The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 06, 1898, Image 2

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TUMDAV Ith R | Where’s He Gains? To CM » COT. m ft llftium, m K*;W l liim) ItatnuMai f. |A. &«ctn HW »• #ll.OO U, | A Drit« (.00 (• 1(100 Daftifiit* ?95 ft ton ftlur* 17J *• 74.00 Vtftiift* *Or to 144 9ft »i«* I.o* to ».00 kt+iims Wt »• M 4 4*.. 4c. 4c-. 4c. EieryiliDg ii Music Thomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, August a. Caorgia* A PAOE PROM POLICE DOCKET It m< Ml* (I*>W »•»<* ’**"**' * !■*»•* * at IN* fwirt of tM ***.„,(., mii nuirtilM Hl* H«#or j v ,le t li«i i«f mmu abawrt •(■nwh at *lla»U CV»»i»*»*. p',r had t*»g there before. In fa<*« aervral ftm** It *«» • violation of the ewih an< i • fine of ft »*• Impoeed .*» Lfcriia Moore IWlm n another one who eotnta to Ihe tribunal otrite often. fl» had made her e-:f at*vt tour I eat mam nhen officer 1 V!..1 »k»l her to !•» to her home. sff. Oaiveff natd that Della had l*eti Htyltu and hlaaltta *oldl**r*, hut thi* IVIIS Indignantly denied She »aa fined *V. , A 1. Walter It hnaon * (hat Weldon. waiter had atniek rhnrley with a l<tj(h and Charlejr had repeated the ferformaam on Walter. Boilt are eol ,• -d and about a dofc-n year* of a«e, tl able *e. _ , Mt Henry Head and Mr. W. T. Hal* I«a*n a ere reported for violating No. Head rani that Kaitlaoa had railed hint a hum and pad refoaed to anolo* Ktao. He had then ntrueh him. Raill* *,> n bee been under treatment of the do, tjr el nee the occurrence, Cana war dlemleeeO. Mary Paacall appeared and elated that she named to *er If iher# a a* nol aome la w to Htdae her husband. Oeorae Paarnll. to treat her right. Oeorae did not ahow up at oourt and Mary de rided that the d«*e could he dl*ml*«ed. hut the rourt differed with her In Ihta ra#t>er I _ _ _ „ Hi* mere against Mr. hen Rrutlr alld Mr. (le>r|t ffalnea. churned with Milling liquor on Hunday. will ooW# to trial Ttiuraday. Kill* Reaver haa been reported Tor larceny front the houee nnd mao for having a weapon concealed on hla per son To Core n Cold In One Dny Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablet*. All drugglata refund the money If It fall* to cur*. nc. The genuine hn« L. H. Q. on each tablet. ANNUAL convocation Of R. A. n.’a at Chapter Room To night The annual convocation of Chapter No. 5 ft. A. M.. tvlll be held at Chap ter room. Maaunlc Imll. at S o’clock to night. , An election of offloeta Will he held. All member* amort a the military at the < amp ar« Invited to he preaent nt ttle meet tag COSKERY & HUNTER. LADIES’JACKETS AND CAPES. This week we offer our entire stock of Ladies’fine Jackets and Capes at cost and less that cost, $ 1 2-50, $15.00. $16.60. $lB 50 values $9.98 each. 200 Misses’ and Child ren's Jackets and Reefers on center counter from $1.50 to $3.98, Silk and Satin lined. COSKERY & HUNTER. The Rev. Mr. Jones, chaplain of the Eighth Pennsylvania regiment, preach ed a most acceptable sermon for the Rev. Mr. Sydnor, in the Second Pres byterian church, last Sunday even ing.’ . v ■JUS* UMUWMMgPIMMHI*' r'tVJ - You can raise your awn asparagus now In one Season by getting t wo-year old roots from Alexander Seed Co.. «s! Broad. MR. RICE WANTED TO SOUND COUNCIL ■ %«gH l !