The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 06, 1898, Image 8

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twibOAv THIS STOWE it known *• th* •uec#t«ful *tom. Dri*»«y m»n give It th« nim# and buy lift Clothet. If you want what It nobby. If you want axtra »wall and attractlva bulla *»• your ttora, lha crack stock of Nackwaar. All tha axclutiva and popu xr novaltlas, and pricM ara laas than aisawhara for hum drum stylos. Again, Boys* Bu(ta~Wa load tha city for baauty and low prices Is $3, $5 or $6.50 your prlca? If not $2.63. and good At THE ORANIX «4 *g,h*io,'. NMMVttMt" *• «*• Tlol, *tll k# Irn ywo »*f htwi'kv eeGawt taw. •« »h# C*».M fff*»de XM AtMl * cmerliar* *•*» %*m 00**9 Hwnnmm** tat 1 xi ait#r i**** grasem it* Mt H*rt * TW»«* •***♦#• . t Marketer » WaweyuweA. N» »*» |K,I v,, Wave. ,***#*l*4 ri t#t# F»W* |bM Mnnt. <•*** • ••*» «»»>•" ” <»*• «*• ** to * «•*»• *• »*• f**> *•*•**• m MM. »M wax »r**i*» tw J#** p, * s IM 11 >MW ■« *» ** w * Xevtii* 4sulwr»e awd i. depeuaec* ji, mm rotriy *• tfc* td* In * riewi# " .'4* awd th# •W **d kumor nf Ik, <tla •«*>•* Accord »*>« *« «*• 4*- #f«X4tem Ik* WAtkl.f mlaates *f»*r it* n *** **• Mi nM*M* »n»s I** mmol** •*•** id, mti*f.H* *a ik* •»** •#* *’ T ’' *u*~. 1 wrtgtwalty at Hoyt . Theatre, <<,, 1 It aeafril » M* htt *> ,h ini,, ,n>l puMl* **• dupl'c* , *"t t« Philadelphia ■ <*•**•»* **• ,h * Worth* '#• _ . Richmond. Nerialk. KBont.i, •»» hav# r*MH**<l a**"' -* f ..... ,„d ir* miMflif •» l r,lwi It liter •»« ptAft*** TA* •*% ” u, * , IN, trial* sad tribulaOow* of • urhn aaeratlv marrte* an actc*** ,r(ee to tatreduc* her Into hi* hom# without betraying tft> fa« ot hi# n»*r-, r ,»ee la hi* family. The reraplirutlons that aaau. ar* bewildering te ,h ‘" r ptditv and agent# I* tw« if f»nn>- The remedian* *ce said to be a oomtanr , Mr*u*xt *p«o*a, a*«l fully m*nt tb* Mht* that hav# bteiowrd uo-m HH, . , dr, Waltar Bakvr la * flnl*h«l ar ttat of lon« *«t*tl*hr'\ and tho."i>i»*Hr •Mini l» hteh claa* terra il.llnoa ttan. l*VHr yaar* k* *** *ith tka *uyp«H-t of telantr palmar. »n<l •Ux-r *ta«a favorltMi. ha* a h-at >'f aarannai frl.n'* tbo«i*h lb* »«uih Mia* May Wards t* tho yoona**t <la<iyht*r of th* *mlnrnt tragadtan and aoathorn terorlt*. Mr. rwl.ittk W*rd*- Park-r Oar and Plarplng trrvl.'r »#• twmn Atlanta. itevann»h and Mlllan. and Albany. Ga. Th* Contra I of Onoryia Hallway f«m-' pony ha. InauguratM partwr car and •leaping car »*rv|c* between Allant* and Albany. G* on tram leavlnp Al- j bany 4:11 a. m.. arriving Macn J.W a •n., Atlanta »l:f* a m-. anti train leaving Atlanta 4 M p. m.. arrlvlne Martin f:J» p- m.. Albany 11 05 p. tn Haesanger# from Albany G* . holding berth ticket* can take aleopcr at * l' in., thu* allowing them to remain in Maepc' over night P***»r.g. rr nrrlv leg Albany at 11:0* P m. may remain traSaencr until 7:9d a. m. Hat* for: dtnihl* berth In sleeper, IM) mile, and tmd*r, It .50: over IM> milcn. 