The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 09, 1898, Image 3

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FRIDAY "ror pistol- CiUSES CASE A stadia loafettt Inkti, In ttofefi) Mi ( «, fkH. m»|H ml ‘WI t ».•«««■ * te*»e* «4 4** If *•* V'fjgi. § - # fat »„i ml 9-#* iMppn ftpikiHHl Ist fw§i! •%« <Mf ipMMft#' A f ' loMMNI MMHWHMfP' «•*&» tOHNiRNI •* # • Ikrtk * *-m #Hiii I 4 * for A Mr --i j gjjL - |-g| *.». ||m« rAAP « a 'l MIV ft§. M« to f toEfffrHl A HH9 9f9a§§i4**ff t«to 91 A »f *IA ***•■“ iPW w 9m^ »<# »#taft fcMtotU## •aa4*AWI *F **•«** ft§rl AM ir TtfeMl IBtoPßlftffi • w#H ' to#® ™ t 0 |f »•* 4 t»1 *4 H. t**sgOi FIRP AT ST JOHN'S CMIIfCH A Hla>* mi the P««l DdccvifH TMi v IftirfHMHl «sv*fir *h G§ . Tto«* t —At 1 H nVl,#* M MAf4*r §fl#m<v*f» th* roof rs ft Jot*fi‘f rfct’rff , «•• w If# on tlo WHltslinr pf rf .** ti4# < hnti«f» fH>rf it haHk *m hr iM oft# of tfirtn |»l*r#4 |l« not j to a lii ohm Hr# wo# Homtstf on iter t v*f srftlMl Ifstto! A f#l#* t- * !%#• flMMto9l9 > # WAP Wilt tO tft# ‘*#fltOil fir# fftattoat JinA tit# dffOftfnm! jv« j witfwwut iit alim hwnf '*otin4*»f Tit# Not# «•» aft#r i tt< I# of two f##t iwoi hi 4 h»m hurn#J In th# roof. Th# doot* j •nr wap PHvht. Ptrlor Car and flrrplni fanir* H#» tw##n Atlanta. ftavannth and WH ov, and Albany. Ga Tb# f’ nt’al rs Or rria Railway mm* pmny ha« tniiifarato) Itarlor car and pl##r*n« car aervtre b#tw##n Atlanta and Albany, Ga., on tram l#avtnp: Al l ity 4 15 a. m . inivtnf Macon * W i m Atlanta 11:31 a. m.. and on train !rar|nf At anta 4:65 p m arriving Macon »!• p. m . Albany 11:98 p m. j from Albany, G* , holding Perth ilrkrti can taka Bleeper at * p. j m.. thus allowing them to remain In tlaaiar over night. Paaeengers arrlv-j tnt Albany at 11 OS p. m. may remain In a’acnar until 7:80 a. m. Rata for double berth In a’aapar. IS® mile* and under, $1 SO; over ISO mllas. tt. Char*- aa for scata. aa fallow • 50 mllas and under ?sr. 51 mile# to IJS mllas «... •• 50c. 124 fTill#* to 2W mil#* as a* •• 7&C . j SO) mil## to 3°o milt* *. •• 11 Your* very truly, J. C. HAILE. G#ntr«! Pa#*#nstr A pent. INDORSED H DEKnOTT Fourth l>i‘trlct Club Wants Mc- Orrmott to Remain Savannah, Ha., Dec. 9.—A pa-' tad. and enthusiastic meeting if thf Fourth district Liberal club was held last evening. The me-tln* *'i» celled solely for the purpose of tndorc- j Ing Chief of Police Frank McDermott for r'eiect oa. and this was don*. A member s;sted to a Press reporter last night that whPe there Is no douhr In his mind that McDermott will b® re etected chief of police he thought It but right for the club to compliment the chief with their Indorsement. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for ' Cuts. Bruises, Pores. Ulcers. Salt i, Fever Sores, Tetter. Charmed Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cure* Piles, j or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mone- re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR CALK BY HOWARD * WILLET. The Lecture t sat Night. Hdu. Jchn G. Ergle, of Houston. Texas, pleaded a largo and ctltured f dlince. lasi evening, with h!s lec ture or. Honry Grady. Mr. Ehgle is an ficnsst, sincere and thoughtful speak er and hae an easy and pleasing deliv er. Using Georgia's great orator and editor as a pr-rsonlflad type of South ern philosophy nnrf sentiment he paid to the men and his country the most glowingly enthusiastic tributes an An ’ gusia aucYence ha? ever heard bestow ed upon e.i^er. He displayed deep thought, and re search in touching upon certain ques tions vita! to the South and prayed over and worked ever by Grady. When hr spoke of the great race problem, he was interrupted wit:!’, frequent bursts rs epp’t' se. His r.xros : tion cf Grady’s high ?