The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 08, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL whom'Aam* am* tt'tAd h*ai m* p»_ Umi A*h Jet** jTMf »t#T CftAOfi or IkHi (km Jeltte© I GOAL (town»i#t» ft#g »rn» Nut I*L' '-.yr 1 “an ICE COMPANY. ' Aini 11 0 ft tik C»»tw»w»»< !%•# •*# #•*•**!**• •****• est fttofftM «!•*«* iMLrTTIKfII IHnP m99mm •*«•** ** p* * MM •• *• »jl .PWr i Ppi*ii ftttotftf «# «* * * ® P®*®®*: I «»#■*• *# §* m *• «*r » _ MPf?* Aim mnwtM iwm I fte* * # »»* ***• *• - •* r**.**«* r* «*•*.* *•** *• toSfcto*to(ftft’® ftftto iNHMt «** ## ee mi m* ®toW mss:• «•. **»* ** **i fi t r r- iwffiii »m*4 *I«M « • Immm HA (MN* m h -H • L***,**. hwf . . ... •••••* . * , „tm (pag, FxsfSFb ni.t< • A *66* 46 6*wrtto .. •* *•*• *k**« -.«• ~ •• «• i** •••«•• “ ®**J ** ■ 6t*<» *tfc i.mWiH „*,#**» •*" flu 6 MM *. MM•• •• M I ! *JJ W9ss* •* *♦ #«*•***#••*•»•* • ****** m* ****** •* »* *- It Ml *• blVl nuts hahkkt A»ft MMMM • MW* FSF-1» ASsner ®Nk9t IMH* M#M •. ** IA—IM fß»t**»% <MM b* *•«*• -«. - » ' «• bn.-'. •«•*•#* •**•• .... •,..** *2 MMMn. hmm h> MtM ~.. *►-•*• cion IWM MM ....« • •*“ ** j M*»*» *M*A »*■*»— *• —* U% .. .. ........ .. .. .. I» I* ttltr* ts**» *M .... tA-» MtM .. •*»• ■ ■ * ** 55a »• m'immh. trna re*** • * UMMa H 6»*4b. Mil >*«*•• «... m ■l m WP3DWtn> ft «6 MM gs*6 «*!•#. A IS . MM AM . H»fA»f». IMS* Mm, O. •.« I* **f ttt. .km bse*. Mu H •. 6* *•*• . «», ««a s*-***# Mi*w I»»t QOOD6 fn«l 6*N6 VAmAMAM: trtkllwillk, I*4 *lrtl»| . .. « M *• It * (MlrtlM* .. « * A* «« « * »AmmHm • mSmu rn 4-4 h h i« ’ MM p Km* Mil oAIrtNM .. I *•* S«h* P. KMkf. H me* mC.. .. 11l iruoi. nu flMtlCkni. 144 *4» *• «AMkt. |M 'M4- *• C*«tMMH. M T** *• *»*“• M 4«*..4» >U4CHOI(i« MtoMtMavM* kril4k .. .. .... 44 4* •' WfOOAM. Tern ft «rs iA* Mm H»M .. - • ttatft at lA* Mom, I • Mirlw* ...» «** r**b»t. I*4 Mt**M .. •• •* •■• \ •* || CM»«'. »** *• ' *., Alt-tm I'M «*« pirns, df <A. %Mt •* • J»« r Kin* 1-1 ft It »WrU»* ~ * *-• Mn. r Kin* 4*4 A A lIKMiM .. 4 >•« UmMl* 4-4 . .. ~ .. .. .• .. •• *\* **4 it" I* A» .«. H-tM**h fi9* r * » .41-* jno P Kin*, tt Art > C •*» l*Mnl . .. . .. • •• • |> Kin*. M K* **• (•land .’ .. ** * imo. r At** ** *» r <» .. 314 paimt* Am*rt.«it khlrtin** suit • •• 4 I*4 ll.rtl-. * A *Mrtl*4» 44H44 • - • ’ J ‘* f-fcai-l.r (Ml dr**» WfM 44*44 .. 4 4*4 \V«»nu *t»n Oil* (iMCII * Atlwi * (hw») . •• 4 1-4 M p*r.»lM . * CctlM tponl MU'*. PW 4n* «1 AitMtrnan lodifn bltw*. 44*44 .. .. 3 H Utater Oil# Wit’4 >» •• (n4ifn Wat* •!*•# .. .. * l»t«rn»tiv i.*l W*.fc* 44*44 .. .. 4 Allin • t*rdili4li 44*44 4 Allan * LAIOB4* 44*44 .. Id dm bln* * * *-• India blu* J Ktln«l*nt » 44 *44 .. . - * Martha Watbtntton MiA * *-< Oarti.r'a radiant* 44**4 ♦ Cbanir o*km »»**9 .. * *** TICKS. Mampablr. .. *J'| Amo*kaaf * C A .. •• |® Ameak.n* * » ♦ Jtoetproi ity J PL.AU> HOMESPUNS. Cttjr Mill ■■ •• •• » »'» Four yard. *ood tt Inc A.. .. .. .. 4 1-4 Lodi shit ting* &*«* I 1-4 Lodi dim** *tyl«» M*H 1 **4 Hi. Clali dreaa 4 Dean aollda A .... I 1-4 Marllta Waabtngtnn fan. tea .. .. I 1-4 Mlacallantou* braotlm H*bt watght * 1* l-*at* I*t laactta 4 yards plalu .. .. .. •• •• 3 t-l Thorndike B .. .. ••• * * ** 4 Harcule* .. •* .. w Pitham. « bal Ho bo* II jr. Q. F.. 10 ball* to bo* 1* E. G. P.. to balls to ib.... .. .. 