••• Tifti t*aM 14 Ei' ywaftiftt 4f Optoto*. th* fi*«i ftOftwr V—hm lift Ml C awwaft UH Ml Ml. 1? !►#♦« 4RMRBB9 4# twa I «hi» ||4H(9&4%#*# Wv 4t#p{% IB 9B fIIBR N Ii 49ft#* f»»T 4? * ii m iiwiiii i i <4 NM9 Wwtfm WlMf :|M BBmbIB ft* §»«•«« »l<W|it •* tfc# ' <k-« **>*#•* •«toM| |NN#f499 #**4 III# • Wfll ffcggH# 4*4#* to »#«*♦ lift# 4tfPt* 888 Bf r*ftw>BCi B 4*ml •BhNHNI •94#?' BM9 fBfBB# lIWI ffißßl | T%* #*v4BBMBBII9B l #f’ IhBB Btßßf® fto* [ *#4 ««m| fin* rffujuit MtypfNPfl of #W9rt9MI | J44* Iff 4* • rPBjBf BBfitlfß •#* B#l* ail #4 lift 9m til# ten s***&*+> BB 4MM9 BtOfti t |al |f9» 4P4ftf% fcf N fVB9" , raw t oil I turluA* l» iIMK ap«r*ftn»- - f Jußa 9%# dffif 99919*% itiwWl tn 880 l |R «« MM #■'•ll# %r «*• ***** •"* s dtffiMi Bom im— l ; JM# ***** »ftfw WMrft to •»* ft*** ftr <M(Nra#4 hf rttft to* Wb«4l tola firoto | utoVt b liHftpC- If H b laelaftsA '•Mm# «m» that to SoW ft««* h» ft*W to!*? wilt ft* to <*•!>•»( tola* TMto brought oft toi rity roftftrtt teat jalghi a*-*. ot ..MHHiI a wwftMft tar • *buw at , Bern# bf #ijr mmst. wbmHt tf# I tMMI «f MM* fMMIHAM4F *** !••*«* I atfls 114 MtotlWßof t* ,f BUriißf •mM taror ik* work <V»«* to «* tflrt, Tk« PrnrwedlHga. I Mr Pklalty. of (kv ft**nH<> had of f*fad a rtanWlN bearing on tk* **-#»• ■ *n«er work Tkk* reaolmi.-o did not • hang* Ik* exUilag tow. Mr Rlc* of fered aa oral aatwtUat* tar Ik* rroola ‘ tlon ptaetag Ik* #***«•*»* work under *tk* •< mnii>»io«*r to h* dot** by day iakor. Tkls anhatilwt* aff*e**d tk* **- iettog tow. To aeewaipllak tk* end da- I ailed to Ik* substitute an ordinance necaaaary. Mr. ftlr* iher*’upen naked tar a sounding vote. The vota would have BO *9**' It would arena*■ , ll,h BO legislation It would merely make record aa to how rock council man present Mood an townrd potting out the work at Ewtnct or putting It nut at day labor. Mr Phlulay, who had larodocw! th* ' rauoluMon. waa parfaetly willing then and U»*r# or at any time recording hla position oa contract work: waa willing and glad to have an a*pr**alon "I rm willing nt nil tlmro to »how where I stand on contract work. L*t’a *>»»• tka axpreaston of rottnftH. I am a con tract man and am ready to put It on infoM inv tlnH* Mayor WaUh explained that. In hla i pinion, anch a voi* for the mere pur poM of securing an expression, could only be had when unanimous consent «Y|« (iV4D. Mr. Carter of th* Fourth—"! object." Tbta precluded the expreaalon of rpinion Mr Rle* aotight to prreur*. Mr Carter objected to th# rote, he utatrai. because It waa not germaln to the resolution under consideration, and heraua* It tould aaootnpllah no legisla tion and waa not tatendrd to accom plish legislation. Mr. PhlnUy’a Resolutions. Mr. Phlnlxy'a resolution, which wan adopted, was quit* Important. Under It there are to be two m avenger*. One ; la to hav# charge of the work .« the First, Bucotid and Third wal'd*. The other I* to hare charge of the work In the Fourth and Fifth ward*. Bach la to he under IS,OOO bond. One scavenger shall have no Interest In the work of the other, directly or Indirectly. The reuolutlon aa passed Is: "Unsolved, That from and after Jan uary J, lIWS. the city of Augusta shall be divided Into two scavenger dlsti Icta. "District No. t shall embrace the en tire limits of the First, Second nnd Third wards. • No person shall he awarded the