The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 08, 1898, Image 3

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THURSDAY THIRD GEORGIA SAILS SOON Imml Tttitttft* ni Tltf m m <*» i# %#*r% n##, in i*44s. 44 mm> f 9## ■ p™#! 4 4#*!## #k* •■ ■*» Mfi# f =# 99#*®## FROM UMCIVKfOWM. I»M Tffdsnl *1 f** Miter*. A iwtew. Imn> ute #th#c >ttki Tw #*•« 4** •* kg., I.w ffmp Jf. i* | |h<«, |M|« •* .M> H #'!»> •« »• |k w W mite at wsHtera mr «• iMt to bo nw . f >■)" A* tw f»*M—<B to »<rto IVr eftr* \ Of lit® 4*. dMIW Ibovt Ilk# <tln «f lb* train * rt#rl«« Qg,’ 0 ' RTvni the man h#ard. «M N Itob *4 Hit# rvrryufe* #»•# Up ftfld do«A III® tt*tn h#**4. »• r«##t#r wu In ®Wr4« blit nf)Q| lb# ghy, liufhing 4. wan trrln« to wit hrr thrm Wtt4 a a atano* thro the ffOdartor rrturmd. a fr *n4 of ?h# dfvnnrrat wttfc him. who aaaro of hi® atatmatoa indue iwuliar* m dMdH to do him a favor by rhan* glng th« sabfort of ronvitaalloa. Oh. tb# third party t® n® a htr# noa,** h# bf|an. aa hit gIAH r t took In tho untform®. “Olr# *#m a rant. and tell ire what you think of the lataat from Washington. We'*e cot Spain »h»rc <v , want htr now; If Oormanr Intcr frrm w* will lick her. Aa for England ah* had better walk a atralaht line, or ahe'tl aet annexed to the Unltsd State* before abe know a tt-*” ,|i n doodle f!oo!" remarked the on••cn with a distinctly sarcastic ac rent. * Aaaln. everybody looked the ear over carefully, and now the conductor, too. Ox*-! a look of acorn upon the amuaed soldiers and a merry ripple at laughter two prettv alrla la front dldn t improve hla arnllmenta In reaard to them. A* he paaaed out the potltlclana re lapsed Into acornfal alienee unlll the train etopped to take jan a countrv bride and groom bound for the neat station. It «m soon reached —too soon for the bride and rrnm, who had foraotten to modulate their voice*.* were heard as the noise of the train ceased In ear nest conversation. His lank arm was under the plaid shawl that fell about her buxom waist, and hi* whispered inquiry became suddenly all 100 plain, os he said: •And what would Dovey would do if Lovey was to die?" And she answered back— "Dovey would die too. What would Lovey do If Dovev was to die?" What Dovey would do was never heard. , While all listened Intent on hearing the sarcastic was heard from on this subject, too, as another prolonged “ctok a doodle doo!" resounded through the car, and amid a storm of giggles. the affectionate couple awoke to the situation, and the train came to a stop With a Jerk that assisted them to rise and leave the car with faces veiled In blushes, as a farewell "cook n doodle doo!” honoe-d their depart- 1 ure to the great merriment of all who remained on the train a merriment which increased as the conductor re pneeftred'Just In time to be greeted with another salutation from the un seen chan-.lcler. whose voice, which the rumble of the train pre vented their locating before now, seem ed to proceed from a young widow in deep mourning In the seat in front of the countryman hound for Grovetown; and she blushed so violent a disclaim er that ail became convinced that a ventriloquist was amid them playing a jok*. And a poor one, too, thought the conductor, to whom that last salute was the final straw, remembering the laughter of the pretty girls and their glances at the uniforms. He immedi ately placed the ventriloquist there. It was too bad, his friends Insulted, bis passengers and himself made game of. i’ere, you,” he said, walking angri ly up to the soldiers, and turning up hi* lantern, "let me see that pass Of vc-ycs again. I'tn*afrald it isn t right. ' It