-.anf'nrd of fraternity seemed to h- a-rre-'r; -d equally by the Comfed erafe end the! United States soldiers present. The lecture concluded with an eiab erete series of comparisons between tie characters of Toombs. Hl*l. Stnpb ens and Grady. , 33 BOYS CARRY > THE HERALD ' TV® Ri« \»t| t»»n» AMMMI *lj : r«tlia* Hut hw" *■ ® v **» Am# b*4 MMM M 't *, M*.« 4 M*kM IMMt* M* pH# I j sh*mp lM® f* t wfi M kM* •••** mp 4 | | #ili||4|MHlCMM I*4l** Wf rmwn#* \ T%* tmrtw* tMKfw •#* pHNw*! i 'lrf« TlNhr 4HH> i r»i«i4 *|p* •INNTMMI j ton&mm is ts*tt »#»» i Tll#y S#W y-t $* ASS ### iS M*%# •’** I wbnm (fr*Y #»f?y M In*% t» H I l|4r nil* r * gins** mi Ml 4 Mf jNlfS**! I • %<9 W%#4 iftwy |R #rKplf»#««,# ]*%/* N I hmr mrium N lA# *Hi w* Tb* Rtftf* YWy Catry Any IMS is ApCuaip wl!! 1 i t'**i l»y #m# bnf i* Jjml T n#4 rpon# <*»•• f.-Mk that number Th# hl«h##t *wA 111 »-.. rMAMMIies .|,„ theft, •r* #h««» oft th* salary tiai. Whit# Si carrier hoya earata* Na ia la a tiptop show la* It awl h# point • a<d* pi act on every train >n the aftev noon lenvina Atunfu cosaniencln* •t«h teeT * W C. and rat chin* the C. C. 4 A., tit* Central, the St C. 4 O R R the Port Royal, the Oeonrla railroad the Auwti Donthem. the pica* ure ann men an m**ii Nor la the carrier pay roll (Iff* he kw the ntatenent of all the etpenae to Th* Herald for delivery of The Herald la 4«*aa<a To th * roll amst hr add- , Ml the eelary of Mr. Ppetb. superin tendent of carrier and maaaper of clr rnlatloa. and that of Mr. MrKendme. manager of the cirrulatloa at Camp Marker*!#. The pay roll for lent week Is as fol- I lows; No I *> *S No. * > 71 No. S > M No. 4 •• •• .. .« .. .. .. •• •• No. 1 85 No. « 1 55 No. 7 .. .. I-*® No. * , M No. 9 *•** I No. Id 2 30 No. 1 85 ! No. 125 No. IS 2 00 No. I- 65 No. IS 1 •*» No. » 20 No. I#s I No. IS 1 ™ 1 No. 2 2R ; |No > ; No. SI 1 80 No. 2 S 0 No. 188 No. * 25 No. 25 1 88 No. 135 No 27 1 - 30 ! i No. 1 301 •no. I- 30 No. 30 , 2 - 2 « No. 31 t - •• •/ 1 30 No. 130 : No. 130 Totttt ,• • •• •• •• •• •• #.350.40 A R Parr, chief of carriers i 8 00 Great comedy, great comrany—Wbnt Happ.-wed to Jen s—tomorrow, matinee and night. f A MUMHV AT LAST Took the Royal Pody Thirteen Years to Reach That state. Paris. Dec. 9. The Journal’s Ma drid correspondent has forwarded a strange supplementary story to that published in The Gauiots concerning the long delayed transference of the corpse of Alfonso XII from the char nel vault of the Escurial to the Pan theon of the palace. It appears that, in common with all the Spanish kings. Alfonso, whan he died, was placed in this charnel house in order that he might be mummified, but that, contra ry to the usual course of things, the dead king, instead, of becoming a mummy, in the regulation space of six years, has taken more than twice that length of time, thirteen years in fact, to reach the necessary condition that, fits him for transference to the royal sarcophagus. The air of the charnel house, which Is called E! Podridero, possesses, It ap pears. the peculiar property of mu-n --mliving—it.would be more correct to f.a-.' petrifying the bodies that are exposed therein, owing to its being al den with carbonate of lime. The body of the sovereign lies on a slab, with out the slightest covering, and is examined by properly constituted au thorities to set that the process of con servation H properly going on Whet happened to Jonas? Oo to On ers House tomorrow and see. THE AUOUSI’A HEBAJLD IN ASOCIAL WAY ;! % iW V* 7 " rlfLl J f C #*»tl4Mfcl f • J#T'r#4Wl #F9## ##■*#■ #-'<4 }'-•# I##'* 4WY #* 1# #mi Mign# g4p ftk### Rr# #t> . iw | ##*»#•» 4A omta i« JmrtiKl4ii. ««» • feline + * til ra»t nf #*prrim#nt#r* tn th# *N tit *u> h fittvr* Rut l#t’p •••uiw.Wr th# Mk. of •nrimroi. tkftt #h# » t*h »h# <li«|)liy to hold h#r «•»* P*trtH of »II r<m#rt#nttoun#— th# rfK>4H*(itH>y*n«*f <*f th# wnrh#r. Kv« ry thin* «)•# mint h# itthoHlnai* to h#f duty If lon* hour, end Ut# houie are #h# rniifit »t«r frftrffwlV, If j a th#atr# lt»vit*tloa t» hr#h#ii In uoon hy th# <S#mAftd* of III# oRY' #. *h# fnu»t *###pt thU. *l#o. a* a mait#r of our#*, jlf drudg#ry ban to b# don#, th# must |bf> rrady tn do h#r *har#. If k>na di»-1 j t«nr# aMlirnmevitp tn ralnjr m#ath#r ar#| Ito b# i ov#r*d. »h# must not rofnplaln I I o#rond. Ad#llty to truth No r#»n#ct• I >ahl# n##9fMip#r ran afford to print It*# or |#av# #«##nttal featur## of t story In dnubt tiers use It would Involve per sonal discomfort to >*t fsrta. The wo men who wriles news. Ilk# th# man I aho writ## new*, must a#e that tooth] sides of s rontrovtrsy have a fair show, and b# ready to swear to every state ment she makes for the paper, as w»ll a* to take her affidavit. If desired, that she ha# not misquoted anyone who has | been Interviewed. j Third, absence of hypersensitiveness, I In the office and out of It. Whoever lays out work must at time# *lve the less] desirable assignments to each and ev-l iery member of the staff without ex-1 plaining why. No particular dignity Is I attached to any one sort of worlt, and] 'no criticism Is Involved In changing a person from one desk to another * I Then, outside the office, the reporter] ! must fee! that she Is on? finger of a | i strictly Impersonal power, the presa. | and not become aggrieved because Mrs.] Smith, president of the Society for the ] , improvement of Vocal Chords, has not I j treated her with due deference; or Mrs. I Jones, secretary of the Merry Wives' Association has greeted her with a, j haughty atare. i I have known a girl lo let the paper bo beaten on a piece of really Import- ' ant news because she thought that somebody had snubbed her. She was! mistaken, of course. It was the paper i that had been snubbed, and the paper! Deadly Cancer Cured at Last! Do Not Give Up in De spair—There is Hope! For ages it has been thought hat Cancer is incurable, and those so unfortunate aR 10 I,avo this dreadful affliction have con sidered themselves beyond hope of j recovery. The doctors are ab solutely unable to afford any rc ief, and the poor sufferer might veil consider himself ou the way .oun early grave. -It is now easy to see why the doctors hav a failed to cure Cancer. Their theories have been all wrong, ;md hence their treatment mis directed. They have made the mistake of thinking that by cut ting out the sore or ulcer, known :ig Cancer, the disease would be cotton rid of, and the patient re tored to health. But the cruel knife accomplishes nothing, for the Cancer promptly returns.and is always more virulent than before. ft has besii demonstrated, beyond doubt, that Cancer is a blood disease, nd can not be cured by the sursean s mife because lAt blood can not be cut Several years ago my Wife had an ulcer on her tongue, which, though an novlas, was not regarded seriously at first. “tt refused to heal and began To js'icf her u»u*h pain. The w Sirs treated it for slime a while but I«9nm> t#Ni i §*# mm* . : YN#» IM»H« m« AmMA AUK# hh# ##«# |i4 I f#MRi 4t04%4# Yl M#* of# d# 456'- j Ut Yft #>■»»> I I ft» rib*- ’«f 1# %■'' v* y nnnwn#iin(| f iMt|| 41 * 4Nw4m»< i •'»! 