17 '’barg- [ ea for »eat*. a* follow*: to mile* ami under lie tl mile* to 125 mile* Wc i* mile* to roc Urtlea 750 im mile* to mo mil** .. II TOura very truly. J. C. HAILE, General raaaonser Agent. The Changeling*. Who are the friend* *h*t draw a-ncar, Whowe comlbf! fl'la my non' with cheer? The fore, whom once ! feared o meet— Old Ate and Poath* How cniPßci' How meet! —Jeanle Oliver Benaon. tn Century. Gold Band Hams 1 Oc per pound at VA/h'taker & Me* Cowan’s, 1 240 Broad St. Strowgrer ’Phone 381. The meeting of Chapter A. ruitish ter* of the Confederacy, will be post poned until Wednesday of next week, nn account of the Maeonlc Fair. By or def of the president. K i - Ten natives of Ohio will be In the •estate —Forsker, Hanna. Baker. Car ter, Allen. Kyle. Elkins, Fatrbenk*. Turpie and Allison. Handsome Wedding Presents Sterling Silver Novelties. Salve Boxes, Sterling Silver top. 10 cents. Sterling? Silver Comb and Bru-h only $2.50. Watch and Wristlet only f 4 00. Watch Repairing, Diamond Mounting and Engrav ing in all Its branches. Everything first class. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler Under the Arlnpton Hotel to capt uw Am Aug**## IslAtf Is Mill tPSiMIM H «II#• <4 INI CsMMflhMiy* *mp 4 J N Url *4 1 9m A**§um*m Ufkl MiftsftMlf* <MM* At fh# fiijp'g ifN" tfi mniM b#s rsv#f«*4 » , ipitsir frmm • fincwuns MMP*stinMr III# r<sw|nitmir_ sks ki sww *Hi UN Tkwk IfIPIIMMMI flgtltlSPt SI Mi ■an The tetMw stated that tfc# writer ('haeteg Xantt, nawa a ge*at deal of hi* **Hilary tram lag ta Cage, lark, wka laatrwetad him wed wke e he aa* a member as Cage Lark's cwwtgaaf. Scott', eaiuead aa4 wkita fnawtte win he tatereatad ta hear what k* haa to ~, *e the tetter la reaedarwd. aa f*t 'Maewa. Pereas her h ■ Ptpi • LartU Mg Pear Mr | take great plea ear* In wntlna gam a few |me, f SMI well and doing welt. Give Wig In., ta all the hoy* The t raisin* you gave me te at HI bolding me in good stead. 1 bag* learned a great deal ranee te military, but what you taught m* gave tn* g good start. Sft. H»ntJ*g •* holding oat go tee. Coy|»nrai Read a (h» b**t corporal corpora! Murray haa Inst hi* atrip** Walk good by# "Orderly Sergeant Hu*. Seatt Co. O. Camp Haakril.’* laangpratlna of Naw Ptalng Car I la* ea Southern Railway’* I sited Mate* Fast nail Trala*. Oa Nov, jo. th* Southern railway **• J tahllahed a *u;*rb new dining ear Hn* between Cliarlotl* and Washington on th* I n!t*d St*tee fart mall. Nn*. U and M. Thl* **rvlee make this tram *i **l t» tb* **moa* Waab'ngton and' SMiirhwestern Verilhol# Llmltad whoa# reputation ha* revnlu ■ t‘.f\l*ed travel In the South. For Information or reservation In I'ullman ear*, call oa or addrva* J. B. HBTWARD. T P A.. t» Broad *tre*i. Augusta, Oa. THE WEATHER Augusts, Oa.. Tuesday. Dec. d. lifts. 1 Offlc* loeatetl in Cnited State* Oovark- . m*nt building; telephone No. HTI Foracast for 3« hour* ending * p m.. Dec. 7. 