The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 06, 1898, Image 5

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tut# Day We Are Foot Tailors *£ %< t*t And mi At mud* fi'-fitiiiffi 10 f&ut fail Aft I i ffft* mi tnurw your S#k Pw* r if.wi. ifct (MW ilkiMti bt ft* CftftY ft* (hi o*o Ml. to t ft* | ISf ft 1 f ftt," , NO HNCHIN(r NO GRAMPtNO Our Shoe* vm c««k*k*4 fcy ***** tntgrnn, ffUtmtiM C f itffd (n htf Kfhcn fnc V nivi the pit ai hfftlm ftß ovtr them (n oyW, v*kx *t%4 Mr* vteft. ftr»d they in worn By Brfttay Rtup^* EASY ON THE PURSE EASY ON THE FEET - W< «re famous for Ihr mutJ»*«n« coOectfar ftf»d . ; 4m», *--*L*ki€ji ottlv Hti'h ,Sl>*«c% ha Vdm atc bcttcfeJ by buytiMP* // // .. /* w C— OR. HkNRY J. CODIN. I|t«M. I A CORl*l>lf \TION WHICH HAS NO * AIIOK IROLTM.' S A Clipping Stni IK* Me raid Aprrf*o« of tbs Ijker I rouble* I* Awgusia. I«i) to w* **f m*n!.**«* I« ft* sto* *upr**r to (ho taUrt fore*. to •** fikfto*’* m) ty « «nd it w«# corrlod out to ttjo dot. -At *:» < n th* olcht of th* -.1 »«*** • tk« I 3« «mpl* ?•» ,h *‘ c t tb** Ofliciaif of th» company ac.<i MV(r*l other ii'A’fcn' 1 t fH, h CHRISTMAS GOODS; 1 pi wp Make your Selection J CHATELAIN IMPORTED t Now before the slock J WATCHES 1 FANS (k is p eked over and 4QI NEW » EXCLUSIVE Q have them bid asde Q AND ( 1 DESIGNS i until wanted PREnY ( OUR STOCK OF J LADIES’ \ DIAMONDS JUST *p* FINE ’ LET US SHOW YOU <» UMBRELLAS WHATV/ECANDO NOTHING NICER < We Have Three First Class Engravers, K« Delay ; l-ine Gold Jewelry *B* SH.VFR NOVELTIES & SANTA CLAUS ' wrought from tile SIO'.K Jl *"t)K ( Ernest GOLD IN THE SOUTH V XHAS GOODS ( Avoid the Rush —Make Your Salections Now; If you don’t know what to buy we will help you. 1 ( Rinos For Our stock Brooches Reliable 1 Ladies, O and Pins is tfie «g» Goods < Gentfemen, handsomest that has <Q* At ' Children, A ever been seen Babys , WM. SGKWEIGERT & CO. JEWELERS. ( ■n, fj K #r ,j y«m «i ■ ih< . ‘ 1 , i fit #*f pr»nt«» httid. A* w# have 4 nr t filfht I •*? this* firm tuui Mir- V|t It will Mintimi# thur W» |j?ann**d I v fVrittic you win pl,*«r U» I thank rer liitlr n«. #tf,. added to tb» **nj y- For LaGrippe and InfKi enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. TPU AUOtJBTA ByBAl*D. MHHMIAN Arftft A (Ns 1 rftM HfciA lan* H A (MMk «§l..«f ft* #4 #*•*% fH -ftftft l.fliuii ftft4 ftVft ’ <wm.ii ■»«— ii i.iiilii 1 (jihll tNNM* ftwftftl ftftkftP 111 i tip* nftmij lima fftfljlfli 4 imta «H|a tA* f haftlfd a ilk the a*»fd»T <m Ah fatov* kftofi few hunt let acef o rtutii* n had narrow ears pea at tha i * j rftielrai Of* In* %!»• rlrn* ■ I tW4rot«. Mich.. Dae. C- There vm a mi rr *np of nrttiiif e%*ci*a attevuHna a Are at Brut her A Co.‘a art atom. SI Farrnr fttrewL at IS JO o'rloek ysntsr {(iy xbf*** mm were lujumf. oof l<*rh*ps faialtr. Tttc Isjurwl ar*: William r. Kcnohr. rarrtr. It jraar* old. of 41 I’rwfiHi *tr*rt. nnmarrtod Badly b.irn«l about lb* tor*. b**.l. t-hcal. bark and arm*: talon to St. Mar.'* bosrltal In Boyd'a ambulaar*. Hoapltal authorltl** report that he tniy rhart** Kummrrf.eld arulptor. 