The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 06, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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TUESDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL ftfftil fMi 9 «*»0 NJI Art W *lMrt »* up it a%n ,Ib.i.* a TMB BBBT GBADCB Bt«#* i-•i*' «J* c# **** CJJC3 jBl XL* AwfMaeSte B»i and Mm Uj twt HMCft, »•* Mmmm • «||>|M • • N« rt min SefvfSS* CITY ICE COMPANY. .jNk i% H f' A ;UfckM* (gg»*« m| #*4 0>- WM.*NMI tlßßini gtfb 4 RUVVSR |M»f *—>lM»f •> .* ev *■ ••• 8* •* flirt -y.[t.l~r *W*4*F M M M «• Mm* f..»» ;«.*** IWIK ,• m w M M# <*• mSmtm *%u roi*>BTf»f 9*ft**£HH « We* gw*#*-*#. §*t*Bk, '*•• m>< •' *• fl»-*** fll«. •**'»• M M P ** f #***««.. AW IB»*«» m m w M AMI A EMM l"*r h«*4 «* m m m m a>» 1 • v <? ~ IMHWMI ** **** I I *•* *>**»«•«■ ■ « **•** H Lra .v* MM, *Mm rt ** L, *• laierT D**»**e tn. FlraMß grave ira**H*4* |<W*4 .. >. • <*H» ! mmmm „ » m m mm* > •. P» t* Egg* «»i»H—M M M » .• M Mart .. . .7 . .. p un rrtw-K market Rn>i •**»!. WWW • • »•*• frt-tp »»W* * Pa** Ww m m * »*• Art**'* *•*»*»•* I* «xis» mm . »-*» tentp«tt •***•*• M 4 ..*• ‘ mmm*m t# MifA »•* *1 Cfcwfftft •«#»•«« *•*.•# e* ** H*U* NAM. m IM'M li «t« m~m M. !*#*» **>•»•«» •»*#* M.. **”*» rmrt- »-* Me M M *•» rttwAW ft»T WW» • fc| a M* It B**d* tall .WWW ..«* W-|» WDTtiWana mtin k**» Wi. I» » . *•* a * , E»,k*i». toe* ka*p. O. O . |WK Am.. *1 n. IW tw. vwAgr. * *- W lAw.. n** well tw»-*y*e H A it w t**>T OOOIW Sr*w» Wi'rl.M ««** Stora-lgigm BD»*lt*« .«. 3i.| wturliwp . •* »*• Oraaitv' >''» HR R aMUBt •* •• *‘ J Ore". Seville. <l# * E *K** 4 *»* •• * ' MU ~ .. .... « m .*.. **' 0r*»w»«i"» •** ** « It J J * iWo r King W * » #Slr4l«S .. * * * IW* P. Kir* t» »«K* ■ r » .. • I * IPOOb MILK. CWrtw»m, *Ai t«* *• •►*»*. vw 4«t *t ewrlKw.ll. K r<w I" »pw-v*» Aw*. A HM*IW«W"w k*w»Aw m •• MM W I* <1 mo.uN Fruit wf Ikw AM. *A likMw .. .. A 1- Fruit of tM ltw>«. f"A Iwfcww .. .. A ’• Fri<l» tl tbw W«w • « I * iww F. Kin* T-A K rt t-htrua* .. * M Kin, p K:n* ♦-* A A .Kitlil .. * (M w * •*• Jnr, r. Km*. AA-lwrlt .. . * »-* fan F Kin*. ** 'Wb E C IwlwnA .. .. • •• •• •• •• • * *■* JW~ F Kin*. ** K*rh E* •♦* taiwnA J *’* law. F. Kir* ** »wrh Wopwrlor .. S »-♦ PRINTS. Amwrlran A4*A4.. •* .. * H Marrlrnwrli rtlrtta*.. *«»« > » < Cfcartwr Ottk 4r*« Itrlw AA**A .. I 1-1 VTaafetaiton oito (Mweyl * Allan'* * w •impwrwi'* »-« l>rrr«l** .. »> Spool rwtlo®. prr A«» « Amwrlran lndt*a blunw. *«*#« .. .. 1 I*l Slatwr Oil. tanllAl AU*4 * Aaswrtr.n InA!*o bluw* ll'll .... * t tatrro.tiwnwl blwrlt. A4*A4 .. •• * Alton's ewrAlnwl* S4*«4 .. .. .. .. * Alton'. Iwtoaa. « A, tadto blur * l 7 India blur 4 ' Enn*taii«‘. *4*« .. •• * t Martha Wa«hlr*ton M.** * *•* a.rnrr'. radiant. ***** J Charter Oak*. * *** TICKS Hampahlrr .. * *'* AmtwkM« A C A •• •• j® *'* Amoakra* A . Anfcrkra* • J J * *** FLA ID HOMESPUNS. car Min. * J'* Fou: yiid, good 12 inch * •• 4 * ♦ Lodi ahlrtintto uAxSA 1 J-* Lodi drea. «**® 3 *'* St. Clair drear 4 Oraan .olid. 3 *' 4 Manna Waahlnftow lanoion .. .. l 1-4 Ml.cellwnaou. brands, lia’bt aright 1* 1-Ss»* 1-! Isastia A yards plain .. .. I 1-* Thorndlk. * *'* Hcreulrs ‘ l ' 4 Cr*KfD! a* .. • a as .a aa •• a. I Frlbabl, M b«! l*o bo* 18 T. Q r » ball* to bo* 1* E. G. F.. halls to 1b.... .. .. IT 1-1 Muscogr. B 11-1 *T treb 4 1-1 >A. plaldr. beat make Simpson silk finish foulards «4x Paelfic .mournings *4x44 4 1-1 Chin, (ilka 84x44 4 1-4 Mlddleford 3 Ruakport •• •• ••• •• * I'* Slater 84x84 1 1-* Concord. . 