17 1-3 Jfuscoce* B * 1-* 177 ii'rb 4 1-1 yd. plaid*, beat niaka -4 Hinipaon allk finish foulards 44* -4 Pacific mourntnga 64x64 4 1-2 Chins allk* 64 x 64 4 1-4 Middle ford 6 I *•* Slater I 1-3 Concord. 66x60 .. . I 1-4 Rome * 1-4 Edward* - * 1-1 Keystone * 1-3 Fifth Avenue *l-* KKARSEV S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey S 1-4 Kincaid and othera - » 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PEASTEIt. Lime JOaS ? Rosendal* cement *143 Portland cement 12.75 to 8.25 Louisville cement In paper sack* ..*I.OO : laater in bbl* 11.76 HARDWARE. Wall buckets, per do* *3.00 Painted buckets, per do* *l.lO 2 H B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. *1.75 U H B B cedar p*H». per do* .. .. *2.00 Tube painted, per nest *1.75 Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-3 Hope, Sisal, per pound ic Repe, cotton, per pound v .. .. lOcallc Noils, wire., *l-"6 bass Nails, cut *l-46 baas (-.hovel*. Am**, per do* .. .. *Ut*U. .0 Shove!*, diamond. p*r do* .. .. *7.00 Sbssvela riveted back, par doe. .. *4.75 Plow blades * 1-* base Ham**, red top. per do* *2.26 Flames, red top root, per do* .. .. *2 50 ) ftsirih. A*M *MA S*9 A*S m mm IS M ,«*«*-• «*'■ *B* 4k, ~M » M |am m«t pw s „ H s *«• • * * H«SW *SmSA !-*»*#«•.».« »• .lie** MMt *<■* <mh . m m .< •< H H [ A.i.enMb*k asNMA t*< IS M *• •* m Ml Teem #4kMMk, *a* 4*4 ts# , F * -«> * 1 Kjmt Metes* pad #s-es »* 4" Mho4 46 r .M. 4 Beta »»*#»# ***** P. M SR* Mte i**A M~ Arn „mm» m•» ire**aH **»4a p*w Aat „ - . M ** I Age M»*4b*a M• | pas StA hat* H Ate mam, Ab. A pa* m «. H . Aee rnm t rnm #o* w *» . m A mem* Set* eessr. * S Ms* So* , , m SSkSI Wed rsasw fBT-'Uitf-t mm A A M4M p*e« mUSItSUM Rf aTH HOWTA. hwH ae* SeMd* HseaMA .A My #« M W the hey •MS AAteS Oseryta Fm HR .. ~fli » 'lei'Hte 4 4 r a H6I M M N SSI * rtaatHMk 4I Tt 44A mmm IA ~, Ovmetm I I- f a tSA ,* •« •• «. SSI , SeeiS (SayaHMt 4 t SFv ~ , 111 ill 4*fT f HCklttMl A«am**e Ft Its ,* ~~•• »■ 116 e** Aepasta 6 e t*ta *ae a»> 44* ... A oar e«m * • ha . m ~ •• H* ... At%*»a I IT* IMS „ M „ IA m. , A**e**a Fa tMU ~ ..«■ •* .. IR .•< j Alt**!* Fe 4614 M m mm US u. A'tasia r a IMS H 6 ... g’ksa'S T* 1*66 ....... 11* ... AtMieia 4 |.f #. t*H ........ NS «. A4MM-* F« nr ........ HI Ms *..«aaab Fa H6S .. .. .. lit ... rs i seat I Fa IMS m m m 11* ... IhSM Fa 1611 .......... I*6 mm OMasfcaa la m m %».. .. ta ... r ikeitaa « »r# NT .. .. I*4 M . Mac a 4 1-Fa IMS .. .. » M MS «. Mart Fa I*l4 m .. .. .. .. .. Id ... •CtlisiA r. r* m CMn—trt* Fa 1*66 ~ MM.. S mm s —Gra6*4 KA(Lk.)AD HFkSfTA Oeeeyla ft- H. * Mft* <b. fa ik*t .. .. I*l ... Ow-efta ft H. * Mu CM. 4 a 141* IS Cbarfette. tVtM'a 46 Am gesia. Ist Fa ISA «• 66f ... •'nlamb'a A Aa ( faiylM, Id r». 1616 Ilf Augusts Se ft ft . » a kW4 . ... M C. ft R Hanking CM. CMttAt »ral Trust Fa 16X1 61 A fleetb*r* ftallvray Fa IM4 . 6f 64 rttutl mt fSmnrglm ft. tesy. let eoMSel Mrsrt. Fe, 1646 .... M 66 P, es O. lit pe.f to . .... 16 46 Cor Ir si es Genrata Rstferay, M n-ts fMoeMts*. (Ml , IS 14 r *f G |gt pref M 164* .... * 4 • 1 6 * r . I't Ml. la. I**6 . 16* 167 buith Grerga aad Florida fd r*. US'! ~ .. .. 4*! Rears Urertta *«Mi n»rA6 Fd Ts, ISM «• *, ~ ~ «. 16f ~, rx.ati Ca„ Ist *'* 2d ; #. 1m I*4 ... factory Rnsny. Entcrprl*.. Mff Cm., I.t 6'a ls« 164 ... lit-lry Mf*. Ci. Ist Fa IMS . I*4 Fit ley Mff Cl-.. Ist 6*. t*M l*e Oa H R A P Co. aleck .. 