acav enger contract for more than one dis trict: nor shall the scavenger contrac tor of one district be directly or indi rectly interested In the scavenger con tract In the other district. • Should council tinrt that this rule has iH-cn violated. It shall tw sufficient cause for forfeiting said contract. "KceolVert, That the bond of each scavenger contractor shall he $3,000, Resolved. That with the above rnod -1 Iftcattons, the upeelfleatlons of the ex isting scavenger contract shall he ! adopted for the scavenger service from ! January J, 1W». for the following three years. ■ Resolved, That invitations for bids Tor scavenger service under the specifi cations above outlined shall be duly advertised and the bidders put upon notice that every article In the specifi cations of the scavenger contract tvlll he rigidly enforced, nnd that In no I event shnlt the low price paid for the i service be considered any excuse for 1 the scavenger contractor neglecting to | faithfully operate the contract aceoid ing to specifications.” Mr. i’hitihey said, In 'lntroducing hia resolution, that the scavenger service, ns II now existed, was very inefficient ;vnd very unsatisfactory. He favored two districts because the town was too large as one district, in his opinion— so large that one scavenger could not give it i,ho proper attention —the atten tion of following the carts, etc. He thought the division or districts sug gestion in the resolution about an equal of the city in two parts for service like this. It had been related to him that the recorder did cot sdfßctantly flue the scavenger whee-eurrai-gned. —He did not know anything about that It had been ho id hv some that the city paid too small » price for its (wav JT >TJCIT3BT4f 14 mi4J4l*X4. i | ft* * to* we*** to «fc* A •**» to«WHM *» t——■*» iWHIto* *• • I m j- |gi t ft- -■ / !»*# >#*»* «mm 4 ; •*'4 (9m* ro**4Mto# i i.i<na» #■? 4 * # timoM# 9# #iM4Hft | j_jxnjßr if iF tr 11—to >if r «f W—» MM* %*** f I I —»**4 Ba MMB in* BMMBC «4 MkBPMHB r— #9 B* B9MA MBpIMBaMI <4 M*B pBOIiT m w w**4 TV iw—mi . i IM—P'Ot 11 fiffti tB fa— 1 Bf alt ■ BtßgpN* MNtBtB 4w*» B#BBfßi 1898 —I «• TW JMBOBjf ONM—iB WaN* •#——* "''B oft* ** tiftftitfti »if wPft —ft MBB** 4M * gt* ' (Tifi ttaf iftftftt ft— in «B#N« • #"» ■.■•*• a# y*f—> raising tk* bond figure*, la groking It «}{s{£ |fm( toUtr'iTlt ftf 1 f> «■# 4ft## (n (ft# •I*too#d, It ffilflit (to that lb# bUt# would b» raised Rut he was haul on n belter aerate*, a* p*rf*rt aenrir* *• |w aslhle H* im for an •rrongwaiaol under «hlfh tk* rororder con'd and would com pal the contractor to live up whst occurred to him aa th* beat plan. It tome other gentlemen had aar'hee plan, h# would wnlrotne it* pres*nt»- Th* Wwtiwls* Com** On Th* dlsruaalM became genera! and Informal. Th* part therein of Mr. Rle* ha* alr-edy been atated Being rtoqi #ft#d to do 1 10, Mr. Wingfield *>• plained th&L In hi* opinion. Ih* scav enger cent ran ahculd embrace the drala r!eanlt:g nnd the rwmovnl of the drain refeae There had been ron filet a* to dntl-a between the prenen' drain cleaning fore* *ml the present teaven gtf. Mr Garrett a ated that the aeavenger haA not romoved leuvea from hla rosl dorce se- tion of th* city, claiming It was not hla duty to do an Mr. Ixira hard atated that there waa