wasn't, end .as a consequence, he felt It his duty to nut them off at the , next “tatlon, which was Grovetown. Here the countryman also got off, look ing so tickled as he set down his bas k- t that they asked to see its contents. • Thereupon he removed the clcth and showed them a bird, which he declar ed was thtmnest game rooster and the best fighter Columbia county. Notes. ~ Mr. E. S. Dunbar was up tn Grovs tomc yesterday hunting. Mis. Morris and Miss Haiti# Morris left by fast train on Tuesday morning for their new home, to the great re port of their many-friends. Our lady of the Tines Visited h<r J* • ■ I )»*# tt#* Us® I Ip 9pi4#44|4 ##* |B44ii4 1 *m *#*§♦ * fIMNMi 4444 4* w *44** *•, MMi i t®#*# #* kkIMNNKi 44#- 4*® I klfw O"St * v* ; s €99®### ##4 4## PPP; »tii Ik# W, kiwryf® n*% Hr #«fh*f»MN® A® fwfvilSPf (HI-# fiVPi. rnun. iiattok Fn# UM rME NEY'S EXPECTORANT. NUN m RNED AT PVAVERS Trask Ctea'h of «l#ler Mary Angelo tn Now York Slate. I New York. Dec. 8.- Sister Mary An gelo, of the order of Immaculate Vir gins, of Mount lorwt*. at Pl*»a**nt Plain*. Staten Island. was burned to death on Mon Air night while engaged In spiritual devotion. Slater Angelo i e iipled a little room In one of the smaller buildings of (he Institution. She. with eleven other 1 sisters, have charge of one hundred boys. After making a thorough tour of the dormitories and tucking the lit tle urchins In the beds snugly under warm blanket* she retired to her room for the night. She was kneeling In prayer before the shrine which ornamented her room when her clothing came in contact ! with one of the candies and a minute later ehe was enveloped in flames from heed to foot. Her cries for help were heard by the other s'siers, who rushed to hsr side, and tearing the blankets and qulita from the bed, covered her with them and qnickly extinguished the flameo, but not before she had been frightfully burned about the head and 1 body. Dr. Joseph Crffey was summoned. Pbe remained conscious to the end and the last rites were admiulslered before sbo died, at 7 o'clock yesterday morn jlng. , Sister .Mary Angelo was 40 years of ngc. and had been attached to the sis terhood for twenty years. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in ih* world for Cuts. Bruiecs. Sores. Ulcers. Salt rthetim, Fever Pores. Tetter, Chsrned Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and postHvely cure* Pile*, or no pay required. It I* guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mone • re funded. Price If, rents per box. FOE PALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. SI,OOO INKSTAND A Silver Hodel at the Capital at Washington. Warhingtcn, Dec. B.—lt Is «n un written lew cf the Senate that the vice president shall fall heir, Et the expira tion of his term, to nearly all the port able furnishings of the vice presidents room. Inkstands, clocks and andlrims especially are regarded as legitimate souvenirs, and consequently each term seessPn'addltlcn to the beauty of de sign and elegance of workmanship of these articles. The latest inkstand, which has just been placed on Mr. Hobart’s desk in the vice president’s chamber, was made to order during the recess of Congress and cost SI,OOO. It Is of solid silver and made in the form of the capital tn miniature, details being followed as closely as possible. The small domes of the old Senate chamber and the lof the old Senate chamber and the House of Representatives are tbe tops of inkwells, while Mays for pens are formed on each side of a stamp box in front of the building. It is 24 inches wide by 36 Inches long. The vice president’s room also has