167 ff* jfiottlbae-tern R. R Rloek .. M ,** August* i> Savannah tiurt , St IN GRAIN AND PKOVI*IO.V6. , not*, sli p aaek.-l ‘4 ooat*. mixed, tacked U ] Corn, white, aacked ~ .. ~ .. .. 63 ' Cuts, mixed .. .. .. .. 4* Meal, bolted per bushel 47 1 , Fiour, common i 1.6 ■ Flour, fancy extra .. .. ~ .. I.T* Flour, second patent 4.60 Flour, standard patent 4.M Flour, fancy patent .. .. 4,1* I Wheat bran. 160-lb sack* .. i to Fin* feed, 100-lb sack* ~ .. .. ~ to Hiy—aiatlv*. per ten 12.00 i Hay—Timothy, per lea 11.00 ! Hay—choice, per ten 14.00 llama—choice sugar cured .. .. lOallkt Smoked rib sides .. .. I 1-1 Dry sal rib* 6 1-4 Lard, pure leaf. In tierce* .. .... 646 AriONO THH HILLS. There Is Little New iit the Situation Here. The mill situation I* the aame today that it has been since the beginning of the trouble. The publication of ths statement that the other mills would probably ehut down to force the strik er* to return to work ha* made them firmer than ever. »>> they aay. How ever, the strikers think thl* an In justice to the operatives of the mill* that are now working. But they state moil emphatically that It will have ab solutely no hearing <m tjje aituatlon In West End. They are out. ae Mr. Keel says, to stay till the cut 1* removed. Mr. Gay, chairman of the commissa ry committee, states that If there are any In Augusta who wieh to contribute to the cauae. It will he gladly received Viy him or the committee at Roberts' hall, corner Ellis and Crawford ave nue. He wishes to request also, as there Is no meeting of the union tonight, that several able bodied men report at Par ker's woodyard In the morning to be detailed to secure wood up the canal. Mr. Gay stale* that there i* no weak ening on the part of the strlkera. He says they are aa firm as over. He says the majority of them will leave the city. i In regard to tlia general shut down of all the mills, Mr. Gay said he did not wish to iliseuss It, but he ventured the remark that It was a bluff, In his opin ion. An Augusta factory operative, how ever. states that such orders have been given out at that factory. He says the operatives were notified that the mill would permanently shut down on the 24th Inst. No reasons were given. o yv. fee 'A' At X A . Fear. th. Ainavs ft— Mr*. Susie Whvisas has moved Into her residence, and I* at horn* to her friends at No. 1185 Greene street. •THIS ATJO'nSTA HEBALD liONDONIAN LOST AT SEA ffcfl Las otf Hh 66* HUM (am 1 1 «*4t .Asm *6 16. C6V46 AS6 A6»*d Ms *6arb »*.•»-« INMAArtIAfSt Mb, IMM 6 fks Med »j| mmrnrnme Xl*. a. -T *. 6,6 mm .*"4 ysato tj i scimm* Mae HI iA Hb*»'W> ■». . nirr'-'l M • rn*rn A—if MM MAS* Mb* f fir if nfr~ trf *M 6om*d Mi 6*» A •Mb HI St s*FM*» •‘a*- 4 4R*M Mt MM mmmm laakAwn** fha l*A>Ai»S 'iMtbd Hmm ffknai * fX'we Id Ms IsmM* ’#*§ «*• FfMvtamHy Mfurtsd W S 1 «ea6*d rnmrnmm •* M« ■»»*■» m hs«M* 6*«m ngr*-* ms M*v Immm sma* mm* tfiMMfrrrl tto* to Am Ami mfm» A Ml ||i aif AH) >gnrTf t H 0$ !