The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 06, 1898, Image 3

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TUESDAY * RESUME OF FOOTBALL ))•« ti« T#**» w ti* (UK l> A« WiwMII M%|| Ml MM ••»»••• Ml qrWWMk IMttwraMMi •*H M at MMMM M t Imp fIMMIMin 4rit*'4«M*9 |M«i n»4 #i*r% *f I#* fbgt*# I*%! «OMNI", ty- ngfN* f%|» b9* i*4**4 #m*# • tint •# «•#* lit *4Nm $# 4 t**ll #fftifl£ ii !%• Tn9* *#A r-- **.*’»•** tai’t %§tt l*ti#* M*- Until m*'**t4 In lit W*vA * t'*|Y*?*4* ? MU (MM fftitlft f 1 rtlHfiT in imml mi tin SMtti UmtM t»n*g ##• yifc*n Ik* i*o»4 91 I* «i | fit* ******** •***§* SNI m* w* *%M»Hy at i mat *4. #44 # fSN#* #***»•«# #f llflf fanppvttt# WfM# •**? mi, miiM# tn n#t i■'*#••'* Vlt WIItT* #?*#f fgHt## #4l #4* •#* t r(r . hr# §|| t|* Gaorgi# rrtiil* l4M# r*nr *b* Trggini*rrni* *toc4 *#*•* «ri*§ %if I# *4#H#IIMI I## *##•#* . .pin* r,9 »§» <rv#f Vl*d»tW(( Im*» •#*• fttlltt**' **?«•' ft*4 fHltf fti Ml V»f* **f*o»t|* €NM #f •!•# f#f'lMWn? w * t'uHiffl ttifiit t#NI \ *~4#f*§t« I*4 t«« #**64 |||* flior*§**• MN %* - 1 rfcflf II If. I Mk l ikiffkf *l*l §9* * , t , t# f bflbor* . ui*r S*J uy#r, it 4 Mfl I Ho## ##th L-LIIJI klf Out 0f ||§« cam** hmJI «M 9ft* n t n p«• , *1 * . . -« IVfftft •. j*-fu §||| pititiif at 4 *«« f.{| r§ Kotik ChoUm ob Thlßklf»l‘B| *4>' ora irarni BHo« iff tbi rtoord* »ii* hv th*m Prrrcii 094 AutMlfß n ivM f-fir*’ roily * tie gam* °® Th*nk*gHtng Doy. %h*r*nft North Carolina IMmllr ilfkii#tst#m4 both taama. Georgia and Virginia. *m shutting nul Vanderbilt were whitewashed tor the Caro) ins team. wuZmZsiM* M«e O,, Th«. .be W> feel Justified m putting In a counter for the ch.mpirm.i.lp with North Had Sees nee played more of lb* lefjfer college* she niichl bare won the < hamptotssbip She defeated Vander bilt 19-L which team Virgin* had bea;e op only 15-6. North Carolina beat IVr piula (M>. So. judging from thla. Re waaee would have played North Caro lina a cloae game. Under all elrrumnancea. however, we thick that the Southern rhatnplon ahlp belong# to Carolina. The Tar Heebt have played four big Southern team., defeating all of them. Sewaneo played but one large college, Vander biltiyand while .he won from It. Oeor gla and Virginia did the Mine, yet both were easy for Carolina. Of the team* comprising the S. I. O. A., however, Sewanee clearly showed her superiority. H*r eleven deserve* credit for He fine showing, especially when playing under 8. I. 0. A. rules. ASTHMA CURED AT"LAST. Dr. R. Scrtffmsn Proves His Faith In the Remedy By Oivlng it Away. Dr. Rudolph Sehlffmsnn Is a recoa nl.ed authority on the subject of throat and lung diseases, and has, during a practice of over thirty years, undoubt edly more cases of atbma snd kindred diseases than any doctor In the world. He announces thst he has at last per fected a remedy which not only Instan tly relieves the worst attacks, but hs* permanently cured thousands of so cailed "infurabl 1 cases." Dr. Schlff mann ha* perfect confidence in his remedy, snd In order to convince oth ers of Its merit* In the quickest, sur.-st way, he has arranged with the wcll knr ■■ n druggists, Howard A Wltlet Dtug Co., 812 Brhad street, to give a libera! sample package to each sufferer applying at his store next Thursday. An opportunity to test without cost a remedy so celebrated and promising so much certainly should be eagerly tpasped by every sufferce Those living in the country will be sent a free sam ple not later than December 15, by wri ting name and additss on a postcard, and Sending to Dr. R. Scblffman, 315 Rosabel st.. St Paul, Minn m.i '■■■■■"■ 1 *■ 11 a Don't neglect to sympathize with the underdog in the fight—but be sure to bet your money on the top one. OASironiA. g (3 .