The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 08, 1898, Image 1

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{ TUI * j bathos I~*~ |i|t »***»» Af**w*»* j d l*-«*we * ♦*»***• Haw Mi., SPANISH OFFICERS SLAP FACES OF CUBAN OFFICERS IttfT IflU* <4 Ift Vifrlt to ||| -1 \im Tkit \#grit PtffWMiil t (•Im H fc» • Mmm VIK OIN«f9» 4 ft# In f*n i «•#*#<■* A*ft# in 4Nmhi#§* 1 Uni #i#%# (w*xl in Imt, C ** Tin r*inn* **» '«No4innn>. ffvmn tft# 1 mii«n»innn> nf fin 4*n*i nf Anm»] nm Mnmn. jftNPftfti*l9 m tin 9%p% ilk** \ |)«t .tpto f***&*4 ! ft* *«* *f tin rtfli j In *mmi* ftMftft tin 4ft**» nnyn j m#4 ftt*n in tin Cftftftfcfc. nin tt**4 nnl* try* mi tin *tf mn tin imnlln nmnin 1 B now mm «*mmi **• MM* ***** j •Irwl tba MM* to tiff* NM*» OMtnj trorn • fftCoreM pwtf to iM*|*toi •mat lh> track*. Mho MW* him oh • i> tMtf Kamtefftoff th# 1 il— ml tore* ffaon- j i«n OaftMi win nmntni n npnnmi , «•!*& *«4 -mu-*—* th* c KnnAsltor* m 4 Nttttvf* th* I'aktM at they Stop** 1 #*htftry th ofttnMyr and 4* hot tbtah I M Mr to took apnft MM* me* art, th* tan Cnrtn* r!«h tntesM*# to hoM *| MMottre a«*ff niht m »yo*««y to th* bfwslrh rhih. Tho holt** or* btotooff lor hot Ml I*l hay *rr**t* IhMH tifArtwii. tin tufim nrttnn mi! tin nr j rtrTmnn4rr inf* *rrvmpm*l+4 in tin eilnf nf petlft** nnraonn«tf nrmnKnd jinn r«#«tl o tli» norilti- H# In n rapt*in In tin Cabto ntmn imM wnn \ tin niß win M bti two ti|to Mm* fniiifrn# into tin clni* rmilVi, • ft® 1 THE NEW SANTIAGO Oro Wm 4 tth* AaoyyHtM W oa- Mn 1 here. ftnettne*!* Pit I—Tb tnll of tin im* jsrofmHs*i tn tin fity ®f iißtitto would in u ntwploy • ttfing of ndjnr- j tl*«* kA • p**hh cf #*»*•* Hi thfor of f (ton. Leonard Wood, the governor of th* pntlM* of SmlH|o Fro* the —ffT nftMin—i —' nl cf hi* to*.me ffH"t . Mid dhrrrier h**an to Rirt place to rlMßltcto* and quletitd*. al'hough th* '* who were beta* benefited oar* . th* lMt to appreciate bis effort*. r.i*n the moot rabid art • Am«ri<-an oho : haotr Psetiago in the pan moat, pee* foec*. admit vow that not only l* the city clean, but ihnt the people nod ere* the nclmal* are lakinc better th*u at aay yrtrkwt time. A mall br.dt* path around the city ha* nr«v (wen (urn.d into a line arid* rrad that rarriar * /an drive over, and it is tbe Intention of Geo. Wood to plant a large number of eucalypti* Jmm. which will not only lend a pleas ant shade to the drive, but will b* largely tastrumental In eondte’ng to the future health and well-being of the eity, a# the#* trew are noted the w *ld , ever for their anti-malarial Influences; . and another advantage Js that they grow very rapidly. Several of the main j streets of the city are be'ng macadam- j lard, the old cobble atone* being rele- , gated to the limbo of tbe past. Tha Clvl’. Hospital la a raagnlfleent building, situated tn B rplendld I oca- j lion, w'th.a view unequalled of the ; city, tbe bay and the surrounding bill* j Inside, however, d rt. mismanagement, md a total lack of any system of i drainage formerly helped to kill oft more patients than were eured; but today no speck of dirt Is to be seen, everything la under perfect manage- ' ment, there 1* a system of drainage that wrnld not discredit a New 1 ork hospital, end the patients have every thing that medical skill and human in genuity can obtain for them. In the old days the governor of the province used to pay a visit to the bospltol about every six months, noti fying the hospital official* several days beforehand of his Intended call, so tha* by tbe time of his arrival all that look ed unpleasant wr*s carefully hidden out of sight. Nowadays Gen. Wood calls nt seme unexpected time at least twice a week and everything has to be In upple pie order. MR SCULLY FINED $25. ; / _______ Evidence Proved That He. Sold Liquor on Si nd :y The cas;s of .Mr. Dan Scully and Mr. George Ha'ris, charged with sell ing liquor on Sunday, came up for tri al at the court of the recorder this morning. Mr. Scully plead not guilty to the | charge, but a'ter hearing the evidence judge Baxtop. levied a fine of twenty- . flvg do.larr. The evidence In the Harris case war ranted a dismissal of it. Such was done, Leak-Danlel. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss I»bia Daniel to Hr. Pinckney Cscar T.eak ; .of Winston, N C. Tha; ma’riage will occur on tha 14th an j 12:30 rt. m at the home of the bride's puienis, ou Greene strivu ft* OMI A *TtsR Till! AUGUSTA HERAIJ). «nirr m \SATBSi mfmi+cZ I iNN«S |B»tW «#* ilSwIiW * #Mit Ml ft#a »«* I ttiUftH.. I**# f •» Tmi [ tipr ft a mm*m Di \ »%*** Ml IM m 44m *t I Crnmtmi «|m* m*9. bnm» IMi I hmnpwmni a imKmbi mi mmm Ima4 Afti A mmm** rw§ Ml IM* Imm |uAtAnl» mm* *wwms * M IM •*»!#» »Hi Un» mm 4* mm TMpMi* iMrftMA m IK omwrmmmrm m*mrn4 h*r* [fPAMMMNMtet mf*mw**m Imrcanniai A [At MAAJMAsMa MM K"aMaM*. KIAK MfttiUlA i tMofii mm m$ mf%mm mmmmtmm M I • rMwA )l !M Aflii fAMWA MP**Al CA* «m iOn n vtsllkiiiA 4amm OK #s» i mtmtKL. AAMaM AAIA AfttkMT tA lAM*A fili‘ I#t «NRNsApf tirt» mmmmt'f> mbm IKn* ! apaatard# w*e» naaily t* lane* Ctoh*. i and #••*<•**»**d ** they tafwwd II w Uitwt A want At aMaab# Mi pAftsilAA . lAa AMapMi #tl IfM Ml AttltMMMK* A •’WA* I p|* of tfMleh o4k*f* *»hw chaa**4 »• ! |MMA AA’Af (N f*lAT*fIA4MftA At Oi* . tftAAA- AA4I AA# At AA* ‘ preached aa* (tapp'd Ih* face nf a I ftwmhar a t ‘th* Caha* Pflg• Bk,w * i A'Api oiAiiiii* '<l Mai iM# IMlMiamti mmtm I MHI Aff*'A!M AA4 tA* t*M*A M» AM* (PAAkaaaTa pmlwm* whiff* %b*f I A*TS aASBK Jfß Ilf 4 W A IT* | pAHkA At iMMi ItrtMtt mm ifiM Ia If Ma SlHtif VA«A A JlpAAiftM At Osftual park tare a Pimm hat off a Cftfcsa* head sad rat N lato piece • vritk hi* aseord Th# offeader waa ifili ft. IM G*A Avolaa, Mtriift fir i he* treahi* dlMribwted a fore# of *«d gla*a ip the park aad vicinity No nth* lev dlainrhae<e« ocewrred powever. WHAT CI'dANS THINK They Baltov e That McKinley la Acting hi (load Faith Havana. Itor. A —The extra eta from I*l*sldeat M Kla ey's mreaag* to Coa | great puMlahad by the local papers have created favorable Impression among th* Cuban* Gen. the ! command** of tbe Cabas ferrea la the | province of Havana, aays that Presi dent MrKlnley abows pond faith and ' that the American nation will carry out the rearluttons of Coagrea* tn fa ! vor of the Independence of Cuba J Oea. Rafael de Cardenas, the moat ' Important Cuban leader in thl* prov -1 lace after On Menoral. declare* that the menaage contatna a new promise that tbe Cnlted State* government will establish In Cub* a free government of its own people. He add# that he never douted the good faith with which the .Americans lifted iheir hands to free Cuba and to ate ire It* Independence, end he to aure. If an independent re public la not established ia the island. It will not be because the Americana will uae fotce to prevent It or tn con quer the inhabitants. He believes that tbe American military occupation will lie abort, because the people will keep good order and prove their capacity for aclf-govcrnmcnt Among tbe Military Committee of the Cuban Aaaembty, who are no*v .it Mariano, the same good impression was made. The subatanre of that part of tbe mreeaee relating to Cuba has been telegraphed to the Cuban leaders throughout the island. Im Lucha nay* editorially that the moat sensible rewolutlonlst*. far from trying to oppose obstacles to the Amer ican policy, are ready to cooperate to bring