The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 08, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 THE AUGUST* HERALD ***** »*A* ** *** •» xmw ~. ■ •*♦<»••*« »♦***» *'*»«•■.»•*•«•*•« ■ttv #*♦•*• * *■**• • ww * ***» IHMMk »„.>...iwww> 0* »W "if* * ”* »*•** »«*«»*% <*• , - - on f MmmMMMM*** 4**.%* » rfaMaM A MN, *| NMt •#*- **• W‘ yßßMfeww-*-. •mr" ** S <2 x w mm ’ HI KAI M WONKA. MMot~AMI MMt *M - _ **sl trf I^ *dH- tei'iaf* ■*. VOt WILL MM» IML HEMAIi* In A< tt«**t AHMKW •"*: 111 NavOataaN—Al IW f*#*M* MAA. •»* •> RatOl • *»** •*•**. In tta>*o ai **# *♦••# hmn *** ttmn ukmi , In rkailwi#* 01 On €*•»**•*• üßp. In (Md>A<» - At iix <**m4 Cwnwnl i |n Mm toeN «0 AI tfc# H"**l *•-; ,n. NO* **«•< |INW MM*. hartt** fAiiMHi t# B*i TW W#rtl4 «• 1 iptt mm 4 i , *nifßf’ • r«t«f R# frn&eaihm AN i*w» •ok* Hwei Mw*#4 McKMii^f. | Am*tU 'NS tool *S|l* I* knatetNN Jnn ONI nar* ifc« TNM o**f|N *• Wf*““ to «Ml»* Mar* iron Mr Ml o*ll** Mm Pel An* ikr j«rf lhMra«l Hal! to the Star-By #d Omlln* Tb# Courier Iwml Is iWrif Msti aid. (■Oastbly Mr. Clark'* NtMkors of pee- N«sm* ksd onssWhins to do with It. Tb# Alstom* legislature will so IN Attest* is a feodjr la a*rt tk* p*#i- If you haven't already visited the Masonic Pair. there sr* bat t«ro Joys left General MU'* wonts the regular sr mr ta cacslM of os* hundred thou* sod torn Lecturer Bayne Is off to toll Ih' Psllcsn* about the thing* they might have wUd London. Psri* and Copenhagen or* •Nth baring a chrysanthemum show this nrrsh. two mors votes than sr* necessary are assured In the srnata to ratify th* purr treaty, Plrs Chief llonner of New York ssys that the height of the eky scraper* must l>e rat down. “Terlre Told Tsles” might be s good book for Tha Olde Book Store to re plenish stork with. The New York savings bank* are ratting off a half of onr per cent from their interest rates. Lt. Hobson goes to Hong Kong to superintend the repairing of the cap tured Spanish warship*. Senstor Hale Introduced a bill yes terttey to erect a monument to the Maine martyrs. In Havana. Many or the officer* sre mourning their undeveloped films left with Messrs. Jameson a Griffiths to be fin ished. And Jml son Lyons' signature on j those new crisp five dollar bill* pin- ( ued lo the roat lapete of the colored brother yesterday! Frank Jay Gould la twenty-one this 1 week and comet Into hit $10,000,000- , we wonder ts Frank will marry In "the profession.” too. The handsome confederate monu ment, the cornerstone laid by Jefferson Davis in 188t$, was formally dedicated this noon, at Montgomery. Rogers. Poet & Co’s ad. the day af ter the fire, reads, "our new under wear Is made on the same principle, two folde--the heat can’t get out". "That pavement,” said the sad-faced man. as he brushed the snow from his coat tails, "is a good deal harder than the Ice, when you come right down to it.” "Instead of throwing mud at Char leston, The Savannah Press ought to devote Its undoubted talents in that direction so The Savannah Morning Nows.”—News and Courier. The only true source of politeness is consideration that vigilant moral sense which never loses sight of the rights, the claim and the sensibilities of others. This Is the one q'ia!Uy, over all others, necessary to make a gentleman. stag mr* a* n* ***** ****** INfe* ipn||»a*. Hf it* •••*# pte#4 BWM , og -t ,* t<««rt >■ i m wNdlM* Hie •MMsteMl' *h» »f ■ «* MM • *** PWN >s» litsmws Ilia *>'*%'• vwss ***RBNfc * ini, w (RMM t m **»#«»« Ml MUM w iiHNi pRM** Pm mm mmr im# mm nm prfduM Mrwmi **®rmm* I sm* m Pm «•*#* m 4 *M turn imi mm m # #• mm mrtm# mm . ! urn# imtumm* ?