%• ffVH MU 9000 90 fcetiArtft 0f ffiWl OJOOO P«KrtM*# 090 m ld Ms t~MM6*IS to*Hkeif a 'Ms V»dM* f WMtoM M RkdbMkte Ad IbM A 4to* bM* : MRSb A the **»M. ■aaHHk. tow t—A dtoiMbA msMvml m IM* Mfltod A A* rMSMUMM IdM* ftokMIM. efctg S6MMk*y r ARM Itott »•»•. MibeMbrel lltod C7*S6*A IdM SHd •*►•*< Iff -Stogy A A* *6V A IMd F*M*»to Is > dadto* *#*M MA- SHd f"*t» •’* IgtofTlva** MMmi yvbdMA My Ad toftoHM elsMirr TsAbMdtM toftddM OsgWM I lee ltd 6mm Masted* A* Sort *bd Ifelrd ; iiM< rin add iMe Sr** add iMlrd —me h vnrt t»e *» l». TM* fgtn‘r- Ward «•»# IM* *Mdt ! IMe wigMi la kysrt 4h*4 mm IMs PtoMito# dkMMsrf* *#d !***»#«*• VAttotob IW I -l» d*dM#c Itas MHd 'M# SikM»-d* > **'koM A HA Id IIM gsMbIMM lakead*' Id ilk* beat, dr W#£« 0t MWMMMIfI MM tOO 990 t#» Ims tilt $0090*9 0& QdiC tm im4 Hf ft *toffc>rtßf, Ml til* *ilM ol 9090* iftg A Ml <4 pWllMl Ml* W»p*f tHr fttltil fir tttM ftM A *«<*- !»» of ik* ysMMts to dot praasMt %m m* w b* Hopped TM* mm A the anolh *a« h-r. and pssmltted If sms bt!t* to be parsed h*« I*6 some delbacf ahsmt ent-rln* Mb pH-tlMa “todCMdl evewta have rehltleraled *dr-. | iMmallMb. and are Sts nmem more «»l --| i*d. oMs roastry and mia tnbk i ury —We raa th, refor. « imms bars add oMlsrt »o tbto BimllalloM It Is our i lat - - m find nut wky thirty t ktr. I year* after the ctoae A the civil war i this thing A pension claim* shows m | a aum "" Mr (iaUlain A N*s Haasphlrs, j. hairraan A the penston commute* agrerd with Mr %*e*t. and thought a quorum ought to be to at lindane IN THfT HfH SE Diallagutottod Vl* tor* Id Hid Ofltory Toway. j Washington. D. C-. Dec 6 —dir Wll ! frrd laorle. giamlei A Canada. L*wd ll.ruchclt. Rlr Davies and Mi j Jam** Winter, pi .inker «.f New Found land. member* of the high commission, i rcuptfttl iNif* 1n llsft jrftllf’ry of ihf* I house today, being guests of Mr. Dtn*- i ley on motion of Mr. Cannon, of the »r --! [.ropMatlon committee, the houee went •into commlttea #f the whole tmmedl | ately after the reading of the Journal to j consider the urgency deficiency tigl for the support of ibe mllllarv and naval establishments during the tlx months beginning January I. 1«». How to Look flood. Good look* are really more than skin dnp, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vttal organ*. If the liver Is Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered you have a dyspeptic look: If your kidney* •re affected, you have a pinched look. Hecure good health end you will surely have good looks. "Electric B 1 Iters" Is * good alterative and tonic. Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys. purifies ths blood, cures pimple*, blotches and holla and give* a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard A Wlllet'a drug store. 5« cents per bottle. AUOUSTA'SI’RIZEBABY Little Lucille Goodrich Enjoys That Distinction Little Miss Luclie Goodrich, age 3 years, enjoys the distinction of bcln* the prlxe baby of Augusta, and Mr. end Mrs. Alexander Goodrich, hrr parents, are today the recipients of many con gratulations on the occasion. Luclie is three years old. a dark eyed blonde, and a perfect specimen ol beautiful and healthy childhood. By a happy coincidence her brother Cortex, himself an unusually handsome ehild. tied for the boy’s prlxe. COURT OF CESSATION Stay of Proceedings in Plcquart Court Martial Ordered. Paris, France, Doe. B.—The court of cassation this afternoon ordered a stav of proceeding In the rioqunrt. court martial. Paris. France. Pec. B.