19 yeara old, of 310 Antletatn at met, tin - (Tarred. Rfaht lea broken between knee nnd ankle. Taken to Harper h< a |*lf *l. i Joaehlm Junawtirth, member or the Arm of Reuather ft Cd.. 4S yrar. old. marrltd. HvPa nt 14# Hnn* afreet, miia* tarh* and hair horned off and hand* badly homed Takun fd St. Mary’a ho«ll dial In Boyd'a ambulance. Saginaw. Mich., Dec. 8.— During the month of November only SSO.IHIO feet of lumber went out of Saginaw by wa ter. There waa received by wafer dur ing the month 830.000 feet of lumber. The shlpmtot* from Itay City during the month were 12.904.00 ft feet, making the total shipments for the month from the river 13,254.000 feet. The total lumber shipments from the Saginaw river from the opening of navigation to Nov. 30 were 85,323,8116 feet. The to tal lumbar shipments from the river during the seanon of 1897 were 89,137,- 51- feet. It Is likely that a few more care )es will go out yet this Henson, shipment* will exreed 300.000.000 feet, which will make the total movement abofft the same as last year. The rail ?hewing how the methods of handling | lumber on this river have changed in a few years, the water shipments in 1882 emounting to 858,317.000 feet. There was shipped from Saginaw in Novem ber 1.800 barrels of salt. Ann Arbor, Mlrh., Dec. 6.—Char es H. Duncan, one of the Klondike par ty which left this city this summer In charge of Henry M. Wallace, has sued the latter for SB,OOO. Duncan claims that he paid into the Klondike. Yukon *, Copper River Co. $1,500, and the agreement >vas that this was to cover the expenses foi* eighteen months, at. the expiration of which time he was to be issued $20,000 In stock of the com pany. His outfit cost him SSOO. When he got to Seattle he was sidetracked and the remainder of the party went jon to the gold fields without him. Alpena, Mich., Dec. fi.—When Ed '(Tillman, of Detroit, prerident of the | Turtle Dnke Hunting Club, whose camp Is in this county, came out of the j (goods yesterday he was arrested by a ! constable on the charge of hunting I deer with dogs. He was arraigned bf>- ! fore Justice Beekman, waived examln ■ atlon and gave a bond for SIOO for his appearance in the circuit court. Five local hunters were arrested yesterday for violation of the game laws. Old fashioned buckwheat flour fur safe by I.atnkln ft fk». Royal a ” AmvmvFutt M<aiu*« tin* food wufft 6rthmm* Wktl **fktifc' mmi i thf* w«H'k md irtlHct stolen ttH*re* from .The tfel«*ve« «r« g«t(iDK vet? . hold. • l*ft*t Monde? nt t mint on a colored woman. Dell* Booker, enngtkt on fire and burned m that ahe died a horrlfal* • d alb In a f*' ' nOQni. No one was ■* i .»» ai* . riiiitfht am firt* but I her >mall children, and It la unknown l how It occurred. Some of Mr. W. H. Dutch'* hand* I am into a shooting wrap* nt Witch. : flullorb county. Hai urduy night As a ' result, one was killed outright, anoth- I ir mortally wounded and a third was 1 -hot no badly that Dr. Qualtlchauin had to amputate his arm. It Is -aid that ti e unreturn d land I in l.iimpk n county amounts to hun d’< h» of acre*. A taxpayer said the other day that he knew of a gentleman ■ tvhu had owned six hundred acres In ithat county for more than ten years, j and had never paid one cent of tax on It Alpharetta Free I’tess