•» mpmi m ••m , «miH» mum m rnttimt irnmmrn *4 j : mimi m# »m»> mi mm : uni «mmm mmi * mm m I «mm mpmmm. ## •* m«mM Imm wm»€ , Mi Mm nmmm tmm mt mimi PMMf ! flh#h aI TT>ittf m mi •mmrnmm imm tuui umm« i nmm mm tmy mm. Dm lit'-fmm Nw mmi m> mmm | II mm M «nmm iMm.. It II mm mm pm «M tlm nm Ml Mm MM" *** j n iMm mm «M* Mm m iim flmmm.. vtm •liH# pfMMff m fmmmMimr iMm m >nff Mi tm Iftli Hi" • 41 m* Mm I giiNi iiiviii im mmmm m !*• ®my m* > mm* Mi* mi iiimmif ms im i iNtmari W •*# N*d hawawa* •* ww*ed : t«i Mwi MMY Mm Mm mi MMm# Mmi mitt MMmm, iim mi mu i wswhtaff her tAw fair ss.s< «i Aaffosss. I fur the waste* Ist twteesSlS «d Awswa's. sad fwr the iNtetste# of »h# t»"» ■“* Icm who knew ww hettsa. Ante* **f ns hstr taw »**»* sssde th* nsgr* th* tmt tw dwrhte mm etsrUasM. the* •• inraptsd the )wry. Th* )ory that | CNN h* nimttded ks NW* NMN "V NNtN* | he* mt SM*t. CNN he ewVTUfded by NN- I nth** was* or Nsssbw of nwn . Mvsry- n mum Saglssisg to rsoJIS* this. I thee* won th* ttaa* that a few a**N I -sited th* WorktSS paatMlaiSSe esaM • *-y- a few ifcuwssnl tfolters sod carry , NtMtlew they wished. It Is differ - i cat Naar. Afl hands see pteysvv si the as so* sad divide Ih* s*»lle of lh» *#- ■ gro votN—lf apolla Hi# iw*rt» mm# mml j tw called It has baMB Mid that Th* Herald I hi 4 tl> favorite** In (tm Hvrtkan <1 f«#* | I tufitif. Ttm Htfili. maarlsoady, did not unduly prist - <Ud *ad strive to so print owe poragtsph which It i (howght. te snv w*y, could Influence a j vote for this nan or against that man | who was s CNNdldaie. It hs* endssv- I ■ wed to hs absolutely fair. Rut Tbs I llsrald admits that It did wish to *»* : the man win la each ward whom tha I white people Is each ward wanted to win It did not want to see the will lof the whit* ms* nullified by th# bought vote of the negro. That Is the only prefnenc* It bad. We do not runs boastfully In welcoming the white primary which lu now at hand j We do sut wish to proclaim that" The j Herald did It.” We waat to see the matter, however, arranged. We sincerely Invite other Interests liks Tk# Herald to Join ua now to Join whatever Influence we may have, to 1 whatever Influence we may have to I bring about—without rancor, sslf-ln tereat or boastfulness the srrange- I ment which will positively and for ever put this white man's town abso lutely In the white man s hands— which will make our home elections purer and fairer—which will mnhc them tree npenelve—whlch will make them honorable. The Ural ward now has such ar rangement. which It Is perfecting; the ifernnd ward Is muking the arrange ment; the Third wsrd accepted the primary principle this fall, and it can be shown that It is to Its Interest to ir revocably commit Itself to the primary plan; the Fourth ward ft at work on I it* arrangement; and the Fifth ward j ward can also be Induced to declare absolutely for the white primary. Wa repeat that The Herald does not wish to proclaim itself the winner of the white primary. We—ln our sincerity anil dealre to secure white primaries, and while supremacy In Augusta willing to admit that we. as a re sult of our effort# of years, have got ten the horse to the water, but want ] the assistance of others to make him drink —that we have driven the nail j in the board, tint require the aaeletancn l of others to clinch the nail. Oen ! tlemen. help us to clinch It—now, bo- I fore January t. We appeal to the pa triotic citizen of each ward to help to clinch it now—when no election is pending, and when there la less chance ! ft>r s.'lf-lnterewt asserting ttself. 