3 1-4 Rome 68x40 3 1-4 Edwards 3 T" 3 Kry.tone 3 J* 3 FlfO Avenu. •• •• * *" 4 KEARSET S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearney 8 1-4 Ktneaid and other. » 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTEK. Ume 70aS3 Rotendale cement fl-4* Portland cement 11.75 to 3.25 Loulavul* cement in paper aacka ..81.00 riaetrr kt bbl. .. .. 81..8 HARDWARE. Well bucket*, per dox 13 00 Fainted bucket*, per dos 81.10 * H B B oedar palls, per dni .. .. 81.75 8 H B B cedar palle, per dox .. .. 83 00 rub* painted, per nest 81-75 Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-3 Rope. Sisal, per pound 7c Hope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Kalin, wire.. base Nalls, cut 31 - 46 b *** (tfevela. Amaa. p.r dox .. .. *llxsll- o [ Shovela, diamond, per do* .. .. 17.00 Ifchovels, riveted back, per dox. .. 14.i8 ■Flow blade* *l-1 O®** Ikaaaax. rad tap. pat dox 13.18 ■frame*, red tap root, per dox .. .. 57.60 ir* Sanaa *«n saws, fa* A-a M ' AA IS ».utota »«« fa* t*b .. •• m aA* *•4 I*MM faf >» ,* M M M»i »* Alt , It *waa sAk-aw *a* b*4| m m m m I# rt tfttla Wkasw fa* Saw mm mm# A* • to mm**.m *atta fat 14 HM , ~ isa Tattoa *a>a»aa paw das **a F** -44 88 Haaa ****##• fas *4a<a* „ «, At ASai 4* I tf*e ASkS MW. t fat *sw«s M M AA» Ear toad fa* 4W m m m m .* m .« as t"**44*W aweda fa* Aw* . .. .. m . A* •* Aaa S*a<**a 18* I f*t Aa* M m *• ** aes Saw*i*a A* A *** Aw .. .. A Aaa beaswa ■*• A fa* Aa* mm ** Asaat *•*» ststiif f*« AsA, 84*88 Wats *4k*MMk f* .#* **' fa. to . A* ItolAtoA fßa*. 4« 1* 8 M A * BS. 1, t *A *T *rr (Mvtgfxs Qaaitae* •<***• *«*A a* aAs ftimto* *4 ks l« a* W DMA** MS* 4*o*4 «**e*s* fa. ISW mmmm til m flares ft* | If* t*IA ...... 118 ... dwata I i n ts« .. m m I* ... Owrra I t lx f*w . m m » rt« «. 81toi.»f«i. A I-Ff 1*44 ....... IS ... Saw!A Cwakva* I I W.. ~ ..11l IH errt HONDA AtMfu*** F« Ms* .. ll* ... : Awftseta Aa tss* .. *. .. m*. M* ... Au***‘* A* 1M M M .. 14A ... As«aa<a * At IWA IM Aagaata Fa tsft .. .... «* .. HA *.* Atkastta Aa IM* ........ hi ... A'laat* t*f. ISO. .. m ...... MB ... A-tan'S AA HAt .......... HA ... Atlanta • bfx ISW ........ I** ... Ai »* aFs IST* mmm.. HA m* n. v«na*k Fa l*W .. H « 111 ..* Aarastodb Fa IHI HI Riwne Ia t*tt .. *IS ». (Viaakw Aa IMA .. .. .. »U ... roiuwtba* 4 1-Fs. I FT* .. .. I*4 ... Moran I I F* IMS .. HA ... UsroA A*. IMA . .. m .. m .. HI ... '•CalumM* r»*Fs .. m •• m 8* ... CMnwtt* Fa ISBA .. mm.. AT ... • Otl4*i RAIUOAI) HONDA Ororft* H. R. A Mk* C*. Aa i*M .. .. HA ... j Oe*w*la R. R A Bkg CP. I n 148 .. HI ... I Chsrlott*. CntStnHs A A*- fists Ist Fa liw let ... PtorMlt. Caltimb'a A Aw i *•.»■*, td Fs, I*l* .. 117 Aafeuata fa. R. R.. Fa 18A8 It C R R Banking Ca. Collat eral Trust B*s. ISA 7 .. ..*1 48 Sawthara Rallnfy I'X IM4 ... 87 98 Central es Georgia Rstlwey, Ist ramal Atari. A s. 1*44 .... at *8 C. as O. I*' pr*f la .... 1* 4* Cnrirsl nf UAprgt* Railway. 2d pref tnooma*. 1448 11 14 C. of O. Ist pref la. ISIS .... I I OS A P . I*4 m. Fs. I*4B ..111 I*7 South Georgia and Florida M 7'i. IMS .101 South Georgia and Florid* 31 Fa IMA 1M Ocean Slea-naklp C*.. Ist I's 2d r*. ins 104 ... i FACTORT RONDS Enterprise Mf# Ca., Ist Fa I*ol 1M ...: Sibley Mrg. Co.. Ist Fa IM2 I*o Sibley Mlg 0.. Ist Aa 1901 .100 da. R R A » OS. stork .. 