #«imm p * m*• ft* *4■« V' #Sm PnHMPf wftft * | —p«i«mS— Imp# ***** *»•» ftftfftr T#<%4ftft Aftfl fTff IftMUA—9M9 #m*#« h* *#ft#f Ml <#■* <p«A*»ii gwsffiiM *“ 4feygjft#«dtft* ftftptft t taft##*#*#* •a*### 4# . * i. fpn mi* i •it* ipt* hh ■•■■■ OR. HkNMV J. CODIN. ifcp—wriK ****4*9*o f>P« fAltnri Aft# MftMMMMIb H# •■»»«*(„ *#* |nf ftft### ftl##***** iS OIN—l Nt tinPlU ****#• T«nM Cii« Sift §*,*•* A t— *Pft#i MM# off #ks >s#•-*■'■ * <Aiftiijft### #ff (Qlfpfli ti»»pA r a Him m r tftftflMNftl ftft# ftftft##* iodit §#*##%••## tft# •**Mf > *f)4IMf ftfttaNl It til# t*ftft—(**» *"t sgftr* * 1 «tft 1 ' 4 #MMft MI fttftuft IftftftftMffftl*. Hf • * * * ' ■ ; * * ft# ftMMMftft ftft# t ttfuj ft ftft# ftrfftflfc ftft# HI |4*ftt *ft4 rM# nft t#*Mi #<9ftt t—J—- Mm MI mI tV mI i#«Ai: it | i<t> #*#•##»■ ft m «|»» fwm ft •**«»# •**# l«H#f Art* #• ft o it*t Joist III# twrWM. Afcmn. O Prr I.—TH# Aknit Hiini n nnilV k|t iSftOißrfft (hit K iill B . s<r , fkW * j| cit tilt rplip tt.ji g# tlblfVAt AlSQfftttOftfft, It It iftfti IRfltntf ftltftftlftt I# „, 1f bf (b » poUrrr itNHrrs* (a farm • combination. F W. KnrkwwSL of this 1117. *• •*#*■»*■• ,ks rt'*l - LaCripp** and Influ enza u«»«* CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. Payton (Inner lalla. Payton. 0.. Drt. I.—John A. Wag nltx of the gmear? firm of WagntU * RaMac. baa brought null for d*«aolntlon of partnership aad (hr apTointaieat of a receiver. Tha concern. ft la alleged. <ll4 a losing business. Soma 1-aJlaa' Eaatiea are few hut all enjoy carrying a pret . The Augusta Novelty more baa a beautiful aaaorimeot at petnuar price*. New Maple. New Orleana and Geor gia Hyrupt received at A Co.’a. CHRISTMAS GOODS: 1 pimp Makr your Selection CMATELAIN 1 IMPORTED II Now twfore the stock O WATCHES 1 FAN S dl ,s P eked over and #1 NEW 1 EXCLUSIVE Q have them laid aside <> AN!) 1 DESIGNS until wanted PHETTY , OUR STOCK OF J LADIES’ | 1 DIAMONDS-JUST 2 FINE I LET us show you <» umbrellas— -1 WHAT WE CAN DO A NOTHING NICER ’ We Have Three First Class Engravers, No Delay 445W5 >4444444444440444 Fine Gold Jewelry SILVER NOVELTIES O SANTA CLAUS All the latest style* LARGEST A HEADQUARTERS wrought from the at STOCK jl FOR Finest GOLD VIN THE SOUTH 9 XIAS CJOODS Avoid the Rush —Make Your Selections Now If you don’t know what to buy we will help you. 1 Rlncrs For TT Our stock Brooches 2 Reliable i Ladies, ai >d Pins is x G° oc * s Gentlemen, *5» handsomest that has At Children, #i ever been seen «Q» Lowest Babys in the cty Price 3 WM. SCHWEIGERT & CO. ' JEWELERS. kanagM ta mi • gba* gta* ■ I cw *. ft ImM Ct IMu ft ftf - (ft #«*-.*# IlNftl Ml AMMNMI fc»#ft fA ViOft A#M f t»sHl # MMlTit iftmwtf ft tk **m% I^WMlftf ’m% *lt H« i%Ai'Pf iwH’IM. H# HMft t* III# Aftfc* MHI I ft# lAM 'ft lAt |#M| fMt« 4NAI fNHft »* !•'•“• ft#t A JP A I (AI V I t|4M» tAffkiNl A If ft MMtiWI IMMM DU #I|NNN - :. a tip MRPHftM ft "* ? it It ft Aft «• *♦*■* *'♦ ftfiiiift Haft'# !%*%"## fftwift TW ftftffftpi iftp |gpMii% Mt (Mi ftMtftiNft «ft Mm !