—'Several of the newspapers here state that the court of cassation examined the aecret docu ments in the Dreyfus case, and that the court has also taken stepa necessary to postpone the Plcquart oourtmartlal. Fill Up the Ditch. A well known gautleman, who re sides on 'Calhoun atraet batwean El bait and Canter, desires that the city authoritias attention ba called to th* fact that a vary deep and dangarou* ditch that should be filled now adorns that vicinity. GGiIOCK BAKING»rORBER id «h« Nil tft mtofcin* •«» hifwt of twltod, (MdoAt*. frugffiFA, Ftollto* OF O*#* c Hols*. FttlFut toft Id, bOOFO* pig 4*€>c-tktsa HFtot gtoltHOAto Of . tftlflllggni h(Hiigliad(tof* ; warn dpkA FtoCOFFIfIAfRAf It Hffbddt of §H lit RNWAIRI pfwitof. Comtium qtodt'Ky And owAmtty. MaiiufAfiuryd By The Scuthem ilg. Co.. RICHMOND. VA. il¥li mjffm WHOLESALE PHIITS. AwcaM » AtftMM* tra tda INoha mm— MMtAdA Ms gad «M 4 Id* ATIoANTN* LAMtototoO fI*L TMs fto**t toad**«M (ML indaniAM'aAM g eoMis M d*lt— 6to*M t SSM. MAkklF'6 totoflto ‘ Wff rTK LSAia— rt«*a mm— t—m »M* tarterf a< At- ' todtto Ij—* f**—. » —** . «*• || to| ftftm# roFNTRT RRAtyf-WfXKD FAINT* Hi* rrw*d Steed jfn*w fae4a*T-F6>F lewsat pries* Ota •*** F*M rmornmr FAINT Fl'NDßltoto— mu i (11-vx* FVer F*t*t* V.rMlah T •••IPS , Tripod Ready-Mt**4 'f ttotota. H*r*wht|to Ready-Mt**d .f-jiaiM* Roof Tie Htiari i Wil’et Brn Cl JOBBERS Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Waiting, solid Wahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovelyi Line of Walnut Suits, fines! line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING&BGWLES 904 Broad Street. FORTNER’S HOKBKfAU and VIENNA CABINET i BRANDSOF I Export Beers ARE THE BEST ABK FOR THEM. MOBS N’S PROHOTION HI; Name Was Sent to the Senat 'I oday Washington, Dec. S. —She President today sent the name of Assistant Na val Constructor R. F l . Hobson to the Senate to be naval constrictor. A'.so a large number of appointments under the head of the Interior Department, and a number of promotion* in tha navy wluob have heretofore bees an nounced. CALL Fo* lugutu (rawing CoT (XHONT vcm tfUE»CECfti,4| r ! belle of geohgi a Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —TALL rod— AUGUSTA BEER. loIeT to Toil In any sum* dasired from SAOO upwards, in straight 3 *nd 6 years tima. or on lOyaarstlme, pay7»bl® in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of Interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay In getting the money. AleiaDder&Jotmson A**c •• 6c tush A*s-r«a* • Morigan* Ceatpany. 705 Proad St IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN I li ill R li. MITCHELL. Al EX McDONALD i-upt. a. i N*c A trail. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 312 Mclnhab Hi< Eleetne Boj>pi,w posting Tub-*, ei*.. ate. Ri-I«m In all H*i incrl «pp*r*iutv E' Light Wlntiga*p«n*ujr. IM I'Phoos I9OJ - - Hir..wgrr«.fc AfeWjt m r,&Sßj^ ,*„ Tew PRICES lanp *wk. A I*o vva ...d KITTIJtOO. K 4. ?Vi>K>.MOiir*A wuiAaod KKrain*. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., avqvhta. ga. i an in COES INTO EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA. Augusta ~ Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2n l, 1898. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m., 5 21 p. m. Lv. Sandeisvin* . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennlll* .