about Hs aucc ■**. President Mc- Kinley. it add*, will meet with no difficulty in perfonnlng the promise before tbe world to Cuba and the American people and !n mildly end ing tbe evils that Inspired American Intervention in the Uland. HISS JEANIE BE'•SON She Will Not Re Heard Here This Winter Augustan* will learu with regret that Miss Jcanie Benson will not be heard here thl* winter, as was antici pated. Miss B/nson has severed her connection with the Metropolitan Con-, cert company and has returned to New York. DEATH AT HOiPiTAL Mr. J. H. Woodhouse Passed Away Last Night. Mr. J. H. Woodhouse, a printer who has been living In the city for the past two months, died last night at the city hospital of kidney trouble. He was sick only four days. yia mother and brother arrived in the city last night. The remains of the deceased were ta ken to ConcoVd, N. C., this on the 2:10 train. Torchlight • recession. There will be a torchlight prsressign tonight In ratification of the election of Messrs. Clark and Elliott. The pro cesaice wlB start frotu .ElJiptt s_ furni ture store in West End anC continue down Broad through the cB?- Ail thd Clark end Elliott forces are requested to be on hand promiV.iv at 7:30 o clock tonight with torches. THE AW I WANTS HHH TO CONE TO AUGUSTA ftrl Titi Majfff MrkiffW) MmmU I FtfiffiffU ffff Tfefffff 'Hit 1||1» Hr h Off* it llfffft. fMHsree Raffle«i VltM • Use 4f waffans IA mmt4 Mato Ito Hires T bet MtaM ffaawre ska kwaskere Ire a Ussy as t.aaaff Ito "toa «*4 (tollsere Are Wary AsaSress Sa are she NiengHs »*d Fres fkal Me SAM Nat Nm Itoa R*. Tkia aftorearet at i avinek ska rev* airy ear* ** eaM bit tost drill av reilsar ff*i4 day. In a kick iiitlnsg fa**y nff •a and many difficult fc*i* of tones* • msnsk.p tree* ealittoled Tbe pnrn4e j (v acred at ik* M ires wisriid 'nr rrepa beadyuarters near tb* Cbnfre tmtdrere. Tbeaa are many aptondld , kasnsmsa In sba eavnlry aad (bay srev* j ttvre. n dbanre to anbttot ttoew rid tag ttovcrnl of lb* officer* sesea to tbtnk I bat If Anffwatana would make an ef fort tbe President amid com* bare for a day nt least Tb* Apri of kts vta»* to ffavaannb ns* to Inspect tb* troop* stationed •*#*» and aa I bey now |> tn Cuba 4b* offtore* believe be will < re* bee* If sufficiently urged. At laM tb* foothnf player* bare **(- , tied tffywn to work Ik rerneat. Y**ld* day aft era or w a game waa played be tween Cap! Roman a resttmreuil ireaa aad lJent. Coastnble's team, rbnaasi from tbe remaining player*. Tbe regi mental team waa defeated by a score at Iff to I Tb* two teams combine for tbe team to play other regiment# Tbe Th It treat h Pesresyivanln team I* j tbe one which baa taken tb* Aral atep lin aecnrlng games with other regi ment*. Today SergL Major W. W. ffc Cullougb went in tbe tntereat of <k> team to ffergt. M Cutche m. of Co. L Thtrty-flftb Mlcbtaan, who I* captain of tb* Michigan team. A gam* waa •imaged for ffaiordny tbe I7tb. The First Maryland waa then seen nod a gam* arranged for RatttrtViy tb# 94th. 1 There game* wilt be played ia the city at the ball park If poaalble Oth i erwiae they will occur on th# parade ground. The fludtrgs of the court martial re- I rently h Id bare been made publie. tjbaries Downey, of C 0.,!, Plrat Marv lan volunteer*, charged with vioUtltnl of tbe thirty-eighth *«d thiriy-eecond article* of war. was sentenced to thir ty day* at hard labor and *l7 to Im j taken from hi* pay. Menrice Pitrgerald. of the renerv* ambulance corns, was acquitted of tbe charges preferred against hm. Arthur A. Smith, of Troop L. Third cavalry, chtsrged with vlclatUm of the alxty secoml article of war, waa given ten days end ten dollar*. The command ing