1838 Washington forecast for South Pkf* ] ollna: Fair tonight; rsln or snow Wednesday; light, tsrlsble winds, be coming smith, Washington forecast for Georgia Rsln or snow tonight and Wednesday, preceded by fair weather In essl por- light, variable wind, becoming iAioal forecast for Augusts snd vi cinity: fair tonight, rslti or snow Wednesday. THE RIVER The river at 8 a. m. was 14.8 fret s foil of i.l feet In the port ?4 hours WEATHER CONDITION’S. The barometer Is lowest along the CansiVan border from the upper lake reg'on to the Atlsnt c roast snd high est ovor the eentra! Rocky mountain slope, the pressure is also high over the east Oulf elates, with a slight de preeelon located In eentral Texas Extremnly light snow la falling In the upper lake region and the Atlantic states, but have risen throughout the Mississippi valley. The following maximum wind veloc ities are reported: Buffalo. 52 miles west: New > ork city. 48 miles, north west: Boston. 38 miles, west. Place you order for fall suit with E. J. Henry A Co., popular priced tailors. Lester Goodwin was very badly hurt vosterday afternoon at the Sibley mill. He was playing with a weight and In some way it fell on his leg. mashing It ! terribly. Tt la thought, that limb wilt have to be amputated. Head the advertisement of the Alex ander Seed Co., 832 Broad st. AfooxypTAi. njryijii-r> NEEDED 11 THE HOSPITAL ’ 4 Vftl k ft** I f»*k if M* ft MfUn I fill Ml M M>X M* apeak* MX Nte»*4teM «t*M M Waif Mt. A sm4x MU M M4NHMMI 6HMPMI Mss 1 »*• XMamsxx ** XMCteXaX te 'T%* Me* 'sM sa«*4 it* txftlxx «X M ik* X*mx»' Ms «ka*« wmi ka*e aaXMaX Tea* »ke . aXaesa a t •***«. a* m* RXhm* M»'*'4 the <m*m kaa at> . Hlk kea*< Ml IX* **ts tW>Wfi*Mil •** nasal *«•«§*• * -y ,-#•* » « #«*»* I <ax* Mm, *•* mx** saasMsaten as (X* k«* Mwsars tteam, t ha«a k*«a ' taimikteX lIMHI M piiNßi Vili Wf AA* teIWX t* Ik* tel* kii-*»»IM„ If IX* <-*■ <nwa M awXaew kaa kana *vaa*4 hp ’M**** ** •Xtia xX ike xgsiipxikg ** In** M XM aoete Ms MN* inakPte** M i M ta k# sate a ikte t k* a *e ax* ikxt an* Have a* uni* Mnrttf Xtf Vk* an* fseiea*'* wmek ikai a* ka*4 as xyxi* gaikg will a* egtaxAaX *• in. If iXsaa Mi X* aanaaxwaee m pen •tea max* fur ik to *tea* as XXI sate, ike kite app-epr#»wi* ppk kaeeaMe* •a Ikte laatHei a* he aaexetl *X*-» 4 k* applied I* Xttex <P aaarinspt* mt Ik# kiad Pw »k*a* pxteriaaait as ans XM* i Mat fttHkiaa XI tfNOV 1 FINIKIN. ledge Oflte ePThanax Ga te IX IP* MM Mr.. B. J. Mxiekpr as Atlanta te at tka rtaxuTk |> M tlasraag. *f tteyte* 0.. la *1 Ik# Piaster* Mr, Joke Prick#*!, of XavaanaV I* at ika Piaataea Cxpt X J OTMaw test tkta am lag for Mara* Mr CkatP* Atoorn, as K*n Tort, te it >ke Plaster* Mr. X. H Mask, as N*w Farit, te a* the Cummer*-sal Mr P X. Carter, of Mltea. On. la at Ike Com mem*! Mr. IV X. Gapood. as Aiteata. te at Ike Commercial Mr A K Baited of Baffala, N. T., te at tke Plsaiers Mia* Mary K. Dy» U wit te reteily## at UJ Bay rireeC Mr D. P Moor*, of Prnaaos. B C . Is at ike Ptaaiar* Mr W A Bute a of Petersburg. f*» te at tke Ptaniera Mr A. K Myers of Imalkvllte. Ky. j te at tb* Plan'er* Mr J tt, Sullivan of N*w Fork, te a < tba Commercial Mr A. 8. Mallory. If Camden. N J., la it tha Arlington Mr B. R. Ktrb. of Sumt*r..B. C.. te at tba Arlington Mr O. W. lang. of Balttmor* la at tha Commercial. Mr Charles K. Obey of Baltimore. Is at the Arlington Mr D. B. Kirkland of Beaufort. S C.. 1* at tb* PHn'ers Mr. A. A. Laatrr as Raleigh. N. C.. la at the Commervial. Mr P. B. Wataon. pt Wards. 