The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 09, 1898, Image 2

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mtOAv here's Be Going? TaGet • COT. m • M»ur««. « Mtyb* a MiMDtai ImUnmmt It, lA. IflCtM |IW» l« Alim l . & A t»r*p* <OO M moo Kahili, 150 M 100 mrn 171 a 75 oo IWM. ****** *t< . ia 15 00 Arra/dto* f»» * * ,(W ftr.. Ik., at. it. Eferjliiing m Music Timas & gariOD, 710 Broadway, Augusta, Georgia* IMJOOR BAI I . Truth Okie V* C. L. A. SaaMMaM A uont otteeaeed it* *t ip it. vr baatkail Im> liili aad Ky»H tk*B» *»»»*• greatly. ■ftp Teatb Ohio Mad atoned tbr *n- UMtttDr:' by |naylP» * tmaatlfal mWtlry «hK*b »•* gn-atly appreciated rer «.m* uukitoen raoton (be game tort a Half Nar b« V> bat tM or mu uraa 1a a coot bumur At aK> t aip rr Myn ialW it* pu»* Tb* C. L. A. went to lb* hat Arat. Hot aval tm* la t. f. 3 order. Tb* soldier bar* *l4 Ibe MB)* Tb* asm* •»» very rirlilac tbronab on and up to tb* last Inning It *»• Bubcd; '• tram* In tb* bet laalaa th* eoldlere be r ;rt barked aad let tb* V. 1,. A a acre four two*. TUI* encouraged th* b ft a Mo* and wblt* and they held tb*:r nppmxsni down beautifully, nut i t njc ii mtm •rat baa*. Hi* beet-ball fever certainly ba* not 4»*tl tut In Augusta. Tbt ** w«ra ful ly four bund rad people at tb* garoa j.wt Oiglit and th* rating wn» a* gr*at B* a tha day* of tty- Chtrlerton and Abgaata gam**. >l«)»i of tbe goitfera roou4 for th* C t.. A., abotring their appreciation of tb* prtellege* extended by th* Aaao aUuioo Th* features of th* gatn* laat night wa* tb* little amount of klrklng. The bora h*ha»*d aplendily and only twice waa th* umpire ‘a decision argued. Th* C. L. A., being vlctorloua, now ehal'ong* any team In th* city or at ramp. The acore waa: TKNTH OHIO. | TY jTsI t «* l-cthrop. r. *a. ..0 l • 0 Hr iiahton. If.. .0 0 0 0 y dler, lb o o 000 Belt her. c. (('apt ) 10 10 Pearaon, r.f 0 10 1 o Netts. tb 1 1 , n Akc. tb I 00 0 /0 D<‘wald. I.aa. ... 0 1 fl o Dcltnrt, p..... .. t) I* f n Total 7. .'. . 0 ?Ti 0400 0- 10 C. 1.. A. I f MM s' «Y’s 9 Mulhertn, F.. c. ..0 10 1 0 1 Doyle, ).a? 0 0 11 I ■ V.uUorin. C.. 31..0 110 0 Shero’i. lb 0 0 0 0 0 Armstn-np. r.s*. 0 0 10 0 Gallagher, 1.f.. . o ooi Costello, 2b... 0 0 0 0 CftMgtM, P . . •• 1 Tolan. r.f 10 0 0 1 Total.. .. ..004 0 3 2 0 0 5—14 128456789 (> t, a 0 3 0 8 0 4 0 0 o—lo Teeth Ohio ..0 0403200 5—14 To Cure a Cold In One Day Toke Laxative Bromo Qulnlns Tablets. All druggists refund the money ts tt fnilp to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. MUSICAL ENTERTAINHENT To Be Given This Evening at Paine Institute. The mine Institute pupils will give a musical entertainment tonight at the i- 'ttitute. The program has beer, arranged b.v Anna Gardner Goodwin, who baa had e success in other affairs of this kind. A small admission tee will be charged and the money will he «*>« for tbedn etitute. The wiei'tnmmcgrromroenccs at 8 o’clock. INVESTIGATION WILL BE MADE T« Ua4 i«ka I Silt* •» Ifes lf>«tr |>f|— • bad KMa ta*M*rt Vs* Si • #*** IM)«iK Hi# 4: m 44# m omm ■ mi 14# (MMIIR rnmmm 4# *v~ l ** l,# * sd»fbi> mm omm&is N## 4# • i iNSMtiMpM mhb mmf m*m* m »*» i iwgwi#Bres mi 9|NH MltAiliilliMi M# • I Imaivb Tbt* tmmtrn h ninaiSa4_w _«» ‘ yaiiH imrnm**** •* • **daa*l *.»