officer approved the sentence, but gtiileA thst it was much too light for j the offence committed. E. O. CavannugH, of Co. G. First Maryland, tried for desertion, was ac quitted of the charge, but found gu"!y of absence without leave. He was flr.e l ten dollars and sentenced tn thirty days labor. Cstnp Chef. A crematory has started working in the Eighth Pennsylvania. Capt. Bsrrows, of the Fifteenth Min nesota, Is officer of tho day for the Third brigade. Cupt. Decker, of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania; Lieut. Dewey, of tho Fifteenth Minnesota, snd Lieut. D»rr, ’of the Eighth Pennsylvania, have been appointed a hoard of survey to look in to details anrl fix responsibility of : burning of some Capt. J. B. Haynes, of te Thirty fifth Michigan, is first brigade officer of the day. An eating room for tbe cavalry can- j teen is in the course of construction, j Tbe Th’rty-fiftb Michigan Is being ; equipped, with new clothes, which have • just arrived. The other regiments ex pect their stores dally. The moving of the big canteen In the Third brigade goes steadily on. A large number of men saw the fire and praised the work of the firemen last night. Tenth Ohio. Pvt. Chas. C. Croy of Co. G has been promoted to corporal. Pvt. Chas. A. Rode of Co. D has been appointed regimental farrier. The Indoor baseball game tonight with hand concert will he attended by many of the men. ■ Lt. V. H. Outherle Is officer of the day. Lt. F. H. Shelby is officer of the guard. \ B. Halsey and Everts from Nebras ka and Ohio respectively have b*tn en listed with the tend. KiUdor/ of Co. J. .has. been returned to the hospital. \~ ' .S. Riggs hqs/beeptransferred tb tha hospital corps, V. 3. A Oanisl Hospital Stewart! »ri«w« is In charge today. ■* uru r«tfriif i*it mmcm fimi AItMM A. QA ffttff# %**+ l mm4 Hibnmmu *♦ f** • *+* mm* $m mm e«| tiffs 1 mu tIHHHMI TK'<Bii*i< |> i *0 €V |P «to*«| tm mwmms | f* Ctr m I* ii «ff« sass j mm4k itnirnt #%< im mmm* *4 ***** j mm $m mm mmmmf hmwm mrns mmmmi l tiKpipi • mim- 1 4 ||M» mrnrnt* InmMHi 4 f%W I’M* ***** 4 f*#«* ■•ni mmmimn****'- ! r t»«* hmm pfw#iM(ff4 i# t«*■s**** Uw».|*t» *U>IMgM Ttoa earessre In an* *ttr was an eyre ■ ns* in ik# toil* wto» nnw Iff, Id, CiamuT nf ffn. A •* «4to e» «< iw dag (4. kiak'k nff Os. F to idkrre to ttoa award. Ciiriiwrnl fftonClto to (In. F kre re* iwread Dwto sard rtwbnwto I toe* fture to#** arrived tor *e«Mn r*tw tb» tret meet. Figtotto Pfssitbsals. Mm. to Os. A left for tot* towns tts. Any, toartoug naets**4 a dre toer*. (A, to..4etas4fkrto- * nf On, A to offtore i to th* day U ttowaa to Os. Fto toffrer to tb* greed t*dn*. Tha siitvst to tk* rew atots to an aevlp nwalffsM toss tb» ire* <1 Kerr to On. I tone returned toss arc to furtwren. I |*.ret AT P rarer*«4 fire woapttal tnat ntatot (treatise to On, F tons returned frsr dtvtoton h sptmt Tto# bwptisl to bring Hoarded so to day I M.treath Fraasvtvaato Mooney to On F bn# been nebt tn toil la qiisrtasa frre Nrestii. Capt < unman to On, D to tokcsir of tbe dag. _ _ l A. Murphy to Co Cm ■ omaiakffee of ttoa guard. Ptcturv* have bet p received of th. poatnfftre empire- • to Hoi an tun with Cto Ulpplc. tbe former eotomel to th# llth pretmaat- , A beautiful dree* parade will be rir s« ttoa a*teranoa Capt. nillman to Co. D to/nnrb in terested In the loothall team ai»d la ameraily on the Held «tth them during their practice. Th# m*n tf<* tvtx!mi*ty Mlfuns fit ti other, -when think *< *4ll get paid* - The crematory I* being built under the aupervlaton of fU-rgt a loan of Co. A. It ta between the llth and 15th ground*, aome dletance back of the regiments. ggt. hoiis Day of Co. D I* slowly re-j covering from typhoid f#v.