Ilk* com plaint a# to the drain cleaning. Refuae taken from drains had been allowed to remain where put for week#. It was oxolalned that th* present scav enger did the work for 13,000 The street sweeping fost an add ttonal *2 000. Flrally. the resolution waa passed aa Introduced. For Whoonirgr Couph use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. Honey In Theresa’* Safe. Norfolk. Va., Dec. 6. The aafe from the wrecked Spanish cruiser Ma rla Teresa. Admiral Centc.tTs fiagsh n, was opened at the navy yard last weeit aud waa found to contain nothing hut money. The safe was literally packed with hays of gold and silver coin. Spanish and American. The value of the treasure found cannot he definitely atated, but It la thought It will ap proximate *7!>.000. Contrary to ex pectations. no paper of any description was found in the safe. For a long time the safe has lain In the general storehouse, hut Commodore Farquhar would nol allow It to he open until ho had communicated with the navy de partment. The opening was witnessed by mem bers of the court of Inquiry, now In seston here investigating the circum stances attending the abandonment of the Teresa off Cat island. Several of the hags containing the coin burst when removed from the safe. The sil ver coins are badly tarnished, but the gold coins need very little nibbing to show up their denomination. The money was turned over to the proper officials to he counted. The safe may he sent to the National Museum at Washington. FIFTEENTH MINNESOTA. The Boys at Camp McKenzie to Oet Xmas Boxes. St. Paul, Dec. 6.—A general meet ing of the Red Cross Aid Society aud all those Interested in the men of the Fifteenth regiment will be held at 3 o’clock this afternoon in the chamber of commerce rooms at Jackson and Third streets. The purpose of the meeting is the final closing up of the Aid Society af fairs and the discussion of the scheme for sending Christmas boxes to the Fifteenth regiment. All Interested in the Fifteenth men men are asked to be-presnt at the meeting. Place your order at once and avoid rush. Goods cheaper than ever. E J. Ueory & Co., popular priced tailors, 2t« and 21$ Campbell street. POLICE UNDER ORDERS T.from city council 1 tut tr*? M«4* 9y r«aftft« 11— •!* Eftllftft (ftft—(tolftMCfk. Mnmwmm *k* H*«* Mto Mi#k» M * tor m M Ik* Mk Ik Ik* >lm* M«n* to a* M#ft< fttwto toto»to*iwft to ilk m Itatorfttag%««*** 4N4* ♦*»—F'lmNl ttf-B IB # 9ff f—B* *1 *4*o • m*r«T o r; -B' •* *Bto *b—• * ww**v~ * ; iMft of «*# 188 B-tm f-ltfß pifii' Xi LENA T* ll* Olvm t«M k« Pro!**MT J A. Ito*ll. mcfriifiitli |jt*a k, ltjout 1— & I‘fßff BBf»* Brill MBUB to# fßfMTtXfßfcNl. Pr«f HbbVl. 9»t»« to Bbtf dtil I—4 tl« PBtb#f Mitltfo. k-pof i f IB# rSltim Ibb. Mr Drrfßßt|ti. Pafrfo. B vllfßfrr l» kw* wHB Itß jji up fM»ir I I*. WHttWfi A_ llto, r» >•*» ftniala I‘rtonr h V iptain t w » %#nv, rafnaig riwvn rfiA*. m • Mr. J. A. Hot!. nrUnilo. b (b Hnr# «rlUi tn. Mr. Jintft Rattif. 1 Rorto. (hr bmbio of (hr Mr. if w ;«i®b«. , j •Jtarwy. • loriMf of traftcly. M*. W»l* | Iff 9\ hrIBBB. Mr* Hiintol, »u *c*4 iplntitr Mr. tom** J( **r. I'rti**. tor ward, to *• Mary Rmnta I.awrear*. fp', to*. Krtoa*. it*nct>l*r of F*lH*r Mattiro. Ml** Anna toll* Aiwl'e. Mr*. 