9. C.. la at the Commercial Mr. Z. B Suggs, of Richmond. Va is at the Commercial. Mr. 8. J. Matata< of Monro* city. Mo. Is at ttir Planters Mr C. H. Odell, of Charleston. 8. C- Is at the Commercial. Mr. A. B Parker* of Washington. P. C., Is at th* Planter* Mr. D. C. MrKntgbt, of Charlotte. N C., Is stftihe Planters. Mr. Thos. W. Carwlle, of Edgrtletd, 8. C.. Is st th* Arlington Air. W. P. Ferguson, of Abbeville. 8. C.. Is »t the Commercial. Mr. and Mrs E. I lane, of New York, are at the Arlington. Messrs. C. L. Carr and J E Engle, of N«w York, are at the Arlington. Mr. John P. Rarne# 1* the city. •*>*• kink bands wi..~ hls many friends. Mr. H. 8. Simpson. of Glenn Spring*. 8. C.. la at tha Plantar*. Mr. Hugh Mlddl-ton ha* returned from orgsnlr'ng lycenm# In Vlrlgn'a. Mr*. C. V. DeT.orh and Mr Earl Mll’en, Oa. *ra at tha PHnt ar*. Mr. A. C. ponnr has accepted a po sition a* bookkeeper with Thomas & Barton. Miss Nannie Pendleton has returned to tha city attar an absence of many month*. Mafsr*. A. M. McDonald. W. E. Haverirttck, and Mia* Ida Hiverstick. of Philadelphia. ate at tha Plantar*. Mr. Houston Sloan, an old and wall known Augusta boy. (a in the city, the guest of his mother, Mrs. Cornelia Gar rett. ' Tha many friends of Mr. John Scott will regret to hear that ha I* til of pneumonia at his home on lower Broad •treat. Mrs. Fred S Mosler and daughter. Miss CalieU, leave for New York on Wednesday afternoon, where they will make their future home. The friends of Mrs. Slannard Owens will deeply sympathise with her In the reath of her mother, which occurred {at her heme in Virginia. Mrs. J. I. Palmer, who Is ill rit.h apendleiUf, at the hospital, is improv ing. Thin will be gratifying news to Mrs. Palmer’s host of friends. lA. Marlon Snead of the third Oeor ! git was in tha city yesterday, accora panied by uls brid*. He left for Sa , vanwsh last night. Mrs. Snead will go with her husband to Cuba. The uavalry will entertain, the Cross Country fttdth* Club fits afternoon with a drill and rough riding. It will take si*o« in front of tha Chafee’s in Summerville at four o'clock. I Blood rCureiFree so Ptofx Its < WofcdxrtoJ Menu Ctarjf lniik •! ifc* Attfwu lift Aid May B>v« t s*ttf h Mi# of life. & Mt I lUi by Mtil. fN## ft MAR A#o ftN * M UN PN' ftp-g I'M e f # ImmS ftTRi fyN XRMi Ml N#*#MMn4M|. fkftuy- fftmvxxft pgji f • < i*# Steglimm tdh tftwf-Tf ..-Aft. T - ter,* 'w*4 a# Ip*'# fta*”## ftHft m*m ***»«**> m**, m***i*A \ n j|ii* m A****** i •# *l# IM !i MNlft Id# # Ift to M ftp* • f ****** •• **** 9*”***** ftMRMy. Mft* ♦*>!# #•# ~l# rPftpd^ HIM %aA iis«# Am %<M *4"*+o *O9O fte Mklf flfh# I iitlHHN'Mlf f#wt# #ll *# tu«iii*X fthtei 1 a V eeed M fame fit alter *♦ te. ft. P. "ft*A«*t Aft in- ,-- n. MMX lUiMM) ||Mk«fftk UN At###*'*, 9ft# m |. s j. t##l l..*# |•% - § ii.ii 1 n mm 4 I #«n is»« **+m*rn V»ty mwe* t « r , m | 4 kpMfitx 1 ri#sT t~~# *# ft# f ##».»# mm* f#»y> tmmm # mrnmM m9A .1# • ft#fft 9mm Amw* M Nirl # *#* IN## ts !