<r. Fit. Frank Burke Co. D. waa tried yesterday afternoon by courtmartlal on; the charge of drunkennees and dreert tng his post; he waa acquitted. Major Surgeon W. K Keller say* the health to the regiment I* better fhsn it has ever been. The Y. M. C, A. tent la once more In position, and Is being used by the mem bers of tbe Sth and 13th. It Is altuab-l between tho'two regiments, has all tb latent papers and mag*nines an-t ia warm an* comfortable; the men appre ciate It very much. The hand has daily rehearsals In Ibe i large mess tent of Co. O. Th- friends of Regimental Quarter-1 master Lieut. H. B. Cox will he glad to learn that he is ateadlly Improving In health, and will probably return to the regiment next Saturday. Lieut. Cox has lx n 111 with typhoid fever, since shortly sfter the regiment "‘‘toi to Camp Mend*. P«-. "od for several! dav-s hi* life *'«i despaired of. He is very popular with the members of the regiment. Harold L. Gillespie, a former mem ber of Co. D, has been detailed act ing hospitals,steward and assigned to the 13th regiment. Fifteen.h ninnesota.v Sgt. steward of Co. M has been dis charged for promotion to second lieu tenant and bore his sword for the first | time today. , , . , 1 Peterson of Co. F 1* on special dut\ at the hospital. Corp. Maxwell of Co. L has been dis charged by order of the aeeretary of Wflf. The new kitchens are finished and ready for ire-. Capt. Nolan of Co. H Is officer of the day. . ... Lt. N- lson yf Co. C is officer of the guard. Cavalry. Sgt. Stahlman of troop D goes on furlough today. Lt. O. B. Myer leaves today for leave of absence. j Capt. Morgan of H troop reported for duty yesterday from detached service. All the men turn out for the drill thla afternoon. j. F. McDermott and J. li. Crouch have passed examination for enlist ment. L. W. Brown of troop L Ik the first man to he sent division hospital. The diet kltlchen has started for hos- Pltal. . ~, A large shipment of the paper for kit chen roofing came In today. at p intof bayonet The Drunken Soldier Surrendered Today. There waa a hit of. excitement at po lice headquarters at about 2 o’clock thla afternoon. A soldier who had -been drunk was trying to esoapa the clutches a s the vro- , voSt -and. ran into police station- The: guards ran In-, after hlfn and at the, polht of. tbe bwonet he mada an ®h f.(mdß4sr\ai *urwwidei . H- Wok takwn toj pr-iv-sl .'he:iib|Hiirt*-t.K. THE MEDICAb BRANCH NOW Its IffireliSfftJnff He(*ff Tll» Mtoff Ikff a n»f ito-vtotoeeni to|» rafftorn |lm Meto | m ii •# *4 Wm*?wgirm tv t*Up*, I *» TH* | #fUMt** 1 at lift* NPMttffe! **B%K#* ms lift* #rmt *rnmi !•*** iv|k i«n4#t *■*> III* mmf ■■ iPtMi fffn*M* ifffffj *trtl mmwfm l Cl*#*f >t |ll#fHtNFffl *F*B t : I In***4 *fckw*4ft III* *4t*iplximlMft, T%* I •*4l**! wwMM .Ik t**4. *** sfttotnw4 kw nn srs*« to ante »•» I man ftlere ilia •#» *»™n» sal, aad Dana ! ywar to rrer Ike miawtes aa had ante* ! mil led had tree* MIWUIT toss lira* to# j Hsagtswn i* a pnffkrif to , Aa i aooa aa Ihsq# aae ffeneffeeff to aaf. he begun fftoaarailoM. though *ru asak j |ng gag ■ ipranr Me toad toiaMa to fbaaffa ntg-T* a# a* : d. aad wntffaMrt dsystoganl fcto oh** toe reaarelsd t© Hmtorrsl Atget Ihe gtnafiitf to aaMiiag pvtrehaers fur the ererkr- th* "#o'.ley I was ia wait ** lia said at (v«4 Hare three srere fflff euwrart surgevto. reaployed The »p --poiatesw were aaostly fm* thirty la freie Mats a Ilk ln»sll>l At gg(tx* petosasional ©spertrer* tThre Pffi. n surwi ramps srere atoabltohed la tbto rwaairy. h* did not know they srere ta Is, permanent ll* ©oared to It seas a *Mstator to aM has* appointed a«» coatrxi~t surgeon* fuss those who had rip*H*are la the