8. H. Mvrr* Nrw and mlrhjr air* bit* h**n adit *d and lb* uprra rvviaed In a numtor of way*. A deiarhirnnt fr>m ih* tnlTltary will offaH rom* of lb* **•«** and add vary inM*rtoUy to lb* rrallatk" tonuly of th* play. Rch«ar*al» will toon to rommoncrd and Ih* former anreeas will doubt I* a* to rrp*at*d. Moyer*’ and Oi.ltofa' Rttrict* l.ooa* Osr<l».ll*. lb* druaatal. haa tyt th* Chrleima* ao«-k In bulk R * O’# An* extiJK’l* <»l Vara Vloleti®. an.l Vtatoila (t„ by the <»un< .* at T 5 c« rrf» and ttt'u nfi ami Hit Ilf VkdeUe* at W **tit* ojp* X la I O 1 ■■■ "*** l "' * Tuun.>* Ornament your miiai ■wR houiw with flower* NMMtoB more ohr.'rful. **oep! yuur emllee Tnu ran anr-.i’hln-tu Ha< t*d. and othr*. tJly Rilrw., Hyackitlto. Tullna. Newton*. ' Frreala and Oxalki Bulbe, to ftjow In 1 (Kite or ala*#*#, from the Alexander fired 00., Broad *t Marita Franakl, who a* a child. «"• exhibited b» a mathematical prodlary. recently tried to commit autcld* by Jtimptn* from a Vienna bride* Into the Pamth*. Hl* power to add flsure* *'»' fnllfnK sad h- had learned no other mean* of earnlna a living. Men Who Succeed. A word It tAoff who fight th* hattt* /or hr,ad, or comfrteni*. or w,altk IHfjSfe lP M mmup l ."j, VSi *sSidi(n *v' , 'Ava ppn disease, or consumption, hut it is nil catarrh. Write to the Mediciae Company, Columbus 0.. for one of Ur. Hartmans books, and pet the truth about catarrh. You will find it a revelation. The following letter from 1. J. Lowell. Aurora, la., is a practical illuAration of the virtues of I e-ru-na. tor about s"“~.?*'* 'osv more trouble with catarrh 1 will most assuredly take l’e-ru-na. K S onb "ok that did me aargooi Pc-ni-na acted ma*gic in m/case.f I believe it is the best medicine on earth for catarrh. Mr Lowell's opinion of Po-m-na is no exception Multitudes vouch for it. Ask any druggist for » free Pe-ru-ns Almanac for the year lf?9. 5 #tom hi Mto ptow * imi «#* want —ls Btof ft*tot|nf4 lift* 4—. w|*P 9B Ike IMk* to (to ftor Hart Bin— f *t l—B pK»(M mMI •—bb BB* m t iu;»n irt.ixt * o At A*kwry rklbaCM thwrek Uwt M C B(. Tb# Rrtrf of Ulrtitßi MB (Mis Brut huiißfif irmnhlbb for Uiit e—b tot* BBtB yr—r to lb# efitiftrh *m (tnn4 4 f nf* (ftff) f. ,f| Th# fo(|c)B 188 fiffir. BMMB’ (TmlrmßO I, r I*#* r#(»r? M. I*, ftnfkff. Tvßßimrrr- W A. Oww Th# htmi4 (• rmMMd mcNVft? «f jrmtftl m**n of th# HHiftlt. • h** iHh ifitT tW B KM « NPifcl —By. 7>r alltan Heel*** told ffctir **- .put) hu. n**> nteefna and elected ttoir olteer* for th* n*«t i*na. wh *h rrrutted U In* fn ,- owln« o*e—, f« If | I elected without rppewt'h'n' Pnwldewt—J. Merry Beat Vice President tor* M. I. Sturkey Her ret ary—Jew ft. Catnptoll. Teraaurer —Mm. h, F. Padgett. Th* aoclrdy la to a prosperous eondt* tlnn and duina ftcod in th* Interest of the ehnrt;h. They will glre nn oysttr 4i*np9f it th# ptrroniif Wrtday (yw* Idl Th# pr* will p) toitafdß pujr* Isg for fh# »pw ortan. I Our pr!##— on »«(t* wIY t—n-thirdt I whit otfcrm rhirfft. K. J. BnMMT A 00., f{x>t rtfth tailors. Cl.Al.*l TOP OF MT. I LANC. Three Municipalities Engaged In a Mealed Controversy. Pari*. Ore. S.—Eurcp*- la breathless ly watching the outcome of yet an other territorial dispute In which the question of ’’effective occupation” will probably soon loom into a large quar-; r*l, n.