been provided with a splendid high clock of mahogany, which shows, ze sldes the time,* the phases of the moon. OA.STOJRIA. BeMS ** '- 5 KM Via Ha,a Always Bfliijfii *rr THE A.XJOXJST-A. JF3HHALD BROOKLYN WANTS 10 BE FREE % '""" IF umtot N®n h \*t § *, IAhH «#• I W® MrttOj YN*t tMy I ***** (US * MtttoMM:. |* a te MMlnt '* il y* Ai sra enough loflepraflent people In Kings county in hold Ihe balance of demorraUc parti** and heap our city nflkciata If wa have them, on their good behavior. ! don’t know who will Senator Bruch had a hill to repeal (he Greater New York charter In hi* porhet at the laet session, when there wm a good deal of talk among Iocs! and up-state re pub. leans, of "reacuing the city from Tammany " But Mr Platt refused bn countenance tinkering ! with the charter, and Governor Black | «*,rved notice on Senator Brush that his hill might a* well remain In hi* pocket Governor-Elect Rooaevnlt’s vlaars on tbe quest ion have not been nacer talned by the Brooklyn machine men. When quentloned by n Journal report er, the governor-elect refused in ac cordance with hla general policy, to I dlscuaa prospective legislation. Oppo nents tn Brooklyn of Mr. Attcrbnry’s machine regard his proposal aa a dr®®-A. The Brooklyn democrats, they argue, are In. and will not vote themaelve;, out, nor put themselves where they will have to contest for control of the local governnaeni. and Tammany la well suited with thing* Inhhetr pres ■ sot state. As to the new governor, republicans at the Brooklyn I'nlon La—an club were of tha opinion that he would .not sanction what might look like a retaliatory partisan measure, for the democrats carried Brooklyn for Valt Wyck. ! Parlor Car and Sleeping Service Bs | tween Atlanta. Savannah and Mlllen, I and Albany. Oa. 1 The Central cf Georgia Hallway com-1 pany ha* Inaugurated parlor car and j sleeping car service between Atlanta and Albany, Oa.. on train leaving Al bany 4.15 a. in., arriving Macon 7:40 a. I m., Atlanta 11:20 a. m.. and on train I leaving Atlanta 4:05 D. m., arriving I Macon 7:20 p. m„ Albany 11:05 r- m. Pasaengers from Albany. Ga., holding berth ticket* can take sleeper at 5 p. m.. thus allowing them to remain In deeper over night. Passengers arrlv-1 ing Albany at 11:05 p. m. may remain j in sleeper until 7:00 a. m. Kate for j double berth in sleeper. 150 mile* and : under, 81.50; over 150 miles, 82. Charg es for seata> as follows: 50 miles and under 25c. 51 mile* to 125 miles 50c. 126 miles to 200 miles "sc. 201 miles to 200 miles .. 81.00 Yours very truly, J. C. HAILE, General Pass mger Agent. THE “NEW DIPLOMACY.” The Enterprise of the Pres* Touched Upon by a Speaker Paris, Dec. 8. Sir Edmund J. Monson. the British ambassador, (peaking at the Silver Jubilee banquet of the British Chamber of Commerce, last evening, rrf-rred to the “new dip lomacy,” which he said was chiefly due to the enterprise of the press, but also In a measure to "mother country innovations and to the originality of the Amsrican minrl -ever restlessly watching to improve everything LILY OF THE VALLEY, TIGER ami A URATE M, LILY BULB? Jmt received—Home in early and get yours—Prices Reasonable. ABPaRAOUS (2-year-od) ROOTB. 76 cents per ICO—Plant now. SVIEEr PEAS -8 ounce rarletiee. Ounce 10 cents—4 ounces 25 cents. YHAITNTHB. TULIP *nd OTHER tULBS—Plant now. ONION ; E White Sever Skin, Yellow Danvers. Remember we are ihe oc!y exclu sive teed house in ihe city. ALEXANDER SEED CO. m Broad Street. Beit Telephone SOTS :»**% It wNtitwwi tfp® iMf 111* Mlt «# tM*il fit «»• |mm «* ilf® mm* t%m • *»*<*** A—i %# i •V’NMUf* ! t«« MffAltililt I# Yl nfitpiryt inf flMilflli* Ml r *l Iff ll®® Ilk r i Afrit In# 4Mlt In# §#» #'#*®* <9i# It##* ‘tttf ftt# Hrt ms tYf*®i Hm il#i## ®l lilMflitgtll I t p»#-tr || H# n*ii#t fYAii#* I* l»#ll### MuM if#* I# *®rt hrt ®*4 frttM wmamrU* #»|«* • wnlMr f®#9» mm* itiiililt MfiM i hmif i Ate imli'l* *®H# iftMit ft ‘ Yfr **m t# 111 lUnA. (Kfl «!