197 HA Sautb**»t*rn R. R Stork .. kt iM Augusts and Savannah atnrf .St 100 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. • QMS. white, sark.4 14 I Goats, mixed, sarked IS | Corn, while, racked 13 Corn, mixed .. 48 ' Meal, bolted, per bushel 47', Flour, common .. 3.80 •Flour, fancy extra 8.78 Flour, second patent 4 00 Flour, standard patent .. .. .. .. 4.18 Flour, fancy patent 4.76 Wheat bran. 100-lb racks 80 Fine feed. 100-lb sacks *0 Hay—nstlve. per ton 13.00 Hay—Timothy, per ten 18.00 1 Hay—choice, per lon 14.00 Hams—choice sugar cured .. ~ lOallV. ; Pmoked rib eidea 8 1-2 I Dry sat riba * 3-4 l-ard, pur# leaf, In tierces 5% t ljird. kettle, rendered In tierces. 8 1-4 Col. Roosevelt Will Lead | ! The annual charity ball ha* been sr l angrd for January 31, at the Waldorf- j i Astoria, and In all probability Colonel Roosevelt, who will then be governor, will lend the grand march. It I# the one public affair of a purely social 1 character at which thone who ctietom ! nrlly view society from afar come in i contact with the men and women who j make society what It is. The luxurious surroundings of the Waldorf-Astoria and the carefully guarded conditions | tost year gave the ball a private aspect | and won back what brilliancy It had j lost. It Is expected that the next charl- I ty ball will he more of a society event than was that of last year.—Pittsburg Dispatch How to Look Good. Good look* are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the liver Is Inactive, you have a bilious look: If your stomach is disordered, you I have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look Secure good health end you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" Is a good alterative and tonic. Acts dl recOv on the stomach, liver and ktd nevs, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls and gives * good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Pold at Howard A- Wlllefs drug store. 50 cents per bottle. As things are going now it will soon be safe to scrape the war pain* of the hattleshlps und replace it with peace ful white. Ff A«TORIJk. Bear, the Kind VcuHWjilWltS Slljk! “nr - ■ ' J AfuinalUo may not t* aW» to 8«* ju*t wh«r« h« comas in on this deal, but h« is eonvin< t*l Uu*c. h? must t*>me so somfwher*. the AUOtJBTA HEfiALE PEtPlE'i FORUM $ aiiiiflUmrt# U rntum* » | B*B MAS# *r* A *MA BE* I ** *•§;. Srtlgßg * -Aa* As -mwMNMA a iiA*«»- ' * fad l AA*a *A **A f*A*» lAt* *#. Aas# tli* *to< AIM E •*** ****'•*» SAE AFAi* *AA ItAA A%*» Eto* *A* **'* I IM| UMP'N I mm »»iiri«Ni i» t■#**** • • #lli m-mM 4A | A ,-sf At 4to« Ac# ji* tm * » era, m _ § EitAAE # * f'# till* - #' * • t * *• MMMHNMM mhm ®^*"* t *” rtkfMMNiA fs..#!’E;#'* # PStiMNSIIS ™ vm-m-* 1 mnnl i# pi# mmtmmw'mm aaA tra* t this* «Ea* rtk*H ftraasA straw* *** ini' «# *7l ta to* AmaAMA leal at* fas lES EME* «A rtk* BH*> lasA sEahkm* *m*B*4 tin •»«** araraM *Af*ytA* AkHE E *##AA* A» Dto*d ••*«* asAl As NfilrtMg *•< 41 ** lta*n«Aa«W If ***** #B**aAF *i* era . Tka N**A *« E—thMAs* tfa MM w LcaW <***!' »*Ara*A. •*•**•*** mm _ *aia**to isAatEMM, M* •**'*•• 4AA*A *»****•»«*•# hSMWA Atoto* «f«Art* 4 *' •few wAfSW* M eWtolAA** 8* 6 4 **»**. If* AMP. **• *• *** *•**'' e**Mra, ta*RM Hi Ma vaeAw! f-a***. aa4 aIAAj» •••< ** •<!