## f|##«#xmA lll'# MM## #•! fS # ' t Jesfl #f |#ft ##Hs •ft''*### #ft *## mm *«*t in im ift «iw m M#r4 >□»■■#, *#4 JftNf #ftMft «ft I# itnxm IN #iN «f #rMN I# *N *** *4 # #N# s•##'* #M9i aa4 I *+A »* l#s*»4 •M #i#«Ui ft#4ft wmtmm *##i««#r ##<# #ftf # ###! t)N ‘ft** 4 * f### t# t## mtm, I #•*» i#N# N# 4 $ $ H *#4 MR IN ftftff* At** A ##f • As #ft#T. f*«r rrt#4 MNM r«» vHI ft #wf ft#r##M# «#t##4ft TN tftN *#"«• t##4 Iff MaNv #•# fftfft# Nr mmmAm #w i tt<a4ft|kr r Atdk #|hHl ml. }*N "Ww*A Ratal d . diktteaw f a*»e ifc vgh! fay seme llaa» k* * rite ye* X word of eanpraietetki* » regard te year Ponderfal X H B R<wn*Xy I te'ftft ft I tftflftd ftfft# #|#fi# ftlllßflft *M »aa akeat t* las* appa. and akeal ! the H»X <4 January I !•**** Ike as* est ! y«ar B B B Remedy and I used tmr j I mum Ikl a*«44*d 1 aw well, and I •ant think I am. and I eanam say »•* » ark fa* Ik* remedy <h»d bieea fidt i 'site M. P SANDERS “ Trrrlkte Caster sad Ukar cared py B. B P. Caaeer i* Ike w»ra« form of h;aod Caaeer eaa only be cared by a i powerful kkmd remedy, like B B H Tfc* hollowing earn w only on* of Id re* rent lestlmontel# «# care# "f cancer by nn n • - Predonia. Arte . Gel . t «»• I “t had caaeer or Ulcer—ih* amel #m- I I nent pheatelana prom uncej It a can cer. My (hiher. a fine phy*>ct*«. did *ot relieve my suffering*. I had two bro- j thrr* both very fine physician* aelih ey mi ld relieve m* After unto',4 •of fering* wl:h no relief. u*ing right oc jnlne dortvre. *ome hind friend u»l me * liottle of H ft B After taking JJn> | mat bottle 1 frit entlrriy easy and tt ha* been th* only remedy that ha* ien m* permanent relief. *« many timek ! f have M*a exhaust'd and rdlipiM j from wrill«*ntn*. I htjvc got a great .many f gl* lo lake B B. B A ladV living ne.iw me bad an I* Hating canter | and th* 6< n*s In her nuke or upper j of her rn -uth were rmtlrely ouj ■ She cnuM *al nothing but *tr*inris j soup: wgg cured entirely well by using • B B. B when she wk* given up to die ' tty three doctors. 1 "John V. Trammull. living near La : Fayette. Ala., a trimmed up soldier of 1 the confederate army, one leg ehot off. .one arm cut off. an eye eaten out by i esneer. take* B. B. R for his rancor, and he ears It la a very wonderful medicine In his esse. He te and ha* \ l>een tax assessor snd collector for j years In Chambers county. He Is Just ■as Jolly and lively a* can Tie." "B. B. B healed my whole body, gave me energy, cured my low spirits and. I think, saved me to rata- my children, or at least B. B. B was the 1 only earthly remedy with Ocd'e help. R. B. B. Is the best blood purifier tn the w-hole world. Mrs. M L APAM3. Send For I ree Sample Butt e. Th* abov* testimonial* prove enough for any *ufferer from blood humor* that Botanic Blood Halm <B. B. B) or Three U's, cure* terrlhi*, blood diseases, and that it 1* worth while to write for a sample bottle The ipedlctne 1* for sale by druggist* everywhere at $1 per large hvottle, or six large bottle* for *S. hut trial bottles can only* he obtained of Blood Balm Co. Write today for your self or friends. Enclose two stamp* to pay postage. Address plainly