1 Strike now —today—this week. THE SOLDIER SUICIDE What a ghastly find was that tn the little clump of bushes on the outskirts of Camp Mackenzie yesterday. Lying stark coldi end rigid, half hid by the brown leaved scrub oaks, with the gaping holes in the blood-stained, light haired head, the stiff hand still ttght ; |y clutching the weapon with which I he hud taken his life, they found the j body of Trooper Ryan, of the Third cavalry. j Unhappy, rash and misguided youth. His sorrows and troubles seemed mul titudinous and he would end them, j Of all bis acquaintances among the men none knew his history. None knew of the faraway home that had been left; none knew whether U still sheltered the loving mother, or whether another home held cm* nearer jond nearer yet. those whose hopes and j pravers even now were for tfe"lr Ji^e TTf W -A HBJRALD IMM♦ *MM *O% M* «M A IM # MNMP M* •*#*§ MMN* M pMViMW. iHiflhihMi ffMih ANB# fHW<# ** *%#&s. 4#e UP* W&# ®’ $ # • NPIhsA MM IMMI MNMIV M 5 A • ***- mm*%**+4 «imm» Im mm mMmm mM mm Nit**#* M4m fMMM MM ! wM • IImI § wmm 4RM MiMM MMM MM * '< tm lIMMMMii MINHpA #M (RK» j TmMM MMI IM M D* ■ n ftinwi wpS Mm mmi «Imm mmRM Mm , MMfMA #*n* v * •§►■«# MM If PM i Mu Ifett-lMf MMN| MM MU* Ml 45.« r '■■■*** (9 f*m* < VM»t *2Mi* In MMM twrtt fftAAff IIMIIIU |yp j - k'gp iflM #fi f jfc# Mi 4 WM IIM Mftf' Ml •*• lIM I'TMM'MMIMI >w tiawl «i|Mn% MM HmMMM mM } ttg ffi>tNh {MA fsVT Jr % »%l m K ,v AV KlNff I APr* : MM MR MR* • tmt MMItRf Raft Ml RMRfF | M >»nd MRf Hmmi Ai v—iß>R. M#fM RNMK • RNRMPIIRMMI MMMPi MMM4 •Hi inwipi (Im fM IM» I mm 4 hmk 1 s*4 ms mat ff*« off. , Hwl a few Says lots* Ih# Imhetts goes stents IN r~N*rl ssaos Ns Hew ssd thaw tks m«4-*it*gteg *sd Nesr sa sr* t rsssfwrsd from as dev the «*s|pe*dive ' »marts leWlom*. Iwto th* eolwms* of the rival rttlev sest*e*p»r* Th# Nets# sod Charbf *Ww* the AavaNNsh Gveataff l*ma* to dlrwrt Its {itdosktid nMIIUns t* th* mah allNg tag tte* against the AavaaNah Hovs m* Hewa. | Th* MoralNg New* say# that arrerh lag so ih* dtrttoNary, la sfte* used a* a* emetic, an esperlnmat etc., sod that Chsrieetoa ha* rertataly bee* mad* sick by It. Awd thus th* merry war goes o*. Haws while by the plseid upper HovsNSSh. The Hevsld look* rm sod Notes that lb* Rlvsr sad Harbor I ret lmates carry ».*» for Improve -1 meets above Augusta and I2&.SM below Augusta, on th* same gentle stream. STAU HI.AMS. Killing foo(p>'t» la • dead mm way of mopping holdup# Vary often lha street lamp# ara not to be mad# light of. Oa« of tb# piatMt beautlftrr* of woman la bapplncaa. A proud man la seldom a grateful man. for be aetrer get# aa much at he thjuha he deserves. Poverty la the only load which la the heavier the more loved onea there ara to aaalat in bearing It. M'hen any calamity haa been #ulfer ed. the flrat thing to remember la how much baa been escaped. The young woman In Berlin who eloped with an aeronaut waa probably juet carried away with him. Perhapa the Queen Regent of Spain