*«•.«»*d j ta tb* aaoa«» ** i»dar a* t*b*»»Maa i Habtuwa *4 *b» «wibd*«**a •» ,fc# f gaH a# tb* ags** rtrnmmm Tb* fw* g«H t* »■ i*m < »fc«*air* *b«wiaa <*• (p#»*»a* •PpaHaMa** *d *b* aw* | lata tw** a*par*P«df b»**a*(#a**4 tm I aalMrMbaMttaaa aa4 tb* t***>M t* a •aetMg 'Mamctaitna at tb* babas* f bm«* ta ***** iiiiipi** ****** tb* par* f ***** at *«pppaa a*4 ta that 4»pa*t> j *»*t mtmmm but* m «*• at *b» j tfaaNaaa. IS* APatpb J o*pa. *rm iku iwbit*** tb* yapan P *» bat* j 'Tb* Dtaaid * P*p*H*a*ai aS ibp (tgMtttatso* *a* «aa**ta«< ala* *P * Ip> rar'“- Tb* boob* I*4 a** («naa«t *ad ta«P»» •# »bP lA«*. «■ I !W a* ttai* *l;«w*4 leg **aa»(b*tS*a {t»*g* rm»a 1 ta h* ear****. *a4 alt at •b* taitar-BT la a*M ««*• «****ad ta ba I raffia* Pit «pg»a—at* bataaag ■lt m tbrwaab ibte 4*M«a»*a' '*•« ! all gtotblap b*44laa l»W r**t. **4 food eagpll** tapatta* tar tb* iMtif I Ik* **• i»ua- ba«*4 aad yaar naiali - ; i*» ba* iab*a am*al«a i» «ar*faily *■• ' *«ata* tb* *Mtb*P la • htrh tbM* caa j tract* art tat *«* abaM aa4 ar aal tb*y bad tmf tm let aa ta aat Lap nmapiy altb tb* Pa. bat la •** *«** to aaid toatMattaa tb# b*P baal- I neaa m*a*#*m*»i lb tbP la*aatspa* ima w* ba** b**a rmaftwaud altb rar ta.a fart wbPb Pad a* lr»*aPUblf to I marled* that tb* Pad lei«la#a* "*■ dart ba* aat b#*a ***rrl**4 la Hebalf ut Mid laPltatlna "*c rtad tram *»ld*»r* «üb*rtti*d t# yner m»»Hto* and admtaatoaa by oa* | «»f tb* iraat**#, A. Jna*pb, of tb* IB* •ttluUoa. who r*r*l**a Wa ma»p*»M- I t'ou aa friwt#* Oca tb* Pal*, that h* 1 baa b**n lb* me tractor with aald la* ■ mullon for tb* pare hate of almoat I ovary art I*l* a**d by Mid la»tiiati »a i ia tb* way of dry *«*>■*• tor <*• (■•** i two or three y*ar*. It P ,ro * tkai tb* goods furalsbed to Mid laetitutlon did aot alwaya go by direct parebaa* from Mid Hast**, but did go through i said trust** altbar dliartly or ladlvart ; |y, Proas *v*ry purchase so aiadr. . Mid trust** was using hi# relation to ‘ said institution for tb* purpo** of gain and profit, haring mad* large sum* of money from Mid contracts wPHher ; th* arttelto w*r* aold dtr*etly by him I to Mid institution or wh*tb«r be sub i mitted bids In th* name of others and 'the purr bases mad* nominally by oth j~r parti** or not. This trust** j frankly admitted to your commute* th* truth of th* above statement*. I claiming that he had a perfect right to do so. notwithstanding we find lb* > following paragraph In the bylaw* ! rule* and regulations, adopted by tbe i Trustees of th* G.'orgl# Htsls danita~ Hum, at Mllledgeylll*. Oa. May. 189*. I to be found on page four, acetion »ev j *n: •* ‘No trust** or any of th* officer# 1 rrrated by them shall He Interested di -1 recti > or Indirectly In any contrart or sal* of any auppllea to th* Inatltu i tlon.’ "TH trualcea claims that no loss ban come to thin Institution bv reaon of tils conduct, but your committer are I forced In Justice to themselves and I this Institution, to declare that this conduct la Improper and calculatlve to subserve the liest Interest* of the Insti tution on the part of the trustee.. Be It therefore, • Resolved. That this committee, in view of the fact* developed, recom mend the appointment of a Joint com mittee of three from the house and two from the senate to make a thor ough Investigation of the management ami report at the next session of the legislature, •We desire especially to commend the board of trustee# for their effort In securing the extension of the Cen tral railroad Into the grounds autl to the depot of th* sanitarium This will he a great saving In the item of rrelghi to ill* Institution. The state is largely Indebted to the trustees for this Improvement. "Your committee, after having care fully examined every department of said Institution, desire to state before concluding this report that they desire to commend In the highest term# the management generally and in detail of the present superintendent and to de clare in behalf or his eminent ability for the position he occupies. We re commend that the following appropri ations he made: For support and maintenance of the Institution, for the year 1899, 8280,000; for the support and maintenance of the Institution for the year 1900, 8280.000.” Some Ladies* Fancies are few. but all enjoy carrying a pret ty pocketbook. The Augusta Novelty Store has a beauttful assortment at popular prices. A Substitute For Graphite. A sulietanch new to chemists has been found In South Africa that may be of inestimable value to the arts. It 1b much like graphite In substance and makes an excellent substitute for lead in a pencil. The ttufXls described as being capable at. worked into any shape. It KVWim frtMttt color and. already enterprising manu facturers "arc experimenting with It. JWTJO'CrPT Jk -WTOR-M-Xap. r **am FiWftt** •*% %WTIA Mnx)ri itaro If AT mu It aMhmMa *1 N* J '-flip !»■*>«' a*** Va*Moa tb.«< wa ••law* ,i lmi »wb» m# *aMk wa* •* tk avAa - Mam*» hurt «8 Waa* gw*** rvf*» manta tod to MB Ma ** i tttovwaaab Jtoap | • aatoatoa rta. low f Awoa*ta baa I *WMMm a~*>tottoj sßMrttoa today. Ml, I pbkab a«t*»i" twaav* as** toaadlH Mto I .Wr«» awl aMtotoat aa tb* ppm «* tad* jid wwtoatps la to tmtod to * fcet . * yawtoati to aa BMpb pay b**4 "to to* to maid «a*d Mr Hwtoayd It ta tb* Ptow asm to* Alfred tot ! i tab toavUM aa# <totontoa*4 to a laMt* psttoary toM tot ta. «*4 la <k* [Third tpaed to*. A. J. least* r bad tow* S wb*cb to sad W* appandai. Ml« VIM" , ,t*a Anawroad bad vatoattoily aab | asHWd Itolv roadMarf la itoaa ward* ! -bar* a*# p» nun Into sad aa taroewar led ta tb* Patojfc and flflb aard* f ttot* bad baaa • toMar* to aprs* m a i wbd* prttoaey. aad Itor* »#• a ***• W« to »ba palta dirtdrd to tb* rdiity til pM-WllliO (i«t|H3l 9'Blflßk "Mr M. J MeAallflP bad Wwa ' ti nrig>! vat M tb* Walab adartowrva ) tiaa caatorkat* la (to fvtmk. aad to. A, Marti* -a aaa to* tod by tto Wafeb peopt* ta 'to »*utb "Tto ftoabar aad Ksvv factwa*. that war* toataa to Mr toalab a y*ar ad** 1% tto BtferaUf tbtlka. #*h*d all ' ttofr at reap* b to defeat <bto* toakab (oadidar**. aad t . A. A. to, Clark , aaa totrapbt aal la tto fourtb ward, aad R. K Cllkst ia tto Tiftb la tb* roartb aaid (toy auir*wtod ov*r wtolwlagly. **d la tto fihk ward tb*y landed tbrtr awa IdUoU by lo«f vatoa. i« ib* ruartb