BUOOD BATiM CO.. 110 Mitchell at., Atlanta, Georgia, and sample bottle of B. B. B. and valuable pamphlet on blood and skin diseases will be sent you by return mail. THROWN I ROM A HORSE. Mr. Clem Castleberry Suffered Slight Injury. Mr Clem Castleberry, while riding his horse on lower Broad ptreot, this morning at about 8:3(1 o’clock, was thrown to the pavement and suffered an injury to his head, hut uot a seri ous one He was taken into Hahn’s drug store, and some medical atten tion given him. With the exception of a few bruises, he is not injured. For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. ■■■* ■ "fl * ' • " A horsa ti«d to a past on lower Broad became frightened at a paaslu* wagon and broke loose and ran up Broad street at a tamale rate, nar rowly missing runalng|(ver a man on Monument street. TOMORROW, I THE UDT SHOW %Jfi t* #> fiftt* i* «* Mxftx^ Fir# taepe a a* Me ••» la* •ftß# TN T# • #ft#*#N#ft# •# omm «# M##t mm ft## INI #te##« • ftNftN *** s•##•#!♦ 9AO 000A0 #•# 4 s * ®N NMM## *## ##••*# 00 A ### IN 90 ##4 |#ft <##iN# A9O 0 OAOAAO9 I# ft# l ftfft WMRft #»• IftftliNi # #s*ft ftftff 0000090000 00A0»m*00 90 900 T#*f *N IN |fti'«ft4 r> NN ftf 9%#« MM# 0m NN mIN mmm anN a rmf TN Iri* Mf# N •##• ft*#* NNft ##4 *N ##• IN to*c*o 00 04 M * Eft* t #lr# ftvll %# | 4* ## ft#* IM# MR## * 4-a IN## #####**** Art*? A## ##•# N## i 00 • ? t## fftft»|#l I#*'*!# N# ftftftft iMMUffN M#N #f# #Hts *l*w Tft # ft ft ftft# p#Rfti#> I# Nrt Mft# (XftßßXtl #| ftf tegp# f#ftf fftftftßft ft# ##* ftNftfft# #N #N#ft TN *#MMr? ftt'-f# ##• •# «###! tN #• ftjftfttftHft# p-f tN •••#*##. ■## i fft# ftp#* Rftrtfftßjr# Mft# ft# ftp ■* v * ftMNI Iftßf.f M ##•# §te p ftir# A lj#fftjftf# •* OftVx f“|t# ’• %»'•-, '#ft* ftft twin nftft ## TN# I# • ##**N#4 ##* pppgany tor mmm mm m «xi* X «•«»• mag* rm»r>* ta kmekhaew’kX. #»*•«#• rartey nr Mg Paatama Ha* as atadv Hi, mmm mt thaw «a* as riks ksm texaNHMX* ta tha teat: TM# «1 <l# ft) |ft# ftftw IftMftf# pfMF *| r*f m , . ..... WB ftftpt# Mft# *ft “ N N • iliM TN## #f# ftfttr # f. m mprft pftftfcf’XNl |#ff #ft t v ’<§ rs 4Mt X»A racy's#* Mr* Dm * tesmtte t* Xtdax * b»si**«* aad ika f >lk>w'ax art Rea wet. di.pcwed of last ***•!*# A hsndariair pair as kbtakne aeee POP by Idas’, tetter. A ski'd', gold krarela* mas waa by fient Fsigsacai aad a mat aad brush by Mr B B Joaas A hakdaoate riock ha* been donate! tft Mf# tibii ftft# * ill N rtf #f# i# tl IN fftffwHt rft«l«# Ml] H la tke »-*d with 7« yme# and Ueat. rtataali la a rloae atefrad. hax'sg Tl Mr rharta* Bigvir wmi a Xv* pound hog of rasdy raflled off at th# randy booth. Th# foftnae tetter wa* a drawing e»rd ftp laet evening aad the fu*ttre waa prophetically rrvea'ad for many Topigbt th# Augusta chapter of 'he R A M and their Jady friend* will take auppee together at th# Fair, and the railroad men of the city will .Ua* there tomorrow The buby ahow tomorr-iw will r»ll nut th# little one* and tba Fair *BI be given over U» their pleasure A number of eatevtalala* pastime* sra bring arranged for th# pleasure of the crowd of mt# folks wt»o will doubt leas attend Mr*. K. C. Good rich has the ahow In charge and :t promise* to be on# of tb# rroauing succeaaaa of th# woe It. Two Pointed Questions Answered What 1# th# u*e of making a better ' Article than your competitor If you cannot get a better price for It? Ana.