4MMI 1 fill# mmm* mmmm •»# m# w k T'sw* * W#o * y*v« -*qNi -w l' s Ik <M)I (WR—I 9 m MM. j - mm* fftfßU w##*ntly i* I# wbaling lw*b fbtfti * : ... **« |«|% ts #td ft# fyr4f« 4|f t|4# Ct«1l i Hl})m Writ tit# Mh« Hnron. tb? Mi#n## | ! WtifAS md Ml*# f!oN(M#n. I witiiao fritun# of tb# (air to* | #trill will rail mu a Ucgf nufnb#r of f MNifil# rthl wMib* tb# eivfitftc vwotifkl* IMv tniiltint from « »Mtl it*R4fnlfit. vitn c. A. Wttb#f# hti not«m#4 Tttwto Htchm#t»4 tiMl varioiiß mil#! I*.tot* (V Y'.tgiftli. I Tb# rw>fi • Air Ootf nob Tuiniwont 1 totnoffow ifl#no«v>n # tit b# in tittpoft* •ni mrUl #r#nt. I Ml## M#ttt# F Wilton of I# I with b#r freMßirofliß. 41! R*? #tr##o.< I for • f#w <l*r»' j Miss Sarah Huston of M'ay nee tv 11> Its visiting her sister. Mrs. Hugh Al- Miss Ruth Howard has tetnmed from Washington and Baltimore. YOU NO nOTNKRS. Croup la the terror of thousands ol young mothers because It* outbreak Is so agrvntstng and frequently fatal. Shl loh’a Cough and CY>n«umpf!«n Cure | acts like magic In case of Crouo. ti has never been known to fall. Th? worat case# relieved Immediately. Price J*i rt#., M) ets. and 41 US. Sold by -Re-! tatlera. T. A. Buxton. Anderson's Drug Store. Alexander’s Drug Flore. West End Pharmacy. The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers, Davenport * Phlnlay. Great comedy, great company— What Happened to Jotoja—tomorrow matinee and ntzht. B. Y. P U. The B T. P. V. have an entertain ment of a aortal nature tonight at 8 oh*lock at the Flrat Baptist ,'bi.n h for tne members. . How tho wind blows. Keep opt the -old. Save fuel, temper and doctora’ I bill*. Don't let your next-door noigh j bor hear you swear. From 3 to 8 cents a foot. | This la done by using WEATHER STRIPS. For sale by Augusta Mantel 4 Supply Co.. 921 Broad. No, Maud, you will not be able to hear the tick of the city clock as far :as Lakeview park. were unable to do her any good, and finally pronounced it. Cancer of s most malignant type Wc were greatly alarmed and gave her every remedy recommended, but they did not seem to reach the dinease, and it continued to spread and grow. Upon the advice of a friend she began to take S. P. b., and after a few bottles had been used a decided improvement was noticed, and continuing the remedy she was cured completely and the permanence ! of the cure has been proved, as no sign of the disease has years have elapsed, MiPOT.rsßoo**. sfej” flSyevSf The cures made by blood remedy which < *'* u ** ** correct principle of forcing out. the poison and ridding, the system of it forever. 8 8. S. never fails to cure the worst eases of Cancer, Scrofula. Catarrh, Ecsema, Contagious BloodPoison.Rhi'u matism. old sores, ulcers, etc., it wai ters not what other remedies have be. used in vain It is ths only blovi remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable and son tarns not » parsteie, of potash, laercurv arsenic or other mineral: Valuable books on Cancer ana Bloou TMocoace will he ofutUad frsw »• by of>., AtiiuUft. Ob. ? H Till Tta Lust E§l§3 Dull s*«Min« Amin unknown Ouantltv at RlccA O'Connor * Store* W* don't show AttcumuUiOan* of fowli that mwti im camod ov#r from 4#a*on to •*>«aoc. pr«Mnt rwtnna I* n#tt«r thAn fuftir# <cmi«. W» aotWy in# wn#n it w m do ih« mcMt lottd botn few you #nd for ut- Thor# • a inaaoificoot *toc* at to § hou«# lodiiy a iAf«#r and o#M#r •lock than#vfir t>#*or# ttut It »*n » hfic ri • it w«*n‘t bou«t»t cm ion* ti«u» oAymcnt*. nor »• It tho rou t of ov*rio*ai«» At tn* nuiMl of lh9 maiob. Every donor'* worth of fOodt on ,h * iioughi for • pot t»»h and tMHHfht from p4on>s