ward lb* parebaa* of vote* wa* wltbowt msrwlarpl. Oa* tm tic* paid «*t la wab aad tb* nth * la rtork* Rniraar* bring from tb* «aai #l4*. tb* a*gvo waaltl Imv* by tto ‘want aid*, and totag vimwA*4 tor woatd be gtvap to Oa* of tto paywaater* h*r»« pinning tb* I* oa tb* lap*l "t the onau of tb* parvbaa** voters, and ctalr bougbl voter went rainag tto , * cored wlrb hi* parebaar n* ney to dts pl*T*d. Tb* polls opnaed with tod negro voter* In Ms* lor McAuliff* They bad raaipad oroond tto poll* all night, un- j der guard of whit* lieutenants, to b* Ural on tbs ground They were Jubi lant at tb* prospect of victory, but at B:f0 o’cloclr (to Clark lieutenant* ninrebed negro voter# In line to tbe polls from a neighbortag wagon yard wher# Iber had been penned up all night and kept under guard. This col- j i umn which looked more numerous than It really was. broke the cowßdenr* j of th* McAuliff* aid* and stampeded a number of tbelr voter*. "There were arveral ight* between orotnlneat worker* In Ito optmelng fm t'ona. hm nobody was aerloualy hurt. The buyer# were WV giving I.'* for votes, •tod she money ready to pay when lh« hallol wa* east.' 'would not pay but |2 ht> a Hltl# l»«*r-’ | -one negro with to bill* In hi* ban I went among th* negro#*, ahowlng the . •stuff we give for vote* "How long the people of Augusta . will auhmlt to thia aert of thing no one i seema lo know. It wa* thought that the last mayoralty election would - prove th* last exhibition of the kind, hut today'* councltmanlc contest In the Fourth and Fifth wards »a* Just aa bad on a nomcwhat smaller wale. 1 in the Flflh ward th* Walsh candl ! tints was carrying everything hla way 1 for the flret few hour* and hi* election i was reposed all over town to be al- Imost a walk-over, but after stamped tog the McAullffe force* in the Fourth ward and carrying things by storm In that ward, the antl-Walab workers I from all parts of town went up to the i Fifth ward and ecnceutratod their of- . forts to carry the day for Elliott. I here was already such ft hlg lead for Mat tlson that It was an up Wll light, but they mwarnu’d arGiind the polls anil carried thy day by storm, stampeding Uhe Mattlson fore** and winning for Elliott by the narrow margin of three: votes Neither side Is condemned more than the other. It Is not the Individ ual. but the system that needs reform ing The victory of rue side simply means that it had more money to pay with, and more skill and strength in manipulating votes. The other side would have won by the same means if It could h«v? done so. The whole thing Is a reproach to the community and a disgrace. Many men are declar ing this shall be the last time, but this 1 has been heard before, and there I* no telling. The trouble Is that the metv who are accustomed to manipulating the negro vote, are better willing to risk their chance* in the issue of such an election than to leaye their fate In the tjauds of the white vpters alone. • n Is also contended that a primary election is Just * 3 corrupt as n final election, and that white votes can he and ore purchased. Again it Is claimed that the large nutpber of Populists and A. P. A. votes among n clan or our white voters, make a Democratic primary necessary instead of a white primary. The result of the varying, opinions Is that Augusta continues to he disgrgeefl by--corrupt. elections and public purchase ol negro Votes ” ?