*#—•%• r ** FWAItoM » rttoAA *maM A«I aa» rw rari.a i ton 3443 *» m •vary Af* WFAtA* ' . Eat tfca IM* totll EfAAIAA MfMM TTuk 9» WAtova* 4EM lE* *r‘<»la»* an >wt ««* fw ewaplafii agA A* 4 the Aito 4SMAMA *f AwtrsFa KtrtwAf ; haMAw LfffclA tlEaifgEU*** •ms ' led 4*4 fWEff* f •***• Ui * fNf. wow'd **•» tkfsA as aAMAtA'flbf ll* saw a yoasg lady 4»*t *a a ***••• • A* agsia* Ifc# rrwt. A*# hwaaw •*» hSM'ly *AI* * «EA 84 EM SA protsrAi fa roWluAra. tu**AA-4. IEAB M* I* afraid of hlAi* I AroodW *EI E* vmM Ears Era EH lEra* » E* 1 siarad OA4 of «wiAt*4Ki»ra a«4 f*F ,I,Wm ha.* Elm “wt*k th# o»hra ey»' at Ear* IK ami tall <h* htg baoby tEat , If Ea will gasatioA any yo«AA waa s Augusta lEay can fait El» of *ll*l arcra wary day HE* El* own Toting lad.ra aot scqualwed with tEra* tnva rishty dlsAfP*** ho “** or ,h ' hack yard whan Hta* paw ■** A»4 Instaad of taking o«*ara *1 *E'« <w»- * duel, thay would h# stfangaiy wrprle- d If the mlw did no* aeai»E. Now hi tin North tbto araiw of pro pristv I* rare Not because the younf women lack modwty, hut ihey are m> r* seif-relleot. Perhaps lhay are a little more rleve* and penetrating in j tEelr Judgment of rharart*r Then in a socia' way there dora not »*!*« the same (Eat I net ions between the seara ~ m «b* South. Toung women meet young men on sn equal footing And only draw a line against advance to elow acquaintanceship wEaa the ehar setw tw other rondltloa 1# found ob jectionable sn I make* t harrier neces sary, Thu* It 1* frequently Hi* case that • young woman acetpU mtenllona from men wbow etrrumst.ncea and previous history M wholly unknown to I bra. But In th# Botith this eonld not occur. Here the safeguard* of home are more effeetlvs than to ktlow R, and the mind of the woman herself la against It. I think that we should be glad because this 1* *o. At Camp Meade the hoys’ life was free and ***y. and there was many a Jolly girl to make hi* pbraure last He thinks now thst Joy Is parted from him with the girl he left behind But j let me prophesy for him thst If he la j ever so fortunate as to penetrate the 1 we-ed precincts of the Southerner's home he will meet with a holler hu manity than he has ever known and he will find Jo* more enthralling than may bs realtoed In any other atmos phere E. C., First Division Hospltsl Oorp« To the «oldler» at Cemn .McKenyie. If any word* of mine have added to your pleasure I am well repaid. I aaw so plainly that there was every likeli hood of wrong Impressions being cre ated on both sides, and when a few kind words would Go away with It all, 1 felt sure It all originated In the wild rumor*, which no one could tel! how xtarted. or on what ground*, just a few bugbeaf atorle* of (he wild doings of some soldiers way off yonder (the truth of which no one could subatan , tlate), but tt was likely to influence j our bearing towards you, and the same with you towards us, but I *m proud ; and happy to state thst your courteous ! gentlemanly conduct has gone far to dissipate all such impressions, and 1 know when you get better acquainted with our citizens you will like our fair j City and Its people. As for the citizens (of Augusta, you will find them klnd heerted and courteous. Our men are j generous, whole-souled and true, while our ladles you will find to be of an sffrhle, kindly nature, with no dispo sition to wound your feelings, and they have every