<YH r*m«rrl H*ft isn nff >rnt fMllkf M torffttAfcv ll m««» if# M niiMifn ®( «Dirt| I ffvfufll# fr««rf ®r#l( JNMM f*t#r# fmmt ##t®f #9 #•><# «M ###l4 9U9 * (ktei4® rIHHt I If®* #®*t. K J, KNIFf IN HIS NECK. Cwtrageow* Assault I poa a CHI/aw In Allaala. Allauta. Ha., Dec *.■ R J. O N'eill. clerk of ih* Aeaboard Air Lina nil m*4. r®!»«* i*>r n#Hlß| *1 th** h«nl® of ®tt *®##®®i«i t®®t #!®ht about 9 o’rlcek a* he wa* passing an nltsy to the rear of tb* Aragon hotel oa ICtU* airart. The police were notified a short Horn after the young man reached his home and several datartlv* are now at work aa the case, and it la likely that ih* as sassin may he ar rev led at any time. O'Neill had been at work all th* afternoon and left the freight depot about half past right, and wn* nearly home when the unknown party stepped Dorn the alley ard drove a knife Into hi* neck. The man fell t» Hte pavement and In a short time came around and discov ered that he wa* bleeding to death. He got up and started toovarda Ills home. 198 Court l#nd> street, but wa* unabl# to make tbe Journey alone and waa com pelled to hire a negro man to carry him. % Upon *rriving"ii hia houae the man fell upon hi* fare In ihe hallway un erase! >ua from the loss of blood. Physician* were summoned and all ’ the attention possible waa rendered. O'Neill Is resting easily today and i > re seems to be no danger of hla not reroYfrlng. Neither the young man nor his par ents are able to account for the nt lerk, a* he is on good term* with every one he knows. Large stock new r*i*|n*. »H varieties, Just received at Lamkln & Co.'a. MARRIAGE OF A IBALTIMORE BELLE Mias Ad'le Horwltz Becomes the Bride of Pra-cla R. Stevens. Baltimore, Md., Dec. B,—Miss Adelc Horwitz was married to Francis R gtevens at noon Tuesday. The cere mony was performed al the resiiVnce of the bride's father. No. 503 Catedral street. Miss Horwltz Is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Hor wltz, and since her debut has be*n one of the most prominent girls in so ciety, not only In Baltimore, hut n New York, Philadelphia, at Narragan sett and Bar Harbor. Mr. Stevens Is a son of Mr. Francl'i Stevens, of Castle Point, Hoboken, N j. He met Miss Horwltz about two y»ars ago at Nanagansett, when he was there with his yacht. The- marriage service was read by lie Rev. Arthur Chilton Powell, rector of Grace church. After the breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Stevens left for a wed ding Journey and on their rqfurn wt;l live at Castle Point. Hoboken. The marriage of Mary T. or "Mar lon" Kean, the well known soprano and composer, to Charles Albert Lo pez, the sculptor, on Nov. 22, was an nounced yesterday. It was solemnized in St. Francis Xavier's church by the Rev. Father Becker, after which the bridal couple went to Washington for the honeymoon. Mr. Lopez, although a young man, has already attracted attention In the art world. # Mr. Hardin Norris, clyrk of the drag store of R. Shoemaker, Perry, 111., says: "A man came into our store the other day and said, ‘I want a bottle of that stuff that saves children’s lives. The children may get sick when we cannot get the doctor quick enough. It’s the medicine you sell for croup." He alluded to Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and bought a bottle before he left the store. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Georgia Cante Syrup 26c pfer gallon £t Whitaker & McGowan’s, 1248 Broad Street,. Strowger 'Phone 831. ’• INASOCIALWAY -A M fill . * \ fq\ j | |Y* i «l \Tt f ' \ •• ■ « ' NJy„" l *( W V Qrnmmtm { f mmm., iH». t*<N #f •*» Tm* |« flpf 9 ln* iMvlt®Ml 41® ®##4 I lMN»» t W9flinl» t hr 4 14# |4®9N# ®|® ##®l4# it# c#r#4# ®#®4 41 | 9Vl*r l4i#iA< *"l44#® #4 #4914 ®»#4 I ti*r*»t* w. j T 44 fl®4® ,44#®® |9 ®<*®4 4# 4>tm tttf t# l#9|*®» 4 *». iv r*lr ®*4l#r4#® ®tl#f4#K#l. T4* 4®ll «#i llWfiWl 48#4 • •(■ #®44* t A# I ®44 »*¥»—•**■ itir«l4#ry, 4Mt4f4®44i IHiK* b*r* J® fii iirnawt on#n® ®II4 4#® rn#t>. j '•itav 4# • •••4 4Ul4mi« f#r ah# jinr i|lot#t))#r inn*-mm l*lr 4»r •ny who 4«i#w Ih# fWWfr® #r I4#lr I mother. In o«l#r t* m®4# thMi tank | !/•«• difVWnalt ®i»4 fi4rtl4ll® hltrrty H4* | _ ... gtt.Dtfrr* mUm of ir> p« i—Uni#. iOUi «i»pub* »w. * | my nte'ers atsinraed beer, mere rrqus* | t#4 ®vi<l kln4ly ron#A*wl#4 to ##9 ®# jua* gea They were. Mr* Gsllaaher. Mr*. Itannlstev Mr*. Woolhvldge and Mrs De | After much dlai use inn It was flnallv {decided tn award the first prise, a, beautifully dressed tedl. to Miss Itecllle O.HXirich. and the arannd prise* tn Mis* , Crrastance Stearac* a/id U<« Adel* I Harrison. The afternoon pe**•*•! quite merrily for all the young gueal* present. There j««re game* and music and a most won jderful fishpond Atiogelher the hours from three to five were hour* of rare delight never to he forgotten by the young people ao tertunate a* to be present. Tr. Bayne to Lecture in Louisiana. Mr. Chari** J. Bayne left yaaterday tor l»ui*lana and Mlaslaaippl. In which atalea he will deliver a aerlea of lee-; turas. A Ban Antonio paper, In *p -aking of Mr. Bayne'# masterly lecture there. nays: Charlea J. Bayne, editor, poet, ora t tor, opened the Lyceum *enaon, on Oc tober 14. at the Grand, with ' The I Things We Might Have Said.” Mr. I Hayne'a auecess wa* pronounced. The 1 effervescent flow of puthns, tinged here and there with the »han>e*t of wit. I seemed to keep the audience under magic Influence. The flashes of hi* pa- j tho* were so Intermingled with those of his wit that one wa* puzzled, at time*, whether to laugh or cry. Hi* style reminds one of James Whitcomb j Riley, "Ihe Hoosler poet." The Bun An-j tnnlo Lyceum Is to be congratulated on j , their opening, and credit given to Sir. j A. W. Shaw, the energetic secretary, l for the large and appreciative audience that greeted Mr. Bayne. Lecture Tonight. A large number will attend the lec ture at the Y. M. C. A. hall tonight by Hon. J. Henry Eagle of Houston, Texas, on "Henry Grady." Gov. Bob Taylor says of the lecture: "It is a superb lqcture. It is a splen did tribute to Southern thought and Southern manhood. It is a beautiful Imuquet. rich with philosophy, redolent with tender sentiment, and gorgeous with Imagery. It is instructive, enter taining and ennobling, from beginning to end." The Audience at the Play. The play last night was quite as bril liant a success socflilly speaking as It was from a histrionic standpoint. The j audience was a notably brilliant one, Ccle Dandruff Core & Hair Tonic Guaranteed to cure dandruff, stop hair from pulling out: and to cure dis eases of the scalp. Ts tt don't do all we claim for it we will cheerfully re fund money. Before buying your Christmas pres ents, we would be pleased to have you call, and look at ouv beautiful llpe of holiday goods. Atoms From ii Cents to $5, PockciDooks, Pukes, Traveling Cases, All Kinds and Prices. Celluloid boxes for Cuffs and Collars, Handkerchiefs. Gloves, etc. OUR LINE OF MIRRORS AND COMB AND BRUSH SETS CAN’T Bli ; BEAT FOR THE MONEY. We carry u sample line of the follow ing extracts and toilet articles: ROGER & GALLET Extracts and Soaps. COLGATE & CO.'S Toilet Wa ter nnil Soaps. PALMER'S Extracts and Toilet Waters. SEELY'S renown ed Extracts in bulk, only 50c per ounce. LAZELLIS'S EXTRACTS, any odor. VIOLETS OF SICILY, 50c per oune». C. M. HOWARD, JR., Druggist, - - »0S Broad St. |A*w* I* i-mii 19*4 r« i.