• r *jr . - % vtC. .. '« The AtTanta Constttmrrth had the SOCIALIST CHOSEN ’ FOR MAYOR ft. t« fmm h Tib u* torn* mj. j Tto FtoMawa ( v*m MrtoiM Mb Mb* * M#v**t«l Meat fM* • s ® i ’dM B*BB"*1 at towMl bewa ••*• • trt# *m A. to IMMMMHrtaHB MSF** <4 i BRA- Brtßß. M la M b M* I toM b iitirt m to stoned to bb ed* BrtßkrteaMt* «dto* to *k * oaßgtlfF Mp tos Bpaßtotobl Martlart Itoßto* |J*4to C, Ctortk aa*d M itofa. a rtato >t« B wwepi»e« »» gtowwei Martb <*B» jelw«Ml MSfwr to tto eaaMtoat* b. tto jtortol Dew ■ twt to a FartOii at to 1 totoa. to • toto as rt* Y»edia**** i MttA toto «• tto .Wtortaaa* tietoa •** * i «b*w* Ibna’trt <b>*'tto— lb* atoat artß [rtMLtto** tm *aato*ttto*B CSfeMBB 4** MmM Ml# <mM? sm**n** ’ m to# toßyeFa tdto* bH to to earry ’aw ito pnaetplM at Ito total part# t ptarty ptotomto. ato* b ora aa fit to aa. j arttrt* | Tto a* at to* at* Plrtpalpy nl tto to*#. BliltolM. oarb aa ****** rail**** a** aad Maeirt* Itoto ptoa>* aad *ll Bto otilltt** *e guteta* • hi*t klart taa ana* t* ba ob ftrtrt to tto totoito toMtotirt- If. rttol-a to *trm ftrt# to to* *toto ,rr ftr *be Ngtota ta *tee* tbelr «** in* oik**•. bat a* amsta ye to to dtirtorfd tor faNttr*! *"*«*>*» Art.cie A V* daBMBd tb* rtnl*le* rt lb* eoalfßrt la bar *y*te** M *ll Ar*tel* AWe ttonand to*t ebrb* tow*# raaadtßta a day'* aovk «iib a Mlaiaiuai «H!p< dtow *rikl« « «r* 4e<»M t tto* *8 toi *ri*a and mama paid bf tto MBBtH piktf to la pra&mUm •* tto mtatata taatond. Aftkle A tVe demand Ibal tto eitf. wtoa aereeaarT. NflMi FToft* told, riot blag aad rttoM to aH ebUto** who are beat ** ka* o* aeraaat H lack of proper, Band, rtmb'ag Sod too*a Article • Ftot.iM that tto fan power# of Ibe »**lci|-#lHy be **er rl#ed foe tbe relief of tto unemployed, aof to rtortty. bul tbe ewtaMito aieat of public work* tar tbalr *m-;i plm »V*J * * f 1 Artl<l* * We futtfsl tbe aboltiloß of arede rrowing* and every nrtaaee to human towlth »*d Ule Artleto'f We demand Hurt «be bar-1 rten <4 llxatloa to dtotrlbated ia **- * art proportion to fto holding of each rltlpea Art tel* 9 W# demand the abolition of ( all *errrt acmion* of »be city eoanrll. and that a pare record to kept of tbe rote es »*Ch member on all qu«*tion* Arttrte lt». We demand the adoption of Ibeprlnelple* of the Initiation #nd referendum and propo/Ttlobal repre •eatallou. Article 11. We demand that all effi rer* be subject to recall by tbr respec tive coo#tltuene|«* Arttrle IS. We demand the abolish ment of secret tollit In ibe elty couu efl. , „ Mr. rhga* Mid. referring to the pirn form U *»T wt,h mr comrßdY* who Imva been elected to lake atepa to bring each of tbhae matte*# before toe people, (tor campaign I* not a itnlutionary me* but one cf eil uraikm. We shall force nothing down tbe throat* of the peonle. but wlli s«ob to ed«f#*e tuem until they **k fur these thing* that we recommend. There wtH to " rt gcocr*! turn-over In the ci<V 'toll, toil w try t 0 nothing but conduct the bn since* of the city In the most careful »nd hon- Mt msnner We d» not expect oppo sition from the other i>*rtie« In the city council, but think we will have a harmonious admin!