wish to make your stay in ,our midst as pleasant as possible, j It. was not pride, neither wss it any ■feeling of sectional differences, for we feel kindly (i.sposcd to all our people. North. East. South and West, and I ajeo know that when you know us better you will learn to like us and I hope you will in future feet that you are welcome In our fair city, and that. Its citizens have nothing but the .kind est feeling* ftr etwry soldier in that hi* samp at McKenzie, and are willing and anxious to do all In their power to add ta your comfort and happiness. ■ Now to th* *4H*#b* of AugueM: I ’would beg of them to extend the hand Mil LOCI BIKING ,i FOKDER f• th# fofwn#k ifif Ifiji I ,tl IfW! fit bfftlkl, tiisfudA ] mufln, CwEcta m ft*#* 1 Hof* a fpslA#' 4»Df*k l!WE#F*f* ng hfrtsEAMl dhtt frrt’HOM# j trilA-Hg* M* h<h<B*h»pAf » U*# And tacßl I4IT6AM id It. Hnkflri ©f #U W* I4**v**n»ra« pF Mrctisf, ClifHbiflMl|6M H| ' MdnulAktufeti By The Souihem Mfg. Co. RICHMOND. VA. HIM 111 gmfUdih ; WHOLESALE PAINTS. «f fWi l*+4 «m 4 ** *u«v**# m Am*o tr« %m MM Hi , t , #4 ■ (Mbs HI W« fail dßi «)#• mmm »4b*#4 pffrßDa ATi-Aimr UMiilD fliir- YB# Bhvf-iei Kb# t-# a B DM* tmAmmA 11 I MBit b §b4*b mmm t*m* •VB, HAHRtaoM MOA ' triltTß L#AD- j rv-eh *4*cA ft*— ia* faetray a* At* j laAfte lead frtraa. |» (*«A «a* »A B# Attßßtifto YR"# fipll ft Bl BBBNe •frarara* HAhRIKIN ERDBT TOWN AND mt'XTRT RFADT MtRKD FAINT* Rig flash Mat f»"E fact flgf—very |»W#B9 fMTIBBB- CBB i||Yß P** BMUMPf. PAINT gtrNDRIBA— Chic* (Raw*. P»*A Faiala; Vsratab glams i Tripod J Read* Mixed Fflntfi MweAaiito Ready-Mixed Pwiu'i: Real Palm; Miaraal Parata. •M.JB 4 - The Htfirl & Wil!et Dri( Ci. JOBBERS * J Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING MILES 904 Broad Street. of friendship. Go out to the camp to see them, get acquainted with them, ask them to visit you. Many pleasant acquaintances and lifelong friendships may ba the result. Don't wait for your neighbor to do thle. Oaf yourself, and be sure you are only doing your duty. They are our countrymen, friends and brothers, far away from their homes and friends, given up for you and me. [We are in our own homes, surrounded [by our loved ones, ca napetid Christmas within our own homes, while Ihey are deprived of all this. Can't we do what we are able to do to make them forget 1f possible, the great difference in our |situation and their own? I think they j would like to get acquainted with us and come and go. like pleasant ac quaintances. I imagine they, get tired of the dull routine of camp life, and we can help to make time pass pleas antly to them, and indeed. I think we will all feel the better. Don't stand back and wait for your neighbor to do all this. Go ahead; get acquainted: Invite them into the city; ask them to our churches. Sunday schcjols and homes, and when you see them speak to them ar.d ask them tt> come again, It will make them feel like you felt some Interest in them. Lets try to make them feel that !t they can't spend Christmas at their own home* then th* very next bsat plae# to spend it will b* at Augusta Hoping w# may all get to know each other b**tar, I remain an AFGT'RTA. WOMAN. CALL fOB luguita Brewing Co's F X K>M T RtCKtt r *% k /if i * v # U 1 ft.' is B K 1. LE O F G >; O Y< C> T A Our Orauytht B?er Has None Superior. AUOUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any Bums desired from SftOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on lOyßars time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AleiaDder&JoliDSOD Afltvii-i *c it-ah Aavrsaa Mortgage Cuenpanv. 