etvll war. for th-tr experience would have bee* taealua hla. Tha regttaeatal sargeoaa, h* enlff. were good bad aad taffiffereat H# rerollerted an inataare of dtawlswt! for ' laroreprienry He mulff not reeoi j I ret whether th* chief aurgeoa at (’•asp Thomas bad reported that the sanltatioa there wax had. The depart ment now. be saiff. had ampl’ evidence that the typhoid ream during the wu srere largely mistaken for malarial fe ver until lh» cases reached the dlvls , inn hospital* and malaria had also ! been diagnosed as typhoid 1 —r RUMANIA 15 OFT Uaici For Cuba With III* Mrol North Carolina. Havaonah. ()•., Die. S.—Th* (>nit«Ml Hlal** tranaptMt R«»u* manla.wtth th* lat North Car olina on hoard. mIM out Oil* morjilng for Havana. Hh«* 4row 1* feet 7 ini-hee. and left on low 1 tide. Thla shows that Savannah has plenty of water, for high j tide gives six or Seven feet more. CHIfcF ROULETTE Receives Thanks From Inmnn Sc Cumpany. I Chief Rmilett has received the fol lowing eompllmentary notice from Messrs. Inman A Co., whose com pres j t was saved by tbe effle'.ent work of the chief and hi* men. The notice reads; Augusta, Ga., Dec. 7th, 189 S. Mr. Frank J. Roulett, Chief A. F. D.. City. Dear Sir:—Allow us to thank you moat cordially for the most efficient work done by your department at our compress yeeterday. The rool, btisl news-llke manner In which you handle a fire certainly inspires confidence in property owners. The efficiency of the fire department under your management Is, as It should be, a source of satisfaction to the good people of Augusta. We lieg to remain, dear sir. Yours truly, INMAN & CO. GEORGIA LEGISLATION. Bills Up In the House and Senate This Horning. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 8. ln tho house today the new stock law by Mr. Walk er of Union was up. The bill was passed after quite a discussion, by a vote of 105 to 36, and was ordered im mediately transmitted to the sen- In the senate the bill of Mr. Ever ett of Stewart amending the charter of Lumpkin, was passed this morn ing / Th 3 bill of Mr. Snead allowing for eign railroad companies operating in tbe state to take out a charter when they sec fit. was warmly dis cusHed, and the bill was finally ta bled. The-bill or Mr. Nesbitt to allow the agricultural department to appropriate the not fees of inspectors of oil and fertilizers to its own support, came next. After a long discussion, Mr Nesbitt withdrew it. New York Futures. ' New York, Doc■ B.—Futures.,Aliened steady- Dscepiber 5.43.; January 5.42: \iirch 5.44; ApHi ~47; May’ J ■ :i >, June ; .slfe: July 5.58; August 5.61; S*pt«m- < Mi-tolicr 5.61. HU ttoffff t *•» A Gt» fill HM>A| lllv ft, akffff PEACE IS NOW A FACT, THE WORK CLOSED UP f%#* tip* 9 »« rift* fpHMV fWHI ■ Upsli 111 fs»wito*4 swifm* fill# ***4l I#* W* KPHNffI #|| #4*141 Hmwm mm* imMHlilUtl *4 ssjiy*4ftf On#, t till* PIN Tift* IfepPiffl#t*-* xuMKAt fwtwm4 ftw itift* In lift* t’ftHSl iPUHii* * PMftttiMf Pfttln* 4HI ItNff Of«i4ttb* t*l#*4* Thev there * irvsrn Tl»* Ammffmm wmmmw imt**-> 4 t|ft* Mp 4 * FM* It ‘*r. - e ftp p ft# «4»f* (ftp* at «p9p4 TM r»tf**Pi>> Iftp4 tmmmm t* Inf lit* v** tp*t ip* t i ifft ffwift 4Fff"*p mi i pi* tpi# rnmt t)ipt lMt* p*tsfr9 Im ft fpptpt* Til» fp<f-i i t>ft|nf lift* ftimftlftHNi Mm AftfftfM trim lift* rrppm*—ftftftOTft ripptP tin mm pnp**pl til* ftrt (Ml, | ftctuMi tftii«i id ppm pit mftmißßi j (anftPi* IB«t «ft*f* iWllffftttil ft* l<» • whtokee or not the ennferenre a«w»td ressalt In a aariletoHH to ***** b# •Ippipp lift* ifppif Im vftMli ftimlp (off** p|t ft** oaMrnl** CwWs i he Mare* Misreirien* to the negadntlesie nsMtff leave lhe<r ftosHorel fftsaMlge at ho** tn no srere* if not