■#• *tft | A# flpwCftMftl fttftft • **l. M 4 ft# ■ ftft ftliMMftlil* fPftftPftftftftft - fttlft# Ak til* (•ft# ftl #•«# (M 4 ftft' IM*«•#*% Tv A«i Aftftr * A-# * fwtp# fttMMk AN* j i «tft. jJft’Mftft—’fl ft Iftiilil Hoad I (Mb Mao«Po4. ftpttftftftM4 OU flftt V'-'-T'fcft •ftkftt'tift pT. pPAft DMHMnC 111 llMllll ftl (ftft *ft* ntmmff IWAftt ft** ftftftft I4*nlftft4 «ft jii«ihft tvf i-fti# ftMjfi ft'ftft ftft* i . a Tnirft 11 fftftfi tfH ml bar M aa Itunale tb««» tor twealy 2m" ta i' A Old m ibe bead May G« to Mamla. Colnathu* 0.. pao, k Ural Grab- Aaj toomlog received a letter fr..m reliable aooreea at Waabington e *a<ey |||. (Bfi rmalloa that tba regtßreot woald ha traaeferred tu Manila trlikll Ton ran get a fine eott cheap foe ruk jat e J. Henry A Co.'s, tl< and Ml Ml!thorn Mock 1# Toledo. O. Ilec. I—A block of Mill- Imra Wagon company a< nk rraa sold today at pnhllc ancrlon at Tl, tbe h ab jM t price hr i# point* paid for this *iock In year*. W MAT IS SHILOH? A grand old remedy for Cough. Crdda iiftd Conii)m(»th>ife, u*n! tlimuch tN »otid far hftlf ft fftntiiry. hii curt# * inimmtrtbir rat#* of Im liimt rod »oti p(Ni iiul rtllirvcd many In tdunf* #>} ptAfft. if fuu trt not siiitfltd with thft refttilla wt will refund your monry. Frit* "S eta.. M eta. and 11.00. ft*ld by | Httftiiftr*. T. A. Buxton. Anderaon*a I>ru* fttura. Aifiander 1 * Dnift Itort, WMt Bnd *Phanriac|r. Th*> Kin® Phar macy; Bctailera, Davenport A Phini if. THU AUOUSTA BIfiBALD. ORDER OF ELIS HOLD SERVICES ait) fMafk Tfti Akin ft ffVftfVftfc tgeanaek# t *»#»iaaa gi Mb* A»ar*a % aftftft+Aa* i •ftft fftftftftftM IWP ftftaaafta# aa fftftftA(*ft#d fta# afttaftpa aftß* | aNa i ft* Mu HUM ft; J* Aft in- M a#-M *ffo ftiMl Mft» CwaftfM ftNftft ftft* [ wiHftaftft M ftft Hft* ftftifift nMwftai tw fttafrur OaPaiPT ftftd IJ I j ftaiM til i ft pmtadi aa#* ftftaMftftftMa® Aftaafti t'H*< *flfti ftnfta aa* tft# | ftUftftiaai aa tfta A»t tu Hmt va#aaa tal J aAArvaa if Mr, W. ft., Mitaaaa Mr. Htiaat ftniilai tart tltfti ftHMlo »M a . a .Mb tk. y r | yjf aatffli aad VrftHf. lAmw a»a la tft* m+m tftai tmyft ftft# fMta IHa ftfctrft Vila ftaft* He. AM ftr*t ' \! Ifta MM hoar Wat ilka Aftftftftift Mllia vara p»(Bg trttorte IP the »«Bagy of 4s. IHilai ftrwiftata. avary VaAca of I fta ia Ifta ftarl Mara ftftflftl » tifta trftorta 1 1 0 || n +rmi Tft la «aa ritol aa li)Mini> • - ..j |. # tft# ocflar '* 4* },» t t+mt fit atpaada# |U.M » cftarHy Hi ifta • At a! #» Tftr nfdff fta# stilt IMr laipirUftt armi. stat vftftt •• vftlrft arcrary vai Mated aa# ra* q«|i«d «fti In maid io tftr #tapoal* I Unt of Ha rftartty. Tfta mettber nV» dleeloen* to the pnhllc th. same of a brother or latereal that baa become I the bepeftetary of tbe charity of the Rika Is etgelled from tbe order Char j tty Without nstenlatloc a nee of the I order's mottoes It la built on charity. Justice, fidelity and brotherly lov*. I Mr. Hlsaob's address threw new light i oa the order to Augustan* It la true that maay here have regarded tha or der aa a lot of Jolly good fellow, who were baaded together for a good time The beautiful aerates yesterday In commemoration of the departed bro ther*. the fact that every lodge In tmerlca tru