tittle River district In this county Is an Ideal com munity. Theie Is not a pensioner In the district, and the county hu» never j been called upon to aid anyone in the | ; district. Only two or three colored | people live there and such a thing as a Justice court 1* seldom held. A candi date undertaking to buy nis way In that district would be fired from the community and "skunked." We doubt If there Is another militia district In ficorgla that will compare with Little River. The legislative committee that visi ted the University of Georgia anti State Normal school ha* returned to! Atlanta, v.hsre they will make their report to the general aaembly. Presi dent White of the State College of Aft-j rbulture and Mechanic Arts, made a brief address before the committee inj which he gave all the necessary Infor- j tnatlon regarding the needs of the In- j itltutlon. He stated that t.he univer sity asked no extra help at the hunds of the state now, as all realized the nc cesity of exercising the moat rigid economy. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Let those of Augusta’s happy fathers and mothers who rejoice in the pos session of their olive-branches, even now wondroualy and Joyously antici pating the arrival of Santa Claus, re member the worthy purposes of the Masonic Fair and thus consummate a double object In their holiday purchas ing. You can get a fine suit cheap for cash at K. J. Henrv ft Co.'s, 21(i and 218' Campbell •tryßCt. T|9S| (Mil \ Nf to to Yft l :■ §-x to t,», I wwtos MHMr < aft . (MjinlTHwri fii# INMRNpW * Aw* VMM wtwf' #Mt i f%p- a <1 If, W (Nit# Imimmml IW tHw IwiMtw #0 lift** Rft>witaii 4l*'* * mP 1* tt * f . - Ijniiikii A*giw mnl km wkfVMklMit vt. n« | , |_ m of i Fiui sl ftfi ito Nr<lit |1 I'rfti f irW, thmtrr. Mir#., flw C—Vforvr# M a, vr 0 « { ||| # rnnmty wot k!?!«*§ b? ft , f. t w. iralii mi tb# Cl. A S. W. roll* i) ttm* of It??*#. Ur %,» f,<*4 | #-ett »t Birns ond had . jH i •„ iioftN*. wrlklni on the track, when he was run down He w»* on old soldier. H- bed $4 *4l on hi* person. He h*« n brother at Kssson. and a sistrr at Ble*py Kye lJttle Fall* Mian.. Dec. ft- The nee- . canary paper* have been served by the sttt rceys for Dsn* 11. Brown, Inatltut- 'ng pr xerdlngs to ronlest the election of Sltn-n V. Brick to thk*n«c of clerk of court. Tbs o4iclal rstiTSHH of the return* a.ive Br’ck one makwßy. but la the of ficial count two precinct* were left out. which. It is claimed, would Increase Brick's majority to 46, If counted. Dine City. Minn.. Dec. ft.— H. H. Rolf* was found dead In bed ysaterday j morning. H had w- rked all the day I, 'ore »nd *vas appt:r«ntly well Sunday 'night He was 75 yearc. old. had lived tw ntft yren In Dine City and was un- , married. Winona Minn.. Dec, Negotiations are now pending for the sale of the ! Winona mannfneturlfls plant In »h.s city, one of the largest agriculture! Im plement manufacturer* In the stale to (’. W. and M. J. Thompson, of l.a CroHse The transfer will Involve a heavy consideration, a* the plant to a large one. Perhnm, Mlon., Dec. 6.