In netlee. ■nalDon Ihn* if the# *Wta*ff the ire* tjr. Tbe Anrertren* were anstoft* *»', In give ihn teffnalard* nay prei#*f to break nil ihr are**l*ttoa* or gl*' to free*, ms far n» the exereiae to pa Hence and dinks narv reviid eleat dear to prtoeto* The Madrid (nasn report tlsni Are or ] ' Moot era. the president to the kpxn-f lab ' '<mmission made as impaasionert <|,n<m< latiotfeof Mr M> Kloley at the, joint meeting to the rnmmisaion Hut thee* report* are practically without l,.imitation He did refer to the Maine, tint in only one calmly worded eeotreee ex pressing regret that the president had spoken at lb# Spaniards thought- ua PRIMARY IN AIKEN. Result to the Ballottog to Thai Ml* lag# Yesterday. TBpectol to The Herald. 1 Aiken, 8. C„ Dec. I—'The primary ' election for mayor and aldermen held yeeterday resulted aa follows: Mayor- Hon Thomas R. Morgan. Alderman - Messrs. Henry Buaob. J. 11. Beckman, Louis Bradwell. Jam** McCarter. R. W McCreery and Dr. Krampton Wyman. Hon. Thoms R. Morgan I# one of our os-i) most prominent ami poputar atterppys and was elected without op position. Thla la a very marked com plimrut to he xeleeccd to preside over the deatiniea of so proffTcsaive an l proa-jeyotis a title city aa Aiken and involve* considerable resnginslhlllty. In addition to the mufilei ml work* already Incugurateii the elly Is abcut to begin work on a new and complete system of sewers that will require < Mayor Morgati's close attention. Nev ertheless. we look forward with perfect confidence to hla fnlthful and able dla oharge of his dwtlea anil predict for him a brilliant political career. The city was stnril d yesterday af ternoon by the report that Mr Wade Patterson had been seriously shot In the head by Mr. Chris !,atte. It was found that the wound was not likely to prove serious as the hall had not pen?- trnted tho skull. It wes purely accidental and result ed from showing a pistol that was sup posed to bo unloaded. Northern visitors sre coming lit con- j sulerahle number* and the prospects . are bright for a big c/owd ami a gey > season. Mr. ard Mrs. Thomas Hitch- j cock, jr„ and family arrived yesterday with a numerous retinue of servants, horses ?nil dogs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peine Whitney and family re expected Paine Whitney find family are expected later on with hla fine stable of horses. It is not thought that Secretary Whit ney will be able to come on account of his health. Many improvements have been made during the past summer, some of which have not reached completion. Among the moot prominent are the following: The handsome residence of Mr. J. Clint Taylor, of New York, the elegant, colonial mansion of Mr. Hinkle, of Ohio, the handsome residences ol Messrs. 0. Gray Dennison. Henry Burch and Kinloeh Cheffee. The Hotel Aiken, a large three story hr'ck building being built by Mr. lien- | ry Hohn, one of our most public-spirit- j cd capitalists. Is nearing completion. , The large new brick stable of Mr. G. K Chaffee is ready for occupancy. It would be creditable to any city and i will fill a long fell want in Aiken. | Trick Riding. Messrs. Rube Shields and George j Philip, wo young wen, who are mak- , lpg a tour cf the United State's on wheels, arrived in Augusta this morn- : /tig. They an exhibition of trick : tiding in front of the Arlington, hotel : *t noon today, which was watched by many. | J*ny*^MlMMl t f n.vss Pmas' • t hi vseffsk • vsawa ia» PLANT PR* LOAN ANO navincn PANA, *■*>*»* ntanffHos* . if*lff Refffvffs (| • rtffliffff MUM It Ip tffftoik# limit Jwdge (in# Miff loffffs I not an Nieti he# tore htotloff »«sw* is IM • tore# too* Fin as Atm* to sgn sms at awff