>n-lnternatlflnal. however, though j tntcrmunicipa). The three mnnlcfpalltlea of Cham-; ounlx, l.ea Houchea and St. cdrvali are contending over the serious qne»-1 tion a* to who owns the top of Mont, Blanc. (.easing to enterprising propector* various spots at different atitude# on | Moot Blanc haa been a moat protUa bl* business. Chnmounlx having pro claimed the entire summit of the mountain within Its sphere of Influ ence, the other towns are hotly protes ting and old map* and documents are being overhauled. w demands brains; [ MNrNN U C/AI 1 Tho man with m fortiUM, who cares little for friends, is the only man whs can afford to indulge a bad temper. No one wants to employ a grumbler; no * (me wants to do business with an ill-tem pered man. An irritable man is a man with catarrh. Excited nerves inflame the mucous membrane somewhere; this Inflam mation is catarrh. Irritability is unchecked nervousness. Catarrh is expensive—few can afford it. Men with catarrh find it hard to prosper. It is calmness that succeeds. The truth about catarrh is not widely known. This is not strange. It has baffled medical science. Dr. Hartman solved it forty years ago, nnd has ever since been curing catarrh with his great prescription, Pe-ru-na, which may now be had at all druggists. Pe-m-na eradicates catarrh ab solutely; It makes healthy membranes, and healthy people by making healthy nerves. There is no other way to care catarrh. Local treatment is something more than a mistake: it. is criminal. Thousands of people have catarrh and are ignorant of it. It is called gastritis, or bronchitis, or Bright's I ffAKT ADS. trfitrti 4 fv* fS9t* TtiM BNB». TMM MUI* * —B— 9# til 4—l mt 1 #4b# B#w it«%'4j||(f (PBIB A VBl— «4| offs* i 9*41 tmi »« —* B* g—m #!—.* B—B to kIY #* tt f*# —ft*# 4*4 g- r ft gto—B4#44to * <£*#+ %*« -rtpii nu iron is f<9*m »%•# * Y'd— Bfß —MRMfeN 4®iNl B# IW9 * f - ii -- ». A — —.— gwJ— ato ' —— —ft —t • f ft’W— ———44— 7 to# M* ■ 1 4 ft-** *• ♦*• ftc*f- to# Bl—rtf j I 4i»f «ft*tofft*t* f»—l CM«—i «f tiHMf Bftß* j i ditol SITUATION WANTED HELP WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE CRI.AIt -< CftiM AT MJiCINOb ftT ron MU- PAPIER pf'b WMAP PINO pwtpeki l * CT»sap*ii >a *ky. ia* .*•1 a |»wi»d Aiftdy at Harold adtaw , Nav I roll AAtJft—MS- AHUI PARK ON* j anti* from etty ttmtta. a bargain. Ap ply W. C. 1- Be*. N» U« daefcaua ftt. Mt t CHKAP-PAPCK FOR WRAPPING purp a** I* erntt a hundred M ea. rbaage*. White paper 1 cant a pooaJ. No* 1 Special Notices. I Per Cl IMCOOTtFci roitEiaM CAFITAUm Wltx LOAN MALr A MILLION DOLLARS <n iftilty I— Auffuo'4, Ob. Trorm# 7 inf <—i For furt!i#i infonMtl— »#• tNfttf attor—y *t la—. F. J. BttUlva.*. E»., #r Mr. F. O lturum. ARMY INVE>Tl r JATION Thai’* W hat Judge Coward I.milled the Caldwell Case. Judge George H. Howard held what might be called an array Investigation this morning at 10:S0 o'clock, Juat af ter the recorder's court had ad)ourn- Owen Catdsrc!!. a colored teamster of the winter tamp, waa last afternoon arrested for violating no 4*o. city code. Owen had last night taken a drop t<>o much and went to th* house of Re*. Wftliamo. a colored pastor of Trinity church, and made himself too much at bouse. That is. be Instated on going Into the house,when the Inmates ejected; and when he had broken the door down, he went inside and raised a racket. He was arrested. Judge Howard asked Owen what po- j sit ion he held in the army, and Owen i said: "Judge. I am a teamster in the 10th Ohio. 15th Minnesota. 