who wantod th* monoy badly •nou*h to ru>v * *ood p**m*u»n to dupo## of tholr pood*. Wo «ivo that *ovm* to you--*tvo •* to you m torpor puootitiie* today than ovor DtiOfe, Aoairuw to r*oan uo th* «tork txator* tho ho'iooy trodo i* ovor. Como aoo tatta rdvaotapo of tho hippo*! and bo»t barpoin* that woro ovor ptocod boforo you m any hou*o In Aupuota, $2.45 Mon'* Ton bo* eo*f, coif Hnod ahoo*. hoavy *oio* and up-to-d4t* too*, tho k.nd othor doo>or« a*k you §3.00 for.; Tho above i* our prico. $2.95 Mon'* dork Ton calf HnodShoe* for nbov« figurt. Thlf lho« Iff mffd# of fin* bo* calf and vary stylish. Hand S4»wo(i and contidorod choop at §3.50. $3-50 You know what othar doaior* ask you for a nlc* hand sswsd Tan willow calf i shoo. "Golf stylo, *’ mad* ** h#*r PW", foci ton as a *ho* can bo. S 5 is thair prico. th# above I* our figure. $1.25 Wo can glv# you for above figuro tho host Youths’ spring heal shoo on oorth- Don't fall to try aoar of thorn. They make your shoo bill j«*t half. VrZT'l Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co. C reat g^ s^ss C TWO 834 Broad St., name across sidawalk TWO ) STORES 722 Broad St., opposite Monument STORES FROM EtMiEFIELD What la doing on In That Town These Day* KiJgefleli*. 8. C Dec. Mr* M C. Duller end daughter, Misa Marie, will 1 I leave E<iv;efleld irmorrow with the ] I General for Cuba, where they will | aperd a mnntb before returning Miaa Lucy Doughty, who baa been a welcome visitor at Oakley Bark, will return to Augusta on Friday, much to the regret of her friend* Judge E. Uary and Mr. W. G. Ev-„ ana have gone to ISaluda to attend court this week. Capt. Richard lAin. who baa been .may for a week or two in order to re cuperate after a alight attack of pneu monia, resumed hi* duties at the S. C. Ct I. laid week. Mra. W. H. Hill spent Tuesday In Augcata (king Chrlatmas shopping. The Rev. W. R. Anderson I* In Au gusta and while there will buy a new dealer with which to make the Episco pal cbutch more comfortable during t.heae cold days. Prof. F. N. K. Bailey will cloae bis school on Wednesday before Christ mas. the pupils all going home or with friends, while Mr. Bailey and family ■vlll spend the holidays of two weeks wit v relative# i» Alabama. Miss Primrose, art and elocution teacher at the Institute will board at Mrs. W. H. Hill’s during Christmas vacation. The entertainment given by the Methodist ladies some days age netted quite a neat little sum for the benefit of tjae-ir church. Mr. Thomas Adams sustained a very slight attack of paralysis on Monday last, but has recovered to the extent of being able to go out. Mrs. George Beth Butler leaves next Wedresday for Atlanta to soend about -wo months with her daughters. Mrs. James W. Thompson. It is with great pleasure that Mr. R. Durisol's friends meet, him tmon ihe streets once. more. The good man has been very feeble for many months, but Is now greatly improved. Already the little ones are excited over the prospective Christmas trees, the festive firecrackers end the long two weeks’ vacation that they are to enjoy. Mrs. C. H. Fisher will entertain a few 1 - ''’ends on tbe evening of the 9UI in honcr of her husband’s birthday. Those Invited arc Miss Lucy Doughty, of Augusta: Miss Mary Hvans, Judge Ernest Gary, Hon. G. Evans and oth ers. MANY A LOVER Has turueU/with disgust from an other- i wise lovable sirl with an offensive breath. Karl’s Clover Root Ten purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years ; uu übnolu;* guarantee Price 25 ets. and 5V CIS Sold by—Rstallar*, T \ Biixion. And*rson's Prog 3tor* Ajex and we Drug