might beatow upon Mr. Olllet of Kan sas the Order of the flolden Fleece. At the proposed pence conference In St. Petersburg, the conversational powers of Kurope will lie on llon. Alwaya vote for a principle, though you vote alone, and you may cherish the awet reflection that your vote la never lost Every period of life has It* peculiar ! prejudice*. Who ever saw old age that did not applaud the past and condrm the present times? A New England manufacturer is so fearful of labor troubles that he will I not permit the girls to come to work i in striking costumes. The Breath of Avon. From where the steeds of Earth's twin oceans toss Their names around Columbia's chariot-way— From where Australia's long blue billows ploy— From where the morn, quenching the Southern Cross Startling the frigate-bird aud alba tross Asleep In air. breaks over Table Bay— Come hither. Pilgrims, where these rushes way. 'Tween grassy banks of Avon soft aa moss. And, if ye found the breath of Ocean sweet, Sweeter Is Avon’s earthy, flowery smell, Distilled from roots that feel the coming spell Of May, when all the flowers that loved him meet In meadows that, remembering Shakespeare's feet, Hold a still dream of music where they fell. —Theodore Watts Dunton. "Is there any difference between 'sick' and HI*?” "Why. it's Just like this— the man who gets sick sands for a doc tor. while the man who becomes ill summons a physician'' Puck. | THE OBSBIVfiR ABCMTT TOWN. a*w|4' •Ml IMHMitt tM#Mßg|| MRMMI *1 MM HHRRRMP MRMM MBMI *2 R * teMßha ~ Dm imurß mmi 4mk mhmmUml mmmi mm UIM | ij» tiritifßi Ml VIM IRMI MR4 #2ff I mmm/gm nfcfßi MMMI *»imf 11m tmmmm ) \ mm* awl | ess* hoeh I (he a put of | rr«Nhte#s4 sheets He Inn. Vs ITIRi flcot*|| Mi fA pi #RH If) Im R ) htwehen IN Ih* moUe* of AVNS Thai nmwsiwi »s* th* mmrnm* t Thtoh, In i stoat sis memi he tte NtawsA* ma*t . have won* -hot star* a* Me *h*tv**. I love str-ris* sod all that. I pemoaw A goad taasy of the sttravs. I'm tawd. have beet la th* bsMt of a*od>«g th* nssii* of thsAv Kodak isc to Hr team - | son to hs davatopeel aad hn tahed aad that *•*!•* • little aamhat of photo- | Vtfii laß Ml rr4 *rw AUR IhMi wmpf Miwf RR> Masoeatery Nppveheastets The* another thing mods me a littw >ias*st at tn* All of the toads, j stncklv plate, etc,, that the OSseertee hoa Is the world, were la the to*k k s j vaaHa neat door stot when I looked i np at th* klek waft with the award rm- i lags of the konk'* wiadom* alternate y smooldtring biastag np and brisg es- II r gs l eh el | will rrqfews that H mad# shivers of al'pi (Neseias ran ap sod dear* my hark. I sras reaaenred. kfwrrr. wfce* told that tke vault was wholly and abso lutely fireproof and even thou ah tha baUdlag should besom# a red hot fur nott th* ronteats of th* vaslt would some through lalaet and nnarathad. A f’rrttv * Itht. A few m'at.ias after I arrived at the are**, th# game* probably attacked onto* ritm-loflammaid# photographing liquid or chemical, for there shot up for just a brief spore, a buret of parti colored flrsv Green was the prednmlnsMng color, with surra anting gashes of rrlmaoo and yellow, and for a few second* the * pentad* was very brilliant and beau tiful. Then the stream of water was sent splashing against W and it disappear- ML TO CURE RHEUMATISfI. A New York Blahop Tall# of hli experience. ‘ My experience with the horse cheat nut as a cure for rheumatism." said a New York bishop to a Washington Star reporter, "was all on the aide of th# horse chestnut, and It has been the same with a number of persona to whom I recommended It. 1 have of ten heard of the value of th# horao chestnut but had never tried It myself until during the first term of President Cleveland. 