ttoffy iha Fngrwsaffag netotoM toss# la p Uses f&. lt* of ftftppl ift ft*< ftftihmwii. t ft# ftpppi*Nk umi ftit*mit iftt* t* F#pc* ftp** ift* tffNM|WMi44iiiMlST ! of Ift# iMftilftff P*ipi#l#f *#p#Pt**4 ft* , • J»*Pt «mt Ift* ftc«nnpfti mtfti ■ f ft# ttmmumtm* I * * i nfi»pip| lift N*l#P Ift llftlft Pftft ft** • PftHlftft Vll«Ni Nfkppft ftp Ift* ft«9l« 4#ftt ftMMMftp# Ift |MMP *»P< Hftt ■* Ppftft. lift 1 1ft ftp** pr«m»ft*i 4** 4 %rw* I rtipftiff tMftftmpplf fftifti IP ftmi* ftNMlftl ap# mi Ift* tfftßWi of Ift* tvpplft, p <HftftftPPllr Fttplff* ftpfftfNhp Trpftr# ppftl IS* l toteff krats*. which may hare a* • apo-Ant chapter to history, Tha Pfvbri gvweiaaisai Is repartoff le have resolved to tab* ap the rea» to th* French hulffst* to Cuban i avails a off Iff is heliesed that France will doctor* that tho teffad>aUon at the bonds la a rsewH to th* treaty which tha vtrto* tons naUoa .mpnaed npon dpntn Th y sague that through th* treaty the re* sponaihtUi! ha* keen shifted upon America and ihv rstore the Fi'encki I govern n-nl will rndrevof to nset ; *om# pledge for the poytaret or jroec* 1 sntee of the bonds Th* New « ia Madrid Mali «1. Spain Dee. V.--The shins* meeting teday dtsi usacd letter# and tto* rgiani* received from ffvsoi Mootatw Rica, president of the Ppanlsh peace . nmmieaion. The -mslMwi h •wswer. w. tvsequently declared they «*rs tuaMs to give any details regarding tho mat* lets discussed or decision* strived at ASLEEP ON THEIR WhEELA Progress to Hie Great BW v clc Race at the Garden ■ Nrer York. tvc. Tkn arrewo [' Dutchman" Waller waa the leader In . the six day* bicycle rare at the Gar i den at 7 o'clock today, but by fl he bad I been passes! by Matey, tbe Canadian. Walter took the front place shortly as -1 ter 2 o'clock from Millar, and passed the I.2nd mile mark a few minute* af ter half past four. At 3 o'clock Miller waa third In the rnee. Pierce having rushed by hltu At 7 o’clock Picrne w*a aUll getting away from Miller, and gaining on Waller while the latter slept At 8 Pierre vat once more at the top of the airiox. At that time he ap peared fresh. Albert climbed away up the list for rider* at 4 going up to sce ' ond place. Shortly before 6 he left 1 th' trank and loet some of thla advaa j Inge. Waller iloxed for a moment shout 1 4. awcke with a start, wobbled atul grabbed Frederick, who ,was rltllng at hla aide. Both fell In a heap and tbe i wheels were broken. Halo ! fell RKleep and dropped from th» 1 wheel. He lay for a moment and then i awoke with a start. Jumping np h« I rubbed his eyes and remounted. Dt ring the morning Miller again moved upward. The noon score stood ns follows: Milter 1290 XValter 1289 P'.erce 1285 Albert IM* Stevens 1231 Glram It”! i Aronson 1150 Hale 1113 Navre U4O Forster 1003 Sehlnneer 1061 COL THOMAS COMPLIMENTED. Will be Aide to Grand HarshaH to Peace .lubi'ee. Col. Turner C. Thomas, who render ed sueh effic:cn‘ service on Gov. At kinson's stuff, has had another mili tary eimplinicnt extended him by be ing asked to art as aide to Col. A. J. West, grand marshal of the peace Jubt • lee. The following communication was received bv Col. Thomas Col. Turner C. Thomas. Augusta, Ga. Dear Sir: I have been elected by the executive committee of the Peace Ju bilee to act ns grand marshall of the Jubilee parade on the 15th. 1 would be pleased to have you ac cept the position of aids on my staff on that occEsion. Hoping to have your early acceptance, 1 remain. Very respectfully, A. J. WEST. Grand Marshal,'Atlanta Peace Jubilee Parade - Remember the wheel of Providence is always in motion and the spoke that is uppermost will be Under, and there fore mix trembling always with yoUt Jdy.