705 Proad St IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN I Hi Hi K It. MITCHELL. Al EX McHONALD hupl. *. t on. M*«. A Weu. Mgr Augusta Electric <& Construction Company 312 Mclntoeh Street. Electric Suppiiw— peaking Tun**, etc., elc. : K. i *ir- to ell * let imal *p|*raius. E*n trie Llgtit Wiring* ip>ci*ity. Itoii'Pboue I*)J. - - fctruwgvr 870.! 11 *1,4 very LOtv yRITW l*ra* **<vk. Ato* p!Vr. VAI.VV* and FITTINOB. JTI - HIM 118*. *1 H.l.* end HI. PA lit*. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Uo*. ilHili GOES INTO. EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1598. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m ; 8 21 p. m. Lv. Bands,svllle . 1:19 p. in.| 9 09 p. tn. Ar. Tenniil* .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 8:45 p m.j 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p ui.j Lv. Dublin *10:00 a. no. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.!11:55 a. m. Lv Tennilie. . . 6:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sanders villa, 5:25 a. m.j 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta , .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Ea.tera Time. Cle.e cennection made at Tennn l'a with Central It. R. far Macen. and wl h WrlfhMvill# and Tenniil# R. B. tor Dublin and Hawk n.vllle. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James t 7. Jaeksen. Jeeep.i a Sands. w Receivers. * R«H Ar*dD ■***»#D<THMl Charleston IW Corohni 11 #t >t lit mm m♦# s m ##••• f mßpr» b Bi 4 amb SBBS ; pmS3Sl^ ’ s•* HRI j fiw fMHNNiwMaMB* *** & : : I * . -.. * » Mpß# *.* i- i | ■ I I * M |S 0 f (p;##. 0 MNOM# I # a wJt. in.BB e mum *-w# * -**« ; *** I la§ kmmmim **#**a#*a*a. jj*•***•••! , * , * i *o' I * iSplM HAAMHH **•* |» MjW * | * %mm *mmm ? * wm* a,*##! A ft 4 !! •H I S£S I * •*‘ *♦» ***** * • ffi i %■** -mm*m ,8444 m - »A4IAB m AMM#A* . ..** J f rnvm I ! I IS Z \ * * AAMA4 !»#*•• • * I ** *+ i * ABbßmßblß#*A.##*# 4<*B« Jam#* *-30**M *4to"W. „ , j, . "lei I a* I B ttoto FHto aa4«»«v» f ( er* ASB4M *4 4 eßsaa; * Asß 4a* *** g*Bß ; WB.A.L _ - . 8>»*»«-»*«««'«ps *< iwivN A* Aa .#»*.! •• A 4. A « *»'•*«* *•* F.B***a*M* aUK 84dF«-aM ia*w*» : 9w* *•. liMsai. • to* ra «a i—a - s . [ ***** satsAa *a mm,. aA mm s.j itufito* paa 4*i fi. rn, will, RsHEwB. U 6 ft ItttHll 1«B tISW £*#«•»• %NE BLUE RIOOE RAILROAD. M C MsTTIE Base'sw ‘ Fawiknaad. WdA»R*R r - *** Aw A * Fltwt 9mf A Cto.* Clara * Oaa* C4*«* M i ll -d*» 3 fly. rn* a Raitoa My H/. Nell Nil g MaU Nad AM PM.I I Aral V* Law** FM AM MB I a* A,.. Aad.rraa » *8 H 8t II is | It Tt.,., Dvavwr ~..1S i *1 M l I* r I 7* IA .... Aa'aa „..F I'HII ** t.M) 8 SAIF . Ps*>dla*aS . .dl H*l- •' f it I MR, i> *ry Crralf f < *8 11 M * 43 I SA IF tßA'< Or>**'B fl At 18 U 8* IMI I B>4 .. MNACA ..M 4:»H » BIV M 1 4 3 * 4*4 H- w,Mrt ' Vmtmm Aj A.Bj I M (Rat-•• ...a! 8:17! AM FM I (La*** Araiw PM PM. No 13 >l*B _ _ Rail Na.B * Kapi’ar Aiailaa. F. Flag Mtaaca Ail tag ißr Ira la* from Aadarsoa 1* Watkaii* fcav* rlgkt I* «raek **wr train. <4 tAa same Haas moving hi paella dire tioa. unless, at kata* taa a**e ifiad by irs a arAraa. ! Will ala* ate* at fotlowtoig aian *«# ta lake nn or tot oßf p.aesngsr. Phla aey *. Jama* aa# Maady Aprlnga. No 11 eocmarts will. Aoulhern rail way No. It XI AMderxoß. Ns* 8 and 8 ranaecl with MmHhoi . rails iy Nos. 14 and *7 at Sonar*. J. R. ANDCRAON. gup#F*!