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p ak Ar. Macon 3:45 P m.| 8 55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:2« p m.l Lv. Dublin 'IOOS a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. in.|U:67> a m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.l 3:!0 p. m. Lv. Sandcrsvllle. 6:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m., 7:14) p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennn 1* with Central R. R. for Macon, and wl b Wrightsvill* and Tennill* R. R. for Dublin and Hawk nsville. C. W. JACKSON, Gan. Fgt. Pass- Agt. Jamaa U. Jackson. Joseph H. Sands. * Receiver*. -T Msf i. todlttoOAO w kllitllh Charltvfon IW Carolina I *«» ««#•• #( m ft*«t *• <MMMM tn#fti fft 00m0 090.- $990 9*90 I f *' M •* * 000 IW$ 09090000m******* $ M*#* i iM* * * Ai-fftL " .... m *4L j#***f Mlm “ Dun n | *Wooom*f*mm h »»] 9*oo*o M s*mo> 90mm0*mm »i* * 0 t*i*** J ! I 9*ooo *0 00m I m Mjoo'ot •:* MWd m* j * | * mmtmmmbm* •* ** I -*** ***** rj. I * oso9ssosoos ddMHHM it tf 4 **"** i f ** - •» *♦*» j i * irnmmm -. •: • - > 11* '* • * §osoooh t » mm- < ** *«*-* I iPJ 9* 0 toft**** g. t 00* ■; 4 . % -00 m *l-^Np L» * toiiXMfto # m* tm-i 4 ♦ sos9o ¥**#*#♦• j if mSmk *•** »* ***** * BftNM- .a** .*. *.»*( t Imp *fIMMMMIt tooooM.4*»t«| %ms99i »*• * mmmmMf»******m***\ imm *>««•** I |a# 0 f|f«Wfb »<»»■> atodMkd »» »» {>>»* Of | ! 09 omfooo - a.*6.a add** , * vMMMM* •••• Mil «I • I MWp l ® •WfflHft,• a.oft*#*»•.«-» *m*i * mm * go>Fdi <* * • *. Mm f 90t*0 j r«4f« •Mf** HI . 44Mk IT i Z 6«o!a! \ *** ** Jt fJ?? ** |p IWHi^attoW»l. I 9*ooo I * jf-sfi P»*Pftidto#d 444*6644 j I WNpOO ' 79950 ■ * §9*00099 »# •a«* *. * *»•* as I I fc&k-ftft* ** : TftfMHMSk a• • tow a • a#* ** ■ 1 9 * *4* KOHOO m s • *O9 *dd.*o.**d*.lw.M. .. « »9m| t |MNftt.M6««44" VdOtoOFM* '' 009*0 If a«•a aa a 1»» ts m JljJjgi j I * | m 90 0 A*t±*** • 55 flfifpHi «•«•!*••* I#* 09 ft* smm # M. L . llaetMKvp a> dmvwawed 6e to. t*«*m rM ». A. fc *t« *•A •* R'WR •to' liMtolOT MRS l*Frd Rei'M'f •*s »*>i Xkia*!«* atom to antoea . sew* klmum •••.. adeem* M.J f Rgk4*. 46ae Fax 6*4. t M yi'MW. du'ktottos AgM f. M au ttoHON 1 toM M *■■*■» Ax*earn 46a. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. to. C. HtoATTUL deceive* bMkmto. Waaiddd • l-eto d*« 4 g Hl** tori Cto»a CTaaa R cimm* else* M Hi Ml* A 'r*y. Dtv 1 dIMttoM. D»y DM- H.U Ns 4 * »e»I »«-* AM rn.| |Amr* TM 416 M.toi I 4di R... AddagMM. ..*< • Wtl'to IT t« I to 1t.... Dseee* ....§ •■«**;'* |a flj t «■...« Auiuo I HU a 6 to 6 laid... Fardtsia* ..At t.tMkuf f;*6i I 66 it; v"M* rry Ci*d| * 4 46 it 6* * « I:6b I* ALd’. CTBdFg fl 6:H U •* I to. ».*SL. IfcMACA . 46 6 16-J * •S i i I* *( |nl W*tot t’nlea .0 660 I tot 53... WaldsHS ...6) t:lff AM Itoto I lLeer* AmvwiFto FM^ Melt Nil Molt Me. 6 6 HsgM'sr Btailoc. F. Fmg 84* tlee All r*A itof trstes from Aedereoe 4a Wa ba.'to hav# right to track aver tra las of the sam* rises movie* I* op patole dire. itoß. •«»«■ elhtoMid* *6»«- Iflod by ira a order*. Wto also atop mi fottowto* stetlm* to tabs <« or Ist off peasengero: Pht»- D»y s. Jamse and Bendy Sprtßga. I Me. U ronnecis with doutheru rall wer No. 11 at Addereoa. 'Mo* 6 and 4 OOnsircl With RoMthw i railway No*. It and IT mi Asmara. | J. R. ANDKRdON. 6up*r n:*nd*oL ATLANTIC COAST LIRE. dHt KTKRT AND OUICKBRT ROUTto TO THE RAFT AND NORTH. 