* M*l teatira. j,Tr-r-f. ass**** IPa IsawfPt*** ad Mte VafSSMSSM. (■ %•* tea. tte*r*tefi tte l <s* %«,* i —mplter 4 t Ha* ##s<* 4® 94# *944449## ## «4» ®4nN4®®4® 4419 949 § 9*4 i -» fm ni|| ft • *m 1h s - ;$• , tte * 4##4 14 4 ****** #w4f«fi># LSd# u*s M fils* Ibwwt. f Iter- 9s<— l te -- i. -1 ®-■ terasfi >#•» #i*m* #### i ■mum— *• <te> * mm ad Mr* fitewrt riHwt Dtiatr-if Mte* ®i#H® H«IM# 4*449144## 4®# ##4M4l‘ #1194 94# u## mi 14# #94441 »Ml4* ' «®#w# in # I4rl» «44* ■r : 4l##l«*4r-4 4 4441- . m t trf frinidi ®l 94® y##9#i® T4#r#-l®t I M am at lb* rtawa* llsmdb. Al i®# 4*1*114 ®i 94# fatt tl» -.• >, |r || Hijf frits ®Nk# 4 fil# »l« *® Hr,. M4#f*4#ti®. Mr ««4 Ilf# fM44 fk»?l#4«• l®l Ml## J®fk4(Mk#4l#. r!t ofi— * • "fe~- Eh < <■ ‘1 Ml*® M«ff I*##®# I# #*r#rt> #4 ®4<rtrfl® «® 94# |«#4 #»f Mr#* A. n f®rk#oci | Mr® A r tirtff# mi Mi## vkiai# Hca#«® «r||| ret um I# D#««n4 O® . !#• Ml®# I.iti) luglify M® Mtif®«d j ‘mm CntutflHtl. You mt) ##t ® flu# *ull iiir®9 |4y fith it K J. H#«irv A O#.*®. 719 ®n] til Campbell ®tr##t. FIREMEN BI'SV. Tr, Tshb's Stock Yard Burned last Night. la,i night about 11 o'elork the fire alarm run* In from box 61. The de parimrai n spontßd vary prompt'y. but found that the Are was cut of the rity limit*, ll was Tabb's stockyard. o*t the new Krvannah road. A* there wa* no way lo get water except hv hard ltie flames soon became unn ac agtable am! it waa seen that the build ing* werr Io»L Efforts were then made to save the slock ard contents of th# building. They met with very little auecet*. as Ihe buildings were stored with hay. All the stork was saved exrepi two very line horse*, which were roaste I before thry could be reached. A small in rurance was carried. An a'ana was slso sounded from No. 14. This box la located on the cor ner of Hcuston and Broad. A pile of trash in a yard on Ellis strea burning, but it was uco pul out. The r.cxt alarm wa* from No. 22. the .•all. This was only a chick*’! caop. This morning abrut 8 o’clock the de partment was called out again to No gl, or. the corner of Washing'on and Broad A terrible cloud of smokY »vas coming from the building occupied by A. Rosenthal Just below Wasl. ngtou or the north side of Broad. Aa soon the wove was removed tho smoke ( nciucd ceased. The ‘lre fighters certainly worked : bard and deserved great credit. Old fashioned buckwheat flour for . sale by Lamkln & Co. LECTURE TONIOMT ________ Hon. J. H. Eacle, of Houston Texas, at the V PICA There will be an excellent lecturs at Use Y. M. C. A. tonight. Hon. J H. Eagle, of Houston. Tex as, who has delighted audictie s in msr.y < ‘ties by bis lecure on "Henry Grady," will deliver the above lec'uro at the ansoeiatlon hall tonight. Mr. Ergle Is a young man who b:i ! made quite a mark In the legal i rofes lijon In Texas and was chosen ss con gressman from his dirt -let one?, but did- not accept It. Ills lecture on Grady well portrays the character of that distinguished gentleman. All Y. Y. M. C. rt. members are in- ' vlted to be present at the lecture, no admission being charged (hern. This means that they ar iillowedi to bring n lady friend or two along. Now members will he charged a smell admission free. These who