#’-ration. Mr Chase, who will soon become the executive head of the city, with * sal ary of 82 <WO. I* peculiarly # man o' the i people He I* only * elerk In the co operative store, although he Is the president of the H.vertll Co-operative 1 Soeietv. which control* this and an ther store In the elty He had toen 'previously employed for five veers In choc factories In various position*. For Whooning Couph u «?e CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. > HRS. ROSA DEAD. Wa* 75 Years of Agw and Waa Long Sick Savannah, (to-. DccJ 9.-Mrs. Rosa l vnih aged seventy-six years, died Vtgurday morning at the residence of her-daughter. Mra. Mary Johnston, on Weet Broad street. Shi had been very sick for several weeks and her death was not unexpected. Mrs. Johnston Is her only child. She "ill he hurled today Mr. Lynch, the husband of the lady. Just died four or five weeks since, while his wife was ill. same article under the headline: NEGROES VOTED RY PURCHASERS. Disgraceful Election In the City of Au gusta Yesterday. VOTERS BOUGHT PUBLICLY. Five Dollars a Head- Was 4he Price Paid for EaA Vote. | ___ Negroes Kept in Peas Night Before. T Then Marched Like Sheep to the Polls and Voted—Some <of Them Had $5 Bills Pinned the Lapels of Thetr CoaJe—Some Exciting Ipenes V- iITJL ret* Bt>9 WHTlettoto TMB •»*»■ * la* Mhm j. MM mm **WMM 44* I mfm ##» «ar.rt#*#># *■##♦ 4 #4- *m*-’ I ppm mm mmhm pM4bIP» i4p j mtm mm mm mm m » tm *** r-4 11 * H 4a# 4#mi m in# mmrnm - t## mtm mp mm&mm m w** *4## *|Mk# %#* Am# Kto-f 1 * 1 to* l 4# AH t 0 ##4 : ' ## mm tis #•* ##w- Tto (tool latort m towwag to**** ,«a4 rmirj mßrnmai of ito** to, •we* rtaaato * ‘ HITUATIUN WANTED !#4 WT9Bfc'- r ' 44 441414* j ! 4144 Wmp**' *••*» * #a4 fAP tm* ; f |t| r • ft «A#M ft ■* * 4 #•**- • w l44l#T<^4'^44 , t s t v 4 44 < f m* %i hbtm 44 44 TfM* •*#! j 4## • 4 I ”HE LP WANTED^ wxintkt> “ wAWk”*** wmarw | artSß B* eßNßfea Mw*«»rtMl »■ f»" | tome )*#«*»•*> aattoi**' M>« Tt. I tl»anß* t • M«* bo* T tf, ,t **, j WBtovMt. ftoeM iV*sfT»il‘ «»VK MoIIF ik»tp ► 'Ut* j rrtiß. ostf are* ***** *na* need am Kip, §■**• mdamrnMßM aitowi. Cat Mt J lip** KuiMta* dßi 9 TO RENT TO UtT-TWo MAMDrtriMK f*C>f*l«Ui . rtM-e* m I*B rt> month. *« amdeea ■ ■ n<a*«aii'a- —. !,*<•* a*4 Fwamp. W Hnmd mm. tote a TO NIUVT-A art ALL fl HkIPIIBI Aw'HiM' Nl A MM* j f# 444rwm E. mt* Hff«M ; ilAnr 4m? 4 4 Ml FOR SALE MICATB FIRBT CLAM* AMD M FKH tent «a«*B to tot* tog tm tto cb*B i from Ra*h. Ml Fulh at**#*. der 9M ; CURA W-< RIUM AT M JAflfFdf BT. gmn PALB—FAFBft FOB W**AF-' ■ pixn *af*n*m caeapem la (tip tm# ; -*«i a pawed- Apply •• M*eald ttlflen i Mtrtb a bus and *** *• paper. Mb* * -« | FOR •ALB-tat-Arna FARM ORM mile Item city II ml to. a torpetn Ap ply W. C. Jeßa*. Ms. !M Jacbsoß R, Ovt 1 CHEAP- FAPKR FOR 'wrTpIM.VO purpose*. I# tint* B totmdred old •*- Cbanit**. Whit* papa* 1 rent a found. Kov I LOST AND FOUND. ' ixxiT rktwrkn mr nrrn hutldlng and Mtv*l**ti'i J-eelry etnce.a etlek pin! enameled leaf. Return j to **» Mrlntceh