holding b like service at , the same time, the fart that It had ae jcretly given a fortune la charity In lone year without letting it be known I to whom it »a* given these facta I have endeared the order to many who heretofore have not understood. The devotion of Klk to Rlk la knoara In : the larger cities The order Is ■ strictly American la all characteristics. ! |t is now presented to Augusta, In Mr. Illison's memorial address. In n new light. Tribute to the Pead. Henry C. Hammond, c*q . an Klk. made the oration In memory of the de- I parted brothers who have pasted j away during the year Messrs. Jno. B. Reynolds, J. L. Hnsa, Ghss. B. Heavls and William B. Scott He ! .poke of each: of the love and esteem In which he was held of Mr. Hum, the man who lived among and loved hit sweet flowers, which occupation had made the deceased more tender of heart, jnore tranquil of character and more appreciative of purity; of John Reynolds, the business man and loyal clttsen, who met with death In his | young and promising manhood; of Will Scott, the smiling and big-heart ed friend, too a young business man, and a loyal clttsen: of Charles B. Rea vls. who came to us a stranger, quickly won our confidence and es teem, throwing himself with Inborn enthusiasm nto enterprson inaugura ted by AugusUl In the Interest of the city's advancement. To each he paid high tribute. He pointed out the certainty of death and pleaded that such a life hf* J p<l that woul(l not make the Grim Reaper a terror when be came. At times the gifted young gentleman became pa thetic in beautiful periods. He mov ed his hearers at will, ewayed them as he wished. The address was Impromptu. It was sincere in utterance, earnestly and feelingly delivered. His tribute to each of his dead comrades was a word picture. His brief dissertation on the certainty of death was in words that left their Impress. The address was a soulful one, a bappy one and an excellent one. It will long be remembered for Its pathos and elo quence. The exercises were very Impressive. That which was added to the arranged program was the recitation by W. J. Cole, a visiting Elk, ‘‘The Thanatop sls.”' The recitation was artistic and waa well received. SICK HEADACHES, The curse of overworked womankind are quickly and surely cured by Karl’s Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri fier and tissue builder. Money refuell ed if not satisfactory. Price 25 ets. and 50 cts. Sold by—Retailers. T. A. Bux ton Andeison’s Drug Store, Alexand- Drug Store. West End Pharmacy. The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers, Day .-nfort & Phinlzy* i A PAGE PKOM pni.lCt* DOCKET ' f ft* ftAftfti VftwMfc#ft# «#* m ftft* ft* iIM i i -Trtirf* ft# ifta# ftNfftfttafcflft iftHft j I ft| ■ ♦#A ft lift mm ft ; (dIiAM ftftift* IftftMß ftftft ftftMft ftftft i w . 9%# ft Mftftft* 1 # Hftft tftcxAMHWii ftsftpp# M#ft*M •*■ ■ ft Mft ftft ftftftft ftft# ill MUM f f ftpfti »«» ftft tftft **Hftft. A pßrlNfi** g l>)ir j tft# (1-pTfi ftf tft# iftftMtf. {«■##<**! no# I ft# ftFftVM ftftft (ft* M a ’‘ *» . !*#•* Iftllvf !