„ th(S The Kind You Ha>.s Always Bought 8 v" re tZxjtfZz&r v —X-MAS IS COMING —-* With what joyful anticipations we all look forward to that time, and we then verify th* adage, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” What are you going to give your fatner, mother, sister, brother, wire or sweetheart? We can help you in that selection, and take pleasure in announcing that we will have our rail Hobday line open for inspection on Thursday, Dec. 8. when you can have a selection from one of the largest j lines ever brought to Augusta. Come early for the first i nick. We wi 1 be pleased to show you around and j render you assistance in making a selection. Dont! forget the time and place. C. H, HOWARD, JR., - -90 S Broad Street.j PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! __ nr r ,«. | PRQBPKCTB FORCES US TO MAKE SACRIFICES AT ONCE*«~—- Ladies’ CAPES, and Ladies and Misses’ JACKETS Cut Down. On*-*Mrd of prlc* cut on nil 'Fancy Dr«*» Good* and Trimming*. 200 M****** and L*di**‘ J*ck*t* cut to m*k*r» co*t. , 300 Plu*h. Plain *nd Fancy *nd MlliUirv C*p«» cut to co*t of M*t*rUl. 50 B* «* waim Comfort* %\Br\ing at 4# c*nt*^, to E.d*rdown «t 53.*50. 10 Bairs of Cotton and Wool Blankat* starting at 49 cent* to SI.OO- all chaap. 200 Pair all Wool Hom#-mad«* Blankot* $3.50 to SS.OO tor best I I -4 mad*. New Fur Cap** and Collar*. Naw Laprob**. n«w Porti*r*. 1.000 Fancy Carpet Rugs from auction at 50e*nt*oni th«' dollar. f 40 yards of fin* Sea Island for sl. 20 yard* best XX Bleaching for $ l .00. I o-4 Best Heavy Sheeting I 2 1-2 c. 25c for Table Dama*k. good value for EOcenta. Cheapest placa In the city for wool Underw ear. Wool Underwear cut to 1-2 regular prico . . P. D. HORKAN & CO. . . IN AMYCIAL WAYi £,Mk A m \ m vv. ?/Tnp l h ’ K'b A Part *1 My Cr*ed. j | bold u trn*. b*vond all f*ar of doubt. 1 Thai nothin# ivtft and good will uo4 li|,"jf Oil* | That * irhat bit wondftm* tn.nd ba* piano*# «nd thought. | And «rh*t hi* woQdrmta skill and tov* har* wrought ! Will alwnya U*t In *ptt* of Hood or And «nt*r*Bl *• Hl* holy nattu i |l bold It true that death itaelf la slats, j To be the victor Haver more again; | That Ufa immortal sever can be loot. j Though dear eyea cloae and loving hands be created; Nor anything to nothingness return. While God shall live and light* In heaven burn. Our treasures here must yield to moth and rust. And w# must die and turn again to dust. But God has aald—and he will prove It j true — - "Behold, my children. I make all j things new." Through all the universe will sound ' His volee, Bidding all aouls that He has made rejoice. When from the dust there shall at last | arise All good .all precious things, beneath the skies. Army and Navv League. From the interest taken by the Ar my and Navy League, It looks as though The Herald's suggestion that a Christmas dinner will be given tho soldiers wintering here. The League la not suflleiently weal thy tn give the dinner unaided, but, at the meeting held at the Library yes terday. the greatest interest was ex pressed In the project, and was the unanimous decision of those present that such a dinner should be given, and that It should receive the recog nition of the League. An undertaking that would of course require a great many hundreds of dol lars would, il Is thought, receive the hearty co-operation of the community, and the leadership of some citizen who has at. heart the welfare of Augusta. The proposed plan, if well carried out. would be valuable as an advertising? medium for the city, as well as gra cious act of hospitality. Realizing this, and also to the fact that hardly a firm in the city has failed to profit by tbs presence of the soldiers, the merchants should be willing, even glad, to dug together and contribute toward* a fcaet for privates and noncommislored i officers, in order that, the day that should be such a happy one may not XPrB: A-TJO-TTST-A. HKHALP Titi p\*m •* MtHM4 t# th*«* *4)* tfiti* * m *■-*'h *vf so ago. Ip that a • l of *.| |)}m Tk>v* vil |tn**ti h# fliitfir | tfea rtrkxti rt|l#rtit». to k* eook*4 1 iprraa ~<l ifcema*!*** ail prffrrt’? • I *rtiling to «ns* rhttnm of ifc* mpplUm ] Another iHi port an? f **n t<■ r* of m* nr.