Store, TTsst End Phar m*iey. The King Pharmacy: Wbole?al-■ ci»i Davenport A Phlnixy. $1.95 Ladlos' fino Dongota hand wait button shoos, fioNiblo o*t#ns«on *oios. Thosa shoos or* regular 93 vaiuos. but wo mtond to lot tnom go at abov* figure. sl-50 Fnr abov# orico wo will so*l you th* bast Ladles* kid button or laeo shoo, patont Up or tip %mrrm. that is sold any whor* Has much “got-up" and stylo as any snoo sold in this city for §2. $1.25 We have an odd lot nf Misses' Spring heel button shoos, potent tip & plain toos. all prpuiar makos. No shoo in tho lot soils for loss than $ 1.75. Sizes 12 to I. Will close out at above figure SI.OO Misses' Fpring heel Dontrola kid shoes, patont tips, sell regularly for SI .50. and are good values at that- Will close them out at above figure. PERSONAL MENTION. | R. Bailey of Waupeca. W!«.. la at the | Planters W. K. Dawson of Winaton I# at the ! Planter*. J. D. Smith of Cincinnati la at the I Planters. B. li. Goldhng nf Atlanta I* at the. Planter*. E. H. Wilson or Port Royal la at the: Planters. Saa» Fox of Baltimore is at the Com- j merclal. Edgar Jones of Baltimore I* at the , Planter*. H. S. Wilcox of Chicago Is at the j Planters. D. F. Hoover of Atlanta la at the Planter*. C. K. Ober of Baltimore- i* at the Arlington. H. A. Bason of Charlotte la .at the Arlington. J. 1.. Courtney of Aiken Is at Ihe Commercial W. L. Glover of Charleston Is at the | Commercial. Philip Market of Edgefield is at the Commercial. P. A. Rhodes of Philadelphia is at tho Planters. C. D. Brhwn of Chattanooga Is at the Planters. Theo. Holm of Litchfield. Mass., is at the Planters. A. H. Masbbtirn of Charlotte is at the Planters. Sam Buggins of Pennsylvania is at the Planters. John Simmons of C.a.. Is at the Planters. 1 Jonh L. Manny of New Orleans Is at the Arlington. J. W. Jaekson of Providence. R. 1.. is at the Planters. Judge H. D. D. Twiggs of Savannah is at the Planters. Macon Wurthcn of Wart hen. Ga.. is at the Commercial. Jos. H. Thompson of Rochester. N. Y.. is at the Arlington. Messrs. T. N. Pitcher and G. B. Mascomber of Boston are at the Ar lington. Messrs. John Menko and A. K. Johnson, ’of New York, are at the Planters. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mattes of Scranton, Penn., are registered at the Planters. Messrs. A. J. M. Phillips. Alex Stewart, W. C. Gilbert and E. B. Sib of New York are registered at the Ar lington. Great comedy, great company—What Happened to Jonrs— tomorrow. mnUnce and night. How tho wind blows. Keep out the Cold. Save fuel, temper and doctors’ ' bills. Don’t let your next-door neigh bor hear you swear. From 3to 8 cents ■i. foot. This !s dona by using WEATHER STRIPS For sale by Augusta Mantel a* Supply Co. 921 Broad ; What happened to Jones? Go to up- j i. ia House tomorrow and see. DECEMBER 0 SOLDIERS, " ■ ATTENTION!! Uniforms Made to Order v Army Gloves ARMY HANDKERCHIEFS, Underwear For Soldiers ‘-Black Suspenders > And everything for army use, L. SYLVESTER 826 Broadway. Our Engraving conceded to be as fine as to done anywhere, and for that rea son we solicit your ordera for Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, .to. The very latest and most correct styles assured. Orders ex ecuted in 24 hours If necessary. The Kwellest correspondence pa per in the south. 'Dunbar & Williams, STATIONERS, 821 Broad Street, Augusta, Cia. The woman who makes her husband a present of a cuckoo clock for the sit ting room mantel would probably go home to her mother if he guve her a new ahaving aland. - ■ “■■■ - What happened to Jones? Go to Op era House tomorrow and see. S ■ .vnyJTg