#*••# ft ftftt#? fttfftl#*## m tft# MvftAftfttg It (■##* ft ftft# ft# (pft «# (rffttt #ft.f# <*• Ift# •*. Mr fttwl # MU ttMft ####' Ml tft# H(f vftVMft ftft ft i t>{ Aftd’to I ** t*l t ftf (MMftftPf liwtfti fm • Mr# lift# (Tft## ftf A# fftftt'ftp# ftftfi ft ftftTlftt | lift tuft oft ftt» ft#* It lt» Iftt# ft toiMI j tftl# of h* m ft# ftft# ftift*"*# tft# ftfoft#- ; piM U| rft tft# VftfUf'M Aft# ftft# fttft* | ft#tf#li ftii#9# ft# #l# |#ft#ft ft M%#ft j Id# «4Ak*f ftftn ftmiiowl |ft« ftftrft r# At roftft Ift# r#«B#«ift#t## tft#* ] (dap )bf (A’ 1 *V Tift (dC !* ’M> fH , j id# fr—#( |||j ft## yiftttf## Vftftt ft# i y . mmh oft (ft# ftlftftt He «t«rie4 to '•< aad palled a Ad- | ty a aor<wi<l thoaght eirwk h.» aad ha ! aaMk -t ittir t raat give op that dnltar. m I wIB taka thaw Iwo day* la Jail. , It* (U allowed ta taka hie tfcoke. Moaeley Waa Ohaflaaia Alas Mnewiry acted very Rtadly oa Saturday night. He had l*-va draok tthat ha admitat. «* Olbaoa aal I that he had taken M.-ae'ey la tow and aa they were tra tha way to tha bar raaka. Moaelay aaked to be attowed to atop at home a moment and nay a few wordn to hie family. Whc hr get in the bona, he rrfuecd to laavv aad ao with the oAtecr. Then It waa naceeeary for the ofll carto hit Moaaiey with hta Huh. Today Moseley wears a bandage on bin head and was Ined P. 04 Insane Ijtrgnage Jessie Millar and Rachel Green are colored. They violated No. too Satur day night. They aald that certain wo nwn bad uae-d “insane language" to wards them. The two who had used the above language were Belle Turner and Unto Patterson. The qunrteete wns fhted. I,aura atid Belle. | Jcaale and Rachel, It. A Rail, but No Police.— Rufus Neal gave a ball Saturday night and there was a “hot time In that particular section cf the old Iwon that night.” The hall was s merry event. An officer reported Rufus fur j not having a poller-man at the function and at court today the Judge asked Ru- j fus a few questions about the ball, j There was some mistake In docketing , the charge and Rufus escaped, without a fine. Soaked Well Waa He.— •’George Washington.” railed the i Judge, am) no G. W. appeared. “Where la George?" asked his honor. Policeman Spaulding looked over the dock ami picked out J. Atnip as the one referred to. He had been too drunk to give his name when arrested, bald the arresting officer and so he had been given the title of George WaHb ! iugton. “Your honor. Ii was looking for a place to stop, and—-" “You stopped In a barroom." Inter rupted the judge. “Yes, ami 1 was soaked, and —’’ “You got also soaked luflide," again said his honor. < “Well, yes. but please give me thir ty minutes to get out of town, sir." “No, sir; you are fined $2.50.” Wash Harper said he bad never al lowed an oath to escape his lips, but the evidence was "agin him;” so It was $2.50. Jessie Kendrick, 460, $2.50, Geo. Murry, 460, $2.50. Will Mitchell (alias John Wesley) —460. He was guilty “kaze he didn’t know nothin’ ’bout it," he said. $3.50. John Johnson, 460, $3.50. Arthur Jewett, larceny from the house. Bound over to the city court. CASTOR IA For Infunts and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the /I* . S/$"/?