<*« wa* Ib* di*cw..|..« of a plan I sos anpplv ng aotn* of Up sold Mrt orttti button a. rtwrt #lwit*r. w»i. *tc. A ' rotßtßltttf was ai iK*lfit*d to \ ) for irlmt prk»# tbcio rotild bo 1 obtain*-# by tb* grom. after which Mr*. ! Carroll. Uk prt'aklent. nril! appoint a rommltte* to inert at tb* boar of o»? ! of tb* HJ*i»b#r» of tb* League to malt* .th*ae tiafti) artlrlw Th* Rrealdent announced tb* ap ! pointing aa an eieetttlr* committee for \ tey, Mr*. Jarkaoo and MM* Georgia j Eat**. Tb* treasurer** report showed a ha I jane* In the treasury of |l£#.4S With Needle and Thread. With rhrioima* to near ai hand, raauy of ua are htlovi to know of somrthtag Inrtpooilvr aod yet useful which we e*n make for our young friend*. For a young girl a pretty | handkerchief-receiver may be made of a handkerchief of ordinary aite. with a pretty edge, folded over an eight Inch square made of tllk and Interlined with abeet wadding which haa been dusted with sachet powder. The hand kerchief Is folded In such a way that the four corners meet when put over the padding. The points are then turn ed hack to the edge, and small roaettca of ribbon are placed between the points to hold the edges together. Another handkerchief-case can be made of bine duck and lined with white China silk. This should be cut ten inches wide and fourteen inches long, and is also Interlined with eneet wadding dusted with saehet-pow.ler. When the edges are finished off neat ly, th" case should be folded in half and taeked Invisibly at the folded New Books at the I ibrary. The following new books and dupli cates cf old favorites have Just been received at the Library. More ner books will be ordered very shortly. A subscription to the Library would be an enjoyable and profitable Christmas present. Subscribe yourself or take ft membership for your friend. Among My Books, two volumes, by James Russell Lowell. Life and Letters of John Creenleaf Whittier, by Samuel T. Pickard. Sentimental Tommy, by .1. M. Bar rie. The School for Saints, by John Oli ver Hopbs. Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow, by Jerome K. Jerome. The People of Our Neighborhood, by Mary E. Wilkins. Hope, the Hermit, by Edna Lyall. Physiognomy Illustrated, or Nature's Revelation of Character, by Joseph Simms. M. D. Arthur Mervyn, by Charles Brockden Brown. The People of Longfellow. The Christmas Ladies' Home Jour nal prints the first of a series cf pages illustrations by W. L. Taylor, pictur ing some of the most notable peep’e of Longfellow. Minnehaha and Hia watha are given In the current issue,ll lustrating Longfellow's famous poem, ''Hiawatha.’’ No other illustrator Is so well equipped as Mr. Taylor to give form and color to Longfellow’s spen did creations. The plature in the De cember issue la remarkable Interesting end entirely satisfying and gives as surance that the series will be a really great achievement in illustration. Children’s Day at the Fair The small folks will bs alWed 'oil j sway at the Fair tomorrow, and all j wart* #1 <Ma«#*tfwi* ate being at tong*# #mr ttka rbiigren Tne bans •Mow will M tb* HU*4 f**«iira Taaiti * •»» *mta trtfl admit a»ra» atad Mb. to tbfa show and g*ve tnem a cna#ce prtte* A doll allow will also attract to cfs* 1 * rb**deeti * ti a*** admit tae*r •)uv*f»ir of tb* Pair. Hngtdr* a rbanc* ottl b* arrangrd for the cbltdren a Rr% olutloo. Rerotution who were to have held an postponed It until «*it Honda* aftr noon at 3:S# o*ctocb on account of the reecfwe at Camp McKenate »ht* as- Ola/vbfw.k comptlmcntrd Mra r*cll Corhranv tiaa l»«uvd vard* for a prcgreaalre eurbr* party In pllmvat to Mr* O!a*#bf«ok at .mo o'clock Friday. 