etvvo t and get reward, dec * 9 ant ATED-A LAROB MALTBBM ’ cat, with *lx toea on tech teet and | kltik in end point of tall He nor* [ leather collar with name ••dklpaloet” i<n | : outside—my name ami number v.n In ’ ekle If y<>u have hire eend word or. I I .ring him »nd get reward D. O litm tod. No. U Llbravy Buildtn*. dec * 9 MISCELLANEOUS MOTICB-WB HI Y AND COLLLXT account*, note# and Julgment*. Tvrm* reaaonable Call Baltimore Trade Exchange. Wl Dyer Building. * o d »• PER t'ENT BAVED HT BDTINO your meat from Bueh tor the cash. Meal* good. Satisfaction guaranteed, all Fifth street. Come and see. j dec » 1» Special Notices; SOCIAL LODGE, NO. 3, F. A A. M. THE ANNUAL COMMCNICA . TION of Social t.ndgc. No. t. JL win be held In the room* of Georgia Ootnmandery No 1. K T., Masonic Hall. FRIDAY NIGHT, nth (net . .at S :t« o'clock. Elec tion of officers for the ensuing Ma tcnlc year will lake place. A full and ; prompt attendance Is renueated. By order \VM J BOI.LI NOS WORTH, W. M. Win. H. Crane. Secretary. Board of Education. tfHB hBOULATI MONTHLY MEET ING o: the Rich non 1 County Board of Fducatlon will he held st the Tub-’ onan High School ?tATi ItDAY MORNING. November 10th. tS9S. at 11 o'clock. By order of the Board. LAWTON B. EVANS. Secretary. DRATH IN EDGEFIELD Dr. Frank R Timmons Away Yesterday. Special to The Herald. Edge Held. S. C., Dec. 8. 1898.—Dr. Frank R. Timmons died in this city yesterday of typhoid pneumonia after a week's Illness. Dr. Timmons was sev enty-two yrars of age and was a mar vel of youthfulness in vigor and ap pearance up to a week ago. His was a kindly face and a kinder heart, trusted oqd hocoreil by all who knew him. He was a faithful mem ber of the Baptist, church and leaves six sorrowing nnd noble sons and 'wo loving daughters, one of whom is Miss Emmie Timmons, of Augusta. The funeral occurs today in this city. Place you order for fail suit with E. J. lj/ ry & Co., popular priced tailors. Then He Would Have Known. •Td like to give up smoking," said the man in the Angora car. "but I realty don’t know how to go about it.” ‘ What a pity," sighed his companion with the worried expression, "you didn't marry’ ray wife." FREE & FREE Tm* orr«a aukhot •mn* Aa External Toaic • Applied to Ik Ski a Beautifies It as by Slap'c. TBE DISCOVERY ft ACE A to OMAN to A# TUB tKYUNTOft. * ’ % • -a Tli i mis* *i Leva total A m •**# warn#* I jpirC Yl di***<■( m> * & ■ etbns* Itaß * I fa* avbttrte *- 4 « to* Irtßrttoirt"** «4I tto r>. *’.tP«e M »*B* ' A pt Mtai 1,4, r | **•' |»* rtta>«* !'<A tto *#•** to ato •prtto art. of f* Td* • A**•**. ,«.• Y<w* *Mf- *4tortl *» • pub Irt |tta,f eeatotfta (3*->-ptal«M Ttartc- i Tto pnaS’-e •# •**#» MC«4 9* a»*to Ito ttarm*mfhr? *ta platß. toaaota b**V tot* r-B ft ij- -—A *to f tta pc #»)**», IWrtm*. ( jriihrtut. ua*toßrtbrt | mt-** m** hm*m • tavn# « #4f«4 %t m #4i*, 14# I## wiftoto- I I*i t .. a T«#4i 4#> ; ttartok* **>•! toturt rtf an rnpmtum | •tob tto to*»A to i» Bet* ml Bt■*• kj aau«ta*i**y tovtog to ito rarlb*» «* m* tabkaa. D la to tto ski# w*ut a rt M tbg hi—<d <- i Btrvea, B kimt of •ew Mia (to* lattowbately **'■ ttoarte a*>4 gnagiitrat aleawt apg-lieA. lu t..!*.