*uA**l. ATLANTIC COBST IINL SHORTKAT AND #UICKBMT ROUTR TO TH* KACT AND NORTH. l:Wpm| Lv..Augista Oa Ar I 7 6*.m 3 Sttixiu Lv Aiken Ar I T Isom 4:|7pml Lv....Dstimark....Ar j A.l7pm 4 Mpm[ Lv —On agl '*.... Ar | 140 am 8 08pm' Lv..Buml to, A. C... Ar ! 4:29am l:Hpm| Lv....FlfP#ae#....Ar j 9 38*m 10:S3r*m| Lr...Fayettavllla...Ar I I:l4pm t.2lat»i Ar.Pslerobarg.Va.Lv | 812 pm 4 SOamj Ar.. .Richmond ... Lv | I 12pm 7.4lamj Ar,.Wa.hington,.Lv | 3 48pm (:*Bam| Ar... Balumors. ...Lv j I 28pm Il:tt*m' Ar..Phll*d#lphl*..\.v |l2 o»pm 2:o3pm! Ar.... New T0rE....1«* j A:3Cam Pullman palace buffet sleeplr.g cai# Dorn Macon and Augusta to New Tork without chung*. R. A- BRAND. Oan. Agt., nt Br«ad fit.. Aogusta. Oa. T M. FM Kit MON. Traffic Monsgar. H. M. EMERSON. Gen. Paaa. Agl. Central of Georgia Rail way. ftchedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH, 1898. tsOth Merldiaxi Time.) , LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. * For Savannah 1:30 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta *: 4 ® P- 3* [ No. 8 For Macon. Atlanta, *rd Way Stations .. 8:30 A. M. No. 83 For Mscon. Atlanta. and W»y Station* B:3® A, M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savxntnh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta «:3S A. M. No. 6 From Macon, Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 8:60 P. M. No. 53 Fro-n Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. Nos. 1. 2, 3 and 4 dally. No. « and 6. dallv except Sunday. Nos. 53 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping on night trains between Mlllen Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. F r fur- ; ther information as to schedules, etc., apply (> M C. JONES, C. T. A. W. A. GIBRES. Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after the spree needs (LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. , They cure 3fi out of 37 headaches. I for lc„ 25c. one box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 H road St., Augusta, Ga. ! BtMCVEO TO 711 BROADW”Y- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusts, 9*. ytrowger Phone .B KLL. H 2OF Q E 2OFTG 1 A. OECCMaER er R*tt HUh ******ZrtU-Rw til i MItMM CO mm JB b | iB, IBe* UNI IVamMßbb YNhh $ .«• + mm lui m-m * mß*T *TW t ifmm I |J# * «M*a .-«#> (4 * BIH- #0 &*§**'% A* 44m4§ fNf Nifq Im»# ! I# WJC NI |LW'.II * iURU ISS j |jf «, i»t# * • t sMiii mmm I nnni ? # * f *4O mm %*m*- m *f $ **%■'*+ %| M<M| CT JU*"" ♦r j j-Ni l $0 tpmmmmm. >i 'Nf.- •• f mm . * |n* « mmmm t * MlMi 1 »*»» *♦ ft t ill gm>kgc<4>4lK>B «tVpe» gq nq* Ras>d»*.i ' H a -urara. 4 taa Lv *•g • . , a Rtoß jat jrißi I * # 4* B- raw* *,*•**** - tames ***»*e t*#*d to»4e 7*to T«w* I or I u**S»* ■* LratoTT *"!£'•“T»»kjift«l A- p .A L* »«•*"*"• * *ra* a# fa «*»«, aitoa* (-• D-w—a iVsb *, k«wd. .ft# •» L* ►**•*. * .7 Itva Igt • rap'toa* ,f jitorat A* Itg,* I Haas It |.« l-*klßr- .4r Aaprasa. tdfiaß (saaaseraa* mt Fl-atorakra* wm% pw* l, , -m 0 efea a<k mitotra a* [# 9 m m <• tlrt « *• ftN MM m/U pmmm f i. ft M*im tpA.ninmi o#pp #f% naraimi *mm f 6 Hit.