1 Mia* Lucy nought, t* vrtitiog ftiemte in Rdgcficld. Mr*. Ch*ndlcr of Athcn* i* the «uc*t «r Mr*. Frank Harrta. Mnl . r W. Co«kcry ha* rciurncd ! from a to Atlanta. Mr*. Chamberlain ha* returned to I Atlanta, after a via It to Mrs. Kendall. Mia* Esther Oraham. daughter of Mr and Mra. Frank Graham, celebra te her sixth birthday yeeterday with a delightful children* party. Her guest* were: Miaa Annie Ro«a Jennie, and Mary Sibley, Georgia Hull. Mary Porter, Es ther and Ruth Oraham.Beasle and Patt ' line Barnes, and Master* Harper Da ' video*. Wallace and George Barn-a. and Lamar Hull. pOSKERY & HUNTER. LADIES’ JACKETS AND CAPES. This week we offer our entire stock of Ladies’fine Jackets and Capes at cost and less than cost, $ 1 2.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.50 values $9 98 each. 200 Misses’ and Child ren’s Jackets and Reefers on center counter from $1.50 to $3.98. Silk and Satin Sined. COSKERY & HUNTER Paul Cambon, the n»w French am bassador to England was In his youth devoted to the thetHrlnal*. He watt highly successful in. private perform ance*. ' v Rucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST PAIAT? In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sore*. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mono” re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. LILY OF THE VALLEY, TIGER anil AURATFM, LILY BULB? Jn*t received—Come in early and get yours—Prices ReasonaTe. ASPARAGUS ( 2-year-old ) ROQTS. 78 c»n<» tier 100—Plant now. • SWEET PEAS -8 ounce varieties. Ounce 10 ermte—4 ounces 28 cents. YHACINTHS. TI'I.JP and OTHER lll' LßS— Plant now. ONION Er j —Whit* Surer SltiD, Yellow Danvers Remember we are tb<- on’y exclu sive treed bouse in the eit.','. ALEXANDER SEED CO. e*J Broad Ktreet. Bell Telephone 5075, Al V. M. C. A ratkrl ‘Ball T»«lgM- -I Ktart Ttawra day Mgtrt. Tb* |V"n«to« tbr Ir»d*•*»*. two T I « **m*‘ at tb* T M C. A tatiigbt ; TM Hr*«rna na «wfl#*«t *f •*4 tb* lt»4i*u* M) tb*ir wilt via, ! 94* I* tb* g*fiti*m*n luir*dt»**d iMr J Ttayu* t* tb* llouatrw |t, w >»# autlianfF w b*ft tlk itlirf 4*ll v* *v*d hi* Wiuir mi !>ron * aml Drvam i *r* »t that **m* w«k*k *tn**. All ft M C As m*fub*r# wilt h* adf»Ut*d i fr** to tb* l*i tur* Tb« IfWßtoti fbfcliy | p*i»? aaara Mr. Kogt** **ti I H*uiT flrtir | '*fi y a»*id«Ht« that a !*rtur*r atarta Uut b*tt«*r *€|ul|»fr*d for hi* wor* than ' J** H Kagtr, a* waa d*fTi*ft*tra- I t*d 1 njg» ntght by hta mnvntfl**nt effort lat Turner hall. Mr. Idagl* ha« b**n Nappy tn th* priori lon of tola fablrrt. ! |<.*nfy \v Grady and tb* Botith. and iround (hit Inaptriag tb*m* h* ba* tw* ! , g*n a l*rtur* full of tnaplrlng thought n<t Ftiltotl «*rttrr*-nt It nat a vna** t<*rful word painting. d»lt%'*r*d with an I t lFfanrr of dlrtlon and a flow of *lo <iti*n<~* wMrh k*pt th* audloar* at th* \ ithMi | n g|Mii t»f inu tool for Aoorly an ?. ,ri,tki.A ntiiv hv **v*ral uut nOUr, in’inupi' 1 n »*o "J * ' I I u*at* of tornlau** at aom* of tb* toll ing oratorical rllfnax*a. Whtl* th* aub •*< t m/itt*r of Mr. Eagtr'a I*otur«* wa* inaplfinv. It wa* *kl!futly and boaurl fully handl*d. From atart to flnl*h th*r* I* not a pr» *y thought nor a dutt i |)nr in th* entlr* l*otur*. From a lit |*far>' atandpolnt It la a rhetorical g*m. r*pl*t* * Ith tv*ll rounded period* and •eloquent e||ma***.’‘ Large atoek new rataln*. all vart*tlaa < U gt received at A Co.'a. A ORfcAT IMPROVEMENT ' Thu .Situation of the Registry Olflce at Postofflce Changed. The chftiiglnK of the position of the ■•eglstry and money orncr window* at ih<» postofflce has been completed. The windows where the money orders and registry business Is transacted now | fronts towards the eastern side of tho lobby Instead of tho north. This gives much more room for the clerks In the registry and money order departments. It seem strange that when the post office was built the arrangement of tho registry and money order windows wens not placed as they are now, tho present arrangement being such an improve ment. Tho idea of having the change made originat’d with Postmaster Stallings, w'hu Is always looking for inyjrove ments at the office. Tho hour of tho opening and closing of the registry window Is changed, the window open ing at 8 Instead of 3 