55th Michigan. ; and” — "You then belong to the whole ar my pretty nearly," said the judge. “Yea, sir. dat’s so.” The Judge decided that a "special war Investigation should be held af ter the session of recorder's court. The prosecutor of the case was not on hand, so the court waited on tuat personage, who showed up at 10:30 o'clock, testified as to the conduct of the "whole army” breaking in to his home last night, and went his way. Then the Judge listened to the state ment of the whole army, alias Owen Caldwell, and the latter was fined a "V.” FLEMING VS. BAILEY. Georgian Denies That tie Ha* Com bined Against the Texan. Washington. Dee. 6.—Representa tive Fleming of Georgia was quoted in the New York Journal as one of the combination which Is formed to fight .Mr. Bailey's leadership. Mr. Flem ing denies the authenticity of the statement, but acknowledges that he la committed to no one and will not com mit himself until the question comes up for final solution. The members of the Georgia delega tion are all on hand this morning. Representative Livingston 1s much improved In health. It is thought now that there will be no permanent af fection of the sight. Some Ladies’ Fancies are few. but all enjoy carrying a pret ty pocketbook. The Augusta Novelty Store has a beautiful assortment at popular prices. Baron William Rothschild has all his food cooked according to his own cook ing utensils with him wherever he goes. H. B. Alien, president of the First National Bank of Waterloo, la., has presented the city with his old borne stead, to be used for hospital purposes. DtCtMßtft 6 WILSON S IMPROVED AIR TIGHT HEATERS to # * l * | Tl’ itißia lute I Sifs i Ci $m Trrrni »*•* A**** 1 * *** CROUP CAN BK CURED AND CAN BE PREVENTED MR If M ft) ( lIfTS A fOTTt.R. MANf AM* *<*l,l* USIY BY H. H. r, A. IST 13 432 MS ill MhkKl [^ORraEß^sj ( HOFBRAU and > / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF ( j Export \ | ' Beers s ? ARE the best l I S A.-K you TUMI. f 300 SOLDIERS Great Fireworks Display Battle at SantiaßO. . . BLOWIM FP OK THE MAINE . . i On# Thousand Dollar* in rth Fifaworks I at Kee-bal Park Bae 9. 12,14. 1’ icr— 2# and 50 cent*, MANAGKU T. A. KOI RI’HER. to BRASS BAND OUT FITS Vr A PIANOS. ORGANS and I MUSICAL INSTRUHENTS. I jl* Everything New in .Jib* SHEET fIUSIC THOMAS & BARTON, Augusts, G», ; AUGUSTA itEAM CANDY FACTORY Is maklni the PRETTIEST, PUREST, WHITEST CANDIES In the market. W hen in need of Stick, Pea Nut. Broken Hxture Taffy Candies Tele phone Beii ’Phone N0.2J76. YSf dgMeXfixM ELY’S rr.TiAM EAI.M Is » positive core. i Apply inn the nostril*. It i» quickly ahnorhed. 50 l cent# at Pmeiriat? <-r by nintl ; samp;e« 10c. by mail. ELY BBOTUEKS, *4 Warren St., New York Cay., Commodore Philip has been elected a member of the Y. uns Men's Christian Association's International Committee and chairman of the sub-committee In ■ sparge of the association's work in the navy. Lord Kitchener has declined a score of invitations to write a book on his Soudan campaign, always on the ground that h» is not a writer, but a soldier, and therefore h - is not prepar. ed to write a book. ,