—Aa there I* no difference tn the price, the public wIU buy only the bet ter. ao that while our profit* may be smaller on a single sale, they will be much greater In the aggregate. Hoiv ran you get the public to know your make 1* the best? ; If both article* are-brought protni ' nrntiy before the public, both are eer uu» to be tried, and the public will very qulrkly pass Judgment on them, and u»# only the better one. Thl* explain* the large sale on Cham i berlaln'a Cough remedy. The people | have been using It for year* and have found that It t»n alway* he depended upon.. They may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claim*, hut are certain to return to th# one remedy that they know to be reliable, and for cou;*h». cold* and croup there I* noth in* equal to Chamberlain'* Cough remedy. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seed Co, C. R- Farr of Bell TViwer Drug Co. LOST—One hundred dol lars in bills. Finder will be rewarded by leaving? same at Coskery & Hun ter’s, DIED THIS MORMNQ. Mr. Manning Fit* Passes Away From Life. Mr. Manlng Fitts died at his home •-No. 228 Telfair street—at an early hour this morning. Mr. Fitts had been sick for about two weeks. Ho was 28 yens of age. He leaves a mother and sisters to mourn his loss. The last sad rites will be conducted tomororw morning Rt 11 o'clock from the residence. indoor Baseball. The game of indoor baseball tonight between the C. L., A.’s and the Ca dets promises to be one of the most ex citing and best played games of the sens*. Both team# bad a strong prac tice la»t night and those who attend tonight's game can expect to a** a sharp, snappy gamg Th* game will be called at 9 o’clock at St. Patrick’s | hall. Msag Marial Blaok has returned from a v«it to Plurals. Ala. Shingles. I «*X ftaaftm tex ft® af xf utefta#- ■■■ yx« m yxx wx«f mm, te*X ix aka** «k*i t tew mtm te* fta mfttem fax pm akrite kMMXft » ft* i*t taaaftff Fa# M#>, saafti tew «•** A,*.*»i X ft Mi tlftftxrf It.?* P* ■fttiMftxXMaft CUM 9, DTtel N. Mategfff i\u(fiioa^uniu(T(. THE MARKETS. ftt ot rfft IM«m »fN6T 6nrftftft)ft 9mA N $ aifaft, ft*ft#ft# rv*#’ .fte Y , ,g Aft* I M (V 4 #t#Nft«T • I * IN* 0*9909 *AotmAnr -• a*a 9 M-IN% * t#» mm 9- , * ~ . . N$ I M ft ni nn fttNini * *. wx imMI MM IfTftf .• >t w,e. I t MiH Nfin m&Smm # 1* *.*•**. -v v • t$- M MMftM aw V* ft* «****. Atm*A #C*Hftft VM# 6. IftM MNlf «*«*> **N MM |ttft |4I A3s* v#4 |tr>| ||| tMif * ea. MAI till Hrwftft f###ifttM t*Mfty * ♦ JNi k m, -a m AagwMX Dae. « »*•» Btaek 111 Augusta Dee. t Blit •Mcetgie aiaea ftepi j i« D*c a. jat »m B«*,pt. rtwe- Pent t Dec f 21417* | Wa waa t*wr afiaei* ta w*aka your pwtckaaa* ewtleaty aadDfactavy. j MAHONEY & ARMSTRONG COAL AND WOOD Strew gar **' Bell '?