1 was spending the day at th# white house and Just before din ner with the president took a walk in the grounds Immediately south of the executive mansion. It was during the first week of October. Passing near a chestnut tree I picked up two or three handsome buckeyes and was shout putting them In my pocket and Intending to keep them for some chil dren up In Albany, to whom 1 had promised to take some souvenirs of Washington. The president noticed my action and remarked: ‘Those chestnuts, they say. will cure rheu matism, and many people down this way have greet faith In them.’ 1 an swered that 1 had often heard of their value In that connection, but that my purpose In gatheing them was to gve them to aotue children whom 1 knew would appreciate them, from the fact that they grew in the white house grounds. At the time 1 was sufferfhg from a rheumatic attack, w’hlcb. though mild In comparison to 'some I had had. was sufficient to remind me that I whh not free from pain. On the suggestion of the president. I picked up B»m| more and put them lu my pockets. It was a week or more be fore I returned to Albany, but by the time I got there ro» rheumatism had disappeared, 1 gave all the nuts away except two. which I carried for some months, one in each trousers pocket. Since then I have never gone a clay without a horse chestnut. In my pock et. getting a fresh supply each year from a clerical friend who reside* here. Physicians have* told men that tlje virtue In them Is from the sulphur they contain and that the sulphur is absorbed into the system.”—Washing ton Star. A Point of View. | A party of tourists went to visit a | famous chateau on the I.,oire. On enter ’ Ing one of the rooms the guide re ! marked: ‘'This, ladies and gentlemen, is the hall In which the Duke or Gulae was assassinated.” "Pardon me.” Interrupted one of the touriste. “when I came here three years ago you told me it wa* in a. room in the other wing.” 'Thereupon the‘cicerone replied w.tii perfect serenity: “Yes. but the ehatgau was then nndereoinc repairs,”—Paris Figaro. mms l» 4mm| • §•«* ?% s» *•§*.. «Re Imsm* • | •Mi f Skttte'fßpl tdt Rut* • ##M Re - | Is* « Komi •Jfifc • •*944) a**# %T y ] I *«*-* *4 rnmm ***••#%* pm*m t* RM W*» i ! g«Mft mmm mmmmggm tmm ■ M MmmmA dttttttf tmt IMM RmR MRr j •>T"rrfttft R) M»' s t ttMRN -*■• |NdRI •*■#% tell ! I r* I *MM Re** *’* j mmmttm fIMMR *m rrrrmrr* | wmm Rf MM MNMMM |I|*MRI j •Mm mIM Mr MRM dteM* M) f%M | •ms*- H MR* mi “Re •*e*wiiee 1 r*“M fttßMttfffpwßl **n4 th* m j *44 Rf ee4 %• Ml »!Mf* MwMMMM : mm turn* mb**# • ■mlm j Me*** Midi mmtbb mm IM* •iMfclMfee RRiRRM tm mmm.mtm eewHfc» % Iff mmtmmmth. M rmMmH iMeeMMi* MllN^y|p , f.lMßi»* RI*RR fleet HffHM|i •"** 41 flMiiß*f% 1* PR | ' Imml «m rrmmvmrmr RMtttti ! kmmmmmm** wmmmfmmmmf H*m*m j MM mm*** mmm&m*** mm m MUM mim j RNMMR4 IM- -* 41 * I Red rnSmm mmmm* _yMM» •'•* MhMi te'ws'L * mm milmh " *dttff iMt mmuMm j Mmi jniMMi jffMMttM#**-* is#RM M , * k ’’’ I Be' W 4**l- tmm-mrn ,4 Pte j RIM MiMii|i".M Mkrfßr JRKIRRjR* T^te«e mm r’*i» mi Imm w 0 t#M* f M« IwittM- m ft fMeMe RMMiiM 14'Mi i ißt*** | All Rmr4 4mirt* hmm *Ar«e A UstvFi Mtataba A eiMf to l W N)MM M Imumt JißfHNMhptf N IRe Amtmn UMit Ml • *rl«t i ks hay rr4 pm mm (Im «Nim *(*r4 j !