8:30pm; Lv..Aag'Mta. Oa A* | T:lAam 3 «pm| Lv Atdaa Ar | T:l6em 4 17pm j Lv.... Dv nme t k.... A* I 4 4.60prnl Lv.. ..On Bgt‘g.... Ar | 6:46am 4 04pm! Lv. .Bum; t*. K. C... Ar | 4:B*am 4:B6pm! Lv ricraisc*....Ar I:2sam |0 S3um! Lv...Fsy*t«*vlll# . Ar j I:t4pm 6:2lam Ar.P««*r*barg.Va.LV | B:l2pm 4:00am! Ar....Richmond....Lv | 1.12 pm 1:41am! A*.. Washington..Lv | 2:44pm • 02amj Ar... Beltlroor*. ...I.v ! 2:35pm j]:y6*m{ Ar..Phlled*lphlß..T.v (It 09pm l:o3rm| Ar New Tork....Lv | 6 20am Pullman palsre buffet alee.ilr.g caie from Macon and Au<u*ta to New Tork without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt., 712 Bread Bt.. Aajuste. Oa. T If EktEPRGN. Traffic Manager. H. M. EMERSON. Gta. Pass. Ar* Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect BEPTEMBER 11TH. 1898. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta * : <o P. M. No. 4 For Macon. Atlanta, ard Way Stations .. B:3O_A. M. No 52 For Macon, Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 9:30 A. M. ARRTVF, AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Bavananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From fcnvaiuiah, Ma con. Atlanta 8:85 A. M. i No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* 4:50 P. M. No 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. B b. I, L E OF GEO Ft O X -A. Mu*. 1. t. 8 and 4 dally. NOS. * and 6. daily except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 58, Sunday cnly. Sleeping ccrs on night trains between M lien Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedule*, etc., apply t) / M. C. JONES. C. T. A. w. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. j. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. f A SOLDIER after the epree needs LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headache*. 2 for £c.. 25c. oee box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. -sl2 Broad St., Augusts, G». RtMOVED 10 711 BROiiW J- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters, Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta. Ga. Stronger Phone *.62, DECEMBER 8 to • it fun t* HMibOWa ITTI iiiiiii co 900 sooooooo*o *+oo 9000**0 ItA ftoDMft f««ft IHUft®" 900 0990000 0090 0 r»f |»« ■£s* 0 SO9 t'ft-hf: [ ly# # TRo'««ftft Jk 000 ft * € Ldto»" 909*0 [ 09 m « *mm ft * 0m *m i| «MHt 9* 0 ms*wo ,$* 90099 I jdM# $ 9*os - " 1 . I ft# f v to#ufta ftMftft# - ftft ftp*: L # t«- '’••ftftftftft 9 00*09 I ft f % «4F - 3 45 ft ifth to • i • tow dto -to t -.JHftpfpi !I * 9 09+* to I i ftfttofto -to '*-»to.»iaftft *Jm o*o9 l I * | ft * ft’ toft t ♦ 7 -v *OO9O j I* t ts | ft. i? 90 t- to V - %*0 * If tofftm [lto | onto to ft Mto. to* fth a* ft ft ♦ 14 f '‘9oo to. , eAwt to i * ! a m— -A t a jojb to.#* toftto*# * ft* v toft 1* <ft--dtoHft MOOOIOI o*ooo «|to*l#to ft 9**to9 fttototototftft I f ""ftV^iatoftftTS^toto; ls 099": »*a4|jßS *# o*9o9—* ts ft :-£*» ft ftil’i ftftit lIH %lft *0000990 tfttortoftft fftotofftf l» ft»#l fHNfto 'toft f«N fto I ftf ipri ii ~#wift lrtoto Tto W« to# \ *-»sJsWffoo 09 0*009 ••« *Af 9M9 I * w •#* •» # 9N90 | ftf Ohm(Nifft, <L9 t<t» i ♦ iMMtoftl 41 ItiMi ft# I * ftto- ft ft ft ft* * • ft "toftfttoi ft ‘ i*m I ft# o*o‘sm* .9JOO+ j•* to ft*## *1 MM ftf |Uft 9#ft4l Msm (ft# o*oo*o . .tftftaA f