* *-ra *#* fto-dk*** •OUTH&RN RAILWAIf# <jK T - - ram* arawava * a*raa*H sad raaa tßaad’e iraraum-**""® 4 tamtaaaa* Bara vwtass raw f " mi >m ParaeuiraaA !•*.*» toa»i» If - *'*l*-*J *** MW ~ ar tl to* fegsa^FF—US! IS f iagg'- - "...:B;.TC to a*ra****- *• *7 • , ! * f¥F tEL-v* ; E: pit ill i! • i -. h,i» Jgg u i Rv.Bt«ra»S"ee .... i*JraS n.ivH I : * T .■- : ~ ' 11144 p. IBp STj^ara* - ~ 4«»; *»p i- zm - *4.*#' ta* • Sra£££fteß.R^::::::: • PhiratottM* ga®: ! *T® ‘ he« Ivrk. .. "®> l * '* r 't»*"ii p«. aa uetlr Hally. Lv Pew Tnrk Pa. PP. Stop tTltol • I tuieitoipkß - BUp Ike • flwumvee . ... 8 29* SXIe to Vi* tea. aa Ky to *4* II 15* to Ptclauaad ■ ■ | 13PH8| U Vtm i L» "lieaetll* 4 **> L* Nortel* I IP. Ar. Areraebor* ■■ j * 48a) Lv araaaekep* ! IBe 7Ms Owrtoti* - *Ha to to* • {prater to Me. II * P • Wtnnvbor,, . 11 ail h Pi Ar Oil'Me Keel ,«' If 4S*» 137 e Ev. UeluaitoeCe rap'V I top l*a ” JuhaMoaa X top 8 o** | • Treat*** Stop #»* • (IrealievtUe *»p 7^* Ar Auguaß _ 4 top _ * #• tv AakeeiM*.' .............. “Offa “flip v. Sperisnoar* |ll **« 8 top Lv OnTVI*. At- AU Ry I.'. ..1 »«0p 7 SOe Ar Char.eeiw, j 8 4S|*| tl (Vs Li Coi bi*. F.C AFJBy j II « » 13 47 * - eevanask 447 p 89ee Ar Jeckeoevllto. ' 9Rp *Me si.pKpi*» rap -xru' s Bxcellent dally p*wea«ra vervlr* between end New Tork. No*. 87 end erhingloe eud Sea4bwe*t*rn I Ltantted holid Traubuled treta with dining : ear* end flret dew eourheii north nf (Theriotte, Fullmeu drawing room etraplngran. between Teini*. Jet-keonvuie, bevenneh. Weakington end New Vyrk. : FnJlmaa .•' l rat*t»« Cere to-gweno Charlotte and dinhmoeA . . I Puilnien dr»e-tng-room -ieeplnr car* be tween t.reenvlxiro and C‘22*'ec n Hun ml Norfolk tor OI.D POINT COMTOBT. arriving tiiere in Uni* for breekfeet. build train, with Parlor rare, between Obn, Ira-on eed Aehavlli*. Noe Hand tfr-U. 8. Pevt MaU. Through Fl unaii drawing r.twn buffet av-cpla* car- bo twren Jw-keonUlle and New Turk and PuU I man "leetuuc "tv between Angneta ard Over totte. Pnllnian»lng car* between Jack fMirtlie ard Columbia, en route daily l*< weea ack- .nvtlle and i ii.ctnnatl, via Aabovdj# 'HANK > WAN'NOn. .' K.C7ULP. j Third VP. A Men. Mgr T JL. WeßtogHa W.A TURK » H HAKUWIi'K. . G, p. a a - aiton. G. P. A-. Attoura* GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. <9oth wetidlan Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1891 Pullman Sleeker* between Macon at>4 New Tork. Through Pullman Sleeper* between As gueta and 8t Louie. Lv Augusta ..| 7:obami *:2opm|l9:Soptn Ar Atlanta ...;D:3spm! B:2opmi b:oonn* Ar Macao ....!ll:l6*tnj, I B:4uun» Ar Athene !U:lspm| 7;Jopm Ar GaineiviUe'*3:46pm| Ar White Pi ai*l:M?mi Ar Min g* le .110 lOaml I B:3oam Ar V vh'tun ..jlOtlOarnj 7:lopm| - Pi-avttne train leaves August* daily exc-pt Sui4ay at 6:15 p m., and ar rives at Mil'*dgeifile at 8:10 n- m Trslnv arrive at Augusta 8:18 a. we -7:45 a. m., ItSO u. r,. sod 8:!S p n*. A. G. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March 6 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ky.. 9 20 t* **>. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ry.. 7:l* a m. Leave Chester. C. A N. W. Ky 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C- & N. W. Ry 1:16 P- m - Leeve Lenoir, Stage j- : ®® P m - Arrive Green Park, Stage .. - *:o® «- tB - Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .• ''3® P m erwT'HARPER. C. F. FtARPER, Pivsidcnt. O. •*"