-& Signature oi TRIES 1010 10 REPORTERS | Mil Hfti Jtodl t|f NiM (If* Ip* tk a* Rh» Huaksn that tovwv* toa t m«« »w» f*| «*£## ftft« Ift### Mft fw | i'i#‘» -A * [ tft# (ftft# ift AftftMftfft fc*ft- MMift ftft* *(• ; Ift iftrftw liftA *t(# ft If ift* ft#*.. ftflftMm ! , ftftftfft## mss ft# I# |u«|l f ft (ftiNMl ft#*. (#* ft# AffeftftftlftA ftft# M# **fc| #ftftft ift Avnftft#ift Iftfti ft# 1 ft##!# fftffttft ftofta# HI ft ftftftft (ft ft I-# | Tft## ftft## ftft##ft «#*ft #fft#f Pft* ftftftMl* Til## ft#t# MUftft ftf f ftft Vi# VftlftfV# Ift I ft Aftdwsliftft ftft ( *ft|»Ml #«r#HU ftftt m 1 Iftfti ft# f««# ftnV ft### oft ftlft f*#t | j #r Ii if ft ft# ftft# tft ftl* UMftftWK M#wi* I glftVtrlftg. #l# MM r»»MN ftMMll ftftft. | Tft# alarm wan fttVrft (O III# poHrft (ftftf ft« 4 t#rn est in# Tft# (lmaft#a man ■«• ftoun# flfti «n Ift# •!##«•!»(• A CVftWd bm*\ BfttlMVfti ftMfftl Mm Tft# iwrite* |ti)#f<*d him lift to laid lb# llftftft—# ##«# Iftftlr f»r tft# —#r« 1 Tft# uncto # fta luia ft— Mrttrh ram# ' lift. I *M# ftli't III# man ftltl##; Itftj aw." be explained 1 ►>* rrowd had thought that tb» prostrate man had ! been wardered. That “H wae one on the pollee ’ tbe 1 lieutenant agreed. I was Introduced lo the chief of po lice of Hamburg yesterday afternoon. "The chief" I* a colored man. and I • am told M quite an excellent detective, and la a terror to wrong doer*, i “Why have you no uniform?" waa aaked. “1 have." he replied, “but I do not wear It. When 1 put on my uniform I I can't get tu a half mile of a Hamburg n«*ffrr». “When I have an arrest to make and 1 have on tuy uniform, the flrat thing I i must do Is to go borne and take off my police clothes. ••The average Hamburg lawbreaker la a* acared <.f a uniform aa a buck rabbit Is of a bound dog.” am In luck,” said a cltlaen ye*- terday “1 believe lam the only man who won oo the Corbett -Sharkey fight.” . ; “How do you make that out. The referee declared all beta off. "Well. It was this way; My wife and I made the wager. She bet on Shar key and I took the Corbett end of the mill. The wager was a dozen of handkerchiefs. Had I lost 1 would have had to buy the handkerchiefs for i her Had I won she would have tak en a couple of dollars of my money ami would have bought the handker chiefs for me. As you say the referee declared the bet off. and I won. See?” The regulation gold digging story hus come up In Augusta. A citizen * yard has been found to have !>een dug up dining the night, evidently by per sons In quest of buried treasure. There seems to be an Impression that there Is a pile of money burled somewhere In Augusta, and now and then, In con sequence of three like dreams during three consecutive nights, someone gets to digging. A report, some years ago, that a pot of silver coin was found after digging ; In the yard of a Greene street home, has made dreams much more plentiful, j Of course there was no truth in the report, at the time. “Nigger,” they call him, John is his M. E, MACAULAY j. A. MULLARKY D. P. SULLIVAN Macaulay & Co. u avP $35 000 in Dry Goods—in fact, too much for this time of the year The balance of the month will offer Bargains in every depart ment Nobody is in any better position to sell Dry Goods so cheap. We buy for cash and each member of the firm are hustlers. The most C ° n OUR e FIrSt°AN NOUINCEM ENT-10 cases of fine Japanese China ware put on sale today. Our reputation in this line is invulnerable. In an early inspection you are wise. Macaulay & Co. We Are ! Foot T ailors *** ** Afii fwv tit much dtuntfon in taunt rmr tan m I fg(V*y jn fp fmf your Suit- lV<vf!r tatu4. (hi I nrv Shd ihouU k dJmuH ti suy u ihd old am. NO kUBBtNG NO HtNCMNC NO CRAMPING— ! Our Shod v«K 4<xK«tv«4 by brdtajr dtugnm, j MfluijttuAd by bfoMtiy wwkiww ihiy hdvd im ito* prpi el hr toms sfl over them ta styWu vdh*c «nd ttf* vied* dnd they ore worn by brdtay people- EASY ON THE PURSE EASY ON THE FEET— Wc arc famous lor the tnullirciM colWcttan and dconomkal tjuirtbuifean d only KKn Sho** u you dn bettered by buying. : pnH|- tft# (itita* "IlmM #99rft ft#lt ** Joftft ft 9 ftf tgftl t*4 Vllttftft • kid *m d# CAP |bp jgfv#» VR# §* « n.»nth t lift ftl* t*ftt ftft# [ matfcr # ,M| 9< t b#t ftll# fftfTftM ft# 9p** • • iinawg * tt« | ilg t no DMMMI - I ll* ftl #* ft— Tftft’ft tft #** ft*W H *'* •nft | vpitt ftm 10 wfH* Aftlft#* I **» tvr*«i'SMCO i»>» —-m q nr OOORS,§ASH* N oßunds v Mill Work OF EVtRY DESCRIPTION. >jujYELLOW PINE LUMBER •If*CT O R< AND SAW UIU EQUIPPED WITH UTEST IMPROVEMENTS ANC ORGANIZATION thorough in EVERY department. U lii TUIIUNE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED jMM —**- prices, catalogues etc,upon application. Perkins Manufacturing Co Augusta Th. | | . JACK FROST HAS SALUTED US! Are you well prepared? No. Then hasten. Mr. Fardy, or grim rheumatics will claim you. How about the Suit, or Overcoat, or Under wear or Hat. How about it we ask ? Whatever your fancy or your income justifies is here. Conservative men. and young men, men of rare good taste, and men who just care to be neatly and solidly dressed will find upon our counters beautiful varieties at very satis factory prices. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co % TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA pgCffMftftH n ««mI i« ift# Dm»ft###t tft# !• ift# —try* I III# Ikf * w std • ftl 1 # Ift# Mft ell# l*£ftfftdPV f I'# ft*tlK ftft# ftft* IftUHftlT ftftt IftftAft 1 Hit# ft ftftft #si#D ttapfil •###(#•. ftftt tltfti *'< »(• do fiftftt#** t#Hft i«*ftft Ahwftt »#**»** MU# ppftpft gftlfttftft FftVtr ppr-ftftwl lift# pAftCft# Ift tilt differ* #ftl fftftifft^iMfta PtoiVtA 111 Ift* ( fte#t • ftrf* ft |m r#o9l tail • >aM |#fthi air ft t >• mkAt y pftftft# #»#ta A ft**## off Ift— ita«n»ei*ff tftl rftftmft* I—*# Pftlft Ham# aM • ||fn «ill >«frvm|»| |y **fi*V* tft* pdib #fb# I<oVd'Ot tft# (fir*'#*«#»*# fttlftrlß »f (ftftift* | . Till* «#m* tr##im*nl will #ftf# ft * |n ft f« » h>Mt* Mff ft? Al* n«n4(f Draft ft**# ft*## C* . C- H- PftfP Of ttrli T*»W*' ■ latte Oft. C. B. Allen 830 BROAD STREET. I SELL THE OLD RELIABLE Mir M She. HEATING STOVES of All KINDS