•* Office gad Yard Na i McCartaa Streat Tha following auotAitoaa are over 1 th* special art re* of Paine, Murphy * Ca,: CHICAGO PROVIBIONB. WHEAT— °P*’ B TP- m I December • '•* * May «« M CORN— December >* t-4 M I*4 GATS — „ * December M **« »* * | MAT 2« »*• ! * PORK 'Janunry * w » m l-i : LARD— I January Til HI *•* | SIDES — i January 4.SS 4 «2 I*. May 4.82 1-2 4.80 NEW YORK COTTON, Tone —Steady. Middling 5 5-8. I January 543 s<l Buy Dirtcl From Ihe inettn J AT MANUFACTURER’S PRICES. HKADQPARTERS FOR Tiunks, Baps Dress Suit Cases. Pocket Books, Purses, Etc, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY REPAIRING BY EXPERT TRI'NK MAKERS Anpsia Trunk Facicry, b sjk i 3 j| The New Year is (pproachins? ' ?;•**• S And I want mon#y to settle my old year’s obtipa \ tiors I will sell roy large entire stock of Finely Monuments, Headstones, Etc. I now on hand at th* LOW EhT POSSIBLE PEICE3* jgpfjp C. F. KOHIRUSS Corner Washington & Etlis Sts., - - AUGUSTA, CA. PRCfMSRft H [ FeXfgXfF **„«##,,, s•* 1 # ; Dap i<• lIX i JXte* ~t»~•• «, lit aAt ' ##tt ~ ~ ...... ~ t at August .... |aa i ax : taaemka# •• «• ~ . llt t XI UVfRM) Li WTIOJI, Jam axd fva I aa i *d i p«x, and tta rite ... tat tat *4 tlafifk aad Ap#n I *x i *4 tx Afrit aad May .. f.ate lax May aad Jtea* I N 1 aa J«aa aad ftlg ~ „ > iff I,a* as July „4 AuX .. h I'M 14K «X Ami aad mb l x IM aa Xa«t. aad OH .. - IM rvt aad No*. .. IX Nwv aad (tea lat 1 *t Dee aad Jaa .... lIX las PORT RECEIPT 8 i«? taaa ria>aam«a ~ ,* ,» IM IIFTS SftNft O |jr-ftft# , # ~ , # 9 ,000*4 S>slm 4504 im »• «, ~ Nit fOAO IftTltmll aa *• aa #.lfsts |NU rtlftr M NN ABM , f .. f , M oh «st: Wll«tftfttr4ft M ,p M .. f TU NJ| Wamm a a. .a •• •• W* 9090 fkilftAfttpMA a* aa a* a* t$A **• Ttee lake! trite th* fate. To tb* Editor of Tbo IteesiX- -Xis . I tautri to tb* Ckroakl* thte mieatac aa attack upon Hon Eowdre Phiatty Ikg Mr. Coritedga. a# tfc# Tribwaa. la iwkiete bo soya that the former gentle mm te wot a friend mt tke worhiax 1 people Thee* la a IHlte label *4 th# Mop of Tha Herald's adliortal column which give* oil Iho an*war noraaaary jto Mr Cart'adx# • s«»«ewieotA It I* | the T’aloo Label. The hast frsawd that j *h# laborer has to the one who pay* 'him moat for his services You can not Bad this latest ta lha Trihoar; therefore Mr. Phlntey te a inter friend of tha working man than Mr Cart- Sedge It l* wet arreaswry for Mr. Phlalxy to ray that he te the f-lead of the working man. The fact I# self eri i ideal. . CNION LABORER THE STRIKE. everything Ouict In the HIM District Today The situation In th# mill district I# unchanged. Thar# I* ao talk among the operative* as to what they Intend ; to do. A great many hare left town ,nd still more are leaving. The op • ratlvea are holding tneming* dally, dtKuaring the sitnatloa. but all their councils are secret, and It Is not known chat action they have taken. Langley. 8. C., haa been thoroughly j organised, and It te stated to repor ters that every operative' la that town went Into the Textile Union. WANTED WHITE WOMAN AH | pure* for children Personal refer ' ence required. Address Mr*. T. J. 1 Holliday, care Mr*. Reed. T Hair st., j Summerville. DeolO