< eStev 1* Ait * tas t [ittaMuld' ai»4 It imiflf Wakto itßwr fki* to* skltt. frwklm, ptmplr*. Ma.kbtaM n*«fc iq*rt»« rtn ok taa. U«*f •port. Sufkiita. mtfum. rrafta’-m. ao4 ttoaArtrtiiart Bf stay kind la a-vlef Hurt *U may to bewetoea by tbrtr Gnat towel . tto kiw» llrti Bill, ttiinsg 'h# pfnamt Bwmllb Iffv* to all tail THE MISSES BELL, ?• Fmn a**.. t*w v.* our. For Sal® in Auguata By Jimei Daly A Co. FRESHEST AND FINEST HEATS DRESSED POULTRY OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. V—HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR CALVES ROBERTS’ MEAT MARKET Strowger 'Phone 824 - Bell ‘Phone 433 MASONIC FAIR RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 10 A M. TO 12 P. M. Everything choice can be obtained that the market affords. All dishes are prepared by a celebrated chef- , , A suppiy of Choice Oysters al ways on hand and served in fine style. ..... : A fine Lunch or Meal can be had at a small cost. The ladies in charge will carefully look after ail orders. The Bell Tower Drug Store COT NER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS Under new management- A new line <if Fresh Drags, Toilet Articles, ■ ‘Brushes, Kte. We make a specialty o.'hj*c tans’ Prescriptions. Bell Telephone i22'> PATTERSON & WADE DtCfM#«n 9 [tm* M Itoto partem earn rttol torttoM tton katas aorta 3 o«e storttoetp to t Bad la to rtta* Maae Bto mmaa* art* or ato Ikvßpartkp Mo* |toa Yafb mag to tooae ’«4.rufa«ia*4aa Im*U* to an* ort> j * , ,i , r *rt MvfßkLoß Ito leertpi <4 l|SMt«b*artrtrtw*ltoeHW mo* trt i gorklm* art min mas. Tto prtr» 4 tba j (m, «•*<■! taart rt 04 B* P*e L •». **4 ! *t<»Lbnßlato*ato*B4 to taikoarid by *tt. [ The Niaot toll tort) Jurt a Alt b«4 .ttof to* boak. "totfirt* *f rt»o*«y. j T tu* t**l uato* rtork bt to* to Ml ta. • .*• 'm. Tto tot tub *atoß*uerty rt ito j tßtpartan** at a ** rt o.inpkni w. Ml* bo a a-aaaa taap **.-*»**# Uautpae* t«*k Ppmal rtopaen *a Ito *a*e rt tto bur: tort to ton kanrtaot parti lartod taetlorta es took in* Ito lair pew area lit patural tottf art onto, #•*■ to atvaoeed **». Abu tmcnwtkMM be* to laai-b tup* i OBum* ba»r fr u* Ito bee, rock sadamtrtWhmi* itiitY to Itoakiß Tbbburtt »Ul ba artiiad to any adrtms tm "yKU Tttol Itortto ft FiaJdftl C*>*»- artvea Tuab *m *v parton. «r■» amt# (r>wa of aart *aailu>() to (too* at a f* Jf rv#p*x*&n*cm cN3#*Utuljr 44* df’ "• 9 Christmas OfferiDfs in itfamonda. prectoua afoaie* and aoild gold Jewelry make the most acceptable gift* that you can cbooae for a lady. Wf bare a superb array of laea pine, pecdanta. rbatelalnee, watchea, toilet ware anil uoveltlw that will adorn beauty, and pleaae the moat faatld loua. In raen a jewelry our hantfeome erarf ptaa. signet ringa, aleere buttona, charms and noveltlee are exqulalle. A. J. RENKL. Jeweler, , 928 Broad Street PARLOR MARKET, 95 1 Broad Street. PELL ’PHONE 409. A Prime Family Roast of Beef from the rib, sirloin, filet, cross rib or standing rib we will cut you st sny time so that it will eat tender, juicy snd suc culent. Our stock of prime meats, poultry game and venison Is of the very choicest to be secured, and our stock of turkeys are fat and of rare flavor. POWELL & COMPANY.