_ a- —a, __ .k «_ i.NtiMu.rt •«. • fniJT wrtttp '■”4 r " | m wifttatmi > f i - |(| >•»- ■» ist »• <*f Ihr ifIHMUM. «M tR ♦ It* j fnr**ve Ml to voit t# Rh>« the* IM j -WRe* M front upetioeT* Re uk* , rti the Mr. • I work eo my fatbaF* farm” the tettoSlo much hot alt a mood •■Wetl. I My my fatbev." **|iß4 fOB RfV M Ot*t ®MW t YOU \wm* the •lloriMjre iumiim. I T doa't know whether lam mr oot.” fttliiflfd Jhe ttis'tt# " BfTWIjT. The* the ilturtsy took sa»Kfco lark. "Y*i*r father # a worth:### man. land ••Well, be work# aheot the fares.” Tbv atKOltey her# fastened SO eve width ttleomed with friumph o* th* jury and oatted the hoy with a glooce from tha oth#r sod said: “lan t k ,ru * t*Nt jrnttr father d*e#n’t d*. rnouah work to prevent hi# being colled worth la#*?” The hoy had chafed tinder these un pleasant queatbma. and summoning hi# courage, h# aaM boldly. * If you want to know ao had whether my fs«h#r‘# wort hie## a»k him; then# h# ta oa the Jury.”—lndtanapoH# Journal. Political Appeal "Gentlemen,” nhouted the rural (Rc pubtb-an) candldntc for con#table when It .ante hi# turn to talh at the groat political round-up preceding clerttoo. ••|‘m no hand to brag. Borne of my en emies ha* charged me with permutin' prisoners to escape, with favorin mv j frbTtda and maltin' mist*lces In the servin' of papers while 1 held the offica I'm seekln’ to Alt another term. All I rot to say Is that l done tbs best I could, and that I kin do better now I've igot my hand In "tlenllemen. I'm ready to stand or fall by my record. UnA what this grand and glmhiua country baa done since you made me your constable, | two years track. You’ve had the biggest i crop you've ever had In yearn, and you know It. The weather has been the best th,- , tdest inliabltanta evar saw. We’ve bluffed Bngland in that Venerxela matter aim* I became constable; w.e've h'ieted the American flag in Cubey and the PhtUlpenn Islands: were tm porUn’ gold Instead of debts; we've pit business off the sl.-k lint and things In Iwgiivnlng to hum; we've been Isyln* Up money; farmers Is gettln rid of their mortgages and even fish and game is gettln' a pier. Iwtcmise we perteol 'em. I'm not b’owtn’ fur facta la things that speak fur themselves. "Do you want these conditions to contain# or not? Are you for prosper ity 01 agin It? If you tire fur It. vote for me. If you are gin It, vote fur my reptile opponent.” Boston Journal, Hep. Maud—Do you use the capital X to mark your error* on the typewriter? Kthel—No; I prefer the capital D. It is more satisfy Ing.—Boston Journal The slight cough may soon become deep-seated and hard to cure. Do not let it settle on the lungs. Think! Has there been consumption in your family ? Scott’s Emulsion is Cod liver oil with hypophos phites. These are the best j remedies for a cough. Scott’s Emulsion has saved thousands who, neglecting the cough, would have drift ed pn until past hope. It warms, soothes, strengthens and invigorates. 50c. »ad f t. 00., all druggist*. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist*, N«w Yortt. For The Soldiers! Regulation Gauntlets Regulation Hals Otllceis' Hats Flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers' Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 718 “Good Taste Arp^el/’ A SddsonAbl* Symptom Jpt im* R sr **r l *nafwMi to •w-.vft, llm *f*»|M»* (toti'f ot fi»«f |)*fi k»nrgji «• • r«»Mff.. 2ni«’| ti«|HM ii You k ltd M «) liif |cf*Hß» |A Mtiuli to sro rbal it lac Ne. tad- Syrup of Tar and Sweet Cum Acts m * *pr» It# sn t r#n« a n*9t tuff n IM MRiuMl m CmmghP. (• i«M. •Im! ttU lißniilißdtMlfciWl, ttOU tuiiM I’fKSta&r. If Your Face and Hand* Chap fit Mir fucuuMf tad Al* mmmx! i - • ».. * • iu T ii*( AftiMM, nirf* ( l»«r« •»**! Hi* »k!t» •• •Rif'KMll Mi l •»!! i* lu m- I’uM *«f Rufr, (tn ■nd (r*tk U*n’ enn-n *i>l flnd it i ftttt*H!v# mnifort •Rm R Mill*. |OT >« ! igfhfbl Mr>itral •n c * ik’i i* RiMUMWi iR Vrm trfpdoiti AUw! it oar »loit, iluaniier Brng Ctupny ice pro ah at. For Rent Farm of thirty acres just b«low city. Dwellings, stores and ff ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special | prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 ,t 2 l ibrary Budding. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY —OF KENT rest — * Absoratef} flfcoolsstsblc Policies From pate of Jwue. largest Dividends - - - - Lowest Premiums Solicitor* Wanted: call or write. M. H. MEINKR, Fperisl Agent, 410 liysr Building. EACH DAY SEES TflE nfßim ROW | NDAR . iuri ■► ■ onTT: '"Tw c' yp 1 "i "ber : SA 'Cg I SorsY3! gdg s eTgyl a~512950i3f DECEMBER 8 PILL UP YOUR fonrColope Bottles FOR CHRISTMAS WITH TUI FOLLOW WO LOO3I 73c o*. HCm JSBLa. «. 85*01. 5« o*. Eider ant Cut Gl«m and IPr dNNSKI Coiotf n« Hot (or Christm** Proddnt*. And my I in# of Ch'itl* met Goods, all new no vdittds and low pricds. L. 1. Gardelle. Druggist. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, SO9 7(fe St. Air*'**. r »L •fVf * amt ffTff Ttm to alt Ate** d *.„ht, <"«b <S* rwasv a l #"'# mmi WAIN **KT lIMHO Lsnss# cal .ta» wow wteki yaa awi. FREE OF CHARGE. nsnsa mm a COAL and WOOD —— ffkOH THK—— North Ans nets Coal A Supply Co Uuaniby s*-«i yaelby F W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Kmi » 4M htrowsw m EastMD’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all slae FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Sli&yer, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMIf-fflON MERCHANTS. 803 Refifilß StHeieDhOßfiiaft.y I tivslv biased V ire# Piled to New York Chicago sod New Ortons Orders executed over our wire# for Cotton. St cks, Bouds. Oraln and Pro. vlsioot fi'r c«*h or 00 margins, local securities bought *nd #old. Referenese —National Hat tonic Bonk of Augusta, or Veres ntil# Agenda*. ~ foksale; Number Telfair street—Four room house—Lot 40x150 feet. Ten acres of land on the Sand Hills, rear Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling of 13 rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small houses and lots on Sand Hills. Will sell separately or all. at a lit) rsf fit n ST Acres of land near Wrightshoro road, one mile above city’s new water "acres of land near MUledgevlUe road, eeven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad StreeL NEXT! #®-I beg to notify my friends and customers that I have add d another cham to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, and I hope u. acconimodat* tuy customers without waiting- HOT AND COLD R/THP. COMB EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 A 214 Eighth St. OPPOSITE ABJ INOTON HOTEr