ftftfIMNPMM ftl €%ooo*os*9 9*90 ftp# tftdft MtotftWto ftfc# •*i •*•o9o+** 9m f»< Iftft tl‘l |f toft, pftk 6#iHm 0 **oo9o !ft #• «ft* «6, Ptlft t*#ft 90000 99*0 ftft fto# ! ft PM ftfka> *9*o* ... I. H, eg atm. LA. BMUMRH cmr-*w Xi»i,«4 led ***• **m p. 6 diwx » h dr 6w"»a“4 tOUTHERN RAILWAY. ' r.', • »«*"« *h— ■“*— *» IwaOe asd '»'■» ft#—Ti rt 4%-ft H 090 mm TT :* U TK# Merit-, —• rrdFdp—- 6«4 ,}s{ AtfeSdi . I *»• —ii'tTS : :. i-i: If? f« liK Ji li if iswoosaese .. N 46 6, 18 14a MS • I_u- ' " • twavt. * . UMpj IMb Ar RkUoaned ***! *** taat-h™. .is: is: • i&Trx ::::::: »6>j •■» e .a a- 4 . 'fft 99 ftp. ft# Iftitf. litUy. Iff. JfPft^Torft, Mft ftvftL ... 4 atop ’fca'liit S2; Me Vam ten, 8» Ry.. IB 4»y 14 I6e i.i-wi U••:*» jLv beavills ""Tide 4 I6y L* Nortwa t «r~ Ar. rtreeeabor* ... lilt. |lf dr*m*h*n J 1 Me: TSy V ebaetatm #»6e‘ Hi 6>y • Lock RtU M3ba 11 mp • (hewer MMe il »y • wtameboeo. 11 4i 12 Me Ar (V>l tea Hunt* W If Fat, in Ce. Oetumbie 17a. dep'k ..... I Mpl 4 >*>» “ Johawnne 4 tkia : * T.eeto* 6 vac *** • * GrasilevtUe » Mpl I.C a Ar Augusta . 4Up kOUa Le: Aibav.lle „ IHW ’ 8 «y L> (hairtaaimrf jII 4u» 4My Le OaFMa. «C*rt.Ry.„ .1 IMy'T» a Ar Char lew on | 4 4op| 11 BU* Lv Ool'bi*. F CAP Ry j 11 Me «4? a “ havanoah ... 447 p !«• Ar .le, kawvUle i 4M ;< 4_ 15 a al.KKl'liro tA~E -EKVIt ■ Excellent delly posemgar service between Fler nls and New York. K'j* K and .A—R eehtngtoe and oeulbweeterw Limited. kmUd VswibnTod train wltk dining i mre and Orel ulus* coaches north nf Charlotte Pniiinsn drawing room Weeping care between Tan,lie Jw-keonvtiU. navanuab. Woebingtoa and New v ;rh l-miman e eeping Oar* begweeo Charlotte and Ktchmond . Putman drawing-room etropln* care be. tween (. recn.lK»rn and Norfolk Clove ronnaw tt„n at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT. : arriving there in time for breakfast. b.dld train with Parlor care, between 'Chat lesion Mid A-t.evllle | Nos. as and *—U. ». Fast Mail. Thrrmph Fn.iman drawing room buffet » ee(dn* car. be : tween Jacksonville and New York and Poll man eiartnnir .-ar* between Animat* nedt har lotta Pullman ..neotng care between Jeek aonrtlie and Columbia, on ronte dally twtween JackwinriUe and C u<-tnnati, via ehevUle. FRANKd GANNON. J. M.CUJP. Third VP. * <*eu. Mgr T M.. Wn.hmgton I WT A, Tl'llK w. H. HAKDWII K, u p A W»«niagton li. P- A-. Aiioala. GEORGIA • - RAILROAD. <9otb Mtildlan Time, k Schedule Effective April 34, 1894. Pullman Kleeoere between Macon and Nvw Tork. Through Fullmlh Sleoper* between Au gusta and St Lout*. Lv Augusta ..( 7: Oban.i 8:20pm!!0:30pta I Ar Atlanta ...'l2:Sspm! B:2opm b.tH'ain Ar Macon ....|U:lsßm| I 4:«L*tn Ar Athena |l2:lspra| 7:jopm! • Ar GalnetviUet'S 45pm| I Ar White PI *;*1 :oCpm| 1 Ar Mill’** le .(IPtlOamj I 4:3oara Ar W vh ton ..llOiiOßinl 7:10pml Picayune train leaves Augusta dally rxc-pt Sut. lay at 5:15 p m.. and ar rives »t Mll'-dgevllle st 8:10 p. m Trains arrive at August* 5:16 "t, 746 a. m., 120 n. m *v>d p n». A. G. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March 6. 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Southern Ry.. 9:30 pm. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:15 P.n*. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. .:30 p.m. Q- w —harpur! c f. harper. President. C. A.