—The A. O. IT. W. lodge elected oftlc rs at their j last meeting as follows: M. W., Krcd Davis; foreman, l>. R. Gorman; overseer, 11. Koenltzer; recorder. G. H. Dudley; flnaijfier, J. W. Riddel; receiver, W. C. Young; guide. John Gratzck; I. W., John Wertln; O. W., C. F. Ehrlich. Albert Lea, Minn., Dec. 6. —George O. j Carrington, president aod manager of | Ibe Albert Lea Electric Light com- , pany, has resigend both positions and i | retired from all connection with It. He Will be succeeded by E. A. Foot, who recently bought 0. G. Edwards’ stock in the company, and who thus practi cally becomes the representative of G. 1(3. Edwards to the business. New Maple, New Orleans and Geor gia Syrups received at Lamkln & Co.'s. M. E. MACAULAY J._A. MULLARKY SULLIVAN Macaulay & Co. yea V r 6 The balance SPthS’SSSh'wiMoffeHns°fn ’ ejVr'y™ depart! rnont Nobodv is in any better position to tell Dry Goods so cheap. We buy for cash and each member of the firm are hushers. 1 he most c °mDetent set of j Q cases 0 f fi ne Japanese China ware put dnslle today. Our reputation in this line is invulnerable, In j an early inspection you are wise. I Macaulay & Co. 1 MID-WINTER SALE. I Aft gftp*t» ft> iWft«M» * «aftf pMftftft Mftls Iftwft# pfiAfftll fftf-k «ft#4 ftftft ftMs A Un« of M#n*« ftlu«4dl Cftaotmtrt iuitt. 3S*4®« *1 ftB*CIO. _ . * A un* of Mon * All Woo Hi tk nod w wo ffiuiHM toikO 33*43* HI *7 “O A Mah'i fttoih tldji rwch mill* 33*43* nt ttU.oO. . A Mah’i Mack M«<kvy W#i«hi C»*y ftoe* soli* 33*43. mi Vfl.AO* _ _ ~ A M*n*» lsi»r it N«-«vy W#»«M Cloy flroMticxi Hfttk h«H. 33*42. mi SO* A SO ftMv* Iho Alkiv# * rt«l» in Boy»**nO t hiidron • Silt* at rmaorttonHl* OiffMJjHihOH H» FHcm. . A tine* of Mvn’B All Wool K«*s>•*¥ mo 4 Covort C>olh OvpiiosU. H»Mrk *n«i ftloM. 33-43, Ml 37.80. A Mn« of Mvn't Mnbum W«H«ht OvonoM**, diffif* enl «hnd«s, 4.4-42. At |H 80. . A |)im of M«n*M Fin# G*ftd« K«ne, OvercoAUi Fr white i co.. Clothing Department. n j latest <3*tb j) (faTnORS O ASH and dun Q S uu Mill Work - Us * OF CVCRV DESCRIPTION. YELLOW PINE LUMBER *• Mru ipNO «(Bi unr iwMOftufkn «* s Ct«(.AMl7&ftoN im>4KMlfiM tv (tin OtMATWINT, • ; Li LJ tFUUUHE *M STOCK ANO PDCVIPT SNIPUCNTS ASSURCO .1 —* MtaftCAtoiofttHkiTc «M*i« utoJCAnoM, Perkins Manijf*ctlipih6 Co Augusta.oft PRINCE OF INDIAoU.*W*3snst73S«S and famm*. v ig.r all mer lh# KsH. Thf: (IRANI) CHIEF winning Its way here, tbs Is* .reading Mlc ol whkh Is Ml t«ld*wcc wills superiority. ASK RI.TAII.IRS I OR it. R. c. NORREL & CO., : DISTRIBUTORS. WfliaiciWHiiM Tbat Ve Want to Get Qnt of tbe Way. (4 Cleveiands at SI2, $ 14. sls.s 17. One of these is a Ladies. 1 Gendrom at $ I 7.50. I Raycycle at $ 14. One Steam's Special at $I 8. 4 Models 40 Coiumbias at s2l. $22, $23. $24. 1 Cresant at S2O. 2 Credendas at $15.00. I Vic oria at $24. 2 Ladies’Fentons at $l 5 and S2O. I Man’s Victor at $20.) DEVENEY.HOOD&CO. BICYCLE DEPARTMENT. Boys’ Clothing-. Tailor, Vestee, Reefer and Blouse Suits; beautifully trimmed, some have a military tendency, others are decidedly nautical. $2.00 Up tO $8.50. Men’s Top Coats. Winter weight Coverts, Kerseys, Meltons. Diagonals, Cheviots, Whip cords and Worsteds. The garments old and young men are eager for. SIO OO up to $25.00. I. C. LEVY’S SON &CO., Tailor-Fit Clothiers, oeccMMft a