attend arc assured of a treat in the lecture way. SOLDIERS ATIF.NTION Road Sylvester’s Advertisement in Today’s Paper There are a lot of things that go to wards making camp life comfortable and the soldiers at Camp Maekenzic Ind every day that they read some new garment or other thing. Uncle Sam doe*; not furnish everything, you mow. Now, a suggestion to you, soldiers Send L. Sylvaawr's ad In today’s pa ir. They have underwear and emy handkerchiefs galore and—but Just go down and see for your self military men. Sylvester will be glad to see you* r .t-» <• Bte ( DECIMBER B SOLDIIRS,! attention]] Uniforms Made so Order ‘ Army Gloves ARMY HANDKERCHIEFS. Underwear For Soldiers Black Suspenders •* And everything for army use. L. SYLVESTER 526 Broadway. nr*r*rt* ui a i*sa<wt»tv»ew*. —bhateMids li »p»n> iteste s* wiuMlv»t>»ivb an-:: **., t#r. S, wag. gtt BK<•tiIZKA. IS w *mw •«-, .**■ l«tca^ BRASS BAND OLTFITS V \ PIANOS. OIMMN* and Vra MUSICAL INSTRntNTS. Fterylhlwg New Iw 4JfiW SHI tri-ID MC THOMAS k BARTON, Augasii.Gi. B' DIES CARRI D HOME kcmiiiM of Stitlocllde ®«4 V®r® del Hey >#nt to Sp#in. !l®van®. Dec. 4— Tbe Uxlie® of Gm® Hantocllde and Vara del Ray and of the aocalled "Hero of Caaearva.” the aol dier Eloy Gontalea. were shipped. on ihe Spanish iranaporl San Ygnsgio de Ixiyola yesterday,on which vessel about 1,800 Spanish ttoops also embarked for bpain. The Union Kspsoola.—the organ of ihe Spanish real dan t* of the islands, demands that the rensor prohibit the publication of Inai’lla to Spain and in aoient remark* dliwied against Hi» United States. Chari©* \V. Gould, the special repre -1 smtatlve of the Department of Jus lice, with the United States mllltan commission, started on Sunday train Bogus for Calbsrleo. whence he will go to the camp of Gen. Maximo Gomez. The Separatist papers continue to -publish articles Insulting the Spanish lesl.Vet*. telling the latter to leave the ’island or else prepare to be hanged Many Spanish families are leaving the Interior towns, fearing that the lusut gent forces will teke possession of them before the arflvnl of the Ameri can troops. A committee representing native 1 irregular troops who fought under the Spanish flag - against the insurgents lias called at the headquarters of the I'nited States commission, saying these men are anxious to return to thstr hemes, but are afraid to do so on ae , ount of the threats contained In some rs the Cuban newspapers. The eom mittee requested the American com missioners to adopt measures to guar antee the lives cf these former sol diers of Spain. The Americana listen rp attentively, promised their visitors that their lives would he protected and advised them to return to their homes and go to work. “Bo" Coo* Down lb© "Hobo, the Prince of Tonsorial Ar -1 rises," who made himself agreeable to countless Augustans and who recog nlsed no man as a stranger has again, In the darkness of the night, folded his Imit like the Arab and as silently stolen away. His departure Is regret ted l,y many. This Is the second haaty i departure from Augusta of this iru sistible young man. _____ why of Course. "I’vu called to tell you, sir, that the photographs you took of us the othei day are not at all satisfactory; why; ;njr husband looks like an ape. "Well, madam, you should have thought of that before you bfld him taken!” Oft for New York. Col. D. B. Dyer, president of the Au gusta Railway and Electric company and the head of the Dyer interests hare, has gone to New York, In the 18th century Polish ladies obliged their daughters to wear little hells In order to proclaim where they were all the time. ,_ ,