a. tn., and closing at 5 Instead o.” 6 p. m. This will enable the registered letters to be placed in several pouches that heretofore were missed In the mailing What Council Did Last Night. To Finance Commute, power to act— Registry Clerk Mcßeth’s petition for extra compensation. To Lamp Committee, to report back— Petition for arc light at Liberty and May avenue. Endorsed mayor's action postponing depot matter 60 days. Received as Information—Merchants petition to allow horses fed on curtain hack streets. To Finance Committee, with power to act lnvitation to Augusta to loln "League Of American Municipalities.” Petition of Hospital Board to Hospit al and Finance Committee, rower to act, asking appropriation to heat hos pital and build dead house at Ivamar hospital. To Finance Committee, with power to act —Petition of S. H. Cohen as to charges opera house police. Finance and Streets and Drains Committee, power to act—Petition open up Tatnall street. Legislation giving power to control hacks at depot ordered sought. Petition of Murphe-y & Co. for rail track to warehouse —granted Riverside Mill petition on extension of drains—granted. Petition to open first gate cemetery— refused. Received the report of the Commit tee i on Accounts ________ Georgia Cane Syrup 25c per gallon at Whitaker & McGowan’s, 1246 Broad iStreet. Strowger ’Ph<>ne 1361. Toys! Toys! The largest stock of Toys ever brought to Auguste. The pr ces are the lowest ever put upon similar goods. Do not forget my place when purchasing for the little ones. My assortment of Cakes is such that you should bear It in mind. Pound Cake, Fruit Cake and Lady Fingers aro my specialties. H. H. CLAUSBEN, 1002 Broad St. v *~ Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one, and those who are preparing for it are the people who will reap the harvest and I all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLI6H’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. MASONIC FAIR RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 10 A M. TO 12 P. M. Everything choice can be obtained that the market affords. All dishes are prepared by a celebrated chef. j A supply of Choice Oysters always on hand and served in fine style. eK ., A fine Lunch or Meal can be had at asma l cost. The ladies in charge will carefully look after all orders. Fire at iTertlns. Half of his store Is tilled with Fur nishings. Woollen Undershirts, Socks, etc., and the other half is filled with th« finest Woolens for Suits, Trousers and Over Coatings. These goods are not burnt, but if you buy them they would feel as if you were on fire, 924 Broadway, opposite Planters Hotel - 001. S. * Miles, the Nebraska pio neer and milHonafre ranch owner, who qj-a st Falls City the other dap. was a ‘cousin of General Miles. DECEMBER 6 talmas Oflerioss tit diamond*, frwimi* Kcnift and aoIKI cold J#*#lr j make th# moat imv ptabto aifta that you can choo#* for a lady. W* have a atiporb array of lac# pin*, pftidanti. fbatalaia#*. watch#*, toilet ware and noveltlea (hat will adorn beauty. and plana. Ihf mint faatid lou*. Ib men u Jrnnlfy our Jiamlsome M-arf pin* signet risen, sleeve buttons, charma and novelties aro e vqutat te. A. J. RENKL. Jeweler, 93b Broad Blr*d. PARLOR MARKET, 95 1 Broad Street. HELL 'PHONE 409. A Prime Family Roast of fleet from the rib, sirloin, filet, cross rib or standing rib wo will cut you at any time HO that it will cat tender, juicy and suc rulent. Onr stock of prime meats, poultry, K anie and venison la of the very choicest to he secured, and our stock of turkeys are fat and of rare flavor. POWELL & COMPANY. | Luetgert is now working in the chair factory at Joliet. Thin reminds us of the fact that hts wife hasn’t come to life a single time since he tv as sen tenced. Don’t doutt the man who says every thing gosa. It usually doas with him. Governor Tanner is rushing into print to explain. The governor should let explanations alone. It ia bah enough as it la.